Joe Biden defends words about Xi Jinping no consequences

Joe Biden defends words about Xi Jinping: no consequences

1687467494 252 Joe Biden defends words about Xi Jinping no consequences

Joe Biden doesn’t think his words about Xi Jinping, whom he called “a dictator,” will have consequences for China-US thaw efforts. “The answer to your question is no,” the American President replied to a question on the subject during the press conference with Narendra Modi. Biden then sought to downplay what he described as “hysteria” over relations with China: “We had an incident that created confusion,” he said of the spy balloon story, “but Secretary of State had blinks a great visit to China and I look forward to meeting with President Xi in the future.” “I don’t think they had any real consequences,” Biden concluded.

Nuclear submarines to terrify China: Here's the deal

The US President then described the content of the summit with Modi. “The PM and I had a good discussion about democratic values, it’s the nature of our relationship. We are direct and respect each other because our countries are both democracies.” This is how Joe Biden responded during the White House press conference with Narendra Modi to those who remember concerns about discrimination against religious minorities and the repression of dissent in India. “There are common democratic traits in our countries and in our peoples, our diversity, our culture, tolerance,” he added, stressing that these values ​​are “in the DNA of America and I believe in the DNA of India.”

Joe Biden defends words about Xi Jinping: no consequences Read More »

Spoilers Former WWE talent returns in AEW Rampage PRWrestling

Spoilers: Former WWE talent returns in AEW Rampage PRWrestling

Johnny Rampage

AEW recorded the June 23 episode of “AEW Rampage” right after last night’s live broadcast of AEW Dynamite at the Wintrust Arena in Chicago, Illinois.

According to various reports, a former WWE returned to the AEW program while taping and joined QT Marshall’s group QTV.

The returning WWE star was none other than Johnny Elite, also known as John Hennigan or John Morrison. According to spoilers, The Acclaimed and “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn defeated a trio of talent in the recording of “Rampage” and then went into a showdown with QT Marshall and the rest of QTV.

Then Hennigan appeared out of nowhere and ambushed The Acclaimed, seemingly allying with Marshsall’s squad.

It is unknown if Hennigan returned to AEW full-time or if his cameo was another one-off appearance. Since his release from WWE in November 2021, Hennigan has appeared in three matches for AEW, with all three matches occurring in 2022.

In addition to suffering losses to Samoa Joe and Miro on AEW Dynamite last year, Hennigan also defeated Marg Queen on AEW Dark. While his appearances on AEW have been sporadic, Hennigan has remained an active competitor for promotions such as AAA, MLW and PROGRESS over the past year.

Spoilers: Former WWE talent returns in AEW Rampage PRWrestling Read More »

French President May Attend Upcoming Brics Summit

French President May Attend Upcoming Brics Summit

French President May Attend Upcoming Brics Summit

Emmanuel Macron

PARIS, 22nd June (RHC) – French President Emmanuel Macron could attend the upcoming Brics Summit to be held in South Africa next August, Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna has announced.

This intention was communicated to Naledi Pandor, the South African Chancellor. I have expressed the President’s availability and his interest in continuing the dialogue that France is having with the Brics Group, he stated.

Regarding Macron’s participation in the summit of the Brics countries (consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), Colonna specified that this had to be “in full compliance with international law”.

According to specialist media, this statement would indicate the expected presence at the event of Russian President Vladimir Putin, for whom an arrest warrant has been issued by the International Criminal Court, an entity to which Moscow is not affiliated but Pretoria is.

In this regard, Pandor stated that President Macron’s participation, if it were to take place, would be the first of the practices used so far at the BRICS summits.

However, it is up to the host who is invited. The decision, he said, rests with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa. (Source:PL)

French President May Attend Upcoming Brics Summit Read More »

60 billion euros pledged for the reconstruction of Ukraine Salzburger

60 billion euros pledged for the reconstruction of Ukraine Salzburger

At an international reconstruction conference for Ukraine, foreign donors pledged 60 billion euros to rebuild the war-torn country’s economy. “We didn’t intend for this to be a donors’ conference,” British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said at the end of the conference on Thursday. “However, today we can announce a total of €60 billion in support for Ukraine.”

According to Cleverly, the promises made by governments and international organizations aim to support Ukraine in the short and medium term. Efforts now focus on unlocking “the enormous potential of the private sector”.

Much of the €60 billion comes from a €50 billion aid package the European Union plans to provide through 2027. The US has announced $1.3 billion in support, mostly earmarked for Ukraine’s energy sector and infrastructure.

Ukraine’s Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal thanked Ukraine’s allies for their financial support. “We will start rebuilding Ukraine this year,” he told the conference. Your country does not wait for the end of the war.

He also welcomed the pledge of “almost all” participants to support the idea that Russia “must pay for its crimes and the destruction it has caused in Ukraine”. Schmyhal called for a “compensation mechanism” to use frozen Russian assets to rebuild his country.

The conference for the reconstruction of Ukraine was the second of its kind, with the objective of mobilizing the necessary funds for the reconstruction of Ukraine in the short and medium term. Private conferencing should also be included. Next year, the conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine will take place in Germany.

60 billion euros pledged for the reconstruction of Ukraine Salzburger Read More »

Atlantic overheats and scientists see records quotunbelievablequot

Atlantic overheats and scientists see records "unbelievable"

The disappearance of a tourist submersible off the wreck of the Titanic is now drawing the world’s attention to the depths of the North Atlantic, but for scientists the big story lies on the sea’s surface and they are shocked by what they are seeing. . It’s a much bigger story with potential global climate impacts.


In recent weeks, sea surface temperatures have reached record highs in some parts of the North Atlantic. Unusual warming is occurring over much of the Atlantic.

Satellite data shows that surface waters in some places are 4 to 5°C above normal for this time of year. For example, on June 10th, the average sea surface temperature in the part of the Atlantic Ocean stretching from the equator to latitude 60 degrees north to southern Norway, southern Greenland and the central parts of Hudson Bay in Canada was 22.7°C or 22.7 °C About 1 °C above the 19912020 average. The previous record for the same time of 22.1 °C was from 2010.

An ‘unprecedented’ marine heatwave and intensity is observed off the coast of the UK and Ireland. Overheating oceans pose serious threats to species, scientists warn.

Sea temperatures, particularly off the north east coast of England and the west of Ireland, are several degrees above normal and are breaking records in late spring and early summer. The data shows warmer temperatures in the North Sea and North Atlantic.

The US Ocean and Atmospheric Administration has classified parts of the North Sea as a Category 4 marine heatwave, deemed “extreme”, with areas off the coast of England up to 5C above normal. Off the coast of the United Kingdom, the magnitude of the marine heatwave is peaking on a scale of up to 5. “Beyond the extreme,” summarized British meteorologist Scott Duncan.

By definition “beyond the extreme”.

Ireland and the British Isles are at the epicenter of a major marine heatwave. In modern records we have never seen the North Atlantic like this.

Marine heat waves are divided into categories 1 to 5. There are category 5 hotspots.

— Scott Duncan (@ScottDuncanWX) June 19, 2023

“It’s going to be absolutely incredible. Sea surface temperature anomalies in the North Atlantic set a new record on June 20th, surpassing the previous record set on June 10th. With an average temperature of 23.24°C, or 1.11°C above the 19912020 average, there is a standard deviation of +3.87, or 1 in 18,650,” said Brian McNoldy, senior researcher at the University of Miami.

This is going to be nothing short of incredible… North Atlantic SSTs just set a new record anomaly on June 20th, surpassing the previous one on June 10th. With an average temperature of 23.24 °C, this is 1.11 °C above the mean for the years 19912020 or +3.87 standard deviations. 1 in 18,650.

— Brian McNoldy (@BMcNoldy) June 21, 2023

Daniela Schmidt, Professor of Earth Sciences at Bristol University, said: “The unprecedented and extreme temperatures show the power of the combination of humancaused warming and natural climate variability such as El Niño.”

“While marine heatwaves occur in warmer seas like the Mediterranean, such anomalous temperatures are unknown in this part of the North Atlantic.” They have been linked to less dust in the Sahara, but also to climate variability in the North Atlantic, which requires more understanding to unravel .”

threat to marine life

Scientists warn that overheating of the oceans could have devastating consequences for ocean species that are used to colder waters and unprepared for warmer waters like today.

“The heat puts a strain on marine organisms, as it does on land. Elsewhere in the world, we have seen massive dieoffs of marine plants and animals from oceanic heat waves, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in losses to fisheries, carbon storage, cultural values ​​and habitat loss. Until we drastically reduce emissions, these heatwaves will continue to destroy our ecosystems. However, since this is happening below the surface of the sea, it will go unnoticed,” Daniela said.



Already Dr. Dan Smale of the Marine Biological Association has been studying ocean heatwaves for over a decade and was surprised by the temperatures. “I always thought they would never have an ecological impact on the cold waters of Britain and Ireland, but this is unprecedented and potentially devastating. Current temperatures are very high, but still not fatal for most species, but stressful for many. If it continues through the summer, there could be mass dieoffs of algae, seaweed, fish and oysters,” he warned.

Piers Forster, Professor of Climate Physics at the University of Leeds, told the Guardian: “Met Office and NOAA sea surface temperature analysis shows temperatures have reached an alltime high.”

What is behind the record warming?

This year’s warmer waters could help strengthen storms that form in the North Atlantic and eventually spawn hurricanes, scientists say. What is causing the unusual warming is not clear. But here’s a summary of several factors that could play a role.





Firstly, there is a shortage of dust in the Sahara. Occasionally huge clouds of dust from the Sahara float over the ocean. The dust is carried by strong winds through a semipermanent highpressure system dubbed the “Azores High” due to its proximity to these islands.

But lately the rallies in the Azores have weakened and shifted towards South West Africa. As a result, the winds that normally pick up dust from the Sahara and carry it west across the North Atlantic are calmer and mostly dustfree, says Michael Mann, a climate researcher at the University of Pennsylvania.

As a result, solar radiation that would normally be scattered back into space by dust reaches the sea surface and warms the water. Should the trade winds pick up, the increasing dust from Africa could help cool the area down a bit.

Second: reducing air pollution. In 2020, new emissions regulations came into effect for longdistance cargo ships that emit highsulphur exhaust plumes. There is speculation that less pollution could lead to more warming. As fewer clouds scatter sunlight back into space, more radiation reaches the ocean’s surface.

However, some studies suggest that the cooling effect of ship plumes may have been less: not only do exhaust plumes have a short lifespan, pollutants can also cause natural clouds to evaporate more quickly, leading to warming rather than cooling.

Three, global warming trends. This year marks the return of El Niño, a weather phenomenon characterized by higher than average sea surface temperatures along the equator west of South America.

Every El Niño has its own story. But in general, El Niño increases average surface temperatures on land and sea around the world. Manmade climate change has done the same. However, there is still a great deal of uncertainty as to how current conditions could affect it.

The exceptionally warm waters of the North Atlantic tend to amplify storm systems that later develop into tropical depressions and then hurricanes. But the El Niño, now strengthening in the equatorial Pacific, could impede their formation by strengthening the upperatmospheric winds that make hurricanes more difficult to form. How active this year’s hurricane season will be depends on which of these forces is dominant: warm water or stronger El Niño wind divergence.

Atlantic overheats and scientists see records "unbelievable" Read More »

1687467007 Marco Mengoni when humanity becomes revolution Spettakoloit

Marco Mengoni, when humanity becomes revolution

Marco Mengoni© Andrea Bianchera

On Tuesday evening, at the Euganeo Stadium in Padua, the first stage (which followed the zero date in Bibione on June 17th) of the “Marco negli Stadi” took place, the tour with which Marco Mengoni – fresh winner of Silver Ribbon for Best Original Song with love distant loveText from Riccardo Sinigallia and recent music Sergio Endrigo – celebrates the end of the record trilogy Object and a year full of satisfactions, from the second victory at the Sanremo Festival with “Two Lives” to international success thanks to the noble fourth place at the Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool.

Forbidden… how come love has to be

Well, when Marco presented Proibito, a tender and poetic piece that, through images of life, tells a love story between two men, one of whom is already in a relationship, stressed, as he always wants to do, that any form of feeling must be free, just like that how the search for one’s happiness and one’s place in the world must be free.

But also drawing attention to the newspaper, he also wanted to express his outrage at the city’s prosecutor’s decision to challenge the birth certificates of 33 children who have been registered as children of two mothers since 2017, effectively depriving them of rights and protections as well were given the serenity they deserve. Here his words.

Social media and the murky gurgling of violent ignorance

The audience of more than 40,000, who filled the stadium in all seating arrangements, greeted the artist’s words with a thunderous ovation, but the reaction of the social world was exceptionally different.

As of yesterday morning, to tour, albeit distracted, by the comments on the articles reporting the artist’s words is to embark on a descent into the underworld that is by no means as rewarding or as lofty as that from Dante: indeed.

What we witness is a decomposed chatter that mixes or governs crass homophobia, reactionary moralism, biblical-tinged religious anathemas, flimsy homologation of the biological mechanisms of procreation with the affective dynamics of parenthood, contemptuous self-reliance, ungrammatical or linguistically decorated obedience to often invented laws on site to indulge his own imposing and punitive vision. Lots of verbal abuse and an apparent lack of empathy.

And then, inevitably, a classic: “Why don’t you think about singing?” That ridiculous, irritating, and meaningless phrase, always used to belittle the value of a position by alluding to the supposed “frivolity” of a professional world, which unfortunately is still recognized as an integral part of the country’s culture.

A political climate that pours oil on the fire

Much can be said about the vision that those who govern today have the rights of what is commonly defined as “minorities”, from women to immigrants to those who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

It could be said that those who, for years, have proudly asserted their affinity, if not allegiance, to what is in many ways a very black history, attack again and again, subtly hidden or with their heads bowed like a … Unhesitatingly attack the medieval battering ram To use people who are as fragile as they are vulnerable on all fronts in this society, subjected daily to abuses and insults that make even maintaining their dignity complex and tedious.

As a paradigmatic example of systemic institutional misery, one might recall the thunderous applause that greeted the Senate rejection of the Zan Act two years ago, a bill that, while largely perfectible, would have expanded protections and ensured a fairer justice against crime Children of hate, prejudice and discrimination.

One could say that in recent times we are witnessing, almost daily, a progressive and inexorable erosion, albeit often difficult to detect, also on the basis of information, to use a very … euphemistic euphemism, little related to critical independence prone to power. of societal gains of freedom and equality achieved with pain, effort and extraordinary courage.

A lot could be said, and with a feeling of uncontrollable and unprofessional anger. However, this is neither the place nor the purpose of this discussion.

Man as a political identity-forming element

The intention of this study is to underline the importance of the idea that a thought of fundamental empathy, as expressed by Marco Mengoni on the Padua stage, should be perceived as a dangerous call to arms addressed to those responsible ungodly revolutionaries with corrupt souls for plunging the world into an abyss of depravity and vice (sic!).

In summary, quite a few believe that believing that a person:

– has the right to be free and to love, because that is what makes us unique;

– has the right to dress as she wishes, to manage her private life and body as she wishes, and to demand that she be provided with the appropriate tools to attain the highest levels in her professional field achieve without this becoming a mutually exclusive claim of respect for the decision to raise a family;

– has the right not to want to found a family in vain and not to see this diminishing its value or the purpose of its existence;

– has the right to consider himself or herself fully capable of giving love and caring for a child, regardless of sexual orientation;

– has the right to seek in another country a future of security and dignity for herself and the people she loves, in a manner that does not involve reduction to conditions unrelated to the very definition of “ person” have to do …

…that belief in these rights, regardless of sex, gender identity, geographic origin, social status, sexual orientation or religious belief, must be vigorously opposed collectively, for the plain and simple, natural feeling of being part of a single humanity , which takes into account all differences and distinctions, respect for each of them represents the programmatic manifesto of a precise political ideology.

And that it is therefore legitimate to contrast this vision with a diametrically opposed vision that considers it ethical to legislate and judge identity, feelings, family ties, the body, the end of life and the chances of life granted on the basis of colour of leather, ruthlessly defiles the dignity of others without batting an eyelid in the name of religious and moral principles, wielded as instruments of attack, forged and folded according to the exigencies of the situation.

And do I listen to it?

Let me be clear: no one really believes that a civil society can be built as a utopia governed solely by emotion and freedom, nor does it intend to deny the inviolable right to express personal and free visions and opinions to ethically sensitive ones to express issues.

However, it is just as inevitable to hope that each opinion has matured through concrete and well-founded, critical and profound reflection, and that belly-Manichaeism, which in the blink of an eye becomes hate sic et simpliciter, is replaced by a sincere willingness to listen and an equally sincere desire after discussion.

Yes, I’m listening: it would be enough to simply ask any woman, immigrant, LGBTQIA+ person, girl, boy, girl or boy who are children of homosexual couples who is affected by a terminal illness . what you need for your status as a human being to be fully recognized, with all that that status entails, both in terms of rights and obligations. And be genuinely interested in understanding, to then reason from here, legislate, regulate and balance. The only compass is respect for the dignity of each individual.

Is Let’s Stay Human political?

And let’s return to the beginning of this discussion. “Marco Mengoni has become a politician, he’s got his head,” we read yesterday among the many delusions in society. And again: “We go to his concerts to hear songs, not pimps conditioned by the fashion of the moment.” “Too exhibitionist, I think I don’t follow him anymore.” And another one that doesn’t should be reported because it is less significant and stronger than a gust of wind.

I believe in everyone’s responsibilities and equal rights for all.
I believe in those who fight for the rights of others.
I believe in the power of words, in their weight, in their beauty.
I believe in those who lost their lives to keep their words.
I believe in family, in the ones you come home from hurt, to whom you seek comfort, in those who don’t judge you,
Who hugs you when you’re sad, who feeds you when you’re hungry, who covers you when you’re cold.
I think that’s the only possible definition of family

Marco said that a few years ago. And to understand how much nothing has changed, we recommend that you listen to “The Damned of the Earth” from the last album in particular matter (prism)a very intense piece that, in the rhythm itself, marks humanity’s arduous step towards a more just world.

Strengthened by an artistic history of absolute prestige and robustness and by an extraordinarily rare talent, Mengoni joins the ranks of his peers from all walks of entertainment who, in recent months, have spawned pike jumps, acrobatics and trains of thought It would be convenient and practical been if the Cirque du Soleil had spread wet saliva carpets at the feet of the powerful on duty in search or confirmation of their place in the sun.

But Marco, now more mature and aware of the person and communicator he wants to be, has decided to turn his privileged position into a giant telescope on the world and a microphone with which to capture even the world’s most subtle whispers. He has decided to show himself with even greater determination, to scream, to bring his face, his body, his soul, his music, his words inside, leaving the listener, as usual, but in an “amplified” version, something as precious as a common emotion: a spark of reflection.

Not as a dangerous communist subversive selling himself to the gender (yes, here’s another of the incoherent delusions one reads here and there). But as a citizen who lives and votes, as an artist who sings, builds, tells stories and talks about himself, he influences, inspires and inspires. As a human being among human beings, he remained proud – and wanted to remain so.

Aren’t you satisfied with “these are just songs”? Good OK. Does inciting humanity through active practice of empathy mean politics and does it evoke outrage and hate reactions? Well, very good, very good: what better incentive to do it all with head held high, with constructive anger, with passion and determination? Even those very far removed from institutional partisanship.

The hope, therefore, is that noble and clear viewpoints such as his will prompt a pang of conscience among those living in the limelight and beyond who, through cowardice, selfishness, calculation or ignorance, have forgotten what, like Fabrizio De André, an artist and man who never tired of describing the pain and beauty of the last said, “Even if you think you’re acquitted, you’re still involved.”

Marco Mengoni, when humanity becomes revolution Read More »

Emmerdale fans laugh in disbelief as Caleb blames a deer

Emmerdale fans laugh in disbelief as Caleb blames a deer for cliff attack

Caleb Dingle covered up his son Nicky as police try to uncover the truth about his mysterious attack.

A violent showdown ensued between the two on Thursday night after Caleb (Will Ash), covered in blood and injured, was discharged from the hospital.

Nicky (Lewis Cope) said he pushed his father off the cliff and left him to die because he was “sick of the lies and the games”.

He told his father he would confess his crime to the police and was ready to go to jail.

However, when two officers knocked on the door, Caleb dropped the investigation, blaming a deer for his fall.

'It was a deer!': Caleb covered up his son Nicky as police tried to uncover the truth about his mysterious attack

‘It was a deer!’: Caleb covered up his son Nicky as police tried to uncover the truth about his mysterious attack

Dispute: The two erupted in a furious showdown on Thursday night after Caleb (Will Ash), covered in blood and injured, was discharged from the hospital himself

Dispute: The two erupted in a furious showdown on Thursday night after Caleb (Will Ash), covered in blood and injured, was discharged from the hospital himself

He told officers, “It wasn’t Mackenzie.” I looked around, it must have been a deer or something. “I think I just lost my footing.”

Nicky, who attacked Caleb after confessing his sexuality to his fiancee Gabby, had told him during the heated argument, “You destroyed me.” I’ve followed Gabby’s life and lost Ally.

“I’ll gladly tell the truth, part of me wishes you’d never woken up.” “The blackmail, the games, I’m done dad, we’re done.”

Nicky was engaged to Gabby Thomas when his father planned to take over Home Farm to avoid facing financial ruin – but he was secretly in a relationship with a man named Ally.

Afterwards, police told suspect Mackenzie he was free but added: “We’re not stupid either, we know there’s more to it.”

Fans who watched the show took to Twitter in disbelief at the cover-up.

One wrote: “Emmerdale is going downhill fast.” Caleb gets pushed by a frigging DEER and Belle listens to her music on headphones. Captivating storylines.’

Another added, “So after all this Caleb is saying it was a deer that pushed him or that he slipped!?” How gullible are these cops?

A third viewer typed, “How did Caleb move in so quickly when he was in the hospital after all?” Is that a new sofa? Thought he had no money.’

“It was a deer #Emmerdale Cue Swirling and the Hotten Air Force rushed out to arrest Bambi,” wrote another.

Excuses: He told officers,

Excuses: He told officers, “It wasn’t Mackenzie.” I looked around, it must have been a deer or something. I think I just lost my footing.

Assaulted: Caleb was in a coma in the hospital after Nicky pushed him off a cliff and was near death

Assaulted: Caleb was in a coma in the hospital after Nicky pushed him off a cliff and was near death

1687466900 306 Emmerdale fans laugh in disbelief as Caleb blames a deer 1687466902 382 Emmerdale fans laugh in disbelief as Caleb blames a deer 1687466903 38 Emmerdale fans laugh in disbelief as Caleb blames a deer Surprised: Fans who watched the show took to Twitter in disbelief at the cover-up

Surprised: Fans who watched the show took to Twitter in disbelief at the cover-up

Tough: Caleb was furious with his son Nicky after he was revealed to be his attacker, waking up in hospital recalling everything on Wednesday night in Emmerdale

Tough: Caleb was furious with his son Nicky after he was revealed to be his attacker, waking up in hospital recalling everything on Wednesday night in Emmerdale

Ouch: Caleb was in a coma after being thrown off a cliff and left for dead as the village tried to uncover the villain - but Nicky admitted it on Tuesday

Ouch: Caleb was in a coma after being thrown off a cliff and left for dead as the village tried to uncover the villain – but Nicky admitted it on Tuesday

Caleb was in a coma after being thrown off a cliff and left for dead as the village tried to uncover the villain – but Nicky admitted it on Tuesday as he lay on the bed with his unconscious father.

In recent episodes, the whole village turned against Caleb when he confronted his family in a western-style scene at the Woolpack.

In a great crime thriller, Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley), Mackenzie Boyd (Lawrence Robb), Leyla Harding (Roxy Shahidi) and Will Taylor (Dean Andrews) were all potential suspects and the police worked hard to uncover the villain.

But as soon as Caleb got off the ventilator, he wanted Nicky to know that he knew it was him, having recalled the incident.

When he woke up he said, “It’s a shock that someone hated me so much they killed me!”

Nicky (Lewis Cope) then tried to leave the hospital after being there all night when Caleb said firmly, “No, sit down, there are things we need to talk about.”

“You can stop pretending you care.” I remember exactly what happened and it was you who made me do it. You could face a charge of attempted murder.’

“I suppose you thought you could get away with it! You left me there to die!’

He replied, “I’m guilty, but you’re not really guilty, are you?” “You wouldn’t tell the police anything about me, would you?”

A flashback then played to the forest scene when Caleb fell while Nicky watched his body fall to the ground.

Nicky had tried to blame Mackenzie Boyd (Lawrence Robb) but Caleb saw through him.

Emmerdale fans laugh in disbelief as Caleb blames a deer for cliff attack Read More »

The Reason Actress Larissa Manoela Decided Not To Renew Her

The Reason Actress Larissa Manoela Decided Not To Renew Her Contract With

In contrast to several artists whose contracts were terminated and joined TV Globo’s list of cuts, the actress is Larissa Manola chose to take the initiative on a voluntary basis and not prolong his committed relationship with the channel for another period.

Directly from New York, USA, where he is involved in the shooting of the film “Betrayal Between Friends”Larissa confirmed the decision and explained that she wanted to remain free for projects that could emerge both in cinemas and in streaming.

Larissa Manoela wasn’t the only one who denied Globo exclusivity

Similar to the actress, similar situations are already part of the history of the station. Last year, for example, comedian Rafael Portugal announced his departure from the Big Brother Brasil team, more specifically the CAT BBB team currently managed by Dani Calabresa, after TV Globo demanded an exclusive deal.

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Bruna Biancardi and Neymar Jr.

After the rumors about Neymar’s alleged betrayal of his partner Bruna Biancardi, the star of the Brazilian national team showed himself on his social networks. In an open letter, the player admitted cheating on his next child’s mother and shared a message.

“I’m doing this for you two or two and for your family,” the player began, referring to the baby in his partner’s womb. “Justify the unjustified. That was not necessary. But I need you in our life.”

The player still regretted the revelation the partnership suffered and how much she would have suffered had she been by his side…

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