See how NATO instructors knowingly sent Ukrainian troops to their

See how NATO instructors knowingly sent Ukrainian troops to their deaths in the counteroffensive against Russia

Computerized combat simulations from the West should have predicted Kiev’s heavy casualties

scott knight, rtUkraine deployed one of its best brigades into combat earlier this month as part of its longawaited counteroffensive to retake areas held by Russian forces.

Leading the attack near the town of Orekhov in Zaporozhye Krai was the 47th Mechanized Brigade, armed with NATO equipment and—most importantly—using USled doctrine and tactics of joint warfare. Prior to the operation, this brigade spent months on a base in Germany learning Western combinedarms warfare knowhow.

In preparing for the battles ahead, they were helped by KORA, NATO’s Germanmade computer simulation system designed to allow officers and noncommissioned officers to accurately recreate battlefield conditions, thereby better developing training courses. Ideal action against a specific enemy in this case, Russia .

If there were an example of how a specially created Ukrainian NATO proxy force would fare against a Russian enemy, the 47th Brigade would be the ideal case study. However, just days into their attack, the group was on the verge of being literally decimated, as over 10% of the more than 100 USbuilt M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed or abandoned on the battlefield, and hundreds of the 2,000 men strong brigade members were killed or wounded. Germanmade Leopard 2 tanks and demining vehicles joined the Bradleys like rubble in the fields west of Orekhov after failing to breach the Russian first line of defences. The reasons for this defeat can be summed up in the role played by KORA in creating a false sense of confidence in the officers and men of the 47th Brigade. Unfortunately, the Ukrainians and their NATO rulers have found that what works in a computer simulation does not automatically lead to success on the battlefield.

KORA is an advanced computerized synthetic warfare system developed by the Bundeswehr to support plot analysis and scenariobased experiments for general staff officers down to the brigade level. It has been integrated with NATO computer warfare simulations to support live training at the US Army’s Grafenwoehr Training Center. From January to May 2023, Grafenwoehr hosted the 47th Brigade. While capable of generating generic terrain maps to simulate combat against a theoretical enemy, KORA can be customized using real terrain models and a real battle order to aid in the preparations for real combat scenarios.


This is undoubtedly the KORA’s modus operandi when deployed to train the 47th Brigade, using digitized maps of the Orekhov area overlaid on the Russian defensive positions taken by units of the 42nd Motor Rifle Division, namely the 291st and the 70th Motor Rifle Regiment, were occupied. With the help of their NATO trainers, the officers of Ukraine’s 47th Brigade probably simulated several realworld scenarios that predicted Russia’s performance and allowed the Ukrainians to predict the outcome of the battle and determine the optimal axis of advance that could breach the defenses . Russian.

Of all the military operations KORA can simulate, breaching a fortified line of defenses is the most difficult. US Army doctrine uses the mnemonic SOSRA (suppress, obscure, secure, reduce and attack) when teaching the basics of jamming. Each of these elements would require a separate submodel of the KORA, specifically designed to simulate the unique requirements of the mission. However, the simple truth is that the Ukrainians could not properly exercise the fundamentals of SOSRA due to a lack of resources to carry out the tasks.

For example, think of “oppression”. According to the U.S. Army, “suppression is a tactical task designed to use direct or indirect fire or an electronic attack on enemy personnel, weapons or equipment to prevent or impair enemy fire and observation by friendly forces.” KORA would need to deploy at least four submodels in support of the main simulation to create an adequate suppression model that would include antiaircraft, antiaircraft, electronic warfare, and artillery fire. However, Ukraine does not have a viable offensive air capacity, and thanks to Russia’s systematic suppression of enemy air defense operations (SEAD), Ukraine’s front operational areas, where units such as the 47th Brigade assembled and operated, have been left virtually defenseless against Russian air power. Russian superiority in artillery and electronic warfare also negated any tactical advantages Ukraine hoped to gain from using these resources. The purpose of suppression in breakthrough operations is to protect forces tasked with reducing and maneuvering through an obstacle. “Suppression,” the US Army states in its policy statement, “is a missioncritical task performed during a jamming operation. The suppression usually triggers the rest of the actions at the obstacle.” In short, without proper suppression, any attack will fail.

Logic suggests that any responsible use of the KORA simulation system would have foreseen the failure of the 47th Brigade’s attack. According to the Washington Post, officers from the 47th Brigade “planned their attacks and abandoned the program.” [KORA] Show the results how their Russian enemies might react, where they might break through and where they would suffer casualties.” The KORA simulation allowed Ukrainian officers to coordinate their actions “to test how they would on the battlefield would work together”. Although the structure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was not sufficient to fulfill the critical task of suppression, there was no chance that the Ukrainian Armed Forces could meet the real requirements of a breakthrough attack the destruction of the enemy forces on the other side of the breached obstacle barrier. Ukrainians emerged from the KORA experience confident that they had devised a successful plan capable of overcoming Russian defenses in and around Orekhov.

When examining the structure of a KORAbased simulation, it becomes clear that the system is entirely dependent on the various inputs that define the simulation as a whole. All aspects of the simulation are derived from parameters programmed by those responsible for overseeing the training. While training leaders were expected to conduct the simulation with a modicum of professional integrity, unless both the NATO trainers and their Ukrainian students were imbued with suicidal lemminglike traits, there was a need for significant modification and changing the data points to achieve a result that could motivate the Ukrainian armed forces to agree to the attack.

One would expect that the performance characteristics of the attacking forces, while probably exaggerated, would to a relative extent reflect the reality of the actual capabilities of the forces involved to believe otherwise would indicate that the Ukrainians were completely deluded in what they did describe yourself A “learning curve” during the training speaks against it. However, one of the decisive factors in KORA programming are the socalled “behaviour agents” with which the KORA designers define rules “for the behavior of the respective units”. This is where the NATO instructors probably failed their Ukrainian students.

Orekhov’s axis of advance was intended to exploit a gap between the 291st and 70th Motor Rifle Regiments of the Russian 42nd Motor Rifle Division. The “behavioural agents” programmed by NATO trainers appeared to treat the Russians particularly those of the 70th Regiment as poorly trained, poorly led, poorly equipped and poorly motivated troops. In short, the NATO instructors compensated for Ukraine’s inability to field forces capable of performing even the most basic tasks of repression, thereby predicting the inevitable collapse of Russian soldiers’ will to resist. The “behaviour agent” highlighted by NATO appears to be derived from the famous encounter between the Knights of the Round Table and the “Killer Rabbit” in the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail “Run! Run!” run!” Real Russian defenders, however, reacted in exactly the opposite way to their performance. According to the Institute for the Study of War, the Russians “reacted to the Ukrainian attack with an atypical degree of coherence” while implementing “their formal tactical defense doctrine” to repel Ukrainian attacks southwest of Orekhov.

The reality is that the Ukrainians never even came close to reaching, let alone breaking through, the Russian defenses around Orekhov. The reasons for this failure are varied, including ignorance of the Western equipment used by the 47th Brigade, poor tactical planning, and most importantly, the Ukrainians’ failure to suppress Russian artillery fire, electronic warfare, and Russian air forces, resulting in tactical penetration of the Russian obstacle belt especially dense minefields impossible. All of these failures were predictable, meaning that NATO trainers had to intentionally “tamper” with the KORA system to overcome them during the training phase to achieve the desired result.

I can speak with some certainty about the role computer simulations play in preparing an attack on a fortified position. In October 1990, I was assigned by Marine Corps Headquarters to run a computer simulation using the newly acquired JANUS Constructive Conflict and Tactics Simulation System to assist Marine Corps operational planners based in Saudi Arabia in their mission, prepared Iraqi defense positions on the border to break through between Kuwait and Iraq. The Marines had been ordered by Army General Norman Schwartzkopf to launch a twodivision frontal assault on Iraq’s defenses. The attack was part of a “fixation action” aimed at preventing Baghdad from diverting troops in response to the US Army’s main attack on Iraq’s western front.

The commander of Marine Corps Persian Gulf forces, General Walt Boomer, had approached Maj. Gen. Matthew Caulfield, director of the Marine Corps Warfighting Center in Quantico, Virginia, for help in selecting the most advantageous sectors of Iraq’s defenses for operations . Marine Corps Disturbance using a graphical user interface. In September 1990, I was pulled from the Amphibious Warfare College to provide planning assistance to an ad hoc team put together by General Al Gray, commander of the Marine Corps, to design alternative options for the frontal attack being advanced by General Schwartzkopf . The results of this effort a bodysized amphibious assault on the Al Faw Peninsula were approved by General Gray but ultimately rejected by General Schwarzkopf. This brought the Marines back to where they started where the best place would have been to launch what many saw as a suicide attack against Iraq’s dense defenses.

As one of the primary authors of the Al Faw Proposal, I had a fairly high profile in the thin air of Quantico, especially for a junior captain. Major General Caulfield commissioned me to use the JANUS system to simulate various options that could be used by General Boomer’s Marines to breach Iraqi defenses. I knew nothing about JANUS or computer simulations. Luckily I had a team of Marines who knew their stuff and used JANUS to train students at the Command and Staff College. However, the JANUS was still new to the Marines. The US Army has used the JANUS since 1983, including to conduct simulations in support of the US invasion of Panama in 1989. It was also used in planning General Schwartzkopf’s planned attack on the western front of Iraq’s defenses. However, the Marines’ experience with JANUS did not begin until August 1990, and then only in support of training. My mission represented the first operational deployment of JANUS by the Marine Corps in support of a real world scenario.

After being briefed by my staff on the various pieces of information that would need to be programmed into JANUS to run the desired scenarios, I began collecting detailed aerial photographs from the CIA so we could create accurate terrain maps of the defenses that the Marines are making would be charged with violations. . I also obtained from the NSA a detailed battle order of the units occupying the defenses, including reports on their combat history, performance, and leadership. I have my marines tasked with gathering similar data on the marine units expected to lead the attack. Then we carefully program the JANUS calculator and press “Enter”.

The result was catastrophe the Marines were annihilated before they even reached Iraq’s defenses. It was clear that my team and I had failed to program realistic behavior for the troops involved. It also became clear that the information provided by the CIA and NSA was insufficient and in fact incorrect. After several iterations, the team and I were able to refine the JANUS parameters and achieve a result that felt more realistic and plausible. The resulting options were presented to General Gray, who forwarded them to General Schwarzkopf. As noted, these options were later rejected and the Marines eventually carried out the frontal attack against the Iraqi defenses.

The lesson I learned from this experience was the importance of providing the simulation system with accurate and realistic information about the capabilities and behavior of the forces involved. Without this accurate information, any result produced by the simulation will be erroneous and misleading. It seems something similar happened with the KORA system in Ukraine. Apparently, NATO trainers programmed “behavioral agents” that grossly underestimated the capabilities and motivations of Russian troops and misled Ukrainians into believing their attack would be successful. The lack of precision and realism in the KORA’s programming may have been one of the main reasons the 47th Brigade’s attack failed.

See how NATO instructors knowingly sent Ukrainian troops to their deaths in the counteroffensive against Russia Read More »

Vasco Rossi a van stolen from the concert staff and

Vasco Rossi, a van stolen from the concert staff and an accident for two fans of Catania La Sicilia

Theft by the workers working for the Vasco Rossi concert at the Renzo Barbera Stadium in Palermo. The thieves took their Fiat Ducato and all the equipment.
It’s the mishap of a team of workers working for Live Nation Entertainment, the company that arranges and manages the singer’s tour.
The owner of the vehicle lodged a complaint with the police, who initiated the investigation. Along with the van, the thieves brought parts of the metal towers that were to be mounted on the stage. No problem for the two days in Palermo, the club has to find a solution for the stage in Salerno.
The Fiat Ducato was parked in front of the accommodation on Via Biagio Petrocelli.

The accident

A traffic accident just before Vasco Rossi’s concert threatened to lose the event that is paralyzing Palermo to two tourists from Catania, fans of the Zocca rocker. Father and son, who arrived in the Sicilian capital with a rental car, were now close to the Renzo Barbera stadium, where tonight the first of two concerts by the Emilian artist, absent from the city for eighteen years, took place. However, the two were involved in a traffic accident while traveling on Viale Croce Rossa, near the De Gasperi elementary school: a motorcycle entered from the right of the side parking lot and collided with the car. No consequences for the two Vasco Rossi fans who, however, had to wait for the arrival of the municipal police and the accident department to investigate the case, reconstruct the dynamics of the accident and complete the bureaucratic formalities. The motorcyclist, on the other hand, hit the asphalt, suffered injuries and was transported to the nearby Villa Sofia hospital.

Vasco Rossi, a van stolen from the concert staff and an accident for two fans of Catania La Sicilia Read More »

Bethenny Frankel shares humorous reaction to new seasons And Just

Bethenny Frankel shares humorous reaction to new season’s And Just Like That comment directed at her

Bethenny Frankel shared a humorous reaction video on her Instagram Thursday to a comment directed at her in the second season of the Sex And The City reboot titled “And Just Like That.”

The 52-year-old graduate of The Real Housewives Of New York City, who recently slammed haters after showing off her massive diamond engagement ring, reposted a brief clip of a scene from the HBO Max series.

During one episode, Sarah Jessica Parker, who plays Carrie Bradshaw, explained, “I almost rented a house in the Hamptons six times, but I always found a reason not to.” Her friend replied, “It always has been Bethenny Frankel?” ?’

Beneath the scene, the media personality was seen sitting outside in her quaint backyard in Hamptons, pouring herself delicious wine into an ornate teacup.

The star added an on-screen caption that read, “When you haven’t been on TV for years…AND JUST LIKE THIS…bitty housewives still talk about you…”

Humorous reaction: Bethenny Frankel, 52, took to her Instagram on Thursday to share a humorous reaction video to a comment directed at her in the Sex And The City reboot titled

Humorous reaction: Bethenny Frankel, 52, took to her Instagram on Thursday to share a humorous reaction video to a comment directed at her in the Sex And The City reboot titled “And Just Like That.”

The comment: During one episode, Sarah Jessica Parker, who plays Carrie Bradshaw, said,

The comment: During one episode, Sarah Jessica Parker, who plays Carrie Bradshaw, said, “I almost rented a house in the Hamptons six times, but I always found a reason not to.” Her friend replied, “It was the reason?’ always Bethenny Frankel?’; seen earlier this month

Bethenny notably starred in the Bravo reality series as one of the original cast for the first three seasons until announcing her departure. She later returned during Season 7 but retired for good after Season 11 in 2019.

In the caption accompanying the clip, the Skinnygirl founder wrote to her 3.2 million followers, “Right now I’m sipping on my new Forever Young rose wine from my home in the Hamptons, which I paid for from my last liquor company.” Cheers, my ladies…’

Social media users flocked to the comments section to applaud the star’s humorous take on the comment. One fan wrote, “You would make me rent a house in the Hamptons.”

Another follower typed, “I had to rewind that part…LOL ‘You must be doing something right!’ while one user added, “You would be my reason to buy a home in Hampton just hoping to see you somewhere.”

The second season of HBO Max’s And Just Like That, a reboot of the original hit series Sex And The City, released its first two episodes on the streaming site this week on Thursday, June 22nd.

While Sarah Jessica Parker, Cynthia Nixon and Kristen Davis reprized their roles as Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte, their other close friend on the series, Samantha Jones (played by Kim Cattrall), turned down an appearance in the reboot series.

Although she did not participate in the first season, Cattrall will have a brief guest appearance later in the second season. John Corbet also returns to reprise the role of Carrie’s former boyfriend, Aiden Shaw.

Bethenny’s post comes shortly after she took to social media to criticize haters who called her “showing off” after proudly showing off her massive diamond engagement ring.

Having fun: Beneath the scene, the media personality was seen sitting outside in her quaint backyard in Hamptons, pouring herself delicious wine into an ornate teacup

Having fun: Beneath the scene, the media personality was seen sitting outside in her quaint backyard in Hamptons, pouring herself delicious wine into an ornate teacup

'Still talking': The star added on-screen text that read, 'When you haven't been on TV for years...AND JUST THIS...bitchy housewives still talk about you...' Supportive: Social media users flocked to the comments section to applaud the star's humorous take on the comment.  One fan wrote,

‘Still talking’: The star added on-screen text that read, ‘When you haven’t been on TV for years…AND JUST THIS…bitchy housewives still talk about you…’

New season: The first two episodes of the second season of HBO Max's

New season: The first two episodes of the second season of HBO Max’s “And Just Like That” dropped to the streaming site this week on Thursday, June 22, and stars Sarah Jessica Parker, Cynthia Nixon and Kristen Davis back into their roles

In the clip, which appears to have since been deleted, Frankel showed off the large 10-carat diamond ring to her fans and followers.

She had written in the caption, according to Us Weekly, “Kind of scared of what this might mean for me.” The star is currently engaged to film producer Paul Bernon, who popped the big question in early February 2021.

Bethenny also has a daughter named Bryn, 13, who she shares with ex-husband Jason Hoppy. The former couple tied the knot in 2010 and their divorce was later finalized in 2021 after filing their first filing back in 2013.

She penned her own version of someone else’s post, in which she asked what she “might have to do” for the stone her fiancé gave her.

But her followers weren’t pleased, saying she was “off the hook” for flaunting her jewel amid the country’s crushing inflation.

Some accused her of being a show-off, while others said it was gross even if she was “f***ing rich”. Another follower shared: “I also have a huge diamond but I never show it off and never try to show off what I have.”

The TV star told her haters they needed professional help after telling her she was “showing off” for showing off her 10-carat diamond engagement ring from her fiancé. The ring is reportedly worth between $1 million and $3 million.

“Seems like that makes you jealous.” Speak to a professional,” the 52-year-old star snapped at one person.

Big Return: Although she didn't appear in the first season, Kim Cattrall will have a brief guest appearance later in the second season, with John Corbet also returning as Aiden Shaw

Big Return: Although she didn’t appear in the first season, Kim Cattrall will have a brief guest appearance later in the second season, with John Corbet also returning as Aiden Shaw

Beaten up by trolls: However, her followers weren't pleased, saying she was

Beaten up by trolls: However, her followers weren’t pleased, saying she was “out of control” for flaunting her jewel amid the country’s crushing inflation

Engaged: The star is currently engaged to film producer Paul Bernon, who popped the big question in early February 2021

Engaged: The star is currently engaged to film producer Paul Bernon, who popped the big question in early February 2021

The former Bravo star also said her followers don’t know how to pick up a joke. “It’s called humor,” she added. “Get a feel for it.” A troll suggested the massive stone was sticky, leading Bethenny to write, “Well, there’s no danger of it becoming that way.”

And when one person said wearing this ring could physically harm Frankel if a robber were chasing her, the star said the stone is kept in a “vault.” However, since Frankel frequently wears the ring in public, it is not clear how often the luxury item is kept.

The former Real Housewives star also revealed that there’s no rush for her to walk down the aisle and say, “Yes, I do.”

In late December last year, she admitted to Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live: “I don’t know when we’re going to get married.” “I’m happy in a relationship and I love him so much, but I don’t want to plan a wedding,” People said .

Bethenny Frankel shares humorous reaction to new season’s And Just Like That comment directed at her Read More »

Anselmo breaks down when he finds out in Perfect Love that Gaspar was involved in Leonel’s death

Gaspar (Thiago Lacerda) has been involved in the greatest plans since the beginning of the storyline perfect love, but will very soon be living through a delicate moment within the family itself. Cândida’s son (Zezé Polessa) will leave anselmo (Paulo Betti) is devastated after revealing his involvement in the death of leonel (Paulo Gorgulho) during the next chapters of the six o’clock soap opera.

Perfect Love viewers are already used to Gaspar’s true character, but his family always believed their eldest son had the best of intentions from the start. That concept is about to be shattered by a revelation from Gilda’s exfiancé (Mariana Ximenes).

Gilda and Gaspar are accomplices in Leonel’s death. Source: Reproduction/Globo

It turns out that Gaspar can no longer hide his past from his father and decides to tell about how he was Gilda’s accomplice in a coup against Leonel almost nine years ago. Anselmo will be scared of his son’s exposure, especially after he’s been hiding something of this magnitude for so many years.

Also read: Gaspar and Anselmo remain silent after receiving compensation from Gilda in Perfect Love

This is just part of the scams orchestrated by Gaspar, but all of this can be leaked to the public now that the Orlando (Diogo Almeida) scammer faces charges of attempted murder. Anselmo’s son begins to develop a sense of the crimes he committed at Gilda’s side and feels the weight of guilt for harming so many people.

Anselmo breaks down when he finds out in Perfect Love that Gaspar was involved in Leonel’s death Read More »

Were told Youre just fat Quebec women say theyre victims

‘We’re told, ‘You’re just fat”: Quebec women say they’re victims of grossophobia – Teller Report

Unable to get a diagnosis in Quebec, many women who are convinced they have lipedema regret being victims of grossophobia and are simply urged to lose weight.

• Also read: Because she has an unrecognized illness, she pays $80,000 for treatment

“We’re told, ‘You’re just fat.’ It’s so offensive!” denounces Irlanda Espinoza, 44, who has been suffering from lipedema since 2017.

This condition, unknown in Canada, affects many women in Quebec who are unable to get help. There are numerous reports on social media of women desperately seeking help, and many claim to be victims of fatphobia.

In 2018, Ms. Espinoza was literally bedridden. She had gained 150 pounds in a year.

“It was my son who had to dress me,” she recalls. I couldn’t walk anymore, couldn’t work anymore.”

Despite consulting a dozen doctors in Montreal, she was unable to get help or a diagnosis.

“Fortunately I had the mental strength that I have, otherwise it breaks someone,” admits the woman of Mexican origin. All the doctors said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Currently, Health Canada does not recognize lipedema. The Health Insurance Agency, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Quebec National Institute of Public Health, or the Quebec Association of General Practitioners did not have information on the subject.

Two techniques can help control lipedema: liposuction and bariatric surgery. However, they cost thousands of dollars and are not reimbursed by the government.

Cosmetic surgeons confirmed to the Journal that they had operated on women who reported suffering from lipedema. Liposuction works well, but there is no guarantee that the surgery will last long.

In 2019, Ms. Espinoza borrowed $13,000 to have bariatric surgery in Mexico and has since returned to a more normal life. As a teacher, the 44-year-old wants to help other women get help.

“Women are discouraged, it’s a disease with no head and tail,” she notes, since running a Facebook page on the subject in 2019. She also points out that several other symptoms of the disease, when advanced, make a diagnosis complex.

Finally, she wants to create a website to disseminate information in French. And is committed to the recognition of the disease.

“It must at least be acknowledged! Let’s not be told that we have nothing. No, we have something,” she swears.

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‘We’re told, ‘You’re just fat”: Quebec women say they’re victims of grossophobia – Teller Report Read More »

The mayor of Lebel sur Quevillons morale is below average

The mayor of Lebel-sur-Quévillon’s morale is ‘below average’

For the second time this month, the municipality of Lebel-sur-Quévillon had to be evacuated on Thursday.

• Also read: Historical fires: The worst scenario is confirmed for Lebel-sur-Quévillon

• Also read: Quebecers evacuated again: $1,500 in compensation can be paid more than once

• Also read: The mayor of Lebel-sur-Quévillon encourages citizens to be “ready” to evacuate

Although this renewed evacuation went well, Mayor Guy Lafrenière’s morale was shaken, he admitted in an interview with LCN.

“I’m below average. “I’m holding the fort, as the saying goes, but we also have a good team on site,” said the chosen one.

At 18:30, buses carrying people without a vehicle left the municipality for Val-d’Or.

The wildfires rendered Highway 113 northbound impassable, while the blaze reached within a mile (1.5 km) of the road southbound.

“I can’t keep my citizens in an isolated city where there are no more roads,” asserts Guy Lafrenière.

The citizens of Lebel-sur-Quévillon were prepared for this evacuation; Two-thirds of them had already left before the evacuation announcement on Thursday, the mayor said.

“I think it’s sad for people,” Mr Lafrenière said. “Tomorrow morning it will be three weeks since we were there with that fire.”

The mayor and his citizens are now hoping that the rain forecast for the beginning of next week will support the work of the SOPFEU teams.

“We received 1mm within 6 weeks. If it drops to 30 in two days, I can tell you we’ll be happy!” Guy Lafrenière starts.

One thing is certain: it will take significant rainfall for the citizens of Lebel-sur-Quévillon to return to their homes.

“We can’t risk coming back and leaving a third time,” the mayor proclaims.

To see the full interview, watch the video above.

The mayor of Lebel-sur-Quévillon’s morale is ‘below average’ Read More »

1687495582 Can the bioeconomy replace oil production in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Can the bioeconomy replace oil production in the Ecuadorian Amazon?

Deep in the Amazon jungle, near the border between Ecuador and Peru, Gloria, a Sapara tribal leader, performs a welcoming ceremony for a group of tourists. She is standing in front of a small traditional thatched-roof hut, her face painted with figures representing her connection to nature and her ancestors, and holding a tobacco leaf. “We are here in Naku and we share our traditions and knowledge with you to preserve our culture and show the world that it is possible to live without extractivism,” she says in a calm voice. The Sapara are one of the 11 Amazonian nationalities of Ecuador, a group declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. However, there is a risk that they will disappear due to oil production, among other things.

To withstand the challenges they face, the Sapara Naku established an ecotourism center dedicated to protecting the rainforest, sharing their worldview, and producing economic resources sustainably. To reach Naku from Ecuador’s capital, visitors must travel 150 kilometers (93 miles) from Quito to Shell and then embark on a two-day jungle trek or short flight. There, tourists interact with the community, swim in rivers, hike, and participate in traditional ceremonies.

Naku is an example of how Amazonian communities are trying to find alternatives to ecological transition through bioeconomy: using the wealth of the Amazon in a responsible way. The project employs more than 30 families and directs proceeds to a common fund to finance education and provide health services.

An aerial view of the Naku project.An aerial view of the Naku project.NAku (Courtesy)

The missed opportunity of the oil industry

Every year, 194 million barrels of crude oil are produced in Ecuador, which represents a profit of over 7 billion US dollars. But even though the Amazon region accounts for a third of the country’s economy, the economic benefits have not reached the communities around the oil fields, where more than half the population lives in poverty. In addition, oil exploration has caused serious damage, including oil spills and large-scale pollution.

Economist Alberto Acosta, who worked at state-owned oil company Petroecuador, says he used to be adamant that oil was “the solution to lifting Ecuador out of poverty.” But after serving as Minister for Energy and Mines, he now says he saw “the monster from the inside” and witnessed “the destruction caused by hydrocarbon activity.” As a result, Acosta’s perspective has changed and he now firmly believes in the possibility of creating alternative economies.

In Ecuador, there are a growing number of ventures focused on the bioeconomy, such as ecotourism, a growing industry that generated more than $180 billion in global revenue in 2019 and is estimated to reach more than $330 billion by 2027 . The Pachamama Foundation supports these projects in Ecuador through its Forest Economies program. According to Pablo Balarezo, program coordinator, “Ecotourism projects are most successful in promoting the bioeconomy.” Given the country’s unique biodiversity, he believes that “in the future, this industry has many opportunities to become an alternative to oil activity become.”

Tourists arrive at an indigenous community in the Amazon.Tourists arrive at an indigenous community in the Amazon. With kind approval

Another successful example of sustainable farming is vanilla, which is mainly grown by 300 producers from the Kichwa communities of the Kallari Cooperative in Napo Province. Considered the second most expensive plant in the world, this orchid is in increasing demand in countries such as the United States, Lithuania, Canada, the Czech Republic and Panama.

Vanilla farming costs over $500 a kilo and is run by Amazonian women trained by the Pachamama Foundation. For Belén Páez, director of the foundation, the success of these projects “depends on the joint collaboration of NGOs, indigenous peoples, academia, local governments and the private sector.” Several projects have attracted the interest of international investors who want to become part of these value chains . Funded by the French Development Agency (AFD), the Chakra project promotes the development of vanilla production, which also produces derivatives for chocolate and cosmetic products.

Another product with great commercial potential is Guayusa, a plant rich in caffeine and antioxidants with medicinal properties. The Tsatsayaku Association of Small Producers is dedicated to its agroecological production, contributing to the export of more than 120 tons per year to countries such as the United States, Canada and New Zealand. According to the Ministry of Production, exports generate more than $3 million annually, making Ecuador the world’s top supplier. It also promotes the development of thousands of indigenous families. In 2022, the country formed the Guayusa Export Promotion Consortium, an alliance to explore specific markets and share promotional and logistics costs among participating companies.

The association Tsatsayaku not only produces guayusa, but also coffee. Ecuador has achieved remarkable success in exporting coffee and cocoa, becoming the leading exporter of cocoa beans in America. It also ranks fourth in the world with a 168% increase over the past 10 years. In 2020 alone, coffee exports generated US$68.5 million while cocoa exports reached US$850 million.

Tourists at the Tsatsayaku Guayusa, cocoa and coffee cultivation project.Tourists at the Tsatsayaku Guayusa, cocoa and coffee cultivation project. With kind approval

Is the bioeconomy a real alternative?

Despite warnings from the scientific community about the need to protect biodiversity, Ecuador continues to look to oil as an economic solution. However, a British Petroleum report shows that the country could run out of reserves in less than eight years.

After half a century of exploitation, “in Ecuador, poverty persists and oil is running out,” says Carlos Larrea, a researcher at Andean University Simón Bolívar. Larrea adds that it is fundamental to look for alternatives and make an energy transition towards a post-extractive society, stressing the importance of biodiversity. He proposes ecotourism, sustainable agriculture, fair green trade and the transition to renewable energy as important economic alternatives for the country.

But there is still a long way to go. Although the bioeconomy has shown positive results, economically it cannot yet match the profits of an oil-based economy. Additionally, it faces challenges from a lack of institutional support and competition from mining companies, resulting in communities “being forced to work there to meet their basic needs due to a lack of government attention,” Balarezo says.

However, Páez emphasizes that the bioeconomy is a viable solution that is constantly growing. “In just two years, on an area of ​​400,000 hectares, more than 1,200 families have achieved an income that has led to a significant change in their households,” she says, referring to vanilla cultivation. For her, the bioeconomy represents the beginning of new possibilities, “not only for the future of the Amazon, but for all of humanity”.

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1687495464 The Extinction Dilemma Have We Resurrected the Neanderthal Man

The Extinction Dilemma: Have We Resurrected the Neanderthal Man?

The Extinction Dilemma Have We Resurrected the Neanderthal Man

The discoveries about the Neanderthals continue to debunk the myths about this human species, which are more elaborate than previously thought. They cared for their sick, they created abstract art, they practiced rituals, they ate seafood. They worked together in large groups and developed strategies. It’s almost certain they talked. And some of that stays in our genes, about 2%, because the two species have mated more than once. Two documentaries defend this community that mysteriously died out 40,000 years ago, the day before yesterday, and whose last specimens were found in Gibraltar.

In How were the Neandertals?, a 2020 US and Canadian production (on Movistar+), we follow paleontologists and other experts as they follow in their footsteps and try to discover their abilities based on them. For a long time his paintings were attributed to the Sapiens, but today we know that they were his work; Some of these creations clearly indicate a symbolic thought. We visited the first known human construction made of stalagmites in Bruniquel Cave (France); It doesn’t seem to have been an easy task. A javelin champion checks the quality of his javelins. And most strikingly, we meet the scientists at the Max Planck Institute who are experimenting with something like mini-brains made from stem cells into which they’ve injected certain Neanderthal genes: they’re called organoids, and they’re the size of a pea. These experts point to certain yet-to-be-proven connections between some of our traits (from addiction to autism syndrome, through certain immunities or type 2 diabetes) to the heredity of our sister species. We don’t yet know when the daring experiment will end, because it will be lengthy: They plan to implant these brainwaves in small robots in order to observe their behavior.

The Neanderthals: Meet Your Ancestors mini-series is a 2018 British production presented by paleoanthropologist and popularizer Ella Al-Shamahi, who broadcast La Otra de Telemadrid. The first chapter is dedicated to the careful reconstruction of the appearance of these men, women and children from the remains, 3D images and simulations performed by a stuntman and an actor: Andy Serkis (Gollum in The Lord of the Rings). At the end we see a Neanderthal among us on the subway: that’s not too out of place either. The way to this picture is a bit long.

The second and final episode is more compelling because it focuses on the mysteries surrounding these other people. He searches for traces of a conflict with the Sapiens that explains their disappearance, but does not come to any firm conclusions as to whether our ancestors massacred them, although he states it is likely. Its small and scattered population could not withstand an attack by larger groups. The end in Gibraltar points to another cause of the extinction: the climate crisis, in this case due to cooling. They tried to move south and the North African coast was in sight. But they did not master the navigation that would serve the Sapiens to expand across the planet; It was around this time that they arrived in Australia.

Very good questions are raised in the last part of the documentary. Can we one day bring this species back to life with the advances in DNA editing that have been discussed? There are already projects to do this with the mammoth (of which there are better preserved specimens): it’s called extinction. But the revived Neanderthals, no matter how multiracial they were, would face an unprecedented hurdle. They would be human, if not like us; Definitely folks, right? We wouldn’t lock them up in a Jurassic Park-style zoo for the rich. Given the history of cruelty and racism that modern people carry with them, there is no guarantee that the process would turn out well, that they would be well accepted, or that their integration would be easy. So the big question is not whether we can do it, that can only be answered with time. It’s when we have to.

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