Winter time: nine interesting facts about the time change

On the night of Saturday to Sunday, October 29th. the clock is one hour behind winter time. This is what the time change means for our bodies.

Next weekend it’s that time again: time change. But why does this really exist? We show you the ten craziest facts about the time change in the video.

Above in the video: This is how you remember which way the clock is set!

1. This is why there is daylight saving time and winter time

British William Willet is considered the inventor of daylight saving time. In 1907, he proposed setting clocks forward one hour in the spring. The goal is to make better use of daylight at night.

2. The time change has existed in Germany for many years

Germany only achieved this transition nine years later, during the First World War. But after it ended, daylight saving time was initially abolished again until there was another time change during World War II. But the second attempt also failed in 1950. The clocks have only been changed regularly since 1980.

3. Changing the time does not save energy

We do not save energy by changing the time. On the contrary! It is now known that even more energy is being consumed. The reason for this is, for example, that you need to warm up more in the morning.

4. Health damage caused by time changes

Due to the time change from winter to summer, our body has to deal with a lot of things. Above all, the immune system becomes unbalanced. We are then more susceptible to colds and infections.

5. The risk of heart attack increases

The risk of heart attack also increases over time. According to the DAK, outpatient clinics report around 25% more patients with heart problems – especially women and the elderly.

6. Social life suffers with the change in time

But our social life also suffers from this: according to one survey, one in four people sets their clock incorrectly – and as a result, one in ten arrives late for an appointment.

7. Pets notice the time change

Even our pets hate change. Dogs, for example, have fixed eating times. They cannot understand constant change.

8. Be careful in traffic

According to the German Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine, the time change leads to around 8% more traffic accidents. The German hunting association also warns of an increased risk of accidents involving wild animals.

9. How to survive mini jet lag

To survive the “mini-jetleg”, lots of exercise and fresh air are recommended. For example, go for a run in the morning. Within three days, healthy people should get used to the time change.