1665553936 what will happen and who enjoys it

what will happen (and who enjoys it)

what will happen and who enjoys it

month of October weight scale. From September 23rd we have officially entered the zodiac sign that will dominate the chart until October 22nd. Apparently, for the sign in question, it could be a very lucky day from an economic, professional and love point of view. In short, according to celestial experts, Libra—dominated by Venus—loves beauty. He surrounds himself with valuable people and “is characterized by his peaceful and very sociable nature”.

there Day the best will be that of October 22nd. In short, those born during this period will be able to focus their efforts, and not only on this day: it will be most profitable. According to others, too, many have had to tighten their belts to cut some spending and ditch the ATM for luxury purchases.

Attention again to this date: October 22nd, when the “Venus Star Point” takes place. This is the energetic point in the sky where the love planet kisses the sun, not always but every 9.5 months and according to astrologer Arielle Guttmann a great opportunity to discover yourself. Therefore, it is imperative for those born in October to take advantage of the full potential of this month. Full of satisfaction and strategies to implement.