Woman admitted to psychiatric hospital dies after drinking too much

Woman admitted to psychiatric hospital dies after drinking too much water

Michelle Whitehead was admitted to hospital in SuttoninAshfield, Nottinghamshire in 2021.

Michelle Whitehead was admitted to hospital in SuttoninAshfield, Nottinghamshire in 2021.

Photo: Reproduction/Chron

A woman admitted to a psychiatric hospital died after drinking too much water. Overhydration led to low sodium levels, which led to brain swelling.

Staff at the Millbrook Mental Health Unit hospital in the UK have been accused of being “distracted by their mobile phones” by a coroner. The woman began drinking excessive amounts of water and fell into a coma, but the team didn’t realize this until it was too late.

45yearold motheroftwo Michelle Whitehead was admitted to SuttoninAshfield Hospital in Nottinghamshire in 2021 with symptoms of paranoia, irritability, agitation and distortion of reality.

Michelle was once observed drinking excessive amounts of water from the tap, but since she was “not observed, there was no monitoring of the water, so it is not possible to know during which period of time she drank the most water.” Laurinda told the Chron.

The hospital admitted eight failures, including sedation and inadequate condition assessment. There were also delays in the arrival of a doctor and the admission of paramedics to the building.

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Source: Redação Terra