Melgar presented Lavandeira in a special way he remembered his

Melgar presented Lavandeira in a special way: he remembered his past in the “U” and not in Alianza

Pablo Lavandeira is no longer a player of Alianza Lima. After another year and a half in a Victorian tent, the 33-year-old Uruguayan naturalized Peruvian will be on the cusp of a new adventure in the Peruvian tournament in exactly the year FBC Melgar. The midfielder joins the Red-Black team after winning the league twice in 2022 and winning the 2023 Torneo Apertura with the Blue-Whites.

“Welcome to the white city, Pablo!” wrote the official report of the Characato Club, welcoming Pablo Lavandeira. However, the most striking thing about this presentation is that they shared a video in which the 33-year-old player wears his previous clubs’ shirts and even wears the Universitario de Deportes shirt, which scores in a classic to be played in Matute, but not with the clothes white-blue.

YOU CAN SEE: Alianza Lima loses 4 players: Lavandeira and the others who will not take part in the Clausura

How did FBC Melgar introduce Pablo Lavandeira after going through Alianza Lima?

In addition to the video is the FBC Melgar a small welcome text is displayed. “We welcome our new reinforcement for this season, Pablo Lavandeira, a Peruvian-Uruguayan attacking midfielder who joins the Red-Black family from today to defend our colors with great conviction and roar together in the Clausura.”

Melgar presented Lavandeira in a special way he remembered hisPresentation by Pablo Lavandeira. Photo: FBC Melgar.

Melgar presented Lavandeira in a special way: he remembered his past in the “U” and not in Alianza Read More »

The top figures of the Wagner group The main actors

The top figures of the Wagner group: The main actors of the 25,000-strong militia

After Prigozhin and his feared 25,000-strong Wagner militia reportedly seized control of the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, it seems the mercenary leader has grown bolder in challenging Vladimir Putin’s seizure of power.

Prigozhin issued a new message around 7:30 a.m. Moscow time on Saturday, saying his men had infiltrated the Southern Defense Command in Rostov-on-Don and that the city’s airfield was under his control.

They said they were “ready to die” and vowed revenge for a military strike by Putin’s forces in which the mercenary leader said some of his men were killed.

Prigozhin, who was once a confidant of Vladimir Putin before declaring war on Moscow’s military leadership last night, said in a video that the senior officer at the command post fled when he learned Wagner troops were approaching.

He said he had 25,000 troops under his command and would punish the Russian military chief, Shoigu, with an armed uprising. He urged the army not to resist: “This is not a military coup, but a march of justice.”

But how did Russia’s shady Wagnerian mercenary group gain enough notoriety to launch such a move against the Russian leader, who today called the actions of Prigozhin and his mercenaries a “treason”?

Here, Web tells the story of Wagner’s origins and development, illuminates his shady activities around the world and presents a selection of his most important members.

Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin said in a video released early Saturday morning that his troops had reached the strategically important city of Rostov-on-Don

Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin said in a video released early Saturday morning that his troops had reached the strategically important city of Rostov-on-Don

The Private Military Company (PMC) Wagner is a mercenary group that for years acted as Putin's personal enforcement gang and is now heavily involved in the war in Ukraine

The Private Military Company (PMC) Wagner is a mercenary group that for years acted as Putin’s personal enforcement gang and is now heavily involved in the war in Ukraine

A fighter from the private mercenary group Wagner shows a victory sign on a street near the headquarters of the Southern Military District in Rostov-on-Don

A fighter from the private mercenary group Wagner shows a victory sign on a street near the headquarters of the Southern Military District in Rostov-on-Don

The picture shows a Wagner mercenary wearing the insignia of the group in eastern Ukraine

The picture shows a Wagner mercenary wearing the insignia of the group in eastern Ukraine

The Wagner group’s name is believed to derive from the call sign of one of its task force commanders, Dmitry Utkin, given his love for the famous German composer Richard Wagner.

The private military organization is responsible for much of Moscow’s military success on the Ukraine front, and its fighters have earned a reputation for their brazen attacks – and brutal treatment of their enemies.

Wagner agents also made headlines with medieval mass executions of Ukrainian captives and renegade Russians, using sledgehammers and dull knives to violently annihilate the helpless accused.

However, in recent months Prigozhin has openly accused Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Russia’s top general Valery Gerasimov of rank incompetence and denial of Wagner ammunition and support.

As his violent rhetoric appears to have translated into action, the FSB said it had launched a criminal case against him for inciting armed mutiny, a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

Wagner led Russia’s capture of the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut last month, Russia’s biggest victory in a decade, and Prigozhin used his success on the battlefield to criticize Defense Ministry leadership with seemingly with impunity.

Prigozhin, 62, has stepped up his verbal attacks on President Vladimir Putin in recent weeks, including questioning the necessity of the bloody war in Ukraine after months of Wagner PMC stepping up the Russian offensive there.

The Defense Ministry has largely ignored his criticism, at least publicly, as tensions between Moscow and the private military company are now escalating dramatically.

Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin is the main financier and undeniable face of the Wagner Group and has regularly provided news from the front lines in Ukraine.  He is increasingly critical of Russia's efforts to capture Bakhmut

Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin is the main financier and undeniable face of the Wagner Group, providing regular updates from the front lines in Ukraine

Putin described the group's actions as a

Putin described the group’s actions as a “criminal adventure campaign” that “equates to an armed mutiny.”

A group of Wagner fighters pictured on the street of Rostov-on-Don on Saturday morning

A group of Wagner fighters pictured on the street of Rostov-on-Don on Saturday morning

What exactly is the Wagner group?

The Private Military Company (PMC) Wagner is a mercenary group that for years acted as Putin’s personal enforcement gang and is controlled in part by its main financier Yevgeny Prigozhin and the Russian military intelligence agency GRU.

Founded in 2014, Wagner began arming and organizing separatist groups in Ukraine’s eastern Donbass region immediately after the annexation of Crimea.

In the eight years between the annexation of Crimea and the full-scale war in Ukraine, Wagner mercenaries were deployed abroad to covertly further Russian interests.

With the government not officially acknowledging their existence, it is plausible for Putin to deny foreign operations.

They were heavily involved in the Russian intervention in Syria, where they helped shore up the Assad regime, and subsequently operated in countries across Africa, including Mali, the Central African Republic, Mozambique and Sudan.

Their goals vary by region, but their responsibilities almost always include bolstering the armed forces of the Kremlin’s favored regimes by supplying weapons and training, as well as providing additional security services.

In return, Russia gains access to natural resources, investment opportunities, and geopolitical influence.

A key part of most Wagner jobs is gaining control of the local populace and elements hostile to the regime – a task at which the mercenaries have proven particularly ruthless.

The mercenaries have earned a reputation for violence and brutality and will use any means necessary to achieve their goals.

The Wagner group is now fighting alongside regular Russian Army soldiers in Ukraine and is credited with contributing in large part to Moscow’s successes at the front.

In the fall of 2022, the group launched a mass recruitment campaign in Russian prisons, recruiting hardened criminals to bolster their ranks and sending them en masse on suicide missions in Ukraine in an attempt to gain ground using “human wave” tactics.

Wagner received less support from the Russian military earlier this year as Russian Armed Forces Commander Valery Gerasimov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu appeared to be trying to lessen its effectiveness with seemingly selfish intentions.

Wagner’s access to Russia’s prisons to replenish his ranks has also been abolished in favor of the Russian regular army, and Prigozhin has routinely accused Shoigu and Gerasimov of restricting ammunition supplies.

Yevgeny Prigozhin is pictured in a Russian prison during a military recruitment drive

Yevgeny Prigozhin is pictured in a Russian prison during a military recruitment drive

Prigozhin (left) has recruited himself as a Kremlin caterer for Putin (centre).

Prigozhin (left) has recruited himself as a Kremlin caterer for Putin (centre).

Wagner’s key player

Yevgeny Prigozhin

Russian oligarch Prigozhin is Wagner’s main financier and has been the face of the organization since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

The 61-year-old has long since courted Putin when his catering company provided catering services for the Russian president and his Kremlin elites – a role that earned him the nickname “Putin’s chef”.

But his role as the de facto owner of Wagner has given him far greater importance.

For years he denied any affiliation with the mercenary group and filed lawsuits against several media organizations that reported his involvement.

But as the world became aware of Wagner’s impact in Ukraine, Prigozhin admitted in September that he had “founded” the group in 2014.

“I cleaned the old guns myself, sorted out the bulletproof vests myself and found specialists who could help me with that,” Prigozhin said in a statement from his Concord catering company on Russia’s VKontakte social media site.

“A group of patriots emerged that later became known as the Wagner Battalion.” I am proud that I was able to defend their right to protect their country’s interests.”

Prigozhin rose to worldwide fame last year when he was filmed in his capacity as Wagner’s frontman visiting several Russian penal colonies.

There he delivered rousing speeches to hordes of violent prisoners, offering to have their criminal records erased in exchange for service at the front in Ukraine.

He is now regularly seen in military fatigues near the front lines, ranting about the Russian military leadership, whom he accuses of starving Wagner troops of ammunition.

Over the past two weeks, Prigozhin has escalated his anger against the Russian command system to unprecedented levels, posting swearwords against Gerasimov and Shoigu, threatening to withdraw his troops from Bakhmut, and apparently even calling Putin “a complete asshole” and “lucky grandfather.” “.

Dmitry Utkin and Andrey Troshev

Utkin is an operational commander and behind-the-scenes leader of the Wagner Group, who many believe was a co-founder of the organization.

Utkin, a sinister former lieutenant colonel in the Russian special forces Spetsnaz, received several medals for bravery on the battlefield and served in the military until 2013.

He then deployed to Syria as part of the Russian intervention, where he repelled rebel groups and maintained Bashar al-Assad’s presidency through a Russian-run Hong Kong-based private military company called the Slavonic Corps.

Utkin is a staunch Russian nationalist who sports Nazi tattoos and is reportedly fascinated by Hitler’s Third Reich.

In the picture is Dmitry Utkin.  An SS lightning bolt tattoo can be seen on his neck

In the picture is Dmitry Utkin. An SS lightning bolt tattoo can be seen on his neck

Andrei Troshev, a former armed forces colonel who earned the title Hero of the Russian Federation, is considered one of Wagner's top commanders

Andrei Troshev, a former armed forces colonel who earned the title Hero of the Russian Federation, is considered one of Wagner’s top commanders

Pictured in this image from a 2016 honors ceremony in Russia are Utkin (right) and Troshev (second from left) with Vladimir Putin (center).

Pictured in this image from a 2016 honors ceremony in Russia are Utkin (right) and Troshev (second from left) with Vladimir Putin (center).

An investigation into Utkin conducted by Bellingcat concluded that Utkin may in fact be more of a field commander of sorts in the Wagner group, reporting to a select group of increasingly senior operational leaders.

One of them is said to be Andrei Troshev, a former armed forces colonel whose military service earned him the title of Hero of the Russian Federation – Russia’s highest military decoration.

Troshev has been dubbed the Wagner group’s “chief of staff” by the European Union and appears to have priority over Utkin in Wagner’s command structure, according to a series of intercepted communications analyzed by Bellingcat investigators.

Both individuals were photographed alongside Putin at an official memorial event commemorating recipients of state awards in 2016.

Konstantin Pikalov

Konstantin Pikalov is generally regarded as the organizer of Wagner's missions in Africa

Konstantin Pikalov is generally regarded as the organizer of Wagner’s missions in Africa

Pikalov, often referred to by his codename “Mazay,” is another Russian Armed Forces veteran believed to be in charge of the PMC’s operations on the African continent.

The former colonel runs the private security company Convoy, which is headquartered in St. Petersburg and has provided security services to Russian advisers working with senior officials in several African countries, including Central African Republic (CAR), Madagascar and Mozambique.

However, Pikalov, 55, is believed to also be orchestrating much of the Wagner Group’s ongoing operations across Africa, using Convoy as a cover to act as a liaison between Russian-backed African officials and Russia’s GRU.

According to a joint investigation by The Insider and Bellingcat, the former colonel was closely linked to the 2018 killing of three Russian journalists who traveled to the Central African Republic to investigate mineral mining by Russian companies.

And the government of Ukraine described Pikalov as “responsible for serious human rights abuses committed by the Wagner group in Central African Republic and several African countries, including torture and extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions and killings.”

Director of Russia's Military Intelligence Service Igor Kostyukov attends the 9th Moscow Conference on International Security in Moscow, Russia, June 23, 2021

Director of Russia’s Military Intelligence Service Igor Kostyukov attends the 9th Moscow Conference on International Security in Moscow, Russia, June 23, 2021

Alexei Dyumin, the current governor of Russia's Tula region, is pictured in his official portrait photo

Alexei Dyumin, the current governor of Russia’s Tula region, is pictured in his official portrait photograph

Igor Kostyukov and Alexei Dyumin

Kostyukov, 62, is a decorated naval admiral and has been the head of Russia’s GRU military intelligence unit since November 2018.

Although he was not directly involved in founding or directing the Wagner group in its early years, the mercenary force’s close ties to the GRU mean that Kostyukov is undoubtedly involved in the operations of the PMC.

His position as GRU chief means that all GRU officers and agents, including the aforementioned Utkin and Troshev, ultimately report to him and must carry out whatever orders the admiral sees fit.

Alexei Dyumin is now known for his close personal relationship with Putin.

The former personal bodyguard and confidant of the president reportedly gained his boss’s affections when he shooed a bear out of one of his presidential residences.

But Dyumin is far more than just a bodyguard – he is also deputy defense minister and deputy head of the GRU.

His direct involvement in the annexation of Crimea earned him a promotion to lieutenant general – and since then he has enjoyed great political success as governor of Russia’s Tula region.

The top figures of the Wagner group: The main actors of the 25,000-strong militia Read More »

Thousands of Starbucks baristas will strike over Pride decorations dispute

Thousands of Starbucks baristas will strike over Pride decorations dispute

Thousands of Starbucks workers are set to go on strike over the next week amid a dispute with the coffee giant over LGBTQ store displays during Pride month.

Starbucks Workers United, the group that campaigns for the unionization of Starbucks workers, tweeted Friday that more than 150 stores and 3,500 workers “will go on strike over the next week” over the company’s “treatment of queer and transgender workers.” “.

Workers at Starbucks’ flagship store, the Seattle Roastery, went on strike Friday, and dozens demonstrated outside.

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Earlier this month, the collective accused Starbucks of banning Pride Month displays in some of its stores.

“In union stores where Starbucks claims it is unable to make ‘unilateral changes’ without negotiation, the company has removed Pride decorations and flags anyway – ignoring their own anti-union talking point,” the group said tweeted on June 13th.

In a statement to CBS News on Friday, a Starbucks spokesman vehemently denied the allegations, saying, “Workers United continues to disseminate false information about our performance, policies and negotiation efforts, a tactic designed to appear to divide our partners and theirs Failure to distract.” Respond to negotiation rounds for more than 200 deals.”

In a letter sent to Workers United last week, May Jensen, Starbucks vice president of partner resources, expressed the company’s “unwavering support” for “the LGBTQIA2+ community,” adding that “there are no changes to the company policies on this matter.” We continue to empower retail leaders to celebrate with their communities, including for US Pride month in June.”

Since workers at a Starbucks store in Buffalo, New York, were the first to vote to form a union in late 2021, Starbucks has been accused of illegal attempts to thwart such efforts nationwide. So far, at least 330 Starbucks stores have voted to form a union, according to Workers United, but none have signed a contract with the company.

According to the National Labor Relations Board, judges have ruled that Starbucks has repeatedly violated labor laws, including by firing pro-union workers, interrogating them and threatening welfare payments if workers organized.

In March, former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz also denied the allegations when asked during a Senate public hearing.

“These are allegations,” Schultz said at the time. “That will prove untrue.”

— Irina Ivanova and Caitlin O’Kane contributed to this report.

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Thousands of Starbucks baristas will strike over Pride decorations dispute Read More »

Missing actor Julian Sands family releases first statement since disappearance.webp

Missing actor Julian Sands’ family releases first statement since disappearance

SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (AP) — Actor Julian Sands’ family has released their first statement five months after he disappeared while hiking in California.

“We continue to carry Julian in our hearts and fondly remember him as a wonderful father, husband, explorer, lover of nature and the arts, and an original and collaborative artist,” the statement said.

Sands, the 65-year-old British-born actor best known for his role in the 1985 film A Room With a View, has been married to journalist Evgenia Citkowitz for more than three decades and has three adult children.

They said they are “deeply grateful to the search teams and coordinators who worked tirelessly to find Julian.”

A search for Sands on June 17 at Mount Baldy in Southern California, the eighth organized search since his disappearance, was unsuccessful, authorities said. However, the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department said the case remains active.

Sands, a longtime avid hiker and climber, was reported missing Jan. 13 after setting out on a hike up the massive mountain, which rises more than 10,000 feet (3,048 meters) east of Los Angeles and in the winter of was hit by severe storms.

Authorities said that while the warmer weather enabled the recent search, parts of the mountain remained inaccessible due to dangerous conditions.

Missing actor Julian Sands’ family releases first statement since disappearance Read More »

Logan Gilbert tosses a gem while Mariners bats stay hot

Logan Gilbert tosses a gem while Mariners’ bats stay hot to beat Orioles – The Seattle Times

BALTIMORE — The last two games have been so enticing that they could renew optimism about the Mariners that began to fade in late April and was absent in early June.

But it’s not the disproportionate results that coach Scott Servais and his players want to believe this is a sign of better days and better games.

No, it’s the way they’ve pulled off the lopsided wins in recent games, and the signs of it already showing on the previous home side, that make the Mariners think they’re getting closer to the heightened expectations this season can.

They earned a dominant performance from starter Logan Gilbert, while offensive starter Kyle Gibson made life difficult by scoring five early runs against him and ending his performance after three innings with a 13-1 win over the Baltimore Orioles

It was the second straight game in which the Mariners hit double-digit runs, which seemed impossible given early offensive problems. Seattle notched 17 hits, including six consecutive runs-scoring singles with two outs in the eighth inning.

“It’s about beating their starter,” Servais said. “That’s the key to winning a series. We’ve got off to a good start here. This is a really good team. They played really well. We came in and silenced the crowd. They have energy that you can feel in the stadium. But it was our starting pitch and hitting all night.”

After a brief three-game hiatus, a renewed focus on more competitive at-bats and making opposing starters work from the first pitch is palpable.

On Thursday, they went 10 runs in 3 1/3 innings ahead of Yankees starter Domingo German. On Friday, they endured Gibson’s worst game of the season, struggling to give the Orioles three full innings, allowing for five runs with seven hits, three walks and four strikeouts.

Gibson threw a whopping 86 pitches in his three innings with just 46 strikes. The Mariners battled Gibson through their plate appearances and made him work for his outs.

It was Gibson’s shortest start in Baltimore that season. He hadn’t conceded more than three runs in his last six starts and it was only the second time this season he’d conceded more than four runs in a game.

In the last 12 games, nine opposing starting pitchers have failed to get past five innings against Seattle. The Mariners are 6-3 in these contests. It’s a simple equation that Servais can show his players.

“Definitely, and believe me I am,” he said. “I think the most important thing is to understand the ups and downs of the season. We get a lot of things right, and then you meet a Lance Lynn or a Gerrit Cole and you’re like, ‘Oh, that’s not working.’ No, we’re sticking with the program. And I owe it to our guys that they did it.”

Conversely, the Mariners’ starting players have recovered from a tough week on the previous road trip and are back to their normal form.

With Gilbert’s seven pitched innings, one run allowed in two hits with a walk, and five strikeouts, the Mariners’ starting pitchers have conceded three runs or fewer in their last 10 games and two runs or fewer in eight of those 10 games.

“I felt pretty good,” Gilbert said. “I was in sync. My body felt good walking down the hill. I think when I’m at my best my performance is pretty effortless and easy and smooth. And that’s how I felt tonight.”

Gilbert survived a 20-pitch first inning, running the game’s first batter, aided by a timely double play to prevent a run. He didn’t allow a run until the seventh as he seemed to get stronger with every scoreless frame.

Gilbert used all four of his pitches almost evenly, kept the Orioles off balance and had 15 straight batters withdrawn before Anthony Santander hit a solo home run into right field.

“It’s the evolution of starting pitching in this league, no matter how good your fastball is, it’s the secondary pitches that ultimately become the separator,” Servais said. “There are a lot of players in this league with great fastballs, but the top pitchers have the secondary pitchers.”

Gilbert admitted he couldn’t have been that pitcher a year ago. He didn’t have the confidence or precision in that pitch repertoire.

“I could never have done that a few years ago, even if I wanted to,” he said. “It helps a lot when the game actually starts. You can read fluctuations, see what they’re doing, and make changes on the fly if needed. Where, like a few years ago, I pretty much did the same thing every time.”

Gibson had no such efficiency. It took him 35 pitches to get through a second inning in which a sacrifice flight from Tom Murphy gave the Mariners a 1-0 lead and left the bases strained.

The outing fell short in the third inning when he started with a leadoff walk that later scored through the left touchline after Eugenio Suarez’s one-out single. Kolten Wong followed with a sacrifice flight and Murphy smashed a misplaced sinker for a two-run home run deep in left field seats for a 5-0 lead. Statcast measured Murphy’s blast – his third home run of the season – at 418 feet.

Gibson would not come out in the fourth inning as Orioles manager Brandon Hyde went to his bullpen much earlier than expected.

“If you look at our bats in the first two to two and a half months, you can see that we didn’t have a lot of them lined up,” Murphy said. “And now you’re seeing a couple of games where everyone in the lineup kind of just kind of falls into place.”

The Mariners didn’t let up against the Orioles’ bullpen. Teoscar Hernandez greeted Gibson’s backup, Logan Gillaspie, with a solo home run over the center wall.

But Murphy understands why Servais was frustrated in New York and criticized the lack of competitive bats early in the games.

“I think we used to be seen doing it like that in the sixth, seventh and eighth innings where the offense kind of turned around and we magically won a ball game because we all had really good bats,” he said. “We really tried to find the recipe that would allow us to implement it for a full game and hopefully we’ll get there.”

BOX score

Ryan Divish: 206-464-2373 or [email protected]; on twitter: @RyanDivish. Ryan Divish covers the Mariners in and out of Seattle. Keep an eye out for his Extra Innings podcast and his weekly Sunday mailbag throughout the season.

Logan Gilbert tosses a gem while Mariners’ bats stay hot to beat Orioles – The Seattle Times Read More »

Heres how Julie Andrieu makes homemade gazelle horns and its

Here’s how Julie Andrieu makes homemade gazelle horns (and it’s easier than you think!) Journal des Femmes

Fancy some oriental sweets? This recipe by Julie Andrieu will help you make it as easy as possible!

If there’s one North African dessert you can’t resist, it’s gazelle horns. These small almond-filled chewy biscuits are available according to taste and desire. Culinary journalist Julie Andrieu tells us her recipe based on orange blossom and cinnamon, which is very easy to prepare. Small croissants will soon no longer hold any secrets for you!

The ingredients for Julie Andrieu’s gazelle horns

To make this recipe Gazelle Horns by Julie AndrieuHere you need several ingredients:

Dough :

  • 115g flour
  • 45g butter
  • 40 g water (3 tablespoons)
  • 1 pinch of salt

The joke :

  • 70 g ground almonds
  • 65g sugar
  • 20g butter
  • 1 small tsp orange blossom water
  • 1 small teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of water

You will also need powdered sugar to dust your gazelle horns after cooking. As utensils plan bowls, large spoons and a rolling pin.

The Stages of the Gazelle Horns by Julie Andrieu

Allow about 30 minutes prep time and 20 minutes cooking time for this recipe. Here are the steps to follow to get pretty pastries worthy of Julie Andrieu:

  • Prepare the dough: In a large bowl, mix flour, softened butter, cold water and a pinch of salt. Mash everything with a spoon and then mix with your fingers until you get a homogeneous paste. Form a ball, film and put in the fridge.
  • During this time, Prepare the filling : In a bowl, mix together the ground almonds, softened butter, sugar, orange blossom water, water and cinnamon. Mix well with a spoon until a ball forms.
  • Form gazelle horns : Divide the dough into 4 equal pieces. Take a piece and roll it into a smooth ball. Roll out on a lightly floured surface. Lightly flour the bottom of the dough. Cut the resulting disc of dough into 4 triangles. Lay 1 triangle towards you, rounded side up.
  • Fill the pasta: Take a teaspoon of filling and form a small sausage out of it. Place it on top of the triangle. Dampen the straight edges of the triangle with water. Roll the dough tightly around the filling, starting at the top of the triangle. Seal the ends by pinching the dough. Repeat the process until there is no more dough. Keep the horns in a cool place while making.
  • Bake on baking paper for 20 minutes in a preheated oven at 170 °C.

All you have to do is let cool and then dust with powdered sugar. Your oriental gourmets are ready to eat!

Here’s how Julie Andrieu makes homemade gazelle horns (and it’s easier than you think!) Journal des Femmes Read More »

War the prophecy of Francesco Sisci Russias power is over

War, the prophecy of Francesco Sisci: Russia’s power is over

Russia is “in chaos”, “the Russia we knew is over”, “Russian power is over” and this “chaos” is potentially “spreading globally”. From Russia to the Far East, from Russia to North Africa. With “impacts” that go through all of Europe. Francesco Sisci, an expert on geopolitics, argues with Adnkronos after Russian leader Vladimir Putin described the armed uprising launched by Yevgeny Prigozhin as “a stab in the back of our troops and Russia”, spoke of “serious treacheries” and assured that this was the Case is responsible “will pay for it”. “It’s clear,” says Sisci, “that we’re in a situation of civil war and chaos and we don’t know when and how we’re going to get out of this or how far this chaos is going to spread.” And he adds: “The war in Ukraine is now practically over”, regardless of “who will win the game in Russia”, more than a year has passed since the Russian invasion, which Putin described on February 24 last year as an “operation special military”.

Also read: Prigozhin sets conditions for Russia: we want Shoigu or march to Moscow

“The front with Ukraine could collapse in the next few hours, in the next few days,” observes the expert. “A country cannot wage a civil war and an external war at the same time, and Ukraine will be the political protagonist of European politics.” With the consequence of a “reshuffling of many cards”. Even in our house. “The main man who supported Putin in Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, is dead” and the Russian leader “is in deep trouble,” observes Sisci. “Italian Putinians Matteo Salvini and Giuseppe Conte are more isolated today and therefore more in trouble,” he says, and the question is whether this will affect the Italian balance.”

War, the prophecy of Francesco Sisci: Russia’s power is over Read More »

Christian Nodal and the romantic message to Cazzu after the

Christian Nodal and the romantic message to Cazzu after the first year of his relationship

There’s no reason for time to fly, but ask Christian Nodal And cazzuwho are “sitting on long tablecloths” after celebrating their first wedding anniversary on June 21.

The couple started dating exactly a year ago, and since then the relationship between the Mexican singer and the Argentine artist has grown to such an extent that they are already awaiting the birth of their first daughter.

Nodal and Cazzu Long live love!

In their respective accounts Instagramthe Bottle after Bottle performer posted a photo of them wearing hats together in his Stories with the following message: “It’s been a year today since you agreed to live a life together … it was the most valuable year.” of my life. Thanks Juliet, I love you mom.

For his part cazzu He wasn’t far behind and also on this social network he shared a story in which they hug at sunset in front of the sea and in the caption he wrote: “For many more years by your side.”


On 25 May Christian premiered the official video for “Cazzualidades”, a song he wrote and dedicated to Julia Emilia Cazzuchelli and that adds up to more than 11 million reproductions to date youtube.

Part of the song says the following:

Tell me who you are and why you stop time

What do you want from me? that I would like to give it to you

And if I regret it, relax, I’ll tell you

Who really loves never loses

If I smile it’s you

I want to dance to the rhythm of a cumbia

For Cazzu: are you what he was looking for?

No, you’re better than what I have

On vacation in France

Christian Nodal And cazzu You are in France taking a short break in the middle of Sinaloan’s “Foraji2 Tour”. The rapper published photos on the subject on her social media Louvre Museum She walked the streets of Paris presenting the pregnancy of her first daughter, who will be born in September.

Christian Nodal and the romantic message to Cazzu after the first year of his relationship Read More »