Angela Aguilar does NOT understand Criticism rains down on him

Angela Aguilar does NOT understand; Criticism rains down on him because he calls himself "very American for Mexicans" U.S. Herald

By Georgina Bello Robledo

Posted in ENTERTAINMENT on 06/22/2023 12:21 p.m

Once again, the 19-year-old singer Angela Aguilar With his recent statements, he returns to the eye of the hurricane, where he once again provokes the anger of his millions of Mexican followers, although many have forgiven him for his explanation 25% Argentines after the victory of the Albicelesten in the World Cup Qatar 2022, The young woman now confirms this “very American for Mexicans.”

Let’s recall that the last year was one of the most scandalous in the life of the young star, since there was talk of not only romance with the composer Gucci Lau, who is 13 years her senior but also the leaking of allegedly intimate photos regarding her origins as this is compounded by criticism of her attitude as there are those who claim the member of the Aguilar dynasty lost the ground.

Photo: IG / angela_aguilar_

The fact is that her fans have repeatedly punished her, because despite the fact that she and her father Pepe Aguilar They have tried to show that they are not swayed by public opinion, their concerts have been seen by fewer spectators and images have been leaked on social networks showing that their popularity is not the best of all, although musically speaking it is the top stands at the peak of his career.

Ángela Aguilar’s difficulties with being Mexican-American

It was in a recent interview for Univision News 23, where the singer’s cousin is majo aguilar spoke about how difficult it was for her to “agree” with the two cultures that run in her blood, because despite being known as the “Princess of the Mexican Region” the interpreter of ‘Actually’ born in California, United States, Well, apparently he’s faced some allegations.

“I feel in both parts. I think when I was little I always felt like I was very American to Mexicans and very Mexican to Americans. I think I now understand that these two cultures that support me are like my superpower, the being. It’s very important to feel comfortable speaking in English and Spanish,” he shared.

Strong criticism of Ángela Aguilar

But, as expected, the young woman never thought that some of her fans like it mexican territory felt a bit offended by his words as many say that although he comes from a family, he is clearly one of the strongest representatives of the Mexican culture In front of the world, she doesn’t feel that way.

“You are an egomaniac”; “Don’t you really have anyone to help you?”; “Being pocha doesn’t mean being a gringa”; “So she had no Argentine blood”; “Poor idiot, neither American nor Mexican”; “This girl has already lost her apartment, she doesn’t remember, she’s more Mexican than American,” were some of the strong comments that went viral on social media.

Photo: IG / angela_aguilar_


Angela Aguilar does NOT understand; Criticism rains down on him because he calls himself "very American for Mexicans" U.S. Herald Read More »

The Dominican Republic and the United Kingdom sign an agreement

The Dominican Republic and the United Kingdom sign an agreement for development projects

The Protocol was signed by the Minister for the Presidency, Joel Santos, on behalf of the Government and by Her Majesty’s Foreign Secretary through the Export Credit Guarantee Department, acting as UK Export Finance (UKEF). , Vomic Shah.

Santos explained that the agreement was the result of the trust built between the two countries and the strength of the Dominican economy, with growth of 4.9 percent in 2022 and stability reflected in key risk assessments.

On behalf of the current Government, the Secretary of State thanked the UK Government for its confidence in that country to fund development work in favor of the Dominicans.

The memorandum will cover projects implemented by institutions such as the Ministries of Defence, Agriculture, Public Health and Energy and Mines, and the National Institute for Drinking Water and Sanitation (Inapa).

Also involved are the Santo Domingo Aqueduct and Sewerage Corporation (Caasd), the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (Indrhi) and the Metropolitan Bus Services Office (OMSA).

In the case of Inapa, it will be responsible for implementing eight plans, including sanitation of tourist and coastal towns and construction of a multiple aqueduct for the eastern region, Santos said.

He pointed out that the CAASD will carry out, among other things, a study on the social impact, sanitation and sewerage of the 92 canyons of the neighborhoods of the greater Santo Domingo, as well as the design of the proposal for waste management in the communities concerned.

He noted that the agreement includes 15 projects that are part of this agreement between both nations, which are scheduled to start implementation in 2024.

The UKEF President said that the signing of this memorandum of understanding is an example of what both countries can achieve together and that this will be reflected in the development of bilateral relations.

Shah also thanked President Luis Abinader on behalf of UK Export Finance for the interest and confidence in his country.

During the signing, Public Health Minister Daniel Rivera said; the Deputy Minister for Dominican Communities Abroad, Carlos De la Mota, and officials and representatives of the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Santo Domingo.


The Dominican Republic and the United Kingdom sign an agreement for development projects Read More »

Religious freedom in jeopardy in 40 countries people are killed

Religious freedom in jeopardy: in 40 countries, people are killed or tortured because of their religion

According to information from the international Catholic organization Aid to the Church in Need, religious freedom has been violated in 61 countries around the world in the last two years. Almost 4.9 billion people, and therefore more than 62 percent of the world’s population, live in countries with serious or very serious violations of religious freedom, the aid organization said on Thursday in Berlin, at the presentation of the report “Freedom Religious World 2023”, according to Kathpress.

Most affected religious minorities

This does not mean that all members of a religious group are persecuted in these countries. In many of these countries, however, religious minorities are the most affected. Authoritarian governments are primarily responsible for restrictions on religious freedom, but Islamic extremism and ethno-religious nationalism are also responsible.

The report, published every two years since 1996, contains regional analyses, background information and case studies and includes observations from 196 countries. In the “Red Category”, the aid organization reports persecution from 28 countries because of the faith. These include Afghanistan, Iran and North Korea, but also African countries such as Burkina Faso, Mali, Sudan and Libya. For the first time, Nicaragua also appears in the “red category”. There, the Catholic Church in particular suffers from the repression of the government of Daniel Ortega.

Burkina Faso particularly dangerous

In 33 other countries, the humanitarian organization observed discrimination based on religious affiliation in the “orange category”. The situation in the area of ​​discrimination, hate crimes and sectarian violence has slightly improved since 2021 in just nine countries, including Egypt, Ethiopia and Jordan.

In 40 countries around the world, people have been persecuted or even killed for their beliefs since 2021. In Burkina Faso alone, Aid to the Church in Need reports 3,600 deaths in 2022 – nearly ten a day. According to the report, places of worship and religious facilities have been attacked or damaged in 34 countries since 2021. Muslims are also being increasingly persecuted, for example in India or Myanmar; but Jewish communities in the West were also more frequently targeted during the period under review. Restriction of religious freedom affects all religions.

“A Church That Suffers” was founded in 1947 as a solidarity campaign. According to its own statements, the aid organization is dedicated to serving Christians all over the world, wherever they are persecuted or oppressed, through information, prayer and help. The international headquarters “Aid to the Church in Need, ACN” is located in Königstein im Taunus, Germany.

Religious freedom in jeopardy: in 40 countries, people are killed or tortured because of their religion Read More »

Fear of Resignation Workers Pay Startups to Demand Their Resignation

Fear of Resignation: Workers Pay Startups to Demand Their Resignation

Some work situations can be very difficult, e.g resign. For this reason, a startup has created an unusual service that resigns on behalf of the employee.

That is, in order to quit an unwanted job or end a career phase, all you need to do is hire a company and go in search of happiness!

As a result, some Japanese no longer have to endure the strain and embarrassment of resigning. In addition, they are innovative and foster culture change as the average tenure in the country is 12.4 years.

Why are the Japanese paying to quit?

Although it is an unusual service, Exit, the company responsible for handling the layoffs, reported that business is going well. The Japanese company already looks after 10,000 people every year.

For Exit cofounder Toshiyuki Niino, quitting his job in Japan feels like an unforgivable mistake. He also claims that the moment of dismissal is very shameful as the person’s superiors feel guilty if he leaves the position.

This was even the main motivation for starting the company in 2017, when Toshiyuki Niino decided to quit a job he felt dissatisfied with. With the support of a friend, he quit his job and started his own outsourced kiln business.

Many Japanese have already used the service for 20,000 yen (name of the currency of Japan), about R$700.00. For this amount, the company takes over the entire termination process, from the moment the application is submitted to the boss to the bureaucratic part of the documents and signatures.

The tradition of lifelong employment in Japan

From a cultural point of view, there is an idea in Japan that a person must have a job for life. Soon many are afraid of not accepting a lifelong routine. According to the country’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, a person in the Asian country typically works in the same job for at least 12.4 years.

This disagreement that creates demand for the layoff service is also supported by startup data. This is perceived as the majority of customers are males in their 20s who do not want to stay with the same company for decades.

Thus, the new practice of Japanese youth reinforces a generational shift and a shift in cultural customs that challenges traditional habits of extreme dedication to work.

Fear of Resignation: Workers Pay Startups to Demand Their Resignation Read More »

Suspended visits to the CTO for the Vasco concert the

Suspended visits to the CTO for the Vasco concert, the M5S announces a question for the Ars

After the protests on social media, politicians also intervened to stigmatize the decision of the Villa Sofia-Cervello Hospital suspend the interventions planned for the CTO for two days in connection with Vasco’s concerts. And so the M5S has decided to prepare an urgent request to the Regional Councilor for Health, Giovanna Volo. “Vasco Rossi will also reach the maximum,” says the group leader to Ars, “certainly in Sicily there is healthcare that doesn’t even reach the minimum, maybe there is. The system is now collapsing, the right to health guaranteed in the constitution is increasingly becoming an option and the postponement of the planned interventions decided by the CTO on the occasion of the Italian rock star’s concert is only the umpteenth stage in a journey that has been direct for some time towards disaster without the region having done anything, or at least nothing effective, to prevent it. Councilor Volo asks the hospital for an explanation and the reason for this decision and is vigilant so that things continue like this. This doesn’t happen again in the future, or go home.

No places in the ward: You stay in the emergency room on a stretcher for more than 2 days with a fractured femur

Only today did the clinic company declare that “the services have already been rescheduled in a timely manner. The company points out that in any case, users who are interested in discontinuing the services have been notified in advance.” But that has not defused the controversy. “Nothing against Vasco Rossi, who I’m a historical fan of by the way,” continues Antonio De Luca – God forbid. On the contrary, events of this kind are welcome in Sicily, as they help boost an economy that is unfortunately stagnant. However, we have to wonder if there are other ways to bring about an event of this magnitude without public health users having to pay the price, which all too often happens. It is certainly unacceptable to carelessly postpone the performance, especially when you consider that the concert had been planned for a long time. The waiting times for visits and exams are already very long in Sicily, do not try to prolong them any longer. We remind Commissioner Volo and the President of the Schifani Region that we will not give discounts on the waiting lists and that – concludes the group leader – we are ready to report to the Public Prosecutor’s Office any omissions due to the non-use of funds provided for some time from state to shorten them.

Antonio De Luca Deputy M5S

Suspended visits to the CTO for the Vasco concert, the M5S announces a question for the Ars Read More »

Taylor Swift goes casual in a Philadelphia Eagles sweatshirt and

Taylor Swift goes casual in a Philadelphia Eagles sweatshirt and tiny black shorts in the music studio

Taylor Swift opted for casual comfort when she stopped by Electric Lady Studios in New York City on Thursday during a brief break during her sold-out Eras Tour.

The 33-year-old Blank Space hitmaker, who recently announced new international dates in countries including the UK and Australia, wore a long-sleeved gray Philadelphia Eagles sweatshirt, referring to her performances in Pennsylvania last week.

The Grammy winner showed off her long legs in black shorts and slipped into a pair of comfy white trainers that tied with laces.

She easily slung a tan handbag over her right shoulder to hold a few items she needed during her busy schedule.

Swift donned a green cap that partially covered her blonde tresses, which were styled into a simple ponytail.

Staying casual: Taylor Swift, 33, opted for casual comfort as she stopped by Electric Lady Studios in New York City on Thursday during a brief break as part of her sold-out Eras Tour

Staying casual: Taylor Swift, 33, opted for casual comfort as she stopped by Electric Lady Studios in New York City on Thursday during a brief break as part of her sold-out Eras Tour

For the finishing touch, the Bad Blood singer wore black sunglasses to give her a stylish accent and to protect her eyes from the bright sun.

On Tuesday this week, Swift used her social media accounts to officially announce 42 new international dates for the continuation of her Eras Tour, which first kicked off in Arizona in March.

“Excuse me, I have something to say,” she wrote excitedly in the caption next to the appointment list. “Can’t wait to see so many of you on these new international dates on the Eras Tour next year!”

The artist will start her newly added international dates next year in 2024, starting in Tokyo and later with stops in the UK and other parts of Europe, such as Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, France and also Sweden.

She also announced that she will be traveling to Australia, stopping in both Sydney and Melbourne.

However, some dedicated Swifties weren’t too thrilled when they learned Taylor won’t be appearing in other cities on The Land Down Under.

Some took to Twitter to vent their frustration, with one fan writing, “All Australian dates two cities.” Lmao!! The East Coast Tour!’ while another wrote: “Taylor Swift hates me. Why isn’t there a Brisbane Show??????????’

One tweeted, “Just Melbourne and Sydney where Taylor normally makes multiple stops and now she’s even bigger. Makes sense,” followed by an upside down smiling emoji.

Special note: The Blank Space hitmaker wore a long-sleeved gray Philadelphia Eagles sweatshirt, possibly a nod to her performances in Pennsylvania last week

Special note: The Blank Space hitmaker wore a long-sleeved gray Philadelphia Eagles sweatshirt, possibly a nod to her performances in Pennsylvania last week

Big update!  Earlier this week, on Tuesday, Swift took to her social media accounts to officially announce 42 new international dates to continue her Eras tour

Big update! Earlier this week, on Tuesday, Swift took to her social media accounts to officially announce 42 new international dates to continue her Eras tour

Upset: However, some dedicated Swifties weren't particularly thrilled when they learned Taylor won't be performing in other cities from 'The Land Down Under'

Upset: However, some dedicated Swifties weren’t particularly thrilled when they learned Taylor won’t be performing in other cities from ‘The Land Down Under’

Limited stops: Some took to Twitter to vent their frustration, with one fan writing,

Limited stops: Some took to Twitter to vent their frustration, with one fan writing, “All Australian dates two cities.” Lmao!! The East Coast Tour!’ while another wrote: “Taylor Swift hates me. Why isn’t there a Brisbane Show??????????’

After stops in parts of Europe from May to August, Taylor will complete the UK tour by returning to London for two more dates in mid-August.

Other fans recently voiced speculation that Swift could make a Glastonbury stop in 2024. Swifties were quick to point out a gap between concert dates, perfectly fitting with the annual festival.

In early June, the singer-songwriter already announced Latin America dates on Twitter and revealed in the caption that she will be making stops in Mexico, Argentina and also Brazil from August to November this year.

Co-singer Sabrina Carpenter is said to be the opening act for the Latin America performance. ‘We’re bringing the Eras Tour to you this year!’ Sweet angel princess @sabrinacarpenter will be at all of the shows!’ she wrote.

Swift then concluded by saying, “Visit for more information on your registrations, pre-sales and post-sales” and announced the announcement of additional international dates.

With the Eras tour in full swing, the star has been busy releasing her deluxe album Midnights (Til Dawn Edition) in late May.

A new version of the song, Karma, featuring rapper Ice Spice was added, as was an updated version of Snow On The Beach that featured more Lana Del Rey vocals.

Also in May, Taylor announced that she would re-release her 2010 album Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) on July 7. The updated version contains a total of 22 titles, including six new songs “from the vault”. People.

On June 5, she unveiled the forthcoming album’s “back cover,” which featured the tracks included. The beauty revealed special collaborations with fellow singers like Paramore’s Hayley Williams and Fall Out Boy.

Increasing speculation: Other fans recently voiced speculation that Swift could make a stop at Glastonbury 2024

Increasing speculation: Other fans recently voiced speculation that Swift could make a stop at Glastonbury 2024

Working hard: Also in May, Taylor announced that she would re-release her 2010 album Speak Now (Taylor's Version) on July 7;  Seen in Chicago earlier this month

Working hard: Also in May, Taylor announced that she would re-release her 2010 album Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) on July 7; Seen in Chicago earlier this month

Collaborations: The beauty revealed special collaborations with fellow singers including Paramore's Hayley Williams and Fall Out Boy

Collaborations: The beauty revealed special collaborations with fellow singers including Paramore’s Hayley Williams and Fall Out Boy

Slot: Also this month, it was announced that Taylor had split from The 1975 singer Matt Healy after their romance broke in May;  The British singer was spotted in Norway earlier this month

Slot: Also this month, it was announced that Taylor had split from The 1975 singer Matt Healy after their romance broke in May; The British singer was spotted in Norway earlier this month

Also that month, news broke that Taylor had split from The 1975 singer Matt Healy after their romance was exposed in May and a friend revealed she was “single again.”

A source told People at the time of the breakup news, “She had fun with him but it was always easygoing. ‘They are no longer romantic.’

Another insider explained, “They’ve never been boyfriend-girlfriend or exclusive and they’ve always just been having fun.” There’s no drama, and who knows what might happen again. “It was a good time and has taken its course.”

“Taylor is doing great – her focus right now is on her tour.” Since Matty is also on tour, they can’t see each other at all. They’ve been friends for years and decided to just become friends again. Nothing complicated happened. It’s just life.’

Taylor Swift goes casual in a Philadelphia Eagles sweatshirt and tiny black shorts in the music studio Read More »

OnlyFans muse fined in condo says shes been the victim

OnlyFans muse fined in condo says she’s been the victim of her neighbors’ envy

From the newsroomi From the newsroom

06/22/2023 7:13 p.m


the muse OnlyFans Flora FavarettoAged 21, broke the news after being fined at the luxury condo where he lives in Guarujá on the coast Sao Paulofor using the pool area to produce content.

For the influencer, her neighbors are jealous of her husbands.

“It’s envy and injustice because now we’re in danger of being evicted from the condominium. We already know that it was an envious woman who got jealous because her husband looked at me more than she did. You have to treat yourself”He shot Flora Favaretto, according to a publication on the Quem magazine website this Thursday (22).

Flora also spoke out about being a victim of persecution.

“People already know I’m on OnlyFans, so there’s prejudice. They keep track of everything I do to find a problem.”she snapped at him.

Flora defends herself by arguing that the essay was not obscene, but the property manager contradicted the statement, claiming that the resident caused “great embarrassment to the other residents, including several with children, who live in the above public recreation areas and… brought embarrassment”.

Flora now has to pay a R$1,200 fine to the condominium with no opportunity to appeal, but intends to assert her rights in court.

The model says she makes an average of BRL 60,000 per month from content on OnlyFans and Privacy with her nudes and salacious videos. “It’s a job, I’m committed and I have employees. People need to understand that professional side.”she defended.

3508846132701464255426018370567774201884405nFlora Favaretto. Play Instagram
3410004686266474688002885725466027740065426nFlora Favaretto. Play Instagram
3525157358090316104167773266148953426188781nFlora Favaretto. Play Instagram
35243968816074033097362563968060573846041284nFlora Favaretto. Play Instagram

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OnlyFans muse fined in condo says she’s been the victim of her neighbors’ envy Read More »

My poison is social networks Maripier Morin feels revived by

“My poison is social networks”: Maripier Morin feels revived by the idea of ​​doing radio – Le Journal de Québec

“I feel alive again,” says Maripier Morin, who we met at the launch of the cocktail line, without beating about the bush without MOX alcohol, of which she is the official face.

• Also read: The other day at lunch at the next table: Take the time to listen

• Also read: Maripier Morin’s return is a good thing

• Also read: Maripier and Jérémy: Let’s turn the page!

Maripier Morin has taken a new step in his return to public life when he takes over the helm of the morning show On part ça d’even on WKND 99.5 in Montreal next August with Patrick Langlois.

Aside from that of the Grains of Hope podcast, this is the first major mic to be lent to Maripier Morin since the scandal that forced her to withdraw from public life in July 2020.

It was the radio man Benoit Simard who wanted to give him this microphone. “I was so nervous before the audition that I was like, ‘Am I going to be just as spontaneous and expressive and quick-witted?'” she recalls.

In addition, on the day of this announcement, she made a point of staying off the networks. “For me, that’s a much bigger risk than a trace of powder or a shot of alcohol. My poison is social media. That’s what makes me sick,” says the man who has been working alone for three years.

The 90% positive response, according to her team, gave her reassurance about her impending return.

travel and love

Maripier Morin has been sober for three years and is happy to return to the stage through radio, a medium close to the people. She adds that she is proud of her progress over the past few years.

“When it happened, it was like Hiroshima; it explodes and there is nothing left, she breathes with emotion. Nobody made this journey for me. I had two choices: bury my head in the sand and pretend nothing happened, or do my homework, examine myself, and make concrete changes in my life. I did it.”

Sure, given that this work is everyday, Margot’s mother says the inner storm has lessened in recent years. “It’s made with a lot, a lot of love,” she adds through tears in her eyes.

Becoming a mother was a crucial step in her journey. She also sees her daughter’s arrival as THE reward for all her efforts. The support of her husband, the actor Jean-Philippe Perras, remains her greatest gift.

“I not only believe that we can change, but that we must change. It’s normal to evolve over the years,” she says.


In August 2014, Maripier Morin launched UNIK’s ready-to-drink alcoholic cocktails. “I told my team: they have to be strong and flexible. Ten years later I present mocktails. It’s a bit surreal.

“I don’t think I could have said to myself a few years ago, ‘One day you will be sober, you will be happy, and you will feel in your place, fulfilled in this life and this choice you are making.’ do,” she continues.

The 36-year-old presenter describes herself as a sensitive woman who is close to her feelings and now gives herself the right to be vulnerable.

“I used to be driven by the desire to please. I might not like it now, except now I know who I am, which I didn’t know three years ago,” concludes the actress, who confirms she is in talks with production houses for a possible TV project.

“My poison is social networks”: Maripier Morin feels revived by the idea of ​​doing radio – Le Journal de Québec Read More »