Elections in Brazil run normally for the first few hours

UN calls for peaceful parliamentary elections in Sierra Leone

This content was published on Jun 24, 2023 – 09:37. Jun 24, 2023 – 9:37 am

Freetown, June 24 (EFE). – The head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Leonardo Santos Simaõ, today called for “peaceful elections” in Sierra Leone, a country where he is voting this Saturday at the ballot box for its next president.

“(Simaõ) calls on all parties to refrain from any action, speech or statement that may undermine the integrity of the process,” UNOWAS said in a brief statement.

In doing so, Simaõ reaffirmed “the commitment of the United Nations”, in coordination with ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), the African Union (AU) and “members of the international community”, “to support Sierra Leone in its consolidation efforts”. Peace, Democracy and Development”.

Sierra Leone is today celebrating its fifth general election since the end of its bloody civil war (1991-2002) that devastated the country and claimed more than 50,000 lives.

Although general and local elections are also taking place, the race for the presidency is centered on two candidates with a chance of winning: current President Julius Maada Bio, 59 and leader of the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP); and Samura Kamara, 72, leader of the opposition All Peoples Congress (APC).

Authorities expect around 3.4 million Sierra Leoneans – out of a population of 8.5 million – will vote at more than 3,630 polling stations across the country.

As EFE has been able to verify, Freetown, the country’s capital, has woken up to long lines of people patiently waiting their turn to cast their votes, even before polling stations close for 07:00 local time (same GMT ) are opened. .

The votes are still taking place in the shadow of the August 10 high-cost-of-living protests, which were harshly repressed by security forces and have left at least 27 civilians and six police officers dead, and Sesay’s allegations of an alleged “conspiracy”. condemned by the SLPP for “rigging the elections” on June 24.

In addition, on Wednesday, Sierra Leonean authorities broke up demonstrations called by the APC in different parts of the country after describing them as “illegal”.

Following the protests, the ambassadors of the European Union, the United States, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Ireland called on all parties to “renounce violence, respect the political choices of others and reject the language of division and hatred”. .

The AU and ECOWAS issued a similar statement on Thursday, also voicing their “concerns” about “violence and intimidation” in the country. EFE


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quotDont expect the offense to be something very fastquot MAIL

"Don’t expect the offense to be something very fast" MAIL

Ukraine comes for her counter-offensive against invading Russian troops according to their own statements.

The armed forces advanced south forward, said Deputy Secretary of Defense Hanna Malyar on Friday on Ukrainian television. The offensive is going as planned there.

At the east they would have russian attacks on cities kupyansk It is Lyman repelled.

➤ Read more: Wagner boss Prigozhin: Moscow is spreading lies about the situation at the front

Not very fast offensive

Ukrainian troops are advancing gradually and steadily, even if they are hampered by Russian minefields. “You shouldn’t expect the offensive to be something very fast,” he said. maljar. The main blow is yet to come. Some reserve units would not be deployed until later.

In the south, focus in the direction Melitopol It is Berdyansk. However, the main cities mentioned by Maljar are still a long way from the Russian-occupied interior front in southern Ukraine. Despite the proclaimed progress, the Ukrainian military apparently did not take more cities.

➤ Read more: Counteroffensive: Zelensky spots progress

In any case, there is no corresponding information in Maljar’s report. The officer was always one of the first to report the receipts for the eight settlements recaptured so far.

According to Ukraine, it has recaptured eight villages in the south in the past two weeks. The advances in heavily fortified and mined areas under Russian control, while small, are the biggest since November. The leadership in Kiev has been preparing the counteroffensive for months, which they hope will mark a turning point in the war.

However, it has imposed a news blackout and independent reporting is sparse. But they say there were heavy casualties on both sides. According to experts, the majority of Ukrainian troops have yet to be deployed, some of which have been trained and equipped by the West.

➤ Read more: What Ukraine intends to do with its counter-offensive

Zelensky demands the evacuation of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky renewed his accusations of terrorism against Moscow and called for the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant.

“Complete evacuation of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant is necessary,” he said in his daily video message late on Thursday.

The world must increase pressure on Moscow to avoid a nuclear catastrophe. Radioactivity knows no neutrality, he told countries that have yet to take a stand in the conflict.

Zelensky repeated the accusation that Moscow was planning an attack on the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, which it then cynically “hoped to hide under this or that catastrophe”. He informed representatives of major Western industrialized nations (G7) and industrialized and emerging countries (G20) as well as international organizations about the danger.

Zelensky has not provided concrete evidence for his accusations against Moscow. Instead, he referred to the destruction of the Kachowka Dam.

After it was damaged, the Kakhovka reservoir was depleted and large parts of the Kherson region in southern Ukraine were flooded. Kiev and the West hold Moscow responsible for this. Russia denies blowing the dam.

UN report: Russia is responsible for the deaths of 136 children

The United Nations accuses Russia of serious crimes against children. This emerges from an internal UN report.

UN secretary general Antonio Guterres blamed Russia for the deaths of 136 children last year and expressed “shocked”. The Russian army has been included on a UN list of organizations that commit serious crimes against children in armed conflict. At the same time, the UN also accused Ukraine of being responsible for the deaths of children.

According to the UN, 477 children were demonstrably killed in Ukraine last year. 136 deaths are attributed to Russian forces and allies, 80 to Ukrainian troops. Neither party to the conflict can be blamed for the remaining victims with certainty. Children were mostly killed by air strikes, he said.

Russian forces carry out such attacks on Ukrainian cities and towns. The UN emphasized that there is a high “undeclared number” due to strict guidelines for verifying such cases.

Russia extends custody to American journalists

Meanwhile, Russia’s judiciary confirmed the extended detention of American reporter Evan Gershkovich, who had been arrested for alleged espionage. A court in Moscow on Thursday dismissed a complaint by Gershkovich’s lawyers, the Interfax news agency reported.

The 31-year-old works for the American newspaper “Wall Street Journal”. The reporter was arrested by the FSB secret service in March in the Ural city of Yekaterinburg. He is accused of collecting classified information about Russia’s military-industrial complex for US agencies.

"Don’t expect the offense to be something very fast" MAIL Read More »

1687600946 Turn off your smartphone for 5 minutes every night Why

“Turn off your smartphone for 5 minutes every night”: Why you need to do it – Frandroid

The Australian Prime Minister and the NSA recommend turning your smartphone off and on regularly. There’s even talk of turning it off for 5 minutes each day before turning it back on. And all this in order not to be hacked.

Turn off your smartphone for 5 minutes every night Why

Want to reduce the chances of your smartphone being hacked by hackers? A tip: turn it off for at least five minutes once a day. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese told the press. The remarks were relayed by media outlet The Guardian, which provided some additional details.

Simple things: Turn off your phone for five minutes every night. For people seeing this: Do it every 24 hours while brushing your teeth or whatever you’re doing.

What’s the point of rebooting?

This statement follows the announcement of the establishment of a national cybersecurity coordinator in Australia. And if you can think that this phrase came from a Boomer, it really isn’t, and Security experts agree the Australian Prime Minister.

iOS 164 Apple completely changes the quality of phone callsSource: Frandroid – Chloé Pertuis

Therefore, Priyadarsi Nanda, a cybersecurity expert, states that restarting your cell phone once a day drastically reduces the risk of being hacked by a hacker.

In practice, restarting the smartphone is sufficient Close all applications, but especially all processes runs in the background. And quite often it is one of these processes that hackers use to break into a smartphone, be it Android or iOS.

A practice recommended by the NSA

The NSA (National Security Agency in the United States) also recommends turning off the smartphone regularly to reduce the risk of a cyber attack, according to the media. The NSA states that this is appropriate Restart your phone at least twice a week. This is to reduce the chance of two different attacks.

First, spear phishing, which requires installation of a malicious application. And then zero-click exploits that don’t require user interaction to activate.

The limits of rebooting

But be careful because A reboot is not the holy grail of cybersecurity defense. Many attacks cannot be countered by turning the smartphone off and on again.

1687600943 81 Turn off your smartphone for 5 minutes every night Why

One can also ask whether this measure is of interest to ordinary people. However, if you have a sensitive job, reading the NSA’s best practices guide might help you.

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“Turn off your smartphone for 5 minutes every night”: Why you need to do it – Frandroid Read More »

War and peace By J Carlos de Assis Diario do

War and peace. By J. Carlos de Assis Diário do Centro do

Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Vladimir Putin, Presidents of Ukraine and Russia. Photo: Ian Langsdon/Pool/AFP

The West can end the war in Ukraine immediately. All it takes is an agreement between France, Germany and Italy to stop arms supplies to Kiev, forcing it to go to the negotiating table with the Russians. Because without European weapons, NATO is partially paralyzed in its efforts to keep the war going. Against this background, Ukraine was unable to continue the US “proxy war” against Russia, which Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov calls it.

However, this would only be possible through a prior agreement with Moscow in the sense that it would also be brought to the negotiating table. It would not be so difficult if the price of suspending the bombing was also the lifting of Western sanctions against Russia, leading to the formalization of a mutual security treaty with a permanent commitment that neither Russia nor Ukraine use their territories as a base for warlike or virtual attacks on each other.

In this context, the Americans would have the final say on the end of the war. They could continue to supply Kiev with arms, despite the withdrawal of Europeans from a leading position in the conflict. But it would be a disaster for her. They would have to continue investing billions of dollars to keep the war going in northern Europe despite growing resentment from the European people who are being sacrificed to its economic and social consequences with no end in sight.

In addition, the US Treasury Department is being weakened. If, as during the Vietnam War, it adheres to financing the costs of the war in Ukraine simply by issuing money, without straining to increase production, then there will continue to be a strong tendency to inflation in the country itself and a devaluation of the dollar abroad. As a result, the Chinese are having to gradually withdraw from investments abroad, particularly in the US, around $3.2 trillion that they have in reserves!

International financial relations would falter and become unbalanced. And the transition of world economic hegemony from the USA to China, which has already been initiated by Chinese productive power, would be accelerated. Washington had nowhere to run. The American people would suffer brutal consequences in the form of rising inflation at the hands of a war not theirs, but at the hands of an irresponsible clown president who invented the conflict because of his obsession with joining NATO.

Of course, if France, Germany and Italy withdraw funds from Kiev, NATO will explode. The world will return to the point where Mikhail Gorbachev, when he accepted the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, intended to continue international relations from 1999 onwards. He was betrayed by George Bush. The American president, who added to his pretentious speech about the end of the USSR that the US had “won” the Cold War, cynically ignored Russia’s contribution to the peace process.

However, the explosion of NATO is essential to save the West and the world. Western Europe is being rocked by three crises: the war in the north, the social migration crisis and the climate change crisis. Only the former is still somewhat under control should it withdraw its military support from Ukraine. It might have some control over the others, but to a limited extent, only in the medium or long term. And that depends on immediate and responsible economic decisions.

The most important is in the economic area. In a previous article I pointed out that the global challenge today is to replace war with peace based on fair economic and trade relations between peoples. To this end, there are plans to establish a permanent trade, business and services fair in Latin America in Brazil called LatinRio, to be replicated as a franchise in the form of the BRICS International Trade Belt and beyond. this block.

This belt, combined with China’s Belt and Road Initiative, has the potential to become the most powerful tool of global economic development of our time. In this way, Western Europe will be paved a way to face the challenge of the monstrous legacy of colonialism, the migratory flows that are now mainly from France, Germany and Italy the very countries that hold the key to blowing up NATO the clog urban habitats.

This is because today’s migrations of Africans and Asians to Europe stem from the miserable conditions of the peoples who were previously colonized in the former European metropolises. Europe owes them compensation for the political humiliations and processes of extreme economic exploitation to which they have been subjected for centuries. Without it, they will have to live with the aftermath of the hunger they left in their wake after colonialism was forced to end after World War II.

Therefore, a mutual solution to the European migration problem presupposes the economic and social development of the formerly colonized peoples. Since decent economic and social conditions prevail in the countries of origin, there is no migration pressure from outside. So let Europe replace its war actions with peace initiatives. And let’s start by ending our harmful interference in the war in Ukraine and promoting peaceful initiatives with Lula, Xi Jinping and the Pope.

The third challenge, this global one, must also be met with strong economic instruments. It’s about climate change. This will not be possible without energy conversion and environmental protection measures and will cost a lot of money. To achieve this goal, poor and developing countries must be helped, as they do not have the resources of their own to address it comprehensively. The primary responsibility rests with the rich, who if they don’t respond will perish with the world.

A concentrated scientific effort and a responsible global economic alliance should drive the clean and renewable energy transition in the oil industry, automotive industry, steel industry and other industrial processes and services with high carbon emissions. It is imperative that economic coercion goes beyond rhetoric to ensure that the goals set by the United Nations to tackle climate change are met.

In this case, too, the international trade belt of the BRICS countries, which extends around the world, can play an extremely important role. The permanent exhibitions it envisages are intended to disseminate antipollution technologies and practices that favor preventive measures that can, in this and other ways, influence the slowing down of climate change. This will be the objective ballast of subjective responsibility in the quest for a world with less risk for humanity.

However, it must be emphasized that this cannot be done without an immediate end to the war in Ukraine and without a stable peace agreement between the Kremlin and Kiev. Again, it is worth reiterating something that Chinese President Xi Jinping has insisted on and Brazilian President Luís Inácio Lula da Silva has repeated on numerous occasions: the world must not return to the policy of blockades. In the age of nuclear weapons and mass destruction, that’s too dangerous. And it’s finally time to secure Kant’s eternal peace!

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Alessia Marcuzzi tiring fight against the disease her words

Alessia Marcuzzi, tiring fight against the disease: her words

Home » Gossip » Alessia Marcuzzi, tiring fight against the disease: her words

Alessia Marcuzzi, exhausting fight against the disease: her words

Alessia Marcuzzi is enjoying the well-deserved rest ahead of the new television season. He couldn’t help but speak about the battle he’s waging against the disease.

The Roman moderator Alessia Marcuzzi She’s enjoying a relaxing summer. Before a busy TV season, she decided to get some rest and recharge her batteries. However, he couldn’t help but talk about the arduous battle he personally is waging against the disease. His words are very touching.

Alessia Marcuzzi fights the battle against the debilitating illness

This has been a very busy television season for Alessia Marcuzzi. After a two-year absence from television, he has decided to return to our screens with the variety of his own ideas boomers. The program made its debut on Rai Due and was an instant hit, so it was renewed for a second edition. After the experience, the After festivals together with the colleague Fiorello Rosary.

The Roman showgirl never stopped and was also a guest on various programs, such as the podcast “Mamma Dilettante” by Diletta Leotta or from a friend Antonella Clerici To It’s always noon. With the summer over, he decided to enjoy some well-deserved rest before returning with the second season of boomers, which could be postponed by a few weeks. Although she’s not gone yet, she’s enjoying the relaxation at her Roman home.

However, in these quiet days, he has also decided to share touching words with his followers to talk about a very important fight. Always at the forefront of social struggles, Marcuzzi wanted to share the initiative he promotedAssociation Peter Pan Odv. The non-profit organization takes care of the care and accommodation of the families of cancer patients during the entire treatment period.

In fact, state aid for the family members of sick people is not enough at all. For years the association has been running a number of self-sufficiency initiatives and now also has the support of the Roman showgirl.

I have decided to join a very special initiative: Adopt A Cherry Tree. I adopted a cherry tree from the Bettino Amidei farm, which enabled me to donate 10 kg of cherries to the Peter Pan Odv Association, a home that takes care of children with cancer and that I have supported for some time. I think it’s a beautiful initiative, a green gift that you can give to special people and that allows you to support the environment

The fight against cancer has been the task of the association for years. The team knows how difficult and exhausting the treatment of this disease is. It is often necessary to move from city to city for very long periods of time. For this reason the Peter Pan Odv We try to help and support patients and families by providing them with free accommodation throughout the therapy period.

Alessia Marcuzzi, tiring fight against the disease: her words Read More »

Adam Peaty flies to Rome for a romantic getaway with

Adam Peaty flies to Rome for a romantic getaway with his new girlfriend Holly Ramsay

Their romance was confirmed last week.

And Adam Peaty couldn’t hide his appreciation for his girlfriend Holly Ramsay as they flew to Rome for a romantic getaway.

The 28-year-old Olympic gold medalist shared a snap of Holly, 23, beaming in a black dress as she headed to the airport on Instagram Stories.

Holly then reposted the snap in her own Stories with the caption: “Roma”.

Last week, sources claimed the couple had been secretly dating for four weeks and the swimmer had already been spending time at her family’s home in Rock, Cornwall.

Loved up: Adam Peaty couldn't hide his appreciation for his girlfriend Holly Ramsay as he shared a glowing photo of her ahead of their romantic trip to Rome

Loved up: Adam Peaty couldn’t hide his appreciation for his girlfriend Holly Ramsay as he shared a glowing photo of her ahead of their romantic trip to Rome

Here we go!  The Olympian also shared a snap from the airport as they boarded their flight to Italy

Here we go! The Olympian also shared a snap from the airport as they boarded their flight to Italy

A source told The Sun: “Holly is a beautiful girl and Adam sparked a discussion on social media.” He liked many of her photos on Instagram and has now taken a step.

“They’ve been seeing each other for about a month and Adam’s makeup is on.” Holly invited Adam to spend time with her at the home of her father (TV chef) Gordon and mother Tana.

“It gave them ample alone time and made them realize they wanted to get more serious.”

It comes after Holly finally confirmed her alleged romance with the former Strictly star as they appeared to have spent a romantic week together.

The looker, who met the Olympian when her sister Tilly, 21, performed with him on Strictly Come Dancing in 2021, took to her Instagram to share a hot bikini photo with her followers before tagging her new husband, who is behind the camera was standing.

Adam also posted a love heart to let Holly’s 300,000 followers and the world know how he feels for Holly.

The blonde beauty also shared some snaps from her sun-kissed week in the UK heatwave, while relaxing by a chic private pool and enjoying a round of cooking.

One eagle-eyed fan quickly spotted a four-legged friend lying on a sun lounger and wrote, “Adam’s dog is the third photo?!?”.

New love!  Last week, sources claimed Adam (pictured) and Holly have been secretly dating for four weeks and the swimmer has already been spending time with her family in Rock, Cornwall

New love! Last week, sources claimed Adam (pictured) and Holly have been secretly dating for four weeks and the swimmer has already been spending time with her family in Rock, Cornwall

A source told The Sun:

A source told The Sun: “Holly is a beautiful girl and Adam sparked a discussion on social media.” They have been seeing each other for about a month and Adam is made up.

Confirming: It comes after Holly finally confirmed her alleged romance with the former Strictly star when she tagged him in an Instagram snap

Confirming: It comes after Holly finally confirmed her alleged romance with the former Strictly star when she tagged him in an Instagram snap

Adam is the owner of a short-haired German pointer named Monty, of whom he regularly shares snaps on his social media.

Web has reached out to Adam and Holly’s reps for comment.

Rumors circulated between the pair when Holly posted a selfie of herself wearing only a hotel dressing gown getting ready for a night out at the Cannes Film Festival.

Adam Quirky shared a sweaty face emoji implying he thought the pic was hot, which prompted Holly to reply that she was “too shy,” which pleased him.

Both Holly and Adam have struggled with their mental health and alcohol addiction.

In April, Adam retired from the British Swimming Championships, saying: “A good friend of mine said a gold medal is the coldest thing you’ll ever wear… because you think it’ll solve all your problems.” [and] it will not.’

In December, Holly celebrated two years of sobriety after previously hitting rock bottom.

1687600585 749 Adam Peaty flies to Rome for a romantic getaway with Romance: Adam also posted a love heart to let Holly's 300,000 followers and the world know how he feels for Holly

Romance: Adam also posted a love heart to let Holly’s 300,000 followers and the world know how he feels for Holly

She also created 21 & Over, a podcast for people with anxiety.

Adam has a three-year-old son, George, with his ex-girlfriend Eirianedd Munro. The couple split last August when he apologized for abandoning her and their son.

He said at the time the couple had decided to “go their separate ways” but their son George, who will turn two next month, remained their “priority”.

Adam announced the news via social media, writing, “Eiri and George I’m sorry to have let you down.” “My only interest is in the well-being of our family at this difficult time.”

Adam Peaty flies to Rome for a romantic getaway with his new girlfriend Holly Ramsay Read More »

Mel Maia clarifies relationship with MC Daniel after posting video

Mel Maia clarifies relationship with MC Daniel after posting video with him on social media

Mel Maia (23) caused a stir this Friday by posting a video in which she appears with her exboyfriend MC Daniel. Soon, fans began speculating that the two had gotten back together.

Also see:

Alongside the funk artist, the Globo actress can be seen in the pictures alongside other friends. However, what caught fans’ attention the most was the caption: “You make my life happier”.


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also see: Have you come back? Mel Maia releases video with her exboyfriend MC Daniel

However, Mel soon tries to clarify that she and Daniel are just friends. When the Alfinetei Teen site published the video, she went out to comment on it.

“We are friends,” he wrote in the comment section. Mel recently gave her father a luxury motorcycle as a gift.


Mel Maia clarifies relationship with MC Daniel after posting video with him on social media Read More »

1687600379 Corey Taylor Slipknot to artists quotIf you dont want to

Corey Taylor (Slipknot) to artists: "If you don’t want to challenge your audience, you might as well work at a fast food joint." – Metal Zone

Corey Taylor (Slipknot) to artists: "If you don't want to challenge your audience, you might as well work at a fast food joint."

© Shutterstock

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Corey Taylor, lead singer of Slipknot and Stone Sour and now a solo artist with two forthcoming albums, shared his thoughts on what he believes is the essence of a true artist.

In a recent interview with Metal Hammer magazine, the legendary frontman opened up about his solo music and said he would like to be a cross between Bruce Springsteen and Ozzy Osbourne.

He explained: “I’m thinking about it

like the third act of my professional life, the last 20 years of my career – assuming I can last another 20! […] For me, Act 3 is about bringing together music from this path that I’ve been on – songs from Slipknot, songs from Stone Sour, and showing people things and bands they’ve never heard before. I want to be a cross between Bruce Springsteen and Ozzy Osbourne.”

He then added that he covers a wide range of musical styles in his solo project and that he “doesn’t care”: “We challenge people – and nobody does that anymore.”

He elaborated on that point, emphasizing what he thinks is really important for artists: “Everything is so flat, with the rare exception of about 10 percent of the bands that come out.” If you don’t want to challenge your listeners, you can You might as well work at a fast food chain.”

Taylor’s next solo album, CMF2, is out September 15th. In the meantime, you can (re)discover the single “Beyond” below.

Corey Taylor – In addition:

-20% on Guitar Pro with the code: MZ2O

-20% on Guitar Pro with the code: MZ2O

Corey Taylor (Slipknot) to artists: "If you don’t want to challenge your audience, you might as well work at a fast food joint." – Metal Zone Read More »