Like mother like daughter Bruna Marquezine enthusiastically shows an old

“Like mother, like daughter”: Bruna Marquezine enthusiastically shows an old photo of her mother and impresses the resemblance of the two


“Like mother, like daughter”: Bruna Marquezine raves when she shows her mother’s old photo.

Photo: Getty Images / Purepeople

Bruna Marquezine beamed at the impact of her photo shoot for the cover of Vogue magazine’s anniversary issue. This Friday (05) shared the actress from “Besouro Azul”. A comparison made by fans who juxtaposed the photoshoot image for the editorial and a note taken by the actress’ mother, Neide Maia.

Bruna’s fan club chose an old photo of the actress’ mother, which appears to have been a photo shoot. “It’s the thing: like mother, like daughter,” it said in the publication of a profile on Twitter. The actress sent an emotional message to her mother by sharing the post on her Instagram. “I love you mom. “Did you see, mother? I’m on the cover of Vogue!“, he wrote.

Taking to social media, netizens were struck by the resemblance between the mother and daughter. “Very similar here,” said one profile. “Soon,” wrote one user. “What genetics, Dona Neide, what genetics,” praised another admirer. “The clone,” joked one “Twitterer.” Access the photo gallery above to check out the footage!


In the interview for Vogue magazine, Bruna touched on several issues, including the aesthetic pressures and expectations of the longawaited Besouro Azul film. She celebrated the enthusiastic response of Brazilians to their conquest in international countries.

I was moved to see my country celebrate a victory that is ours. I didn’t grow up with many Brazilian women occupying this e…

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“Like mother, like daughter”: Bruna Marquezine enthusiastically shows an old photo of her mother and impresses the resemblance of the two Read More »

1683359870 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 The Triumph of

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 | The Triumph of Friendship

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For their final mission together, the Guardians face not a galaxy-threatening foe but the High Evolutionary, the infamous creator of their smallest member, Rocket. La Presse spoke to Sean Gunn, who plays the raccoon on set, and Chukwudi Awuji, who plays the geneticist, who gave him the floor.

Updated yesterday at 6:00am.


James Gunn enjoys working with his friends. He loves directing with them and he loves seeing their friendship on screen. Since the first Guardians of the Galaxy (GOTG) in 2014, connections have grown stronger. Today, the Guardians form a family that is as heterogeneous as it is close-knit, both in the cinema and in real life.

“We’re a disparate group, like the Guardians,” notes Sean Gunn, who also plays Kraglin, a former Ravager turned Guardian.

We’ve changed so much since the first film 10 years ago. Chris Pratt and Karen Gillan didn’t have the careers they have today. Dave Bautista was a wrestler. I had acted in a couple of shows on TV… I’m really happy with how we and our characters turned out.

Sean Gun

The brother of director and screenwriter James Gunn, who played Kirk Gleason in Gilmore Girls, his role has evolved throughout the trilogy. Since Kraglin only had a few lines in the original GOTG episode, the actor’s main job was to take Rocket’s place during filming while wearing fun green outfits and crouching. Bradley Cooper always lends his voice to the ruthless raccoon in that final installment, but it’s Sean Gunn’s that we hear for the scenes where we see the younger Rocket.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 The Triumph of


Sean Gunn as Kraglin

“Initially I was chosen because I think my brother was afraid of getting bored in the London studios,” Sean Gunn admits with a smile in his voice. Rocket gave me such an adventure… [Court silence] It takes a whole team to bring it to screen and I’m proud to be a part of it. He’s also the focus of the story and of all the characters, he’s the one my brother resonates with the most. I could talk for two hours about what he means to me. »

Meeting with its maker

Not much has been revealed about Rocket’s origins in the previous two GOTGs. We know that he has undergone cruel experiments and undergone cybernetic modifications. With the literal and figurative scars still visible, he prefers not to speak about his past.

James Gunn called Rocket the “secret protagonist” of his trilogy. He concludes by revealing that a man known as The High Evolutionary has transformed a baby raccoon into a brilliant creature capable of piloting a spaceship. However, his intentions were far from noble.

1683359861 903 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 The Triumph of


A young rocket

“He lives only for his obsession, which makes him a very dangerous person,” says Chukwudi Iwuji. He’s a classic villain. It reminds me of James Bond, the mad scientists or Doctor Moreau. Or almost all of Gary Oldman’s roles in the 1990s I didn’t think I was lucky enough to be able to offer my version of all those performances that I love and live on in my memories. »

The High Evolutionary has been trying for years to build a perfect society by genetically modifying animals. Rocket – which he calls 89P13 – is the result of one of his earlier experiments, from which he successfully escaped. When he learns that he is still alive, his search becomes his priority.

1683359863 714 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 The Triumph of


Chukwudi Iwuji embodies The High Evolutionary.

Even when he’s calm, you can feel an anger snarling inside him. It’s a good challenge for an actor, and it’s satisfying when you can finally let that anger out.

Chukwudi Iwuji on The High Evolutionary

Another challenge was to pretend to be chatting to a little two-legged raccoon while Chukwudi Iwuji was actually chatting to Sean Gunn, a Rocket doll, or a tennis ball! “Sean helped me a lot because when we started shooting, his presence allowed me to respond to his emotions. It made me angry or upset, which enabled me to perform better. »

A “Flood of Emotions”

After briefly feuding with Thor in Love and Thunder and then celebrating Christmas – on Disney+ – in Holiday Special, the Guardians reunite one last time. At least, that’s the team’s version that director and screenwriter James Gunn brought to the screen.

“It’s always sad to end something, but there’s also this joy of finishing a creative project to present it to the public,” explains Sean Gunn, who nonetheless admits going through a “flood of emotions” in those few months to have .

“I could only look at it, having only just joined them when they were 10 years together, but you could feel that everyone took a responsibility to end it in style,” Chukwudi Iwuji continues. Chris, Zoe, Dave, they were all so welcoming. It was a very friendly set. There was pressure, not from them but from me. I didn’t want to be the one to ruin everything. It was a real pleasure to take part in the final point of this adventure. »


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 | The Triumph of Friendship Read More »

Quebec drowned in a Canada of 100 million people without

Quebec drowned in a Canada of 100 million people… without any debate!

One hundred million citizens in Canada in 2100 through even more massive immigration is quite simply a revolution. The greatest political transformation in Canadian history. We would almost triple the population in 75 years.

Surprisingly, the proposal was never officially debated. Neither in the election campaign nor in the public square. But we feel the idea is entrenched among English Canada’s elite.

One hundred million Canadians in 2100 has become the new Canadian dream. And Justin Trudeau, without ever officially promoting it, is its bearer. His government is taking every step to bring about this. It raises immigration thresholds dramatically. And it conveys the idea of ​​absolute multiculturalism, where no barrier to identity can justify slowing down the rate of entry.

Clearly, this Canadian dream was defined without considering Quebec. A bit like Quebec had opted to stay in Canada during the referendums, but the rest of Canada had decided to continue on their way without worrying about Quebec.

This dream of greatness seems to me to be quite detached from reality from several points of view. Housing, health care, school places, the Journal’s report illustrates well the complications associated with such radical policies.

In Quebec

However, there is one fundamental difference between Quebec and the rest: integration. In Toronto, we don’t care. When a newcomer joins, they will join the other members of their already well-established community. We create cultural ghettos and accept that.

As for the common language, there is no need to take any action. English dominates the continent, we trust everyone will inevitably learn it, even if it’s not perfect.

Quebec cannot participate in this immigration euphoria from Canada. First, because Quebec has chosen to give greater importance to the integration of newcomers.

And above all because the linguistic situation in Quebec is fragile. Allowing more than 100,000 immigrants to enter Montreal each year no longer allows scrutinizing everyone for postage. French will be there in a decade.

The election campaign issue of the future

The dossier presented today by Le Journal sets the course for the next two to three federal election campaigns. Yes or no to the initiative of the century. Yes or no to an explosion of immigration thresholds.

Today only the bloc seems to be clearly opposed to this revolution. What will Justin Trudeau MPs do in Quebec?

And most importantly, what will the Conservatives do? So far, Pierre Poilievre is silent. He reckons that opposition to massive hikes in immigration thresholds will earn him the suspicion of certain cultural communities. And that would be fatal in suburban Toronto.

It’s time Quebec woke up and demanded clear answers from federal parties. Hurry up.

Les eaux seront plus agitees pour le Canadien lan prochain

Quebec drowned in a Canada of 100 million people… without any debate! Read More »

1683359562 El Argar the enigmatic culture that exchanged women between cities

El Argar, the enigmatic culture that exchanged women between cities

The Argaric culture “consisting of more than a hundred settlements, including some real fortified cities”, spread between 2200 and 1550 BC. from. C. for about 35,000 square kilometers in the southeastern peninsula. The largest cities, such as La Bastida de Totana (Murcia), occupied an average of five hectares and included public works for the management and use of water (cisterns, dams, canals), buildings for policy making (public spaces), housing, workshops and warehouses, as well as specialized ones Pottery areas and others for metallurgical production. They administered a parceled territory in areas designated for rainfed agriculture and irrigated agriculture. But about 3,500 years ago, after violent uprisings and subsequent fires, this culture simply disappeared. Experts debate the causes, which doesn’t prevent them from further investigating their enigmatic social customs. Now the journal Nature has published the study Kinship Practices in the Early State Society of El Argar in Bronze Age Iberia, which reveals another surprising aspect: women were exchanged between cities, and when they had female offspring, they repeated the process with daughters. This shows the analysis of 68 cadavers in which no adult female genetically related to another was found, except for mothers with their girls who died young.

More information

“The Argarian sites offer a unique opportunity to address issues of biological relatedness and kinship, as a significant portion of the population was buried in single or double graves placed beneath inhabited areas. [casas o edificios públicos]’ says the study. For example, in 2013, under the Argarian Parliament of La Almoloya (Pliego, Murcia), the tomb of a princess was found with a spectacular trousseau composed of a silver diadem, four gold and silver ear spreaders, rings, a dagger, bracelets and semi-precious stones. These burial practices, which vary according to the social group to which those buried belonged, allow experts to link them together, study their social origins, find out their causes of death and even discover their places of origin.

Tomb of an Argarian Halberdier buried with his mate in La Almoloya.Tomb of an Argarian halberd buried with his partner in La Almoloya, Autonomous University of Barcelona

To learn more about this city, researchers from the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig and the Autonomous University of Barcelona selected 86 people from the La Almoloya site, of whom only 68 kept profiles suitable for the study. Ancient DNA analyzes confirmed that there were 13 first-degree relationships (father, children, and siblings) and 10 second-degree relationships (grandchildren, nephews, grandparents, half-siblings, or cousins) between them. What is striking about the data obtained is that there were more individuals in the first degree than in the second, which is not logical in a generation pyramid. In general, there will always be more grandchildren than grandparents in a family. The only possible answer to this situation is that the members of the second group were not buried in this place.

The biological relationship between bodies is also very strange. Descendants of the same male line of up to five generations have been found, but none corresponding to a daughter, sister, brother or half-brother, although they corresponded to nephews and grandchildren. And the most striking thing: None of the 30 analyzed women had a genetic relationship with the other adults. Therefore, they were neither sisters, nor daughters, nor nieces, nor aunts, nor grandmothers.

Argarian Parliament in La Almoloya.Parliament of the Argars in La Almoloya Autonomous University of Barcelona

However, experts discovered that a man buried at La Almoloya was genetically related to a woman from the Madres Mercedarias site in Lorca, some 50 kilometers away. “This, together with the fact that there is no consanguinity between adult females, may indicate the practice of female exogamy and patrilocality,” the authors state. That is, the young women left their homes (exogamy) in other cities to live with their husbands in La Almoloya (patrilocality). “Adult females buried in double graves [principalmente con sus maridos] support these practices as they have neither fathers nor mothers in the same settlement nor have any other adult relatives apart from their descendants, suggesting that they came from outside the community and were integrated into it through their association with local men” , explain it.

“It should be noted that we did not find first- or second-degree relationships between adult females at La Almoloya,” points out Vicente Lull, professor of prehistory at the UAB and co-director of the excavations at La Almoloya, along with Rafael Micó and Cristina Rihuete “suggests that this practice may be mutual between settlements and that young women born in La Almoloya also moved to other places. But patrilocality does not necessarily imply the absence of male mobility. In fact, our results also confirm the mobility of the latter, evidenced by the presence of fewer second-degree relatives. [nietos] what first class [hijos] at the place”. However, the complete absence of the bodies of daughters and granddaughters shows that patrilocality was, with exceptions, an obvious fact. Furthermore, if more women than men came, it would ultimately lead to the acceptance of monogamy and polygamy.

The researchers also focused on the case of two girls buried together (one between 14 and 17 months and the other 8 or 9 years old) who were paternal half-sisters. His father was buried next to a woman who was only the mother of one of them. “The archaeological context gives no indication as to whether or not the two mothers coexisted, and whether this case represents an example of serial monogamy or polygamy.” However, the fact that the half-sisters were buried together reflects an awareness (on the part of the morticians) of the kinship between the two girls, notwithstanding their different biological mothers, “and very likely also signifies a recognition of paternity and that marital ties are temporary and dissolvable are”. In other words, this society accepts separation or divorce.

Tomb of an elite Argarian warrior before it is excavated.Tomb of an elite Argarian warrior before uncovering Barcelona Autonomous University

Social inequality is another prominent feature of the Argarian period, which the analyzed burials confirm. Experts have identified three social classes: one powerful (10% of the population), another with political and social rights (50%) and a third slave or servitude (40%). In the case of La Almoloya, four elite tombs have been documented. The first is an impressive stone tablet containing the remains of a man with a copper halberd and dagger buried over a woman. Another of the burials found also corresponds to the “lavishly endowed” princely tomb for two people who share wealth and symbolic space but have no genetic ancestor in the settlement, “raising the possibility that they are members of an external ruling elite”. who led or settled in the city during a time of crisis. The woman wore a silver diadem encircling her head.

Therefore, the researchers conclude: “The substantial number of genetically unrelated individuals in the Argarian tombs would be explained by political and economic factors most likely embedded in a general framework of alliances and conflicts” in which consanguinity and marriage played a leading role this mysterious culture.

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El Argar, the enigmatic culture that exchanged women between cities Read More »

New fishing offer in

New fishing offer in Charlevoix

For many years, the outfitter of the Domaine du lac Brouillard has been offering hunting and fishing enthusiasts great opportunities in the Charlevoix mountains. You are entitled to a whole new vision of this unique setting with the group of owners who have taken over.

Five French employees with extensive experience in outdoor adventures, fishing and more are now the owners. They come from the regions of Auvergne, Burgundy and the Alps.

“During a visit to my cousin Valentin Perrin, who had come to study natural environment techniques at Cégep de Saint-Félicien, I fell in love with the great outdoors of Quebec. That’s what prompted me to create a group to start the great adventure of the Domaine du lac Brouillard outfitter,” explained the group’s spokesman, Adrien Philippon.

“We have discovered this fantastic area and all the things to do in Charlevoix. We chose to invest to progress and create new adventures.”

Charles Thibault, Sébastien Moreau and Charles Moreau also dive into the adventure.

  • Sport fishermen Charles Raymond and Philippe-Vincent Foisy discuss opening up fishing via QUB radio :


This outdoor specialist, who wanted to start an outfitter in Quebec, was immediately enchanted when he saw the mountains of Charlevoix.

“I really missed the mountains. I come from the Alps. When I arrived in Charlevoix, I knew I wanted to settle there. When I visited the outfitter, I saw that at altitude there were lakes of different sizes, mountains, reliefs and more. I really recognized myself in this area.

“We are also very close to the main road, 20 minutes away, with La Malbaie in one direction and La Baie in the other. For us it is really ideal compared to what we are already doing in France and what we want to do.

Currently the outfitter has eight chalets for accommodation on the European plan, classified four stars.

“We operate the exact same hunting and fishing activities in one of the outfitter’s 14 lakes. Only one of this number is set. A second can be seeded with large trout to keep customers happy. All others are stocked with local trout. They regenerate and we want to keep it that way.”

The beautiful speckles are always present in several of the outfitter's lakes.

Photo provided by Domaine du lac Brouillard

The beautiful speckles are always present in several of the outfitter’s lakes.


The construction of an inn is underway.

“At the heart of our activities in France, in the Auvergne region, we have set up summer camps offering stays with multiple activities. When I came with my partner Charles and we saw the potential, we knew we had to develop this concept.

“We needed an inn for this, especially as it is used for snowmobile rides in winter. Our program includes all activities on the outfitter, but also elsewhere in the region. It’s about bringing people to Tadoussac, Quebec, Les Palissades, Cap Jaseux and more…”

To achieve their development, they needed this hostel that can accommodate between 20 and 40 people. Two groups of young French people are already expected this summer. Of course, fishermen can also stay there and use the area to pursue their favorite hobby. Catering service will be available.

“In the winter, this new inn is sure to become a popular destination for snowmobile enthusiasts, both in Quebec and overseas.”

Arriving at the decorator of the Domaine du lac Brouillard, the group quickly recognized the potential of the place and the value of the Charlevoix nature. The five partners will develop new approaches that they already master very well and that have proven themselves in their other institutions.

To enjoy hunting and fishing in Charlevoix and to discover brand new activities, the outfitter of the Domaine du lac Brouillard is a destination of choice.

► For more information: (418) 617-1602 or

Les eaux seront plus agitees pour le Canadien lan prochain

New fishing offer in Charlevoix Read More »

Lakers vs Warriors LIVE Watch Game 3 of the NBA

Lakers vs. Warriors LIVE: Watch Game 3 of the NBA 2023 Semifinals HERE

The series moves to the Arena and LeBron’s Lakers will host Curry’s Warriors for the third semi-final game NBA 2023.

Magical night in Los Angeles! This Saturday, May 6th, the Lakers meet the Warriors for the third game of the 2023 NBA Western Conference Semifinals. In the second game of the series, the Golden State defeated the team of LeBron James and company 127-100, although the visit started very aggressively at the beginning. Surprisingly, the game eventually became MVP Klay Thompson with 30 points, equal to Anthony Davis in the first duel. Now the series is moving to Los Angeles and the Arena is buzzing with excitement. Go on LIVE the game for La República Deportes.

When is Lakers vs. Warriors of the Golden Stadiums?

The meeting between Lakers vs Warriors for Game 3 of the 2023 NBA Conference Semifinals will begin at the following times depending on the country or region:

  • Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Miami: 8:30 p.m
  • Colombia, Panama, Chicago: 7:30 p.m
  • Mexico, Nicaragua: 6:30 p.m
  • Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil: 9:30 p.m
  • Los Angeles, San Francisco: 6:30 p.m
  • Spain: 2.30am (Sunday 6th).

The Arena was built with $700 million.  It used to be called the Staples Center.  Photo: Ace

The Arena was built with $700 million. It used to be called the Staples Center. Photo: Ace

Where to Watch Lakers vs. Warriors LIVE for Western Conference Semifinals?

The transmission of the game Lakers vs Warriors LIVE will run through the following channels and platforms:

  • United States: ESPN
  • Latin America: ESPN Extra, Star Plus
  • Spain: Sport in Movistar +
  • NBA League Pass.

Lakers vs. Warriors LIVE: Possible Lineups for Game 3

These would be the possible lineups of both teams:

Los Angeles LakersWarriors of the Golden State
Lebron JamesStephen Curry
Anthony DavisClay Thompson
Jared VanderbiltDraymond Green
Austin ReavesAndrew Wiggins
D’Angello RussellJordan Poole

Lakers vs. Warriors LIVE: Watch Game 3 of the NBA 2023 Semifinals HERE Read More »

Jay Blades Stephen Fry and Emma Thompson lead celebrity guests

Jay Blades, Stephen Fry and Emma Thompson lead celebrity guests arriving for the King’s coronation

The celebrities take their seats: Jay Blades, Joanna Lumley, Stephen Fry and Emma Thompson lead the guests arriving at Westminster Abbey for the coronation of the King

  • Hundreds of invited guests will be seated at Westminster Abbey at 9am

Celebrities Jay Blades, Joanna Lumley, Stephen Fry and Emma Thompson lead guests arriving at Westminster Abbey for the coronation of the King.

Stephen Fry was also among the first celebrities to arrive for the coronation of King Charles III this morning. arrived at Abbey.

The QI star, 65, was pictured queuing to enter the church while donning a black blazer, cream double-breasted waistcoat, white shirt and purple tie.

Other celebs arriving include Lionel Richie, Nick Cave and Dynamo.

They are among the hundreds of invited guests who must be seated at the Abbey by 9am – hours before the arrival of King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla.

They will soon be joined by other famous faces including Ant and Dec and Amanda Holden.

Hundreds of police, soldiers and coronation staff were seen on the streets near Westminster Abbey.

Jay Blades is among the hundreds of invited guests who have to be seated at the abbey until 9am

Jay Blades is among the hundreds of invited guests who have to be seated at the abbey until 9am

Singer-songwriter Lionel Richie (centre) arrives this morning - he can be seen among many staff working for the coronation

Singer-songwriter Lionel Richie (centre) arrives this morning – he can be seen among many staff working for the coronation

Stephen Fry (pictured) was one of the first guests to arrive at the coronation of King Charles III this morning.  arrived at Westminster Abbey

Stephen Fry (pictured) was one of the first guests to arrive at the coronation of King Charles III this morning. arrived at Westminster Abbey

Dame Emma Thompson DBE, British actress and screenwriter, gives a thumbs up as she arrives

Dame Emma Thompson DBE, British actress and screenwriter, gives a thumbs up as she arrives

Dynamo and Kelly Jones arrive at Westminster Abbey dressed smartly in suits

Dynamo and Kelly Jones arrive at Westminster Abbey dressed smartly in suits

Australian singer-songwriter Nick Cave this morning near Westminster Abbey

Australian singer-songwriter Nick Cave this morning near Westminster Abbey

Andrea Leadsom arrives at Westminster Abbey, London, ahead of the Coronation

Andrea Leadsom arrives at Westminster Abbey, London, ahead of the Coronation

Guests for the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla queue up on Lambeth Bridge, London, before the ceremony at Westminster Abbey

Guests for the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla queue up on Lambeth Bridge, London, before the ceremony at Westminster Abbey

Metropolitan Police officers and security guards gather ahead of the coronation of King Charles III

Metropolitan Police officers and security guards gather ahead of the coronation of King Charles III

The Metropolitan Police and MPs patrolled the Victoria to Westminster route from the early hours of Saturday morning.

Royal fans with Union flags and crowns could be seen on trains and Tube stations from just after 4:30am.

Some were seen carrying tents, chairs and sleeping bags.

Jay Blades, Stephen Fry and Emma Thompson lead celebrity guests arriving for the King’s coronation Read More »

Fighting in Sudan Disputing sides prepare for talks over Saudi

Fighting in Sudan: Disputing sides prepare for talks over Saudi Arabia – BBC

May 6, 2023 at 05:20 CET

Updated 55 minutes ago

picture description,

Smoke rising from airstrikes in Khartoum (from 1 Ma)

Saudi Arabia is set to host the first face-to-face talks between Sudan’s warring armies on Saturday after multiple ceasefires collapsed.

A joint US-Saudi statement hailed the start of “pre-negotiation talks” in Jeddah between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). On Friday, reports spoke of ongoing clashes in Khartoum.

The Sudanese army says the talks are aimed at addressing humanitarian issues.

There was no official RSF comment.

The army confirmed it had sent envoys to Jeddah to take part in talks urged by the UN and aid organizations amid a serious humanitarian crisis in Sudan.

Nearly three weeks of heavy fighting has killed hundreds and displaced nearly 450,000 civilians. According to the International Organization for Migration, more than 115,000 of them have sought refuge in neighboring countries.

The commander of the Sudanese army, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan – the de facto President of Sudan – is in a bitter power struggle with the leader of the RSF, General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, better known as Hemedti.

The statement by the US and Saudi Arabian governments said they “call on both parties to consider the interests of the Sudanese nation and its people and to actively engage in the talks for a ceasefire and an end to the conflict that spare the suffering of the Sudanese people and ensure the availability of humanitarian assistance in the affected areas”.

The joint statement also expressed hope for “an expanded negotiation process that should include cooperation with all Sudanese parties.”

A Unicef ​​spokesman, James Elder, said an estimated 190 children were killed and 1,700 injured in the first 11 days of the conflict alone – and those figures come only from health facilities in Khartoum and Darfur.

“The reality is probably much worse,” he said.

The intensity of the fighting has prevented urgently needed aid from getting through.

So far, General Burhan and Hemedti, who led an Arab militia in the brutal Darfur conflict, have shown little willingness to reach a peaceful solution.

Fighting in Sudan: Disputing sides prepare for talks over Saudi Arabia – BBC Read More »