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1657492326 132 Spirit Airlines plane catches fire at Atlanta airport no injuries

Spirit Airlines plane catches fire at Atlanta airport, no injuries reported

A Spirit Airlines plane that landed Sunday morning from Tampa, Fla. at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport caught fire on the runway, the airline confirmed.

Atlanta Fire Rescue extinguished the fire after brakes in the landing gear ignited at 9:25 a.m., the airport said in a expression to ABC News. There were no reported injuries.

“Spirit Flight 383 from Tampa to Atlanta landed safely at Atlanta International Airport and upon landing one of the brakes overheated,” Spirit said in a statement Sunday. “The aircraft was towed to the gate where the guests disembarked safely and without injury. Thank you to Atlanta First Responders for collecting the plane immediately. The aircraft will be temporarily taken out of service for maintenance.”

PHOTO: Emergency vehicles respond to a plane that caught fire on the Atlanta airport tarmac, Juky 10, 2022.

Emergency vehicles respond to an airplane that caught fire on the airport tarmac in Atlanta, Juky 10, 2022.


Last month, three people were injured when a Red Air plane caught fire and caught fire on landing at Miami International Airport.

The plane’s landing gear also caught fire upon landing, the Federal Aviation Administration told ABC News in a statement.

PHOTO: Smoke rises from a Spirit Airlines plane at Atlanta Airport, July 10, 2022.

Smoke billows from a Spirit Airlines plane at Atlanta Airport, July 10, 2022.

Alan Hardie

ABC News’ Michelle Stoddart contributed to this report.

Spirit Airlines plane catches fire at Atlanta airport, no injuries reported Read More »

Shane Wright upset with CH

Shane Wright assures he wasn’t malicious

New Seattle Kraken Center player Shane Wright affirmed that he didn’t shoot a murderous look at the Montreal Canadiens table when he was drafted into the fourth floor at Bell Center.

• Also read: Slafkovsky looks like an ice hockey player

Wright denied this hypothesis, shared by several netizens, in an interview on the Sportsnet network on Sunday.

“No way. I was just looking at the cameras in front of me,” he justified. To be honest, I don’t really remember when I was on stage. I wasn’t trying to stare at anyone, even if that was im video is reflected.”

The forward, who played for the Kingston Frontenacs last season, hinted after the draft that he would hold a “small grudge” at the Habs as he had long envisioned himself in the blue-white jersey-red.

Recall that CH finally set their sights on Slovakian winger Juraj Slafkovsky with their first overall win in the repechage last Thursday.

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Stunning home win for the Alouettes

The beginning of a new era for the Alouettes

Khari Jones’ era is over and Danny Maciocia’s is upon us as the Montreal Alouettes prepare for their first game under the new head coach, who also serves as general manager.

• Also read: Khari Jones is disappointed with the result

The players remain the same, but the change in the managerial post brings a breath of fresh air to the club. Maciocia completed her first full practice session on Sunday after an easier day on Friday. The Alouettes have an opportunity to give Maciocia a first win on Thursday when they visit Edmonton to take on the Elks.

“It’s a change. I like ideology. I have an idea like him [entraîne], what are his expectations, said Marc-Antoine Dequoy, reached by phone after the training session. It went well. We already have [embarqué dans son système]. We’re here to do our job, and we adapt for the rest. We’re ready for Thursday’s “game” against Edmonton.

Dequoy is one of the privileged people who already knew Maciocia and especially his way of doing things, since he played under his command during his university residency between 2016 and 2019 with the Carabins of the University of Montreal. The Quebecois is also willing to help his team-mates better understand the new game system if the need arises, but such a favor could cost them a treat.

“[Danny Maciocia] is a very open person, his door is always open. Communication is very important to him. He has no secrets, so players are comfortable with Danny. If there are little things, I can give them advice. I can charge them a little donut,” the main prospect started jokingly.

Separate human relationships from football

Dequoy, like several teammates, liked former head coach Khari Jones, who was fired after watching his side lose three of their first four games of the 2022 season.

However, the Marauder assures that all the players in the dressing room are moved on and ready to move on.

“The most difficult thing about all of this is that the human being is behind it. Like everywhere, there’s always the possibility of getting fired or losing your job [une question] to “deal” with the human aspect behind it. He had a family, he was someone who was well respected, and he was a very good person,” Dequoy said.

“You have to be able to make the difference between work and human relationships. Of course it’s harder to say goodbye to Khari the person, but after that you still have to be pros. It remains that you have to be able to adapt, no matter who trains it [groupe d’entraîneurs]. We’re pro players, we’re on the field, we’re playing the system we’ve seen.

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Over 50 and looking for a job Heres what you

Over 50 and looking for a job? Here’s what you need to know about age and work

Klaus Tiedge | mix pictures | Getty Images

With the bear market hitting bond portfolios hard, bonds performing as poorly as stocks, and inflation raging, what seemed like a secure retirement income could be more of a pipe dream for many older Americans who have retired or are looking to retire soon . The economic situation is sending more workers of retirement age back into the labor market. A recent CNBC poll found that the majority of retirees would consider returning to work. But finding the right job is not always easy.

Many companies do not offer the flexibility that many older workers desire later in life. Ageism is another factor: 78% of older workers say they have seen or experienced ageism in the workplace, according to AARP’s 2021 data, the highest since 2003, when AARP began tracking the data.

However, many companies are increasingly looking for older employees, and with good reason. For one thing, the job market is tighter than it has been in decades, and there are now two open positions for every worker in the country, and companies are struggling to attract and retain talent. Research by workforce planning firm Homebase suggests seniors are more engaged; tend to look forward to work; more connected to their companies; and less likely to think about quitting. That makes older workers particularly attractive in today’s tight job market, said Jason Greenberg, chief economist at Homebase.

Here are four tips to help older workers find an age-appropriate employer.

1. Identify companies that have committed to hiring older workers

Start with those who have publicly committed to creating a level playing field for older workers. More than 1,000 companies, including Humana, Microsoft, Marriott International and McDonald’s, have joined the AARP Employer Pledge program. Eligible companies must not have had any discrimination claims in the past five years. You must also agree to recruit in different age groups and give equal consideration to all applications regardless of age. AARP also offers a job board to match experienced candidates with companies that are committed to having a mixed-age workforce.

The Age-Friendly Institute also certifies companies that are considered best-in-class for workers aged 50 and over. Applicants go through an extensive screening and certification process that includes a commitment to “meaningful employment, development opportunities, and competitive pay and benefits for employees over 50.” The list, last updated in April, includes Aetna, Home Depot, Macy’s, Starbucks and Wells Fargo.

Be aware that these lists are subject to change and do not give you the full picture. So make sure you carefully review any company you consider, said Lance Robertson, a former deputy assistant secretary at the US Department of Health and Human Services Aging who is now a director at Guidehouse, a global consulting and IT services provider.

2. Looks for clues in job postings

Older job applicants should look at a company’s job listings, which can offer insights into the company’s culture and whether it’s truly age-neutral, said Paul Lewis, chief customer officer at Adzuna, an online job search engine. Older jobseekers should look for language that specifically states that the company does not discriminate on the basis of age, he said.

Conversely, seniors should be wary of companies that use the term “digital native” in a job description or limit the number of years of experience as a job requirement, said Karina Hertz, AARP’s strategic communications director.

Additionally, sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Glassdoor can be helpful for finding resources and information about a company’s employment practices, including its commitment to older workers. And talking to current and former employees is also a good opportunity to gather information, Robertson said.

It’s also worth checking what tools, if any, a company offers to help older workers find a job. Humana, for example, has a careers site with a “Jobs After Retirement” section where seniors can search for jobs, learn about popular roles for older workers, and get answers to common questions, including how work affects them Social Security benefits . Workers younger than the age deemed full retirement age by the Social Security Administration and earning more than the $19,560 annual income limit in 2022 may have their benefits reduced. This means a $1 deduction from your benefit payments for every $2 you earn over the annual limit for those who are under full retirement age throughout the year.

3. Press HR for specific answers about learning and benefits

After your basic research, be sure to speak with a company’s human resources department to get a deeper understanding of the company’s policies, Robertson said.

Seniors should inquire about the type of support the company offers for family caregivers and flexible working options if an employee needs to assume or add to existing responsibilities. This can include a range of options, including job sharing, compressed work weeks, remote work, hybrid work and project-based work, said Chantelle Johnson, associate vice president of workforce and culture at Humana. It’s also important to find out if the company offers senior networking groups, which are a great way for older workers to network and benefit from shared experiences, she said.

Approaches to team collaboration and learning and development opportunities should be known in advance, said Ronni Zehavi, CEO of HiBob, an HR tech platform. “Even if someone has been in the workforce for 30 years or more, that doesn’t mean they’ve acquired all the wisdom they could possibly want,” he said.

It is also important to ask how this learning is achieved, since many older adults are not as tech-savvy as their younger counterparts. Find out if the company offers options other than online and app-based training, Robertson said. And healthcare options, including dental, eye care and pharmaceutical services, become even more important as people age, so understanding this is a must, he added.

4. Know the red flags

See if older workers are mentioned on the company’s website and in promotional materials. According to Lewis, it’s a bad sign if the company only presents employees in their 20s and 30s.

And if a prospective employer asks how old you are, when you graduated, or other questions designed to estimate your age — either on a job application or in an interview — consider that a red flag, Hertz said.

You shouldn’t say things like, “I wasn’t even born when you did that internship or went to college,” Lewis added.

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Laval balcony collapse an extremely rare occurrence in Quebec

Laval balcony collapse: an extremely rare occurrence in Quebec

A 13-month-old baby and three other people were near death Saturday night after falling from a third-floor balcony of a Laval multiplex, an extremely rare event in Quebec that reminds of the importance of maintenance work, an expert estimates.

• Also read: Balcony collapses in Laval: 13-month-old baby seriously injured

“The scene is difficult to describe. The injured who are looking for a baby are in shock, says the local resident who found the toddler under the rubble. Everyone panicked.”

“He was trapped under the rubble, you couldn’t really tell [quelque chose], adds this first-hand witness, who refused to identify himself. I think that this little baby in his misfortune was lucky to be around professionals who quickly got his hands on him.

The one who has been living in this block for ten years noticed the extent of the damage around 5:30 p.m. after hearing a big noise caused by the building collapsing.

The family of four living on the third floor was probably having dinner with relatives at the time, and some people were in the accommodation.

The emergency services were able to intervene within minutes. A fire station is also located about 300 meters from the scene of the tragedy.

All victims, including the infant, are out of danger.

Total misunderstanding

The tenants of the building struggled to understand how such an incident could have happened, especially since they only have good words for the owner, who would do her best to keep the building well.

She also took the route from Quebec to Laval after being briefed on the situation. She couldn’t reach the diary.

“She’s really in her business. I had a problem with the hot water tank, I think it was replaced the next day, says Éric Champagne, who left home in the minutes before the tragedy. It’s a super stupid accident.”

The grey-haired Lavallois is also worried about the affected family.

“They are lovely, kind people with incredible values, people I admire very much,” adds Mr. Champagne.

Very rare

Maintenance is the key to avoiding such disasters, recalls Pascal Parent, construction inspector at Batimex.

“You have to understand that there is no material that lasts forever. Everything has an end of life,” he summarizes.

“I’ve been in the construction industry for a very long time and I’ve never seen anything like it [un effondrement]’ adds the expert.

The law also provides for an inspection of the facade of buildings with five floors or more every five years.

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Canadians fury over Rogers failure could complicate his merger hopes

Canadians’ fury over Rogers failure could complicate his merger hopes

The Rogers Building, the green corporate campus of Canadian media conglomerate Rogers Communications is seen in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada July 9, 2022. R/Chris Helgren

TORONTO, July 10 (R) – Rogers Communications (RCIb.TO) complicated its chances of winning antitrust clearance for a CA$20 billion telecoms merger after Friday’s massive outage exposed the dangers of Canada’s effective telecoms monopoly and sparked a backlash against its industry dominance.

Rogers’ network outage disrupted almost every aspect of daily life, cutting off access to banks, transportation and government for millions, and hitting the country’s cashless payment system and Air Canada’s (AC.TO) call center.

Consumers and opposition politicians have urged the government to allow more competition and make policy changes to curb the power of telecom companies. Rogers, BCE Inc (BCE.TO) and Telus Corp (T.TO) control 90% of the market share in Canada.

Smaller internet and mobile service providers rely on their infrastructure network to provide their own services.

“The reality is that there is a serious monopoly on our telecoms in Canada,” New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh said in a TikTok video as he started a petition to stop Rogers’ merger plans and ” break up these monopolies”.

“The implications of this outage make it clear that this monopoly cannot continue,” he added.

The disruption to internet access, cellular and landline phone connections meant some callers were unable to reach 911 through 911 calls, police across Canada said.

“Because of the Rogers outage, millions of Canadians were unable to call 911 yesterday. Hospitals could not call staff. There was no way to call families so they could say goodbye to loved ones at the end of their lives,” tweeted Amit Arya, director general of the Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians.

Rogers, who blamed a router malfunction after the maintenance, said Saturday it would credit affected customers and invest more in its network and technology. It did not comment on whether the outage could impact the merger process.

Friday’s outage came two days after Rogers held talks with Canada’s antitrust regulator to discuss potential remedies for its blocked CA$20 billion ($15.34 billion) acquisition of Shaw Communications (SJRb.TO). .

Canada’s competition regulator blocked the deal earlier this year, saying it would hamper competition in a country where telecom tariffs are among the highest in the world. The merger is still awaiting a final verdict.

The disruption could prompt the competition regulator, which generally evaluates mergers based on their impact on price, to look more closely at other aspects such as quality and service, consumer rights groups said.

“It’s a ‘non-price effect’ (argument) – that is, the concentration of ownership and control over critical infrastructure that is an increasingly central point to failure in the delivery of essential services,” said John Lawford, executive Director of the Ottawa-based Public Interest Advocacy Center (PIAC), which opposed the merger to the Competition Bureau.

But Vass Bedner, executive director of the public policy program at McMaster University, said the outage was a separate issue from Roger’s merger plan.

“I don’t think this issue will impact the merger as I’m not sure how the competition bureau can account for the risk of a major outage,” Bedner said.

University of Ottawa professor Michael Geist, who focuses on internet and e-commerce law, said the outage “has to be a wake-up call for a government that has been sleeping on digital policy.”

“The blame for Friday’s outage may lie with Rogers, but the government and (Canada’s telecoms regulator) should be held accountable for their failure to respond,” he wrote on his blog.

Canadian Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne described the outage as “unacceptable” on Friday. High cell phone bills were a hot topic in the last Canadian election.

The outage, which began around 4:30 a.m. ET (08:30 GMT) on Friday before service was fully restored on Saturday, has crippled a quarter of Canada’s observable internet connection, the NetBlocks monitoring group said.

The disruption was Rogers’ second in 15 months, when an outside software upgrade last year crippled the service, primarily for consumer customers.

Reporting by Divya Rajagopal; Writing from Amran Abocar; Edited by Chizu Nomiyama

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Elon Musk and Twitter Attorney Face Legal Battle in Delaware

Elon Musk and Twitter Attorney Face Legal Battle in Delaware

Twitter has sued. The company reportedly hired Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, a firm notable enough to have its own Wikipedia page, and a founding partner, Martin Lipton, credited with inventing the shareholder rights plan, or “poison pill” defense that Twitter originally put on the brakes on Musk’s attempted buyout.

On Friday, Elon Musk filed a document to try to reverse his $44 billion takeover of Twitter. In response, Twitter chairman Bret Taylor tweeted that the company would take legal action to complete the deal as agreed. The hiring of Wachtell Lipton, as reported by Bloomberg, suggests Twitter is serious about pursuing his case in the Delaware Court of Chancery.

Twitter hired two key lawyers to join its team. One is William Savitt, who has represented companies like Anthem and Sotheby’s in Delaware court against activist investors. The other is Leo Strine, a former Registrar of the Delaware Chancery Court with 20 years of experience as a judge in state courts, most recently as Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court before joining the firm in 2020.

Musk reportedly hired Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, who also got the Wikipedia treatment and may be better known to Verge readers. It handled Samsung’s defense against Apple’s patent lawsuit alleging the Galaxy devices were merely clones of the iPhone, and has previously defended Musk in his “pedo-type” defamation case and the fallout from his “secured funding” tweet above taking Tesla privately defends in cases against the SEC and an ongoing shareholder lawsuit.

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Gas prices under 2

Gas prices under $2

For the first time in two months, gasoline prices fell below $2 a liter in certain locations in the greater Montreal area on Sunday.

• Also read: Nova Scotia cuts pump price by more than 10 cents

In Montreal, gasoline is available for less than $2 per liter in the Anjou ($195.9) and Rivière-des-Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles districts.

The situation is the same in Brossard, where the price of gasoline fell to $193.9 on Boulevard Taschenreau, and in Laval, where gasoline on Avenue Jacques-Bureau/Autoroute 440 also cost $193.9.

The lowest price in the last 24 hours on Sunday was Saint-Zotique in Montérégie ($187.9).

“We’re going to take it under $2, but we’d take it even more under $1.50,” one man said in an interview with TVA Nouvelles.

“We go relaxed, we don’t dress too much. Even at $1.99, it’s still too expensive,” said another citizen.

The price of a liter of gasoline has surpassed $2 in the greater Montreal area since May 6.

According to statistics from CAA Quebec, the price in Toronto, Ontario has been below $1.90 per liter for more than a week. Elsewhere in Canada, the city of Medicine Hat, Alberta, had the lowest average price in the country for Sunday, averaging just under $1.79 for a liter of gasoline.

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