The 1st day of the smoke obscured day camps –

The 1st day of the smoke obscured day camps –

The first day of camps has been marred by the poor air quality that hit most of the province on Monday.

• Also read: Poor air quality: Montreal is still in smoke and is still the most polluted

• Also read: Poor air quality: seven tips on how to protect yourself from smoke

This is particularly the case in Quebec and Montreal, where day camp management favors indoor activities, such as on rainy days. Unlike this time, windows remain closed to preserve indoor air quality.

At Patro Charlesbourg in Quebec, children will try to stay indoors as much as possible while also taking advantage of a few moments outside to stretch their legs.

Screenshot | VAT News

“We already have internal processes when it rains, the monitors have to follow schedules, there are locals who are in charge of indoors. We’re going into rainy day mode,” animation director Mathieu Veilleux told TVA Nouvelles.

“Sometimes we also make shelters like this during a heat wave. “The team is grounded,” he assures.

In Montreal, the city has also asked day camp leaders not to spend time outdoors.

“The city’s day camps will remain open, but they will favor indoor activities,” the city said in a press release on Sunday.

The 1st day of the smoke obscured day camps – Read More »

1687805993 The children would not have survived another week in the

“The children would not have survived another week in the jungle”

Pedro Sánchez isn’t exactly Rambo – he doesn’t fit the prototype special forces general. Sánchez is of average height and stocky build, with teenage acne scarring on his face. During our interview, he apologizes once, goes to the bathroom, sheds a few tears for his late parents, and returns with red eyes. On his shelf is a book about socialism. He calmly gives orders to subordinates who constantly interrupt our conversation. While leading the search for the lost children, Sánchez frequently listened to flamenco pop music. He spilled cane liquor over the Amazon as they flew overhead in search of the children. Indigenous leaders supporting the search said it was a gift to the mother jungle for the four siblings’ safe return. After 40 days, Lesly, Soleiny, Tien and Cristin were finally found. EL PAÍS interviewed General Pedro Sánchez in his office at the military barracks in northern Bogotá to find out how these children survived in an environment teeming with life yet so dangerous.

Ask: When were you assigned to lead the search for the children?

answer. We were planning more special operations in Bogotá when the plane crashed on May 1st. My initial hope was that the occupants were still alive and could soon be located by radio beacons and other means. Four days passed without success, and I realized that maybe they would ask for our help. My mastery of this unit was the reason I got the job, not because I was the best qualified. General Giraldo, in charge of the armed forces, has asked me to lead the initiative.

Q And then he called the President?

TO. I have no idea.

Q You had to go to the command post in San José del Guaviare, near the jungle.

TO. The President’s concern was justified – a plane carrying tribal people and four minors was in trouble. I spoke to the air force commander and offered my help. We knew it was going to be difficult, but our elite troops are trained for precisely this type of mission, even if it’s outside of our usual remit. We are a team that doesn’t shy away from a challenge. After receiving permission from General Giraldo, we deployed a unit on May 5th. We aborted an ongoing operation I was overseeing in Medellín and focused on the missing plane. The next day we were on site in San José with the mission not only to locate the missing plane but also to assess the risks in the area. The site is manageable, but the drug crime groups operating there pose a major problem.

Q But there is a bilateral ceasefire with the FARC [guerrilla] dissidents…

TO. Yes, but my men know to act when faced with a threat. Hesitation means death.

Pedro Sanchez;  June 16, 2023.Pedro Sanchez; June 16, 2023. Diego Cuevas

Q. How come the children were found just five kilometers away? [3 miles] from the plane?

TO. After walking about 15 miles, they became disoriented [15 miles]. Difficult to navigate there and they came back to the site by accident.

Q How do you know they ran 15 miles?

TO. Based on the evidence we found. [Sánchez shows us a map of the children’s estimated route that shows them reaching a certain point and then backtracking].

Q. Did you discuss this with the children?

TO. No, we found that out. We haven’t spoken to them. We need the children’s input to complete the story.

Q. What role did Lesly play in keeping her siblings alive?

TO. She was the leader – what she did mattered. First, she never lost her will to live, and second, she was very resourceful.

Q. For example?

TO. It’s best to wait and see the whole story. What I am telling you is just a guess and conclusion. For example, she had lost her scissors, but was ingeniously cutting branches to protect herself with only her teeth. When they ran out of food, she chewed fruit and fed it to the baby. She has also salvaged things from the plane wrecks to help them survive.

Q like what

TO. Farina [a coarse flour made from yucca], clothes, a mosquito net and everything in the first aid kit. She also changed the baby’s diaper.

Q Where did she get diapers from?

TO. They had them on the plane. We found three discarded diapers in different locations.

Q What do you think of the theory that they kept silent out of fear when they heard you nearby?

TO. I can only tell you that we passed within 40 meters [130 feet] of it once. And they heard us. Both the soldiers and the indigenous leaders. And Lesly heard the helicopter and the loudspeakers. But I don’t know why she didn’t help us find her. She’s the only one who knows that. In the jungle you can get lost after only 20 meters [65 feet] away.

Q Why did you personally go into the jungle?

AI had three reasons to go. First, to ensure the mission was on track. Secondly, to increase the morale of the troops by reassuring them that we will succeed. In closing, I want to reassure myself because even if we found her dead, we could say that we haven’t given up the search.

Pedro Sánchez welcomes the Murui, Siona and Coreguaje indigenous leaders who have joined the search;  San Jose del Guaviare;  May 21, 2023.Pedro Sánchez welcomes the Murui, Siona and Coreguaje indigenous leaders who have joined the search; San Jose del Guaviare; 21 May 2023. Mauricio Duenas Castaneda (EFE)

Q. How many times have you been down there?

TO. Only once, two days before I found her. I arrived on Wednesday 7th June. The indigenous guides suggested I ask about the children in the jungle. I wanted to build trust with them, so I went and the first thing we did was pray, “Oh, Mother Jungle, allow these humble mortals to find these children and bring them home soon.” Then I closed joined the search party in the jungle and stayed there overnight. I saw firsthand how difficult it was. I saw the persistence of the indigenous leaders, but also their helplessness. My men had been there for 30 days, so I ordered other troops to come and relieve them.

Q. You offered whiskey and cane liquor to the jungle.

TO. I sent for some whiskey, but the natives told me it wasn’t necessary.

Q Why?

TO. Because the spirit accepts moonshine – the sugar cane liquor. There are many theories about this. All I can tell you is that I had to reconcile military science with indigenous beliefs. And with that in mind, we had to give them confidence and show them that what they say matters. Are you Catholic?

Q. NO.

TO. Well, for you, Our Lady of Fatima [the apparition of the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal] could be a fairy tale. Who is right? I don’t know. All I know is that I had to respect them, and if they came to help, it must have been for a good reason.

Q How did you find out they found the kids?

TO. General Cota, the commander of the special operations mission, informed me personally. He said, “Wonder, wonder, wonder – they found them!” I asked how they were and he told me they were all alive.

Q. Was repeating “miracle” three times code to report they were alive?

TO. It is repeated three times for confirmation, something like “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday”.

Q. What happened in the plane crash? The four children survived, but all three adults on board, including the mother, died?

TO. engine damage. The pilot called an emergency call and attempted an emergency landing. A tree hit the nose and the engine was ripped off. The aircraft then crashed nose-first to the ground with no engine.

Q. How come the four children were unharmed?

TO. It’s a miracle. The farther back in the plane, the greater the chances of surviving the crash.

Q. Do you think they were behind?

TO. That’s confirmed. They sat in the back.

Q. did you talk to the kids

TO. Just Lesly. I asked her if she heard her grandmother’s voice from the helicopter and she said yes. I didn’t want to ask any more questions. What matters is that they are alive. We’ll find out the rest later.

Q. How did you manage to deal with the global hype surrounding this story?

TO. It’s important for me to have a clear understanding of my role – conducting special operations and directing this unit. I’ve been devoting 90% of my energy to the news media lately because it’s important to our country, but I have important work to do elsewhere. Right now I’m reviewing two special operations.

Pedro Sánchez in his office in BogotáPedro Sánchez in his office in BogotáDiego Cuevas

Q. What was your daily routine like?

TO. I woke up at 5am hoping that day we would find the missing children. At 8am I was compiling reports, reviewing updates to the operation, and coming up with new ideas for our search. Every night my son asked if we had found them and I had to say no – it was heartbreaking. But I never lost faith that we would find her the next day.

Q. Did you leave Bogotá for San José because the search got stuck?

TO. During my visit there, I delved into the operational and tactical details, made decisions and transmitted information. I feared that silence would provoke criticism, so I made sure we communicated everything about the well-being, logistics, information and supplies of our troops. Once we found evidence [of the children]Media coverage intensified, so I had to protect our troops on the ground from any distraction. Coordination with the indigenous people was crucial and added new demands to an already arduous and challenging mission.

Q. What was the most difficult day?

TO. May 18th. That day we received the news of a new footprint. We had found more footprints over the past three days and I felt like we were getting closer. We quickly mobilized all of our resources, including helicopters, planes and satellite imagery. “It’s time tonight,” I said. We sent troops to the ground in the area of ​​the footprint and I told them they couldn’t sleep and continued for the next 24 hours. Those 24 hours—those golden hours—would be crucial to finding them. We brought recordings from her grandmother and played them through a megaphone. We’ve tried everything and found nothing. I began to wonder, “What is happening here?” So I decided to ask the Jungle Mother to return the children to us.

Q The 36th day of the search was also tough.

TO. Yes Monday 5th June I went to a local chapel in Bogotá and sought divine guidance. I prayed and read the Bible but got no answer. I asked God for a sign, but then I realized that He just wanted me to have faith and take action. That’s when I decided to go to the jungle.

Q. How is it?

TO. Beautiful but hostile. Very tall trees, dense vegetation with roaming dangerous animals like tigers and jaguars, poisonous snakes, poisonous plants and mosquitoes with diseases that can kill you. Sometimes you can’t see the sun because the jungle is so dense, and sometimes it rains for 16 hours straight. It’s a place that can easily swallow you up if you’re not careful.

Q. How many more days do you think the children could have survived under these conditions?

TO. Tien, the 5-year-old boy, could only have lasted three more days. He was very weak. The baby, maybe a week.

Q. What about Lesly and Soleiny?

TO. They fought but persevered. They were well fed and a little plump, which was vital to them.

Q. Is this the longest quest in Colombia’s history?

TO. No, there was another one, a search for a dead prosecutor who fell from a military helicopter during an operation.

Q Did it take you longer to find the prosecutor’s body?

TO. We never found him – that was in 2014. But this was the first time battle-hardened men were deployed on a search, equipped with satellite skills, planes and everything needed to find survivors. The indigenous population would not have been able to reach the search area on their own and would not have been able to feed themselves for so long. We needed both elements to be successful.

Q How does all of this affect you personally?

TO. As a general, I feel we have accomplished our mission. As a person, it really touched me. Every time I thought about the kids, I thought about my own son. Every time I thought about her parents, I thought about my wife. This created a very strong connection. I did it out of conviction. I think what we’re doing here saves lives every day, including on combat missions. We protect the weakest people in our country and our men give their lives to do so. I don’t know if you’ve seen the photo gallery below?

Q. forks.

TO. It is good news for our country that can unite us and help us move forward.

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Not only the Alouettes are undefeated

Not only the Alouettes are undefeated

The Montreal Alouettes aren’t the only team in the Eastern Division of the Canadian Football League (CFL) with an impeccable record.

On Sunday night, the Toronto Argonauts went 2-0 up by beating the Edmonton Elks 43-31 at Commonwealth Stadium.

The Queen City club is thus on par with the Sparrows, while the two formations have already benefited from a week’s break. So far, the BC Lions (3-0) have dominated the CFL standings.

In today’s game, the “Argos” were powered by running back AJ Ouellette. He had 84 yards and three touchdowns with his feet.

Defensively, Royce Metchie caught an interception for a major in the winning game and Daniel Robertson conceded two fumbles.

So the Elks (0-3) are still looking for a first win in 2023. Former “Als” star wide receiver Eugene Lewis had a fairly quiet game. He caught five throws for 43 yards.

Very bad news from Calgary

In Calgary, the Stampeders (1-2) learned that outstanding receiver Malik Henry was out of regular season.

He announced on his Twitter account that he had torn his Achilles tendon. He was injured in yesterday’s loss to the Saskatchewan Roughriders. The recovery time for this type of injury is four to six months.

The 26-year-old American was named to the West Division All-Star team last year after 62 catches for 1,023 yards and eight touchdowns in 13 games.

In three games this year, Henry has 14 balls for 228 yards and one major.

Not only the Alouettes are undefeated Read More »

Putin loses and lies

Wagner’s Uprising: The Beginning of the End for Putin?

The uprising by Wagner’s mercenaries has exposed obvious weaknesses in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s position, analysts say, and cast doubt on his ability to deal with the dangers that threaten his political survival.

• Also read: Wagner’s leader explains the purpose of his troops’ rebellion

• Also read: Wagner headquarters says it’s running normally, two days after the failed uprising

• Also read: The Wagner Group, its about-face and Putin’s revealed weaknesses

• Also read: Putin’s first appearance since the end of the rebellion in a video from the Kremlin

Putin immediately sought to ward off the threat, getting Wagner’s boss Evguéni Prigojine to halt the advance of his forces and accept a deal that would result in his exile in neighboring Belarus.

However, observers believe it is too early to assess the full consequences of this revolt for the 70-year-old Putin, who has ruled Russia for 24 years after the resignation of Russia’s first post-Soviet president, Boris Yeltsin, in late 1999.

As Moscow continues its invasion of Ukraine, the mutiny has shattered the image of an all-powerful man and revealed an isolated figure busy controlling groups that are tearing apart around him.

“Putin and the state have received a serious blow that will have a significant impact on the regime,” assures Tatiana Stanovaya, founder of the consulting firm R. Politik.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, whose government was clear about Prigozhin’s intentions, according to the New York Times, said the uprising “raised real questions and exposed real cracks.”

“We cannot speculate or know exactly where this will take us. “We know that Putin will have many questions to answer in the coming weeks and months,” he said on Sunday.

“Start of a process”

The deep power struggles, including the personal spat between Prigozhin and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, have shown that Putin is no longer comfortably at the helm of power. And his forces could not prevent Wagner from taking the Russian Army’s southern command center in Rostov-on-Don.

In the negotiations that led to Prigozhin abandoning his march on Moscow, this time Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko, who generally conveys the image of a subordinate partner to Putin, emerged as the savior.

Images of Prigozhin and his militants leaving Rostov as heroes have further embarrassed the Kremlin less than a year ahead of Russia’s presidential election, scheduled for March 2024, in which the president is expected to run for a new term after reforms. controversial constitutionalities.

Vladimir Putin has not yet confirmed his intentions and no eventual successor has come forward, with the exception of Tula Region Governor Alexei Dyumin, his former bodyguard, who has been named as a possible replacement for Shoigu.

For Kirill Rogov, director of the consulting firm Re:Russia, “this is not the end of the story, but the beginning.” Military uprisings, even those that have failed, are very often in history a harbinger, the beginning of a process.”

In a speech whose tone surprised many observers, Putin on Saturday compared the Wagner leader’s uprising to the “dagger in the back” of 1917, when the first tremors of the Russian Revolution toppled the Tsar and defeated Russia from World War I.

“None of this means that the regime will collapse anytime soon,” says Mark Galeotti, director of consulting firm Mayak Intelligence. But “the mutiny further undermines the capacity, strength and credibility of Putin’s state and draws closer to the day when that regime will fall.”

“Putin lost too”

The invasion of Ukraine has also prompted Russian-language media outside the country to re-examine the head of state’s health, lifestyle and decision-making, painting a picture of a sick and paranoid leader increasingly isolated since the Covid pandemic and spends little time in the Kremlin.

Several media outlets have claimed that Putin spends most of his time at a sprawling compound on Lake Lagoda near St. Petersburg, where he travels by armored train rather than plane for security reasons.

His famous pose in which he shows all his manhood shirtless, while fishing or on horseback seems to be a thing of the past.

The Kremlin has asserted that Putin was in Moscow during the weekend’s events and has always denied allegations about his health. “My conclusion is that Prigojine and Wagner lost,” said Michael Kofman, director of Russian studies at the Naval Analysis Center (CNA).

“But Putin also lost and the regime is hurt. It remains to be seen what long-term effects this will have. »

Wagner’s Uprising: The Beginning of the End for Putin? Read More »

Kourtney Kardashian is pregnant with her fourth child

Kourtney Kardashian reveals the gender of her unborn child

Kourtney Kardashian has announced that she and Travis Barker are expecting a baby boy.

• Also read: Kim Kardashian congratulates sister Kourtney on her upcoming baby

• Also read: Kourtney Kardashian is pregnant with her fourth child

The 44-year-old reality star announced her pregnancy earlier this month when the musician performed with Blink-182, for whom he is the drummer. During the concert, she held up a sign that read, “Travis, I’m pregnant.”

In an Instagram video posted on Saturday (24JUN23), Kourtney Kardashian can be seen sitting on her husband’s lap behind his drum kit. He then does a drum roll before blue confetti and smoke billow out of a cannon – showing she’s expecting a boy.

Before announcing the gender of their unborn child, the couple, who married in May 2022, had spoken about expanding their family. Kourtney Kardashian even shared her efforts to conceive a child through in vitro fertilization (IVF) with her fans on family show The Kardashians.

“It wasn’t a great experience,” she said in an episode that aired last year, explaining that she has issues with medications that made her “very moody and hormonal.” She eventually gave up IVF.

Kourtney Kardashian is already mom to Mason, 13, Penelope, 10, and Reign, 8, with her ex Scott Disick.

Kourtney Kardashian reveals the gender of her unborn child Read More »

Argentina vs South Korea Basketball LIVE When and where to

Argentina vs. South Korea Basketball LIVE: When and where to watch U-19 World Cup game?

This Tuesday, June 27, Argentina meets South Korea in Group D of the third round of the U-19 Basketball World Cup. Albiceleste group lost their two matches against Türkiye and Hungary. Currently, the South American team is in third place with 2 units, level with South Korea but with a larger points difference than the Asian team. Where can you see the game? Go on LIVE the game of La República Deportes.

YOU CAN SEE: How much do front row seats cost for an NBA game?

What time does Argentina vs. South Korea play for U-19 Basketball World Cup?

The duel between Argentina and South Korea For the U-19 Basketball World Cup, the game will be played at 12:30 p.m. (Argentina time). Next, we list the schedules according to the country you reside in.

  • Peru, Colombia, Ecuador: 10:30 am
  • Chile, Paraguay, Venezuela: 11:30 a.m
  • Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil: 12:30 p.m

Where to watch the Argentina vs. South Korea basketball game on the third day?

To enjoy the date 3 U-19 Basketball World Cup and you can see the performance of the children from Argentina on the screens of DSports.

Argentina vs South Korea Basketball LIVE When and where toArgentina couldn’t hold their own against Hungary and lost by the narrowest of margins on Matchday 2 of the U-19 World Cup. Photo: FIBA

YOU CAN SEE: How much does it cost to attend a Formula 1 race weekend?

Here’s how to watch Argentina vs. game ONLINE for FREE. South Korean basketball under 19?

If you want to enjoy the game ONLINE FREEyou can follow all the actions of La República Deportes.

Argentina vs. South Korea Basketball LIVE: When and where to watch U-19 World Cup game? Read More »

Jeremy Zimmer head of the Hollywood talent agency dismisses Meghan

Jeremy Zimmer, head of the Hollywood talent agency, dismisses Meghan as a talentless presenter

‘Turns out Meghan Markle wasn’t a huge audio talent, or necessarily any talent’: Hollywood talent agency boss Jeremy Zimmer dismisses Duchess as an untalented broadcaster after Spotify dropped its £18m deal with the Sussexes resigned

The Duchess of Sussex has been dismissed as a talentless presenter by one of Hollywood’s most powerful figures.

Jeremy Zimmer, who has overseen the film careers of the likes of Benedict Cumberbatch and Damian Lewis, delivered his scathing verdict on the former American actress’ skills after streaming giant Spotify upped its £18million deal with her and Prince Harry just quit a podcast series.

Zimmer, the chief executive of United Talent Agency, said he wasn’t surprised that Spotify let the couple down.

“Turns out Meghan Markle wasn’t a huge audio talent, or necessarily any talent,” he said.

Speaking to news website Semafor at the Cannes Lions advertising festival in France, Zimmer added. “And you know, just because you’re famous doesn’t mean you’re great at something.”

Despite sending a personal letter herself, Meghan Markle's (pictured) request to add Taylor Swift to her Archetypes podcast was turned down

Despite sending a personal letter herself, Meghan Markle’s (pictured) request to add Taylor Swift to her Archetypes podcast was turned down

According to Variety magazine, Spotify is said to have canceled the deal because it expected “more content” from the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and their Archewell Audio team.

Archewell delivered just one series – last year 12 episodes of Meghan’s Archetypes show about society’s stereotypes surrounding women – and in 2020 a 30-minute holiday special starring a handful of celebrity friends and their son Archie.

Archetypes had its first ratings success upon its release last summer, and talks for a second season were reportedly underway before reportedly faltering. Spotify is said to have paid a staggering £18million to sign the Sussexes on a ‘multi-year partnership’.

The Sussexes highlighted a joint statement from them and Spotify, saying they had “mutually agreed to part ways”.

It was claimed yesterday that pop superstar Taylor Swift turned down a chance to appear on Meghan’s podcast, despite the Duchess sending her a personal invite.

Jeremy Zimmer, the chief executive of United Talent Agency, said he wasn't surprised that Spotify had let the Sussexes down

Jeremy Zimmer, the chief executive of United Talent Agency, said he wasn’t surprised that Spotify had let the Sussexes down

After Meghan sent her a handwritten message, Ms Swift declined through her rep, according to The Wall Street Journal.

And while the couple’s £80million Netflix deal has only produced one documentary about themselves and the series Live To Lead so far, it looks like they’ll soon be delving into the world of Charles Dickens .

The Sussexes are said to be working on a prequel to his 1861 novel Great Expectations, which will focus on a character based on Miss Havisham and set before the events of the novel. In “Bad Manners” the character is portrayed as “a strong woman living in a patriarchal society”. The series has been claimed to be in development but has not yet received the green light from Netflix.

Harry’s documentary about the Invictus Games is believed to be nearing completion.

Meghan and Harry attend the 2022 Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope Gala at the New York Hilton on December 6, 2022

Meghan and Harry attend the 2022 Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope Gala at the New York Hilton on December 6, 2022

According to the Wall Street Journal, Netflix is ​​”unlikely” to renew the couple’s contract when it ends in 2025. It is reported that problems have arisen due to the couple’s inexperience as television producers and the difficulty in finding material that fits their brand.

A spokesman for talent agency WME, which recently signed Meghan, said: “The team behind Archetypes remain proud of the podcast they have created at Spotify.” Platform.”

Zimmer is the grandson of legendary Hollywood studio boss Dory Schary.

In 1991 he helped found United Talent Agency through a merger of Bauer/Benedek and Leading Artists Agency.

He helped build UTA from a boutique literary agency into one of the Big Three talent agencies and has been CEO since 2012.

The talent agency represents stars like Timothée Chalamet, Chris Pratt, Kevin Hart and Lizzo.

• To read Richard Eden’s sparkling social diary, ‘Eden Confidential’, buy the Chron on Tuesdays

Jeremy Zimmer, head of the Hollywood talent agency, dismisses Meghan as a talentless presenter Read More »

Tourist filmed carving his girlfriends name in the Colosseum in

Tourist filmed carving his girlfriend’s name in the Colosseum in Rome – CNN

Andreas Solaro/AFP/Getty Images

On April 7, 2023, people gathered at the Colosseum in Rome before the Stations of the Cross (Via Crucis) prayer service as part of Holy Week.


Italy’s culture minister is demanding the “identification and sanctioning” of a man after he was filmed allegedly carving his name and that of his fiancé on the Coliseum in Rome.

Gennaro Sangiuliano tweeted on Monday: “I consider it very serious, undignified and a sign of great rudeness that a tourist defaces one of the most famous places in the world, a historical heritage (site) like the Colosseum, to engrave the name of his fiancee.”

“I hope that whoever committed this act will be identified and punished according to our laws,” he continued.

The minister’s tweet included a blurred image of the young tourist, as well as video that appeared to show him using keys to carve letters into one of the walls of the nearly 2,000-year-old amphitheatre.

According to the Italian news agency ANSA, the inscription read “Ivan+Haley 23”.

The alleged incident happened on Friday and police were alerted by videos on social media, ANSA reported.

If convicted of a crime, the man faces a fine of at least 15,000 euros or up to five years in prison, the news agency said.

A similar incident occurred in 2020 when an Irish tourist was accused of vandalizing the Colosseum after security forces spotted him allegedly carving his initials on the ancient building and reported him to police.

Tourist filmed carving his girlfriend’s name in the Colosseum in Rome – CNN Read More »