When NGOs reveal their true nature after the October 7

“When NGOs reveal their true nature after the October 7 massacres in Israel”

STAND – While a number of NGOs have refused to classify the barbaric acts committed by Hamas as “terrorist,” a duty of transparency regarding their funding sources and their motivations is needed, argue members of the “Droit et public” debate.

In an interview published in Le Point on October 12, François Zimeray, former French ambassador for human rights, regretted, in view of the massacres of October 7 and 8, that the NGOs that had set out to defend human rights refused to do so only through their silence to “qualify these acts of incredible barbarism as terrorists… We would have liked them to have described in their annual reports the vicious anti-Semitism that has been circulating in the media of much of the Arab-Muslim world for decades and that… “Hate breeds… and that they see these realities for what they are: violations of human rights. We share this criticism.

NGOs have been praised for their complacency

Let us recall that many NGOs refused to classify as acts of barbarism the massacre of entire families in their homes and the killing of young people who had gathered for a peace celebration. Many refuse to draw the necessary conclusions from the inclusion of Hamas in the list of organizations…

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