Yahritza tries to kiss a young man in a club

Yahritza tries to kiss a young man in a club, but he rejects her Marca México

Young singer Yahritza tried to kiss a boy in a nightclub. But as a video circulating on social networks shows, the interpreter was rejected. Moment that several netizens are celebrating since the young woman and her band have not made very apt comments about Mexico.

The singer gave a concert in Monterrey and took the opportunity to apologize

Playing with Mexican sensibilities will be one of the riskiest sports The Aztecs like to be well spoken of. However, some personalities forget this and thereby commit mistakes like the singer of Mexican origin. Yahritzawho said a few weeks ago that she wasn’t a fan of Mexican food or Mexico City.

The singer and her group regretted the comments, which may have been misinterpreted, and given the fear of rejection from their followers, music lovers preferred to offer apologies that seemed entirely sincere.

Who is Yahritza and her essence?

It is a regional Mexican music group, but originally from the United States. The group was founded in Washington state. It consists of four brothers including Yahritza, Armando and Jairo.

The musical group found itself in controversy right from the start American of Mexican descent, as her parents are from Michoacán. The problems arose when they explained that they were not admirers of Mexican gastronomy and did not feel comfortable in Mexico City.

The anger on the part of the public stems from the fact that they profit from regional Mexican music, but at the same time speak poorly of the country of origin of the art that feeds them and of their own parents.

Yahritza on video for obvious rejection

In the video, the singer is seen approaching a boy who, upon seeing the performer’s face up close, turns around and offers him his cheek. Internet users were quick to express mockery of the singer.