1687667466 Saguenay Fire Department overwhelmed on National Day eve

Saguenay Fire Department overwhelmed on National Day eve

I think citizen awareness of forest fires is huge as there is still a lot of talk about it in the media. So it is certain that the moment something deviates from normal, namely fires with spark arrestors, there are still many home visits […] We have become aware of this in the past few days and are moving staff to this end, explained the operations manager of the Saguenay fire protection service, Nicolas Rannoue.

He expects an even busier weekend as the flammability index could rise from very high to extreme in half the region on Friday.

“We’ve moved a lot in the last few days,” he added. So I imagine it will be even higher because we already move more at Saint Jean parties, even if we are in normal contexts, when we are not on the flammability index. Extreme. So I can imagine that it will not be different from the others.

The fire safety department will conduct its usual preventive surveys of buildings on Friday and keep an eye out for fires outside.

On Wednesday, firefighters from Saguenay intervened in Saint-Jean-Vianney over a tire and wood fire, while the region has had a ban on open fires in or near the forest since May 28.

Fireworks: Citizens made aware

Regarding the purchase of fireworks, according to Rémi Aubin, citizens are disciplined by Accommodation 21 in La Baie.

Normally, the convenience store empties practically its entire stock a few days before the national holiday, but for a few weeks retailers have hardly sold any.

A man gives an interview to Radio-Canada in a tackle shop.

Rémi Aubin from accommodation 21 in La Baie.

Photo: Radio Canada

Rémi Aubin believes that people in the region are aware of this because access to the forest comes with many activities, whether it is access to their cabin, an outfitter or fishing.

The sale of fireworks is very slow compared to previous years. Normally my supplies on Saint-Jean-Baptiste are very good. I trust people’s good judgment. […] “I think people don’t want to take the risk that there will be wildfires and that access to their chalets and access to forested areas will be restricted,” Rémi Aubin said.

According to SOPFEU, the ban on open fire also means that fireworks are banned.

Saguenay Fire Department overwhelmed on National Day eve Read More »

1687667318 Codazzi an example of the silent violence with which the

Codazzi, an example of the silent violence with which the Clan del Golfo grips the Colombian Caribbean

The first shot went through a basin, which fell off the table and spilled water on the floor. The second reached the youngest of Liliana Quintero’s eight children. It was eight o’clock in the evening and the family was collecting water for the next day. The eldest son immediately confronted one of the three hooded assassins and hit him with a chair until he slipped and they killed him on the ground. Those two murders, those of Ronaldo and Fabián Maldonado, brought the number of murders committed by the Clan del Golfo in Codazzi, a town in the Colombian Caribbean, to 13 this year. Residents know this is a plan of social destruction .

Liliana Quintero painfully recalls where her home was in the parish of Agustín Codazzi before her children were murdered.Liliana Quintero remembers with pain where her home was before her children were murdered in the parish of Agustín Codazzi. Diego Cuevas

Liliana’s wrinkled face has a languid expression like that of an old woman. At the age of 55, he is very sad: his four children were killed. The first was murdered eight years ago; the second in June last year and the last two, Ronaldo, 22, and Fabián, 33, in April this year. They were responsible for the financial support of Liliana, who arrived in Codazzi in the late 1990s, displaced by the paramilitaries. He built a mud hut in an invasion area and finished raising his children there.

“I couldn’t figure out why.” It’s a sleep I get every day. I want justice to be done,” he says, covering his face and crying.

El Cesar is the second largest department of Colombia, producing the most coal. Codazzi, one of his mining communities, leaves behind large royalties that are not translated into works for the common good. Starving dogs roam the potholed streets. The hospital looks like an abandoned slaughterhouse: the walls, flaking paint from excessive leaks, could well serve as a house of horrors. The most privileged residents get water every two days, the poorest, like Liliana, never. Known as “the white city” because of the vast cotton fields that surrounded it, Codazzi no longer exists. At the end of the 1990s, the paramilitaries came and scourged the people. Out of a population of 67,000, 51,204 are considered victims of the armed conflict by the state. Most of them live in the fields, mainly from coffee cultivation and animal husbandry. Most visible among all the violence in the city are a few entrance roundabouts, which the current mayor ordered to be built at a cost of 2.7 billion pesos (about $700,000). There is no permanent water and no well-equipped hospital, but there are monuments that are worth photographing.

The power that ELN and FARC guerrillas enjoyed in the region for decades pales in the face of the overgrowth of the Clan del Golfo in northern Colombia. This illegal organized crime army is a collection of criminal gangs including the Úsuga clan, the Águilas Negras and Los Urabeños. According to the latest report by NGO Indepaz, there are more than 9,000 men under arms and 3,000 more in support networks across the country; It is bigger than the ELN or the FARC dissidents.


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GET THISPhoto of Ronaldo, one of Liliana's murdered sons.Photo of Ronaldo, one of Liliana’s murdered sons. Diego Cuevas

In Cesar, in the midst of the pandemic, the Clan del Golfo began to quietly expand, taking advantage of the quarantine. The Office of the Ombudsman has issued four early warnings to urge the authorities to take urgent action to prevent another bloodbath in the department. There have been no murders since the last show, which aired on Codazzi in May, but the clan has taken control of the area, recruiting young people, and men armed with pistols and rifles are roaming the city to intimidate social leaders and murder stigmatized people.

Social destruction was a common practice of the paramilitaries and is now one of their substitute practices. With it they want to “impose order” (an order of which it is not known who obeys and who serves), a sophistry to justify crimes, to educate the population and to instill fear. Most of those killed are poor and marginalized young people from the outskirts who have been accused of involvement in criminal activities without any evidence. Since last year, a wave of murders has been accumulating, the common feature of which is leaving labels on the victims so that there is no doubt about the perpetrators. Next to the bodies, the assassins left cardboard boxes with handwritten messages: “AGC available”, “For a rat”, “For a toad” (informer), “For a drug addict”. A murdered man was left with a sign accusing him of collecting extortion money on behalf of the Clan del Golfo. These are the crimes that have been dubbed “social cleansing” for decades due to Colombia’s deterioration.

Message to Ronaldo on the side of the house.Message to Ronaldo on the side of the house. Diego Cuevas

Although murders of this type have been committed since the 1980s, there are now concerns about their systematic nature. According to the Ombudsman’s Office, a strategy of the Clan del Golfo is to pursue its consolidation and expansion, as this serves to strengthen the social base, “on the one hand because some sections of the population tend to view these homicides as positive eyes and on the other hand.” others because they ingratiate themselves with latifundist sectors affected by the rustle; On the other hand, it also creates intimidation and fear in other sectors and makes them more vulnerable to their subordination,” a Cesar official told EL PAÍS.

Leaflets threatening further destruction have appeared throughout the department. In Codazzi’s, the billboard, dominated by two human skulls, reads: “The time has come to do a new cleanse for all drug dealers and smokers, street thieves, rapists, auto sled drivers…”. It used to be notices that were placed under the front door, today they are spread on social networks. In other “messages,” the Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces (a name given to members of the Clan del Golfo) threaten to kill those who leave after 9 a.m. “We’re going to kill all that son of a bitch who’s shagging in the street” (sic), they warn. “If the authorities don’t go where the thieves, thieves, pickpockets and marijuana users are, we will go after them,” they add. On other posters, they threatened various social leaders with their own names.

Cemetery of the Municipality of Agustín Codazzi.Cemetery of the Municipality of Agustín Codazzi.Diego Cuevas

“The approval of social destruction is very high,” explains Carlos Mario Perea, professor at the Institute for Political Studies at the National University. The urban conflict expert is concerned about the label “social cleansing” because it creates the fallacy that “dirt” is being removed and ultimately legitimizes the killers. “More complicated is the idea that social cleansing is good because it rids us of conflict and very bad people and restores justice where the state isn’t there,” he says. The professor explains that extermination pursues identities with contradictory characteristics, and that the armed actors use them because they know they evoke sympathy among residents. “The annihilation tries to regulate coexistence in a cruel way,” says Perea.

According to the Ombudsman, the ceasefire agreed between December 2022 and March this year between the state and the Clan del Golfo was “designed to strengthen themselves militarily and financially in the area, leading to repeated violations,” leading to Assassination and economic extortion carried out and patrols in urban areas. In the Codazzi area, Francisco José Morelos Peñate’s front was reinforced with weapons, logistical means and men, some of whom came from Córdoba and Urabá, the paramilitary rear guard and base of expansion at the end of the last century.

Fear and more fear

Dairo Bayona has calluses on his nerves with so many threats. Being a social leader in Colombia means living under the influence of criminals. Bayona is 37 years old and a candidate for mayor of Codazzi, a municipality he has had to leave several times due to threats. Last by phone. He was called by someone posing as “Commander Aníbal Guerrero” to keep him informed of his “compulsory security services” through “carnets” which they distribute to the population. He informed him that they had held meetings with the Presidents of the Community Action Boards in anticipation of the municipal elections in October. When Dairo told him in a recording obtained by this newspaper that he was not interested in the “offer,” Guerrero threatened him:

Dairo Bayona, social leader.Dairo Bayona, social leader. Diego Cuevas

“The problems won’t be for me, they will be for you, and try to take good care of yourself.” Everyone creates their own destiny. If you are one of those people who are dissatisfied with us here in this area (…) we will also be with you. If you make the decision to lock the doors on us, do not lock them on us, but on yourself.

A motorcycle taxi driver who saw the gunmen admits he is afraid to offer his services in the city. A man recently stopped him on the road and asked him to take him to a farm seven kilometers from town. The motorcycle taxi driver accepted this on condition that the road was paved. The man got in and when they reached the rural area he announced:

“I’m the one killing here, I’ll kill everyone, but don’t worry, go ahead, we’re fine.”

The motorcycle taxi driver was horrified and continued on his way until he came to a farm full of armed men. In the outskirts nobody dares to go out after eight in the evening. He stopped working nights. “People hear about the self-defense forces and are more afraid of them than they are of the devil,” he says.

Interior of the Public Hospital of the Municipality of Agustín Codazzi.Interior of the Public Hospital of the Municipality of Agustín Codazzi.Diego Cuevas

Another resident, who asked not to give his name, says he saw them drinking alcohol, dressed all in black, with the “AGC” badge on them. In a leaflet received on his phone, they announce they will begin levying a tax on dealers “for the cause of the Self-Defense Forces.” These are logics that are modeled on those of the turn of the century.

In the late 1990s, thousands of people were displaced by the paramilitaries. Miguel Ricardo Serna was one of them. He then directed a land restitution process, but was unable to get his land back. “I used to sow seeds, but now I don’t even have soil in my fingernails,” he says. Noon burns like an ember in Codazzi. Miguel, 63, sits by the street door with several chickens and says that his life is in danger, that he has had to move several times and that, since he does not receive a peso for his social leadership, he is looking for different jobs : he is a midwife , Nursing Assistant and Rezandero. Pray for the sick animals and the dead. A few days ago I was praying for a lady with a rosary in my hand when suddenly I heard shots: a young man was killed in front of me. He finished answering and crossed the street to pray to the newly deceased. He recently received a call from Clan del Golfo, in which they insulted him, declared him “persona non grata” and asked him to vacate the apartment within 24 hours. But he has nowhere to go. “Just seeing them around town makes you feel like a victim again. We’re full of terror,” he says.

Ómar Benjumea, Mayor of Codazzi, underestimates the size and capacity of the Clan del Golfo. “My point of view is that the Clan del Golfo has no social base or distribution as they want to believe,” he said in a telephone interview with EL PAÍS. He reiterated that the Ombudsman’s early warning “did people great harm” by strengthening the criminal group. He reiterates that while there are patrols in the area, he does not believe that a cell is installed there, but that it is an incipient presence. He says he visited the yards where local residents said the armed men were, but neither he nor the police saw them.

Market in the urban area of ​​the municipality of Agustín Codazzi.Market in the urban area of ​​the municipality of Agustín Codazzi.Diego Cuevas

Cesar prosecutors announced that Mayor Benjumea had in his escort a former police officer who was said to be from the Gulf clan. Former police officer Luis Miguel Mercado was arrested for conspiring to commit crimes with this criminal group. Although Benjumea denies that he was his companion, he professes their friendship and says that the man only accompanied him on his travels but held no position as such. In a local newspaper, the mayor said former police officer Luis Miguel Mercado gave him institutional advice, a claim he now denies. Social leader Dairo Bayona has asked the Ombudsman’s follow-up commission to investigate the mayor over his alleged links to this criminal group.

In a community with so much poverty and violence, life is a constant tragic struggle. The state doesn’t seem to exist. Liliana Quintero, now without her four children, displaced and without any psychosocial or financial help, needs answers to ease her pain. The same applies to another dozen victims’ families. In her mud hut, which is about to collapse, Liliana senses that justice is just a word in Colombia. It almost never comes.

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Codazzi, an example of the silent violence with which the Clan del Golfo grips the Colombian Caribbean Read More »

1687667185 Boxer shorts or briefs does it make sense to fool

Boxer shorts or briefs: does it make sense to fool people?

Boxer shorts or briefs does it make sense to fool

In 1777, the encyclopedist Jean le Rond d’Alembert called a competition in the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences, to which he belonged, and asked the thinkers of Europe to answer this question: “Is it useful to deceive the people ? Among the winning works was the contribution of the French mathematician Frédéric de Castillon, who undoubtedly answered “yes”. In his arguments he quoted Plato, who in “The Republic” gave rulers the right to lie. Castillon said the truth is bearable only “to the eyes of an eagle.” To others, “in order not to dazzle them, it must be shown covered with veils that lessen its excessive brightness.”

José Miguel Monzón asked Pedro Sánchez if he wore boxers or briefs, and the President replied: neither. From this one might conclude that he doesn’t wear any underwear (although it tempts me more to imagine that he wears Marian underpants, like those of his forty-year-old friends, which make Irene Montero uncomfortable), but in reality he meant nothing by wearing little clothing , but he knows he can dress right for any occasion. The veils that rulers use to cover up the truth are now made entirely of cotton.

It’s difficult to turn on the TV these days without seeing the President on set. One was even set up in Ferraz to interview ministers and act as moderator, like his former vice-president. He’ll soon be making cameo appearances in Turkish soap operas because he’s not lacking in leading actor tracks. Sánchez interprets all the records as denying the image of an automaton devoid of feelings that has been pushed on him, and the result is disturbing: we do not know which president is the real one. To protect people from the excessive brilliance of truth, this eagle dazzles them 24/7 with its encyclopedia salesman’s smile, as D’Alembert wrote. The question is: how many will buy it?

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Boxer shorts or briefs: does it make sense to fool people? Read More »

1687667079 Sports betting The best offers from Friday on Mise o jeu

Sports betting: The best offers from Friday on Mise-o-jeu+

Here are three sports betting offers at the Mise-o-jeu+ site for Friday 23rd June that are worth a detour.

Soccer: Montreal Alouettes vs. Hamilton Tiger Cats

Sports betting: The best offers from Friday on Mise-o-jeu+

Martin Chevalier / JdeM

The Alouettes will look to remain undefeated by visiting the Tiger-Cats at Tim Hortons Field. Montreal’s 19-12 win over the Ottawa Redblacks wasn’t the most convincing, but the result counts. After a week off, Jason Maas’ men are ready to face off against a side who have been defeated in both games. It must be said that the first two opponents of the “Ti-Cats”, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and the Toronto Argonauts, were big customers. Hamilton will also be without number one quarterback Bo Levi Mitchell. It’s Matthew Shiltz, a former Sparrows, who will be the starting gun in this home opener.

Prediction: Montreal Alouettes win – 2.20

Baseball: Toronto Blue Jays vs. Oakland Athletics

Sports betting: The best offers from Friday on Mise-o-jeu+

Getty Images via AFP

This season, the track and field teams (19-58) show a pathetic performance. They are the only major league baseball team not to win 20 games this year, and they have suffered two consecutive losses. At the Rogers Center in Toronto, don’t expect better from this club that seems increasingly destined to move to Las Vegas. The Blue Jays (41-35) are still trying to flap their wings in the tough East Section of the American. A win could get them closer to or even overtaking the New York Yankees in third place. Victories against the A’s must not be missing.

Prediction: Toronto Blue Jays win – 1.33

Tennis: Maria Sakkari v. Marketa Vondrousova

Sports betting: The best offers from Friday on Mise-o-jeu+


After falling out in the first round against Bianca Andreescu in Berlin, Vondrousova goes into the quarter-finals with a lot of confidence. The 53rd player in the world even defeated Sakkari in straight sets 7-5 and 6-3 in Rome earlier this year. Apart from that, the Greek has some excellent moments in this tournament played on grass. She made short work of Alizé Cornet – taking revenge for last week’s loss to the Frenchwoman – and Aliaksandra Sasnovich. The sixth seed will be difficult to stop.

Prediction: Maria Sakkari wins – 2.09

Sports betting: The best offers from Friday on Mise-o-jeu+ Read More »

Russia The EU is closely monitoring the situation and in

Russia: The EU is “closely monitoring the situation” and in contact with G7 powers

European Council President Charles Michel said on Saturday he was “closely monitoring the situation in Russia” and “being in touch with European leaders and G7 partners,” while Wagner militia leader Evguéni Prigojine opposed the regular Russian troops rebelled.

• Also read: Putin opposes the “mortal threat” posed by the Wagner leader’s rebellion

• Also read: Offensive in Russia: “We’ll keep going, we’ll do it to the end,” swears the Wagner boss

• Also read: Russia promises to guarantee “the safety” of Wagner fighters if they end their insurgency

“This is clearly an internal Russian problem. Our support for Ukraine and [son président] Volodymyr Zelenskyy is unshakable,” the EU official tweeted.

The leaders of France, Germany and the United States have all said they are closely monitoring the situation. Italy is paying attention and calling on its citizens to be careful.

Russia: The EU is “closely monitoring the situation” and in contact with G7 powers Read More »

What time are they playing Santa Fe vs America de

What time are they playing Santa Fe vs. América de Cali LIVE in the BetPlay Women’s League Finals?

Santa Fe vs. America from Cali LIVE will be measured this Sunday 25th June for the first leg of the BetPlay Women’s League 2023 final. The match will start at 4:00 p.m. (Peruvian and Colombian time) at the Nemesio Camacho Stadium, El Campín in Bogotá, broadcast by the Win Sports+ channel. So that you don’t miss this and other Colombian football matches, follow La República Deportes ONLINE coverage with confirmed lineups, best matches history and final result summary.

Santa Fe vs. America de Cali Female: Match Report

BrokenSanta Fe vs. California, America
when do they playSunday June 25th
What’s the time?4:00 p.m. (Peru and Colombia)
Where?El Campin Stadium in Bogotá
On which channel?Win Sports+

The first champion against the youngest. The 2023 Colombian Women’s League Grand Final will feature Independiente Santa Fe and América de Cali, the two clubs with the most wins in the competition since turning professional in 2017. Both teams have two crowns in their possession and are now aiming for his third title.

The Lionesses reached this game after beating Atlético Nacional in the semifinals by a 5-1 aggregate score. For their part, Las Diablas defeated Deportivo Pereira with an unassailable 7-2. This is the second time these two teams have met in a final, as they did in 2020. This time, the triumph was for the capital.

    That season, Santa Fe lost 2-0 to the women's América de Cali.  Photo: Dimayor

That season, Santa Fe lost 2-0 to the women’s América de Cali. Photo: Dimayor

When are they playing Santa Fe vs. America de Cali female?

The first final between Santa Fe and América de Cali for the BetPlay Women’s League 2023 will take place this Sunday 25th June.

What time do they play Santa Fe vs. America de Cali female?

  • Colombia: 4 p.m
  • Mexico: 3 p.m
  • Ecuador, Peru: 4:00 p.m
  • Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Venezuela: 5 p.m
  • United States (Miami, New York, Washington DC): 5:00 p.m
  • Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay: 6 p.m
  • Spain. 11 p.m

Which channel is broadcasting Santa Fe vs. America de Cali Female?

The broadcast of this Santa Fe vs. América de Cali feminino will be in charge of the Win Sports+ channel, a signal available on most cable operators in the coffee country.

Win Sports+ via satellite:

  • DirecTV: Canal 634 (SD) – Canal 1634 (HD)
  • Movistar: Canal 497 (SD) – Canal 896 (HD)
  • ClaroTV: Canal 523 (HD).

Win Sports+ over cable:

  • ClaroTV: Canal 522 (SD) – Canal 1522 (HD)
  • Tigo: Channel 139 (SD) – Channel 239 (HD).

Win Sports+ over IPTV

  • Movie: Canal 210 (HD)
  • EMCALI: Channel 205 (HD)
  • ETB: Channel 388 (SD) – Channel 389 (HD)
  • Tigo: Channel 24 (SD) – Channel 239 (HD)
  • ClaroTV: Canal 1522 (HD).

How to watch Santa Fe vs. América de Cali Female ONLINE?

If you watch the Santa Fe vs. América de Cali Femenino game online: subscribe to the Win Sports ONLINE streaming service, which offers you monthly, semi-annual or annual plans to access all the Win Sports+ content. You can also choose the game and pay individually to watch it. However, if you do not have access to any of these channels, you can count on La República Deportes ONLINE coverage to keep you informed.

Santa Fe vs. America de Cali Female: Prognosis

These are some bookmaker odds for Santa Fe vs. America de Cali female. Despite being visitors, the Devils are going into the race as favourites.

  • 1XBet: win Santa Fe (3.02), draw (3.45), win America (2.18)
  • Ties: win Santa Fe (2.90), tie (3.20), win America (2.25).

Last matches of Santa Fe vs. America de Cali female

These are the latest clashes between Santa Fe and América de Cali in the Colombian women’s league.

  • Santa Fe 0-2 America de Cali | 02/26/23
  • America de Cali 2-2 Santa Fe | 05.04.22
  • Santa De 2-0 America de Cali | 13.12.20
  • America de Cali 1-2 Santa Fe | 10.12.20.

What time are they playing Santa Fe vs. América de Cali LIVE in the BetPlay Women’s League Finals? Read More »

What is the most attractive job Jana Hocking names the

What is the most attractive job? Jana Hocking names the dangerous jobs she avoids in Sydney

Controversial opinion: Asking your date what they do for a living is important.

Now, before you rip my head off and inundate me with scathing feedback like “She’s so shallow” and “As long as you’re nice, everything matters” (snoring!), I have a good reason for it.

You know, I recently had a date that turned out to be a total disaster! Why? Well, his job should have been the first sign that it was never going to work out.

It all started on a clear Sunday afternoon when I headed out with the girls for some wine and a laugh. A friend of mine accidentally cut her finger on a sharp oyster shell and a man from the table next to us ran to the bar and asked for a band-aid. This Prince Charming came back with the Band Aid and saved the day.

It was all very attractive and before I knew it we were talking intensely. We exchanged numbers and agreed on an appointment.

What is the most attractive job Jana Hocking names the

“It might seem superficial and slightly judgmental, but I’ll tell you honestly, it matters what a date does for a living,” says Jana

He texted me that he had a vegan café and invited me to a vegan banquet. I found this odd and could be fun. Spoiler alert: It wasn’t fun.

As we chatted over a surprisingly delicious lentil bolognese, it quickly became clear that he wasn’t just a normal vegan, but a committed vegan. He would show up on farms and steal chickens, let cows out of their paddocks, and abused farmers. Yes.

I couldn’t help it; I ended up telling him that my parents have a cattle shed (true story) and if he showed up on our farm I would have become a villain. It’s safe to say that the date ended with me storming out and blocking him on all social accounts.

Errggg disaster.

Well, you might just brush that away and say, well, that’s just one example of how his job was a sure sign the relationship was never going to work out. But it reminded me of a date I had a year ago.

We met through a dating app and had a nice chat about life, love and all those things when we got to the topic of favorite podcasts. I said I liked “Call her Daddy” and the guy told me he was dreading dating someone like host Alexandra, who was open about sex in all its glory.

1687666704 478 What is the most attractive job Jana Hocking names the

“Think about it… how much time do you spend chatting with your partner about your day?” Quite a chunk of it, right! “You want to at least hear something that interests you,” she said

Looking horrified, he said he’d never date someone who talked so casually and about “bedroom themes,” saying, “Girls have to keep it dressy.” Ouch.

It is as if I had traveled back in time. As someone who believes that a love life can only thrive through an open and honest dialogue about sex, this was a red flag. Given my job as a dating columnist, he was clearly not a good fit for me. I got far too much pleasure showing him some of my items.

Again, it could have saved us a lot of time and energy if we had talked openly about what we both do for a living.

Another friend had a date with an “entrepreneur” #redflag.

She figured that meant he had multiple companies and might be an accomplished tech genius. No, it was just a code word for lazy and unemployed. So I think we need to give prospective lovers more weight in what they do for a living.

It may seem superficial and slightly judgmental, but I’ll tell you honestly, it’s important. Think about it…how much time do you spend chatting with your partner about your day? Quite a part of it, right! You want to hear at least something that interests you.

Someone with a creative job, like a musician, would probably have trouble finding an interesting conversation with someone more methodical, like a computer programmer. I’m not saying one is exciting and the other boring, but the two don’t really match in terms of interest.

With that in mind, here are the jobs that are absolutely off-limits to me.

1687666705 277 What is the most attractive job Jana Hocking names the

“I like my men to be slightly eccentric,” says Jana, who is attracted to creative guys like actors


First, because they would be appalled at the way I total my expenses and keep a budget (I don’t!), and second, because I love chatting with my partner about their day. I want to hear about the drama, theatricality and the interesting meetings they had. Numbers just aren’t my thing.


Medical conversations put me to sleep, and I say that with love because I have two family members who work in this profession. All those weird long words and technical terms. I’m not going to match you, and to be fair, I don’t want to either.

office manager

While I’d kill to have her organizational skills, I’m afraid my messy life would drive her a little crazy. My home is eclectic, there is absolutely no order, I like to make on-the-fly plans and the only lists I make are for groceries. I’m afraid we wouldn’t have much in common.

And here are the jobs that would appeal to me (metaphorically and technically wink wink).

1687666707 920 What is the most attractive job Jana Hocking names the

“Anyone who can conjure up a masterpiece with their hands that delights all the senses fascinates me,” said Jana about chefs


I like my men slightly eccentric. Would you like to hop in a car and drive to Byron Bay tonight? Damn yes! Would you like to watch me play a serial killer in a play? Definitely.

doctors or nurses

This is a job I could listen to stories about all day! Tell me who came into the emergency room today. Yes, I want to hear about the worst injury you’ve ever seen. Let’s order another bottle of wine, because you have my full attention.


Obviously not vegan (still triggered), but anyone who can whip up a masterpiece with their hands that delights all the senses is someone who fascinates me. Especially considering I don’t have the patience or skills to make anything that doesn’t just take it out of the box and pop it in the microwave. I love watching a man in the kitchen. Nothing more sexual.

So my type is definitely someone who is more versatile and creative. That would easily drive a man who is robust, methodical and orderly insane.

I’m not for him and he’s not for me.

So asking someone what they do for a living is a neat little trick to find out what interests them. An easy way not to waste each other’s time and wallet.


What is the most attractive job? Jana Hocking names the dangerous jobs she avoids in Sydney Read More »

Russia Where is Rostov on Don DW English

Prigozhin advances from Rostov-on-Don to Moscow – DW

The head of the Wagner mercenary group said his troops had occupied key military sites in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don.

“Military objects of Rostov, including the airport, are under our control,” Yevgeny Prigozhin said in a video released Saturday morning. However, his claims could not be independently verified.

Why is Rostov-on-Don important?

Just 100 kilometers (60 miles) from the Ukrainian border, Rostov-on-Don is the largest city in southern Russia. With a population of over a million, it is the capital of the Rostov region, which borders parts of eastern Ukraine. The city is on the main route between the border with Ukraine’s Donbass region and Moscow, some 1,100 kilometers (680 miles) to the north.

The city is an important command and logistics hub for the Russian army. It houses the headquarters of Russia’s Southern Military District, whose 58th Combined Arms Army is involved in operations against Kiev’s counter-offensive in southern Ukraine, according to the War Research Institute. Rostov-on-Don is also the home base of the Russian Joint Group of Forces’ command center throughout Ukraine. Any threats to the military installations in the city are likely to affect Russia’s war effort.

DW international correspondent Roman Goncharenko said the reports of a Wagner group mutiny could mark a turning point for Russia.

“Taking control of Rostov-on-Don, or at least part of Rostov-on-Don, where the Russian army headquarters is located, is an unprecedented move and shows how weak the Russian military is,” he said.

From Rostov-on-Don to Voronezh: the road to Moscow

Wagner troops were reportedly advancing north through Voronezh Oblast on Saturday. British intelligence sources who monitored the movements were quoted as saying they were “almost certainly aimed at getting to Moscow”.

Videos circulating on social media allegedly showed fighting and shelling in Voronezh, but could not be independently verified. The city lies on the M-4 highway, which runs north from Rostov-on-Don towards Moscow. It is about 500 kilometers from the Russian capital.

Further north, in the Lipetsk region, 300 kilometers south of Moscow, the local governor reported on Telegram that Wagner mercenaries had entered the region.

“The equipment of the Wagner mercenary group is moving across the territory of the Lipetsk region,” said Governor Igor Artamonov.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Moscow issued a statement urging residents to avoid unnecessary travel, saying Monday will not be a working day for most people.

“In order to minimize risks, I decided within the operational headquarters to declare Monday a day off,” Sergei Sobyanin said in the Telegram.

The Russian authorities also announced that they had closed the main road south from Moscow to block the advance of the “Prigozhin mutineers”.

The Wagner Group: Russia’s shadow mercenary organization

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Edited by: Ben Knight

Prigozhin advances from Rostov-on-Don to Moscow – DW Read More »