Woman denounces ex partner doesnt pay child support but subscribes to

Woman denounces ex-partner doesn’t pay child support but subscribes to OnlyFans

One woman reported that her child’s father subscribed to her OnlyFans when he claimed he couldn’t pay child support.

In a video posted to the TikTok account, the young woman wrote, “If your baby’s father subscribes to your OnlyFans but then can’t pay court-ordered child support.”

Hundreds of comments filled the post, including from other models on the platform who claimed to have had similar experiences with their exes.

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“I gave him his $ (money) back and told him next time I’ll bill his girlfriend as she doesn’t want to keep him in line,” one model wrote in the video’s comments.

Another replied: “Mine did the same thing then called social services because apparently that makes me a bad mother. Do we have the same baby daddy?”

Another said her ex-partner and his wife subscribed to her account and joked that they had both seen her current husband’s male member.

A few days ago, the story of a woman who did everything she could to find her ex-husband and get him to pay child support also went viral.

The single mother, who lives in the United States, separated from her ex-partner seven years ago and they shared responsibility for caring for their children. “I’m over the relationship but not that he owes my daughter support and responsibility for me,” she said.