Search for the missing submarine Debris found in the sea

Search for the missing submarine: Debris found in the sea near the wreck of the Titanic Liberation

Missing submarine near Titanic dossier The US Coast Guard announced late Thursday afternoon, June 22, that it had found debris in the Atlantic near the wreck of the ship that sank more than 100 years ago.

Hours passed, oxygen ran out, and hope faded. He’s weaker now than ever. Late this afternoon on Thursday, June 22, the US Coast Guard announced on Twitter that they had found “a debris field” in the Atlantic near the wreck of the Titanic. It was discovered by a robot taking part in the international search for the submarine. “The experts are examining this information,” which will be discussed at a press conference in the evening.

Since the beginning of the week, the submersible with five people on board – an American, a French, a British and two Pakistani Brits – has been missing. The ship had begun its descent towards the Titanic wreckage on Sunday but lost contact with the surface less than two hours later, authorities said. The submarine in question, named Titan, measures 6.5 meters. It enabled expeditions to the wreck of the legendary ship that sank in 1912.

The oxygen is running out

As the hours passed, the fear grew. It is the theoretical oxygen supply that allowed the submarine’s occupants to last until Thursday noon. Many social network accounts and even some media have held a macabre countdown. It had ended several hours before the wreckage was announced.

The help, which came from several countries, nevertheless continued their search. “It is an extremely difficult time for the families of crew members who disappeared aboard Titan,” said US Coast Guard Captain Jamie Frederick at a noon news conference in Boston, Massachusetts. We must remain optimistic and hopeful. Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you have to make a difficult decision. We’re not there yet.”

Updated at 6:30 p.m. with more context.

Search for the missing submarine: Debris found in the sea near the wreck of the Titanic Liberation Read More »

1687458595 The Useless Rainbow Synod The Church Speaks Little and Clearly

The Useless “Rainbow Synod”: The Church Speaks Little (and Clearly) Nicola Porro


If you look at all of history’s great converts (St. Paul, St. Augustine…) you will see that they are characters who were fine where they were, but who ended up feeling a little stronger than them themselves and their constructs: the proofs . Or the truth, as they called it. And since then they’d rather get themselves killed to proclaim it. I too am a convert. Not great of course, but I was fine too before having to face hordes of trolls, critics, haters, and abusers (some of which you can find below in the comments).

I followed Pannella before hitting Via di Damascus. And like Saint Paul and Saint Augustine, who knew nothing of what had hit me, I needed someone to explain it to me, to tell me what to do now, how to behave, how to live (now I know why). I discovered that this was the purpose of the church. If we want to count him among the great founders of religions, Christ left nothing written. He had merely built up his own staff, which he trained for three years before leaving. That is, he had created a church. He had entrusted every task to him. With the help of the mind. In fact, many things were left out during the three-year training. And immediately the apostles decided on something about which Christ left no instruction: Should Gentiles who became Christians be circumcised or not? After consulting the spirit, the apostles decided not to do so. And we guys are grateful to them.

Well, I was fortunate enough to convert when the church was still a church Council of Trent, who had the gift of speaking little and clearly: “Si quis dixerit…anathema sit”. “If anyone says such and such, let him be an abomination.” In fact, the life of a Christian who wishes to behave in this way is already difficult without being complicated by vagueness and vagueness. Yes, no, boh, you do it: that seems to be the current style. The most important thing is not to proselytize (ecchevvordi’?) and to get along with everyone. The last council was only “pastoral” and tried to do justice to the modern man of seventy years ago. AND From the concise language we passed to the catechisms of eight hundred pages, while the previous one had ten. We have also moved to a Mass that everyone can understand, so that when you cross, I don’t know, Spain, you hear it in Catalan, in Castilian, in Basque. I listen to it in Italian and since what I hear is always the same, it makes me think of the Beatles’ songs, which their lack of English made full of charm (they were silly lyrics otherwise). But be it.

We’re here at the famous synod, which is going to last, think about it, two years. Will it be open for gay weddings? Will he open the priesthood to women? Will it open at the pincopallino as long as it’s ecological? And isn’t it like the synod fathers – and mothers – are going to make a damn profit from all these openings? Bah, the important thing is the synodization. Even the famous Instrumentum laboris (and who knows why Latin is used here instead of tons of national languages; are you trying to discriminate?) seems to have been deliberately designed so that only they can read it. Can you see an ordinary believer sitting with clasped hands on a cold subway bench intending to buy a copy? And if so, what might answer the question: what about? Clerical language, nuanced, rounded, the important thing is to love one another, to set processes in motion, two steps forward and one step back, and then we’ll see, unlucky that we’re doing another synod in three years. But then what does “synodality” mean?

What needs to be exhausted in more or less permanent conferences? It will be the rainbow synod (journalists ask)? Personally I don’t think they will leave all routes open as usual. Yes, because if you let some in, it is certain that the others will leave. For Bertoldo, the question remains: why do gays attach so much importance to marriage? Why also priests? Why can’t women wait to be priests? Oh that there was someone happy to be in his place.

I close. I have kept the “Saint of the Day” column in the Giornale for thirty years and I know that the great reformers of religious orders made dry plants bloom by pruning them and restoring them to their original austerity. Were those who followed St. Francis and his extreme severity drawn to animals and the environment? Did Padre Pio draw crowds for his synodal approach? Hm.

Rino Cammilleri, June 22, 2023

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1687458509 The 10 Cuban Gallants That Made Our Moms Sigh

The 10 Cuban Gallants That Made Our Moms Sigh |

Text: Cuba News 360 Writing

In the printed language of dictionaries, a gallant is a handsome, attractive, and elegant man who behaves with grace; In real life, however, the protagonist is much more: he has the ability to mark epochs and make a whole generation sigh, which sees in this male character a potential conqueror and almost always a sexual symbol.

Although gallants have existed since the beginning of the world, it was the audiovisual media such as cinema and television that brought these characters to the fore, who not only impressed with their physique, but also with their very special way of mesmerizing with their character.

Today, Cuba still has actors, musicians and celebrities who fit this definition, but the island’s leading actors had their heyday in the ’70s and ’80s, coinciding with the advent of television programs such as adventure novels, novels, and teledramas.

To satisfy the nostalgia of our mothers and grandmothers, Cuban News 360 A look back at the life and work of ten gallants who caused sighs across the island.

1.Armando Bianchi

Because of his attractiveness, he was considered the Cuban Errol Flyn. An actor and singer, he was the second husband of star Rosita Fornés, with whom he formed a highly influential media couple.

Born on August 26, 1922 in Havana, he debuted as a tango artist in 1939 and traveled to Mexico in the early 1940s, where he ventured into the lyrical genre. After returning to Cuba in 1950, he married Fornés until his absurd death in 1981: he fell off his own feet and drowned on Santa María beach in Havana.

In addition to being a sentimental couple, Rosita and Bianchi were also in the arts, as they shared the stage and occasionally performed duets, comedy, theater and cabaret. He has acted in cinema and television, with his role in the adaptation of Agatha Christie’s The Ten Little Little Blacks being well remembered.

The 10 Cuban Gallants That Made Our Moms Sigh

2. Julito Martinez

He successfully ventured into theatre, cinema and television, but he is best remembered in the popular Aventuras scene, with his character as Diego de la Vega in The Mark of Zorro, a phenomenon that led to this time attracted crowds. He was one of the most sought-after stars during his 30 years of work in Cuba, appearing in all the dramatized rooms of radio and television. He was on the payroll of the Teatro Estudio directed by Raquel and Vicente Revuelta. While belonging to this intuition, he starred in almost all of his theatrical productions. His filmography includes Desarriago (1965), Aventuras de Juan Quinquín (1967), El bautizo (1968) and Hoy como ayer (1987).

Born in Quemado de Güines, the former province of Las Villas, he died alone and abandoned in Miami in 2008.

3. Frank Black

He was the first black corsair on Cuban television, a character with which he achieved leading man status since the 1960s. After this role, he continued to act in the Aventuras room, which at the time was entirely live. He was Fernando de Mondego in The Count of Monte Cristo (1979), Sergeant Reget in The Falcon (1980) and Athos in The Three Musketeers (1982).

After this glory period, he practically disappeared from public life and was not heard from until his recent death in 2021 at his home in the municipality of Playa, Havana.

His death was mourned by figures from the Cuban cultural world such as singer Pancho Céspedes and users of social networks. “How much joy he gave us, how much we miss him,” said Alberto Cuello. “He was a great guy, I fell in love with him, I dressed up and said, ‘I’m Honorata, the Black Corsair’s girlfriend,'” said Mercy Copa.

For many Cubans, Frank Negro is considered one of the epic heroes of childhood and adolescence. Along with Enrique Almirante’s Robin Hood and Julito Martínez’s El Zorro, he went down in history as one of the adventurers who fed the illusion of children of the time.

1687458503 984 The 10 Cuban Gallants That Made Our Moms Sigh

4.Carlos Gili

Born in Cienfuegos, he already showed artistic inclinations as a child, which is why he moved to the capital at a young age in search of new horizons. He attended drama preparatory school, directed by the iconic Alejandro Lugo, and from that moment began a burgeoning career that grew in popularity with television projects in aventuras, grandes novelas and soap operas. In this medium, he will always be remembered for his involvement in the Attack Order and The Silence Commandos series. One of his highlights was the cinema, where he successfully played roles in five films.

His career began to decline in the early 1980s due to the illness he was suffering from. He died in Havana in May 1984 at the early age of 45. From his marriage to the dancer Josefina Méndez, he left his son Víctor Gilí, who inherited his father’s charisma and conquered everyone in the world of dance.

5. Enrique Admiral

Enrique Almirante was one of the leading actors of all leading actors until his death in 2007. His media career began thanks to his great physical appearance in the 50’s when he and television were very young.

After working in radio, he joined the acclaimed group Teatro Estudio, where he played key roles in plays like A Streetcar Named Desire and Mother Courage.

He was the founder of the adventure division and has starred in dozens of them including Sandokan, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and Robin Hood. He has directed more than 20 films in Cuba and abroad. He has acted in numerous children’s and youth series as well as in soap operas. He was the first director and founder of the Caricatos Artistic Representation Agency.

His mere presence on screen was enough to impress, not only for his physical attractiveness but also for the cadence of his voice and his total command of the scene, skills he passed on to his son, also actor Carlos Enrique Almirante . At the time of his death, his latest work, the character of Sabicú in the novel ¡Oh la Habana! As a tribute to his legacy, there is a performing arts award that bears his name.

6. Jorge Villazon

There were only a few days until his 47th birthday when the traffic accident that took the life of Jorge Villazón Suárez happened just when he was enjoying the greatest success and popularity in the Cuban media.

He was born in Cienfuegos in 1947. At the age of 22, already living in the capital, he attended the drama school of the Cuban Radio Institute. After several successful programs, including the soap opera Sol de Batey, he had a few appearances in this medium until starring in El Halcón, a series that brought him great popularity on the small screen. The next step in consolidating his career was to arrive in the cinema, although he had only three appearances: in Otra mujer (1986), Techo de Vidrio (1982) and Plácido (1986).

Charismatic, cheerful and confident, he had a compelling personality that shaped his iconic character: Pablo, first captain and then major, in the day and night crime drama. Villazón gave one of the best characterizations of a police investigator on Cuban television. He played so well and so naturally that his image is associated with this character to this day. After his death, he was buried in the military uniform he wore playing Pablo’s shoes.

7.Sergio Corrieri

Corrieri was barely 16 years old when he began to retrace the paths of acting to becoming a devoted character actor in theatre, film and television. The artist, who won the National Theater Prize in 2006, recorded performances in various groups in his CV, later to found Grupo Teatro Estudio and later Teatro Escambray.

In addition to his achievement in stagecraft, Corrieri monopolized the lights and cameras of Cuban cinematography in episodes such as “El hombre de Maisinicú”, “Mella”, “Como la vida Itself”, “Baraguá”, “Papeles son papeles”, “Desarraigo” and “Rio Negro”. He gave birth to Sergio in the classic film Memories of Underdevelopment.

In every scene, he proved his skill by taking on historical and social roles that were considered symbols of the people, like the memorable David from the series Silently Had to Be.

8. Francisco Gattorno

Although Francisco Gattorno has developed almost his entire career outside of Cuba, he is still known on the island for his work on the film Fresa y Chocolate and the numerous novels, especially Mexican ones, on which he has worked since the 1990s outside official circles.

After graduating in performing arts, he made his big screen debut at the age of 20 in A Girlfriend for David (1984). After that he acted in a dozen films, although it was Fresa y Chocolate that internationalized his face and favored the opportunity to work abroad. Almost two years later, Francisco Gattorno was one of the main protagonists of Mexican soap operas, starring alongside telenovela diva Angélica Rivera in La Dueña.

On Aztec country television, he starred in some thirty productions, some of which achieved devastating audiences. In cinema, in 2000, he took part in the film Before Night Falls, a film almost unknown in Cuba that marked his entry into Hollywood.

Already in full maturity, Francisco Gattorno remains linked to the audiovisual world, even if his roles have changed as much as the years have changed him.

1687458504 22 The 10 Cuban Gallants That Made Our Moms SighPhoto: Cesar Evora | Instagram

9. Cesar Evora

Since his debut on Cuban television, César Évora has created a legend that accompanies him to this day, because in addition to his imposing appeal, the actor also exudes charm on screen. While living on the island, he starred in soap operas and most notably in the crime drama Day and Night, where he gained well-deserved fame for his black shirts. In the cinema he has worked with major directors in films such as “La Bella del Alhambra”, “David’s Friend” and “A Successful Man”.

When he left Cuba, the Mexican company Televisa opened its doors to him and he became an idol in soap operas such as Laberintos de pasión, Cañaveral de pasiones, El manantial, Abrázame muy fuerte and El privilegio de amar. In almost all of his performances, he stayed in villainous roles. He has won numerous awards for his theatrical quality, although it is not precisely this quality but his physical attractiveness and sensual voice that Cubans remember most.

10.Mario Balmaseda

Mario Federico Balmaseda Maurisco was an acting icon until his recent death. He was born in Havana in 1941 into an art-loving family and got to know the world of cabaret at a young age.

He studied dramaturgy at the National Theater of Cuba and in what was then the German Democratic Republic. As an actor, he had a long and prolific career, with an extensive filmography that includes titles such as El hombre de Maisinicú (1973), In a certain way (1974), The Brigade (1977), It is exchanged (1984), In three and two ( 1985), Baraguá (1986), The Useless Death of My Partner Manolo (1990), Entre Cyclones (2002) and The Work of the Century (2015).

On television, he starred in series such as “Aventuras de Juan Quinquín”, “It had to be in silence”, “The Great Rebellion” and “A Bolero for Eduardo”. He won the 2006 National Theater Award, the 2019 National Television Award and the 2021 National Film Award and is the only Cuban actor to have received these three awards, attesting to his exceptional talent, versatility and skill in his character

The 10 Cuban Gallants That Made Our Moms Sigh | Read More »

Sunday’s presidential election in Guatemala would be decided in a vote

Former First Lady Sandra Torres (2008–2011) is the number one voting intention According to a survey published on Thursday, Guatemala is not in a position to win the first round of the presidential elections on Sunday, which confirms the expectation of a second round.

The survey was conducted by the consultancy ProDatos and published by the newspaper Prensa Libre. simulated a ballot with 22 candidates for President and it was performed on 1,202 people between June 5 and June 14, with an error rate of 2.8%.

Torres, wife of the late President Álvaro Colom (2008-2012) and running for the third time in the elections, has 21.3% support; followed by the diplomat Edmond Mulet, who is running for the second time, with 13.4%, and Zury Ríos, daughter of the dictator Efraín Ríos Montt (1982-1983), who also died, with 9.1%.

Within three days, Guatemalans will go to the polls to elect Alejandro Giammattei’s successor. Opponents and international organizations accuse him of repressing judges, prosecutors, journalists and activists, some of whom have been forced to leave the country.

According to the survey, the invalid vote doubled to 13.5%. compared to the previous reading in May, where it was 6.3%, because citizens think the electoral process was not “clean”, the survey said.

The election campaign was marked by controversy, such as the exclusion of four candidates, including businessman Carlos Pinedawho guided the preferences based on criteria described as “arbitrary” by the research organization WOLA (Washington Office for Latin American Affairs).

If none of the candidates get 50% of the votes on Sunday, as the poll shows, A vote will take place on August 20th.

Sunday’s presidential election in Guatemala would be decided in a vote Read More »

Two dead three injured in road accident on Lake Constance

Expert: Wreckage discovered is from missing submersible…

The wreckage found during the search for the missing Titan submersible is the submarine’s “landing structure” and aft cover.

A ship salvage specialist is certain that the debris field uncovered in the search for the “Titan” is from the missing submersible. In conversations with the BBC and Sky News on Thursday, David Mearns referred to statements made by the chairman of the Explorers Club in a WhatsApp group. The explorers are united in the association, and two inmate “Titans” are also members.

Mearns said the submersible’s so-called landing structure and aft cover can be seen. Initially, there was no independent confirmation of this. The US Coast Guard had previously announced that a submersible had found a debris field in the area near the wreckage of the “Titanic”. Experts are now evaluating the information, the official tweeted without giving further information.

The submersible has been missing since Sunday morning (local time). The “Titan” had five people on board on the way to the wreckage of the “Titanic” that sank in 1912 at about 3800 meters deep.


Expert: Wreckage discovered is from missing submersible… Read More »

Toyota presents three special editions of its GR models There

Toyota presents three special editions of its GR models. There is talk of unique treatments for the GR86, the GR Supra and the GR Corolla. – Car123

Last night we were treated to three announcements in quick succession from Toyota, each showcasing a new special edition of the company’s GR models. We’re talking unique treatments for the GR86, GR Supra and GR Corolla.

All presented by Toyota’s racing division, Gazoo Racing.

Photo: Toyota

Front of the Toyota GR Supra 45th Anniversary Edition 2024

Photo: Toyota

Rear of the Toyota GR Supra 45th Anniversary Edition 2024

2024 Toyota GR Supra 45th Anniversary Edition (45 units in Canada)

In 2024, the Supra celebrates its 45th anniversary, while a certain Celica Supra was introduced in 1979. To mark the occasion, a special edition price of 45 copies is being offered to Canadian consumers.

The model pays homage to the 90’s Supra and features a unique and attractive color, a shade called Orange Plasma. The edition is based on a 3.0 premium version. It is low built and fitted with a manually adjustable rear spoiler to modify downforce. The car also features 19-inch black-finish aluminum wheels and black-painted brake calipers with the GR logo on the front.

Domestically, this collector’s item will only be available with the six-speed manual that was added to the range for 2023.

Photo: Toyota

2024 Toyota GR Corolla Track Edition

2024 Toyota GR Corolla Track Edition

Initially, the Circuit variant of the Toyota GR Corolla should only be offered for the year 2023. Earlier this year, the company announced it would continue the journey in 2024. And now Toyota presents us with this special edition reserved for the next vintage.

The model will be available in two new colors: Flame Blue and Ice Cap. It will sport 18-inch forged-aluminum BBS wheels, rims similar to those on the 2023-only Morizo ​​edition. The version borrowing blue will benefit from a black sticker on the sills. The mechanics remain the same: a 1.5-liter, three-cylinder, turbocharged engine producing 300 hp and 273 lb-ft of torque, a mechanism mated to a six-speed manual transmission.

Photo: Toyota

Rear of the 2024 Toyota GR Corolla Track Edition

The equipment of the product remains the same in the new year and includes in particular:

  • A forged carbon fiber roof
  • A big rear wing
  • 18″ forged aluminum wheels
  • Black outer lining
  • Sports seats with suede and synthetic leather upholstery
  • Blue stitching
  • A JBL sound system with eight speakers

Where we improved the offering is at the height of the chassis. Toyota describes the changes as follows: “The hardware updates include changes to the steering gear mounting bolts, rear suspension and battery ground. Aerodynamic changes include the addition of aluminum plates to the front and rear bumpers and a change in the shape of the front bumper’s air outlet duct. »

The model will be available somewhere from next winter.

Photo: Toyota

2024 Toyota GR86 Trueno Edition

2024 Toyota GR86 Trueno Edition (50 units in Canada)

Finally, with the GR86 coupe, we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the famous Corolla of the ’80s, known by the codename AE86, with the launch of a special edition called the Trueno. In Japan at that time there was a model called the Sprinter Trueno. And what does this name mean? It derives from the Spanish word for thunder.

With this model we are entitled to two important elements. First, the Trueno treatment, which will be available in two two-tone combinations, either Halo and Black or Race Red and Black. Then a new performance options package can equip the model with, among other things, Sachs shock absorbers and Brembo brakes.

Photo: Toyota

Interior of the Toyota GR86 Trueno Edition 2024

The Trueno Edition, which will only be available with a manual transmission, is limited to only 50 units in Canada. It will be treated to a plaque acknowledging its rarity and placed on the dashboard.

Aesthetically, the model will be easily recognizable by its black hood and black stripes arranged on the sides, as well as the Trueno Edition badge placed at the bottom of the front bumper, in the center as well as on the trunk lid. The logo will also be featured on the gear selector inside.

Note that the Performance Pack comes standard in this Trueno edition. This one-of-a-kind GR86 benefits from the same mechanicals as the regular version, namely a 2.4-liter, four-cylinder engine developing 228 hp and 184 lb-ft of torque.

Photo: Toyota

Rear of Toyota GR86 Trueno Edition 2024

Toyota presents three special editions of its GR models. There is talk of unique treatments for the GR86, the GR Supra and the GR Corolla. – Car123 Read More »

Harvard study shows the effects of white rice on the

Harvard study shows the effects of white rice on the body

Researchers from the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) analyzed four previous studies involving more than 352,000 participants from China, Japan, the United States and Australia.

The aim of the study was to investigate a possible doseresponse relationship between the Consumption of white rice and the risk for type 2 diabetes.

These results were published in the British Medical Journal. White rice’s high glycemic index can lead to spikes in blood sugar, which has historically been linked to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.

Effects of White Rice

The participants were followed over a period of 4 to 22 years. At the start of the study, none of them had diabetes.

The research team found that high consumption of ricebetween three and four servings daily, was associated with a 1.5 times greater risk of developing diabetes than those who consumed less rice.

Furthermore, each additional serving of white rice consumed daily increased the risk by 10%, and this association was more significant among residents of Asian countries, where the average daily consumption of white rice is three to four servings.

In western countries like Portugal and Spain, the average weekly intake is one to two servings.

White rice has a high glycemic index, which means it can cause blood sugar spikes. This could explain why it is associated with a higher risk of diabetes.

The glycemic index is a measure of how foods affect blood sugar levels, and foods with a high glycemic index are associated with a higher risk of disease symptoms.

High sugar content, low amount of nutrients

Qi Sun, lead author of the study, says white rice is also deficient in nutrients like fiber and other nutrients magnesium.

People who consume large amounts of white rice are deficient in these beneficial nutrients. Instead, he recommends the brown rice option, which provides those compounds.

The study authors and other nutrition experts caution that white rice consumption is not the only factor contributing to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

They note that the rise in obesity and insulin resistance in Asian countries is due to an overall decline physical activity and reducing the intake of lighter and more nutritious foods overall.

Harvard study shows the effects of white rice on the body Read More »

Preview of Un Posto al Sole he himself was urgently

Preview of Un Posto al Sole, he himself was urgently hospitalized: worried fans

A new episode of Un posto al Sole is broadcast every evening from Monday to Friday at 20:45. The soap, set in Naples, can be seen on RAI 3. The life of the residents of a residential complex, the Palazzo Pallidini, is brought together here. We are in Posillipo and the fans don’t miss a single episode.

If you love the program to the fullest, you shouldn’t miss the preview either. And in fact Below we reveal who was urgently hospitalized. We’ll see what will happen in the episodes that will air June 26-30. Below you will find all the details in the next paragraphs.

Emergency room in the hospital: fans of A place in the sun are concerned

As I said, we’ll give you a few previews in a moment. So if you’re going to wait for the airing, better not read the spoilers. A face from A place in the sun is hospitalized, it’s Renato. He will be sick and will be taken to the hospital. He was at Caffè Vulcano when it happened and his behavior caused me to get sick.

In fact, it is still unclear whether the unconscious behavior relates to alcohol or food. The fact is that Renato was taken to San Filippo. Once here, it will be a difficult situation for Ross. This will put Luca in a difficult position in particular.

Ornella will try to side with Ross. But The Chief Physician must decide to extend the autonomy of Dr. Restrict Rossella Graziani. It’s still not clear if Ross had anything to do with what happened to Renato. Could that be a responsibility? Or will Luca prefer to keep her away because of the complicated emotional situation?

It is not clear, but surely the doctor will ask Riccardo for consolation. Michele then intervenes, who, without telling his daughter, asks his friend for an explanation for the decision to downsize Ross’ role in his department.

More previews A place in the sun

But in the next few episodes that air, we won’t just see Renato’s hospitalization and Ross’ complicated situation. Indeed, progress confirms this Clara still hasn’t found out that Eduardo belongs to the Camorra and that he really is a boss. Only then does the girl begin to suspect.

To make her suspicious, not just by the way the other people in the neighborhood are treating him. In fact, during a day of shopping, he realizes that he has a lot of money and starts asking himself some questions. But Eduardo intrudes more and more into Clara’s life and not only with Rosa and Manuel.

All of this will also worry Damiano. In fact, the policeman in Viola’s company will face the boss to let him in. But that’s not all, because in the next few episodes, Mariella will investigate to find out who Cerry’s boyfriend is. The woman believes it will be Michele.

To silence Mariella, her husband Guido will ask his friend Saviani to silence his wife. Her husband Guido was able to find out the truth during one of his work assignments and understand that Bufalotto and Castrese are the same person. It is necessary to wait for the next few days to understand what is happening in Posillipo.

Preview of Un Posto al Sole, he himself was urgently hospitalized: worried fans Read More »