WhatsApp is still getting a new feature that will probably interest you. A new update offers the ability to send messages to anyone without having to save their information first. It is currently deployed on Android and iOS and discovered by the specialized website WABetaInfo.
So far, WhatsApp was initially designed for sharing with your contacts and not for sharing with strangers. It wasn’t impossible to message an unregistered contact, but the easiest method was to add the person to your contacts first. In many smartphones there are many contacts such as “Mary Neighborhood 3rd” or “Jean Mediatheque” with whom we exchange information very rarely. Rather than just filling up his address book once to communicate, this feature offers the ability to start a conversation by looking up the number.
With WhatsApp, you can finally chat with someone without having to save their number
To use it, you need to start a new chat in the application and enter the phone number in the search bar. The latter will then appear in the “Not in your contacts” category and you will have the option to click on “Discuss” to the right of the photo of the profile and the number. Now all you have to do is start the conversation with that person without having to save it on their phone.
© Screenshot / JournalduGeek.com
In addition to registering a new contact, it was already possible to start a conversation via a web link. Group chats also allow you to directly reply to unsaved numbers. Either way, you either need to scan a QR code or have an invite from someone you already know. The function is provided for all users. No special action is required to enjoy it, other than updating WhatsApp whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Messaging plans to integrate usernames in the future. It will no longer even be necessary to have a phone number to communicate with other people. A significant change that currently only appears in the beta version of the application.