Kim Kardashian reveals shed love to have an affair with

Kim Kardashian reveals she’d love to have an affair with a celebrity and why she prefers ‘sex by ‘

at 41 years, Kim Kardashian He is experiencing a beautiful moment in his professional career. However, after his Kanye West Divorce He couldn’t enjoy too many opportunities in love. That’s something he’d like to change, as he hinted at in an interview Hailey Bieberand revealed the reasons why loves “makeup sex”.

In a chat for “Who’s in My Bathroom?” on YouTube, they both played “Truth or Dare” and Kim Kardashian was quizzed about sex, and in particular Justin Bieber’s wife asked her about her preferences between relationships when being “angry.” or “reconciled”. “Isn’t make-up sex the best thing? Because you’ve missed each other, there’s passion there and you know you’re going to make it up to you!‘ the model replied.

Kim Kardashian in love?

On the other hand, Kim Kardashian admitted that she harbors feelings for a celebrity: “I almost feel like I should have a drink because I want it to come true.” Of course, he didn’t want to reveal his name and when Bieber encouraged him to start, this was flatly rejected. “Lately, I prefer privacy,” he said. Meanwhile, Hailey Bieber could only be happy for her friend, although she was ready to find out Identity of the new celebrity “Love”.

Hailey Bieber couldn’t shake off the troubles, revealing that she has a penchant for kisses and also surprising Kim Kardashian by saying she’s from the “High Club”. The model, too implied that he had had sex on board an airplane.

“A lot of people send me direct messages,” Kim Kardashian lamented about what was happening on her social networks. “I will not lie many inappropriate people‘ decided Kanye West’s ex.

Kim Kardashian reveals she’d love to have an affair with a celebrity and why she prefers ‘sex by ‘ Read More »

Biden beats Trump in potential rematch in 2024 election in poll

president In a poll by NBC News, Joe Biden defeated Republican favorite Donald Trump in a hypothetical 2024 re-election campaign. although his lead is within the poll’s margin of error.

Biden has 49% support in the poll of registered voters and the former president has 45%.Biden’s biggest advantage lies with black voters, while Trump’s biggest advantage lies with rural voters, according to the poll released Sunday.

Support for Trump among Republican primary voters rose to 51% in the June 16-20 poll from 46% in April. This suggests he is initially defying his federal charges of alleged mishandling of confidential documents.

According to NBC News, more respondents were concerned about Biden’s physical and mental health as president than Trump, with a range of 68% to 55%.. In the 2020 presidential election, Biden defeated Trump 306 to 232 in the electoral college, giving him a 4 percentage point lead in the popular vote, according to the Pew Research Center.

Both parties maintain their position on burning political issues like abortion until 2024. Trump appeared to toughen his public stance during a speech to evangelical Christian voters on Saturday. There is “a crucial role for the federal government in protecting unborn life”. ”

Democrats launch abortion rights campaign Exploiting Republican vulnerability as voters broadly condemn Supreme Court decision to overthrow Roe vs. Wade.

The June 16-20 poll of 1,000 registered voters has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

Biden beats Trump in potential rematch in 2024 election in poll Read More »

1687727791 Election in Greece Mitsotakis wins absolute majority news

Election in Greece: Mitsotakis wins absolute majority news

The biggest opposition party, the leftist SYRIZA, under party leader Alexis Tsipras, reached 17.8 percent, according to results published by the Interior Ministry. Mitsotakis’ ND was already clearly ahead in the previous election at the end of May – what it still lacked at the time was the majority needed for a one-party government. Since then, a transitional government has ruled in Greece.

As the strongest party in this election receives at least 20 additional seats in the 300-member parliament, according to the electoral law, the Conservatives can form the future government with a majority of around 160 seats.

Kyriacus Mitsotakis

Portal/Louiza Vradi Mitsotakis secured majority for one-party government

Varoufakis fails the three percent barrier

In addition to ND and SYRIZA, the social democrat PASOK with 12.2 percent, the Greek Communist Party KKE with 7.5 percent and the far-right nationalist Spartiates party with 4.7 percent are also in parliament. The right-wing populist party Elliniki Lisi also entered parliament with a provisional 4.6%. Furthermore, the ultra-Orthodox Niki party is expected to be represented with 3.8% of parliament.

The small left-wing radical Plefsi Eleftherias has to worry about entering parliament with 3.1 percent (May: 2.9 percent). Far behind was the Mera25 party of left-wing former finance minister Giannis Varoufakis at 2.3 percent.

“Today we celebrate”

“Today we celebrate, but tomorrow we roll up our sleeves,” Mitsotakis promised party supporters in Athens in the evening. With this election result, your Nea Dimokratia is the strongest popular party in Europe. “It’s a big mandate to implement what is needed,” Mitsotakis said. Their biggest concerns now are more growth, which will lead to higher wages. Furthermore, as announced during the election campaign, he will turn the ailing health care system upside down. And he will continue to work on modernizing and digitizing the state.

The new election became necessary because the parties could not agree on a coalition after the election five weeks ago. In view of the bonus system now being used, Mitsotakis was optimistic as he voted in Athens on Sunday morning that he could lead a “stable and effective government” with an absolute majority in the future.

The ND had already emerged as the absolute winner on May 21 with 40.8% of the votes, but had lost the absolute majority. It was ND’s best result since 2007.

Under Mitsotakis, the Greek economy stabilized after years of austerity. Unemployment has dropped, economic growth has been six percent in 2022, the investment rate has risen and tourism has returned to growth this year. During the election campaign, Mitsotakis also emphasized that he had cut more than 50 taxes.

“Heavy Defeat”

For opposition leader Tsipras, however, the result was disappointing. “We suffered a heavy electoral defeat,” he admitted. The party now needs the necessary cuts. Party militants are asked to evaluate the work of the entire leadership and to reorganize themselves in these difficult conditions. “Needless to say, I am the first to face the judgment of party members.”

After five electoral defeats, Tsipras must face difficult times. There have already been calls for his resignation following the party’s dramatic fall in the May elections. However, SYRIZA is strongly adapted to Tsipras. While there are popular and well-known politicians in their ranks, no one has been officially groomed by them for a leadership role.

Alexis Tsipras in the voting booth

SYRIZA led by APA/AFP/Louisa Gouliamaki Tsipras was below 18 percent

At the same time, SYRIZA again failed to oppose the ND course. After an election result of just 20.0 percent, she tried to make the social consequences of inflation for many people an issue in the election campaign in view of persistently low wages in Greece. After his vote on Sunday, Tsipras warned of a “runaway government” under Mitsotakis.

Before the election, SYRIZA invoked the Greek word “autocracy”, which describes “unrestricted state power in the hands of a single ruler”, in this case the previous head of government, Mitsotakis.

In other European countries, some observers took a similar view. According to the media, Greece is on the way to autocracy under Mitsotakis. His style is a new form of “quiet populism”, others have assessed Mitsotakis’ style.

Secret Service Scandal and Train Crash

Indeed, the Conservatives’ past tenure was by no means crowned with glory alone. So Mitsotakis left the secret service report directly. A nephew of the Prime Minister became the coordinator. Later, a huge scandal ensued, because the secret service not only bugged journalists and opposition politicians, but also its own chief of staff. Mitsotakis stated that he did not know anything, dismissed his nephew and has since referred the case to the judiciary.

But even this secret service scandal did not detract from the success of the conservatives – as did the accusation of “Orbanization” and Tsipras’ guilt that Mitsotakis was to blame for the serious train accident in February in central Greece that killed 57 people.

Mitsotakis benefits from weak SYRIZA

However, Greek observers see Mitsotakis’s strength above all as Tsipras’s weakness: The fact that Tsipras and his SYRIZA failed in the most recent elections – the party fell eleven percentage points to 20 percent – is seen as mostly their fault. . Media and citizens later criticized a “toxic election campaign” because Tsipras offered almost no programs but constantly slammed the government.

Many of SYRIZA’s campaign promises, such as higher pensions and minimum wages, had already been realized by conservatives before the elections. Mitsotakis also brought the country enormously to the forefront economically, socially, and foreign policy. Unemployment has dropped from around 19 to currently a good eleven percent.

The state has been significantly reduced in bureaucracy and digitalised: many official transactions can now be completed online in just a few minutes. At the same time, the government lowered corporate taxes. As a result, international companies such as Microsoft, Google and Pfizer discovered the country and invested heavily.

Difficult migration course successfully

Many voters also credit Mitsotakis with the government’s crackdown on strict border controls and reducing the number of refugees. Islands like Lesvos and Samos have been in a state of emergency for years because of the refugee crisis – citizens there can now live normally again.

Former Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at an election rally

APA/AFP/Sakis Mitrolidis Above all, Mitsotakis’ strict migration policy is welcomed by his constituency

The government has consistently denied international media accusations that Greece is carrying out backtracking, ie pushing migrants back to Turkey without granting them an asylum claim. However, it is now indisputable that there have been setbacks. At the same time, the number of proven resistances does not compare to the tens of thousands of people who have been rescued by Greek border guards in recent years.

Boat accident issue in election campaign

One theme that dominated the election campaign until the end was the recent boat accident off the Greek coast, in which hundreds of refugees lost their lives. In this context, Mitsotakis openly attacked SYRIZA because of the migration policy during his reign, recently reported the Greek “Kathimerini”. He also referred to the overcrowded Moria refugee camp, which was put into operation under the SYRIZA government and burned down in September 2020.

Aerial view of overcrowded refugee boat

Portal/Hellenic Coast Guard Hundreds of refugees died in recent boat accident off Greek coast

Leftist parties, on the other hand, see responsibility for the conservative government of the last four years. Due to the tight controls it introduced at sea, smugglers are now choosing more dangerous and longer routes, passing through Greece directly to Italy, according to the indictment. The fishing boat, occupied by 500 to 700 migrants, sank on its way from Libya to Europe.

Election in Greece: Mitsotakis wins absolute majority news Read More »



console fun invites you to discover his take on a recent video game event that will awaken the gamer soul that slumbers in you! In fact, we organized an exclusive live discovery of the game Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX, a supercharged shooter available for PlayStation 5, Xbox, Nintendo Switch and PC. Get ready for total immersion in a retro-futuristic universe where explosions and frantic gunfire take center stage. Wait because this video game experience promises to be explosive!

know that Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX is the result of the cooperation of the development studio Taito and the legendary studio mikado. This is an improved version of the famous shooting game raiden III, which shaped an entire generation of gamers. This remaster offers an overhauled gaming experience for modern platforms with overhauled graphics, optimized controls and new features that will delight fans of the franchise.

Organized by ConsoleFun, this live discovery immerses you in the frantic action of Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX. Our video game experts have prepared to offer you a unique experience, commenting live on their progress through the different levels of the game. This gives you the opportunity to discover the intricacies of gameplay and other peculiarities.

Here’s our “homemade” video, but also our final table and the final score we gave to the game!

*The game is available on AMAZON.FR, see this link

====Short summary of lived experience in video====

*strong points

  • addicting gameplay,
  • visually appealing,
  • catchy soundtrack,
  • balanced level of difficulty,
  • We’re always striving to keep improving our score (and comparing ourselves to world players)!
  • Possibility to play with a joystick… 2 ships!

*weak points

  • Small innovation compared to the old titles of the license,
  • Lifespan may be short depending on the number of tiers available.
  • The Enemies and Bosses pattern is sometimes predictable.

note : 17/20

VIDEO TEST Tiny Tinas Wonderlands A hit spin off of the

Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX on PS5, XBOX, SWITCH and PC – VIDEO TEST – ConsoleFun Read More »

In Greece, conservative party confirms landslide victory

In Greece, conservative party confirms landslide victory | world | Pleno.News

The New Democracy conservatives received more than twice as many votes as Syriza’s leftwing rivals


6/25/2023 4:01 p.m

Kyriakos Mitsotakis during a rally last Friday Photo: EFE/EPA/GEORGE VITSARAS

The partial count of Greece’s elections, with 95% of registered votes, confirmed the landslide victory of the country’s prime minister for the last four years, conservative Kyriakos Mitsotakis, in this Sunday’s elections (25).

The New Democracy, Mitsotakis’ party, emerged as of 4pm this Sunday with 40.55% of the vote count, which if it maintains that level of support would give it 158 ​​of the 300 seats in Greece’s parliament, giving it one seat absolute majority.

also read

The result was a new setback for the leftwing opposition party Syriza, and in particular for its leader, former Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who has just 17.84% of the vote, down even from last month’s election results.

The PasokKinal Social Democrats are in third place with 11.9% of the vote, followed by the Greek Communist Party with 7.65%.

The rightwing Spartans are in fifth place with 4.69%. Two more rightwing parties follow: Greek Solution (4.47%) and the antisystem Niki (3.71%) of theologian Dimitris Natsiós. Former Syriza MP Zoe Konstantopulu’s formation Travessia da Liberdade also overcome the 3% cut to gain parliamentary representation, which leftwing MeRA25 failed to do.

In the May 21 election, Nova Democracia came first with a similar percentage, but failed to secure an outright majority. Mitsotakis then refused to negotiate with his rivals to form a coalition government, knowing that all new elections would be held on the basis of a new electoral law granting bonus seats to the victor.

According to all surveys, the support for Mitsotakis in these elections is mainly due to his economic management. While the country’s economy has yet to reach predebt crisis levels of 2010, Greeks are taking credit for their work: pensions and wages are rising, investment is picking up, and the country is growing faster than the Union average. European.


In Greece, conservative party confirms landslide victory Read More »

Chanel Totti boat holidays in Ischia between sun sea and

Chanel Totti, boat holidays in Ischia: between sun, sea and dreamy landscapes. But who will he be with?

Trip to Ischia. The second daughter of Francesco Totti and Lary Blasi has decided to spend the summer holidays after school in beautiful Ischia. And here she is posting stories on Instagram about breathtaking views, motorbike rides on blue water and crystal clear skies. But who will Chanel be with? with family or friends? Of course, there is no certainty at the moment. The 16 year old is having fun.

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The holidays

It’s no news that the little girl from the Totti house is engaged. It’s now well known in the news and on social media that Chanel is happily next to a boy and enjoying the moment in the midst of her teens. This is Cristian Babalus (slightly older) and his little sister Isabel. The two sweethearts continue to live their relationship in the light of the sun and do not skimp on sweet social dedications.


After school, the two want to enjoy the holidays. And recently, Ilary Blasi and Cristian’s daughter took advantage of the heat to spend a carefree day at MagicLand, an amusement park near Rome. The love story between Chanel Totti and Cristian Babalus didn’t start off well and went viral on social media after his ex-girlfriend Martina De Vivo tweeted harsh words on social media that she had been cheated on by Cristian, who accused Ilary Blasi’s daughter and Francesco Totti for getting in the way of their story. Version of the facts denied by Babalus, according to which the relationship with Martina De Vivo had already ended when he started dating Chanel. Now the two are living their happy and carefree love story.

Read the full article

Chanel Totti, boat holidays in Ischia: between sun, sea and dreamy landscapes. But who will he be with? Read More »

Elton John takes the stage in a shimmering gold suit

Elton John takes the stage in a shimmering gold suit at Glastonbury

Sir Elton John has arrived at the Pyramid Stage in Glastonbury for the final UK show of his Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour.

The superstar singer, 76, took the stage in a gold suit before sitting down at the piano as the fireworks went off and said he never thought he’d be playing the festival for a “special and emotional” show.

Under his jacket, he wore a black open-necked shirt and red-tinted sunglasses.

Pop star Elton completed his look by wearing a pair of gold shoes to match his suit.

Before he began his performance, he could be seen waving to the huge crowd at Worthy Farm.

Born to perform: Sir Elton John has arrived at the Pyramid Stage in Glastonbury for the final UK show of his Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour

Born to perform: Sir Elton John has arrived at the Pyramid Stage in Glastonbury for the final UK show of his Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour

Dressed in style: The superstar singer, 76, took the stage in a gold suit before taking a seat at the piano as the fireworks went off

Dressed in style: The superstar singer, 76, took the stage in a gold suit before taking a seat at the piano as the fireworks went off

He opened his set with Pinball Wizard before playing The Bitch Is Back.

He said: “I never thought I would ever play at Glastonbury and here I am.”

“It’s a very special and emotional evening for me because it might be my last show ever in England so I’d better play well and entertain you, you’ve been standing there for so long and I really appreciate all the outfits and all.” .’

He then followed with Bennie And The Jets and Daniel in front of a sold-out audience on the Pyramid Stage.

Blondie’s Debbie Harry looked every bit an edgy rock star as she took to the Pyramid Stage to perform with her band on day five of Glastonbury Festival on Sunday.

The 77-year-old singer was spotted in Somerset, England, by fashion designer Stella McCartney (51) and actress Kate Hudson (44).

She wore a black sequined mini dress and matching jacket with a black t-shirt underneath.

The American hitmaker wore black leather thigh-high boots and futuristic mirrored sunglasses with dark visors as she took the stage with the band.

Blondie kicked off their set with the hit song “One Way Or Another” and opened with a static hum on the back screen, but some in the audience and at home claimed they couldn’t hear it.

Rock chic: Blondie's Debbie Harry, 77, looked through and through an edgy rock star in all black as she performed on the Pyramid Stage on day five of Glastonbury Festival on Sunday

Rock chic: Blondie’s Debbie Harry, 77, looked through and through an edgy rock star in all black as she performed on the Pyramid Stage on day five of Glastonbury Festival on Sunday

Born to perform: She wore a black sequined mini dress and matching jacket with a black t-shirt underneath

Born to perform: She wore a black sequined mini dress and matching jacket with a black t-shirt underneath

On the way to fame: The singer was observed on location in Somerset, England, by fashion designer Stella McCartney (51) (right) and actress Kate Hudson (44) (third from left).

On the way to fame: The singer was observed on location in Somerset, England, by fashion designer Stella McCartney (51) (right) and actress Kate Hudson (44) (third from left).

Debbie then said the band needed to get the “phone songs” out of the way at the beginning of their set.

She addressed the crowd and said, “Good day, good evening, good day, good night.”

“Hello, thank you, it’s very nice to be here, I hope you all have a nice time.”

“We had to get those phone songs out of the way because none of it is relevant today, we all have our phones in our pockets.”

The US rockers continued to blast through hits “Will Anything Happen” and “Atomic,” which ended with the guitarist strumming his instrument behind his head.

Debbie came to the edge of the stage to cheer the audience even more as they performed “Rapture,” which featured intense guitar riffs.

They later switched to a more upbeat sound as they progressed to “The Tide Is High.” Harry got the audience singing along to the song once, describing it as “so pretty,” adding, “I love it.”

She reflected on Blondie’s relationship with Glastonbury as they returned to the festival after performing in 1999 and 2014.

Getting the crowd excited: The American hitmaker wore black leather thigh-high boots as she stormed the stage with the band

Getting the crowd excited: The American hitmaker wore black leather thigh-high boots as she stormed the stage with the band

Standing out from the crowd: While singing, she also opted for a pair of futuristic mirrored sunglasses with a dark visor

Standing out from the crowd: While singing, she also opted for a pair of futuristic mirrored sunglasses with a dark visor

On Stage: Blondie opened their performance with the hit song

On Stage: Blondie opened their performance with the hit song “One Way Or Another” and opened the performance with a static hum across the back screen

She told the audience, “We have a long history of success with you guys, so thank you for that.”

However, many festival-goers and viewers at home said they had trouble hearing the band’s performance.

“Blondie doesn’t sound great, can’t hear her!” wrote one person on Twitter.

Another shared from the audience: “For Blondie the sound is terrible here, the background music is way too loud and you can’t hear any vocals.”

While another TV viewer posted, ‘I’m going deaf because my TV isn’t working.’ I can barely hear her.’

“Blondie we can’t hear you honey,” another tweeted.

Nostalgic: She reflected on Blondie's relationship with Glastonbury as they returned to the festival after performing in 1999 and 2014

Nostalgic: She reflected on Blondie’s relationship with Glastonbury as they returned to the festival after performing in 1999 and 2014

1687719642 651 Blondies Debbie Harry storms onto the Glastonbury stage but fans 1687719643 743 Blondies Debbie Harry storms onto the Glastonbury stage but fans 1687719645 83 Blondies Debbie Harry storms onto the Glastonbury stage but fans 1687719647 637 Blondies Debbie Harry storms onto the Glastonbury stage but fans Bad luck: However, some in the audience at the festival and at home stated that they could not hear anything

Bad luck: However, some in the audience at the festival and at home stated that they could not hear anything

And someone else posted: “Tuned in and watched a bit of Rick Astley now I’m watching the blonde do a thing or two they need to turn them up Mike I can’t hear them great (sic)”

Meanwhile, Sophie Ellis Bextor looked nothing short of sensational as she took the Pyramid stage earlier in the day on day five of the Glastonbury Festival.

The 44-year-old singer wowed crowds at the iconic Worthy Farm in a gold sequined leotard and tasseled cape.

The stunning number featured a fitted waist, accentuating the star’s sensational figure.

She combined the daring outfit with pink strappy sandals and showed herself long-legged in the revealing outfit.

Wow!  Sophie Ellis Bextor looked nothing short of sensational as she took the Pyramid stage on day five of Glastonbury Festival on Sunday

Wow! Sophie Ellis Bextor looked nothing short of sensational as she took the Pyramid stage on day five of Glastonbury Festival on Sunday

Sophie sang her heart out on stage, delighting a selection of the 210,000 expected festival-goers.

Among them were Andrew Garfield and Laura Whitmore, a handful of celebs who adored the star.

Andrew sat in the VIP area and dressed for his day on the farm in a white t-shirt and dark blue cap.

Laura looked equally chic in a white blouse and stylish brown sunglasses.

Elton John, Arctic Monkeys and Guns N Roses are among the main headliners at the world-famous festival this weekend.

The farm has over 100 different stages and 30 “areas” of which 900 hectares are the Somerset farm.

Unbelievable: The 44-year-old singer wowed crowds at the iconic Worthy Farm in a gold sequined leotard and tasseled cape

Unbelievable: The 44-year-old singer wowed crowds at the iconic Worthy Farm in a gold sequined leotard and tasseled cape

Leggy: The stunning figure featured a fitted waist and push-up bust, showing off her luscious assets to the fullest

Leggy: The stunning figure featured a fitted waist and push-up bust, showing off her luscious assets to the fullest

In detail: The gold tasselled tendrils cascaded down from the dress's shoulder pads, covering the Murder On The Dancefloor hitmaker's slender arms

In detail: The gold tasselled tendrils cascaded down from the dress’s shoulder pads, covering the Murder On The Dancefloor hitmaker’s slender arms

Actress: She combined the daring outfit with pink strappy sandals and showed herself long-legged in the revealing outfit

Actress: She combined the daring outfit with pink strappy sandals and showed herself long-legged in the revealing outfit

Busty: The If I Can't Dance hitmaker emphasized her natural beauty with a flawless makeup palette, including blue eyeshadow and a swipe of red lipstick

Busty: The If I Can’t Dance hitmaker emphasized her natural beauty with a flawless makeup palette, including blue eyeshadow and a swipe of red lipstick

Star: She wore her brunette locks half up and half down, with small strands cascading down either side of her face

Star: She wore her brunette locks half up and half down, with small strands cascading down either side of her face

Animated: She looked energetic as she sang at the top of her lungs on stage, wowing a selection of the 210,000 expected festival-goers

Animated: She looked energetic as she sang at the top of her lungs on stage, wowing a selection of the 210,000 expected festival-goers

Before her, the Bristol Reggae Orchestra and Windrush Choir took the Pyramid stage at 11am.

Following Sophie’s performance, The Chicks, Yusuf and Cat Stevens, and Blondie all perform until 6.15pm.

Fans then prepare for Lil Nas X, who takes the stage at 9 p.m. before Elton John.

Pop star Sophie caused a viral sensation when she turned her kitchen into a disco during the coronavirus lockdown and streamed her performances live on social media.

Her Christmas tour came after she performed her Kitchen Disco Tour to sold-out venues across the country earlier in the year.

The Murder on the Dancefloor star’s show at the London Palladium was even released as a 24-track live album entitled Sophie Ellis-Bextor’s Kitchen Disco: Live at the London Palladium.

Watching: Among them were Andrew Garfield and Laura Whitmore, a handful of celebs who adored the star

Watching: Among them were Andrew Garfield and Laura Whitmore, a handful of celebs who adored the star

A-List: Andrew sat in the VIP area, dressed in a white t-shirt and navy beanie for his day on the farm

A-List: Andrew sat in the VIP area, dressed in a white t-shirt and navy beanie for his day on the farm

Happy: Laura looked equally chic in a white blouse and stylish brown sunglasses

Happy: Laura looked equally chic in a white blouse and stylish brown sunglasses

All the stars: Cat Stevens was also seen taking the stage on day five of this year's Glastonbury

All the stars: Cat Stevens was also seen taking the stage on day five of this year’s Glastonbury

Making music: The 74-year-old British singer took the stage to perform at the Somerset festival with his guitar

Making music: The 74-year-old British singer took the stage to perform at the Somerset festival with his guitar

Staying casual: He opted for a white shirt and blue trousers as he sang for the crowd on Sunday

Staying casual: He opted for a white shirt and blue trousers as he sang for the crowd on Sunday

Jet set: Lewis Hamilton was seen running across the heliport in the Battersea area of ​​London as he prepared to travel to Glastonbury on Sunday

Jet set: Lewis Hamilton was seen running across the heliport in the Battersea area of ​​London as he prepared to travel to Glastonbury on Sunday

All boarding: The 38-year-old British racer was seen crouching as he boarded the plane

All boarding: The 38-year-old British racer was seen crouching as he boarded the plane

After performing live on social media in her kitchen every Friday night throughout lockdown, Sophie said last year that she was dying to get back on stage in front of a live audience.

Sophie told the newspaper i: “As a creative person, I’m fortunate that I can interpret the things that happen in my life and make them a part of what I do next.”

“And I can’t imagine not including the kitchen disco because it was so defining not just for me but for my entire household.”

This year she will release her seventh studio album.

Elton John takes the stage in a shimmering gold suit at Glastonbury Read More »

Netizens create a nickname for Neymars daughter and even talk

Netizens create a nickname for Neymar’s daughter and even talk about the looks

In a luxurious tea of ​​revelation, PSG player and influencer Bruna Biancardi learned they are going to be parents to a girl

Epiphany Tea located in Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro | instead of photo: Playback / @brunabiancardi / Instagram

Neymar and Bruna Biancardi will have a girl. The discovery in a luxurious revelation tea, in Mangaratiba, this Saturday (24) continues to resonate greatly with netizens. Although the couple’s child’s name has yet to be announced, memes are already circulating about the baby’s possible arrival.

Some netizens joked that the girl’s name will be “Neymara”. “Our beautiful Neymara Junior is already a reality. Happy birthday Neymar and Bruna”, “Will Neymar Junior’s daughter be called Neymara Sandy?” asked another.

What is already circulating is the appearance of the daughter. Compilations have been made with photos from when Neymar was a teenager. “Artificial intelligence created Neymara when she was 12 years old.”

The “Neymar week” was commented on by netizens. One of them listed the controversial events in the personal life of the PSG player and the Brazilian national team. “Neymar updates: Bruna Biancardi cheated, alleged treason, Neymar’s father arrested, new house banned, Neymara revealed,” he published.

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Netizens create a nickname for Neymar’s daughter and even talk about the looks Read More »