At meeting gospel singer sparks uproar with biased comments understand

At meeting, gospel singer sparks uproar with biased comments; understand

A statement by singer Regis Danese at the meeting this Wednesday (21) caused an uproar among Internet users.

Patricia Poeta and Manoel Ribeiro

247 A statement by singer Regis Danese at the meeting this Wednesday (21) caused an uproar among Internet users. The gospel singer expressed what he deemed “absurd” about depression, attributing it to the absence of Jesus (i.e., lack of Christian faith) in a person’s life. On social media, netizens stressed that the statement was harmful to mental health.

Danese was the show’s musical guest and at one point Patrícia Poeta addressed personal issues such as family and health. The moderator mentioned that people often think that artists have a perfect life without any problems, but in fact that is not the case. Then Danese began his speech.

“Depression affects everyone, especially those who engage in art. Many comedians, for example, suffer from depression. They laugh and tell jokes, but inside they suffer. Do you know what that is? When you have an encounter with Jesus, He is righteous.” “The right space to fill that void,” he said, without providing any evidence or official data to support his claim.


At meeting, gospel singer sparks uproar with biased comments; understand Read More »

Prince William is 41 years old this rare honor bestowed

Prince William is 41 years old: this rare honor bestowed on his birthday – TELES RELAY

  • Prince William celebrated his 41st birthday on June 21, 2023.
  • The Prince of Wales received a great honor from Westminster Abbey.
  • An honor that has not been bestowed on him for several years.

For Prince William, June 21st is never a day like any other. Actually it’s his birthday. So he celebrated his 41st birthday on June 21, 2023. If he probably had to spend the day with his small family, namely his wife Kate Middleton and their three children, he was also honored several times.
Beginning with his father, Charles III. Britain’s new king wanted to wish his eldest son a happy birthday by posting a loving snap on his Twitter account. This is a photo taken during the rehearsal of Charles III’s coronation ceremony. has been recorded. The two men seem happier and more complicit than ever.

But that’s not the only honor he deserves. Actually Westminster Abbey in London also wanted to honor this occasion. Thus, Prince William was entitled to an abbey bell choir. “Happy Birthday to the Prince of Wales today! The Abbey Hunchbacks ring in 541 Changes by Stedman Caters, followed by a course of London Surprise Royal celebrationsWrote Westminster Abbey on Twitter in the caption of a video of the musical tribute that aired at 1pm local time.

Prince William had not had this honor for several years

It is not every year that the Prince of Wales receives this honor on his birthday. The last time was in 2019. While Westminster Abbey was known for ringing its bells to celebrate the birthdays of senior members of the royal family, This tradition has changed since the Covid-19 pandemic and the many financiers that have accompanied it.
Prior to 2020, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip and their four children were eligible for this honor, as was Charles III’s wife, Camilla, and Prince William, Kate Middleton, and their children. In 2022, only Queen Elizabeth and Charles heard the bells ring on their birthdays.

Prince William is 41 years old: this rare honor bestowed on his birthday – TELES RELAY Read More »

1687440748 Vehicle stolen in Stoneham Unlicensed youth cause accident – ​​

Vehicle stolen in Stoneham: Unlicensed youth cause accident – ​​

Two youths under 16 who veered off the road in Stoneham on Wednesday night have been arrested after committing multiple offenses in a stolen vehicle.

The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) police officers first tried to intercept the vehicle, which violated the Highway Code, on the Grande-Ligne road. That’s when they realized the car had been reported stolen.

Vehicle stolen in Stoneham: Unlicensed youth cause accident

“The drivers continued on their way to the Avenue du Lac [au Lac-Delage]where the police were waiting for them as it is a dead end sector,” explained SQ spokeswoman Camille Savoie.

When he saw the patrol officers at the intersection of Avenue du Lac and Avenue des Monts returning in his tracks, the motorist left the road.

Vehicle stolen in Stoneham: Unlicensed youth cause accident

Then the peace officials discovered two underage men who were too young to have a driver’s license. One of them had to be taken to a hospital for treatment of minor injuries.

If the two young people are later released with a promise to appear, they face charges of concealment and traffic violations.

Vehicle stolen in Stoneham: Unlicensed youth cause accident – ​​ Read More »

1687440627 The Bank of England surprises with an aggressive half point hike

The Bank of England surprises with an aggressive half-point hike and sets interest rates at 5%

The Bank of England surprises with an aggressive half point hike

The Bank of England (BoE) and its governor, Andrew Bailey, embarked on a dangerous descent with their reputation and prestige at stake. Its strategy since the pandemic of gradually and gently increasing the price of money – up to thirteen consecutive increases – has failed to halt UK inflation that continues to soar. This Thursday, the BoE’s Monetary Policy Committee surprised markets by an aggressive 0.5 percentage point hike in the interest rate to 5% by a seven vote in favor and two against. The week started with May inflation data remaining at 8.7%, three-tenths higher than analysts’ forecasts. Worse still, core inflation, which excludes energy, unprocessed food, alcohol and tobacco prices, rose to 6.5% in May from 6.2% in April, the highest rise in 30 years.

“The Monetary Policy Committee [del BoE] It will continue to monitor closely any signs of persistent inflationary pressures across the economy, including tensions in the labor market and developments in wage increases and service cost inflation. “If signs of sustained pressure emerge, further tightening of monetary policy will be necessary,” the UK Monetary Authority said in its statement.

There were already many analysts – albeit not the majority – calling for the BoE to move more than the expected quarter-point rise, so the surprise effect of the move on markets was short-lived. Governor Bailey had recognized in a parliamentary appearance that the currency unit he heads had made a mistake in the model used to forecast inflation developments.

Although neither the government nor the BoE want to say it clearly yet, Brexit has limited the UK’s ability, both in terms of production and competitiveness, to fight inflation, which could become chronic, while the US or the EU already do the case is subside.

“Inflation erodes citizens’ savings and raises prices, ultimately making us all poorer,” Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said during the scrutiny session in the lower house on Wednesday. “That’s why I said at the time that while it’s not easy to tackle, we will make responsible and difficult decisions,” he said. At the beginning of his term, Sunak pledged to halve inflation by the end of this year. The consensus of experts is that delivering on that promise will prove next to impossible. The pressure on Brits’ pockets is making the Conservative government’s prospects for an election recovery extremely difficult.

The “Mortgage Penalty”

Most UK financial institutions have revised up the terms of their mortgages and UK homeowners are facing an annual increase in their payments of almost £3,400. “The Mortgage Punishment of the Conservatives”. This is what the union opposition has dubbed the situation, which has no qualms about cornering the prime minister with an economy far worse off than his European neighbors.

The government seems to support the path taken by the BoE at the moment. Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt has written a letter to Bailey expressing his support for the strategy: “Businesses and households need to be able to trust that the government and the BoE understand the challenges they face from rising prices and none “Have doubts that we will act together to keep inflation under control,” Hunt said.

The pound sterling reacted to the central monetary authority’s decision by bouncing sharply for the first few minutes, but then immediately began falling. Something similar happened with government bonds. Markets are expecting interest rates to rise again in August and anticipate that the year will end with interest rates on money at 6%. The idea of ​​a recession in the face of such restrictive monetary policy once again overwhelms analysts looking at the UK.

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Five Day Agenda

The day’s major economic dates, with the keys and context to understand their scope.


The Bank of England surprises with an aggressive half-point hike and sets interest rates at 5% Read More »

Etienne Papineau a rare Quebec golfer with a PGA Tour

Étienne Papineau: a rare Quebec golfer with a PGA Tour champion tag

A dozen days ago, Étienne Papineau experienced a second disappointment in Oakdale in less than five days after his early exit from the Canadian Open. The weeks follow each other but are not equal. The Quebecer now carries a champion label on the Canadian PGA Tour.

• Also read: Étienne Papineau sees a bright future on the fairways and greens of the PGA Tour
• Also read: Canadian Open: Quebec’s Étienne Papineau suffers a second disappointment in the same week

As he hoisted the trophy at the first tournament of the season in Victoria, Vancouver Island on Sunday, Papineau reflected on the tough road he had come since leaving the University of West Virginia.

He’s worked hard to keep up despite the pandemic. He survived the trials and recovered from injuries that disabled him. He experienced his ups and downs on the fairways of various racetracks.

Above all, despite his leap to the pros around 18 months ago, he is on the way to becoming one of the best in his field. On Sunday, seven days after Canada’s curse ended at the national professional championship, he followed in Nick Taylor’s footsteps and signed an important victory at the Victoria Open.

moment of honor

“It’s the greatest moment of my career,” Papineau said over the phone when Le Journal contacted him after his win. I’ve been struggling with injuries this winter, which has delayed my preparation for the season. I had returned to the game too quickly in the spring and wasn’t ready. My game wasn’t on point and I was doubting myself.

“I had decided to retire for a few weeks to treat this foot injury and be in good shape again,” continued the men’s national team member. And when I came back my game was there and so was my confidence.

The 26-year-old golfer put in an outstanding performance this spring, winning almost every game. He missed the US Open final qualifier by two short strokes. Ditto for the Canadian Open cleaver. Despite these setbacks, he still realized he could compete with the best in his sport.

expected success

“It’s a matter of time before everything fits in my game. I’m unpretentious and if my game is good I know that I’m one of them.” Golf is a long process. My win this weekend is proof of that,” said the man who has two starts on the PGA Tour.

Papineau succeeds Laurent Desmarchais and Raoul Ménard, who each won a title at the Canadian circuit in 2020 and 2021. In times of a pandemic, however, the context and the competition were very different.

Young Desmarchais had won a Canada Life Series tournament with no American competition. And Ménard had done the same in a season reserved exclusively for Canadian golfers due to travel restrictions between countries.

Last year, Albertan Wilson Bateman was back to normal, winning two titles. The last to do so was Taylor Pendrith in 2019, who is now a senior PGA Tour member and represented the international team at last fall’s Presidents Cup.

Since Sunday he has received numerous congratulations and encouragement to continue his excellent work, including that of Canadian Adam Hadwin, who competed at the American Open, and Sahith Theegala, with whom he played on the PGA Tour during his baptism of fire in February 2022 at the Phoenix Open.

Étienne Papineau: a rare Quebec golfer with a PGA Tour champion tag Read More »

A professional swimmer goes missing while crossing the canal

A “professional swimmer” goes missing while crossing the canal

A “professional swimmer” who crossed the English Channel from England to France on Tuesday is missing, French maritime authorities said, announcing in the evening the search was suspended after several hours of investigation and heavy use of resources.

“Informed” on the day of this disappearance, the Operational Surveillance and Rescue Center (CROSS) Gris-Nez quickly deployed two French and Belgian military helicopters, a French Navy patrol boat, a French Gendarmerie coastal patrol boat and, according to the French maritime authorities, they are a lifeboat at sea (SNSM).

However, “without further elements being added and the likely area of ​​disappearance having been fully investigated for several hours, the Channel and North Sea Maritime Prefect decided to “deliberately break the search”.

The maritime authorities contacted stated that “more than six hours” passed between the first call and the announcement of the end of the search.

The identity and age of this swimmer are currently unknown, a spokeswoman said.

This type of “professional” crossing, which is “compulsorily supervised by a boat,” is only allowed in England and never in France, she added.

On Tuesday, the departments of northern France were classified by Météo France as a “yellow” vigilance authority for thunderstorms.

A “professional swimmer” goes missing while crossing the canal Read More »

The unexpected reason why Matute would not have a VAR

The unexpected reason why Matute would not have a VAR in the Clausura tournament yet

He final tournament League 1 2023 will have the implementation of VAR. The use of this technology in Peruvian football was announced some time ago by the FPF as one of the reforms in the national sport. Even the referees who will be responsible for this first date of the final tournament have already been determined. But a day before the start of the second part of the tournament It has been revealed that there are six stadiums that are not yet approved for the use of video arbitration.

According to the RPP journalist Andrea Closa, these are the districts of Alejandro Villanueva, Miguel Grau, Iván Elías Moreno, Alberto Gallardo, Héroes de San Ramón and Municipal de Bernal.

YOU CAN SEE: The Japanese player loathed Peru’s shirt and threw it down after an exchange with Callens

The reason that the Alejandro Villanueva (Matute) Stadium would not receive a permit is due to the reseeding work and that the structure for general admission would still have to be installed.

The unexpected reason why Matute would not have a VARTweet about the possible reason why Alejandro Villanueva Stadium would not have VAR. Photo: Capture Twitter

For the first three stadiums, the situation would be more complex due to the infrastructure; while the other three would soon come into question.

When will Alianza Lima debut in the Clausura tournament?

The La Victoria team will contest the first date of the Clasura this Friday, June 23rd, starting at 8:00 p.m. (Peruvian time). The main stage of this engagement will be the National Stadium and not Matute as maintenance work will be carried out on the turf.

The unexpected reason why Matute would not have a VAR in the Clausura tournament yet Read More »

lady in red Queen Maxima of the Netherlands stuns in

lady in red! Queen Máxima of the Netherlands stuns in a colorful recycled outfit

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands stunned in bright red today as she made the most of her third and final day in Belgium.

The Queen of the Netherlands, 52, is currently on an official state visit to the country with her husband Willem-Alexander, 56.

Continuing her busy schedule, she performed with her husband and King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium at Imec, a digital company in Leuven.

She looked sensational in a striking red Natan dress, which she also wore to her Caribbean tour earlier this year.

She accompanied the silk crepe dress with an ornate brooch and earrings.

Queen Maxima is known for always looking elegant and making her engagements fun

Queen Maxima is known for always looking elegant and making her engagements fun

Queen Maxima was on a three day trip to Belgium where she met many people and organizations The Queen looked strikingly red while visiting the chip factory with Belgium's Queen Malthide

The Queen looked strikingly red while visiting the chip factory with Belgium’s Queen Malthide

She also wore a clutch bag and gloves, her makeup was minimal and her blonde hair was elegantly slicked back.

Her Dutch counterpart Queen Mathilde, 50, also wore a similarly vibrant color and looked fabulous in orange.

She wore an elaborate hat and beamed throughout the event.

The four spent the third day in the city of Leuven in central Belgium, east of Brussels.

There they visited Imec, a research center specializing in chip technology that supports companies in the development of digital applications.

They met the CEO – and from there they continued to Antwerp for a stroll through the Royal Museum of Fine Arts (KMSKA).

The museum contains a collection spanning seven centuries of art and has recently been renovated.

They will then organize a meeting on youth unemployment.

Queen Maxima beamed as she visited downtown and was greeted by royal fans

Queen Maxima beamed as she visited downtown and was greeted by royal fans

King Willem-Alexander and Maxima looked elegant as they stayed dry under a shared umbrella

King Willem-Alexander and Maxima looked elegant as they stayed dry under a shared umbrella

She looked sensational in a striking red Natan dress, which she also wore to her Caribbean tour earlier this year

She looked sensational in a striking red Natan dress, which she also wore to her Caribbean tour earlier this year

The Queen was greeted by screaming royal fans who were super excited to see her in the Belgian city

The Queen was greeted by screaming royal fans who were super excited to see her in the Belgian city

A royal fan gave the Queen a bouquet of flowers as she greeted school children who lined the streets

A royal fan gave the Queen a bouquet of flowers as she greeted school children who lined the streets

Queen Mathilde of Belgium, King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, King Philippe-Filip of Belgium and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands pictured during a visit to Imec

Queen Mathilde of Belgium, King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, King Philippe-Filip of Belgium and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands pictured during a visit to Imec

The Queen and her husband have lived a life of luxury on their journey.

Before that, King Phillippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium hosted a state dinner for the visiting royal couple.

Arriving in Brussels for the occasion, Máxima looked sensational in a one-shoulder pleated gold dress.

The sophisticated dress had a short train and was fitted at the waist with a glittering belt.

Matching the tone of her dress, Máxima wore a chunky diamond necklace with a large amber pendant.

The queen styled her blonde hair in loose waves and opted for her signature brown smokey eye.

Despite the 24 degree heat that evening, Maxima carried a small white fan and completed her outfit with a square gold clutch.

Queen Mathilde, meanwhile, opted for a glittering silver floor-length gown with floral appliqués.

Queen Mathilde of Belgium, King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, King Philippe-Filip of Belgium and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands pictured during a visit to Imec

Queen Mathilde of Belgium, King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, King Philippe-Filip of Belgium and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands pictured during a visit to Imec

Maxima seemed happy when she found out all about the company.  Later she is supposed to visit an art gallery in Antwerp

Maxima seemed happy when she found out all about the company. Later she is supposed to visit an art gallery in Antwerp

The European queen wore her hair in a chic updo and wore a pretty floral diamond necklace.

Additionally, both King Phillipe and King Willem-Alexander looked dapper in black tuxedos for the occasion.

Queen Maxima and Queen Mathilde wore floral dresses as twins as they attended the Climate Tech Forum.

Both queens looked typically glamorous as they stopped to chat at the café at Serre d’hiver.

Queen Mathilde looked chic in a green floral ensemble which she paired with a dusty pink hat.

She completed her ensemble with matching pink heels, gloves and a leather clutch.

Máxima’s stylish dress featured a colorful pattern and was paired with an elegant matching hat.

The queen completed her look with beige heels and added some glamor with gold earrings.

The queens were accompanied to the technology forum by their husbands, King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands and King Philippe of Belgium.

And earlier this week, the royals attended a gala dinner in Brussels.

The gala dinner, hosted by the Kings of Belgium at their official residence, Laeken Castle, took place on the first evening of Queen Máxima and King Willem-Alexander’s three-day state visit to Brussels.

Queen Maxima looked effortlessly elegant in a dusty pink dress with a beaded bodice and a full, ruffled skirt.

With her hair slicked back, the Queen of the Netherlands wore the 1897 Stuart tiara for the momentous occasion.

Queen Máxima wore the lavish tiara to a state banquet at Buckingham Palace in October 2018.

The finishing touches of an embellished diamond necklace and matching diamond earrings made Queen Máxima shine.

Meanwhile, her hostess, Queen Mathilde of Belgium, looked equally elegant in an embellished light blue strapless gown.

The 50-year-old mother-of-three wore a long lace scarf slung over her shoulders and a small clutch bag.

Queen Mathilde also wore a tiara, diamond necklace and diamond earrings and was just as spectacular with her jewelry as Queen Máxima’s.

The two heads of state, King Phillipe and King Willem-Alexander, who were both due to make speeches, looked smart in white ties and tails.

lady in red! Queen Máxima of the Netherlands stuns in a colorful recycled outfit Read More »