Review Elements Pixar Animation is a set of metaphors that.webp

Review Elements: Pixar Animation is a set of metaphors that fails to sustain the narrative

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It was the year 1597 and the first theatrical performance of cheese and guava was about to change the course of fiction forever. The tragedy written by William Shakespeare immortalized there Love story between two young people whose families were great rivalsa narrative structure that has undergone numerous retelling since the play’s first performance. elementsthe new Pixar film is one of them, just in a different way.

This is because, at first glance, it is only one romantic comedy About the attraction of opposites, the animation uses the four elements of nature Fire, Water, Air and Earth to create metaphors about that cultural diversity, the intolerance and the immigration trip around the world, exploring topics such as selfdiscovery It is belonging. All of this could have provided an interesting insight, but what we find is a film that is afraid of itself and that it can’t work out its nuances because it doesn’t have enough faith in the strength of its story.

data sheet

title: Elements

Direction: Peter son

road map: Peter Sohn, John Hoberg, Kat Likkel, and Brenda Hsueh

release date from: June 22, 2023

country of origin: UNITED STATES

Length of time: 1h 49min

Summary: In a city where the denizens of fire, water, earth and air live together, a fiery young woman and a boy who lives with the flow discover something surprising yet elemental: how much they have in common.

Elements Poster.

Opposites attract

If the family of spark (Leah Lewis) came to town elementEverything they found seemed to be a sign that leaving their origins behind had been a bad idea. Because how can you build a solid foundation in an unfamiliar place that, no matter how many times you try to prove yourself wrong, will continue to reinforce the notion that you don’t belong there?

But even in the face of this reality, people are of Fire managed to create a solid community in which young Faísca could grow up alongside her family, while her father designed a life plan for his daughter, always thinking of strengthening the roots between them. But that all changed when drops (Mamoudou Athie), a member of the people of Waterhe appeared.

As Faísca and Gota get to know each other, what initially seemed impossible becomes one journey of selfdiscovery That shows the flaming young woman that, Despite being opposites, the two have more in common. as she imagines.

Elements explores the romance between two completely opposite characters.

From the outside, Elements appears to be just a simple Pixar romantic comedy. Animation is just that, after all, several tropes of the genre are present in the narrative, such as the idea of ​​two completely different people falling in love, and even that great final romantic act after a conflict that touches all the emotional hearts and sighs in the rooms . From cinemas. It’s a narrative choice that cannot help but point to great classics of Hollywood fiction that follow this structure, such as message for you (1998) or How to lose a man in 10 days (2003).

However, as much as the animation largely follows this path, it is Sparkling dynamic with her father is the greatest spell in Elementos. Full of symbolism and analogies, the relationship between father and daughter is emotional because it can convey to the public the shock of such different generations, who have completely different desires and wills, but which exist deep down, when love is essentially become support and partnership always prevail.

Pixar’s new film is a metaphor for the immigrant experience of the world.

In this way we follow universal experiences winning the silver screen, fear of disappointing parents by wanting to take a different path than they thought, and wanting to prove that we are capable of pursuing our own dreams and living our own stories . In those moments, Elements manages to create a sense of identification, even if it’s not Pixar’s best work in recent years.

This is how, through Faísca’s doubts and desires, we managed to see a part of ourselves and the reality around us, especially with regard to the immigration issue. From the very first seconds of the animation, it’s clear that this isn’t just a simple story about two opposite young people who end up falling in love. It is clear that the novel is fundamental in advancing the protagonist’s journey of selfdiscovery, but it is impossible to ignore the metaphor that permeates the narrative: the coexistence of different cultures and how people behave in the face of that reality.

Everything is a choice

If, on the one hand, Elementos manages to present a universe with interesting analogies, the execution of this narrative finally gives the feeling that the studio that once provided stories like ‘Finding Nemo’ (2003) and ‘The Incredibles’ (2004) I knew I just didn’t know what to do with what I had in my hands.

Elements isn’t nearly as disappointing as Lightyear (2022), but it seems Pixar has been on a downward spiral since the success of Inside Out (2015). recycling of premises It is Bad decisions who manage to weaken even the best ideas. that happened Red: Growing up is a beast (2022) and even in the simple Two Brothers: A Fantastic Journey (2022), two animations that deal with good subjects but ultimately get lost in what they are trying to address.

Despite the impressive graphics, Elementos loses focus several times.

Perhaps it’s this excessive repetition of formulas that hampers the development of Elementos, an animation that wants to talk about everything at once, but doesn’t manage to muster the courage to leave the surface. It’s not about asking too much of the target group, because Pixar has been dealing with psychological questions and denser assumptions for a number of years in order to capture the attention of adults as well.

The problem is the metaphor that Elementos makes about the immigration experience not consistent enough to reach the level of productions like Fun Mind or even Soul (2020), two works that know how to use the subtlety of their premises to achieve their respective goals. This is not the case with the story created and directed by peter son (The Good Dinosaur) because of the animation fails to make a connection between the approaches presented in the narrative. Sometimes it even feels like we’re watching completely different films.

Not even the relationship between Faísca and Gota remains intact. As fun as it is to see the animation explore the extremes between fire and water, the narrative’s lack of focus ultimately hampers the development of the novel, which comes with trying to resolve a conflict that, frankly, is , was destined to be treated with superficiality from the start.

Elementos cannot support the metaphors and symbologies it wants to cover.

The bitter feeling grows when you consider that Disney has already managed to process themes that appear in “Elements” in a much more interesting way than it did in “Elements”. zootopia (2016) for example. It’s obvious that there are similarities between the two projects even the atmosphere of Elemento City is reminiscent of what we see in Zootopia which ultimately makes Pixar’s animation even easier (in this case, Zootopia seems more part be). of the catalog as Studio as Elements).

With this in mind, the story of a city inhabited by elements of nature, despite all the impressive visual work, could have been much more than it actually was, especially if we consider animations like Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio (2022). and Manaranha: Through the SpiderVerse (2023) and the way both explored such classic and wellloved stories in innovative ways. In Elementos, the abbreviated execution of the narrative wastes the opportunity to explore the richness that this universe carries, as it chooses to only give the image of caring about its premise rather than actually doing so.

Therefore, Elementos will make you smile here and there, and the way Faísca’s personal journey grows in the narrative is emotional when accompanied by the family theme. But the work as a whole cannot live up to what it is trying to convey to the public. Finally, Everything is a matter of choiceand Pixar hasn’t been the master at it for a long time.

elements is running in Brazilian cinemas.

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Review Elements: Pixar Animation is a set of metaphors that fails to sustain the narrative Read More »

Billie Eilish Admits Body Criticism Hurts Her 7 Days

Billie Eilish Admits Body Criticism Hurts Her – 7 Days

Billie Eilish admits criticism of her body still hurts her.

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In an interview with Vogue published Tuesday, the singer said it’s “difficult” to constantly scrutinize her image. “Man, I don’t even know. It’s hard man. “Honestly, there’s nothing anyone can say about my body that I don’t have a stronger opinion about,” said the 21-year-old star. I also think if I were younger, if the internet was talking about me like it is now when I was 11, I honestly don’t think I could exist. »

She revealed that while she’s better at ignoring online criticism now, the negativity “still hurts.” “I love myself more than I used to and care more about how I feel than how they feel,” she explained. But it’s also nonsense because it still hurts me a lot. »

The interpreter ofHappier than ever said she walks her dog, takes a bath, and plays games on her phone to help manage her negative thoughts. “But it’s really hard, you know?” she added. It was hard for me to be honest, and I’m still figuring things out. But it’s really a strange life, I can tell. »

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Heat and no rain wildfires could lead to new evacuations

National Day fires: Find out where the bans apply

Quebecers who want to celebrate Saint-Jean-Baptiste by the fire must take their turn in 11 regions of the province due to Quebec’s decision to ban open fires.

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In a press release, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests is changing the ban on open fires in or near the forest due to the fire hazard, which is particularly prevalent in the east of the province.

The decision, which takes into account the recommendations of the Society for the Protection of Forests from Fires (SOPFEU), therefore includes the extension of the current measure from Friday noon. The affected regions are Capitale-Nationale, Nord-du-Québec, Côte-Nord, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Mauricie, Bas-Saint-Laurent, Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine and the Outaouais , the Laurentians and Lanaudière.

“There are currently 80 active fires in Quebec, the Department of Natural Resources and Forests recalled. Since the protection season began, more than a million hectares have been affected by 467 wildfires. The average for the last ten years at the same time is 253 fires over an area of ​​7716.6 hectares.

Violators of the ban face a fine.

The sectors concerned in the different regions

North du Quebec: Jamésie (991), Eeyou Istchee (Waswanipi, Mistissini, Oujé-Bougoumou, Chisasibi, Eastmain, Nemiscau, Waskaganish, Wemindji) (993).

North coast: La Haute-Côte-Nord (95), Manicouagan (96), Sept-Rivières (971), Caniapiscau (972), Minganie (981), Le Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent (982).

Saguenay–Lac Saint Jean: Le Domaine du Roy (91), Maria Chapdelaine (92), Lac Saint Jean Est (93), Saguenay (941), Le Fjord du Saguenay (942) .

Abitibi-Témiscamingue: Témiscamingue (85), Rouyn-Noranda (86), Abitibi-Ouest (87), Abitibi (88), La Vallée-de-l’Or (89).

Mauricie: Mékinac (35), Shawinigan (36), Trois-Rivieres (371), Les Chenaux (372), Maskinongé (51), La Tuque (90).

Capitale-Nationale: Charlevoix-Est (15), Charlevoix (16), La Côte-de-Beaupré (21), La Jacques-Cartier (22), Quebec (23), Portneuf (34).

Bas Saint Laurent: La Matapédia (07), La Matanie (08), La Mitis (09), Rimouski-Neigette (10), Les Basques (11), Rivière-du-Loup (12), Témiscouata (13) .

Gaspésie-Iles-de-la-Madeleine: Le Rocher-Percé (02), La Côte-de-Gaspé (03), La Haute-Gaspésie (04), Bonaventure (05), Avignon (06).

Outaouais: Papineau (80), Gatineau (81), Les Collines de l’Outaouais (82), La Vallee de la Gatineau (83), Pontiac (84).

Laurentians: Deux-Montagnes (72), Thérèse-De Blainville (73), Mirabel (74), La Rivière-du-Nord (75), Argenteuil (76), Pays-d’en-Haut (77), Les Laurentians (78), Antoine Labelle (79).

Lanaudière: D’Autray (52), L’Assomption (60), Joliette (61), Matawinie (62), Montcalm (63), Les Moulins (64).

National Day fires: Find out where the bans apply Read More »

1687589670 Reduced bureaucracy lower language skills and new visas This is

Reduced bureaucracy, lower language skills and new visas: This is how Germany is courting skilled workers

Reduced bureaucracy lower language skills and new visas This is

Germany wants to attract non-EU workers to its labor market and has recognized that the country’s tedious bureaucracy and rigid rules put it at a disadvantage compared to other skilled immigration destinations such as the United States or Canada. The amendment to the immigration law passed by the German Bundestag this Friday is intended to end this discrimination. The new norm offers more facilitation, lowers the requirements and even allows entry into the country without a permanent job offer, with a visa or an “opportunity card” that allows them to stay legally while looking for a job.

“It’s the most modern immigration law in the world,” assured Home Secretary Nancy Faeser in the parliamentary session, where it passed with 388 votes in favor (the governing coalition of Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals), 234 votes against and 31 abstentions. The Christian Democratic opposition of the CDU refused to approve the text on the grounds that it also opened the door for the entry of unskilled workers. The far-right AfD directly assures that the country does not need anyone from outside.

Germany has a very serious problem of labor shortage. In surveys, companies identify it as one of the biggest risks to their business. They cannot find staff in the country and it is very difficult to compete with other places to attract migrant workers from non-EU countries. Labor Minister Hubertus Heil has calculated that by 2035 there will be a gap of seven million workers. The German labor market would need to recruit 400,000 people from outside the EU each year to balance the aging population pyramid.

The new regulation provides for a points system based on the Canadian model, which gives access to the so-called “Opportunity Card”, a visa that entitles the holder to look for work in Germany for one year, provided the applicant can prove that he can contribute to this during this time. . The system awards points based on various criteria such as professional experience, age, connection to Germany or language skills. Anyone under the age of 35 earns points. They have at least two years of professional training in their country of origin or a university degree. And, knowing that English-speaking countries are far more attractive, the government has lowered the required level of German from A2 (basic) to A1 (beginner).

The reduction of bureaucracy is at the heart of the new standard. Until now, the process of recognizing foreign titles has been so complicated that many companies either didn’t even try or went through months of paperwork before they could hire their employees from outside the EU. “It is unacceptable that 17 different forms have to be filled out in order to bring a health worker to this country,” complained Faeser in the Bundestag. What is new is that many titles in Germany no longer have to be approved. A degree recognized in the country of origin and at least two years of professional experience are sufficient. In addition, if the title needs to be recognized, the person can start work during the process.

The coalition parties also want to support educational migration, i.e. the opportunity to emigrate to Germany for vocational training or studies with the aim of staying and working there permanently. Foreign students can do paid internships to earn a living.

The possibilities for family reunification are also being expanded. Previously, professionals could bring their spouse and children with them, but now parents and parents-in-law can do the same.

The law is intended to deal much more flexibly with visas that were previously issued for a specific purpose. For example, if someone enters the country on a tourist visa and is offered a job, they must leave the country and apply for a new visa. According to the text adopted by the Bundestag, this will no longer be necessary, since the permits can be adapted to the circumstances.

There is also news for asylum seekers. The government wants to give them the opportunity to start vocational training or find a job. If their procedure is already underway and they are offered a job, they can remain in Germany even if it is ultimately determined that they are not entitled to asylum (recognized refugees already have the right to work). In order not to create incentives for irregular immigration, this option is only offered to those who have an ongoing asylum procedure, but not to new applicants. The deadline ends on March 29 of this year. The exception was included in response to criticism from the conservative opposition, which accused Olaf Scholz’s government of dismantling barriers to immigration and encouraging the entry of people with low qualifications.

Business associations and industry have generally reacted positively to the new law. Arndt Kirchhoff from the Association of the Metallurgy and Electrical Industry assured the public broadcaster ARD that, for example, the simplification in the recognition of qualifications was appreciated. There is also criticism because the standard does not go as far as it should. The President of the Central Association of German Crafts (ZDH), Jörg Dittrich, still considers it too bureaucratic. The general manager of the Central Association of the German Construction Industry, Felix Pakleppa, misses the fact that he relies so much on the existence of formal qualifications, when his industry needs staff with professional experience.

The conservative parties are still convinced that issues such as lowering German language skills will benefit the low-skilled. Andrea Lindholz from the Bavarian CSU criticized this in her speech. Moreover, admitting asylum seekers risks “turning the process into a kind of state-funded job search in Germany,” he added.

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Agent reacts violently to NHL decision

Agent reacts violently to NHL decision

The National Hockey League (NHL) is reportedly planning to ban teams on the rink from wearing special warm-up jerseys, such as the rainbow-colored one in support of LGBTQ+ causes, starting this season.

Commissioner Gary Bettman made the announcement via the Sportsnet network as he presented the conclusions of the league governors’ meeting on Thursday. According to officials, last year’s jerseys were a distraction.

“I have suggested to clubs that it would be appropriate not to change their shirts during warm-up as it becomes a distraction,” he said. All of our clubs hold celebrations in one way or another to honor different groups or causes, and we want them to continue to receive the attention they deserve without causing distraction.”

In 2022-2023, it was mainly the Pride kit that caused debate. Several athletes refrained from donning the gear honoring the LGBTQ+ community due to their religious beliefs or opinions.

“The efforts of these causes have been sidelined by the distraction of which team or which player [portera le chandail]. That way we keep our focus on the game and on special nights on the causes,” Bettman said.

Themed games, whether honoring First Nations, the military or the fight against cancer, will not go away and the special jerseys will continue to be produced and sold by the NHL. Players could still wear them, but not during warm-up.

An agent reacts violently

Popular players’ agent Allan Walsh reacted violently to the news on Twitter earlier this evening.

“This decision by the NHL is cowardly,” he wrote. Pride parties, military, black history, fight cancer… 99% of gamers had no problem wearing them. It’s typical of the NHL to go 100 km/h in the opposite direction!”

Agent reacts violently to NHL decision Read More »

1687589486 8 unusual activities not to be missed during a trip

8 unusual activities not to be missed during a trip to Cambodia

Planning a trip to Southeast Asia? Cambodia has in its backyard one of the world’s most majestic wonders, the Angkor archaeological site, and many other interesting places to explore. Here are eight ideas that will appeal to so many types of travelers!

The temples of Angkor by bike

One cannot travel to Cambodia without seeing the remains of the capitals of the ancient Khmer Empire, which peaked between the 9th and 15th centuries. True architectural masterpieces near Siem Reap, the country’s second largest city. The temples and sculptures of Angkor are part of an archaeological park of more than 400 km2.
The famous Angkor Wat Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that welcomed more than two million tourists a year before the pandemic, is the largest religious structure in the world.

To avoid the tourist route to the top sights, embark on a bike adventure with a local guide. You’ll traverse jungles and forests on dirt tracks, discovering local culture as you travel from village to village. The number of ruins visited in one or more days depends on the chosen pace.

Since there is practically no difference in altitude, the traditional 30 km hiking trail in one day is accessible to all and allows you to see the classics: Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, Bayon, Ta Nei as well as Ta Prohm, which has made it famous for Movie Tomb Raider.

Khmer Cooking and Gastronomy Course

8 activities not to be missed in Cambodia

Khmer food at Golden Temple Boutique Restaurant in Siem Reap. Photo courtesy of Golden Temple

If Cambodian food isn’t the hottest thing in the big international foodie circles, that’s about to change. Khmer cuisine is indeed a surprising adventure full of subtleties: a perfect balance between fresh spices and a well-dosed touch of spice. Sometimes Cambodian national dishes are inspired by their neighbors with Thai, Lao, Chinese or Vietnamese influences and still have their own unique character. Among the most delicious is the amok, a fish served in a banana leaf with lemongrass, red pepper and coconut.

Be sure to leave the country with Kampot pepper, which is among the best in the world.

The tourist resorts all offer a selection of good restaurants and cooking classes for connoisseurs. Affordable dishes sold on the streets or in markets often become unexpected revelations! Two restaurants are among my favorites:

Stroll from beach to beach on Koh Rong Sanloem Island

8 activities not to be missed in Cambodia

Saracen Bay seen from The One Hotel’s swimming pool. Photo courtesy of Bérengère Thériault

Few people picture tropical beaches when they think of Cambodia. However, some southern islands offer exoticism and coconut palms in a relaxed and still undeveloped environment reminiscent of Thailand in the 1980s. The small 10 km long island of Koh Rong Sanloem is popular with couples and families. Since there are no roads, it takes 15 minutes to an hour to get from place to place by water taxi or on foot along short trails that cut through the dense jungle. If you dream of tranquility and a rustic bungalow, choose the southwest side and the emerald waters of Lazy Beach or Sunset Beach. In front of the quays on the other side of the island, the popular Bay of Saracens offers a wide range of restaurants and accommodation. It’s slowly recovering from months of being deserted by tourists, but the few deserted spots don’t detract from the beauty of its long stretch of white sand beach.

As all Cambodian islands lack proper sewage systems and poor mainland waste disposal, it is important to research the condition of the beaches before booking.

The floating villages of Koh Rong

8 activities not to be missed in Cambodia

Prek Svay floating village on Koh Rong island. Photo courtesy of Bérengère Thériault

Koh Rong is the neighboring island of Koh Rong Sanloem. Although sometimes known for the party atmosphere of its busy Koh Tuch town, the island is underdeveloped and calm returns as soon as you venture away from it. Koh Rong is full of small typical villages and pretty beaches, including the peaceful Long Beach with its translucent turquoise waters and the livelier Long Set Beach. Visiting the floating villages of the fishing communities of Koh Rong is an unforgettable experience. The authenticity of the communities of Prek Svay and Daem Thkov with less than 500 inhabitants gives a good insight into traditional Cambodian island life. Between the local shops passed down through the generations and the tangled fishing nets, you can spot otters while enjoying excellent local cuisine at good prices.

Phnom Penh promenade

8 activities not to be missed in Cambodia

Young monks on the promenade in the capital Phnom Penh. Photo courtesy of Bérengère Thériault

Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital of 2 million people, was once a major center of activity for both the Khmer Empire and the French Protectorate. Despite years marred by war and revolution, Phnom Penh has recently come alive again, both culturally and gastronomically. After visiting all the major sights (National Museum, Royal Palace, Russian Market, temples and monasteries), a long walk along the promenade is in order. You can walk for hours along the banks of the Tonlé Sap river at any time of the day without getting tired. On one side, the river flows into the Mekong and a passage where families, joggers and monks meet. On the other hand, a real circus, between beggars, children selling typical street food or things as bizarre as birds piled in a cage (which we want to free but which are taught to return to their cage afterwards)!

Guided tours to better understand history

8 activities not to be missed in Cambodia

Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum. Photo courtesy of Bérengère Thériault

One of Cambodia’s greatest treasures is its people, who are hospitable, resilient, and upbeat, with an easy appreciation of the present moment. Don’t be fooled by the gruesome history endured by its inhabitants and imagine the atmosphere that reigns in this country. This does not prevent visitors from wanting to better understand the past we would like to forget; the wars and genocide of the 1970s that killed millions of men, women and children.

Under Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge committed unimaginable crimes and turned the country into a labor camp where the entire population starved to death. Some of Phnom Penh’s most difficult visits to commemorate the dead and survivors include the Choeung Ek death camp and the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, a former school that was once converted into a torture prison.

Experience a traditional massage

8 activities not to be missed in Cambodia

Traditional Khmer massage at Samatha Spa. Photo provided by Spa Samatha

Traditional Khmer massage has been practiced as a healing therapy since ancient times. It does not require any oil and is said to be extremely relaxing. You keep the loose clothing provided to you.

The deep massage and stretching technique focuses on the body’s energies through the meridians, but in a less vigorous way than Thai massage.

Try it at least once during your stay!

  • Among the best addresses: the Samatha Spa in Phnom Penh

Visit the APOPO center where rats are heroes

8 activities not to be missed in Cambodia

Rat clearing mines. Photo provided by Apopo, copyright photos

According to Landmine Monitor, Cambodia is one of the countries in the world with the highest concentration of anti-personnel mines. More than 1000 km2 of the surface is still contaminated. Hundreds of thousands of land mines and explosives remain in the country, posing a major humanitarian and socio-economic challenge. The country also has the highest rate of amputees per capita in the world (40,000 people), and many of the victims are children. The international non-profit organization APOPO in Siem Reap is enabling safe demining thanks to African rats with a keen sense of smell teaming up with dogs also trained to find explosives. Because of their perfect weight, the rats never set off the mines, which is why the organization has no history of killing any of these animals. They’re even treated to little onions, starting with the sunscreen that’s put on them every morning before heading outside for their very short shift. Great for the whole family, this visit will allow you to rediscover the country’s history while watching the animals train (you can even pet a rat if you’re brave enough!). You can help by simply visiting and making a donation or adopting a rat hero for less than $15 a month.

Bérengère Thériault loves travelling, writing and photography. Since her first solo journey at the age of 19 she has traveled to around 60 countries. To follow it:

INSTAGRAM: instagram/berengere_theriault/
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8 unusual activities not to be missed during a trip to Cambodia Read More »

Colo Colo vs Union La Calera LIVE how to follow

Colo Colo vs Unión La Calera LIVE: how to follow the Copa Chile duel?

Colo Colo vs Union La Calera LIVE how to follow

Colo Colo vs La Calera union They meet the Copa Chile quarter-finals LIVE on June 24 from 16:30 (Peruvian time). This duel will be played at the Monumental Stadium in Chile and will be broadcast by the TNT Sports 2 channel. In addition, you can follow all the incidents of this game on the La República Deportes website.

What time are they playing Colo Colo vs. La Calera-Union?

The duel between Colo Colo vs La Calera union It will be played from 4:30 p.m. (Peruvian time) to 6:30 p.m. (Peruvian time).

  • Mexico: 3:30 p.m
  • Peru, Colombia, Ecuador: 4:30 p.m
  • Bolivia, Venezuela: 5:30 p.m
  • Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile: 6:30 p.m

Which channel is broadcasting the Colo Colo vs. La Calera Union?

The meeting between Colo Colo vs La Calera union It will be broadcast throughout Chilean territory via the TNT Sports 2 signal.

  • TNT Sports 2 LIVE
  • VCR: 165 (SD)
  • DTV: 631 (SD)
  • ENTEL: 242 (SD)
  • CLEAR: 190 (SD)
  • GTD/TELSUR: 71 (SD)
  • MOVISTAR: 486 (SD)
  • ZAP: 104 (SD).
  • TNT Sports HD LIVE
  • VCR: 855 (HD)
  • DTV: 1631 (HD)
  • ENTEL: 243 (HD)
  • CLEAR: 490 (HD)
  • GTD/TELSUR: 845 (HD)
  • MOVISTAR: 896 (HD).

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How to watch Colo Colo vs Union La Calera ONLINE?

If you want to follow the internetColo Colo vs La Calera union, enter the Estadio TNT Sports, a streaming service that includes among its content all the matches televised by the TNT Sports network in Chile. If you don’t have access to it, you also have the option of finding out about La República Deportes.

Colo Colo vs Unión La Calera LIVE: how to follow the Copa Chile duel? Read More »

Dive expert on Titan voyage in 2019 heard cracking of

Dive expert on Titan voyage in 2019 heard cracking of ‘hull decay’

An American tourist submersible expert who took a trip on the Titan submarine with OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush in April 2019 said the hull made ominous cracking noises during the 12,000-foot journey, and he warned Rush, to slow down his Titanic plans.

Karl Stanley, who runs a tourism submarine company based in Honduras, said he was invited by Rush to try his submarine Titan in the Bahamas.

Rush, 61, founded the tourism company OceanGate in 2009 and designed the titanium ship’s carbon fiber hull himself.

He was among five people killed when the Titan lost contact while attempting to reach the wreck of the Titanic on Sunday morning. The submarine is now believed to have imploded as it descended: Wreckage from the ship was discovered Thursday on the seabed just 1,600 feet from Titanic’s bow.

Stanley told CNN’s Anderson Cooper Friday night that he wasn’t overly concerned about the noise during the April 2019 trip, as Rush warned him about the creaking. Rush was driving.

But later he realized that it was probably dangerous.

Karl Stanley, a tourist submarine operator based in Honduras, has described how he took a voyage on the Titan in April 2019 and was concerned about the creaking noise

Karl Stanley, a tourist submarine operator based in Honduras, has described how he took a voyage on the Titan in April 2019 and was concerned about the creaking noise

Speaking to CNN on Friday night, Stanley described the email he wrote to Stockton Rush

Speaking to CNN on Friday night, Stanley described the email he wrote to Stockton Rush

The submersible Titan is pictured descending.  It was the only five-person submarine capable of reaching the Titanic and the only tourist submarine not independently certified safe.  Debris from the submarine was found on the seabed on Thursday

The submersible Titan is pictured descending. It was the only five-person submarine capable of reaching the Titanic and the only tourist submarine not independently certified safe. Debris from the submarine was found on the seabed on Thursday

Rush is pictured in a submersible.  He initially wanted to explore space, but then switched to the deep sea

Rush is pictured in a submersible. He initially wanted to explore space, but then switched to the deep sea

Stanley said that the day after the trip, as he digested the experience, he emailed Rush outlining his concerns.

He said the noise they heard during their dive “sounded like a flaw/fault in an area that was being subjected to tremendous pressure and was being crushed/damaged”.

In an email obtained by The New York Times, he wrote that the loud cracking sound signaled that “an area of ​​the hull is breaking.”

And he urged Rush to take his time developing the sub to make sure it’s safe.

Rush began promoting Titanic tourist tours in 2017 and has already collected fees from some potential passengers.

Early press releases said tourists would pay about $105,000 per person, a price OceanGate set because it was the inflation-adjusted cost of a first-class ticket on the Titanic in 1912.

In 2018, the company fired its head of maritime operations after a dispute with OceanGate executives over safety protocols.

Titan's carbon fiber hull and acrylic viewport were the subject of several warnings, which James Cameron singled out as

Titan’s carbon fiber hull and acrylic viewport were the subject of several warnings, which James Cameron singled out as “potential sources of error” on the ship

OceanGate Expeditions offered

OceanGate Expeditions offered “a unique opportunity to safely dive to the Titanic wreck as a specially trained crew member”.

Inside the Titan, designed for five people on board

Inside the Titan, designed for five people on board

David Pogue, a CBS journalist, is seen in the submersible with Rush.  He descended to see the Titanic last year

David Pogue, a CBS journalist, is seen in the submersible with Rush. He descended to see the Titanic last year

Weeks later, several experts had tense exchanges with Rush at a conference of manned underwater vehicle specialists in New Orleans, Stanley said.

“People in this room basically banded together against him,” Stanley said.

And in March 2018, more than three dozen industry leaders, deep-sea explorers and oceanographers warned Rush in a letter that the company’s “experimental” approach could lead to potentially “catastrophic” problems with the Titanic mission.

“We suggested, ‘Look, you’re speeding, and the idea of ​​bypassing the existing classification process can have serious consequences,’ said Will Kohnen, the head of the Marine Technology Society’s manned underwater vehicle committee.

“You don’t know what you don’t know.”

OceanGate said their demands are hampering innovation and that the industry is being too cautious.

Stanley said he wrote down his thoughts in an email after the dive because he knew Rush was running his company defensively.

In his April 2019 email, Stanley wrote, “A useful mind exercise here would be to imagine the variables of the investors, the eager missionary scientists, your team hungry for success, and the press releases already announcing this summer’s dive schedule falling away.”

“Imagine this project funded from your own resources and on your own schedule. Would you consider bringing dozens of other people to the Titanic before truly knowing the source of those noises?

This is the latest sighting of the Titan submersible, which was launched on Sunday.  It can be seen in a photo shared by Hamish Harding's company.  He and the four others on board perished in the disaster

This is the latest sighting of the Titan submersible, which was launched on Sunday. It can be seen in a photo shared by Hamish Harding’s company. He and the four others on board perished in the disaster

Five people were on board, including British billionaire adventurer Hamish Harding Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman

Five people were on board, including British billionaire adventurer Hamish Harding and Shahzada Dawood and his 19-year-old son Suleman

French Navy veteran PH Nargeolet is in the submarine Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate, is also on board

French Navy veteran PH Nargeolet (left) is in the submarine with Stockton Rush (right), CEO of OceanGate Expedition

Rush didn’t answer.

However, Stanley said OceanGate canceled the Titanic dive for June 2019 due to its failure to obtain permits for a research support vessel.

The first tourist trip took place in 2021.

Rush was killed along with French Titanic expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet (77); British billionaire businessman Hamish Harding, 58; and British-Pakistani father and son Shahzada Dawood, 48, and his son Suleman.

The search and rescue vessels are now all returning to the port of Newfoundland.

Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), underwater robots, continue to search for the submarine’s wreckage as investigators try to finally figure out what went disastrously wrong.

Some said the fact Titan imploded on the first dive of the season may have been relevant.

Saltwater trapped between various materials in the vessel during dives in 2021 and 2022, working its way through the fibers and softening it.

Who was Stockton Rush?

San Francisco-born Rush, 61, founded OceanGate Expeditions in 2009 — after unsuccessfully trying to buy explorer and businessman Steve Fossett’s submersible after the adventurer died in a plane crash in 2007.

As a young man, Rush was more interested in outer space than the deep sea: at 19, he became the world’s youngest jet transport pilot and qualified at the United Airlines Jet Training Institute.

For the next three years he flew for Saudi Arabian Airlines during the summer breaks from his aerospace engineering degree at Princeton.

Beginning in 1984, he worked in the US Air Force on the F-15 and anti-satellite missile programs with the goal of eventually joining the space program.

Rush earned an MBA from Berkeley and went on to work for several companies specializing in sonar, underwater technology and radar.

Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate

Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate

He built a Glasair III experimental aircraft, which he flew regularly, and his own two-person Kittredge K-350 submersible.

Rush always intended to take tourists to Titanic: in 2017, he said he plans to do hydrothermal vent trips, deep-sea canyon trips, and underwater battlefield tours.

He then hoped to work in oil and gas exploration.

In 2018, the Manned Underwater Vehicles Committee of the Marine Technology Society, a 60-year-old trade group, warned that the company’s “current “experimental” approach” could lead to problems that could “range from minor to catastrophic.”

The company also fired David Lochridge, head of marine operations for the Titan Project, after he disagreed with his call for the submersible to undergo more stringent safety testing, including “tests to prove its integrity.”

The company also decided against ‘classifying’ boats, an industry-wide practice whereby independent inspectors ensure vessels meet recognized technical standards.

The first voyages to Titanic began in 2021. Rush died in the June 18 disaster.

Dive expert on Titan voyage in 2019 heard cracking of ‘hull decay’ Read More »