Zelenskyy assures the EU of new reforms

Zelenskyy assures the EU of new reforms

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky promised the EU more reforms ahead of Wednesday’s expected recommendation for the country’s European Union accession talks. Ukraine is working on new laws and strengthening its state institutions in order to introduce EU standards into the country, Zelensky said in his evening video message broadcast in Kiev on Tuesday. “Ukraine will be in the EU.”

Accession means “economic security and social stability” for Ukraine, Zelensky said. The country is surviving in its fight against the Russian invasion thanks to billions of dollars in aid from the EU.

The European Commission intends to present its report on reform progress in Ukraine. The country attacked by Russia hopes that there will be a recommendation for the start of accession negotiations later this year. The heads of state and government want to decide on this issue in December. According to Zelenskyy, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, gave “positive signals” during her visit to Kiev last Saturday.

“We are already preparing our next steps after this report,” said Zelensky, referring to this Wednesday. The country will achieve membership of the European Union through an internal transformation. It is important that the Supreme Rada – the parliament – ​​enacts the relevant laws, Zelensky said.

Ukraine has come a long way, Zelensky said. In his video speech he also recalled the 10th anniversary of the “Revolution of Dignity”. Pro-European demonstrations began in November 2013 and led to the overthrow of Russia-friendly President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014.

The EU’s other reform demands revolve around the selection process for Ukrainian constitutional judges and a stronger fight against corruption – especially at high levels. The EU also demands that standards in the fight against money laundering are met and that a law against the excessive influence of oligarchs is implemented.