On the initiative of the World Women’s Summit takes place every year on November 19th World Day for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse. It is one of the most serious forms of violence against girls and boys.
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It is committed in the family and in children’s daily lives to a greater extent by people they trust. It is carried out through manipulation, submission, threats, revealing secrets and silence, which creates feelings of fear, guilt and shame that often lead to withdrawal. This leads to serious violations of their rights and harms holistic development.
One in five girls and one in 13 boys suffer or have suffered sexual abuse
According to UNICEF data, one in five girls and one in thirteen boys experience or have suffered sexual abuse before the age of 18. Of these cases, only 10% are reported, and out of every thousand complaints, only one results in a final judgment, meaning impunity continues to prevail in most cases. 90% of attackers are men. At the same time, it usually happens that when a boy or girl reports an abusive situation, his immediate environment is not believed, since 75% of the attackers are people from the immediate family environment and 53% The attacks are committed in the victims’ homes.
How to prevent child sexual abuse
One of the most important tools for preventing child sexual abuse is Comprehensive sex educationin which forms of care for the body, affectivity and sexuality are developed together with children, their families, teachers and community leaders.
Today, the system for protecting the rights of girls and boys faces serious difficulties in implementing measures to prevent, promote and protect rights, highlighting the loss of comprehensive and specialized perspectives for dealing with such serious situations as those of child sexual abuse; the lack of support and professional services related to the intervention needs and working conditions of workers in the children’s sector.
Given this scenario, it is necessary to promote a specific listening style that can pay attention to what children say in their different expressive languages; that responds through understanding without prejudice and responds with precise protective measures.
personal hygiene
The existence of personal hygiene (Sexual Harassment and Abuse on the Internet), however, shows that sexual abuse does not always require physical contact to damage children’s emotionality and subjectivity.