1687796306 Begonias pruning is very important how to do it right

Begonias, pruning is very important: how to do it right Orizzontenergia

Correct begonia pruning is really important. So let’s see what to do to avoid mistakes.

how to care for begonias Begonias under the sun – Pixabay – OrizzontEnergia.it

Beautiful and capable convey the portion of good mood that we need To better face the day, let’s talk about begonias. Its color is so vibrant, especially when enhanced by sunlight, as well as the almost fleshy consistency of all its components, from the leaves to the bud. But everything is achieved with effort. To have enchanting begonias one must be aware of the care they need and the result will be surprising.

Next to the question about pruning – what we will see better in the sequel – in detail it is necessary to remove the withered flowers and stems so that the plant recovers all its energy, useful for the growth of new shoots. In addition to cutting the dry leaves clearly, this way you always have a clean, beautiful and healthy look.

Begonias, discover the perfect pruning

The best cutting secrets Cutting Accessories – Pixabay – OrizzontEnergia.it

Now let’s go into detail, we can say that first of all Each season requires a specific pruning For example, when it comes to begonias, let’s start with, “come on.” warm climate. Therefore, spring is the preferred time to prune this plant. When it gets cold, you need to prune the plants in the fall.

In summer, begonias find support in development and growth, although some manage to bloom year-round. If we live in areas prone to cold winters, you need to know that your job is to bring your plants indoors because temperatures below 10ºC can endanger your begonias.

In order to be able to make a good and safe cut, a previous cut is necessary sterilize garden tools, This way you avoid possible infections. To make this process quick and easy, just grab a clean rag with alcohol on it. The stems of the begonias must then be cut off at an angle of 45 degrees, this will give the plants the strength to grow quickly.

Prune begonias clean scissors – Pixabay – OrizzontEnergia.it

In general, all types of begonias require pruning, although some varieties require this intervention several times a year; This is the case, for example, with Begonia x tuberhybrida “Nonstop Series” or “Pendula Series”. In fact, they need to be trimmed more often. Be careful.

Begonias, pruning is very important: how to do it right Orizzontenergia Read More »

1687774325 Claudio Di Girolamo As for death Im curious to know

Claudio Di Girolamo: “About death I am curious to know what is there”

Claudio Di Girolamo, stage designer, painter, director and cultural advisor, at his home in Santiago (Chile). Sofia Yanjari

At 93, Claudio Di Girolamo, one of the most important managers of the Chilean theater scene of the past seven decades, is “running a marathon”. He’s not wearing shorts or sneakers, but he’s in a hurry. “I still don’t have anyone to give the Poststick to,” he laments on a rainy afternoon in the living room of his home in uptown Santiago. Remember how legendary actors Alejandro Flores and Américo Vargas did the same to their generation, giving them audiences in theaters that didn’t exist before. Today that is no longer possible, because “theater is only political and the political is always a pamphlet.” He accuses the Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990) of having interrupted the creative process, since the return to democracy “progressed very slowly”.

Born in Rome, Di Girolamo prays every morning but doesn’t go to mass. The religious art veteran defines himself as a Catholic, although he doesn’t believe the Virgin Mary is the Mother of God. Recently he read the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic and was fascinated by the version that is much closer to his faith: Father-Mother, Creator of the Cosmos… “It’s something different. “It does not represent a contrast between earth and sky,” emphasizes the ninety-year-old enthusiastically, thereby demonstrating his intact ability to marvel.

It is precisely the cosmos that occupies him these days. What is beyond. The latest discoveries. The cultural scientist is fascinated by science: “Those who say that everything is possible are not the crazy artists, but the scientists.” he revisited the room of his own home. And found that there was almost nothing left; the works of his long career had taken the place. Also, the mice ate them even though you set traps. That’s why a few weeks ago he donated his more than 3,000 plays to the archives of the Catholic University Theater School, an institution with which he maintains an affective bond because it was the first one he worked for when he arrived from Italy at the age of 19 years.

Behind each of these 3,000 works lies an anecdote that Di Girolamo knows how to tell with the precision of a historian. María de la Luz Hurtado, researcher and director of the program in charge of the archives, exceptionally brought some pieces from the Campus Oriente university center to the meeting at the artist’s house, where they are carefully preserved.

Di Girolamo travels back to the Second World War with some delicate sketches he made for La macchina infernale while he was studying at the School of Fine Arts in Rome (1944-1948). The grandson of a man who ran away from home to join the company of Eleonora Duse, the great Italian theater diva of the turn of the century, recalls crying “hysterically” when he first heard a bombardment. Also Christmas with ordinary pots – one evening when the refrigerator was empty, his mother set the table and let him and his brothers draw what they wanted to eat; a game that fortunately made them forget about hunger, the hiding places in the basement, the blankets on the windows … Even as he eventually got used to it, to the point that he and his brother Vittorio sat down on beach chairs to count how many planes they saw flying across the sky.

Sketches of the set for “La Macchina Infernale” drawn by Claudio Di Girolamo at the Art Academy in Rome (1944-1948). Sofia Yanjari

More documents appear. He already drew some of them in Chile, the country to which he came without knowing what a democracy “in search of peace and bread” was. They are from the play Los Condenados for the Catholic University’s Teatro Ensayo, performed at the Municipal de Santiago. He learned a lesson from this experience. The audience was so impressed by the “pretty” of the scenery that they ended up with “trauma”. “The landscape was too full of character. I understood that I had to be in the service of the work. “The protagonists are the actors, the stage design has to help them,” emphasizes the son and father of artists.

In this chapter of his life, he uses the correction of a well-known fact: he did not found the Teatro Ictus – his next professional step – in 1958. It was Mónica Echeverría and Paz Yrarrázaval, he clarifies. There he worked for decades with a group of students who had emigrated from the UC Rehearsal Theater. They presented works classified as avant-garde and filled the rooms Saturday after Saturday. “The dictatorship was good for Ictus because it forced us not to do pamphleteering, they forbade us to do it. People asked us how do you do it? “We have learned to say without saying it and not by saying it,” he emphasizes.

The members of the company turned 30, 40 and 50 years old on stage. According to his account, Di Girolamo suggested opening a second branch of the theater for young people, but received no support and left the theatre. Leaving Sala La Comedia was not easy. Evidence of this is the love letter he wrote to the place on parting, which he read in an issue of the Cádiz Festival:

Over the years, forgive me, I felt like I was making history with you. Some of those who were first in their seats keep coming back. In them I see the passage of time. His first gray hairs remind me how much I owe you and how much you took from me. You gave a place to my illusions and my hopes. You managed to entangle my life with you. That’s why I love you. But I also hate you because by holding me back you tamed me a little, you forced me to stay, to settle down; You tried to convince me that I can’t live without you. Maybe it’s true; But I have to be honest with you, especially today. I’ll have to leave you sooner or later; or you will leave me The “comedy” will continue for me somewhere else; for you, here, with others.

Pieces by Claudio De Girolamo: manual program of the work Martín Rivas, Teatro de Ensayo UC (1954); Manual for the work La Princesa, Ictus (1961), poster for the work Variations for Percussion Dead, Ictus (1964); and the draft of a proposal for the poster of the X° Iberoamerican Theater Festival of Cádiz (1995).sofia yanjari

In search of new blood, Di Girolamo founded the Teatro Dos Workshop. “I do theater and I have to have my finger on the pulse in order to be able to conduct a dialogue,” he says. Is this dialogue taking place today? “To understand an idea of ​​contemporary theater it has to take a certain amount of time, and now nothing is permanent. We live in a market society.” This idea of ​​the ephemeral has occupied him for some time. Not as an adjective, but as a subject. He sees the impermanence he speaks of in every moment he reviews his life or the 50 he claims to have. He would marry them all. He is unwilling to choose whether he prefers the position of set designer, director or cultural adviser – a position he currently holds in Gabriel Boric’s government. He identifies as curious.

“I was born and will die because I am curious. As for death, I’m curious to know what’s there. It defines this process but is not definitive. And don’t tell me I’m talking about eternal life because I’m religious. I know this doesn’t end, but it changes. Why are you so convinced? “Because we’re so young we don’t have eyes to see everything else, we don’t have wings to see beyond,” he says, before returning to a reflection on the universe. A painting hangs behind his back in which he wanted to capture “the most original”. It is a broken marraqueta – “the bread…give us this day our daily bread” – that flies in the depths and darkness of the cosmos. He painted it in 1988: “Before I felt it, but now I understand what it means.”

Claudio Di Girolamo in the living room of his house in Santiago. Sofia Yanjari

Claudio Di Girolamo: “About death I am curious to know what is there” Read More »

Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

They point to a lack of investment in the face of the water crisis in Uruguay

The president of the Union of State Plumbing Workers (OSE) told the press that the executive branch does not want to spend resources, “but the big work is being done by the state.”

He confirmed that the Paso Severino reservoir, the capital’s main source of supply, flows through less than two million cubic meters of water, although its capacity reaches 67 million.

Faced with this situation, OSE mixes the water of the Santa Lucía River with that of the Río de la Plata, brackish, and increasingly from this last source, to maintain supplies.

Assuring that there are state responsibilities in the current crisis, Kreimerman said the current government’s “big mistake” was “playing with the rain,” despite drought warnings from the Uruguayan Institute of Meteorology.

“In October there is a first indication that it was known because agriculture received a tax exemption due to the water deficit. The farm was being served, not the people,” he emphasized.

He stressed that in a country known for its groundwater reserves, 60 percent of the population now has no access to drinking water and “it could get worse”.

Referring to the quality of the water, he criticized the fact that the population had been informed “before a fait accompli” and claimed that every time OSE applied to the Ministry of Health for permission to increase the salinity, it had in fact already increased.


They point to a lack of investment in the face of the water crisis in Uruguay Read More »

1687795970 War in Ukraine Prigozhin denies coup attempt against Putin SRF

War in Ukraine Prigozhin denies coup attempt against Putin SRF News

War in Ukraine – Prigozhin denies coup attempt against Putin – News – SRF


  • Moscow has the anti-terror measures canceled again.
  • Due measures were taken in the capital and other regions of the country after Yevgeny Prigozhin on the weekend rehearsed the revolt I had.
  • The head of the Wagner Group stopped his troops a few hundred kilometers from Moscow. Prigozhin to want travel to Belarus. What happens to Wagner’s troops is unclear.
  • In Ukraine, the war continues unabated. There were reports from several cities russian attacks.
  • Here is a summary of the situation in Ukraine.

The mercenaries of Wagner’s troops advance towards Moscow: the photos

Rosotw am Don: Soldiers from the mercenary group Wagner block streets in the city center.Image 1 / 9

Caption: Rostov-on-Don: Soldiers from the mercenary group Wagner block streets in the city center. Keystone/ARKADY BUDNITSKY

A truck carrying a military vehicle belonging to the private Wagner mercenary group drives along the M-4 highway.  The M-4 connects the capital Moscow with the cities of southern Russia (06/24/23).Image 2 / 9

Caption: A truck carrying a military vehicle of the private mercenary group Wagner is traveling on the M-4 highway near the city of Voronezh. The M-4 connects the capital Moscow with the cities of southern Russia (06/24/23). Portal

Wagner's troops are apparently on their way to Moscow Image 3 / 9

Caption: Wagner’s troops are on their way to Moscow (06/24/23). Portal

A woman with a dog walks past a tank as fighters from the private mercenary group Wagner are parked in a street near the headquarters of the Southern Military District in the city of Rostov-on-Don.Image 4 / 9

Caption: Rostov-on-Don: A woman with a dog walks past a Wagner tank near the headquarters of the Southern Military District. (06/24/23) Portal

Rostov-on-Don: A man talks with fighters from the Wagner private mercenary group parked in a street near the headquarters of the southern military district (06/24/23)Image 5 / 9

Caption: Rostov-on-Don: a man talks with fighters from the private mercenary group Wagner parked in a street near the headquarters of the southern military district (06/24/23) Portal

Rostov-on-Don: A fighter from the Wagner squadron makes the victory sign.Image 6/9

Caption: Rostov-on-Don: A fighter from the Wagner squadron makes the victory sign. Portal

Rostov-on-Don: Fighters from Wagner's troops deployed a tank in the city.Picture 7/9

Caption: Rostov-on-Don: Fighters from Wagner’s troops positioned a tank in the city. Portal

Rostov-on-Don: Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of the private mercenary group Wagner, meets with Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yunus-bek Yevkurov at the headquarters of the Southern Military District of the Russian Armed Forces.  This is a screenshot of a video released today.Picture 8/9

Caption: Rostov-on-Don: Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of the private mercenary group Wagner, meets with Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yunus-bek Yevkurov at the headquarters of the Southern Military District of the Russian Armed Forces. This is a screenshot of a video released today. via Portal

Rostov-on-Don: A child poses for a photo in a tank with the inscription 'Siberia' as soldiers from the Wagner mercenary group block a road in central Rostov-on-Don (24.6.23)-Picture 9/9

Caption: Rostov-on-Don: A child poses for a photo in a tank with the inscription ‘Siberia’ as soldiers from the mercenary group Wagner block a street in the center of Rostov-on-Don (24.6.23). Keystone/ARKADY BUDNITSKY

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Information about the war in Ukraine is numerous and sometimes contradictory. The most credible sources are local journalists and reporters from other credible media outlets. Other important sources are eyewitnesses – that is, local people who can convey impressions.

Information from conflicting parties is particularly questionable. Because all parties to the conflict are doing propaganda – in this war of aggression, mainly Russian official sources. We rank the conflicting parties’ statements accordingly. Basically, the following applies to SRF: the more difficult and unreliable the source situation, the more important transparency is. Controversial facts and information that cannot be independently verified are identified as such.

Sources: agencies and SRF

Daily News, June 26, 2023, 12:45 pm

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War in Ukraine Prigozhin denies coup attempt against Putin SRF News Read More »

iPhone 15 Good news on the horizon if youre planning

iPhone 15: Good news on the horizon if you’re planning to buy it as soon as it launches – Frandroid

Apple would not only be optimistic, but also far-sighted. The brand expects significant sales for the iPhone 15 and has already started mass production of its next smartphones to avoid supply problems and keep those who want to buy the products waiting as soon as possible.

1684152154 707 Due to this component the iPhone 15 and 15 PlusApple iPhone 15 Pro Rendering // Source: 9to5Mac

The various iPhone 15s are obviously among the most anticipated smartphones of 2023. This year, however, Apple wants to take advantage of the odds and avoid the delivery problems it had in 2022, which had lengthened delivery times. Delivery of the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro.

According to the media IT Home – transmitted by PhoneArena – Apple together with its suppliers would have started producing the components of the iPhone 15 earlier than last year. Thus, the first products would be ready during the month of July. The idea for the American brand would be to ensure sufficient stock for sale, which would be larger than the previous two generations.

Apple is optimistic

In fact, according to IT Home, there is still optimism about Apple, which projects 89 million shipments for the iPhone 15 versus an estimate of 78 million for the iPhone 14. However, in order to achieve such a goal, it is obviously necessary to avoid as much as possible logistical problems in the production and supply chain.

For the most impatient of users, that would be good news. Many fans of the brand tend to acquire new products as soon as possible. For the iPhone 15, all of these people should be able to make their purchases without having to fear an extension of the deadline.

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iPhone 15: Good news on the horizon if you’re planning to buy it as soon as it launches – Frandroid Read More »

Lula will attend the opening ceremony of the Sao Paulo

Lula will attend the opening ceremony of the São Paulo Forum

The central theme of the event, which begins on Thursday, is “Regional integration to strengthen the sovereignty of Latin America and the Caribbean”.

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247 The São Paulo Forum, an event that will bring together at least 150 representatives of leftwing political parties from Latin America and the Caribbean, will begin next Thursday (29th) in Brasília. According to Palácio do Planalto interlocutors heard by Metrópoles, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) will attend the opening ceremony of the event. The meeting will take place from June 29th to July 2nd at the Hotel San Marco in the central region of Brasília.

According to the report, among the member countries already confirmed at the forum are: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Cuba, Panama, Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Nicaragua. The event will include workshops and lectures by representatives of the Sandinista National Liberation Front of Nicaragua, led by Daniel Ortega; the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, led by Nicolás Maduro; and the Communist Party of Cuba.

In addition to the Workers’ Party, other leftwing parties in Brazil have also been invited to participate, such as the PDT, PCdoB, PCB and PSB. However, only PT and PCdoB are members of the forum.

According to the preview of the program published by the organizers, the central theme of 2023 will be “Regional Integration to Strengthen the Sovereignty of Latin America and the Caribbean”.

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Lula will attend the opening ceremony of the São Paulo Forum Read More »

Temptation Island do you remember Oronzo and Valentina After years

Temptation Island, do you remember Oronzo and Valentina? After years they are still together and also have a daughter: That’s it Eccellenze Meridionali

Temptation Island, Oronzo and Valentina, do you remember them? He had a “women’s disease” but she decided to forgive him and give him one last chance, which turned out to be very important because it resulted in them becoming parents to a beautiful little girl

Tonight it starts again after two years of Stop Temptation Island. The audience, who were already denied Filippo Bisciglia’s show last year, can’t wait to meet the new couples who will appear in a few hours. In the meantime, though, it’s worth finding out what happened to some of the past protagonists. Among these, you will undoubtedly remember Oronzo and Valentina from the 2018 edition. When the two showed up to land in the Sardinian village where the show is set, they had been dating for 11 years.

Back then Valentina was a beautiful 25 year old beautician while her boyfriend Oronzo was 29 and unfortunately looking for a job. The two young men immediately won over the production, which chose them as a couple for The Island of Temptations. After so many years of relationship, their connection was very strange and difficult. They weren’t ready to live together, but he slept with her every night. Instead, they lived the rest of the time in their parents’ house. Valentina had decided to take part in the program since she did not trust her boyfriend at all after several betrayals suffered by Oronzo. But today? what happened to you

Temptation Island, Oronzo and Valentina, what happened to them? Here they are with their little Giulia

Usually before the broadcast of “Temptation Island” on the same official social profiles, excerpts from the presentation clips of the participating couples are published, which was also the case this year. The video of the two protagonists of our article did not bode well. In fact, Valentina said she was ready to put Oronzo to the test after discovering various betrayals, while he said he went to the program to have fun, so much so that his fiancee, as always, forgives him had.

Valentina and Oronzo could not resist the 21 days of the program duration. She wanted the bonfire of the early confrontation because she was fed up with the behavior of her boyfriend, Oronzo, who, according to the young woman, was too kind to girls who were likely to tempt him. He tried to justify himself with an iconic phrase, also picked up by Highlander Deejay (who was parodying the show at the time): “I have a woman’s disease.” In the end, despite a very heated debate, they left the Mediaset format together.

Oronzo, Valentina and little Giulia. Source: Instagram

Although no one would have bet a euro on their story, today Oronzo and Valentina are together and have a gorgeous 1.5 year old daughter who was born prematurely and with many complications for her and her mother. But now, fortunately, both Giulia and Valentina are doing well and they form a wonderful family with Oronzo.

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Temptation Island, do you remember Oronzo and Valentina? After years they are still together and also have a daughter: That’s it Eccellenze Meridionali Read More »

Sarah Cawood reveals she found a second lump in her

Sarah Cawood reveals she found a second lump in her breast

Sarah Cawood announces she found a second lump in her breast nine months after confirming her cancer diagnosis

Sarah Cawood has confirmed the discovery of a second lump in her breast nine months after being diagnosed with cancer.

The TV presenter announced her original diagnosis last September but has since discovered another lump – prompting her to contact her doctor and request a mammogram.

Cawood, 50, admitted on Instagram on Monday that the location of the fresh lump on a previously unaffected breast is a cause for concern – but could be a direct result of her ongoing hormone therapy.

She said, “I’ll just tell you something – I found another friggin’ lump.” I went to the doctor and she could feel it too.

“Our guess, me and the doctor, is that your breasts are changing. The composition of your breasts changes quite a bit when you are on hormone therapy.”

“But I have a mammogram tomorrow – it’s not a recurrence so it would be another primary cancer but I don’t have time so would you all say a little prayer for me tomorrow at 3am?”

Concern: Sarah Cawood has confirmed the discovery of a second lump in her breast, nine months after being diagnosed with breast cancer Concerns: Taking to Instagram Monday, Cawood admitted the location of the fresh lump, which is on a previously unaffected breast, is a cause for concern

Concern: Sarah Cawood has confirmed the discovery of a second lump in her breast, nine months after being diagnosed with breast cancer

She added, “I have a little doubt, I’m fine overall, but I have just one small concern. Obviously, once you have cancer, you worry all the time that the cancer will come back.”

‘I wasn’t quite as healthy as I could have been, but you know, you have to live, don’t you?’ I can’t contain all the joy, can I?’

Cawood underwent radiation therapy after her initial diagnosis and later jokingly joked that the life-saving equipment used to shrink the lump in her chest looked like it could “fire lasers and missiles.”

“I look damn,” she told her Instagram followers in November. “I had my first radiotherapy today, I’m actually very tired but I don’t know if that’s due to the radiotherapy or not from sleeping or life in general.”

The presenter, who was open about her struggles with menopause, said she hadn’t slept because of severe hot flashes.

‘It is [radiotherapy] OK, you really need to lie still and stick your chest out. The machine looks like something is firing a rocket.

She went on to say that she asked a nurse how much the equipment was worth and was stunned to learn the £3million price tag.

“It looks like it’s firing a laser,” she joked.

Opening: Step by step: Cawood underwent radiation therapy after her initial diagnosis

Opening: “I have a mammogram tomorrow – it’s not a recurrence so it would be another primary cancer but I don’t have time so would you all say a little prayer for me at three?” she asked Instagram followers

Cawood previously revealed her lumpectomy scars to fans following her breast cancer journey.

Sharing a pixelated photo of her chest and small scars on her chest, she said she was pleased with the results just two weeks after the surgery.

“I hope the pixelation means I’m staying within decency on Instagram,” she began her post.

“Two very nice scars.” Post-lumpectomy at two weeks. Share so you can see how my journey is going.’

A lumpectomy is surgery to remove cancer or infected tissue from the breast.

The size of the tissue removed depends on individual factors in each person, including the type of cancer, the size of the breasts and the size of the tumour.

They are most commonly delivered in the form of beams of radiation aimed at a tumor, so powerful that the energy destroys the flesh it is aimed at.

Update: Cawood has previously revealed her lumpectomy scars to fans following her breast cancer journey

Update: Cawood has previously revealed her lumpectomy scars to fans following her breast cancer journey

Sarah Cawood reveals she found a second lump in her breast Read More »