Yasmin Brunet takes a tube bath in a thong bikini

Yasmin Brunet takes a tube bath in a thong bikini and shows off her tattooed bum. Videos! purepeople.com.br

Yasmin Brunet enjoyed New Year’s Eve in Rio de Janeiro and took advantage of the heat in the capital, Rio de Janeiro, to sunbathe. The model quoted for the “BBB 23” She chose a leopard print thong bikini to renew her tan.

Sunbathing on her stomach, Yasmin showed off the flower tattoo she has on her butt. The model took a hose shower and even removed her bikini top to avoid getting a small stain on her back. Hours later, she emerged in the shower completely naked, showing the strategy was working. Access the photo gallery and don’t miss a record!


Single since the end of her marriage to Gabriel Medina, Yasmin has already expressed her desire to start a new romance. However, he has to deal with the lack of attitude of the suitors. “Nobody comes to me. It’s very difficult for someone to reach me. I don’t arrive either, I don’t even look‘ he recently told Quem magazine.

Yasmin said she likes men who have an attitude. “The boys kind of expect you to go and I don’t. I’d rather the guy come. I have friends who go and feel great about it, but I’m more on my own, I’m stuck. I prefer when the guy comes up with an attitude,” he delivered.

Yasmin stressed that she hasn’t been single that long since she was 14, as she changed a long relationship with her marriage to the surfer. “I’ve always had relationships and as soon as they ended I would date someone“, said.