In the summer of 1960 in Milan only 38% passed the Abitur. Brother Emman, pediatrician (and holy man), proclaims: “The apocalypse on July 14.” And the people flee to Mont Blanc Corriere Milano

Too many sighs. Outpourings on jazz background. On July 1, prosecutors confiscated the album The Jungle Chase. Outrage at the “common sense of decency”.
Summer 1960 in Milan it opens like this. May it not be a “too hot” summer. July 2 Corriere headline: “Mountains of suitcases in the main station». The holidays begin: 518 trains per day. Already full. Fashion: The “Jeanne Moreau style” (Truffaut’s muse) is coming. Parisian novelty for the rich Milanese by the sea: the swimsuit kilt. Sunday 3 July, meeting at Idroscalo. Competition “Beautiful Children of Italy”. Then pills of sporting globalization: enthusiasm for the “Harlem Globetrotters”, guests in the Vigorelli; Milan embarks on a tour to Sweden. Milan for children: a thousand on the way to the community summer camps.

Those who stay dive at the Lido

For those who stay al Lidoto visit two trams; plus a pool for toy ship battles. Everything flows, in the Milan summer 63 years ago (Mayor Virgil Ferrari, Social Democrat). All according to habit, until an epochal idiot figure emerges, while Italy is devastated by very violent clashes between workers, students and the police (as part of an anti-fascist mobilization against the Social Movement that will end with about twenty dead). different cities).

Sermons by Brother Emman

He preaches in Milan brother Emman. He was a pediatrician. It has been cleared up. The word dictated to him typed folders in red block letters. He foresees and announces the apocalypse: for July 14, 1960, 1:45 p.m.
Days before he fled with his sect to an altitude of two thousand meters at Mont Blanc.
wait there The catastrophe does not happen. And a few days later, Emman returns to his apartment via Casati, Porta Venezia area. Real estate prices in the neighborhood have not risen yet. But more and more in the rest of the city empty houses. An estimated 28,000. Don’t rent. Motivation: «Rent too high».

rental costs

Given the 2023 controversy over exorbitant student rents, this one from 1960 seems like the prelude to a cyclical return. However, 100 square meters in Via Montenapoleone cost a million lire a year at the time. In viale Papiniano, halfway

holiday escape

As the holidays approach, the homes of workers and employees begin to empty. On the weekend of July 16-17, 1960, 200,000 people left Milan. Especially by train. A new escape route will soon open up. After a few weeks the Milano-Serravalle line is over: the last 10 kilometers from Binasco to Famagosta are almost done.

Maturity: 16% rejected

Maturity now. In Milan, 38 percent are promoted. 16 percent declined. All the others, delay (repair was planned). July 1960 is the month of successive economic and social changes: the commune municipal gas; the pasta increases by 10 lire; Two hundred thousand Milanese women benefit from equal pay with men. The wage increases from 6.5 to 16 lire per hour. The municipality is also extending the opening hours of the bathing resorts “In favor of the workers”: 200,000 visitors in public pools in two months, 140,000 in Idroscalo.

The night trains

For those who can afford it, the latest innovations are the “Auto Couchettes Express». Trains with sleeping cars to Northern Europe. And the car is also loaded on the train. When it is inaugurated in 2022 the Milan-Linate undergroundIn 1960, an agreement between Sea and Alitalia resolved the paralysis of the “Forlanini». domestic flights begin.
But vacations were not yet spent by plane.

Half a kilometer long trains

August is approaching: more than depopulation, desertification. From the weekend of July 30th to 31st: 35 special trains arrive and 50 depart from Central Station. Convoys with up to 22-23 wagons. Headlines: “Half a kilometer long trains». The lines from France and Germany southward reach “paroxysmal peaks of crush”. The Questura issues 5,000 passports daily. Crowds at the counters. On Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th August, the cash registers in Centrale set the all-time collection record: 127 million. Other exceptional trains were set up “with great applause”. 22 children lost in crowd within 48 hours (found by police). The lost property office stacks the suitcases outside. Saturday evening, danger to public order: 10,000 people on platforms 5 and 6, from where trains to Puglia depart. Four planned convoys. Push. fainting. Contested standing places. Seven emergency trains put together in a few hours. Everything for Bari. The situation is similar towards Veneto. The transit of emigrants returning from Switzerland, France and Belgium heats up the rush. In the end, 400,000 Milanese left the country. Another 300,000 will depart by train the following weekend, August 13th and 14th.

The Counter-Exodus

An emergency plan is being deployed on the streets together with the Red Cross. The traffic police use 300 patrols. In the three days leading up to August 15, police estimate the number of departing and arriving cars at 350,000. Milan had almost a million and 600,000 inhabitants in 1960.
If you add up the runs, you imagine a ghost town. In the first 15 days of August The collection of the railways reaches a billion. But it’s a time of transition: Milan’s bank holidays are shifting from block trains to car trains. At that time, the 500,000th car was registered. Another Corriere headline: “The number of cars has suddenly doubled on holiday.”
The counter-exodus is even more intense. Biblical: 700,000 passengers return to Centrale on August 20th and 21st.

The Olympic games

The Olympic Games begin in Rome: during the week, the Milanese are nailed together in front of the television. Especially in bars. Queues in front of TV shops. A little girl in Segrate is baptized Olimpia. On August 27th, two desert foxes and five pythons arrived at the zoo in the park in Via Palestro. The only places that have never closed are those of striptease. Stars of the season: Dodo d’Hambourg at the Teatro Nuovo, Coco Chippendale at the Masks.

June 26, 2023

In the summer of 1960 in Milan only 38% passed the Abitur. Brother Emman, pediatrician (and holy man), proclaims: “The apocalypse on July 14.” And the people flee to Mont Blanc Corriere Milano Read More »

David Beckham demonstrates his talent in the kitchen to the

David Beckham demonstrates his talent in the kitchen to the rhythm of Juan Gabriel

Ever since he was a player David Beckham He became something of a citizen of the world: a cosmopolitan man who also did magic with the ball at his feet, but was also a model, actor and successful businessman. Lives in USAHe keeps his heavy English accent and cooks Mexican food.

That’s how we saw it in a video shared by his wife. Victoria Beckhamwho, accompanied by his daughter, shared an odd moment with “Becks” in the kitchen, harper, Cooking the traditional Mexican “burritos” with hot sauces made from different ingredients and also the typical guacamole.

But also the Inter Miami shareholder’s secret recipe is to cook to the rhythm of the songs john gabriel, one of the most famous composers of this country.

While David and Harpers They exchange ingredients and preparations, you hear the tones “I have no money”. There’s even a moment where Harper tries to follow the notes with a few salsa steps, showing they don’t know much about the band’s music. “Divo from Juarez” and one of his most representative compositions.

The Latin influence in the Beckham house

Due to the Beckhams’ hidden fondness for Mexican music, the video has already racked up 3.5 million views. In addition, in the comments, the family is recognized as one of the most important links in the family for the relaxed life together and the shared kitchen, because not everything is football or jet set.

Currently, the Beckhams are rotating their stint between cities los angeles and miami, Therefore, the Latin American influence in the family is very strong and this video is a clear example of the influence of Mexican culture in this home.

David Beckham demonstrates his talent in the kitchen to the rhythm of Juan Gabriel Read More »

Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

Green offices are becoming increasingly popular in Russia

According to the information, in every major city of Russia there are already eco-offices in a practical format, be it benches and pavilions in parks equipped with tables, sockets, internet or large eco-coworking areas.

“Plants are life, oxygen, energy and comfort, and everyone wants a comfortable space with the ability to go outside, walk in the park and breathe. It’s always fresh and better than renting a room,” said the manager of green coworking companies Elena Molodtsova.

According to the board, the company started the green office project during the Covid-19 pandemic as restrictions on dealing with the disease made people feel confined in their own homes.

To get rid of these feelings, many went to parks and squares and quickly discovered the advantages of this format, Molodsova commented.

Green offices are interesting for everyone: both for young professionals and for experienced professionals, and with all the variety of jobs, the office in the park is not only one of the best, but also the most efficient, he emphasized.

“I actually think it improves productivity because it’s about getting a specific result, not how hard you work. And it seems to me that in the office or at home we tend to dig too deep and maybe not notice faster and shorter ways to solve problems,” he said.


Green offices are becoming increasingly popular in Russia Read More »

Karner Prigoschin would receive an individual assessment

Karner: Prigoschin would receive an individual assessment

After the uprising of the Wagner group became known, the state security of Austria reacted, says the Minister of the Interior. Why: It’s about “buildings or people who might be in danger here.”

Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) has not ruled out granting asylum to mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozchin. “With regard to the asylum, I would like to refer to what I have already said several times in this context: individual examinations are planned and this is also planned in the future,” Karner replied Monday in Vienna to a corresponding question.

Prigozhin rebelled against Russian military leadership over the weekend and sent his army into Moscow. According to reports, Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenko brokered a deal between Prigozhin and Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin on Saturday night, which provides for impunity and exile for the head of the mercenary group Wagner in the neighboring western country. But there is no trace of Prigozhin since Saturday night.

Guaranteed “very consistent” security

Karner emphasized that events like the weekend in Russia “always have an impact on internal security.” “Immediately after the Wagner group became aware of these events, state security reacted and gave orders here to also increase police operations in some areas,” said the interior minister. For reasons of police tactics, “I didn’t want to say where”, but it was about “buildings or people who could be in danger here”. The task of ensuring the safety of Austrians “and the people who live here” is “very consistent”.

Karner was speaking on the sidelines of a meeting with his Slovak counterpart, Ivan Šimko, in Vienna. The former Slovak defense minister said the military and security significance of “this incident which started and ended on Saturday” should not be overestimated. “It has political significance and it shows the low stability of the political order in Russia.”

In this regard, Šimko drew a comparison with the Soviet military’s August coup against then-ruling Mikhail Gorbachev in 1991. At the time, Šimko recalled that he himself was chairman of the defense committee in the then Czechoslovak parliament. The coup took place just a month after the last occupying Soviet troops left Czechoslovakia. “It was a security risk. Who knows what would have happened if we hadn’t managed to do this by leaving the Russian army beforehand.” (APA)

Karner: Prigoschin would receive an individual assessment Read More »

Pariahs from the Wagner group threaten Africa

Pariahs from the Wagner group threaten Africa

world africa

Outcasts from the Wagner group threaten Africa

Yevgeny Prigozhin’s exile in Belarus will have implications for the Wagner Group’s presence on the African continent.

The headon clash between Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin and Russian President Vladimir Putin will have repercussions in Africa. The Wagner Group (whose mercenaries are now said to be integrated into the Russian army) was a diplomatic extension of the Kremlin in countries like Sudan, Mali and the Central African Republic, and had a presence in northern Mozambique to encourage conservation investments to protect gas. by Total Energies.

In May of this year, Julian Rademeyer, an analyst at the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, in comments to Deutsche Welle, classified the Wagner Group as a Kremlin military tool in Russia’s growing economic and military influence in Africa.

According to analysts, in addition to military influence, Russia also used the Wagner Group to gain access to raw materials such as gold and uranium.

US intelligence went even further in emphasizing the strategic importance of this mercenary group to Russia, arguing that one of their goals was to create a “confederation” of antiWestern states in Africa.

With Yevgeny Prigozhin exiled to Belarus, the Wagner Group mercenaries deployed in Africa lose their credentials and threaten to become something of an outcast, capable of acting independently, making them unpredictable to those who hired them and makes unreliable. .

Here is the recommendation

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Marco Mazzoli vs Island of the Famous quotI havent received

Marco Mazzoli vs. Island of the Famous: "I haven’t received a dime yet"

A week has passed since L’Isola dei Famosi ended, but the contestants of this edition (anything but exciting) keep bickering. This time it’s the winner who attacks the transmission, Marco Mazzoliwho revealed various background stories to his followers in a long live broadcast on Instagram without sparing anything criticism to the program in which he participated for two months.

Marco Mazzoli, the criticism of the island of the famous

Marco Mazzoli in particular expressed his disappointment cash prize that the winner of the Isle of Famous gets – or rather should get. According to the spokesman for Radio 105, he actually has less than half of the much-discussed €100,000 up for grabs. And what primarily triggers his dissatisfaction is the fact have not yet received payment through the production of Mediaset. “I have not taken any lira from this program yet, they pay in 90 days. I won 100,000 euros but half of it is to be donated to charity. At the end of the 100,000 euros I will have about 20,000 euros.” Of course I will not spit on it. I have decided to donate the charitable portion of a series of kennels and a pizzeria run by autistic children,” Mazzoli said. He then revealed that he had received one in addition to the final prize seal of approval: “Also, I have my seal of approval, but I have to deduct the taxes and give 25% to my manager. I’ve got fifty dollars left,” the speaker said, revealing that he brought home over $50,000 from the experience. A sum, this, that seems, however Not Please The winner of the island: “In the end there is nothing left between taxes and other things. I know they paid 450,000 euros in Spain and one million euros in America.”

In general, therefore, Marco Mazzoli does not appear in his direct Instagram not happy at all with his experience to the Isola dei Famosi (although he came out with a significantly fuller wallet). The radio announcer also told some background of the program: in addition to talking 16 kilos Who lost in these months and gods? additions supplied to shipwrecked people to keep their diet balanced. also revealed that he had several discussions with the authors of the program and in particular with the so-called “Spirit of the Island”. “He came to the island before the episode to talk to us. When I told him I wanted to go, he said, “No, you signed a contract, you’re screwed, you have to stay here, you and Paolo rock.” So I blew it up, but luckily they didn’t air it,” he said. Finally he answered one Inquiry that many fans asked themselves: “Remake the island? I hated reality shows and now that I’ve done one, I hate them even more. The island of the famous was an extraordinary experience that I would certainly never do again.”

Marco Mazzoli vs. Island of the Famous: "I haven’t received a dime yet" Read More »

Princess Charlene of Monaco is back The Royal brings its

Phoebe Waller-Bridge is chic to screen Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny in Italy

Princess Charlene of Monaco is back The Royal brings its
1647099054 8 Bella Hadid is the epitome of chic in a corset

Phoebe Waller-Bridge is chic in a skintight cutout white dress for the screening of Indiana Jones and The Dial Of Destiny in Italy

Phoebe Waller-Bridge looked incredible in another winning performance as Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny’s press tour headed to Italy on Sunday.

The actress and author wowed on the red carpet at the Taormina Film Festival in a skintight white dress.

The halter dress accentuated Phoebe’s tanned and toned figure, with the racy cut-outs in the front allowing more skin to show.

Complementing her look with chic silver and amber jewelry, she caused quite a stir alongside the film’s lead, Harrison Ford, and her partner Martin McDonagh.

Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny is the fifth and final film in the popular series from legendary director George Lucas.

Stunning: Phoebe Waller-Bridge looked incredible in another winning performance as Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny's press tour headed to Italy on Sunday

Stunning: Phoebe Waller-Bridge looked incredible in another winning performance as Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny’s press tour headed to Italy on Sunday

Ready for her close-up: The actress and author wowed on the red carpet at the Taormina Film Festival in a skintight white dress

Ready for her close-up: The actress and author wowed on the red carpet at the Taormina Film Festival in a skintight white dress

Most recently, Ford played Indiana Jones aka Henry Jones Jr. in 2008’s Kingdom of the Crystal Skull with Shia LaBeouf and Cate Blanchett.

The latest hit movie is set in 1969, after Ford’s Indiana Jones, against the backdrop of America’s “Space Race”.

Franchise newcomer Phoebe stars in the sequel as the goddaughter of world-traveling archaeologist Helena Shaw, alongside Mads Mikkelsen as villain Juergen Voller, an ex-Nazi who now works for NASA, and Toby Jones as Basil Shaw, an ally of Jones.

Other new additions include Antonio Banderas as Renaldo, a friend of Indy’s, Thomas Kretschmann as Colonel Weber, Toby Jones as Basil Shaw and Boyd Holbrook as Klaber.

The film recently premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and has a budget of $300 million.

Last week, Phoebe opened up about Indiana Jones’ future while attending the premiere of the fifth installment in Los Angeles.

The actress insisted the franchise should be revived with none other than Harrison Ford, as he helped create “a perfect moment in film history.”

When asked if the films could be revived without Harrison, she said, “I don’t think it should be.” I think he’s Indiana Jones and I think Indiana Jones is him.

Strike a pose: The halter dress flattered Phoebe's tanned and toned figure, with the racy cutouts in the front allowing more skin to show

Strike a pose: The halter dress flattered Phoebe’s tanned and toned figure, with the racy cutouts in the front allowing more skin to show

Plus point: She added chic silver and amber jewelry to her look as she made a splash alongside partner Martin McDonagh

Plus point: She added chic silver and amber jewelry to her look as she made a splash alongside partner Martin McDonagh

Jamie Oliver reveals the reason he renewed his vows with

A-list talent: Indiana Jones herself Harrison Ford was also in attendance alongside Mads Mikkelsen, another newcomer to the franchise who plays villain Jurgen Voller

A-list talent: Indiana Jones herself Harrison Ford was also in attendance alongside Mads Mikkelsen, another newcomer to the franchise who plays villain Jurgen Voller

Talented cast: Mads looked handsome in an olive drab shirt and pants as the cast took the stage at the film festival

Talented cast: Mads looked handsome in an olive drab shirt and pants as the cast took the stage at the film festival

Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny is the fifth and final film in the popular series from legendary director George Lucas

Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny is the fifth and final film in the popular series from legendary director George Lucas

Newcomer: Franchise newcomer Phoebe stars in the sequel as the goddaughter of world-traveling archaeologist Helena Shaw

Newcomer: Franchise newcomer Phoebe stars in the sequel as the goddaughter of world-travelling archaeologist Helena Shaw

Excited: Last week, Phoebe opened up about Indiana Jones' future while attending the premiere of the fifth installment in Los Angeles

Excited: Last week, Phoebe opened up about Indiana Jones’ future while attending the premiere of the fifth installment in Los Angeles

“Whatever magical chemistry happened between this script and Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford, it’s a perfect moment in film history.”

James Mangold directed the latest episode, while Steven [Spielberg] was at the top of the first four films.

Phoebe added that, in her opinion, James did “the finest job” in bringing the series to a close.

“It was wonderful to be by Harrison’s side, poking and poking him and being annoying as Helena throughout the film.” “It was amazing,” she said.

Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny hits UK cinemas on June 28th.

Newcomer: Phoebe as Indiana's goddaughter Helena Shaw in the film

Newcomer: Phoebe as Indiana’s goddaughter Helena Shaw in the film

Franchise: The latest hit movie is set in 1969 and follows Ford's Indiana Jones against the backdrop of America's

Franchise: The latest hit movie is set in 1969 and follows Ford’s Indiana Jones against the backdrop of America’s “Space Race”.

Phoebe Waller-Bridge is chic to screen Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny in Italy Read More »

Theo drags Rafa to a bar drinks alcohol until hes

Theo drags Rafa to a bar, drinks alcohol until he’s unrecognizable and Kate gets ripped apart…

(Photo: Reproduction)

In Go to faith Theo (Emilio Dantas) won’t stop doing his nasty things, and apparently there’ll be enough even for that Rafa (Caio Manhente), which even affects the possibility of a reconciliation between the son and Kate. In scenes that will air soon, the villain will take the boy to a bar and get him drunk.

++ In the final stage, Dora makes one last request before she dies, but does not manage to say goodbye in time

Those who follow the chapters of Vai na Fé have seen that Theo discovered thisand Kate (Clara Moneke), his exlover is dating his son. Of course, this caused the villain to be completely outraged. To sabotage the young man’s feelings for Bruna’s daughter, the character of Emílio Dantas will take the young man to a bar and get him drunk.

++ Keep believing: Rafa loses his virginity to Kate, noticing her strange reaction after the first time and discovering what he never could have imagined: ‘I suck’

Taking advantage of Rafa’s situation, Theo starts filling the boy’s head with things antiKate. The boy will be gradually manipulated by the AI ​​and soon he will call Kate. The businessman, in turn, manages to elicit a bizarre reaction from the photographer that can leave the struggling sandwich seller feeling humiliated.

See also: Summary of the next chapters of Vai na Fé

Written by Rosane Svartman, the soap opera stars Sheron Menezzes, Samuel de Assis, Carolina Dieckmann, Emílio Dantas, Che Moais, José Loreto, Renata Sorrah and Regiane Alves. Cristiano Marques is the general director and Paulo Silvestrini is the artistic director.

Theo drags Rafa to a bar, drinks alcohol until he’s unrecognizable and Kate gets ripped apart… Read More »