To mention the referral to the International Criminal Court in

“To mention the referral to the International Criminal Court in relation to Senegal is a manifest lack of respect for our country” Actualité au Sénégal

This is a final insult and a great sacrilege to the memory of Me Valdiodio Ndiaye as we recall his speech in Dakar to French President Charles De Gaulle.

Let’s start by understanding how the ICC works in practice:

The Rome Statute is the founding treaty of the International Criminal Court (ICC). It came into force on July 1, 2002. The ICC is responsible according to four criteria.

Territorial Jurisdictions:`

The Court can only investigate within the Member States.

Personal skills:

The court judges not organizations or states, but adult natural persons
Temporal Skills:

The crimes in question are those committed after July 1, 2002, with the exception of crimes of aggression ratified since 2018.

Material knowledge:

This jurisdiction defines the types of offenses that the court can prosecute. There are now 4 crimes. Crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes and, since July 17, 2018, crimes of aggression, which are crimes committed by persons or states preparing an armed conflict with the aim of destabilizing one or more sovereign states or have promoted.

It is important to emphasize that the ICC is a court of last resort and is complementary to national jurisdictions.

It should then be mentioned that the prosecution of the ICC is based on the principle of complementarity, which means that the Court intervenes when states are unable or unwilling to investigate and prosecute crimes within the framework of the ICC. Jurisdiction of the ICC.
In all cases, cooperation between ICC member states is essential to arrest and transfer suspects to the court.

“The court does not have its own police force. It must therefore count on the cooperation of States, which is essential in arresting and handing over suspects. Responsibility for enforcing arrest warrants rests with states. With the establishment of the International Criminal Court, the states have created a system based on two pillars: the Court represents the judicial pillar, while the operative pillar, also with regard to the execution of the decisions of the Court, remains with the states. »

Who can trigger the ICC?

The ICC can be seized because of a situation either:

– by a Member State.
– by the United Nations Security Council.
– by the prosecutor himself after denunciations by citizens.

When citizens go directly to the prosecutor with the help of a lawyer, as seems to be the case with Me Branco at the moment. The prosecutor must verify whether the national authorities have committed themselves to investigating or bringing to justice the people alleged to have committed these crimes. Finally, it must notify States Parties and other States that may have jurisdiction of its intention to initiate an investigation. He must also have the approval of the Investigative Chamber.

The decisions of the court and the prosecutor’s office are taken into account, taking them into account.

International Relations :

The actions of the ICC can have an impact on relations between states. Consequently, the Court can take into account the political and diplomatic implications of its decisions, particularly as regards relations with the States directly concerned by the investigation or prosecution. The ICC relies on the support and cooperation of member states in conducting its investigations and prosecutions. Political considerations can therefore also include the need to maintain positive relations with Member States and ensure their continued cooperation.

Resources and Priorities:

The ICC has limited resources and therefore has to prioritize investigations and prosecutions. This must take into account the scale and seriousness of the alleged crimes, as well as the feasibility and availability of the resources needed to complete the judicial process.
In the face of many more intense conflicts in the world, the situation in Senegal is of particular concern to us, because it is our country, and which will not be the court’s priority, given the communication of the Senegalese government, which undertakes its readiness to show that the situation will be clarified, even if we in the country are convinced that this communication will not lead to anything and will not advance the cases, but the ICC will not take this interpretation.

One of the court’s main problems is the selectivity of prosecution.

The Court has focused its attention on certain predominantly African actors, while ignoring other situations that may also merit investigation and prosecution.

The long processing time of the cases clearly shows the inefficiency of the court.
Since its inception, the court has handled 30 cases, ten cases of which have been started with nearly four acquittals.

Let’s take the case of some cases from elsewhere, all of African origin.

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC): Several million dead.

Case of Thomas Lubanga Dyilo:

The events happened between 2002 and 2003 and were heard ten years later, in 2012. The verdict for war crimes (recruitment and use of child soldiers) was announced.

Case of Germain Katanga:

The events happened in 2003. More than ten years later, in 2014, he was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Case of Bosco Ntaganda:

found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity 16 years later in 2019.

Judgment announced in 2019. The events happened between 2002 and 2003.

Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui case: acquitted in 2012, 10 years later. The events took place in 2003.

Darfur (Sudan): Nearly 400,000 dead.

Case of Omar Al-Bashir:

Arrest warrants were issued in 2009 and 2010, but Omar Al-Bashir was not arrested. The events took place from 2003 onwards.

Central African Republic:

On December 21, 2004, the Central African government appealed to the court for crimes committed on its territory.

Case of Jean Pierre Bemba Gombo:

He is implicated in two counts of crimes against humanity (murder and rape) and three counts of war crimes (murder, rape and looting). Judgment from 2016 (conviction in first instance, acquittal on appeal in 2018).


The post-election crisis of 2007–2008 left nearly 1,500 dead and 30,000 displaced.

Cases of Uhuru Kenyatta, William Ruto and Joshua Arap Sang:

They were prosecuted. The proceedings were discontinued despite the seriousness of the facts.

Let’s end with the cases of Côte d’Ivoire and Libya, which show us that the ICC is not only inefficient, powerless and slow, but exists only to help the victors neutralize the vanquished.

Ivory Coast:

In January 2019, after nearly ten years of trial, the ICC Trial Chamber acquitted Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Blé Goudé of all charges against them, including crimes against humanity committed during the post-election violence in Côte d’Ivoire in 2010 – were committed in 2011. How can we take the ICC seriously when we know that according to the United Nations, around 3,000 people were killed in the violence following the 2010/2011 elections and other sources estimate that the death toll could be even higher and up to 3,500 could reach dead? .

This publication follows purely political negotiations between the two veterans of Ivorian politics, knowing full well that Allassane Ouattara and Guillaume Soro had militias who committed atrocities and that they were never prosecuted because they had the support of France and the United Nations.

Where is the justice in all this?


The Libyan crisis of 2011 claimed between 10,000 and 30,000 lives. Instead of directly prosecuting the rebels who killed Gaddafi and placing France’s responsibility on Sarkozy, who had exceeded the UN mandate and caused a humanitarian crisis in which human dignity was violated by the resurgence of slavery, the ICC decided to Prosecute Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi. From then until now, they couldn’t do anything about him.

We don’t even talk about the events in Chad, where General Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno, wanting to extend the transition by two years, caused more than 128 deaths under the guise of France, the massacres in Yemen, in Palestine… The… Has ICC brought solutions to these recurring dramas? Obviously not.

How can we know all this in order to remain silent and let the Senegalese people hope that the ICC will suddenly come to settle the Macky Sall regime’s frenzied missteps?

So, looking at the situation from that angle, we realize that all this fuss about the ICC is not the solution against Macky Sall. If, exceptionally, yes, I say well, if not by a miracle, the court decides to act, it will take almost ten years and will probably end in an acquittal, if in more serious cases than in Senegal there will be acquittals or a dismissal comes.

So what explains this buzz around the ICC, as if Macky would fall off his pedestal once Juan Branco finished his work?

I think this excitement stems from ignorance of how the ICC works.
Young would-be chancellor Ngagne Demba Touré, despite his courage through excessive zeal and complacency, showed his ignorance of the ICC, citing the United States and Joe Biden as an example by invoking the ICC while minimizing the number of deaths in Côte d’Ivoire and the speech of Charles Taylor, who was indicted before the Special Court for Sierra Leone as the alleged offenses dated between November 1996 and January 2002 and therefore fell outside the Court’s temporal jurisdiction. He must have been deceived by the court being moved from the capital Freetown to The Hague for security reasons. Reading and repeating texts on the Internet in this way is completely different from understanding the actual problems. Unfortunately, this is not the case like many others who are excited about this question.

I refuse to see people putting false hope in this counterproductive approach because it gets nowhere and, most importantly, causes us to lose a lot of lag in the battles we desperately need to fight. Our only goal must be for Macky to pass through the democratic ballot box process in 2024, then our justice system will have a free hand to solve and convict all of our dead.

Why is the ICC a bad solution for sovereignists, patriots and pan-Africanists?

The world consists of two camps.

The countries that insist on their total independence without ever negotiating it, and the countries that have surrendered or are negotiating their sovereignty.

There is the camp of Westerners with NATO under the supremacy of the United States, over all European countries, vassalized by the land of Uncle Sam, who in turn are trying to dominate African countries.

The United States, China and Russia are not negotiating their sovereignty. All countries in the world should have the same will as these three countries. The good news is that this is increasingly the case given the enthusiasm and the many requests to join the BRICS.

The Rome Statute has so far been ratified by 123 countries. 31 states have signed the statute without ratifying it, including the United States, Russia and Israel. In 2016, Russia withdrew its signature from the Rome Statute on grounds of protecting state interests. India and China never signed the treaty.
For these countries, sovereignty is their main concern. Some US officials have expressed concerns that the ICC could undermine US national sovereignty.

They argued that potential lawsuits against US citizens could affect the jurisdiction of US domestic courts.

The United States preferred prosecuting serious crimes through its domestic legal system rather than prosecuting them in an international court. They claimed that their national judicial system was well equipped to deal with such crimes and provided sufficient human rights and due process guarantees.

As a proven and hardened sovereignist, I have the same claim for my people as the US position on the ICC.

Americans want to respect their country’s sovereignty. I insist on absolute respect for the full sovereignty of Senegal.

The ICC is a wrong solution. An illusion that allows some to no longer see reality, no longer organize for the release of political prisoners and no longer have strategies to achieve the five points listed above.

It might be a lot easier to sit down and hope a white magician has the solution rather than waking up to the power of the people and then coming up with appropriate Senegalese solutions to our problem, because on the other side of Macky’s side, he’s joking not and does not organize with him clan to stay in power forever.

Those who like having leaders who follow the opinion of the masses can look elsewhere. Here I will always stand up for the steps that I believe are the best for our country and, above all, I appeal to those who share the same vision as I do on these points to come ipso facto so that we organize ourselves better, to achieve this wage a useful struggle for the country.

Rather than fight and focus on the resources people have to solve our problem the Senegalese way, some choose to put our hope in a foreigner who hopes to carve his name as the savior of the Senegalese people to enter into history. This happened, incidentally, as did Victor Schœlcher in 1848, who stole paternity for the abolition of slavery, while thousands of blacks, led by Toussaint Louverture, fought to the death for their liberation with the founding of the Republic of Haiti in 1804 . But there are those who like to remind the black man that he cannot achieve anything without the help of the white man.

How can you be so naive?

I’m amazed at how easily some people pin their hopes on the newcomer without knowing exactly what results they will get.

The struggle for our country’s full sovereignty has a bright future ahead and we will fight it without compromise. This is the meaning of our life. That is the ultimate goal of our party.

* Ameth DIALLO
National Coordinator of Gox Yu Bees – ANTA (National Alliance for Transparency and Abundance).

“To mention the referral to the International Criminal Court in relation to Senegal is a manifest lack of respect for our country” Actualité au Sénégal Read More »

The curse of the Titanic does not end all the

The curse of the Titanic does not end: all the tragedies over the years, from the shipwreck to today PontileNews

The Titanic Curse isn’t just about the ship, here are all the tragedies that have happened over the years: from the shipwreck to today.

Five people trapped in the Titan submarine head to the bottom of the sea to visit the wreck of the Titanic. There is already talk of the curse of the famous ship that sank before reaching its destination in 1912 because it ran on an iceberg.

The curse of the Titanic does not end – Instagram

It was 1912 and the Titanic, known as the unsinkable ship, embarked on her maiden voyage from Great Britain to the United States of America. It never got there because it sank after colliding with the iceberg and up to 1,500 people lost their lives, out of 2,200 who were on board. Several emerged from this tragic event Stories, urban legends related to the curse of Titanicthat has always interested and fascinated the whole world, until the disappearance of the Titan submarine.

The curse of the Titanic, all the legends surrounding the ship and the wreck

Today, the Titanic is back in the headlines for yet another curse, a story filling the pages of newspapers around the world. The submarine Titan, managed by OceanGate, which descended to 3800 meters to visit the wreck of the famous ship, has disappeared. There have been no traces since Sunday, when all contact with the mother ship was lost two hours after leaving port. There were five people on board, three of whom had paid for a $250,000 ticket to be able to dive and view the remains of Titanic. Along with them a prospector and the CEO of OceanGate.

There would be a curse behind the sad fate of the two boats. One of the stories is about a passenger on the ship, William Stead, a British publisher covering Egyptian curses and Native American cemeteries. He was then Examination and documentation of a mummy who, according to some, would have followed him on the ship that caused the sea disaster. Others argued that the mummy had been sent by the British Museum and was therefore on the ship and that anyone involved with it would have a bad end.

All the tragedies over the years, from the shipwreck to today – Instagram photo –

“Cursed” also heard a passenger of the ship, one survivor, Marjorie Dutton, who explained that he lived a cursed life because of the Titanic. She was a second-class passenger at the time, Her father drowned and she survivedbut she always felt unlucky.

Also the Countess of Rothes, survivor of the Titanic tragedyhe said what he heard years later I felt cold and shocked when I heard an orchestra playing The Tales of Hoffman, the last music he heard on the ship before it sank. However, due to the horrific event, this seems to be more than just a curse.

The curse of the Titanic does not end: all the tragedies over the years, from the shipwreck to today PontileNews Read More »

Horoscope for Monday May 29 2023 for Las Estrellas by

Walter Mercado: Astrology horoscopes for Friday, June 23, 2023 Miami Herald

Set of zodiac symbols

Set of zodiac symbols by Getty Images/iStockphoto

Note to readers: Betty B. Mercado, niece and associate of the late astrologer Walter Mercado, continues his legacy by writing horoscopes.


(March, 20th – April 18)

It’s time to develop patience because you will be very demanding on yourself. Today you become your own critic. You will know better than anyone what you want and where to direct your energy. Keep all lines of communication open, even if what others are saying about you isn’t what you want to hear. Lucky numbers: 9, 11, 15.


(April 19-19) May)

You will receive thanks and understanding from those you love, admire and respect. You will feel very confident in everything you do and say today. Everything will be in your favor. Your word will have power and will reach the ears of those you care about most so they can help you. Your enemies surrender to your truth. Lucky numbers: 13, 1, 49.


(20 – 19 May) in June)

It’s time to put your great ideas into action and show others what you’re capable of. Have faith Gemini, open yourself to miracles and you will see your dreams come true sooner than you expected. Her pronounced sensitivity to art, music and good reading is still further emphasized today. Lucky numbers: 20, 16, 27.


(20th June – 21 July)

Carry out the purification of your home, both materially and spiritually. It’s time to bury the past and all the negative things that might happen to you. Start each day with more encouragement to face anything. Give away or sell anything you no longer need. May your luggage be light on the path of life so that you can enjoy it to the fullest. Lucky numbers: 12, 8, 19.


(22nd of July – August 21)

Take care, put your feet firmly on the ground, because today you will be a bit forgetful and dreamy at the same time. Foster the connection between your loved ones and be the first to lead by example. They need you as much as you need them. Highlight your good qualities by doing your best and helping others. Lucky numbers: 9, 33, 21.


(August 22nd – 21st September)

Express your love for humanity. Don’t take things too seriously and laugh at what you can’t change. Make the most of what life has given you and you will work wonders. You are a being of light and radiant like a star. Focus more on giving than receiving and you will never lack for anything. Lucky numbers: 11, 40, 3.


(September 22 – Oct. 22)

Luck is on your side today and everything will be much easier and more convenient for you. Consider the help that others can offer you and everything will be more fun, as the stars praise your ability to organize and run events that will be a complete success related to your work or profession. Lucky numbers: 8, 10, 4.


(Oct 23 – Nov 20)

Embark on the adventure of discovering new exotic and different places. Moves, travels, changes, in short, everything related to movement in your life is very well for you now. Let your life experiences enrich you culturally. Live it fully, with no complexes or fears limiting you. Lucky numbers: 23, 14, 50.


(21st November – 20th of December)

Execute your plans as you have already planned them, with a lot of confidence and enthusiasm. Save your breath and stop wasting your valuable time advising someone who doesn’t want to listen to advice. Take care of your things now, focus on yourself. Do everything in your power to improve and be successful. Lucky numbers: 46, 32, 18.


(21 Dec – January 18)

It is imperative that you take good care of your finances, everything related to your work, career and money. Be more aware of your expenses to avoid future complications. Coordinate with your partner before investing, buying or lending money. Don’t do anything behind other people’s backs. Always face the truth. Lucky numbers: 37, 15, 20.


(January 19 – February 17)

The planets advise you to be very careful with people who swear and promise a lot. Don’t trust someone who doesn’t deserve it. Don’t be silent about what you perceive as injustice. Always walk with the truth. Someone who offended you and then walked away from you without apologizing will come back to you and ask for your forgiveness. Lucky numbers: 31, 45, 2.


(February 18-19) March)

Take responsibility and propose to be successful. It is time to accept the truths and fulfill what you have desired so much. Don’t try to contradict your feelings as this will only lead to further frustration. Someone is waiting for you with open arms, but you have to understand that love cannot be tied up, it is free for it to thrive. Lucky numbers: 15, 41, 26.

Walter Mercado: Astrology horoscopes for Friday, June 23, 2023 Miami Herald Read More »

The President of Ecuador receives the US Secretary of Defense

The President of Ecuador receives the US Secretary of Defense

After meeting at Carondelet Palace, the seat of the executive branch, Ecuadorian Defense Minister Luis Lara and the US official reported that the two countries will soon sign a memorandum of understanding to define cooperation programs in the security field.

According to Lara, a technical team made up of officers from the Ecuadorian Armed Forces and representatives from the US Cooperation Office was formed to prepare the document, although analysts have doubts that Ecuador’s foreign policy is in line with Washington.

The military official pointed out that the goal is to get the United States to support the South American country’s defense and security efforts for the next seven years.

For his part, Erickson referred to the meeting with Lasso and said that the economic impact of the El Niño climate phenomenon, the environment and cyber defense were also discussed.

“I am confident that these meetings lay the foundation for a stronger relationship with the United States,” added the North official, who attended a bilateral defense meeting the day before.

His presence in Quito is part of numerous visits to Ecuador by United States diplomatic officials, members of Congress, as well as senior military commanders from the Department of Defense and the Southern Command, which have drawn criticism of the Lasso government.

For former Ecuadorian Deputy Foreign Minister Fernando Yépez, the current president’s foreign policy will be remembered as utterly wrong, haphazard, alien to the country’s sovereignty and dignity, centered on and subservient to the United States, detached from national interests and obligations .

In a recent interview with Radio Pichincha, Yépez added that public policy should be determined sovereignly by Ecuador and that, in line with the country’s interests and reality, recipes should not be bought from other places, as Lasso did.


The President of Ecuador receives the US Secretary of Defense Read More »

Foreign ministers discuss the Balkans at the Europa Wachau Forum

Foreign ministers discuss the Balkans at the Europa Wachau Forum Salzburger

Several foreign ministers want to push ahead with EU expansion to include the Western Balkans in the Europa Forum Wachau. On the initiative of Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP), Foreign Ministers Miroslav Wlachovský (Slovakia), Jan Lipavsky (Czech Republic) and Gordan Grlíc Radman (Croatia) will come to Göttweig Abbey on Friday. The “Friends of the Western Balkans”, which also includes Greece, Italy and Slovenia, call for “gradual and accelerated integration” of the region.

Before that, there will be opening speeches by the Governor of Lower Austria, Johanna Mikl-Leitner, and the First Vice-President of the European Parliament, Othmar Karas (both ÖVP). EU Minister Karoline Edtstadler and Education Minister Martin Polaschek (both ÖVP) also participate in round tables. On Saturday, among others, EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn (ÖVP) will deliver a speech. Speeches by Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP), Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Bulgarian President Rumen Radew will close the event. Radew, who is in Vienna at Nehammer’s invitation, will also participate in a roundtable at the Chamber of Commerce on Friday on the topic of expanding dual training and improving the investment climate.

For his part, Edtstadler also spoke Thursday in Stockholm at a meeting with his EU colleagues on EU enlargement. “We have to prepare for enlargement from a financial, organizational and economic point of view and, above all, we have to see it as a process of gradual integration”, stressed Edtstadler. Above all, Austria supports the EU integration of the Western Balkan countries. Ukraine and Moldova are also official candidates for EU membership since 2022.

Foreign ministers discuss the Balkans at the Europa Wachau Forum Salzburger Read More »

1687479137 Red Hat is attempting to protect its flagship Linux distribution

Red Hat is attempting to protect its flagship Linux distribution by partially turning off sources – MacGeneration

The small world of GNU/Linux distributions is not necessarily a calm world: somewhat surprisingly, the company Red Hat, which in particular distributes the commercial Linux distribution Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), announced the sources of this distribution would no longer be public . Only those from CentOS Stream remain accessible.

All this may sound a bit complicated, but we will explain it to you. A GNU/Linux distribution (hereafter Linux) can be viewed as a complete operating system with all the tools necessary for its operation. Some are limited to a specific use, others are aimed at a broader audience, and RHEL is a commercial distro aimed at businesses, particularly because Red Hat offers paid support for its distro.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Grayms, GPL)

In its blog post, Red Hat explains that the RHEL sources are no longer publicly available – they remain available for customers and partners – and that the only Red Hat distribution whose sources are still available is CentOS Stream. This is a so-called upstream version of RHEL, i.e. a derived version that is developed upstream. In a simpler way, Red Hat developers test new features first via CentOS Stream, which therefore contains newer versions of the various software…but potentially more bugs as well.

The comparison with the different versions of macOS is a bit complicated: CentOS Stream cannot be compared directly with a beta version of Apple’s operating system, and Apple does not offer an equivalent of RHEL that could possibly be considered a stabilized version and followed by a previous one macOS.

A problem related to forks

But why is Red Hat partially discontinuing its main distribution? Probably to partially protect the main actors. In fact, the world of Linux distributions essentially consists of so-called forks. The literal translation is fork, since a fork starts from a distribution to create a new branch. And Red Hat doesn’t particularly like it when companies offer forks that are fully compatible with RHEL. RHEL-derived distributions can actually replace the distribution, which is obviously a potential loss for Red Hat. The best known are AlmaLinux (quite new), Rocky Linux or Oracle Linux.

AlmaLinux (WikipeidaNeko, CC BY-SA 4.0)

As Phoronix explains, the AlmaLinux developers have responded to this change. You obviously discovered this change by accident and don’t know Red Hat’s intentions. For now, therefore, development is likely to be complicated: cloning CentOS Stream is obviously not an option. The main problem lies in the differences between RHEL and CentOS Stream, which are a bit too experimental to offer the perfect compatibility expected by AlmaLinux users. In a way, the survival of distributions derived from RHEL is at risk, at least in the current configuration.

Let’s finish with a point: the only Linux distro compatible with Apple Silicon Macs – Asahi Linux – isn’t from a Red Hat distro, it’s from Arch Linux.

Red Hat is attempting to protect its flagship Linux distribution by partially turning off sources – MacGeneration Read More »

Lula categorizes European Union proposal for deal with Mercosur as ‘unacceptable’

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President of the Republic, attends the inauguration of the UFABC laboratory building on 06/02/2023

The president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) held a press conference this Thursday, 22nd, classifying as “unacceptable” the European Union’s proposal for a free trade agreement with the European Union Mercosur. In the version proposed by the Europeans, there is a penalty for South American countries that do not comply with the provisions of the Paris Agreement an international treaty dealing with climate change. According to the Brazilian representative, the proposed agreement does not meet the wishes of Latin American countries and the attempt by the European bloc to punish those who do not comply with the environmental agreement is “unacceptable”. “Brazil wants the right to restore its industrialization capability. O Brazil ever had a gross domestic product [PIB] Industry 30%, today our GDP is only 10%. The additional letter that the European Union sent to Mercosur is unacceptable. They didn’t even comply with the Paris Agreement, they didn’t comply with the Kyoto Protocol, they didn’t comply with the Copenhagen decision, so we have to show a little more sensitivity and a little more humility,” he said he. Lula also noted that the federal government will work to ensure that the final deal benefits both continents. The agreement between Mercosur and the European Union, passed in 2019 after two decades of negotiations, has yet to be ratified by the parliaments of all 31 countries involved in the negotiations divided into the two blocs before the agreement can enter into force.

Lula categorizes European Union proposal for deal with Mercosur as ‘unacceptable’ Read More »

1687481406 Lamberto Sposini historical TV presenter Now hes busy with something

Lamberto Sposini, historical TV presenter: Now he’s busy with something else | Unexpected

One cannot forget Lamberto Sposini, the historical conductor and journalist who has not been seen on screen for years due to health reasons. Born in Foligno on February 18th in 1952, he made his debut in the entertainment world in 1979 and worked there for some time TG5. In 2008 he returned to Rai to present La Vita live, where he found great success thanks to this afternoon entertainment show. But what happened to Lamberto Sposini? You won’t believe it, but ever since he retired from the stage his life has been turned upside down: let’s find out what happened.

Lamberto Sposini disappeared from the crime scene

Although years have passed since the journalist and host of La vita in Directe left the scene, he is still in the hearts of millions of viewers who have supported and followed him for years. In fact, many are wondering what happened to him. Lamberto Sposini, April 9, 2011 he had an illnessjust before starting the special on the wedding between the two royals, Prince William of the United Kingdom and Kate Middleton.

After a while it turned out that he was hit by one stroke and then from a cerebral hemorrhage. Precisely for this reason he was urgently admitted to the Policlinico Gemelli Hospital in Rome. A truly tragic situation that forever marked his career as a conductor and journalist, in fact he began to lose the ability to speak and write. There was no shortage of controversy at the time due to the delays in providing assistance from Rai herself and the company’s doctors.

It was precisely for this reason that Lamberto Sposini left the world of Italian television. But the public, which has always followed and supported him, wondered what happened to him and what belongs to him current health conditions. You’ll never believe it, but his life has completely changed: let’s find out what happened.

Lambert SposiniLambert Sposini

Lamberto Sposini today: all the details

What happened to Lamberto Sposini? After this terrible illness, his life changed completely. As we have already explained to you, after the stroke he was transported to the hospital in Rome and then to Switzerland for another journey rehabilitation in a special clinic. In 2012 he returned to Italy, first to Umbria and then again to Rome. Eventually he settled in Milan near his daughter and most likely still lives there.

Unfortunately, it still suffers from it today aphasia And agraphia. However, we have not learned anything about his current health status. There was never a lack of affection from the audience and his colleagues, in fact Mara Venier visited him and published a photo together with the conductor. Even Barbara D’Urso, the presenter of Canale 5, had shared a picture with Lamberto on social networks. Not only the two queens of Italian television visited him, but also many other celebrities from the show.

Barbara D'Urso and Lamberto SposiniBarbara D’Urso and Lamberto Sposini

The Italian public has not forgotten him. Lamberto Sposini was a very important journalist and television presenter and will therefore always be part of the history of the Italian television world. It’s impossible for such a historic character to be forgotten.

Lamberto Sposini, historical TV presenter: Now he’s busy with something else | Unexpected Read More »