The Harvard behavioral scientist who studies dishonesty is accused of

The Harvard behavioral scientist who studies dishonesty is accused of falsifying data

A Harvard behavioral scientist who studies dishonesty has been accused of falsifying data in research papers she co-authored.

Francesca Gino, a professor at Harvard Business School, is currently on administrative leave after explosive allegations surfaced that question the credibility of her research.

In a blog post earlier this month, a trio of data researchers presented evidence of academic fraud in four studies Gino co-authored, noting that they also “believe many other papers Gino authored contain falsified data.”

Gino was a rising star at Harvard, and her behavioral research studies of cheating, lying, and dishonesty have garnered widespread media coverage over the past decade.

However, questions about her work first surfaced in connection with a 2012 study she co-authored, which purported to show that honest responses increase when people are made to put an honesty promise at the beginning rather than the end of a form to sign.

Francesca Gino, a professor at Harvard Business School, is currently on administrative leave after explosive allegations surfaced that question the credibility of her research

Francesca Gino, a professor at Harvard Business School, is currently on administrative leave after explosive allegations surfaced that question the credibility of her research

That study was withdrawn in 2021 due to apparent data falsification by another researcher who had worked on the project, who cited three separate laboratory experiments to support his conclusion.

However, data scientists Uri Simonsohn, Joseph Simmons and Leif Nelson claim that the data falsification in the study went deeper than initially thought and also involved Gino.

“That’s right: Two different people independently falsified data for two different studies in an article on dishonesty,” the trio wrote on their blog DataColada, where they posted the new evidence to support their claims.

Gino did not immediately respond to a request for comment from on Saturday afternoon.

The three scientists published their concerns a day after the Chronicle of Higher Education reported June 16 that Gino had been suspended amid an internal investigation at Harvard into the validity of their research.

One of Gino’s co-authors on the 2012 research report told The Chronicle that Harvard informed him that the study Gino oversaw for the article appeared to contain fabricated results.

Gino was a rising star at Harvard, and her behavioral research studies of cheating, lying, and dishonesty have garnered widespread media coverage over the past decade

Gino was a rising star at Harvard, and her behavioral research studies of cheating, lying, and dishonesty have garnered widespread media coverage over the past decade

Gino joined the faculty at Harvard Business School in 2010 after holding positions at the University of North Carolina and Carnegie Mellon University.

She has won awards and flattering media coverage for her trending behavioral research, which purported to uncover insights into how to subtly influence people’s decisions and behavior without them realizing it.

But now Gino’s frequent research partner Maurice Schweitzer speaks up and expresses the fear that he himself has been manipulated and cheated in their joint work.

Schweitzer, a behavioral scientist at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, told the New York Times that he is now carefully reviewing the eight articles he co-authored with Gino for evidence of fraud.

He said the allegations against Gino “cause a stir in the academic community” because she’s “someone with so many collaborators and so many articles who really is a leading scientist in this field.”

The 2012 work was based on three separate behavioral experiments, including one conducted by Gino in which subjects were asked to fill out a worksheet of 20 puzzles, with a promise of $1 for each puzzle solved correctly.

Gino's frequent research partner Maurice Schweitzer says he is currently carefully reviewing the eight articles he co-authored with Gino for evidence of fraud

Gino’s frequent research partner Maurice Schweitzer says he is currently carefully reviewing the eight articles he co-authored with Gino for evidence of fraud

Participants were then asked to fill out a form asking them how much money they had made by solving the puzzles. In doing so, they were led to believe that it was not recognizable that they were lying on the form, although the researchers were actually able to check the number of puzzles solved.

The study found that participants were more likely to correctly report their jigsaw earnings when presented with a pledge of honesty at the top of the form than at the bottom, where such certifications typically appear on tax returns.

In their DataColada blog post, the trio of scientists analyzed data from the experiment posted online and found that metadata in an Excel file suggested the results had been manipulated in a way that supported the study’s conclusion.

In 2021, the same scientists uncovered apparent data falsifications in a separate study conducted for the article, which relied on data from an insurance company.

The article was retracted by the editors of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, where it was first published, following the 2021 blog post.

The Harvard behavioral scientist who studies dishonesty is accused of falsifying data Read More »

Prigozhins Rebellion Putins Fate and Russias Future – Foreign Affairs

Prigozhin’s Rebellion, Putin’s Fate and Russia’s Future – Foreign Affairs Magazine

Stephen Kotkin is a pre-eminent historian of Russia and the author of an acclaimed three-volume biography of Joseph Stalin (volume three forthcoming). Editor-in-Chief Justin Vogt spoke to him today about the dramatic events that have taken place in Russia over the past 24 hours. This interview has been edited for clarity and length.

Yesterday, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner mercenary organization, launched an uprising against the Russian military and a direct challenge to the rule of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Since this afternoon it seems as if he has stopped the apparent march towards Moscow, at least temporarily. It remains extremely difficult to say where events in Russia are going. The situation is fluid, it’s early days and we don’t want to jump to conclusions. Nonetheless, how could this have happened?

Prigozhin improvised. Maybe he stopped the advance towards Moscow, but now what? Back to the base camps, he says. Okay, but he’s still in charge. You say Putsch, I say Putsch. You say tomato, I say tomahto: Let’s call this whole thing off – but just for the moment.

But he has already managed to break into the southern military headquarters of Russia, located in downtown Rostov, in the very heart of the city. Wagner took over the headquarters – and they didn’t take it with guns, but essentially with smartphones. Technology has made this a different ball game. A television production company rules Ukraine – and with enormous success, in times of war. Prigozhin’s tool is Telegram. As is well known, Putin is not on the Internet; Apparently he doesn’t understand social media. Big mistake.

The dynamic here may resemble a bank run. Think of the Silicon Valley bank collapse: that was a Twitter-backed bank run. If the Russian army on the ground begins to disintegrate, it would be tantamount to a Telegram attack on a political-military bank.

Stephen Kotkin

Stephen Kotkin

Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford

If that happens — an immense “if” — Prigozhin could be the gift Ukraine deserves: the crucial alternative to Putin, testing the loyalty of everyone in Russia, shows that those who support him on the Russian side are not cause there is little or no actual support for the war. and even clears things up in Moscow. In the first ten days of Ukraine’s counter-offensive, it was all about sounding out weaknesses – unfortunately, also sounding out Ukraine’s own weaknesses and finding them almost everywhere. But the ride could suddenly look more like cutting through butter as Russians lay down their guns in confusion — or just go home demoralized. Long and difficult opportunities awaited Ukraine’s counteroffensive; An internal threat from Putin was the only scenario that really benefited Ukrainians. And well, here we are – or could be.

I have long called the Putin regime “hollow, yet strong.” It remained and will remain viable as long as there is no political alternative. Now we could see how hollow the regime is. Putin has inadvertently initiated a stress test for his own regime. With the blunder of aggression against Ukraine, he had already lost his mysticism. Once lost, Mystique is nearly impossible to regain. The old cliché of the emperor and the clothes. He still wields tremendous power, based on structures he built around himself, such as his Praetorian Guard, and on those he rebuilt – his destruction of the landscape of political opportunity outside himself and his harsh repression to demobilize the population.

Almost every coup fails. The chances are good. But now there is at least a chance.

There is one thing all dictators rightly fear: an alternative. And Putin, shockingly, has allowed alternatives to take shape after years of relentlessly suppressing alternatives and shoving insignificant ones into his inner circle to ensure no one can threaten him. pinch me

Authoritarian regimes build up massive military and security services, but these are deliberately divided against themselves by the leader in order to control and make them dependent on him. The leader deliberately assigns them overlapping responsibilities, exacerbating their inherent rivalries at every turn, and sits back and watches, mostly with glee. But in this case, Putin has conjured up his own nemesis.

I’ve been saying for some time that the way to get Putin’s attention and destabilize his regime is to identify and recruit an internal defector, a Russian nationalist, a person who reaches out to Putin’s rank and file, but the separate recognizes existence of a Ukrainian nation and state. Preferably a defector in uniform. And Putin gave us a candidate.

It’s early. We must be careful not to indulge in wishful thinking. Attempted coups in Russia have had a terrible record. Almost every coup around the world fails. The chances are good. But at least there is a chance now.

But what are the alternatives to Putin?

It’s easy to dismiss Prigozhin as a minor, a commander of a few death squads – militiamen jailed for murder or rape, whom he personally recruited in penal colonies. He himself was serving a lengthy sentence, reportedly nine years. But in a way he also presents an alternative that might be attractive: an authoritarian Russian nationalist who recognizes that the war is a mistake and who, whether intentionally or unconsciously, is fighting the war, or at least the currently active phase of it effectively ended. That’s the only type of person who could threaten Putin – and Putin didn’t take any action as it played out in real time, on video for the whole world to see.

Prigozhin seems an unlikely candidate. But in some ways his background fits the present better than Putin’s. Both are from St. Petersburg, but Prigozhin, despite his sentence, comes from the intelligentsia. His mother is an artist; She runs a gallery in London. He speaks Russian better than Putin. In terms of social class, he is actually a notch above Putin. And Prigozhin’s artistic side is evident in his videos. He can’t count (his math is terrible, another revelation of his videos). But look at his succinct and pointed vocabulary, his cadences, his ability to take on the role of the tough guy, the genuine Russian patriot, the fortune teller denouncing the opportunists, idiots and thieves put in place by Putin.

There is one thing all dictators rightly fear: an alternative.

To a certain extent, Prigozhin seems to have learned from this [Russian dissident] Alexej Navalny’s superlative video appearances. Navalny is still alive. He is in prison and faces re-conviction on fabricated charges. As long as he lives, he too represents an alternative. Another Russian nationalist, of a very different hue, but one who also says out loud that the war was a terrible idea and hurts Russia.

Furthermore, Navalny is the invaluable sanctions-lifting card for any potential replacement for Putin, even if Navalny himself is not that replacement.

What can Putin do to turn things around?

Putin could use his powerful air force, which is still intact, to attack the Wagner forces. It appears that the Russian Air Force bombed Wagner forces en route to Moscow. It would be a radical act to attack Prigozhin, holed up in Rostov, Russia’s main military hub for Putin’s war in Ukraine. Imagine the symbolism of that. However, an airstrike or missile attack could quickly end this potential insurgency. And if he doesn’t use the air force decisively soon, Putin could lose control of the situation.

Prigozhin does not have the heavy weapons to take Moscow militarily. It has no air force – unless parts of the Russian Air Force defect to it. He could take, or at least enter, Moscow for talks or negotiations, but only if he doesn’t meet resistance. That would require the Russian military – soldiers and officers – to choose not to fire on his men and him. That would mean that the FSB (Federal Security Service) or some of its elements decided not to carry out orders to shoot. To be honest this seems unlikely. However, the fact that we’re discussing this at all means it’s not a zero probability issue.

We should worry that Putin might do something radical.

Should Putin actually use the air force against Prigozhin, this could also make things worse for Putin. He would bomb his own forces. Rostov is Russia, not Ukraine. There are Russian children. The military headquarters is right in the middle of downtown in a populous city, and at the headquarters there are Russian soldiers and officers, not just Wagner mercenaries – who also have mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers. Putin would not be able to censor such an act, as it would only be a matter of showing that he is in charge.

We should also be concerned that Putin might do something radical to divert attention and regain the upper hand. He blew up the Kachowka Dam. What about the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant? Putin could blow it up and have Ukraine irradiated. Much of Ukraine would potentially become uninhabitable for an extended period of time: radiation is far worse than contaminated water or the mines Russia has planted in much of the Ukraine it occupies. Ukrainian special forces have repeatedly tried in vain to cross the Dnieper and take control of the nuclear power plant.

Those are some dire scenarios.

Armageddon not averted but delayed? Armageddon postponed? I can’t believe I’m saying those words. Putin recently reiterated that the government’s policy on the use of nuclear weapons is in a scenario that threatens the very existence of the Russian state. He equates his personal rule with that of the Russian state.

Of course, we don’t want to cause panic or cause panic. I don’t know if the Putin regime’s claim that it has deployed tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus is genuine. He must have used only one. Is there reason for retaliation against Russia if a tactical nuclear bomb is launched from Belarus?

Remember, when Putin tried to assassinate traitors in the UK, he didn’t let his hit squads shoot them with pistols or put arsenic in their tea. He made them use polonium, novichok. That, too, was a message – not just the fact that he would kill traitors wherever they were, but also the “how”.

No matter how Putin reacts, it seems he is in danger of losing control.

This could pass quickly. Putin is a survivor. The sense that the Russian state is in danger could rally the various rival factions.

In his video response to Prigozhin, Putin alluded to a moment of danger like that of 1917 – when Lavr Kornilov, the supreme commander of the Russian armed forces in World War I, sent troops to the capital, St. Petersburg, to restore order. However, they only succeeded in further dissolving the political home front.

Or consider Alexander Kerensky’s attempt shortly thereafter to forestall an attempted coup by sending troops to eliminate and arrest the Bolsheviks, setting in motion the very coup that Kerensky and his Provisional Government wanted to prevent. The Russian Empire dissolved. If the tough men agree and recognize a moment of similar peril, not just for Putin but for Russia, they might save him to save the country.

What or who should we look out for to know where the journey is going?

Watch Security Council chief Nikolai Patrushev. Beijing has not yet commented; Now may be the moment for Xi Jinping to decide that he really has no alternative to a quasi-puppet regime in Moscow. If Putin goes under, Xi may wish to anticipate less desirable options, such as a pro-Western one. Possibly profound consequences for China.

Watch Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov, like Prigozhin, lead a large private militia. He claims his absolute loyalty to Putin, but could help start a problem in the North Caucasus. Let’s see if Kadyrov, who has serious health problems, stays in or near Grozny, or if he shows up elsewhere to play a role. His men are apparently involved in the suppression of Wagner. Incredibly, Kadyrov’s ambitions lay in Moscow. But triggering the North Caucasus could have far-reaching implications — for the South Caucasus, for the Levant, for Russia.

Also check out Belarus. The unpredictable President Alexander Lukashenko could decide that the signs of the times are against the wall and suddenly decide to flee, with further repercussions. Putin might even try to remove and replace him. And who knows? Lukashenko could even switch sides and turn west.

Has what happened in the last 24 hours changed your view of Putin?

The bottom line is: Even if it is now being erased, an alternative was allowed to emerge. All of this happened in real time, on video, over months. Putin did not intervene earlier and allow it to come to this. breathtaking. Either he is completely incompetent or he has less operational control than his media machinery allows. Or both. I expected him to be more knowledgeable about Authoritarianism 101. I expected him to understand in real time that this is the only threat. I expected him to stop the games, to stop the clash of rivals to control them because it had become dangerous for him personally. I overestimated him. However, I don’t want to make the opposite mistake and underestimate him.

What is the correct historical parallel here?

I mentioned 1917 earlier because it was Putin himself who evoked it, and not the Soviet implosion of 1991, which he witnessed and often reflected on. But what’s remarkable to me isn’t just the eerie sense of the distant past that seems so close once again, but the technology and media revolution. I look at the Ukrainian television production company running this war, I look at the production of the January 6th hearings here in the United States — Liz Cheney’s hearings were directed by a television producer, to great effect — and I’m like, ‘So They’re doing national security most effectively now: with smartphones, videos, memes.” All those policy briefs written and emailed, all those meetings of directors and deputies of the sprawling national security bureaucracies, all that espionage and stealth and dagger – and boom: Telegram and a pair of thumbs.

Can Ukraine benefit from this?

I was not one of those who believed that Ukraine would train a group of people working in equivalents between 7 and 11 for a few months to use the most advanced weapons in the world and send them in frontal attacks against some of them would The most fortified positions you will ever see. That is, launch an offensive where the enemy knows exactly where you are going to strike and has more than enough time to prepare and has persistently prepared for it.

On the Ukrainian side, there are not very many well-trained troops skilled in combined arms operations, which is one of the most difficult tasks for any military, but mostly civilians who, despite their courage and will, did it through no fault of their own, well, me was given a very difficult task. Not all of Ukraine’s newly trained brigades were deployed. Still, it hasn’t been impressive so far. Yes, Ukraine does not have F-16s yet; they should come. But how aviators with them could successfully fly combat missions into the teeth of the Russian S-300 and S-400 firing from Russian soil is beyond me.

We could see how hollow Putin’s regime is.

We have observed the Russian Defense Forces learning and adapting, using attack helicopters very effectively. That shouldn’t have happened but seems to have surprised some analysts. Russian mines were plentiful and deadly, used with some sophistication and in immense numbers.

But what if Prigozhin manages to disband the Russian army? What if he manages to destabilize the regime in Moscow? What if even if he were crushed, at least some form and degree of destabilization and disintegration would occur? This could be the gift that Ukraine deserves, the gift that its bravery and sacrifice more than deserves. This scenario – the Russian nationalist renouncing war – is Ukraine’s quickest route to some kind of victory. Then, of course, the question of Crimea would come to the fore.

What options do Washington and its NATO allies have? Just wait and see?

If it appears that Washington, NATO and Ukraine are supporting Prigozhin and in cahoots with Prigozhin, all of his chances of bringing about an end to aggression could be undermined. So the reaction was right, to just let it happen, with a little tongue-in-cheek commentary from Kiev, but otherwise scathing reticence in DC and Brussels.

Behind the scenes, of course, there is 24/7 very close monitoring of everything and everyone and intensive consultation. Twelve hours, 24 hours, 36 hours of nail biting. But after all this Sturm und Drang, we could be back where we started: Putin, in power in Moscow and Ukraine, is facing a counter-offensive that will be very difficult to carry out.


Prigozhin’s Rebellion, Putin’s Fate and Russia’s Future – Foreign Affairs Magazine Read More »

SpaceX changes spacecraft staging ahead of next launch SpaceNews

SpaceX changes spacecraft staging ahead of next launch – SpaceNews

WASHINGTON — SpaceX is changing the approach to separating the two stages of its Starship vehicle to increase payload performance ahead of its next test flight, Elon Musk said June 24.

In an online discussion With Bloomberg journalist Ashlee Vance on Twitter, the social media company Musk owns, he said that SpaceX recently decided to switch to a “hot staging” approach, in which the spacecraft’s upper stage fires its engines , while still connected to the Super Heavy booster.

“We made kind of a game-changing change that’s really significant to the way phase separation works,” Musk said of the move to hot staging. “With hot staging, there is a significant payload-to-orbit advantage that’s conservatively around a 10% increase.”

Hot staging, used on Russian launch vehicles for decades, fires the engines on one stage while still attached to the lower stage. Musk said that for Starship, most of the Super Heavy booster’s 33 Raptor engines would shut down, but some were still firing when the Starship upper stage engines ignited. This, he said, avoids the thrust loss associated with traditional stage separation, where the lower stage shuts down first.

This requires some modifications to the Super Heavy booster. Musk said SpaceX is working on an extension to the top of the booster “that includes almost all of the vents” to allow exhaust gases to escape from the upper stage while still attached to the booster. SpaceX will also add a shield to the top of the booster to protect it from the exhaust fumes.

“That’s the riskiest thing for the next flight in my opinion,” he said of the new staging technique.

In addition to the stage separation change, Musk said SpaceX made a “tremendous number” of other changes to the vehicle, “well over a thousand.” He didn’t elaborate on the changes, but noted that the company is still working to upgrade the launch pad to avoid damage caused by Starship’s first launch on April 20, such as a “steel sandwich.” -Water flooding system. “We’re actually going too far with the steel sandwich construction and concrete, so the base of the pad should be left in much better shape than last time.”

SpaceX also made improvements to the Raptor engines, with Musk describing that the vehicle, due out in April, utilized a “hodgepodge” of engines built over time. Changes were made to the hot gas manifold in the engine on the new-vehicle Raptors to reduce fuel leaks.

Those changes, he said, would have given him more confidence in the success of the next launch. “I think the probability that the next flight will work and get into orbit is much higher than the last one. Maybe it’s 60%.” In an online conversation at the end of April, he estimated the chance of success at the next launch to be “more than 50%”.

Musk has not set a specific launch date. “There are a lot of variables here that are out of our control,” he said, an apparent reference to the Federal Aviation Administration’s takeoff licensing process. “We anticipate that the launch pad and launch vehicle and ship upgrades will probably be ready in about six weeks.” In that call in April, Musk said he expects to be ready to fly “in a couple of months.”

At the start of the call, Musk declined to comment on recent rumors that SpaceX is considering spinning off its Starlink satellite broadband business and conducting an initial public offering (IPO) of the shares. Fox Business reported June 21 that SpaceX investors were expecting Starlink to spin out and go public this year so Musk could raise money for other ventures like Twitter.

When asked about plans for a Starlink IPO, Musk declined to comment. “It would not be legal for me to speculate on a Starlink IPO,” he claimed. “I think it’s against the rules to give any details about a future IPO.”

Musk has previously downplayed any talks of spinning off and listing Starlink. He said in 2020 he was “thinking about that zero” to focus on making the broadband service a technical and financial success.

In an internal company meeting in June 2022, Musk said he doesn’t know when SpaceX will list Starlink, but estimates it will take at least three to four years.

SpaceX changes spacecraft staging ahead of next launch – SpaceNews Read More »

Fall of X Marvel Releases X Men Comic Event Map and

Fall of X: Marvel Releases X-Men Comic Event Map and Trailer – Gizmodo

In terms of location, superheroes tend to act in two ways. They’re either firmly based in one city, with occasional stops at other nearby locations, or they’re practically everywhere in the world (or in some cases, the galaxy). Sometimes it can be so dizzying that you might need a map to keep track of everyone – and thankfully, Marvel did just that for the X-Men.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Episode 9 Finale Review

With the fall of X in July, things should be going pretty badly for the mutants and their island nation of Krakoa. It’s so far that many of them will be scattered across the globe and Marvel’s will be released a map Shows the location of all major players in the publishing line. (Funnily enough, each of them is the headliner of an ongoing comic book or miniseries that starts around the same time as “Fall.”) Several of the books are set in New York City — while Iron Man and the core X-Men team are in theirs respective books, Nightcrawler will play the role of a webhead in Uncanny Spider-Man, and Madelyne Pryor has assembled her own team of Dark X-Men who have taken up residence at the Limbo Embassy in New York. This side of the country is also home to the Uncanny Avengers – whose mutant-heavy cast includes Rogue, Kwannon, and Quicksilver – in Washington, DC. The last mutant in the US is Wolverine, who will be in Utah for the next storyline of his eponymous solo comic .

Image accompanying the article titled

Image: Marvel Comics

Up north is Alpha Flight, a frequent ally of the mutants who have now been called upon to get the Krakoans to retreat. Down in Ecuador are the Children of the Vault who are currently fighting Bishop and Cable. Finally, we have Iceman in Antarctica for his Astonishing Iceman series, Emma Frost in Mykonos preparing for the Hellfire Gala where all this will take place, and Krakoa’s Quiet Council on the island itself in Immortal X-Men “.

However, there are four mutant bags that cannot be explained – because they are not on Earth. Over on Mars, in the pages of X-Men Red, Arakko leads her brotherhood of mutants as civil war erupts on the planet. Magik, Typhoid Mary, Dani Moonstar and other mutants are in Vanaheim for Realm of We’ll know for sure in the coming weeks because of the Fall of Fall titles you can catch a glimpse of in the trailer below.

CASE OF X | Official Trailer | Marvel Comics

Want more io9 news? Find out when to expect the latest Marvel, Star Wars and Star Trek releases, what’s next for the DC Universe in film and TV, and everything you need to know about the future of Doctor Who.

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NHL Trade Notes Avalanche Acquires Ryan Johansen from the Predators

NHL Trade Notes: Avalanche Acquires Ryan Johansen from the Predators, Fulfilling the Need for a 2C – The Athletic

By Sean Gentille, Shayna Goldman and Eric Duhatschek

The trade

Get Avalanche: Ryan Johansen (50 percent of Nashville’s retained average annual value of $8 million).

Predators get: Alex Galchenyuk

gentleman: At some point, the Avalanche had to replace Nazem Kadri. Ideally, it would have happened last season. That didn’t happen, and the problem was compounded by this summer’s underperforming Unrestricted Free Agent class. Ironically, JT Compher, her former Kadri replacement, could be the best option out there for teams looking for center options. He wasn’t bad for the Avs – he’d still look great as the 3C of the team behind Nathan MacKinnon and Johansen – but even with a career year, he wasn’t good enough to be 2C on a top contender. General manager Chris MacFarland’s predicament was clear.

This also applies to the solid work he has done with this step. Despite Johansen turning 31 this summer and a failed attempt to continue his upswing in the 2021-22 season, he’s still better than any UFA 2C option on paper. Salary withholding, which brings his cost to the Avs down to $4 million each over the next two seasons, makes it even more of a given.

Is Johansen a perfect fit now? Not quite. That 26 goals in 2021-22 could well be a blip given his five years of decline, and the idea of ​​signing for him with an $8 million AAV would be — or should have been — a no-go been. Still, he has the size, some playing ability and enough goals to make the appeal clear. When decent players like Johansen are overpaid as drastically as he was in Nashville, their value is destroyed. He’s not overpaid in Denver. The Avalanche have money to spend and a dire need for goals, especially with Gabriel Landeskog’s upcoming absence for the full season. It’s easy.

For the Preds, this step was the only alternative to buying Johansen, but it was also a victory for them. Based on the rate of return — the negotiating rights to Galchenyuk — that’s a reasonable assumption. Now they’re getting out of his contract in two years (and paying $8 million) instead of four years and about $10 million. Trades that leave a team eating money and getting next to nothing in return are rarely palatable to a fan base, but Preds devotees should be satisfied that GM Barrydiot seems poised to take the franchise to the next stage. Given the number of players who would like to play in Nashville, every spot on the cap is valuable.

avalanche degree: A
predator class: B+

Duhatschek: There are a few basic truths about the Johansen-Galchenyuk deal that kicked off Saturday morning’s NHL draft week trade game, starting with the fact that at $8 million a season, Johansen was completely non-tradeable. The fact that the Predators had to absorb half of the contract with two remaining seasons is a testament to just how much Johansen’s worth in the NHL has plummeted. On the other hand, at $4 million per season, Johansen is an acceptable risk for the Avalanche over the next two years.

But it’s still that: a risk.

Until training camp starts, the season starts, and Johansen has a chance to settle in, the Avalanche won’t know which version of him they’re getting. Because there were many variations, starting with his time early in his career in Columbus after he was the fourth pick of the 2010 draft. He went on to become, if not a true No. 1 center, then at least a legitimate high-end No. 2 center. The Predators thought enough of him midway through the 2015-16 season that they traded a young and up-and-coming blueliner Seth Jones should get him.

Johansen’s results in Nashville were decidedly mixed. His 50-assist season in 2019 was the pinnacle. The next two years saw another disappointing two-year decline, followed by a brief rebound of 63 points in 2021-22. He then dropped out again in the 2022–23 season, with 28 points in 55 games, another season in which he failed to stay healthy.

At the age of 30, he is more of an addition than a player who can push the game forward on his own. Colorado clearly believes he can be more than that again. One of the Avalanche’s biggest failings last season was production on the middle ice behind MacKinnon, leaving no one to fill the void left by Kadri’s departure to Calgary.

Can Johansen do it?

He’s a better playmaker than a finisher, and if the Avalanche continue to play MacKinnon and Mikko Rantanen separately, Johansen could theoretically get a chance to team up with one of the NHL’s most prolific scorers — a 55-goal scorer last season.

But he needs to be a better, healthier, more committed version of the player Nashville saw fit for 50 cents on the dollar.

And while this was presented as a bargain for Galchenyuk, it’s just an excuse. Galchenyuk, 29, has an expiring contract with a league minimum of $750,000. He is UFA on July 1st. It’s hard to imagine the level of interest after the year he’s had: zero points in 11 NHL games and 42 points in 42 AHL games. Perhaps Anaheim, where his minor league coach Greg Cronin is now the head coach, would jump at the chance.

If this also means the end of Compher with the Avalanche, it could be convincingly argued that Johansen is a downgrade, not an upgrade.

Compher scored 52 points in 82 games for the Avs last season and averaged 20-32 in the Ice Age. To put Compher’s use in context, he ranked 14th among forwards on the ice, ahead of Auston Matthews, Matthew Tkachuk and Kyle Connor, along with Avalanche teammates Artturi Lehkonen and Val Nichushkin, among others. In short, he made a silent but important contribution to the Avs and will be difficult to replace when he is forced out of the market.

Compher is a pending UFA in a sparse cluster of UFA centers. In Nashville, meanwhile, Johansen averaged 15:46 – not the kind of ice age you’d associate with a top-six forward.

Still, sometimes the importance of a contract affects a player’s confidence. Johansen would never be able to justify an annual paycheck of $8 million at this stage in his career. It’s more affordable at $4 million.

Maybe that will allow him to play more freely and if so, get his game going again. For a long time he appeared to be a player in need of a fresh start. He’s only 30. There’s still time.

avalanche degree: C
predator class: C

Goldman: Colorado has needed help down the middle since Kadri left as a free agent last summer. It seemed like last year’s plan was to figure out how the top six wingers could compensate for a cheaper option down the middle of that line. A year-long injury to Landeskog, which will also sideline him next season, put a damper on that experiment.

So that’s something the Avalanche have had to grapple with this offseason, especially with Compher’s contract expiring in a couple of days. Colorado still has Alex Newhook (who is also due for a raise this summer, albeit as a limited free agent), but they still needed another center six pivot. This is where Johansen comes in.

There’s no question that Johansen has been trending in the wrong direction for some time, and his upswing in 2021-22 seemed more of an outlier than an encouraging sign going forward. His lackluster 2022-23 season cannot be solely attributed to squad issues around him or as a manager; it’s up to him too. A team with as much star power as Colorado and a really smart coach like Jared Bednar might be able to maximize what’s left of their game a little bit better. Betting on it doesn’t pose much of a risk, either, at $4 million — an expense that might be manageable on the third line if he can’t make it as a 2C. Given that this year’s free agent class and other trading options are likely to cost more than the rights to Galchenyuk, which is literally nothing, this is a good move.

On the other hand, the Predators have bought themselves some space and flexibility. While that eliminates a berth for another two years, leaving Nashville with just one spot left, that should be fine for Defiance considering who else remains in the roster and is likely to be substituted. Did Nashville have to make this deal? If the plan calls for a long-term rebuild, then that really wouldn’t be necessary as the Predators could have done with Johansen in the roster. But if they want a chance to be competitive while their three regulars – Roman Josi, Juuse Saros and Filip Forsberg – are in their better years, it has to be a faster process. Therefore, the place on the cap is crucial, and finding out who is a part of the future sooner or later will obviously help in squad creation.

avalanche degree: B+
predator class: B

(Photo by Ryan Johansen and JT Compher: Christopher Hanewinckel / USA Today)

NHL Trade Notes: Avalanche Acquires Ryan Johansen from the Predators, Fulfilling the Need for a 2C – The Athletic Read More »

Sea Heatwave In the UK the fish are abandoning ship

Sea Heatwave: In the UK, the fish are abandoning ship Liberation

The marine heatwave hitting northern Europe is particularly affecting the offshore coasts of the archipelago, with potential consequences for the fisheries sector.

The sea is sweating off the UK coast. The invisible heatwave crossing the Atlantic reached the British Isles last week and is at its strongest there. In the water, the temperature regulator rose 5°C above the normal for the season. A colossal number: it takes much more energy to heat water than air, and the temperature of the oceans varies by only about ten degrees from season to season. Scientists are already assuming that the current heat wave will lead to the death of many marine animals. For a number of years, Professor Stuart Cunningham, an oceanographer and a member of the Scottish Association for Marine Science, has been observing changing marine life, particularly among crustaceans: “Here in Scotland, on the west coast, the mussels are going from a cold water type to a more so.” Mediterranean type.”

In the short term, many fish are also likely to leave English and Scottish waters to seek refuge closer to the poles and find a mercury better suited to their lifestyle. “Fish are very sensitive to the temperature ranges in which they live. And because they’re mobile, they can move around very quickly,” explains Stuart Cunningham. So agrees Jean-Pierre Gattuso, director of research at CNRS and co-editor of an IPCC report for which “the waters of Norway and Iceland are getting richer in fish”. An additional problem for the UK fisheries sector, which is already in trouble after Brexit: there are fewer fishermen every year and exports have been falling since 2018.

“Mackerel War”

As the archipelago country whose sea has been hardest hit by the ocean heatwave, Scotland is the biggest player in UK fisheries. One of the sector’s most important products is farmed there in certain coastal farms: salmon. Back in 2019, Professor Mike T. Burrows warned in The Herald that sudden ocean heatwaves could be “bad things” for salmon farms. “Fishermen will no longer catch the same fish, and those who rely on a particular shellfish species will be affected,” added the researcher, who stated at the time that Scotland had yet to experience a real sea heatwave. According to Stuart Cunningham, mackerel is one of the fish most likely to be affected by these heat waves. However, with a value of more than £220 million in 2021, it is also by far the most fished species in UK waters. Enough to reignite the ‘mackerel war’, a decade-long dispute that has pitted the UK against more northerly countries like Iceland and the Faroe Islands, which benefit from fish migration.

Sea Heatwave: In the UK, the fish are abandoning ship Liberation Read More »

Dario Fabbri on TV after the wedding Social care quotLive

Dario Fabbri, on TV after the wedding. Social care: "Live Stream Hero"

In the last few hours, the figure of Dario Fabbri, the director of Domino magazine, who since the outbreak of war in Ukraine has always appeared in the special editions of the news directed by Enrico Mentana, has brought hilarity to La 7 viewers. The reason? The analyst, who became known on television for his geopolitical analysis of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, got married today. However, the expert could not fail to comment on the news of the coup that Wagner’s patron Yevgeny Prigozhin had planned. Fabbri performed live on RaiNews 24 ahead of the wedding, but the occasion was too enticing not to make another appearance on TV, even after the fateful yes.

Also read: Coup in Russia, Dario Fabbri surprises Mentana: on TV before the wedding

The analyst just intervened during the special edition of La7 news to provide clarification on the escalation that worries Russia. “Thank you very much, because I know that you had a rather important appointment today that had been scheduled for some time. They managed to find time for us,” Frediano Finucci greeted him jokingly. Fabbri replied with a smile and a few direct words: “The day is very important.” The journalist replied wryly: “It is very important. Yes, let’s put it that way.”

Also read: Enrico Mentana, sensational post: “Russia? Just a bluff.” who sinks

The Domino director did not miss the opportunity: even the wedding celebrations did not prevent him from expressing his opinion on the threats of the head of the mercenary militia Wagner and on the reaction of Tsar Putin. According to Fabbri, the crisis in Russia is “really very strange”. “Prigozhin has long claimed that he wants to command the regular armed forces instead of the General Staff. Then he suddenly decides to march towards Russian territory. What is the army doing? And the population? Those are crucial elements, because every coup needs a “popular push,” the analyst recalls.

Also Read: Russia, Prigozhin Stops Troops: ‘Let’s Avoid Bloodshed’

Regarding the new twist, retreat after advancing on Moscow, he said: “This suggests that there is no real civil war. If Kiev breaks through in Donbass, we can say with certainty that it is a civil war. That could happen.” Could have been a dramatic attempt to take the lead or even replace Putin.” , even after the marriage”.

Dario Fabbri, on TV after the wedding. Social care: "Live Stream Hero" Read More »

Ricardo Arjona concert in Miami quotI have to say good

Ricardo Arjona concert in Miami: "I have to say good night to Cuba"

Ricardo Arjona opened this Friday the three concert evenings he had planned in Miami with a special greeting to his audience in the city of the sun.

He Kaseya Center It was packed with people and the singer-songwriter opened his performance with a loving message to her.

“One must greet this fantastic city by its name, Miami. (…) But it would be a little more personal to say: Good night Venezuela, compatriots from Guatemala, from Colombia. was?… I have to say good night to Cuba!said the singer and the crowd started cheering euphorically.

Those in attendance at the concert shared images where you can see how many people have gathered to see the first of the three planned presentations Arjona on his Black and White Tour: Return in Miami.

In May, the artist had to add another presentation day because the Concerts on June 24th and 25th They were already completely sold out and there was no room for more fans.

“I’ve never played five arenas in Miami or two in Madison Square Gardens, and I’m doing it now,” the musician said.

He cited his two sold-out arenas in Miami in 2022 and three this year. It also comes from two nights at Madison Square Garden with full houses at both concerts. These achievements ensure that he had not achieved before in his career.

Miami. What happened? I don’t know, but over time we understand each other better every time we see each other. Tonight we begin with this blessed seguidilla. Heaven is in my favor,” Ricardo Arjona said on his social networks before beginning his performance.

The musician performed his classic songs and the audience could sing along to the songs, showing that they have already remained in the hearts of their fans.

In addition to his Miami concerts, Arjona has performed at others Cities in Florida like Orlando And tampa. There he moved the Cuban audience by interpreting the classic Puente.

Ricardo Arjona concert in Miami: "I have to say good night to Cuba" Read More »