Bianca Gervais shares a scary story about her acting career –

Bianca Gervais recently had lunch with Patrick Huard on the show L’autre midi at the next table.

The actress tells the comedian that she enjoys dining with him because when they met while filming Squad 99, she was “a shadow of herself.”

“I was tired … I was trying to be everything at once,” she says at first.

“I had my first daughter and lost all my jobs. A bit naively, my friend and I said, “Let’s create a family format to survive.” I took a short month’s vacation and went to animation with the baby on my hip. »

She adds: “To show you how I wanted to capture everything at once, it was in the film La Bolduc, I miscarried that night. I call and say: “I lost my twins, I can’t go back.” I was told: “Bibi, tomorrow there are 60 extras, we can’t manage it financially.” It’s not abuse, I’m not the victim, but I said, “I see.” So I put on a diaper. It was a flashback […] I wore a thick wool skirt and danced the jig. The camera circles around me and I want to say a sentence. […] I have such a high consumption of painkillers [rate la ligne]. I end the day in my wool skirt and I ask myself: “What kind of job is this?”

“I find your miscarriage story extremely disturbing on a number of levels,” responded Patrick Huard, who believes we need to rethink our thinking at the center. “We have a soul-searching for everyone, I think. »

Remember that this is not the only moving moment in the season of L’autre midi à la table d’à-côté. The show presented a heartbreaking, even troubling, situation last Sunday.