Titan submarine wreckage and debris found near Titanic it could

Titan submarine, wreckage and debris found near Titanic: it could be the imploded submarine | Family members report delays in relief efforts Il Riformista

The US Coast Guard reports that a debris field was found during the search for the Titan submarine that sunk in the Atlantic with 5 people on board. “In the search area, a debris field was discovered by an ROV near the Titanic. Experts from Unified Command are evaluating the information,” the US Coast Guard tweeted.

The acronym “ROV” stands for “Remotely Operating Vehicle”. The crucial threshold of 96 hours of hypothetical oxygen autonomy in the lost submarine was exceeded when the breathing air could be exhausted: The Titan featured a 96-hour oxygen supply. That said, for four days he dove around 6 a.m. local time on Sunday morning to descend to the wreck of the Titanic, setting the ultimate limit for the search for the sub between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. Italian time. However, some experts have stressed that this was an indicative estimate, which could be expanded if measures had been taken by passengers to conserve the air they breathe.

Titan, the neuroscientist’s opinion: without air aggressiveness and strong hallucinations

Locked in the Titanic submarine that has become their coffin on the seabed, the five adventurous and risk-takers have gone under to see the wreck of the Titanic up close. You’re almost certainly dead. Perhaps, as the radar would have detected, they fired shots in order to be heard and geolocated, perhaps at some point in that complete darkness they understood that they had no escape and that they met the same cruel fate as the great tragedy that befell it she had experienced.

“Oxygen is gradually lacking and there is an increasing reduction in the body. There is a tendency to maintain blood flow in the cardiopulmonary cerebral circulation and therefore the peripheral part becomes numb Movement problems or paraesthesia. The little that remains goes to the brain: you don’t die suddenly as if you’d been strangled. If there is a lack of air, it then takes 4-5 minutes decline in cognitive functions“. Neuroscientist Arianna Di Stadio, a professor at the University of Catania and a researcher at the Neuroinflammation Laboratory at UCL Queen Square Neurology in London, explains to Dire.

Shahzada Dawood, Pakistani businessman with his son Suleman, British billionaire Hamish Harding, French explorer Paul-Henry Nargeolet and pilot Stockon Rush, CEO of OceanGate i missing locked in unreachable mini submarine However, it is not said that they resisted according to the countdown that from outside has kept the world in suspense.

“I strongly doubt that they have remained calm: the lack of oxygen makes us restless, we raise our voices and the more nervous we get, the more we consume, the more in a small context.” The hypoxigenation could lead to behavioral problems and aggressiveness between them led,” he adds. A scenario that would turn tragic fate into the perfect plot of a Lovecraftian-esque horror. Researcher Di Stadio would like to remember that it is the same death that occurs with drowning: “…Let’s think of the 700 migrants off the coast of Pylos”, concludes the researcher.

Titanic: Family blames OceanGate 8 hours before alarm goes off

The family of the British billionaire Hamish Harding, who went missing aboard the Bathyscaphe Titan, attacked OceanGate Explorations for waiting eight hours before sounding the alarm when he disappeared. The mini-sub sank about 10 miles southeast of St. John’s near the wreck of the Titanic at 8 a.m. Eastern time Sunday. At 09:40 she lost contact with her mothership, the Polar Prince.

However, he was not reported missing to the US Coast Guard until 5:40 p.m. Kathleen Cosnett, Harding’s cousin, 58, said the delay in contacting authorities was “too long”. He told the Telegraph: “It’s very scary. It took so long to save her, it’s too long. I would have thought three hours would be the absolute minimum.”

Benedetta Rossi in tears over haters The influencer chefs outburst

Giulio Pinco Caracciolo

Titan submarine, wreckage and debris found near Titanic: it could be the imploded submarine | Family members report delays in relief efforts Il Riformista Read More »

Theyve done it again The Simpsons predicted the disappearance of

They’ve done it again: The Simpsons predicted the disappearance of a submarine

In one episode of the series, practically the same scenario happened as in real life.

a row of ‘The simpsons’ It is known for predicting many things that have happened in recent world history. The series has predicted Donald Trump’s presidency, Covid-19 illness, Neymar’s injury at the World Cup and even the fall of the Twin Towers.

Well it seems that the yellow universe of the most famous family in the history of television is well connected to the real world since the last success was the disappearance of the family Titan submarine..

And it so happened that the small submarine, which can accommodate five people, made a trip to the remains of the Titanic. Each ticket is worth 229,000 euros per ticket, but unfortunately the expedition is canceled and the oxygen is running out.

With “The Simpsons” this happened 17 years ago. In Season 17 Episode 10, Homer boards a submarine to view the wreckage of a shipwreck.

Homer remains trapped in the depths of the ocean and the oxygen gradually begins to decrease and runs out completely.

They’ve done it again: The Simpsons predicted the disappearance of a submarine Read More »

1687455984 New Global Fiscal Pact Climate Change Honduras News for Thursday

New Global Fiscal Pact, Climate Change, Honduras… News for Thursday UN News

The global financial architecture has failed, says Guterres

The global financial architecture is outdated, dysfunctional and unfair and has failed in its mission to provide a safety net for developing countries, the Secretary-General said at a summit for a global financial New Deal.

António Guterres addressed delegates at the start of the Paris meeting, which will focus on finding financial solutions to fight poverty, reduce emissions that are warming the planet and protect nature.

The Secretary-General said international financial institutions are currently too small and limited to fulfill their mandate.

“It is clear that the international financial architecture has failed in its mission to provide a global safety net for developing countries. The reason is simple: as Mia Mottley just pointed out, this architecture was built after World War II. With some adjustments, it reflects the balance of political and economic power of the time,” Guterres pointed out.

Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley, who has emerged as a leader in the fight against climate change, said the summit was a “watershed moment”.
“I ask that we do not leave Paris without understanding this The political ambition required must be for transformation, not reform. And that those of us who are heads of government and states realize that the world cannot continue in the shadow of an imperial order that does not see countries, does not understand countries, does not listen to countries and, worse, he does not see, understand or hear people.”

Climate finance ‘almost ignores children’

Girls wade through the floodwaters on their way to school in Sunamganj, Bangladesh.

Girls wade through the floodwaters on their way to school in Sunamganj, Bangladesh.

Funds to tackle climate change are not benefiting children, even though they are hardest hit by the climate crisis, according to a new report by UNICEF and other NGOs.

According to UNICEF’s Children’s Climate Risk Index, more than a billion children are at extremely high risk of suffering the effects of the climate crisis.

The study used three criteria to evaluate funding: addressing the risks children face from the climate crisis, building the resilience of key child welfare services, and strengthening their role as agents of change.

The bottom line is that current spending is almost entirely ignorant of children. Of all the money made available by multilateral funds for climate-related projects over a period of 17 years until March 2023, this is only a small part (2.4%) met all three requirements, which was just $1.2 billion.

More than 50 women die in a prison in Honduras

prison in Honduras

prison in Honduras

UNICEF mourns the deaths of more than fifty women in a violent incident at the National Women’s Prison for Social Adjustment in Honduras.

Some of the women lived with their children. These boys and girls are now in a situation of extreme vulnerability. “I am deeply concerned for their well-being and safety,” said Garry Conille, UNICEF regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean, calling for “urgent” provision of special and mental health care.

Recalling that “no boy, girl or adolescent should be separated from his mother, father or caregiver unless his well-being is at risk,” the agency pledged to support Honduras in reviewing the situation of those living in institutions to support minors.

UNICEF regretted this incident This is unlikely to be an isolated case in Latin America and the Caribbean“where violence is part of everyday life for many children and women.”

He called on all countries in the region to ensure the safety and well-being of children living with their imprisoned mothers.

Guterres condemns the recent violent incidents in the occupied West Bank

Jenin refugee camp borders Jenin Municipality and is the northernmost in the West Bank.

Jenin refugee camp borders Jenin Municipality and is the northernmost in the West Bank.

The Secretary General condemned the recent violent incidents against civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories.

This includes the shooting, in which two armed Palestinians were present Four Israelis were killed and wounded others in the occupied West Bank and subsequent acts for vandalism and burning of land and property, including a school, by Israeli settlers in Palestinian cities around Nablus and Ramallah.

The Secretary-General is deeply concerned by the events in Jenin on June 19, when Israeli security forces deployed and exchanged gunfire seven Palestinians killedincluding two children, both students at UNRWA schools.

“It is vital to de-escalate tensions and prevent further escalation,” Guterres said in a statement. The Secretary General recalled that Israel “as an occupying power must ensure the protection of the civilian population”.

“Ultimately, only the return to a meaningful political process and the end of the occupation will end this devastating cycle of violence and senseless loss of life,” he added.

New Global Fiscal Pact, Climate Change, Honduras… News for Thursday UN News Read More »

Indias pompous state visit Biden welcomes Modi

India’s pompous state visit: Biden welcomes Modi

President Joe Biden courted the world’s most populous country with a pompous reception of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a US guest of state. In a bilateral meeting between the two on Thursday, according to the US side, several economic and military agreements should be decided, including the sale of American drones to India.

The Biden administration is aggressively trying to link India more closely as a major player in the Indo-Pacific and on the international stage. However, several politicians in the US Congress have expressed concern about the human rights situation in India.

Biden said he was “convinced that the US-India relationship will be one of the defining relationships of the 21st century.” It is about “two great nations, two great friends, two great powers” who can determine the course of the century. “The challenges and opportunities facing the world in this century require India and the United States to work together and take the lead together.”

Several members of the US cabinet attended Modi’s formal welcoming ceremony, including Vice President Kamala Harris, whose mother is Indian. Thousands of Americans of Indian descent were also invited. In addition to talks between Biden and Modi and a press appearance by the two, a speech by the Indian Prime Minister to both chambers of the US Congress is also planned, as well as a festive state banquet at the White House in the evening.

Unlike regular business visits, state visits are accompanied by special formal pomp, like a state banquet. Modi is only the third foreign guest to receive this honor during Biden’s term. French President Emmanuel Macron paid a state visit to the United States last December. South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol followed in late April.

According to US intelligence, the two heads of government wanted to seal several new partnerships during the visit, including the sale of MQ-9B armed drones from the US to New Delhi, US investments in semiconductor production in India and new cooperation on travel. space and technology sectors.

India has overtaken China as the most populous country. With about 1.4 billion people, it is also the largest democracy in the world and has growing political and economic influence, especially in the Indo-Pacific. The Biden administration is trying to counter China’s quest for power in the region and has therefore significantly promoted partnerships with other countries in the region, including the so-called quadruple alliance with India, Japan and Australia.

The fact that Biden rolled out the red carpet for the Indian prime minister in this way was also the subject of criticism. Modi, of the Hindu nationalist BJP, has been the country’s prime minister since 2014. During his tenure, India dropped several places in the ranking of democracy and freedom of the press. Critics complain that religious minorities are discriminated against in the predominantly Hindu country.

Prior to Modi’s visit, more than 70 US politicians from the House of Representatives and Senate expressed concern about the human rights situation in India and wrote an open letter asking Biden to address these issues at the meeting. They warned that there were worrying signs that political rights and freedom of expression were being curtailed in India, that religious intolerance towards minorities was on the rise and freedom of the press was suffering. The White House said ahead of time that the president would not shy away from these tough questions. Individual lawmakers also wanted to boycott Modi’s speech in Congress because of these concerns.

Biden said of Modi’s welcome: “Equality before the law, freedom of expression, religious pluralism, diversity of our peoples – these fundamental principles have endured and evolved – despite the challenges in our nations’ history.” Modi, for his part, said the two countries were “proud of their diversity”.

Another not so easy issue between the two countries is the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. So far, India has taken a neutral stance on this and does not support Western sanctions. The country maintains good relations both with Western countries and with Russia, on which much of its military equipment depends. During the war, India also started to buy more oil from Russia. The US, on the other hand, is Ukraine’s closest ally in the conflict and is at the forefront of the international alliance against Russia.

India’s pompous state visit: Biden welcomes Modi Read More »

Wakea madinika – definition and explanations – Techno-Science.net


Wakea Madinika
super orderSalientia
Glaw & Vences, 2006
Binomial name (In taxonomy (botany, zoology, etc.) the binomial name or binomial comes from…)
Wakea Madinika
(Vences, Andreone, Glaw and Mattioli, 2002)
IUCN Conservation Status:

DD : Insufficient data

Wakea Madinikaunique representative of the genus wakeais a species of amphibian (in the life sciences, the species (from Latin “species”, “type”)) of the family Mantellidae.


This species is endemic to Madagascar (Madagascar (Madagasikara in Malagasy)) or the Republic of Madagascar (Repoblikan’i…). Recently discovered, it is only known in a very small area (less than 100 km²) in the northwest ( The northwest is the direction between the cardinal points north and west. The northwest is…) of the island (An island is an island surrounded by water Land area, whether that water is that of a watercourse, a … ), but it could have a wider distribution. It occurs at about 100 m altitude (Altitude is the vertical height of a place or an object with respect to a plane…).


Wakea madinika measures 11 to 13 mm in males and 14 to 16 mm in females.


The species name, derived from the Malagasy word “madinika” for “small”, was given to it in reference to its small size.

original publications

  • Glaw & Vences, 2006: Phylogeny and genus-level classification of mantlelid frogs (Amphibia, Anura). Organisms, Diversity and Evolution, Vol. 6, pp. 236-253 (full text).
  • Vences, Andreone, Glaw & Mattioli, 2002: New dwarf species of Mantidactylus from northwestern Madagascar (Anura: Mantellidae). Copea, vol. 2002, pp. 1057–1062 (full text).

Wakea madinika – definition and explanations – Techno-Science.net Read More »

Search for Titan sub enters crucial phase and captain admits

Search for Titan sub enters crucial phase and captain admits ‘we don’t know where they are’


Credit, PA Media


Titan has been missing since Sunday

Jun 22, 2023 at 8:08 03

Updated 36 minutes ago

The US Coast Guard has announced it has found a “debris field” near the Titanic wreckage.

The panel announced a press conference for 5 p.m. Brazil time to provide more details.

Rear Admiral John Mauger, commander of the Coast Guard First District, and Capt. Jamie Frederick, Coast Guard First District Response Coordinator, will speak to reporters during the interview.

The Titan has five people on board and is part of the OceanGate company, which offers submarine tours to the wreck of the Titanic, which sank in 1912.

BBC News science correspondent Jonathan Amos said it was difficult to understand whether this announcement was big news in relation to the case, but added that the Coastguard had made few such announcements in recent days.

“The US Coast Guard hasn’t posted many tweets in the past few days, so it could be significant. Speaking to experts this week, many feared Titan may have suffered a catastrophic implosion due to a hull failure. Such a scenario could explain the wreck.” . But then again, it could end up being nothing,” he says.

He said the seabed around the Titanic wreck was littered with debris of all kinds, mostly from the big ship itself, and that the submarine may still be missing.

As of Tuesday (20th) at 1:00 p.m. on the US East Coast (2:00 p.m. Brasilia), the United States Coast Guard estimated that the submarine had approximately 40 hours of oxygen left. In this way, the oxygen on board the submersible Titan, which disappeared on Sunday (06/18), would run out this Thursday morning (06/22).

A businessman who has taken a trip on the Titan submarine to the site of Titanic’s sinking believes the people on board can maximize their oxygen supply to last longer than just this Thursday morning.

Rescuers said they needed to stay “optimistic and hopeful”. Ten additional ships and several submarines will join the search Thursday, more than doubling the number of ships involved in the operation.

But Captain Jamie Frederick, who is leading the search, said: “To be honest we don’t know where they are.”

The search area was expanded after rescuers spotted noises on Tuesday and Wednesday. The area of ​​the search area is twice the size of Sergipe State and is 4 km deep.

It is not clear what the noises are and whether they came from the submarine at all.

Former US Navy nuclear submarine commander David Marquet warns that the noise may not be coming from the Titan, but from the very ships conducting the search.

“I don’t think the noise is from them, it could just be natural sounds. We hear noises as more ships enter the area and I don’t think it’s a coincidence,” he told the BBC.

But for others, the noises can be good signs.

News that noises were detected during a search for a missing submersible gave a glimmer of hope that the five men on board are still alive.

Frank Owen of the Submarine Institute of Australia says he is confident based on the information available that the noise was coming from inside the ship.

“If there was a 30 minute break it would be very unlikely that it was anything nonhuman,” he told the BBC.

Frank says the sounds could be the brainchild of PaulHenry Nargeolet, 77, a former French Navy diver and famous explorer who was on the Titan’s crew.

“He needs to know the protocol of trying to alert searchers … on the hour and half hour, you have to do everything for three minutes,” Frank added.

Two people on Titan PaulHenry Nargeolet and Hamish Harding are members of the Explorers Club, a centuriesold international organization dedicated to scientific exploration.

“There is good reason for hope, and we’re making it even more hopeful,” the organization’s president, Richard Garriott, wrote online.

Oceanographer David Gallo believes it would take a miracle to save the crew alive, but remains optimistic.

He told UK broadcaster ITV that the sounds coming from underwater were “believable and repeatable”, meaning crews had to assume it was coming from the submersible and act quickly to locate it.

“At this point, we have to assume it’s the submarine, move quickly to that location, locate it, and place robots there to verify that the submarine is there,” he said.

“You have to be completely ready, like it’s the submarine, because it takes hours to locate and bring it to the surface.”

Captain Marquet reckons the chances of survival for those on board, while slim, have increased slightly as the equipment needed to pull the Titan out of the seabed is en route to the area.

The Flyaway Deep Ocean Salvage System (FADOSS) is deployed by the US Navy. Typically, FADOSS is used to recover large and heavily sunken objects such as aircraft and small ships.

Credit, NAVSEA


FADOSS is used to salvage sunken large and heavy objects such as airplanes and small ships

The FADOSS is strong enough to lift 27 tons and can descend up to 6,000 meters into the sea.

The deepest rescue attempt recorded with a FADOSS is 6,000 meters. The wreck of the Titanic sinks at a depth of 3,800 meters.

A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) from the British company Magellan is loaded onto a C17 aircraft at Jersey Airport.

The Magellan submarine called Juliet recently scanned the wreckage of the Titanic and created a 3D view of the entire ship.

It would take about 48 hours to reach the location.

The Juliet will be able to descend the full depth of the dive site and the crew has detailed knowledge of the deep sea area having been there only recently.

The submarine had been available since earlier in the week but was held back for bureaucratic reasons.

The Polar Prince the research vessel from which the Titan was launched remains the search command center and is located near the Titanic wreck site.

Remotecontrolled vehicles equipped with cameras scan the depths of the seabed throughout the day.

Search for Titan sub enters crucial phase and captain admits ‘we don’t know where they are’ Read More »

1687455501 Mourning for Fabri Fibra and Nesli her father Ivaldo Tarducci

Mourning for Fabri Fibra and Nesli: her father Ivaldo Tarducci died music fan page

The family of Nesli and Fabri Fibra has been saddened, the two rappers have said goodbye to their father Ivaldo Tarducci, who died at the age of 96, in the last few hours.

Mourning for Fabri Fibra and Nesli her father Ivaldo Tarducci

A bereavement hit the family Nesli And Fabri Fibra. With a post on Instagram Francesco Tarduccialias Nesli, said goodbye to his father, Ivaldo Tarducci: “I love you! Bye Pà… have a good trip” are the words that can be read on a photo that shows him next to him.

The man, father of the two rappers and Federica, was a well-known dealer of Senigallia, the place of origin of the family, a point of reference for his city. He died at the age of 96 years old. Mayor Massimo Olivetti and the City Council also welcomed Ivano Tarducci with a note: “I believe that almost every Senigalli citizen of my generation has bought a Tarducci garment at least once. With Ivaldo’s death we lose a fellow citizen who invested in the small.” Company that contributes to the economic development of our city. A loving hug to his family members,” read the words of Anconatoday.it.

The relationship between brothers Fabri Fibra and Nesli today

The two rappers broke off all relations in September 2008, and according to the latest news, the situation has not changed since then. In 2016, Nesli said that when they were little, after an uncomfortable episode that befell them, they cultivated the same passion for music together. But as they got older, their musical tastes changed and they distanced themselves: “He disowned me, indifferently repaid me as if I were his worst enemy.” In the same interview, she admitted that her mother has now come to terms with her hypothetical reconciliation have: “She also lives in Fabri’s absence. My father is almost 90 years old, I had this vision: We, at his funeral. It will happen there.” . It will be the day the accounts will be closed. We will pay them all. We will understand that it is not true that there is always time.” Perhaps that time has come.

Mourning for Fabri Fibra and Nesli: her father Ivaldo Tarducci died music fan page Read More »

Heidi Montag and husband Spencer Pratt wear matching swimsuits while

Heidi Montag and husband Spencer Pratt wear matching swimsuits while vacationing in Hawaii with their two sons

Heidi Montag and husband Spencer Pratt looked thoroughly happy as they enjoyed a fun-filled family vacation in Hawaii with their sons Gunner, five, and seven-month-old Ryker earlier this week.

As the 36-year-old reality star hit the beach in matching pink swimwear with an on-trend palm tree print, he flaunted his impossibly slim post-baby physique while enjoying quality time with his spouse and children.

Holding her baby boy in her arms, the Colorado TV personality shared a sweet kiss with her longtime love, who she first met at a Hollywood club in 2006 while filming her hit series The Hills.

The mother-of-two ventured further into the sea while gazing at her child in admiration, keeping one arm wrapped around her eldest, who stayed by his father’s side.

While documenting her vacation on her Instagram, Montag described her trip as “epic” and “filled with memories.”

“These are the moments I live for,” she captioned footage from her stay at 1 Hotel Hanalei Bay on Kaua’i’s North Shore.

To look good!  As the 36-year-old reality star hit the beach in matching pink swimwear with an on-trend palm tree print, he flaunted his impossibly slim post-baby physique while enjoying quality time with his spouse and children Doting mom: Holding her little boy in her arms, the Colorado TV personality shared a sweet kiss with her longtime love, who she first met at a Hollywood club in 2006 while filming her hit series The Hills

Happy family: Heidi Montag and her husband Spencer Pratt looked thoroughly happy as they enjoyed a fun family vacation in Hawaii with their sons Gunner, five, and Ryker, seven, earlier this week

To take a bath!  The mother-of-two ventured further into the sea while gazing at her child in admiration, keeping one arm wrapped around her eldest, who stayed by his father's side

To take a bath! The mother-of-two ventured further into the sea while gazing at her child in admiration, keeping one arm wrapped around her eldest, who stayed by his father’s side

Paradise: While documenting her vacation on her Instagram, Montag described her trip as

Paradise: While documenting her vacation on her Instagram, Montag described her trip as “epic” and “filled with memories”.

While enjoying some time in the sun, the actress enthusiastically threw her arms in the air and smiled before lounging by the pool.

While taking advantage of their resort’s oceanfront pool, the lovebirds relaxed on a row of lounge chairs in the pool.

Montag and Pratt welcomed their newest addition in November 2022.

Their holiday comes after Montag took to Instagram earlier this month to celebrate Gunner’s preschool graduation.

She shared a photo of her and Spencer hugging the tot while he wore a white graduation cap and smiled.

“Time flies like in flight! Gunner graduated from preschool! “Oh my god, I shed so many tears of joy and reflection,” she said.

Speaking to Us Weekly recently in December, Heidi said her little son has “a great temper.”

“Parenting is really different this time around.” I just feel like there’s so much more I need to focus on with Gunner and our businesses… I’m busy! “It just feels so different and simpler,” she told the publication.

1687455418 308 Heidi Montag and husband Spencer Pratt wear matching swimsuits while

“These are the moments I live for,” she captioned footage from her stay at 1 Hotel Hanalei Bay on Kaua’i’s North Shore

Another boy: Montag and Pratt welcomed their newest addition in November 2022

Another boy: Montag and Pratt welcomed their newest addition in November 2022

Proud: Her holiday comes after Montag took to Instagram earlier in the month to celebrate Gunner's preschool graduation

Proud: Her holiday comes after Montag took to Instagram earlier in the month to celebrate Gunner’s preschool graduation

Adorable: Heidi recently spoke to Us Weekly in December and said her little son had

Adorable: Heidi recently spoke to Us Weekly in December and said her little son had “a great temper”

1687455425 96 Heidi Montag and husband Spencer Pratt wear matching swimsuits while

“Parenting is really different this time around.” I just feel like there’s so much more I need to focus on with Gunner and our businesses… I’m busy! “It just feels so different and simpler,” she told the publication

She continued: ‘[I’m] I juggle Gunner and make sure I have time with him… My mother’s guilt is something I’m really trying to balance.

“It’s just more and more people to worry about all the time… I just love Gunner and Ryker so differently, but they’re the same.” I just feel really whole.”

Regarding his physical condition since having her second child, Heidi said in a TikTok post earlier this year, “So my goal is just to get strong, to have strength.”

“I fit back into my alo.” [workout clothes], which is great. And now I will be stronger and better than ever!’

She continued: '[I'm] I juggle Gunner and make sure I have time with him... My mother's guilt is something I'm really trying to balance

She continued: ‘[I’m] I juggle Gunner and make sure I have time with him… My mother’s guilt is something I’m really trying to balance

1687455429 609 Heidi Montag and husband Spencer Pratt wear matching swimsuits while

“It’s just always more people to worry about all the time… I just love Gunner and Ryker so differently, but they’re the same.” I just feel really whole.”

I feel fit: Regarding his physical condition since the birth of her second child, Heidi said in a TikTok post earlier this year:

I feel fit: Regarding his physical condition since the birth of her second child, Heidi said in a TikTok post earlier this year: “My goal is simply to become strong, to have strength.”

Heidi and her friend Kristin recently took to TikTok to share a video of them lip-syncing to Aqua’s 1997 single Barbie Girl.

The Uncommon James founder described Montag as her “best friend” and “ride or die” in the post’s caption.

Both appeared in the original version of The Hills, which premiered on MTV in May 2006.

Montag appeared in all six seasons of the show, while Cavallari first joined the show as a guest and later enlisted as a full-time cast member.

Heidi Montag and husband Spencer Pratt wear matching swimsuits while vacationing in Hawaii with their two sons Read More »