The terrible mistake not to make when pet dies according

The terrible mistake not to make when pet dies, according to vet Tekpolis

© According to a veterinarian, keeping your pet dying is the terrible mistake not to make

Every pet owner has probably asked this question at some point. You’ve probably wondered what happens when your longtime friend is about to die. A zoologist wanted to explain more on this delicate subject! Above all, he advises us on what to do and what not to do!

The painful moment between a human and their pet!

It is a painful moment that we all have to face. Even if we love our faithful pet, from one day to the next we will be forced to part with him. The reasons for this separation could be manifold.

That could be because a disease. But it could also just be a matter of time. In fact, no one can escape aging.

To read A shy dog ​​likes to be alone to relieve himself, he becomes famous on the internet

Therefore, owners should make a drastic decision and turn to euthanasia. A difficult moment that probably nobody wants to experience. But What about the animal? questionable ?

How does he live these last scary moments and difficult ? The first thing to consider is your pet’s feelings. That’s what a South African vet says loud and clear!

A Vet’s Heartbreaking Testimony!

The doctor issued a touching message through Hillcrest Veterinary Hospital and the 24-hour online emergency service. In addition, many people’s eyes should be opened to euthanasia. According to him, the owners were the center of his pet’s universe.

And obviously humans feel the same way. Therefore, it would be difficult to see your pet during this difficult time. However, it is necessary above all Avoid making a hasty decision Like leaving him alone.

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That’s the last thing to do because nobody deserves to be treated like that. “Don’t let him pass from life to death in a strange place,” the expert explained. It is imperative that you know your pet is with you research in this painful moment.

So must put yourself in his place because it must be scary to be left alone in moments like this. So stay by his bed and wait for your pet to breathe his last. This would also make it easier for him to exit.

Animal: A very inspiring message!

Anyway, the vet’s message must have touched more than one ! “Don’t be a coward,” he had hammered. His statement encourages owners to consider the animal’s feelings. It is therefore necessary to show a lot of empathy, even if this moment is not easy to bear!

According to this “tired and heartbroken” vet, you have to think twice before you act. And of course it is moving to see your animal give up the ghost. Or to witness his last breath. For this one, however, it must be even more difficult Close your eyes alone. In short, you have to be there to the end!

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The terrible mistake not to make when pet dies, according to vet Tekpolis Read More »

1687742546 Lagarde to EU governments 100 billion for climate change Il

Lagarde to EU governments: 100 billion for climate change Il Paragone

Published on 06/25/2023 17:05
– Updated 06/25/2023 17:10

Christine Lagarde beats the money, and we apologize for the brutal synopsis, but that’s what happens: well, yes 100 billion dollars should be allocated by statesEuropean Unionsaid the President of the BCE. The debate of the last months has mainly focused on the “green trend” between the directive and the EU undertaken by the Community institutions in the name of “climate change”.energy efficiency and the absurd suggestion of requisitioning of agricultural land maintaining biodiversity. Just as crazy to us, in an economic situation that is not the happiest, is Lagarde’s demand: “We need a coordinated approach that above all sees everyone’s commitment.” governments they have to be hired in the foreground and they must honor the financial assistance commitments they have made with developing countries,” said the President of the ECB in her speech at the summit for a New Global Financial Pact in Paris.
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Lagarde regulates climate change

The commitments made (14 years ago)

In fact, promises were made 14 years ago. Commitments that have indeed been made COP15 in Copenhagen In the 2009 for up to $100 billion. Lagarde recalled how beyond the 90% of deaths from extreme weather events over the past half century have occurred in developing countries where the 70% of disasters. Christine Lagarde then added that governments should also “mobilize”. private funding“. “The path ahead is clear, we must continue on this path crossing This secures our economies in the face of future challenges,” Lagarde noted, pointing out that according to ECB research, “only in Europe can 70% our economy is highly dependent onnatural ecosystem“. The priority is therefore on climate change, apart from the serious one economic situation of the EU countries, in which the European Central Bank does not seem to have any interest.
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Lagarde regulates climate change

The collapse of the manufacturing sector

In fact, many measures appear absolutely unfair, such as the continuous one rate hike Interesting: The European reference interest rate was only approved thirteen months ago zero for the four Percent. The interest rate on the main refinancing was raised to 4%, on deposits to 3.50% and on top loans to 4.25%, we read in the newspaper Free. A clear financial bottleneck counterproductive. Let’s take the example of manufacturing sector, that was an all-Italian excellence where we were at the top in Europe. Today, however, the index data Hcob Pmi Flash Composite – or in terms of manufacturing and services – they tell us that it goes down to 50.3 from 52.8 in May, ie the minimum value in five months. Below 50 points indicates the index contraction of the market. It’s not just an Italian problem, Germany is even worse off. The former “Locomotive of Europe” is the manufacturing index precipitate up to 41 net points, versus 43.5 expected by analysts.

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Lagarde to EU governments: 100 billion for climate change Il Paragone Read More »

Shakira would have had a companion in Costa Rica while

Shakira would have had a companion in Costa Rica while Piqué danced with Clara Chía: the details

The Colombian’s trip to the Central American country coincides with that of her ex Gerard Piqué attended his brother’s wedding Marc in Barcelona who married María Valls on Friday 23 June.

The Catalan attended the ceremony with his girlfriend Clara Chia Martiwith whom he danced exuberantly at the party, emerges from images that have been circulating on social networks in the past few hours.

Shakira would have stayed at a famous friend’s house in Costa Rica

While the ex-soccer player was enjoying the party with his girlfriend, Shakira would have had a blast on their Costa Rica vacation too.

According to the magazine’s portal, Shakira would meet the famous model there and they would spend days together.

Milan and Sasha will have company too“As they will be sharing games and activities with Benjamin Rein, 13, and Vivian Lake, 10, the top model’s two children,” the publication reads.

A long friendship connects the Brazilian and the Colombian. In fact, media outlets like the Chron reported that they both went to eat with their children at Makoto restaurant in Miami in mid-May.

Paparazzi photos showed them leaving the venue separately. Both are linked by a failed love story with athletes.

“She is a very sincere person, very warm; a strong person, but at the same time very simple,” the model said of the singer in previous statements, and was greeted by Hola!

“I’m Shakira’s biggest fan. I met her at the Cup and I’ve always liked her music because it’s very Latin music that comes from the heart and comes from the soul,” she said.

Details on Shakira’s trip to Costa Rica

As of last Thursday, June 22, the EFE news agency confirmed that the singer was on Costa Rican soil with her children.

He reported that the television channel Teletica published on its social media images of the artist Shakira leaving a hotel in San Jose before boarding a flight to the country’s Pacific beaches, presumably to meet up at Gisele Bundchen’s.

The migration authority also confirmed the singer’s entry into the country to the press. Shakira arrived in Costa Rica on Wednesday 21st and that day he was taking pictures with a girl in the restaurant of the hotel where he was staying.

Sussy Solano, the girl’s mother, told Teletica that the minor “came up to him and Shakira was met by very good people, put her on her lap and told the youngest son he could take a picture of them.”

The journalist Glenda Umaña, former presenter of CNN en Español, also shared in a video on her Instagram account that she had seen Shakira.

Shakira has visited Costa Rica twice to perform in concert, the last time in 2011.

It’s been a year since Shakira and Piqué’s split: Here’s how they experienced those controversial 12 months

Shakira would have had a companion in Costa Rica while Piqué danced with Clara Chía: the details Read More »

1687742317 Counteroffensive in Ukraine Photos

Counteroffensive in Ukraine? (+Photos)

Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein*, contributor to Prensa Latina

Counteroffensive in Ukraine Photos

A few days later, on May 10, the adviser to the head of the Ukrainian presidential office, Mikhail Podoliak, stated that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is not a “Hollywood movie” and therefore one should not wait for Kiev’s counteroffensive, it was a turning point. “It doesn’t work that way,” Podoliak said. According to the official, “It’s not a question of a week or a month.” It depends on many events, because you can be more successful [un día] and one less ». He added that the counter-offensive may not be a single event, but a series of events over time: “There is no scenario where we can stop in the middle.”

In this regard, Ukrainian Defense Minister Olexii Reznikov told The Washington Post that expectations of a Ukrainian counter-offensive were overestimated. He expressed, “Most people have big expectations, which can lead to emotional disappointment. The western partners told me that now they need the next success story because we have to show it to our peoples… But I can’t tell you how big that success will be. Ten kilometers, 30 kilometers, 100 kilometers, 200 kilometers? Ideally, the offensive should cut off the rear lines of Russian troops and reduce their offensive capabilities.”

signs of failure

Taking all of these statements together, one gets the impression that public opinion is being prepared for the failure of a time-pressured action dubbed the “Spring Counter-Offensive” that had to begin soon.

The G-7 meeting in Hiroshima last May appeared to have influenced the early start of such an operation. There it was established that Ukraine was a confrontation between democracies and autocracies. Hence the importance of the much-mentioned counter-offensive for the West. In reality, it is more in the interests of the West than Ukraine

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It was “sold” that the counteroffensive would ultimately tip the balance of the war in Ukraine’s favour. The problem is that this action and its success depended on the collapse of the Russian economy, which would not allow Moscow to respond successfully.

It was also said that Western pressure would create discontent in Russia, leading to citizen unease and even a coup against President Putin.

It was also emphasized that the arrival of the Patriot anti-aircraft systems first, the Leopard, Abrams and Challenger tanks later, and now the long-range Storm Shadow missiles and F-16 aircraft would be crucial to the outcome of the conflict. None of that happened

In recent days, Western media have started talking about a possible failure of the counter-offensive, reflecting the West’s fear of the consequences it could have on its citizens. It was even said that the counter-offensive, even if it didn’t happen, was already a success because it forced Russia to fortify a large part of the territory, which required the deployment of a large amount of resources that could not have been foreseen. An opinion that does not stand up to serious analysis.

Cracks in triumphalism and elections in the US

Fear is spreading across many industries. And the cracks are becoming more and more visible. Questions reflecting doubt and uncertainty are becoming more common every day. The triumph of propaganda campaigns is beginning to take its toll. Opinions clash: politicians reflect desires, the military reflect realities. There are no victories to report and it doesn’t look as if there could be any in the medium and long term.

The specter of the US elections looms over the Ukrainian government and Europe. The possibility of a Republican victory that would halt, or at least significantly reduce, the flow of aid to Kiev reveals an undisguised fear in European capitals. In any case, the concerns stem not from love and concern for the people of Ukraine being used as cannon fodder in defense of Western interests, but from the implications that a likely Russian victory in the conflict and the failure of states could have. United States, NATO and Europe in the same.

If the counter-offensive doesn’t work, it will leave a mark on the consciences of European citizens, especially if the conflict is protracted and governments’ capacity to respond to people’s needs is weakening and they start to ask questions about how long their taxes will continue to be used for Arms shipments to Ukraine while their own problems remain unresolved?

The confirmed facts

After many announcements, the counter-offensive appeared to have started last Sunday, June 4, with an operation first in five directions and two days later in seven directions, resulting in a total of three days of fighting on all fronts, with Ukraine deploying up to 3,715 troops lost. 52 tanks, 207 armored vehicles, 134 cars, five planes and two helicopters without Kiev being able to achieve its goals, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

For their part, open sources stated the confirmed destruction of 77 Ukrainian tanks, armored personnel carriers and armored personnel carriers. In reality, the number is significantly higher, but in this case it is only about confirmed losses.

If we stick to these non-precise numbers, then, judging by the amount of equipment destroyed, in eight days of the offensive, during which they used an inexplicable tactics of frontal attacks, the Ukrainian troops lost about 7 thousand to 7.5 thousand fighters between dead and Wounded lost against the established Russian defenses deployed on technically well-prepared terrain.

It must be said that in those first days, a significant part of Ukrainian vehicles was hit before approaching Russian positions, which is the result of dense transport and good interaction with aviation and artillery. In any case, President Putin himself warned that Russia cannot be trusted because the Ukrainian forces still have significant reserves and have not yet struck the main blow.

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Two weeks into the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s offensive, it became clear that their army on the ground was not displaying original or clear tactics, resulting in them losing the most active (and mobile) part of their vanguard.

Heavy losses in both personnel and equipment meant that the plan, which was based on a rapid advance of 20–40 km, failed. This forced the Ukrainian command to make adjustments: one of the tasks of the reserve plan in each direction now seems not to be a deep breakthrough in the line of defense of the Russian armed forces, but to expand the bridgeheads that they manage to gain in the west and east for additional reserves to be able to move. This was checked on June 13-14, but it didn’t work either.

The disadvantages of Ukraine

Ukraine has shown that operationally they are unable to deploy their reserves and that is essential in an offensive. From this it can be concluded that the serious setbacks that Russia has inflicted on its transport and logistics sector are gradually beginning to weigh. About 65 percent of the assets sent on the offensive in the first few days were destroyed or disabled.

On the other hand, Russia has demonstrated a new tactical modality that Ukrainian forces have been slow to grasp. The Russian army leaves small towns or hamlets, the coordinates of which have previously been carefully studied. They were occupied by Ukraine, which celebrated their capture to the great delight of their commanders and to the furor of media officials, who in bombastic headlines proclaimed “the first successes of the counter-offensive.”

However, just a few hours later, due to the reduced captured space and timely artillery, air and missile preparation in front of it, the surprised Ukrainian forces, forced to leave the “occupied” territories, met with extraordinary precision and power the surprised Ukrainian forces. The unusual thing is that they repeated it multiple times in the same place. A highly emblematic case is the village of Piatiyatki, where Ukraine has suffered gigantic and needless casualties, evidenced only by the clumsiness of the political leadership, which sends its young soldiers to certain death only to meet demands for the continuity of those ordered by Washington to meet offensive. , Brussels, London and Berlin.

The desperation of NATO and the European Union (EU) is clear. On Sunday 11th, the EU said in a statement that it would speed up the delivery of arms to Kiev, but also admitted that the conflict could drag on for months.

What is the American mainstream press saying?

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The New York newspaper The Wall Street Journal even went so far as to say that the “counteroffensive was over” and that “Ukrainian forces had suffered enormous casualties,” forcing commanders to halt operations to explore other avenues , to break through the Russian forces defense lines and solve the problem caused by air inferiority.

The New York Times, for its part, reported with alarm: “Some of the weapons donated by the Allies, which caused a great deal of public attention, have become so decrepit that they were only considered fit to be cannibalized for spare parts.” In the same vein The Washington Post on June 17, after interviewing unidentified experts, said Ukraine was unlikely to make rapid progress in the counteroffensive.

They recently discovered that Russia has solidly fortified likely attack zones, making them a real headache for Ukrainian military leaders. It is worth noting that the Russian high command managed to establish the main directions of the Ukrainian offensive, to concentrate forces and means, and to eliminate the decisive element of surprise that could have favored Kiev. This allowed Russia to destroy a large amount of weapons and equipment in the first days, which made the success of such an action even less viable, stopping the offensive, which was eventually carried out through the areas where Russia was held and /or was slowed down has combined the best forces and means and led the Ukrainian armed forces into a veritable hell of fire, destruction and death.

probable result

We’ll have to wait and see what the ailing Ukrainian command will do. Under current conditions, it would not be surprising if Russia launched an offensive in the north, forcing Ukraine to reallocate its reserves for such an action, which would finally cripple its offensive. If that happens, it would be the beginning of the end of such a mythological and imaginative operation.


*Degree in International Studies, Masters in International and Global Relations. Doctor of Political Science

(taken from selected companies)

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1687742180 Police arrest Pride March participants in Istanbul

Police arrest Pride March participants in Istanbul


Updated on 6/25/2023 5:26 PM

Pride Parade in Istanbul

People chant slogans during the gay pride parade in Istanbul. © dpa / Emrah Gurel / AP / dpa

According to organizers, at least 40 people were arrested during this year’s LGBT Pride Parade in the Turkish city of Istanbul. Before the start of the demonstration on Sunday, police cordoned off large parts of the center to prevent gatherings.

More panoramic news

Participants then moved to another part of the city. They waved a meter-long rainbow flag over a building and issued a press release. Several hundred people attended the event.

Government is openly hostile

In Turkey, government officials and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have repeatedly spoken out as openly hostile to lesbian, gay, transgender and queer (LGBT) people. Attempts were made for years to stop the annual demonstration.

The governor of Istanbul province, Davut Gül, had already announced in advance that he would not allow events that “threaten the family”. Several events related to the so-called LGBT Pride month to give visibility to LGBT people were banned, including a picnic and a film screening. © dpa

Police arrest Pride March participants in Istanbul Read More »

Samsung is creating a new OLED playground with the global

Samsung is creating a new OLED playground with the global launch of the Odyssey OLED G9 – The New Republic

Samsung is creating a new OLED playground with the global launch of the Odyssey OLED G9

new technologies

Samsung is creating a new OLED playground with the global

Samsung Electronics has announced that Pixar Animation Studios has mastered its new animated film, Elementary, which was released worldwide on June 16th, into 4K HDR (High Dynamic Range) content, shown exclusively on Samsung Onyx, the world’s first cinema display , Are available. Del to the world. Those watching the film in an Onyx cinema will enjoy a more immersive and vivid viewing experience thanks to next-generation picture quality with 4K HDR for cinema. The world’s first cinema display certified for cinema use by Digital Cinema Initiatives, Samsung Onyx is an LED display that delivers exceptionally vivid colors and detailed content. It goes beyond traditional projector-based systems, which have been the industry standard for over 100 years, by overcoming contrast ratio and brightness limitations and delivering millions of additional colors where traditional projections fail. Academy Award®-winning animation studio Pixar mastered the film in 4K HDR for cinema to showcase its bright, crisp, rich and detailed images that exceed the capabilities of standard dynamic range (Standard Dynamic Range, or SDR) cinema projectors . Additionally, by combining Pixar’s reach with Samsung’s expertise in visual technology, Pixar has achieved Del’s largest presence in cinemas of any brand. Movie lovers can enjoy the film “Elementary” in 4K HDR exclusively on Onyx screens. “Pixar is known for pushing the boundaries of technology and art and continues to do so with its latest film, Elementary,” said Dominic Glynn, Pixar’s principal investigator. “With Onyx, Samsung has taken a bold step forward, employing exceptional technology on a scale that enables an irrefutable change in cinematic image quality. For the first time, viewers will be able to experience our brightest, richest and most detailed HDR images on big, crisp cinema screens, showcasing Pixar’s most ambitious work yet. . Cinema HDR offers a truly new viewing experience for our viewers around the world, and the Pixar teams are excited to share this unique take on Elemental with the world.” While Elementary is Pixar’s first film to be released in 4K HDR for Samsung Onyx mastered, the production studio intends to continue on this path so that the films can be viewed the way the creators intended for the best possible experience. “With the new film from Pixar, we are presenting 4K HDR content exclusively on cinema LEDs for the first time in the market,” said Hoon Chung, executive vice president of visual display business at Samsung Electronics. “We will continue to actively develop partnerships in the cinema industry by building on our innovative LED technology, which delivers crisp picture quality and vibrant colors found nowhere else.”
Samsung Onyx can adapt to virtually any room configuration while delivering unparalleled image quality and technical performance and reliability superior to traditional projector-based operations. not

Samsung is creating a new OLED playground with the global launch of the Odyssey OLED G9 – The New Republic Read More »

Searches were made for imploded submarines quotlengthy farcequotsays Titanic Director

Searches were made for imploded submarines "lengthy farce"says Titanic Director

Search operations for the submarine that imploded during a “journey” to the wreck of the Titanic were nothing but a farce, said James Cameron, director of the film Titanic. He assumes that the authorities knew about the death of the crew. from the beginning. The statement came on Friday 23rd in an interview with the BBC.

READ MORE l Submarine passengers die in ‘catastrophic implosion’

“There were no searches. When they finally got it [colocar] Down there was a device that could reach deep. They found it in a couple of hours. Probably within minutes”explained the director.

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“The submersible’s electronics are failing, the communications system is failing and the tracking transponder is failing at the same time because the submersible has disappeared,” the director said. “For me there was no doubt. I knew the sub was right under its last known position,” he adds.

Despite his fame directing films such as Terminator and Avatar, Cameron is one of the ocean’s most experienced submarine explorers and has visited the Titanic’s hull more than 30 times. He also studied physics at California State University.

Cameron still believes in the media’s intense reporting, which has been warning at all times the amount of available oxygen In the submersible there was only an “extended farce” that there was a chance of rescue.

The submarine named “Titan” owned by the operator Ocean Gate disappeared in the Atlantic last Sunday the 18th. The transport was carrying five people on a tourist expedition to view the wreckage of the famous Titanic shipwreck.

The deaths of the entire crew were confirmed by the US Coast Guard this Thursday afternoon, the 22nd. Cameron believes the Navy knew about the implosion from the start.

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OceanGate James Cameron missing submarine

Searches were made for imploded submarines "lengthy farce"says Titanic Director Read More »

Vasco Rossi, turnover of 20 million in Palermo

Everything that revolved around Vasco slowly falls silent, returns to its place, disappears. This is how the dismantling of Vasco Rossi’s stage continues. As a temple of music, Renzo Barbera is slowly returning to its original form and is ready to host games in Palermo again. The second day of work is hectic (never as hectic as that which marked the assembly phase) and the lawn begins to be freed from the protective platforms. For now, while we wait to understand the conditions, the memories of the two dates and the awareness of the potential of the plant in Viale del Fante remain, albeit subject to necessary restoration work. And the related industries that the big event brought to the city: “We have had an economic impact on the city, estimated at over 20 million euros, of which at least 100,000 euros tourist tax for hotel occupations alone,” comments Carmelo Costa for Musica da Bere organized the two concerts in cooperation with Live Nation and the production of the national tour. In the next few days we will publish the survey data we asked at Federalberghi and Ascom.” And he adds: “The way is through cost optimization and bureaucracy reduction, not the other way around.” The note refers to the problems that arise: “Everyone There is no such thing as perfect organization for large events.” I would like to bring an international artist here, but after this experience many aspects need to be redefined for the future.” Aspects that may not have been discussed, but are discussed privately with the city administration. Meanwhile, Costa is enjoying the moment and the city’s reaction to the demonstration: “On social media, we were inundated with many messages of thanks and many compliments.” Of the 74,000 people, about 20,000 were Palermitans. And they made themselves heard in the stadium. But among the Palermitans – he continues – I would like to thank the many workers who worked for almost two weeks on the event with commendable enthusiasm: some had never seen such a performance. We are friends with so many people. And in ten days it will be Checco Zalone’s turn, also under the name Musica da Bere: “Back to the city with Zalone’s two shows at the Teatro di Verdura – he recalls – certainly different genre, setting and audience, but no less important. “

Vasco Rossi, turnover of 20 million in Palermo Read More »