1687756720 Mexico opens its doors to Putin Nicola Porro

Mexico opens its doors to Putin Nicola Porro


Mexico opens its doors to Putin’s diplomats

The AMLO government is violating what the Europeans are doing, which is expelling Russian diplomats on suspicion of espionage expulsion. More than 400 Kremlin employees in European embassies have already been sent back to their country, more than half. Germany kicked out 60 players, Poland 45, the Netherlands 17, Sweden 5, Austria 4, Finland 9, etc. AMLO instead accredited the entry of 36 new diplomats into the country, adding to the 49 already in place before the invasion of the Ukraine existed, so there are a total of 85 diplomats on Mexican soil. A large number of “political affairs advisers”, “honorary consuls”, “military attachés” and “commercial offices” with a 60% increase in recent months. Today, the Russian embassy in the Mexican capital is the embassy with the most staffers of all time, far surpassing the embassy of the United States, its most important trading partner and neighbor to the United States.

Guatemala will elect a new president today

Around 9.4 million Guatemalans are electing Alejandro Giammattei’s successor, which according to polls is rejected by 75% of citizens in a country with high rates of violence, corruption and poverty. Former Social Democrat first lady Sandra Torres leads the vote intention (21.3%), followed by former centrist diplomat Edmond Mulet (13.4%). In third place (9.1%) is the right-wing party Zury Ríos, daughter of the late former military dictator Efraín Ríos Montt (1982-1983). There will be a runoff on August 20th as no candidate gets more than 50% plus one vote to win the first ballot. 160 MPs, 340 mayors and 20 representatives of the Central American Parliament will also be elected today. In Guatemala, 10.3 million of the 17.6 million inhabitants live in poverty and every second child under five suffers from chronic malnutrition, the homicide rate is 17.3 per 100,000 inhabitants (in Italy 1). Remittances from migrants to the US, €18 billion in 2022, account for 19% of GDP.

Paolo Manzo, June 25, 2023

All about Latin America and its impact on the economy and politics of the old continent. Subscribe to Paolo Manzo’s newsletter for free http://paolomanzo.substack.com. After one week, you are entitled to exclusive webinars and investigation dossiers as well as the newsletter with a subscription of 30 euros per year.

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Danna Paola teaches us how to wear a bikini in

Danna Paola teaches us how to wear a bikini in summer at 28

Posted in ENTERTAINMENT on 2023-06-25 15:17

We’re just one step away from the holidays Summer start and who doesn’t want to spend a few days at the beach to rest and sunbathe with friends or family? In the last few days we have told you how to survive the heat wave at home without air conditioning and how to achieve a higher temperature bikini To see you better

Now the singer Danna Paola teaches us how to wear one bikini and an impressive figure as they flaunt. This weekend, the Mexican celebrated her birthday with her boyfriend, to whom she was reportedly engaged, but Alex Hoyer clarified the situation in an interview.

(@Danna Paola)

so he celebrated Danna Paola be 28th birthday at the beach

The “Elite” actress took to the beaches of Acapulco to celebrate 28th anniversary, where she was cheered to the tune of “Las Mañanitas” and later blew on her cake in the company of her boyfriend Alex Hoyer and her “Los Rules” friends Diego Cárdenas and Jorge Anzaldo; her sisters-in-law Danelly and Marielly; and the singer Saak, he was the one who introduced the couple three years ago.


Danna Paola Rivera Munguía was spotted with a variety of looks over the weekend, including multiple sets bikini that showed her well-trained figure.

During the celebratory dinner, she wore a sheer white dress that revealed a view bikini black below. And the next day for a yacht ride he chose one bikini The metallic orange color is very trendy for this Summer wears a hat and sunglasses.

(@Danna Paola)

The performer of songs like “Hey, Pablo” left a gallery on Instagram to mark her birthday and captioned the moment captured on the social network with the following words:

“28 with an enlightened heart, on my favorite beach, surrounded by love, my soul radiant and my sorrows healed,” she wrote.

Likewise, her boyfriend of almost two years and her best friends dedicated posts to her on the same platform. Alex Hoyer wrote: “Today is my soul mate’s birthday. Happy birthday, I love you infinitely Dana Paula”.


Danna Paola teaches us how to wear a bikini in summer at 28 Read More »

Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

Israel Continues Attacks on Palestinian Civilians

At midnight sharp, the military stormed the village of Rummana west of Jenin, one of the towns hardest hit by military operations since the beginning of last year.

Dozens of people were suffocated by tear gas and stun grenades thrown by uniformed officers.

The soldiers also entered the neighboring towns of Jalboun and Faqqu’a, official Wafa news agency said.

Meanwhile, dozens of Israeli settlers damaged scores of Palestinian cars at the entrance to Yasouf.

In addition, acts of vandalism by these radical groups have been reported in other areas of the West Bank.

The Palestinian government blamed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for increasing attacks by these people in the occupied territories and for inciting various members of his cabinet to commit crimes.

These violations confirm “the policies pursued by Netanyahu’s far-right executive branch and are also a direct reflection of campaigns to incite the assassination of Palestinians, particularly by racist extremists,” the State Department denounced in a statement.

The Israeli ruling coalition is systematically undermining all regional and international efforts to resume dialogue to resolve the conflict, he said.

The Foreign Ministry also criticized the statements made by far-right ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir.

In another statement on Saturday, the ministry called the statements made by Ben Gvir, the chief of national security, as outlandish and genocidal.

The State Department said that “these comments reflect Israel’s deep contempt for Palestinian life and the pervasive culture of impunity for Palestinian life and rights.”

Ben Gvir has been charged more than 50 times and convicted eight times of rioting, vandalism and incitement to racism. He is known for for years keeping in his living room a photo of Baruch Goldstein murdering 29 Palestinians in the Cave of the Patriarchs in 1994. .


Israel Continues Attacks on Palestinian Civilians Read More »

Hundreds of Thousands in US LGBT Pride Parades

06/26/2023 03:34 (act. 06/26/2023 06:28)

Crowds thronged the streets. – Here in San Francisco. ©AP

Hundreds of thousands of people took part in pride marches in New York and San Francisco on Sunday.

The crowd roamed the streets of metropolises on the American west and east coasts, waved rainbow flags and, in colorful costumes, drew attention to the rights of homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals and other minorities.

San Francisco celebrated

The parade in San Francisco was traditionally led by “bicycle hoes” (lesbians on motorcycles). Former Speaker of the US House Nancy Pelosi and California Representative Adam Schiff also joined the procession through the city.

The parade in San Francisco was traditionally led by “bicycle hoes” (lesbians on motorcycles). Former Speaker of the US House Nancy Pelosi and California Representative Adam Schiff also joined the procession through the city.

parade in new york

The Pride Parade dates back to the Stonewall riots of 1969. At the time, revelers resisted a police raid on the popular gay bar Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. On the first anniversary of the clashes, around 4,000 people marched through New York demanding equal rights – today Christopher Street Day (CSD) commemorates this around the world.

The Pride Parade dates back to the Stonewall riots of 1969. At the time, revelers resisted a police raid on the popular gay bar Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. On the first anniversary of the clashes, around 4,000 people marched through New York demanding equal rights – today Christopher Street Day (CSD) commemorates this around the world.

This year’s Pride celebrations also highlighted the LGBTQ community’s concerns about diminished rights and rising violence and hate crimes against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer people.

LGBTQ Discrimination in the US

LGBT is the English abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans. The LGBTQ variant is also often used. Other variants are LGBTQI, LGBTQI* or LGBTQIA+. Each letter represents someone’s gender identity or sexual orientation.

Legislative initiatives aimed at preventing transgender people from playing on sports teams that match their gender identity are seen as examples of this type of discrimination in conservatively governed US states. Some states want to criminalize sex reassignment treatments for teenagers. A much criticized school law in the US state of Florida bans the topics of “sexual orientation or gender identity” from kindergarten through third grade and also restricts it for older students.

Hundreds of Thousands in US LGBT Pride Parades Read More »

The millions of shipwrecks still lurking in the oceans

The millions of shipwrecks still lurking in the oceans


Shipwreck of the Thistlegorm in the Red Sea, Egypt

Item Information

  • Author: Zaria Gorvett
  • Rolle, BBC Future
  • June 25, 2023

One day, in the middle of spring, Elias Stadiatis, as usual, dived into the blue sea to look for sponges. Wearing a copper wet suit and surrounded by a tangle of breathing tubes, he descended to the bottom of the ocean.

As Stadiatis tried to see in the darkness, he faced a terrifying scene: blurred silhouettes of human body parts were everywhere.

The year is 1900. Stadiatis had accidentally discovered the wreck of the Antikythera the remains of a Roman cargo ship that had sunk more than two thousand years earlier.

It quickly became clear that these were not corpses, as it seemed at first glance, but works of art bronze statues and marble sculptures that spent thousands of years on the seabed among algae, sponges and fish.

More than 100 years later, the relics of Antikythera, found off the coast of one of the Greek islands in the Aegean, still attract public attention. But there are many other sunken relics that have yet to be discovered.

An example is the recent Unesco expedition to the Skerki Bank, a shallow and very treacherous reef connecting the eastern and western Mediterranean Sea. The area has been navigable for thousands of years and hundreds of ships have sunk there during that time.

Using multibeam sonars and underwater robots, a team of scientists from eight countries mapped the seabed in this region and announced the discovery of three new shipwrecks: 1stcentury BC shipwrecks; 2nd century B.C. and the 19th century or 20 AD

hidden record

But there is evidence that navigation would have started much earlier, when people suddenly appeared on the other side of vast oceans, seas, rivers and lakes.

It is believed that about 50,000 years ago a group of huntergatherers from Southeast Asia crossed a strip of islands several hundred kilometers long just before the first indigenous peoples appeared at Lake Mungo in New South Wales, Australia.

And where sea voyages take place, shipwrecks are inevitable.

After millennia of trade, warfare, and exploration, the planet’s seabeds are littered with debris pirate ships laden with silver, freighters along the maritime stretch of the Silk Road, royal luxury ships that vanished with monarchs and future kings, ancient fishing boats, modernday destroyers, and U Boats, 19thcentury whalers and huge passenger ships like the Titanic.

Like longforgotten time capsules, these ships have fascinated archaeologists and brought ancient marvels to museums around the world, including the mysterious astronomical clock on Antikythera, which some experts believe was the first humanbuilt computer.

But how many shipwrecks are there in the world? How many of these are still hidden in the depths of the ocean?


The wreck of the Roman ship Antikythera preserved, among other things, a cargo of valuable marble sculptures and ancient bronze statues.

There are several databases of information on shipwrecks around the world. They each give a slightly different estimate of the total amount ever found.

The wreck website has cataloged 209,640 known shipwrecks. Of these, the location of 179,110 is known.

According to one estimate, around 15,000 ships sank in World War II alone (19391945).

In fact, the documented shipwrecks are thought to represent only a small fraction of the total.

These hidden relics are unlikely to be evenly distributed. It’s easy to imagine that there are shipwreck hotspots sea cemeteries along popular or dangerous routes that have historically proved fertile ground for searching.

In addition to the Greek archipelago of Fourni in the Mediterranean, these points also include the Skerki Bank, where 58 ships have already been found.

The Fourni Archipelago is not considered particularly dangerous, but has often been used as an anchor point. Therefore, it is believed that the enormous volume of traffic was responsible for the high concentration of shipwrecks in this location.

treasure collection

This collection of hidden debris, waiting to be discovered, contains fascinating details about people’s lives in the past and possible risks for the future. And it can also contain surprising riches that can be problematic.

On June 8, 1708, at about seven o’clock at night, a tremendous explosion resounded over the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Colombia. It was the last sound of battle from the galleon San José, which had left Spain two years earlier.

The ship was part of the Spanish Treasure Fleet a convoy of ships loaded with sugar, spices, precious metals and other goods transported between Spain and its American colonies. The San José was the flagship of the fleet and her cargo was the most valuable: chests full of silver, emeralds and a huge amount of gold doubloons.

During a skirmish with a British ship, he was badly shipwrecked. After hours of fighting, her gunpowder stores were hit and she sank almost instantly, disappearing into the sea with about 600 crew members.


Since discovering the Spanish galleon San José, researchers have discovered two other ships that sank in waters off the coast of Colombia more than two years ago.

was golden

This type of argument could soon become much more common.

Historically, many wrecks have been found in relatively shallow water, sometimes accidentally, by fishermen, scientists or treasure hunters exploring the seabed near shore.

But access to sophisticated submersibles, modern cameras, and new sonar technology has made finding sunken ships at greater depths much easier. It is now possible to create images of the seabed even in the deepest waters.

Just as the use of sonar and GPS revolutionized fishing and made it possible to identify entire schools of tuna in the open sea, now anyone can use the same technologies to find shipwrecks in places no one previously suspected existed.

But even today, many undiscovered wrecks lurk in the dark depths, including some of the most famous.

One of them is the Waratah, a huge cargo and passenger ship that is often compared to the Titanic.

It left Durban on July 26, 1909 with 211 passengers on board bound for Cape Town, South Africa and just disappeared.

To this day nobody knows what happened to the ship or where the colossus of the sea sank. At least nine expeditions have tried to locate the debris, all without success.

Who knows what’s next? One thing is for sure: it won’t be long before we find out.

The millions of shipwrecks still lurking in the oceans Read More »

Armando Incarnato stabs a police officer It bothers you because

Armando Incarnato stabs a police officer: “It bothers you because your wife…” | Volano str…

Armando Incarnato Solospettacolo

Armando Incarnato also has a police officer to speak to this time. And he makes insinuations about his wife. how will it end

Armando incarnate is one of the historical faces of men and womenAfternoon dating show broadcast every day on Canale 5 and hosted by Maria DeFilippi.

For several years, the knight has been on the men’s parterre looking for a woman who has the desired physical and character traits, but who seems to work does not exist at all.

In fact, all appointments in the Campania region seem to end in the same way. After a sizzling opening and flattering words to what is even manners defined as a knight, we are promptly witness to accusations and accusations that lead to heated controversy.

So recently Armando He has to tell almost everyone who walks by the television studio, so much so that he’s often accused of feeling like one of the experts. His answer is always the same: as long as the landlady gives him the floor, ha the right to speak like all.

The ways

Armando incarnate He certainly has the right to speak, like everyone else, except that his discussions always turn into heated arguments. The smoking character It doesn’t harmonize well with the environment in which it moves and where you are under the eyes of the cameras. In fact, man has often indulged in unpleasant things first, except then to apologize and with a rueful face regret what has happened.

How many times has he even clashed with opinion leaders John and Tina, who accuses him of always having to complain about everyone and instead doesn’t take criticism. But apparently that habit is part of him considering what happened recently.

Armando Incarnato in video eruption solo spettacolo

Armando Incarnato teases a police officer

Very active on social media where he likes to show off his life of luxury, Armando incarnate appeared in a recent video message to a police officer who “laughed” at him after telling him he was fined. His precise words were, “It’s not the uniform that bothers me, it’s the abuse of power.” I heard you “laugh” and with your face cut off you said that’s what men and women do. YES, it’s me little man that you are, but your wife is the one who follows me from home every day, and maybe that thing is disrupting your day!”

One wonders why didn’t he answer? at the moment. And if the closing phrase is “If you see the post, say hello to the lady!” there will be consequences.

Armando Incarnato stabs a police officer: “It bothers you because your wife…” | Volano str… Read More »

Paris Jackson walks his beloved dog Koa on the 14th

Paris Jackson walks his beloved dog Koa on the 14th anniversary of father Michael Jackson’s death

Paris Jackson is enjoying a break from traffic after touring parts of the US with her band since May.

And on Sunday, the singer-songwriter took a stroll through the streets of West Hollywood with her beloved Doberman Pincher, named Koa.

The date, June 25, actually holds a lot of meaning for the Just You starlet, as it marks the 14th year since her superstar father, Michael Jackson, died of cardiac arrest induced by a propofol and benzodiazepine overdose .

The Beverly Hills native, who is always thinking about her fashion choices, performed in navy skinny jeans with holes in both knees and a brown and tan patterned jacket over a black tee.

She also wore a pair of black high-top sneakers and had her long dark brown locks combed back from her face with a small parting on the right side, adding an extra touch of volume.

Thinking of late dad: Paris Jackson, 25, took advantage of a break from her tour to take a stroll with her Doberman pincher named Koa, 14 years since her superstar dad Michael Jackson, on Sunday June 25 deceased

Thinking of late dad: Paris Jackson, 25, took advantage of a break from her tour to take a stroll with her Doberman pincher named Koa, 14 years since her superstar dad Michael Jackson, on Sunday June 25 deceased

Jackson, 25, walked the sidewalk and through several streets while holding on to her dog’s leash.

In the scorching sunshine and a temperature of over 21 degrees Celsius, the stylish star also wore cool, large-rimmed sunglasses.

Koa appeared to be wearing a dark harness across the front of his body and a blue headscarf around his neck.

Jackson showed signs of being a solid pack leader and consistently walked with her four-legged family members at her side, which amounts to a proper dog walk.

The Baidaid musician toured for about a month before arriving back home in Los Angeles.

Her performances have included performances at such major venues as the 2023 Bonnaroo Music And Arts Festival and the 2023 BottleRock Napa Valley Music Festival.

According to their website, Jackson and her band will continue their summer tour on July 8th and 9th with a performance at Cleveland’s Wonderstruck Festival.

They are expected to play in Grand Junction, Colorado, through August 29th, then take a break before making a big homecoming gig at Los Angeles’ famed Hollywood Bowl on October 6th.

Style: The Beverly Hills native stepped out in dark blue skinny jeans with holes in both knees and a tan and tan patterned jacket over a black tee

Style: The Beverly Hills native stepped out in dark blue skinny jeans with holes in both knees and a tan and tan patterned jacket over a black tee

Pack leader: The musician held her four-legged family member close to her side during the walk in West Hollywood

Pack leader: The musician held her four-legged family member close to her side during the walk in West Hollywood

On this day in 2009, news of Michael Jackson’s death began to spread, coming just three weeks before the start of his sold-out concert residency in London, England.

Paramedics received an 911 call at 12:22 p.m. PT saying the so-called King Of Pop was not breathing. EMTs arrived just three minutes late and began CPR on him en route to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.

Ultimately, Jackson was pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m. PT, more than an hour after he arrived at the hospital.

As the days and weeks went by, it became known that his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray who administered various medications to Jackson at his rented mansion in Holmby Hills, Los Angeles, to help him sleep.

Paris Jackson was just 11 years old when she received the heartbreaking news of her father’s death.

On the road: Jackson and her band have been touring since May, playing scattered shows that are expected to continue through August;  She is pictured acting in San Francisco

On the road: Jackson and her band have been touring since May, playing scattered shows that are expected to continue through August; She is pictured acting in San Francisco

She leaves her mark: The rocker released the EP

She leaves her mark: The rocker released the EP “The Lost” in February 2022 and her solo LP “Wilted” in November 2020.

“They always say, ‘Time heals,'” Jackson said in a 2017 Rolling Stone interview when she was 18. “But that’s really not true.” You just get used to it. I live with the mentality, “OK, I’ve lost the only thing that was ever important to me.” So in the future, whatever bad thing happens can’t be nearly as bad as what happened before. So that I can deal with it.’

At the time, she revealed that her father used to visit her regularly in her dreams.

“I feel like he’s with me all the time,” she added.

Within four years of her father’s death, Paris descended into depression and a drug addiction, which led to her attempting suicide at age 15 by slitting her wrist and taking 20 Motrin pills.

Paris called this period of her life a matter of “self-loathing” and “low self-esteem.”

In addition, she began harming herself by “cutting” herself, which she hid from her family.

Now, 10 years after those dark days, Paris Jackson seems to be showing herself on the other side and starting a career in rock music.

She is seen with her late father in February 2009, four months before his death

She is seen with her late father in February 2009, four months before his death

The private life of the King Of Pop: In addition to Paris, the thriller icon was also the proud father of sons Prince, now 26, and Blanket or Bigi, 21,

The private life of the King Of Pop: In addition to Paris, the thriller icon was also the proud father of sons Prince, now 26, and Blanket or Bigi, 21,

Most recently, she released her single Bandaid, with its soft-heavy dynamic between verse and chorus that was a stylized songwriting tool for alternative rock bands of yesteryear like Nirvana.

Also, her previous single Just You, released in 2022, is a catchy sing-along mid-tempo rock singer.

Most recently, Jackson released a slew of new songs with The Lost EP, an extended play, released in February 2022 through Republic Records.

Just a few years ago, the musician released music alongside Gabriel Glenn as part of the musical duo The Soundflowers.

With a stripped down acoustic sound including Jackson on vocals and a ukulele and Glenn on guitar and vocals, The Soundflowers released their first self-titled EP in June 2020.

Paris Jackson walks his beloved dog Koa on the 14th anniversary of father Michael Jackson’s death Read More »

Ju Paiva choreographs Bruno Cabrerizos kiss in Danca dos Famosos

Ju Paiva choreographs Bruno Cabrerizo’s kiss in Dança dos Famosos; Watch the video Alô Alô Bahia

June 25, 2023


Editorial Alô Alô Bahia

[email protected]

A famous dance still arouses emotions. the Bahian ballerina Ju Paiva and the actor Bruno Cabrerizotwice as part of Sunday with HuckShe surprised the audience this Sunday (25) with a dance marked by a long kiss. The genre of the time was contemporary dance and they both performed a choreography in which they danced without taking their lips off, which caused a stir among audiences and the internet.

The duo performed to the music.tangerine“, In Tiago Iorc It is hit duda. Bruno Cabrerizo was the surname of the men’s team that remained in contention. Despite wowing audiences, the duo did not qualify for the finals of the table. followed in quarrel Carla Diaz, Rafa Kalimann It is Priscilla Fantin. “My greatest thanks go to my dancer. A talented dancer, exemplary, that brought me here,” said Bruno.

The harmony between the actor and Ju Paiva, a formerFitDance, was so big throughout the show that many people speculated they might have a romance, but both denied it. in the panel, Livia Andrade He even provoked the two into replying when they formed a pair, but he was the other way around. “We’re both professionals delivering art,” added Bruno.

* By Hilza Cordeiro. Photo: Playback/TV Globo.

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Ju Paiva choreographs Bruno Cabrerizo’s kiss in Dança dos Famosos; Watch the video Alô Alô Bahia Read More »