Who was Solomons first wife in Kings Forbidden passion leads

Who was Solomon’s first wife in Kings? Forbidden passion leads him to ruin TV

Solomon (Guilherme Dellorto) will follow in the footsteps of one of his ancestors in Reis. Just like Saul (Carlo Porto), the monarch will see God turn his back on him. He will be cursed for marrying the Egyptian princess Nebset (Priscila Ubba) and will almost not lead the Kingdom of Israel to ruin in the Record soap opera.

The nobleman will turn his face towards Saimun’s daughter (Gustavo Ottini) in Cristiane Cardoso’s series. He won’t forgive her for telling Rezom (Nando Rodrigues) to give Abisague (Barbara França) tea to make him disappear.

However, Guilherme Dellorto’s character is surprised by one of the Pharaoh’s demands in the scenes shown on Friday (13). The king of Egypt will demand that he take Nebset as his wife to seal the agreement between the kingdoms.

Solomon will then break the covenant with God. After all, the Almighty had already made it clear that the nobleman was not allowed to take as his wife a woman who “worshipped idols.”

Nebset, who is not mentioned by this name in the Christian Bible, was a polytheist. The ancient Egyptians worshiped several gods that represented forces of nature such as Ra, representing the sun; or Bastet, who embodies the figure of the moon.

How many wives did Solomon have?

According to the 11th chapter of the Book of Kings, Solomon had 700 wives and more than 300 concubines. God himself appears twice to David’s son (Petrônio Gontijo) to warn him of the risks of worshiping other gods. “And he closed his ears,” says the Scriptures.

“Then the Lord said to him, Because you have not kept my covenant and obeyed my laws, I will take away the kingdom from you and your family and give it to your servant,” the verses follow.

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