Clash between De Manzoni and Poreč: "Republic traded with Putin". "Don’t fuck"

  Porec and De Manzoni

Total clash live by Tiziana Panella, in Tagadà, on La7, on the September 16 episode, in between Massimo de Manzoni and David Porec on political relations with Russia according to the US dossier on alleged Russian funds for foreign parties. At a certain point the voice rises and the tones also rise. “Everyone has until the last February 24th traded with Putin“Repubblica too,” attacks De Manzoni. “Look, you’re getting a lawsuit. But who acted? This newspaper lie… Don’t fuck***”, Forgiveness. Would you come to an agreement with Erdogan’s party?” Poreč replies.

The clash in Tagadà between Massimo De Manzoni and David Parenzo

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So the dispute continues when David Parenzo De Manzoni responds to the EU vote against Orban: “La Verità is a beautiful newspaper, it makes exaggerated headlines. But if we want to get down to the facts, there is a free parliament, the EPP Group, because Forza Italy MPs voted against Orban. Then there are the opinions, the debate. But the case against the Hungarian government is not from today”.

1663403660 99 Clash between De Manzoni and Porec quotRepublic traded with Putinquot

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