The Pope prays for war refugees in Ukrainian and Russian

Zelenski on Grammy Video: Fill the Silence of Death with Music World

“Help us, but not with silence. Fill the silence of death with your music, is the impassioned and moving appeal of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in a video message at Grammy night in Los Angeles.
In what is now standard military green Tshirts and in English, Zelenksy contrasted the horrors of war with the beauty of music. “War? What could be more contrary to music?” said the Ukrainian leader. “Our musicians wear bulletproof vests instead of tuxedos. They sing for the wounded. In hospitals. Even for those who can’t hear them. But the music still comes through, he continued. “In our country we are fighting against Russia, which caused terrible silence with its bombs.
Fill the silence of death with your music.
Fill it in with your story today. Help us in every way, in every way, but not with silence. And peace will come, he added.
After his message, in one of the most exciting moments of the American Academy Awards night, John Legend took the stage, accompanied by two Ukrainian artists and a poet from this country, Lyuba Yakimchuk (all dressed in the colors of the national flag). Music. . Last week, the President of Ukraine attempted to speak at the Oscars, but pressure on celebrities, including presenter Amy Schumer, had been unsuccessful.



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