Lightning strike by a small group of young people of the latest generation in the Uffizi News

Demonstration by a group of young members of Ultima Generazione this morning at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence in front of Botticelli's Primavera.

According to our findings, five of them would have posted leaflets on the glass protecting the work and on the walls of the room, while another small group, also consisting of four or five people, would have been stopped first. The police intervened on site. The lightning attack lasted a few minutes.

Video Florence, lightning attack of the latest generation in the Uffizi

We learned today that the museum guards immediately turned off the lights in the room and asked the visitors to leave the room. Some sentences that the demonstrators called for protecting the climate and the environment also refer to the flooding last November in Tuscany, which hit Campi Bisenzio (Florence) hard. “Attach this photo to apply for a Tuscany repair fund,” reads the poster, which shows a photo of the flooding. “Make your voice heard. Attach this photo in solidarity with the people of Camp Bisenzio,” the back of the flyer reads. “In 2023, the mud in Campi Bisenzio destroyed everything, leaving more than two billion euros in damage and seven deaths – we read. The government has not yet paid out the money to those affected. It’s about security, but the only security.” It respects that of the market. And it punishes those who demand it with a fine of 20,000 euros. Ultima Generazione demands that the state take care of its citizens and provide a 20 billion reparation fund for all victims of climate disasters. The carabinieri from the Uffizi station in Florence intervened on site.

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