1687714948 Greek elections polls show former Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis right

Greek elections: polls show former Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ right wing party broadly in the lead

That result should give him an outright majority thanks to the new voting system put in place for these second general elections in just over a month.

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China says US balloons violated its space quotmore than ten

Posted on 6/25/2023 6:13 PM Updated on 6/25/2023 7:28 PM

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Former Greek Prime Minister and leader of the New Democracy party Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Athens on June 23, 2023.  (ARIS OIKONOMOU / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

Former Greek Prime Minister and leader of the New Democracy party Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Athens on June 23, 2023. (ARIS OIKONOMOU / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

The right confirms their lead. According to election polls, former Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ party easily won the general elections in Greece on Sunday 25 June. This result should give him an absolute majority to form a “stable government”.

The New Democracy (ND), in power from 2019 to the end of May, would get between 40% and 44% of the vote, ahead of Alexis Tsipras’ left-wing Syriza party, which would get between 16% and 19% of the vote According to polls released by TV channels at the end of the elections, the number is even lower than in the previous elections on May 21 (20%).

A “bonus” of seats for the leading party

Kyriakos Mitsotakis won a major victory five weeks ago, receiving 40.79% of the vote, twice Syriza’s. But this push had not given him the absolute majority that would be required to form a government without forming an alliance.

The leader of New Dimokratia (ND) had ruled out the formation of a coalition and called for new elections. He was counting on an electoral system that would grant the victorious party a “bonus” of up to 50 seats this time.

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Greek elections: polls show former Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ right wing party broadly in the lead Read More »

They marry and have three children after 10 years they

They marry and have three children, after 10 years they make a shocking discovery: “But our family accepted it”

They get married and after 10 years find out it’s them cousins. Here’s what happened to the couple, made up of Celina Quinones, 37, and Joseph Quinones, 44. The two have stated that they have no intention of breaking up, but that they are now one Family are united and love each other very much. The bitter discovery came years later Marriage: They found out they were related because their grandmothers were first cousins. Here’s what happened.

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Celina and Joseph Quinones have been a couple for 17 years. Neither of them could imagine that they were cousins. It was a bitter discovery made years after the marriage when examining the inheritance papers they were to leave to their children.

When they found out the degree of kinship from the notary, the two decided to do a DNA test, which confirmed what had already been established in the registry. “We decided to do the DNA test and that’s when we found out. I had a little stomach ache. In my head I thought we should get a divorce,” the 37-year-old from Colorado admitted.

Celina and Joseph first met at a Halloween party and decided to date after love at first sight. Since then, they have never been separated and will celebrate their 17th wedding anniversary next month. Earlier this year, Celina decided to go public with the fact that her husband is also her cousin and made a TikTok video for The Truly Show about how she found out. But the couple was immediately met with criticism and insults, calling their relationship “sick”.

The reaction of social networks and relatives

“So creepy, why would you marry your cousin? They look so alike, how could they not know? I feel sorry for the children. I would be embarrassed if I were her. They outraged so many people when they revealed their children “didn’t ask too many questions” when they were told,” some users commented under the video.

Celina’s dad Mark says they should “definitely” be together. “They are very comfortable together, they complement each other and are our family and will stay together for a long time, just like my wife and I. I would have accepted them anyway, they are my family”.

Celina and Joseph say they now ignore the haters and want to remain happily married: “It’s easy for people who insult us to speak up without knowing the full story,” comments Celina. “Nearly eleven years later, three kids later, we found that you can’t give that up,” Joseph concluded.

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They marry and have three children, after 10 years they make a shocking discovery: “But our family accepted it” Read More »

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker announce the gender of their

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker announce the gender of their baby

A year after their marriage, Kourtney Kardashian disclosed Travis Barker shared the good news of her pregnancy during a concert in Los Angeles, along with her group Blink-182. He held up a banner that read: “Travis, I’m pregnant.“Judging by the surprised expression on the drummer’s face when he saw the poster, he probably found out about it at the same time as the public did. In recent days, both have been spotted showing off their abs on their social media. A photo of a trip with a sexy bikini that shows the bellyor the video of Kourtney on Travis’ knees announcing the gender of their future baby.

Is our arsonist ready?asks Travis. “I don’t know what’s going on, whatever they have planned…” Kourtney replied as a voice yelled, “Let’s get the party started, we’re all excited!” Barker started a drum roll and kissed his wife, before hitting the drum symbols as well A swarm of blue streamers shot into the air behind them, confirming that the couple is expecting a child. “I knew it!” You heard someone scream.

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker announce the gender of their baby Read More »

1687714581 Havana Tribune Havana Tribune

Havana Tribune Havana Tribune

Representatives of 18 Latin American and Caribbean countries agreed in this capital on the need to renew the measures using the Sterile Insect Technique (TIE) to combat mosquitoes, some of which cause contagious diseases.

To this end, at a meeting at the Memories Miramar Hotel, they drew up the basics of a new project aimed primarily at expanding the capacities in the facilities and preparing the necessary staff, doctor René Gato Armas told the Cuban news agency.

“Only this time, the goals of the SIT are aimed at helping the nations that are furthest behind in the application,” added Gato Armas, from the Vector Control Department of the Pedro Kourí Institute of Tropical Medicine (IPK), recognized for his experience Recognized in Diagnosis and Recognition Control of Communicable Diseases.

The Cuban coordinator of the initiative also shared content and perspectives with his colleagues in the region at a meeting at the aforementioned hotel complex in the capital, which is funded and technically advised by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). based in Vienna.

He noted that Brazil and Cuba are furthest along in their rollout since the first version began in 2020-2023, and the second version is expected in 2024-2027 when they make the most late recommendation.

He specified that the consultation will take into account training and advice on the components of the TIE, the supply of materials and equipment purchased, delivered and used, and the selection of sites for conducting tests with the support of national projects.

In addition, learning to irradiate the bids, experiments on tagging, releasing and recapturing, assessments, tests, on-site pre-operations, coordination of interviews and training in communication.

Maylen Gómez Pacheco and Chao Chia, project technical manager and IAEA adviser respectively, provided advice on the creation of the matrix based on member countries’ proposals and its implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Among those attending the meeting were specialists from Argentina, Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Uruguay.

They also evaluated the results of their management in the implementation of the first project on this subject in 2020-2023 and in the case of Cuba, the test began in the town of El Cano, municipality of La Lisa of the capital, which was chosen as the intervention site due to its proximity to the Pedro Kourí Institute for Tropical Medicine (IPK), the coordinator of the project in the country.

The Center for Technological Applications and Nuclear Development (CEADEN), one of the agencies of the Nuclear Energy and Advanced Technologies Agency, is responsible for irradiating mosquitoes to sterilize them.

Since there are no effective vaccines and drugs to combat diseases such as dengue fever, Zika fever and chikungunya fever, according to experts, controlling vector populations is considered an effective way to combat these diseases.

AIT consists in releasing sterile male mosquitoes which, when copulating with wild females, reduce their reproductive capacity and thus the birth rate of the population. A technology that has been successfully used in other countries for more than 50 years to combat mosquitoes of various insect pests.

Once the sterilized mosquitoes are irradiated with gamma or X-rays, they are unable to produce offspring while maintaining sexual competitiveness because the males do not bite and therefore do not cause or transmit disease.

Projects of this type are being implemented with the support of the IAEA, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and other international organizations and donor countries, which could respond to the regional dengue emergency and contribute to the eradication of the disease . virus in the Latin American and caribbean region.

(Taken from ACN)

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Push to defend Havana Bay

Havana Tribune Havana Tribune Read More »

“Pride” march: Istanbul’s queer scene defies the police

Beginning of Pride week: protesters last Sunday in Istanbul Photo: AP

The LGBTQ community in Turkey has been under pressure since Erdogan used it as an enemy. Activists gathered in Istanbul to protest.

Demonstration in Türkiye is a matter of minutes. It usually doesn’t take long for the police to step in and take the participants away. But this time the organizers of the annual “Pride” march were prepared. While authorities cordoned off large areas of the streets around symbolic Taksim Square on Sunday, shut down several metro stations and deployed hundreds of police, LGBTQ parade participants simply gathered in the nearby neighborhood of Sisli. The organizers kept the venue a secret until the very end. Only selected people were informed via the Telegram network.

The number of participants was correspondingly small. According to the videos that circulated on the internet, there were just over a hundred. “Whether you find us or not, we are together,” the organizers wrote on Twitter.

So this time it took the organizers 37 minutes to report: “The police arrived at our meeting points. Drop your flags and disperse.” The uniforms had already surrounded some of the participants and started to arrest them. Initially, more than 40 people were arrested. The organizers had already manifested themselves previously through a loudspeaker. “We declare that our anger will burn him,” he said. “Despite all criminalization and oppression, we will continue to defend everyone’s right to a dignified life.”

Erdogan incites against the LGBTQ community

This year the march was of particular importance. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has targeted the LGBTQ community in his re-election campaign to mobilize his conservative voters. He described homosexuality as a contagious disease and the opposition as “LGBTists”. In his victory speech on May 28, Erdogan announced that homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender people would never “infiltrate” his AKP party.

The government plans to amend the constitution to explicitly define the term “family” as a bond between a man and a woman. There are fears that this could pave the way for further criminalization. A ban on organizations campaigning for the rights of sexual minorities and a law against alleged “LGBTQ propaganda” based on the Russian model are under discussion.

AKP deputy leader Hamza Dag recently made it clear that the demonization of sexual minorities is at the top of the government’s agenda. He described LGBT rights as “social terrorism” and “the new apparatus of imperialism”. “Countries and nations that do not allow this in their societies will be the nations that will survive in the coming years.”

There is great concern that such rhetoric could encourage violent criminals and motivate Islamist parties in parliament to become involved in political bidding. Erdogan justified Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention to Combat Gender-Based Violence in 2021, saying the agreement “legitimizes homosexuality”.

more on the subject

The annual Pride March in Istanbul has been held since 2003. In the year of the 2013 Gezi protests, tens of thousands joined the parade down Istiklal Street for the first time. After the protest movement was crushed, Erdogan resorted to increasingly autocratic means and increasingly propagated Islamic values. Both severely restricted the scope of the LGBTQ community. Since 2015, “Pride” marches have been banned for various reasons.

Until the presidential election in May, activists had hoped that if the opposition won, they would be able to demonstrate unhindered for the first time in years. However, the opposition kept a low profile on the matter. Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu of the CHP opposition was evasive. It is not he who decides the ban, but the unelected governor of Istanbul. “The city could do more to support us,” said one of the organizers, who went by her stage name Tina. “For example, avoid enforcing traffic closures.”

Source: DO

“Pride” march: Istanbul’s queer scene defies the police Read More »

Some gamma ray bursts could be stellar collisions around supermassive black

Some gamma-ray bursts could be stellar collisions around supermassive black holes – Futura

An exotic long gamma-ray burst, one of the brightest known cosmic cataclysms, is believed to be the result of the collision of two compact stars initially migrating around a supermassive black hole, such as two neutron stars in the surrounding accretion disk. This black hole. This is the scenario proposed to explain the enigmatic GRB 191019A.

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) remained unknown to the astrophysicist community for years after their discovery. It was only after military secrecy was lifted in 1973 over sightings of the US Vela family of satellites that the same community began to wonder about their existence. She therefore understood that the gamma-ray bursts detected in July 1967 by these satellites, which originally served to verify the application of the treaties banning nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, could not have come from the astrophysical events known at the time, such as solar flares or supernovae and classical novae.

The GRBs were so extraordinarily bright that they seemed to defy known physics, until it was realized that most of the energy released could be in the form of focused beams rather than an omnidirectional explosion. We still got spectacular numbers as it is about a thousand times the mass of Earth converted mainly to gamma rays but also to X and visible by a GRB.

We know they are of two main types: short gamma-ray bursts lasting two seconds at most, and long gamma-ray bursts lasting only a few hours. It wasn’t until the 1990s and 2000s that we began to really understand the theory behind these cosmic catastrophes and to be able to pinpoint them relatively accurately on the celestial canopy.

A very nice artist’s impression of the explosion of a hypernova with the formation of a black hole in the host star. These synthetic images illustrate the hypernova model that is believed to be responsible for most of the long gamma-ray bursts. Before a very massive star explodes, a black hole forms in the place of its heart, which then swallows the rest of the star. As an accretion disk also forms from streams of particles, we see these emerging from the star’s surface and propagating through the interstellar medium, creating a shock wave. This is where gamma photons are emitted. For a reasonably accurate French translation, click the white rectangle at the bottom right. The English subtitles should then appear. Then click on the nut to the right of the rectangle, then on “Subtitles” and finally on “Translate automatically”. Choose French. © Desy, science communication laboratory

A kilonova mimicking a hypernova?

Brief gamma-ray bursts are thought to result from the collision of two neutron stars in a binary star system due to the loss of energy in the form of gravitational waves. The latest collision resulted in what is known as a kilonova, a scenario demonstrated a few years ago with the rise of gravitational astronomy by Ligo and Virgo, leading to the discovery in 2017 of GW source 170817 associated with GRB 170817A, a short gamma-ray burst originating from both the Fermi and Integral satellites.

Long gamma-ray bursts fall under the hypernovae scenario explained in the video above. In fact, the boundary between the two GRB types is a bit blurred and events have been discovered which, if at first glance they fell under one of the scenarios, could actually be better explained by the other, according to a recent article elsewhere shows published in the famous journal Nature Astronomy and a version of it is also available on arXiv.

In the Nature article, astrophysicists examined the case of GRB 191019A, a gamma-ray burst that lasted about a minute and was detected by NASA’s Neil Gehrel’s Swift Observatory satellite on October 19, 2019. Located at the heart of an ancient galaxy, it could also be observed from the ground, but its visible counterpart with the eight-meter telescope at Gemini South Observatory in Chile.

Since no traces of supernovae were detected at that time, and even fewer hypernovae, astrophysicists were forced to consider a different scenario to explain GRB 191019A, taking into account telescopic data that places it in a very special environment, namely a sphere of about 100 light-years across, surrounding a supermassive black hole. The star density there is enormous, up to about a million stars in a volume a few light-years across. As a reminder, the average distance between two stars in the disk of the Milky Way is about 4 light-years.

A new scenario for gravitational wave emissions

The researchers’ calculations therefore suggest that explaining GRB 191019A requires collisions between compact stars such as white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes, possibly in the gas-rich accretion disk of the central supermassive black hole.

However, these were not collisions between celestial bodies originally part of a binary system, but rather the analogue of collisions between the molecules of a gas moving in all directions in a given volume.

“These new results show that stars can die in some of the densest regions of the Universe where they can be collided. “It is exciting to understand how stars die and to answer other questions, such as what unexpected sources might be generating gravitational waves that we might detect on Earth,” said NOIRLab (National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory, State of the USA) the NSF Center for Nocturnal Ground-Based Optical Astronomy) Andrew Levan, astronomer at Radboud University in the Netherlands and lead author of the article in the journal Nature Astronomy.

Some gamma-ray bursts could be stellar collisions around supermassive black holes – Futura Read More »

Britannic The Tragic Story of Titanics Sister Ship

Britannic: The Tragic Story of Titanic’s Sister Ship

Modified June 25, 2023 | 11:11

1911. The busy Harland & Wolff shipyard in Belfast seethes with energy from a thousand workers, hammers banging in unison. Out of this sonic chaos and frenzy emerges a colossal marvel of engineering, a ship that would go down as a “brother” to the infamous Titanic. This is the Britannic, the third Olympic class ocean liner of the White Star Line.

From the start, the Britannic was designed to be bigger and better than her big brothers, the Titanic and the Olympic. No detail was neglected, no expense spared to ensure this ‘unsinkable’ beauty would withstand any misfortune. Little did the optimistic planners and builders know that fate had a different plan.

The Ice Test: Navigating Tough Times

Just a year into the Britannic’s construction, her sister Titanic suffered a catastrophic fate. The “unsinkable” claim perished with him, swallowed up by the frigid, unforgiving Atlantic after the fateful collision with an iceberg.


Faced with this cataclysmic revelation, the Britannic’s builders redoubled their efforts to ensure the new ship did not meet the same fate. They improved the design flaws that led to Titanic’s sinking, introduced a double hull along the engine and boiler rooms, and raised the bulkhead decks to make the ship even more watertight.

While the Britannic was being built, the world fell into chaos. The outbreak of World War I in 1914 marked the beginning of an era of destruction and despair.

Amid the smoke and wreckage of war, the Britannic was seized by the British government and converted into a floating hospital. The luxurious amenities were removed and replaced with beds and medical facilities. She was painted white, with large red crosses and a horizontal green band marking her as the Ship of Mercy, a haven amidst the storm of conflict.

The Last Voyage: A Tragic End for the Britannic


By November 1916, the Britannic had successfully completed six voyages, bringing aid and comfort to thousands of wounded soldiers. But like his doomed brother, he too had met a tragic end. On the morning of November 21, 1916, the Britannic was struck by a massive explosion while navigating the Aegean Sea.

To this day, the cause of the explosion is disputed, with some claiming that it was a hidden torpedo from a German submarine, others claiming that it was an underwater mine. However, the result was clear. Despite all the modifications and improvements, the Britannic began to sink.

However, this story has a positive side. Thanks to lessons learned from the Titanic tragedy, the Britannic had enough lifeboats for everyone on board. Of the 1,065 people on the ship during her most recent voyage, 1,036 were rescued, a testament to her crew’s improved safety measures and quick action.

The Britannic sank in 55 minutes, making it the longest lost ship in World War I. Its wreck was discovered by Jacques Cousteau in 1975 and has been explored several times since, with each expedition revealing more of its enigmatic history. It is only about 120 meters deep.


Navigate through history

While the story of the Britannic has an obscure connection to Titanic, it is a unique tale of ambition, improvisation and resilience.

Born of a combination of high hopes and hard lessons, he served as a beacon of hope in a dark time and even in his tragic end he managed to avoid the great loss of life that marked his brother’s downfall.

As such, it serves as a poignant reminder of human resilience and the relentless drive to learn, improve, and survive no matter the challenges we face.

With information from Britannica


EditorinChief of Mistérios do Mundo since 2011. I love to travel, enjoy good music and read. It won the Digital Influencer Award in the Oddities category.

Britannic: The Tragic Story of Titanic’s Sister Ship Read More »

Un Posto al Sole June 26 2023 Progress Marina at

Un Posto al Sole June 26, 2023 Progress: Marina at the limit …

Un Posto al Sole June 26, 2023 Preview: Marina at the limit…

The preview of the episode of Un Posto al Sole aired on Rai 3 on June 26, 2023 shows that Ida makes Lara tremble while Marina and Roberto continue to clash. Rossella, on the other hand, gets into big trouble…

In the’Consequence From A place in the Sun From Monday 26 June 2023, Ida She seems determined to get her son back, so she risks ruining the plan for good lara. In the meantime, Robert And marinaAfter a brief moment of reconciliation, they face an even deeper crisis. RenatoOn the other hand, after an indiscretion at Caffè Vulcano, he feels bad; Paying the consequences could be Scarlet… But we want to find out together what they reveal in detail progress of the bet which is broadcast Morning at 8:45 p.m At Rai 3.

Ida gets Lara in trouble in the June 26 episode previews

Ida she had arrived in Naples to rescue his son, but Lara had managed to change her mind. But although she initially listened to the blonde, the young Polish woman cannot accept the thought of having to give up little Tommaso forever. For this reason, Ida is back in the capital of Campaniaand it’s more certainly that never to reunite with the child. MartinelliSo, big risk: Tommaso’s biological mother is in serious danger of screwing up her diabolical plan…

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Robert and Marina I am in a short fight. The man wants his wife to forgive him for allowing his ex to approach him, but Giordano seems unable to do so. The angry manager even decided to lean on Ferris’ bitter enemy Alberto to anger him. The two, Howeveralways fatally drawn to each other in a moment of closeness and weakness, they succumbed to passion. Despite it, The couple is now in an even deeper crisis

Rossella in trouble, in the June 26 episode previews

Rossella faces big problems. The latter, in dispute with Riccardo, gave Nunzio a kissShe is also sorry for the stormy end of the love story with Chiara; Since then, Graziani junior has come up with nothing else. However, the girl is distracted by a much larger thought. Renatoafter a ruthless act in the Caffé Vulcano, In the end he blames an illness. The man is unwell, and Bearing the consequences might be fair the poor Scarlet!

A place in the Sunthe long-running Neapolitan soap opera, airs Monday through Friday at 8:45 p.m At Rai 3.

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