The owner of Zoo Animalia loses her rights and the property and animals now become the responsibility of trustee Lemieux Nolet Inc. The verdict came down Friday afternoon.
The Supreme Court orders that the owner of Zoo Animalia must hand over all keys to the trustee so that he can have access to the cages and enclosures at all times.
“We wanted this so that the trustee would have a free hand to ensure the welfare of the animals and adequate food and nutrition. And that the animals remain in good health until this case is heard,” explained Me Pierre Soucy, lawyer for Normand Trahan.
The trustee thus keeps an eye on the animals and their needs. The owner did not contest the lawyers’ request to grant additional powers to the interim insolvency administrator. A veterinarian is scheduled to inspect the enclosures starting next week.
“The trustee had made certain observations about deficiencies in the animal feed and could not find full cooperation from the owners,” continued Me Pierre Soucy.
Trustee Lemieux Nolet Inc’s report mentioned that food and care were not provided regularly. “Several animals continually lack water, including wolves and kangaroos. In some cases the food appears to be inadequate. Animals whose diet should contain corn are fed porridge. […] They would not receive the mineral supplements that should be part of an adequate diet,” according to the documents, a copy of which was obtained by TVA.
Zoo Animalia’s financial difficulties will eventually come to light. The new owner owes the former Normand Trahan several thousand dollars. Amounts related to the sale of the zoo that have not been paid. Normand Trahan wants to take over the zoo’s assets and buildings with the aim of finding another buyer for the operation.
For now, the trustee is responsible for the animals while he waits for a bankruptcy date to be set.