Just a step away from 18, Suri Cruise can be made up and look like a grown up who

In the early years we experienced what seemed to be an enviable family life. It was common to see the couple together and enjoy co-parenting. We literally saw Suri’s first steps and her father’s great love for her, but the divorce separated them forever: according to press reports, the actor and his daughter have not seen each other for years.

Suri Cruise (The Grosby Group)

Suri Cruise can be seen wearing makeup

Although Katie Holmes We lived a low-key life away from the limelight and watched Suri grow from adorable baby to headline-grabbing lady. In fact, he will grow up next year.

Today we’re talking about the photos of their last outings, where we see them with an already defined style of clothing and even makeup.

Last weekend, she was caught by paparazzi in Soho New York City sporting an on-trend look: a denim skirt and black top. However, her make-up, which reflects that youth is being left behind, caused a stir. And she turns into a very beautiful adult woman.

Suri Cruise (The Grosby Group)

For the occasion, she lined her eyes with black, made up her lips in an intense red and applied blush to her cheeks.

Just a step away from 18, Suri Cruise can be made up and look like a grown up who Read More »

Diaz Canel It was an interesting and fruitful tour Central

Díaz Canel: “It was an interesting and fruitful tour” Central American and Caribbean Digital

Cuba. Participation in the summit for a new world financial pact is “interesting”; It gave us “a vision of where the world is going” and “also of the pitfalls that exist around global funding issues.”

The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, shared these and many other criteria with the members of the Cuban diplomatic missions in the French Republic and at UNESCO.

This was the last activity of the official Antillean delegation in Paris before returning home last Friday evening (local time) and became a cordial meeting between Cubans, during which Díaz-Canel drew up a summary of the work carried out during the week by him and his Companions, including Politburo member and Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla.

This summit, explained the head of state, was the reason why the trip to Europe was organized for this date.

The tour also famously included the Vatican, where he had a private exchange with Pope Francis; to Italy, where he was received by the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, and held a dialogue with the Organization’s Secretary General, QU Dongyu, at FAO headquarters in Rome; and to Serbia, where he paid an official visit and was received with great affection by the people and by President Aleksandar Vucic and the head of the legislature, Vladimir Orlic.

“It was really an interesting and fruitful trip for us and for the country,” Díaz-Canel summed up in front of the Cuban diplomats accredited in Paris.


“We – according to the President – ​​had an upcoming visit to the Pope and when we met this week he was very friendly towards the Cuban side. He told us, “You know how I feel about the Cuban people.”

Díaz-Canel explained that the Cuban side spoke with the Pope about the situation in the country and the need to give an updated view of it, also on the basis of the tightening of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States such as the island’s inclusion in the false list of alleged terrorism-supporting countries.

“The visit of the Holy See was the objective that initially led us to Italy,” he pointed out, “but then we had a bilateral meeting with Italian President Sergio Mattarella.” “It was a good meeting,” he added, ” there was great agreement on a number of issues, particularly on cooperation, at the level of relations between our countries.”

Díaz-Canel also commented on his visit to the FAO, an organization with which we have always had good relations, he said. “FAO is supporting us by funding a group of projects under the Food Sovereignty and Nutrition Education Program.”

Another activity in Rome was exchanges with a business community from the country investing in Cuba, in what the head of state described as an “intense meeting”.

He pointed out that Italian investors in Cuba have a very positive attitude. Despite the difficulties, such as the debt they have incurred, their focus is on moving forward and continuing to offer business.

He was addressing a very special feature of the Italian business community that has ties with Cuba, and that is that the daughters and sons of those who started businesses on the island decades ago, and the generation that will follow them, do those businesses have continued and want to develop them.

“This has been maintained for generations, this has been passed on, and there are very beautiful life stories, many references to meetings with Fidel and an enormous commitment,” emphasized the President.


In particular, on the official visit to Serbia, where the attitude of President Aleksandar Vucic and his cabinet towards Cuba was “excellent”, Díaz-Canel commented on the visits of Vucic in 2017 and his predecessor Tomislav Nikolic in Havana in 2015.

The Cuban head of state praised the attitude of the Serbian government and its people towards the Greater Antilles, stressing that “this is a country with which we can do things that we did not foresee” such as buying wheat, corn and other groceries as well as the creation of economic-commercial relations in the fields of tourism, biotechnology, health, agriculture and scientific-technical exchanges.

This was also “a very positive visit and we were together with the most important Serbian personalities, especially the President and also the President of the National Assembly,” he summarized.


Referring to the summit for a new world financial pact, held this Thursday and Friday in Paris at the invitation of President Emmanuel Macron, at which Cuba participated in the exercise of the pro tempore presidency of the G77 group plus China, Díaz-Canel pointed out was “a complicated event”.

Speaking on behalf of the G77 group and China, a different position could be expressed at this meeting, stressed the dignitary, who congratulated Cuban diplomats for the hard work done at this summit.

Cuba’s speech on behalf of the G77 and China was a turning point compared to those delivered so far on Thursday, he said, although Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and South African Cyril Ramaphosa made two good speeches this Friday , in addition to the intervention of Kenyan President William Ruto.

These interventions tended to come from the left, analyzed Díaz-Canel, for whom the statements of the world banking and financial elite – “those sitting there with the poor countries” – end in promises. “You know that funds need to be raised, that these summits need to be held, but… Who is going to provide the money? The rich?

We already have experience in this regard, argued the Cuban President in his dialogue with our accredited diplomats in France, citing the example of the climate change summits, which in more than ten years have not managed to provide the promised funding. “It was more than $100 billion a year. How much of it was given? Who received what was given?

“Therefore, the denunciation, the emphasis that the international economic order is unjust, anachronistic, exclusive and undemocratic, is shared by the Third World. All of that needs to change. Now how can we change it? What can we do to change it?” mused the Cuban President.

President Macron – the statesman emphasized – asked himself the same questions; And what is the focus they give you? “We cannot achieve it by eliminating everything that already exists”; In other words, this cannot be achieved by abolishing the International Monetary Fund, it cannot be achieved by abolishing the World Bank, it cannot be achieved by abolishing the financial institutions…

“And it is clear that this is not possible, because as long as there is capitalism, the third world countries will not have a chance to solve this problem,” denounced the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.

Now, he added another time, ‘a group of issues are emerging that want to be dealt with from the First World and offered as recipes to the Third World; I would say they are necessary things, but what matters is how we apply them?”

They’re like – he described – “the digital turnaround, the energy turnaround, green hydrogen… It’s all very good, and it’s a lot of technology, but how could third world countries do that if they acquire one.” modules do they have to pay a million dollars?

“These siren songs sometimes motivate a group of countries, but then comes the disappointment of what can be achieved.”

As he resumed the agenda of the Cuban delegation from four European countries last week, Díaz-Canel spoke affectionately of his visit to UNESCO headquarters, where he was received by Director-General Audrey Azolay. “This is, he said, a United Nations agency with which we also have a great relationship and which recognizes Cuba’s role.”

During the days in Paris, the Cuban head of state also met with Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations Organization, a meeting he described as pleasant. Also very important was the meeting with the President of Brazil Luis Ignacio Lula Da Silva, about whom he wrote on his Twitter account that they exchanged views on the possibilities of increased cooperation in areas of common interest.

Finally, the President spoke to the Cuban diplomats about the meetings between Thursday and Friday with representatives of French business present in Cuba, former President Francois Hollande and other politicians.

This concludes an intense trip by the Cuban delegation to several European countries, where the Greater Antilles have deepened bilateral relations and consolidated others; A tour that showed once again how much admiration and support Isla has around the world.

Source: (Cubaminrex Presidency)

Díaz Canel: “It was an interesting and fruitful tour” Central American and Caribbean Digital Read More »

Franciscos new messenger June 2023 has arrived Carinthian Catholic Church

Francisco’s new messenger June 2023 has arrived! Carinthian Catholic Church

Cover Francis Messenger: Christine Walder
Cover Francis Messenger: Christine Walder

Dear brothers and sisters of the SFO, dear friends of St. Francis!

In this issue, I would like to present to you the entire book by Father Gottfried Egger OFM/Franciscan Monastery Brixen, just off the press. It is dedicated to Brother Leo, secretary, confessor and highly trusted confrere of St. Francis. It deepens the knowledge of that brother who, like no other, dedicated himself to St. close to Francisco. Little was known about Brother Leo’s life.

The EOS-Verlag book was created in a particularly mystical place for us members of the Franciscan family: the mountain and monastery of La Verna. Father Gottfried spent 16 months there in the Franciscan Eremo and in this book we can share his inspiration. It is not surprising, therefore, that the events on Mount La Verna, which marked the lives of St. Francis and that of Brother Leo were so formative, also occupy some space in the book.

Who was Brother Leo?

Caption (Image rights must be declared!)
Photo book cover: Christine Walder

Only fragments survive about his life. Frei Leão came from Assis and was born around 1273/74. Nothing is known about his family. According to tradition, he died on November 15, 1271 in Porziuncula / S. Maria degli Angeli. His tomb is next to that of St. Francisco in San Francesco, where the brothers Bernardo, Silvestro and Masseo also rest.

But we do not know his family name, nor when he gave St. Francisco met for the first time. It may have been before his conversion. Leo may have joined the growing community of Friars Minor shortly after the Rule’s oral approval, i.e. after April 1209.

Brother Leo was already a priest at that time.

his being

As little as we know about his origins, there are so many statements about his character and his special way of being a confrere of San Francisco. be Francis. How lucky! Father Gottfried cites several sources which say that Brother Leo was the simplest and purest of companions, had the heart of a child, and was the most humble and gentle disciple of St. Louis. been Francis. When describing the “ideal Friar Minor”, ​​Francisco himself says of Brother Leão that he is a model of simplicity and purity.

Brother Leo was active and contemplative in equal measure. Father Gottfried writes: “Francis loved him in a unique way because of his “deaf simplicity” and often called him “the little lamb of God”. For this reason, once, when he explained to others the merits of the Companions, he said: “He who has the purity and simplicity of Brother Leo should be a good younger brother”.

your knowledge

Friar Leão was a cultured priest, an excellent secretary and a great calligrapher. We see his handwriting on all the documents and other writings he wrote for St. Francis wrote. We also see his art in the Breviary of the Saint, where he inserted notes of great historical value. It was not by chance that Francisco chose him to be his personal secretary.


Also, no one knew St. Francisco better than Brother Leo. He knew about her mental strength, her failing health, and through their mutual intimacy, he gained insights into her personality like no other brother.

Already in the year 1213 comes the letter of St. Francis to the young brother Leo, in whom this intimacy is evident. Friar Leo is afflicted, and the Saint offers his help: “And if it is necessary for you to come to me for your soul or for any other comfort, and if you want to come to me, Leo, come.” be prettier, simpler or warmer! Throughout his life, Francisco offered Brother Leo this help, this welcome in freedom and this opportunity to develop in close proximity to him. Likewise, every superior of a religious order must offer space for the development of his/her brothers/sisters.


In one chapter, Father Gottfried Egger takes us with him into stories in which Brother Leo lives next door to St. Francis is important in terms of content. So it is in “On Purity of Heart”, “Perfect Joy” and “Sister Klara’s Face in Water from the Well”.

the common way

I do not want to anticipate the content of the main part of the book, which portrays the stages in the life of Francisco and León. They are very beautiful and deep to summarize briefly. Can we St. Francis and Friar Leo accompany the brothers as they take possession of Monte La Verna and take up residence there. We are allowed to travel with both of them to the Rieti Valley, to write the rule in the Columbus Fountain. Let’s go with them to the Christmas party in Greccio 1223.

1224 Leo moves in with St. Francis for the last time at Alvernaberg. Wonderful visuals make everything clear to us. Profound texts of the “Reflections on the Stigmas” from Franciscan sources lead us – skillfully and sensitively explained by Fr. Gottfried-to the mysterious events, to the saint’s ecstasy and finally to his stigmatization (the first in the history of Christianity), which Brother Leo witnessed. This had a profound impact on the saint’s later years and also on Brother Leo. The spiritual transformation is particularly evident in the moving story of the origin of the incomparable “Praise to God”, which can be called the great prayer of the Franciscans.

final thought

I would like to recommend this incomparably precious book to you. It belongs on the shelf of every member of the Franciscan Family and every person who celebrates St. Francis wants to learn to love more, as Father Gottfried writes. Brother Leo lived several decades longer than St. Francis. We can accompany you in the final part of the book. He continued his spiritual experiment, to the joy and benefit of all of us!

Have a blessed month of June to all of you, your Sr. Klara / Christine Walder


Francisco’s new messenger June 2023 has arrived! Carinthian Catholic Church Read More »

1687810954 2024 Polestar 2 will have a maximum range of 515

2024 Polestar 2 will have a maximum range of 515 km – RPM, according to the EPA

Last January, the electric vehicle manufacturer North Star announced new improvements for the Polestar 2 for 2024. These include a new basic version with a drive that benefits from a battery with a larger capacity, i.e. 82 kilowatt hours. According to initial estimates by Polestar, the model should have a range of 482 kilometers, but the manufacturer has just announced an even more interesting range.

The long-range single-engine version with the new 82-kilowatt-hour battery will therefore be able to cover a distance of 515 kilometers on a single charge, according to the EPA, a significant increase over the original estimate.

Polestar 2 2024 11
Polestar 2 2024 Photo provided by: Polestar

The two-engine, all-wheel-drive version will be able to cover a distance of 445 kilometers, an interesting increase compared to the approximately 418 kilometers that the 2023 version was able to cover. For 2024, the management system of the Polestar 2 with two motors will favor the rear wheels for more power, which Polestar says means even more driving pleasure and, above all, a power distribution that benefits from the weight shift to the drive wheels.

“We absolutely love that pole star 2 – such a stylish and fun car. Our engineers have worked hard to make significant changes that really improve the entire vehicle, and they’ve made it even better. We are proud that we can achieve this by reducing the carbon footprint,” says Thomas Ingenlath, CEO of Polestar.

Polestar 2 2024 4th
Polestar 2 2024 Photo provided by: Polestar

More efficient

The Polestar 2 2024 can therefore travel 20% more distance, use 9% less energy and charge 34% faster than the 2023 model. All this has been made possible by the addition of another large capacity battery, new motors and new mechanical and software components.

The manufacturer also took the charging power as an opportunity to increase the charging power: 205 kilowatts for the single-engine variant, 155 kilowatts for the Polestar 2 2024 with two engines.

executionautonomyconsumptionloading speed
Long range single motorUp to 515 kilometers29-32kWh/100kmUp to 205kW
Long range dual engineUp to 445 kilometers32-33kWh/100kmUp to 155kW

Review of RPM

EVs are often judged on their range rather than their overall quality. It is not surprising that manufacturers try to get the maximum possible autonomy from their battery. If at a time when electricity was sold, today it is autonomy. This puts the Polestar 2 2024 in a better position, especially compared to the manufacturer Tesla.

2024 Polestar 2 will have a maximum range of 515 km – RPM, according to the EPA Read More »

Long Life These 5 animals live longer than any other

Long Life: These 5 animals live longer than any other in the world

You have the secrets of longevity! Five incredible animals turn 100 years old and continue to unveil important insights into life and human longevity research. These five incredible creatures defy common life expectancies and baffle scholars. Can you kick a kind?

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These animals are treasures of longevity

Studying these animals is vital for us to better understand how our own longevity works or could work. We must protect and preserve them species remarkable as they represent true treasures of nature and teach us important lessons about life.

  • Galapagos Giant Tortoise: Giants of Life

An example is the Galapagos giant tortoise (Chelonoidis nigra), a species endemic to the Galapagos Islands.

Galapagos giant tortoise”Photo: Exploder1/Getty Images.”

These amazing turtles can live more than a century, which means they can live to be over 100 years old. With their impressive size, these animals have faced threats over the years but have managed to survive and remain among us.

  • Greenland shark: the champion of longevity

bowhead shark”Photo: dottedhippo/Getty Images.”

In the animal kingdom there are creatures that exceed the average life expectancy and provide valuable insights into aging. An example is the bowhead shark (Somniosus microcephalus), which lives in the cold waters of the Arctic and North Atlantic.

With an average size of between four and five meters, these sharks surprise with a life expectancy of around 400 years and will soon become one of the longestlived species on the planet. In fact, conservation measures have been put in place to protect these giants of the ocean.

  • Tuatara: Longlived New Zealand reptiles

tutara”Photo: Alvin Setiawan/Getty Images.”

New Zealand is home to the Tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus), a reptile also notable for its longevity.

With an average lifespan of 100 to 200 years, this animal far from lizards has unique features, such as a third “vision” on its head. Your slow metabolism and lack of natural predators contribute to its impressively long service life.

  • Bowland whale: The ancestors of the oceans

bowhead whale”Photo: CoreyFord/Getty Images.”

Of course, in the marine kingdom, the bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) is notable for its longevity. With sturdy bodies and imposing heads, these whales can live an incredible 210 years.

Unfortunately, this species is endangered due to intense commercial hunting in the past die outwhich is now leading to efforts being made to protect it.

  • Sea sturgeon: the freshwater elders

sea ​​sturgeon”Photo: Yuri Tuchkov/Getty Images.”

In North America there is the sea sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens), a fish that lives in large lakes and rivers. Studies suggest that these fish can live up to 150 years due to their slow growth, low metabolism and reduced reproductive rate.

Unfortunately, they face threats that threaten their survival, which only underscores the importance of conserving this and other species.

Long Life: These 5 animals live longer than any other in the world Read More »

Ex EastEnders star Toby Alexander Smith is unrecognizable as his new historical

Ex-EastEnders star Toby-Alexander Smith is unrecognizable as his new historical figure

Former EastEnders actor Toby-Alexander Smith doesn’t seem to recognize him as his new historical figure – and fans are hoping it’s a hugely popular Netflix drama

Former EastEnders actor Toby-Alexander Smith looks unrecognizable in his new historical drama role.

The 32-year-old star previously played Walford villain Gray Atkins on the BBC soap opera for three years, from 2019 to 2022.

On Monday, he shared a snap of himself on Instagram as his new character, which his fans are hoping is from Bridgerton.

He was pictured in a blue paisley waistcoat and white shirt sitting on a sofa.

He wore beige pants and black boots as he smoldered in front of the camera.

Everything is changing: Former EastEnders actor Toby-Alexander Smith, 32, looks unrecognizable in his new historical drama role (pictured in 2021)

Everything is changing: Former EastEnders actor Toby-Alexander Smith, 32, looks unrecognizable in his new historical drama role (pictured in 2021)

Soap star: The actor previously played Walford villain Gray Atkins on the BBC soap EastEnders (featured in the soap) for three years from 2019 to 2022.

Soap star: The actor previously played Walford villain Gray Atkins on the BBC soap EastEnders (featured in the soap) for three years from 2019 to 2022.

The British film star captioned his post: “Who’s the new guy?”

His followers flooded him with comments in the comments section asking if he would be in Bridgerton.

“Please say Bridgerton,” one person wrote.

While someone else replied, “I hope that’s Bridgerton!”

Another suggested, “Hopefully a love interest for Eloise.”

While another person wrote, “Omg omg omg @toby_alexander_smith please be Bridgerton.”

Meanwhile, Toby-Alexander is on the verge of marrying his fiancee, Amy Walsh, after the couple recently announced their engagement.

Emmerdale actress Amy revealed on Instagram last August that Toby-Alexander had proposed on a beach in Ibiza.

New role: On Monday, he shared a snap of himself on Instagram as his new character, which his fans are hoping is from Bridgerton

New role: On Monday, he shared a snap of himself on Instagram as his new character, which his fans are hoping is from Bridgerton

Good news: Meanwhile, Toby-Alexander is on the verge of marrying his fiancee, Amy Walsh, after the couple recently announced their engagement

Good news: Meanwhile, Toby-Alexander is on the verge of marrying his fiancee, Amy Walsh, after the couple recently announced their engagement

The couple, who have been in a relationship for more than three years, welcomed their first child together, daughter Bonnie Mae, in December 2022.

Toby-Alexander was the first to make the announcement, posting a photo of himself and Amy lounging on the beach in their new jewelry and writing, “So that’s what happened…”

Amy shared three snaps on her main grid with the caption “Before”. While. After.’, which showed her dining at the luxurious beachfront restaurant Aiyanna Ibiza.

Amy and Toby have been dating since 2019 after meeting accidentally in the Strictly Come Dancing audience and moved in together in 2020 due to the pandemic.

Family: The couple first became parents when they gave birth to baby girl Bonnie Mae in December 2021 (pictured on Loose Women in March)

Family: The couple first became parents when they gave birth to baby girl Bonnie Mae in December 2021 (pictured on Loose Women in March)

Ex-EastEnders star Toby-Alexander Smith is unrecognizable as his new historical figure Read More »

Theo stops Kate from helping Rafa during an anxiety attack in Vai na Fé

The next chapters of walk in faith will be for fans of tortuous rafa (Caio Manhente) and Kate After all (Clara Moneke). The O (Emílio Dantas) embarks on a personal project to manipulate his own son, leading to an absurd series of humiliations against the sandwich seller. But the worst happens when Rafa has another anxiety attack and his father simply prevents Kate from helping.

For those who avidly follow the seven o’clock soap opera, it’s not hard to single out Kate as one of the main contributors to Rafa’s recovery, but Theo has already got it in his head that he will do anything to harm his ex. A lover’s life, even if it is necessary to end it. The last drop of hope in Rafa’s heart. First, Theo gets his son drunk and persuades him to treat Kate arrogantly.

Kate struggles to find peace on the soap opera Vai na Fé. Photo: Reproduction/Globo

Then, during the deep crisis of anxiety, Rafa has a chance to return to normality with Kate’s urgent action to improve his breathing and show the bright side of life, but the series’ villain takes the stage again to show his claws.

Disgusted, Theo prevents Kate from helping Rafa during the outbreak and even aggravates the teenager’s condition with insulting words about the love affair. He also criticizes Clara’s (Regiane Alves) supposed softness, which luckily will convince Sol to fight her exhusband in the next few chapters.

Theo stops Kate from helping Rafa during an anxiety attack in Vai na Fé Read More »

Celine Dion refused to be in this movie and she

Celine Dion refused to be in this movie, and she did it well: it ruined a great actor’s career

Since his role in this failed comedy, the leading man has slipped off the radar. Some decisions can sometimes cause harm, but luckily Celine Dion avoided disaster…

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Oprah Winfrey and Celine Dion were both asked to star in the film dear guru, to be seen (or not) on Paramount+! Neither of them ultimately took part in it, although they appear in it only indirectly. The film follows Pitka, a young American woman who was abandoned in India at the gates of a spiritual center. As an adult, he returned to the United States to share his knowledge and spirituality. His first patient is Darren Roanoke, a hockey star whose wife Prudence has started a relationship with Jacques Grande, his lifelong adversary. Therefore, the owners of the team hire Pitka to try to restore harmony within the couple. The cast of this film directed by Marco Schnabel stars Mike Myers, iconic for his role as Austin Powers on the big screen, alongside Jessica Alba and Justin Timberlake.

Love Guru: anything but unanimous

Upon its release in 2008, the film received critical acclaim. On IMDb, the American review site, Love Guru gets a mediocre rating of 3.8/10. This trend does not exist in France either. “Produced with mittens, artistically sloppy (…) Myers vampires the film, which has no other interest than what we show the actor,” writes Christophe Narbonne in Première. Le Monde, on the other hand, produces a “frightening” result. The film was a complete flop at the box office, grossing $40 million on a budget of $62 million.

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Love Guru: Worst Movie, Worst Actor, and Worst Screenplay

In 2009, this film received the Razzie Awards for the worst film. Mike Myers, who co-wrote the film and made his mark as a permanent member of the Saturday Night Live crew from 1989 to 1995, was in turn crowned with the Worst Actor award. His passage in the film was suicidal too, as apart from a small role in Inglourious Basterds and a return in the fourth part of Shrek, for which he is dubbing, we haven’t seen him on screen since.

Article written in cooperation with 6Medias

Celine Dion refused to be in this movie, and she did it well: it ruined a great actor’s career Read More »