Eriberto Gutierrez He is 30 years old and comes from the community Huirahuacho, is in the district Circa (Abancay). In an interview for La República, the trained athlete from the Apurímac region explained how his passion for the sport came about. Kayak cross and the challenges he had to face to obtain one Bronze medal at the 2023 Pan American Games in Santiago.
How did you become an outstanding athlete in Peru?
“I live in the middle of two rivers, the river Pacachaca and the river Chilcon, I can say that I have them available, but at certain times of the year. Kayaking came into my life when I was around 16 years old. I learned it with a few friends because we were training in this tourist activity. We had to look for ways to dedicate our time,” said the prominent athlete.
Likewise, Eriberto noted that he trained disciplinedly in the last four years of his life to achieve the bronze medal. “My family is my biggest support and motivation, they help me cover my expenses,” the young man added.
The renowned athlete said that he has asked various public and private companies for support and that he only received a big incentive in 2019 when they gave him a professional kayak as a gift.
What motivated you to confront the mayor of Abancay?
“For many years they refused to support me, perhaps they did not trust my abilities as an athlete. There are many who did not support me; but at that moment I was only referring to those who were there,” he said, referring to the awkward moment he experienced with the mayor from Abancay, Raúl Peña, who invited him to be honored for his performance.
Eriberto Gutiérrez assured that his honest and frontal attitude towards the mayor of Abancay is due to the injustice that he sees every day from athletes and that he has personally experienced. With that in mind, he mentioned that he couldn’t let the moment pass. Furthermore, he said that he was part of a group that taught children the discipline of kayaking and that they were always denied support. “All of this motivated me to tell the truth” remarked the Santiago 2023 Pan American medalist.
Eriberto Gutiérrez medalist of the 2023 Pan American Games in Santiago. Photo: La Republica
He also said that he covered all his expenses, that he often lost more money than he won because it was a very expensive sport. He pointed out that the equipment required is expensive and wears out very quickly, as it is a sport that requires facing the current of a river and the intensity of the heat.
How do you feel about the support you receive from the public?
Regarding the massive support that the athlete received through social networks, after the video was published in which he refused recognition from Abancay’s authority, Gutiérrez explained that he felt very happy and motivated to continue doing things well.
“Ricardo Gareca said that the Peruvian athlete is mentally strong. If you fall, you keep going,” emphasized Eriberto. With this in mind, he recommended other athletes to focus on their goals. Finally, he called for more children to take part in sport and for the institutions’ support to do so to be noted.
“I come from a very simple family, I live in a wooden house that I built myself and without basic services. To cover my expenses, I dedicate myself to tourist activities and sometimes work on the farm,” explained Eriberto Gutiérrez.
If you want to enjoy a great kayaking experience in Abancay, you can contact the Tuco Wild agency where the prominent sportsman works.