Why is it bad luck to give away knives Heres

Why is it bad luck to give away knives? Here’s what could happen if you do: Wineandfoodtour

Giving a gift to a relative, friend or loved one is a very nice and appreciated gesture, even if gifts are not always welcome. However, to avoid resentment from the buyers of the gift, they pretend that they like it. In other cases, it is in turn passed on to another person. Beyond personal taste, there are gifts that should never be bought because they are associated with superstition. Among the various gifts not to choose are knives.

What do the knives symbolize?

The Knifehas been a symbol of since ancient times great respect and also power. It was used as weapon to defend himself, and the head of the family who owned one was considered worthy and equally respected by all. Even officials could have a knife as a sign superiority. In short, the knives were associated with masculinity And authority by those who owned them, and they were undoubtedly objects of great value.

Knives – wineandfoodtour.it

Because knives should not be given away

give away knives not a good idea at allfor two very specific reasons: First, because it is believed to be able to function as an advertisement influence negatively interpersonal relationships, such as the relationship between giver and recipient, friendship or a relationship of family or association. And second, donating knives is a source Bad luck and from possible Misunderstandings and quarrels between people. Incidentally, it could turn out offensive give one. However, if, for example, your best friend got married and you want to give her a set of dishes including a knife, you have to exchange the gift for money. Don’t panic, it’s not an expensive figure, on the contrary, you only need one dime. What kind of gift would it be otherwise?

A set of knives – wineandfoodtour.it

Superstitions in other countries of the world

Now let’s look at what folk beliefs are related to different countries of the world. It’s curious to know Finlandto marry him, the “lover” put a knife in his Bed of his mistress, and if she didn’t take him away from there, the marriage was secure. In United KingdomInstead, it was about giving halfpenny to the donor in exchange for the knives. In Latin America and in ChinaGiving away knives is tantamount to breaking a friendship, so doing so is totally not recommended. In JapanAccording to belief, knives are a source of bad luck and are used to scare away evil spirits. Even if you have a knife as a gift, you need to make one gift package with inside dime to give to the donor.

Different types of knives – wineandfoodtour.it

Central Asian countries: Knives are welcome gifts

We just saw that in different parts of the world it is not common to donate knives, but there is one exception. These are the countries ofCentral Asiawhere a knife is a gift Great value and also expensive. It is believed that the knife can ward off diseases and unpleasant situations. For these reasons, a gift is more than welcome and appreciated for most people.

Have you ever given someone a knife? Did you know about this superstition? Do you believe it?