Major Reversal of the Situation Quebec Will Pay the Price

Major Reversal of the Situation: Quebec Will Pay the Price

Published June 22, 2023 at 9:55 p.m.

The context in which Quebec is located is coming to an end. Forecast.

paradigm shift

An anticyclonic regime has been in place in Quebec for several days. This atmospheric context ensures good weather sets in as mercury rises to above normal levels. However, this situation is coming to an end as a paradigm shift should take place.


Slow system

From this weekend clouds and precipitation would be part of the game. Models suggest Sunday could save the day. In fact, there would be regime change in Quebec, particularly early next week. In fact, a Colorado system is likely to generate rain for several days. Its very slow movement would give it time to pour out large quantities of water.

INVERSION 4 - Precipitation

gray week

The next week looks rather gray due to the slow progress of the system. June 23 must be used for National Day celebrations. The cloudy weather is likely to continue through Thursday or Friday. Nevertheless, this turnaround brings good news: The risk of fire in Quebec is likely to drop significantly in the next few days.

REVERSAL 5 - Sunshine

In collaboration with Carol-Ann Veilleux, meteorologist.

SEE ALSO: 100 years of our climate at a glance

Major Reversal of the Situation: Quebec Will Pay the Price Read More »

1687475822 When and how will I find out if I will

When and how will I find out if I will be at a polling station for the general election?

The date of the next general election, July 23, means many voters are waiting to know whether they can spend the summer quietly or will be one of the 534,000 people who must serve as president, members or alternates in their electoral college. City councils like Madrid started drawing lots for the members of the polling stations this Thursday. The one from Barcelona will do it this Saturday, June 24th. The chosen ones will receive the notification by hand within three days of the draw, but consistories have until June 28th to do so. Given this deadline, all nominees should receive their notification by July 3rd. Some of the key questions about this process are answered below.

What is a polling station? Who can design it?

A polling station is the body that directs the conduct of an election, controls the process and is responsible for counting the votes. It consists of a President and two members chosen by lottery from among registered adults and those under 70 years of age who can read and write.

When will I know if I had to be a member of a polling station?

The municipalities have time from June 22nd to 28th to determine the members of the polling stations by drawing lots. After the selection, the notification must arrive within three days and be delivered personally. Everyone should have been notified by July 3, but there may be delays. The Ministry of the Interior points out that in the event of a “later” notification, the delay does not invalidate the designation.

How does the draw in the town hall work?

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It is the responsibility of each consistory and is elected by the congregational plenum. Any random method or random mechanism can be used for this purpose. Computer applications are used in most communities, but in small town halls you can participate in the traditional raffle with balls in bags. The results will not be published, only communicated to the chosen ones.

The Mayor of Ourense, Gonzalo Pérez Jácome, during an extraordinary session to carry out the polling station draw this Thursday. The Mayor of Ourense, Gonzalo Pérez Jácome, during an extraordinary session to carry out the polling station draw this Thursday. August (Europa Press)

In which communities have they already been carried out?

This Thursday they took place at the Madrid City Hall, as well as in Malaga, Ourense and other small municipalities such as Tolosa (Guipúzcoa), where citizens could attend a public session. Or in Langreo (Asturias) and Águilas (Murcia). Valencia City Council plans to hold its draw on June 26 and it will use a system of mathematical algorithms, Efe reports.

Can I get rid of a polling station if I have a trip?

If the day of the elections coincides with a trip or a holiday, this can be argued before the electoral committees of each territory under certain conditions: that the trip was agreed before May 30, the date of the call for the elections, that the cancellation this trip causes economic damage or significant impairment for the applicant and that the full integration of the polling stations is guaranteed. The interested party must provide proof of both the travel contract and the damage that would result from failure to use the travel contract, as determined by the Central Election Committee on June 8th.

Are there other reasons that can set me free?

There is a list of circumstances that are accepted as excuses alone, while others depend on the criteria of the particular Election Committee. If you are between 65 and 70 years old and want to leave, you will automatically receive the green light upon application. Other allowable reasons include a leave of absence from work, pregnancy after six months or maternity leave. All these cases have to be accredited and awaited the response of the electoral board.

Family concerns that are justified in and of themselves include the birth of a child up to nine months of age while breastfeeding, caring for an immediate relative who is unable to support themselves, or caring for children under the age of eight reasons of legal guardianship or of people with disabilities. It is also a powerful excuse to have to serve in electoral committees, courts or public administrations with elective functions that day; They work on this very day in essential services such as doctors, health workers, civil protection or fire brigades or with media directors and heads of information services who have to report on election day.

Other cases, such as a high-risk pregnancy in the first six months, injuries, illnesses or physical or mental illnesses, or membership of denominations or religious communities that are incompatible with the election, must be examined by the electoral board. It is also checked whether an urgent family event “of special importance” takes place on election day, such as a wedding, baptism or communion. In these cases, the degree of relationship must be proven.

Is it true that they can no longer invite me to a table if I ask for a vote by post?

No. The drawing of lots for the members of the tables takes place among all persons entered in the voter census. If postal voting is requested, voting in person on election day is not permitted.

What are the deadlines for requesting an excuse if I can’t attend?

If you are selected and unable to attend, you have 7 days from receipt of the letter informing you of your nomination. Once the application has been submitted, the electoral board of your region will decide within five days without the possibility of appeal. Filing a request to be exempted from exercising this role in the elections does not mean that the request will be granted. Until you receive a response, you will continue to be listed as the person responsible for that task on election day.

How do I make the request?

You must contact the electoral board of the district that corresponds to you. A directory of phone numbers and addresses can be found on the Central Electoral Committee website. Also published is the letter announcing the appointment of a member of a polling station (either president, member or alternate of these offices). For the regional and local elections, the processing was also possible online via a computer application of the Central Electoral Committee called Excuses.

What can happen to me if I don’t turn up at the polling station on election day?

Failure to appear at the polling station is a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment for three months to one year or a fine of six to 24 months for omission or non-compliance at the polling station.

Am I entitled to working leave if I vote at a polling station?

Yes, you are entitled to full-time paid leave on Election Day if you have to work that day. In any case, you are also entitled to have your working hours reduced by five hours on the following day. In addition, all table, president and member members receive a diet of 70 euros. No diet is required for substitutes.

When and how will I find out if I will be at a polling station for the general election? Read More »

Ivan Provorov obviously didnt enjoy his last year with the

Ivan Provorov obviously didn’t enjoy his last year with the Flyers

Defenseman Ivan Provorov is very happy to be a member of the Columbus Blue Jackets, he didn’t seem too happy with the Philadelphia Flyers.

That comes from his first media interview since joining the organization from Ohio.

“There are a lot of good, talented players out there who can play with the puck and I think that will suit my style of play well. I’m very excited about that,” he said of the blues. jackets

Provorov was selected by the Flyers with the seventh overall pick in the 2015 draft and made the leap to the National League a year later. He played a total of seven seasons for this club but didn’t seem to have really enjoyed his final moments at Orange.

“[Avec les Flyers]”We never really had our full training and were always behind,” said the Russian. We didn’t have as much puck as we had in previous years. It’s difficult to create anything on offense when you’re constantly defending. So I am very happy to be playing for this new team.”

The 26-year-old full-back also expects to change his address.

“I felt like given the direction the Flyers were going in terms of a rebuild.”

The Flyers finished the 2022–2023 season second-bottom in the Metropolitan Division with a record of 31-38-13. The only team they defeated was the Blue Jackets, who had a poor record of 25-48-9.

Ivan Provorov obviously didn’t enjoy his last year with the Flyers Read More »

Angry boss pays his ex employee by dumping 91500 oily pennies

Angry boss pays his ex-employee by dumping 91,500 oily pennies in his driveway

The owner of an American garage is said to have dumped 91,500 oily pennies in the driveway of a former employee who he refused to pay back the $915 owed to him. A Georgia court has ruled that he was forced to pay nearly $40,000 in additional wages and damages.

“How do you make sure this guy realizes what a vile example of a human being he is? I have a lot of money; I’ll use them,” said Miles Walker, owner of an OK Walker Autoworks workshop in Georgia, according to a civil lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Labor, CNN Business reported Wednesday.

In January 2022, the garage owner reportedly feuded with his former employee Andreas Flaten, who allegedly received his beatings and slaps by resigning. He reportedly contacted the US Department of Labor at the time and told them he hadn’t received his last salary of $915.

But instead of handing them to him without fuss, Miles Walker would have instead chosen to soak 91,500 cents in oil before unloading the 500-pound package in his former employee’s entryway.

For his gesture, the man must pay his former employee an additional salary of $19,967 and $19,967 in damages, totaling nearly $40,000, Judge Timothy Batten ruled, ordering “not to threaten or intimidate.” “. […] [,] retaliate or discriminate against their former or current employees, according to CNN.

Angry boss pays his ex-employee by dumping 91,500 oily pennies in his driveway Read More »

1687475560 Autobiography of Elliot Page His religious parents reacted very badly

Autobiography of Elliot Page: His religious parents reacted very badly when he confessed his homosexuality to them

With an exceptional track record, an international career in television and cinema, and an Oscar nomination at just 21, Elliot Page seemed to be living a dream life.


Photo provided by Editions Kero / Hachette

However, if we read his autobiography, which has just been published in French, we see that the Halifax actor, who has made twenty films, was mentally tormented because of his gender. Along with the extremely painful search for his identity, the young actor has been a lifelong victim of sexual assault, intimidation and homophobia.

Elliot Page’s autobiography is rich in anecdotes. In addition to being very well written, the young actor confides without filter, without embarrassment and with all honesty, so that we don’t let go of this book until we finish reading it.

Even as a child, Elliot Page (then Ellen Page) suffered from an indescribable malaise. She wanted to be a boy. At only nine years old, she expresses her desire to be a boy to her mother and asks if she will be able to be one one day. She cuts her hair short and tries to act like a boy. His parents assume that the idea will pass over time.

Ellen hails from the city of Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia. Her mother is a teacher, according to Elliot the best in the province. She teaches French and English while her father is a graphic designer. Ellen is only a few months old when her parents divorce and share custody.

Nevertheless, Ellen is closer to her mother and confides in her more easily. The relationship with his father is difficult from the start: he is a strict and violent man.

At the age of 10 she got her first role in the television series Pit Pony without having to know anything about this field.

As a teenager, Ellen is more attracted to girls than boys. She landed multiple roles over the years, transitioning from independent cinema to blockbuster.

She rose to prominence with the psychological thriller Hard Candy in 2005, followed by 2006’s X-Men, but it wasn’t until 2007 that she found major success with the film Juno, which earned her an Oscar nomination in the 2008 category Best Actress, also nominated for Golden Globes and British Academy Film Awards. However, fame does not bring him happiness.

Difficult identity search

In his book, the actor tells in detail about his many complicated sexual relationships with men and girls.

He explicitly describes his first sexual encounter with a 16-year-old man and failed experiments with women. He is so miserable that he suffers from an eating disorder, compulsively counts his calories and drinks herbal tea to appease his hunger. He suffers from depression, severe anxiety and severe panic attacks. And as if that wasn’t enough, he hurts himself.

“I happened to take a small knife into my room and put the point on my upper arm, near my shoulder. I slowly lowered the blade by pressing on it until I saw this red web, which relieved me,” says the actor in his book.

violence and sexual assault

Everything changed when Elliot revealed his homosexuality to his parents.

His mother Martha, daughter of a pastor, told him that homosexuality did not exist. His father Dennis pushed him away and used force.

He experienced moral harassment from his mother-in-law and children. Rejection, insults and even threats of rape are commonplace. His paternal family universe is one of the most violent and they haven’t spoken to each other in five years.

Fortunately, after a few years, his mother finally accepted her son’s gender.

In addition to domestic violence, Elliot reports being a victim of homophobia and sexual assault. While settling in Hollywood, he was repeatedly the victim of homophobia, most notably from an unnamed celebrity.

There is also sexual assault and harassment by prominent Hollywood figures, including a director in his teens.

It was only in 2014, after living a lie until then, that he publicly admitted his homosexuality.


As of 2020, Page uses the pronouns “il/iel” and the given name Elliot. Stock photo,

Then in 2020, while his career is on the rise, Elliot speaks publicly about the surgeries it takes to become a man. The trans operation thus confirms his gender change and he states that he now wants to be called Elliot. His wife, the Canadian dancer Emma Portner, whom he married in 2018, supports him in his approach, even though the two are now divorced. Today, the 36-year-old actor is fully embracing his gender, is comfortable in his body and says he’s at peace with himself.

He has become one of the most famous transgender personalities in the world while also being one of the biggest LGBTQ+ advocates of his generation.

He hopes his book will be a comfort to those living in situations similar to his.

Autobiography of Elliot Page: His religious parents reacted very badly when he confessed his homosexuality to them Read More »

A grant for the hiring of a former Fitzgibbon employee

A grant to hire a former Fitzgibbon employee: The PLQ calls for an Auditor General investigation

The Liberal Party is asking the Auditor General to investigate a $200,000 grant the Commerce Department awarded the Montreal Heart Institute (MHI) to hire a former employee of Pierre Fitzgibbon’s office.

• Also read: Subsidy for hiring a former CAQ candidate: According to the opposition parties, the government’s dubious decisions are piling up

• Also read: Cabinet de Fitzgibbon: Quebec paid $200,000 to hire a former Caquiste candidate

Our Bureau of Investigation announced earlier this week that the grant to fund the creation of the hospital position was awarded shortly after Hugues Beaulieu was hired as a strategic advisor and project manager for innovation in personalized health.

The former CAQ candidate worked in the Office of the Minister for Economic Affairs for four years.

A reasonably informed person might believe that public money was deliberately used to subsidize a position assigned to someone close to the Secretary of Commerce, with the result that public confidence in the probity of the state would be undermined. It is in this context that the circumstances of this $200,000 grant need to be clarified,” Liberal MP Monsef Derraji said in a letter sent to Auditor General Guylaine Leclerc on Thursday.

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A grant to hire a former Fitzgibbon employee: The PLQ calls for an Auditor General investigation Read More »

1687475302 Pablo Lavandeira left Alianza Lima club and signed for another

Pablo Lavandeira left Alianza Lima club and signed for another League 1 club

Pablo Lavandeira left Alianza Lima club and signed for another

as it seemed Pablo Lavandeira would be in the squad for the Alianza Lima vs. Atlético Grau game, the news shocked La Victoria. It turns out that the Uruguayan footballer left concentration ahead of the Blue and Whites’ debut in the 2023 Clausura tournament to play for another Peruvian football champions club.

According to the journalist Sandro Bazán de diario Líbero, Lavandeira will play the entire final tournament at FBC Melgar in Arequipa. The 33-year-old midfielder agreed with the Domino team to wear the red and black colors.

Although the reason for this decision is still unknown, everything indicates that Pablo Lavandeira is leaving Alianza Lima after becoming League 1 champion in 2022 with the aim of gaining more minutes. Let’s remember that coach Guillermo Salas had him on the bench and he was a regular substitute.

Check out Lavandeira’s last goal with Alianza Lima

Pablo Lavandeira and his figures in Alianza Lima

Pablo Lavandeira He has played 61 games with Alianza Lima. In the year and a half he played for La Victoria, he scored 14 goals and provided 15 assists between La Liga and the Copa Libertadores. According to Transfermarket, the 33-year-old midfielder is worth €600,000.

When will Alianza Lima debut in the Clausura tournament?

Lima Alliance will begin his journey in the final tournament today Friday June 23rd at the national stadium. The familiar welcomes Atlético Grau from 8 p.m

Pablo Lavandeira left Alianza Lima club and signed for another League 1 club Read More »

Top secret US Navy sonar detected Titan submarines implosion HOURS after

Top-secret US Navy sonar detected Titan submarine’s implosion HOURS after the submarine lost contact

According to one report, the US Navy heard the likely sound of the tourist submersible Titanic imploding shortly after it was reported missing – and yet a massive rescue operation was launched and families remained nervous.

Shortly after the Titan submarine was reported missing, the Navy began wiretapping the area where the Titan submarine last made contact with the mother ship.

Contact was lost at 9:45 a.m. Sunday – an hour and 45 minutes after the start of the descent.

“The U.S. Navy was conducting an analysis of the acoustic data and discovered an anomaly attributable to an implosion or explosion near the Titan sub’s deployment site when communications were lost,” said a senior U.S. Navy official to the Wall Street Journal in a statement.

“While this information is not definitive, it was immediately shared with the operations commander to assist in the ongoing search and rescue mission.”

The noise was noted Thursday in an area where the submarine’s wreckage was located.

The Titan submersible is seen being towed into the sea on Saturday before making its final descent on Sunday morning

The Titan submersible is seen being towed into the sea on Saturday before making its final descent on Sunday morning

The submersible Titon is pictured descending.  It is the only five-person submarine capable of reaching the Titanic

The submersible Titon is pictured descending. It is the only five-person submarine capable of reaching the Titanic

The US Navy did not want to reveal the name of the secret monitoring system, citing national security concerns.

Earlier Thursday, Coast Guard Rear Admiral John Mauger said it was too early to say if the implosion occurred at the time of last communication.

But it wasn’t detected by sonar buoys used by search parties, he said, suggesting it happened before they arrived – and was indeed heard by the US Navy.

“We had listening devices in the water the entire time and couldn’t hear any sign of a catastrophic failure from them,” Mauger said.

“The implosion would have produced a distinct, broadband noise that the sonar buoys would have picked up.”

It is not known why the US Navy did not disclose the information about the probable implosion. It is also not known if they informed the families of their analysis.

One reason could be that they wanted to start a search and rescue mission, hoping their information was wrong and didn’t want to give a reason why they should be put off from the search.

As of Wednesday morning, in addition to the mother ship, the Polar Prince, three vessels were at the scene: Canadian Coast Guard vessel John Cabot, a vessel with sonar capabilities; and two merchant ships – Skandi Vinland and Atlantic Merlin.

A Coast Guard C-130 crew continued the aerial search.

On Wednesday evening, the Coast Guard said at least five other vessels were en route to the search zone: Canadian CGS Ann Harvey, Canadian CGS Terry Fox, motor vessel Horizon Arctic and French research vessel L’Atalante, as well as a Canadian vessel Glace Bay, the has a mobile decompression chamber and medical staff.

They should also receive an ROV (Remotely Operating Vehicle) from the British deep-sea company Magellan.

And as the fleet raced to the search zone, the US Navy knew the five passengers were in all likelihood killed instantly at 9:45 a.m. Sunday.

The victims are OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, 61; Paul-Henri (PH) Nargeolet, French Navy veteran, 77; British billionaire Hamish Harding, 58; Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood, 41; and his son Suleman, who was just 19 years old.

It would have been instant death for the men, some of whom had paid $250,000 each to see the famous shipwreck.

It’s a heavy blow to their families, experts say, and there’s little prospect of their remains being recovered.

“It’s an incredibly harsh environment down there.” “The debris suggests a catastrophic implosion of the ship,” said Paul Hankin, a deep-sea expert involved in the search.

“We’ll continue to work and search the area down there – but I don’t have an answer as to who might be interested at this time.”

Five people were on board, including British billionaire adventurer Hamish Harding Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman

Five people were on board, including British billionaire adventurer Hamish Harding and Shahzada Dawood and his 19-year-old son Suleman

French Navy veteran PH Nargeolet is in the submarine Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate, is also on board

French Navy veteran PH Nargeolet (left) is in the submarine with Stockton Rush (right), CEO of OceanGate Expedition

1687475190 398 Top secret US Navy sonar detected Titan submarines implosion HOURS after

In a heartbreaking tribute, Richard Garriott, president of the Explorers Club, to which both Harding and Nargeolet belonged, said the men were drawn to research “in the name of meaningful science for the good of mankind.”

“Our hearts are broken. “I am so sorry to share this tragic news,” Garriott said.

He said the club is “grateful to all of our members and the scientific and research community around the world who have mobilized personnel and resources to support search and rescue.”

Garriott described Harding as a “dear friend” to himself and the club.

“He holds multiple world records and has continued to push dragons off the map, both personally and through his support of expeditions and charities,” he wrote.

“We are heartbroken for the families, friends and colleagues of the deceased.” “Their memories will be a blessing and continue to inspire us on behalf of science and research,” said Garriott.

The wreckage was discovered yesterday by the Odysseus 6K, the Horizon Arctic's remote-controlled submarine.  The ROV can dive to depths of 20,000 feet

The wreckage was discovered yesterday by the Odysseus 6K, the Horizon Arctic’s remote-controlled submarine. The ROV can dive to depths of 20,000 feet

Titanic director James Cameron went on air shortly after the Coast Guard announced the news and said he was “dismayed” by the similarities between the disaster and the ocean liner’s sinking in 1912.

“I am struck by the resemblance to the Titanic disaster itself, where the captain was repeatedly warned of the ice ahead of his ship and yet he crashed into the ice field at full speed on a moonless night and many people died as a result,” Cameron said to ABC News.

“I’ve been down there many times. I know the wreck site very well. “I understand the technical issues involved in building this type of vehicle and all the safety protocols,” he added.

“This is a mature art and many people in the community were concerned about the sub.”

He added, “It’s absolutely critical that people really take a message home from that.”

Cameron’s pointed message comes after it was revealed that OceanGate boss Rush had been warned years earlier that his “experimental approach” could lead to disaster – and in another interview he spoke of “breaking the rules” to save the U – boat to build.

In addition to the ship’s landing frame and rear cover, which were the first pieces of debris to be discovered, the ROV submarine also found fragments of the pressure hull – the main body of the submersible.

In its own statement, OceanGate said, “These men were true explorers who shared a strong spirit of adventure and a deep passion for exploring and protecting the world’s oceans.”

“Our hearts go out to these five souls and each member of their families at this tragic time. We mourn the loss of life and the joy they brought to all who knew them.”

The company added, “This is an extremely sad time for our dedicated employees who are exhausted and deeply saddened by this loss.”

“The entire OceanGate family is deeply grateful to the countless men and women from numerous organizations in the international community who have contributed extensive resources and worked so hard on this mission.”

“We appreciate their dedication to finding these five explorers and their tireless work day and night to support our crew and their families.”

“This is a very sad time for the entire explorer community and for all family members of those who died at sea.”

US Coast Guard Rear Admiral John Mauger announced the men's deaths at a news conference in Boston on Thursday.

US Coast Guard Rear Admiral John Mauger announced the men’s deaths at a news conference in Boston on Thursday. “The debris is consistent with the catastrophic loss of the hyperbaric chamber.” Upon making this determination, we immediately notified the families. “On behalf of the Coast Guard and all of Combined Command, I offer my deepest condolences to the families.”

In this U.S. Coast Guard handout, a Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City, N.C. Hercules aircraft HC-130 overflies the French research vessel L'Atalante about 900 miles east of Cape during the search for the 21-foot submersible Titan Cod, June 21, 2023 over the Atlantic Ocean

In this U.S. Coast Guard handout, a Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City, N.C. Hercules aircraft HC-130 overflies the French research vessel L’Atalante about 900 miles east of Cape during the search for the 21-foot submersible Titan Cod, June 21, 2023 over the Atlantic Ocean

Flotilla of Hope: Ten ships from the US, Canada and France rushed to the Titanic wreck earlier this week to help with the search

Flotilla of Hope: Ten ships from the US, Canada and France rushed to the Titanic wreck earlier this week to help with the search

“We respectfully ask that the privacy of these families be respected at this extremely painful time.”

Earlier, David Mearns, who was a friend of two of the men on board, said the “only saving grace” for the men was how quickly their deaths would have occurred.

The world had been praying for a “miracle” after rescuers estimated vital oxygen supplies would end at 7.08am EST (12.08pm UK time, 9.09pm Sydney) on Thursday.

Officials said the field was found by Odysseus 6k, a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) deployed by Canadian ship Horizon Arctic, which can dive 20,000 feet underwater.

A glimmer of hope came yesterday when the Coast Guard confirmed P-3 aircraft had consistently picked up “popping” noises, but search teams were unable to locate the source of the noise or confirm that they were SOS signals acted that the world had hoped for.

The families of the five men on board the submarine have not yet publicly responded to news of the wreckage being found.

Experts have been warning for days of the possibility that Titan leaked and imploded under pressures 400 times those at sea level.

“They would be dead before they even knew anything had happened,” L. David Marquet, a retired Navy nuclear submarine commander, said earlier this week.

The submersible’s oxygen should theoretically have run out by 8 a.m. EST (1 p.m. BST) Thursday, according to the 96-hour limit listed in OceanGate’s vessel specifications.

The Titan submerged at 8:00 a.m. (1:00 p.m. BST) and lost communications at 9:45 (2:45 p.m.) but was not reported missing to the US Coast Guard until 5:40 p.m. (10:40 p.m.).

The submarine was scheduled to return to Polar Prince at 3:00 p.m. EST (8:00 p.m. BST) on Sunday.

Since Sunday evening, there has been a desperate international effort to find it and rescue the men on board.

This is how Titan could have been rescued by the French ship if found tactfully.  Experts now believe it likely imploded long before help arrived

This is how Titan could have been rescued by the French ship if found tactfully. Experts now believe it likely imploded long before help arrived

Royal Air Force A400M Atlas aircraft at RAF Lossiemouth prepares to take off

Royal Air Force A400M Atlas aircraft at RAF Lossiemouth prepares to take off

Top-secret US Navy sonar detected Titan submarine’s implosion HOURS after the submarine lost contact Read More »