Trudy from OD pulls off quite a feat Hollywoodpqcom

Trudy from OD pulls off quite a feat! | – HollywoodPQ

Trudy who we met on the show Double occupancy South Africahas just released his very first career album!

Who didn’t want to knowing nothing about record labels»reports the Journal de Montréal, impatiently awaiting the release of his country-tinged album.

Although the singer signed with Warner when she was 18, her mini-album never saw the light of day.

According to the same source, she had also signed a deal with Mercury Records, a subsidiary of Universal Music, and recorded a full album and clips!

However, Trudy Simoneau experienced disappointment when the record company decided to go all out Louanne… which was beginning to have much success.

Therefore, after several obstacles, she decided to independently release an album.

This one with the title go alone, is a country folk album. She has worked with Connor Seidel, who is behind some of Charlotte Cardin’s hits, Half Moon Run and Les Soeurs Boulay.

Trudy has also taken inspiration from multiple places, including the album golden hour by Kacey Musgraves, which she particularly likes. She also dreams of trying her luck in Nashville in the future.

We wish him every success!

Trudy from OD pulls off quite a feat! | – HollywoodPQ Read More »

How the Trudeaus Drowned Quebec

How the Trudeaus Drowned Quebec

Justin Trudeau is like the waking movement: it would be wrong to think of him as a harmless creature, an amateur, a clown.

He’s a lot more dangerous – and a lot smarter – than you think…

The proof ? As we learn from the Journal file released today, Justin is preparing to use big funds to complete the project his father started in the early 1980s.

A project that aims to dilute as much as possible the francophone presence in Canada. And to turn the people of Quebec into an ethnic minority no larger than the minorities of Chinese, Indian or Turkish descent that make up “the world’s first post-national state”…


Pierre Elliott Trudeau dealt a serious blow to Quebec’s sovereignists with the Charter of Rights, which reaffirmed that individual rights take precedence over collective rights.

Because what was on that note?

That Canada was no longer, strictly speaking, a nation, but a collection of individuals loosely bound together by a social contract…

Like the condo owners who agree to take out the trash on Thursdays and vacuum the hallways every two weeks.

The same applies to Quebec: we could no longer speak of a “small nation of Quebec” living within the “great Canadian nation”, but of Canadian citizens living in the province of Quebec.

Quebecers tended to group together like different colored balls in the middle of a pool table at the start of a game?

Trudeau’s father’s charter was the cue ball that broke this beautiful triangle and sent all the balls to the four corners of the table!

Done, the Quebec “nation” that saw itself as a “coherent whole”!

They are nothing more than a group of individuals, citizens and taxpayers!

This was what we might call Phase 1 of the Trudeau Plan.

JUSTIN’s final blow

Stage 2 is what his son Justin will do.

Open the floodgates of immigration to the maximum to drown the French-speaking presence in the country and complete his father’s work.

Massive immigration after the charter.

According to the note, the tide.

Just like his father who said to himself, “Who will dare to fight against my charter? It defends rights and freedoms! She is on the side of good! Justin thinks, “In this diversity-obsessed age, who would dare criticize my immigration program?” Person! »

The goal: 100 million Canadians by 2100.

With 500,000 new arrivals per year.

never seen

It’s not even “opening the floodgates” anymore. It blows up the floodgates!

For Justin, Canada is not a country.

It’s a hotel, an Airbnb.

And Quebec is just one of the many spaces in this massive real estate complex.

Room 237, here. Like in the movie The Shining.

Come on, drop your bags and make yourself comfortable! All you have to do is pay your taxes.

The rest is up to you.

It’s like the infamous tweet Justin posted in January 2017 (“To those fleeing persecution, terror and war, know Canada will welcome you…”) but to the power of 10.

Dad must be proud of son.

Why should the state finance religion?


File photo, Stevens LeBlanc

The Minister of Education Bernhard Drainville announced that his government would continue to fund private religious schools.

It is one thing to allow such schools. But why should the state fund schools that promote ideas that have no scientific basis?

Weren’t we told during the pandemic that we need to “listen to the science”? And isn’t the state trying to fight disinformation (fake news)?

“Yes, but these are not public schools, they are private schools,” said the minister. So what ? What is the difference ?

Why should the state finance religion?

Why does the state sell alcohol?

Therefore, the CAQ will not privatize the SAQ… Another broken promise! (How far have we come?)

Question: What does the state do in retail? Why did the state take over wine sales but not beer sales?

“Yes, but selling wine and spirits allows the state to raise money to fund our social programs…” they say.

So why not “show off” the sale of tobacco products? Or the sale of soft drinks?

Even without SAQ, wine would still be taxed!

Kneel before China

The Trudeaus, as we know, have always had a soft spot for China.

That Pierre Elliott Trudeau (a great friend of Fidel Castro) praised Mao’s murderous regime in 1961 is one thing. Back then, most intellectuals knelt before China and the USSR.


But that his sons justin And Sasha (Alexander)Celebrate China’s economic power when we know how startling and outrageous the Chinese regime’s human rights abuses are.

Could Justin have such good words for a far-right regime?

Les eaux seront plus agitees pour le Canadien lan prochain

How the Trudeaus Drowned Quebec Read More »

1683354653 Business leaders historians and young bets the profiles that may

Business leaders, historians and young bets: the profiles that may shape Chile’s political future

Ten candidates for the Constituent Assembly: Aldo Valle (IND PS) from Unity for Chile;  Rodrigo Delgado Mocarquer (UDI) from Chile Seguro;  Karen Viviana Araya Rojas (PC) from Unity for Chile;  Natalia Piergentili (PPD) from Todo por Chile;  Luis Silva (PR);  Lilibeth Yuvixi Huerta Cortes (PDG);  Aldo Dino José Bernucci Díaz (Ind. Radical Party) from Todo por Chile;  Beatrice Hevia (PR);  Juan Sutil (RN) from Chile Seguro and Astrid Abarzúa Bravo (PDG).Ten candidates for the Constituent Assembly: Aldo Valle (IND PS) from Unity for Chile; Rodrigo Delgado Mocarquer (UDI) from Chile Seguro; Karen Viviana Araya Rojas (PC) from Unity for Chile; Natalia Piergentili (PPD) from Todo por Chile; Luis Silva (PR); Lilibeth Yuvixi Huerta Cortes (PDG); Aldo Dino José Bernucci Díaz (Ind. Radical Party) from Todo por Chile; Beatrice Hevia (PR); Juan Sutil (RN) from Chile Seguro and Astrid Abarzúa Bravo (PDG).RR SS

Some 15 million Chileans will take a mandatory vote this Sunday to elect the 50 councilors who will draft the second constitutional proposal, based on a draft drawn up by a committee of experts. After the failure of the previous process – when 62% rejected the text – citizens will go to the polls under a cloud of apathy. This time there are not a thousand candidates, but 350. Many little-known faces, but supported by the political parties. Another difference from this 2022 attempt is that the pendulum appears to have swung from the left and social activism to the conservative world amid a strong sense of insecurity and electoral fatigue.

The convention will be parity between men and women and those elected will have to present a proposal that will be put to the vote in December. The outcome of this referendum marks the second half of Gabriel Boric’s government, which has been badly hit by the failure of the first. Candidates are divided into five options: three lists and two parties. Among the hundreds of citizens striving to write their country’s history, EL PAÍS has selected a dozen – two for each option – to define the next founding charter.

Aldo Valle – Unit for Chile

The Socialists sought a historical figure from Valparaíso for the competition: Aldo Valle, 67, three-time rector of the University of Valparaíso and former vice-president of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH). The lawyer is the son of railroad workers and was a leader of the port region’s socialist youth during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. He’s now running as an independent with the support of the party that’s part of the official list of unity for Chile, but he’s also a center-left sympathizer figure. Valle’s campaign banner is very critical of the current constitution and aims to guarantee the development and strengthening of public education. In 2021, he tried to enter the political world in the first election for regional governor of Valparaíso. He took third place with 20% of the votes.

The inaugural candidate Aldo Valle.The inaugural candidate Aldo Valle.RR SS

Rodrigo Delgado – Safe Chile

The 48-year-old psychologist was Minister of Interior and Security in 2020 following the social outburst during Sebastián Piñera’s government. It is the letter from the Independent Democratic Union (UDI) in the traditional right list, Chile Seguro, and appears as one of the favorites in the polls to become the constitutional councilor representing the metropolitan area. For two decades he worked in the popular community of Estación Central, a population of 200,000 that has poverty and overpopulation rates above regional and national averages. First he was director of community development and then mayor for three terms (2008-2020). His campaign speech focuses on security, the primary concern of citizens. In an interview, he distanced himself from the option of the extreme right: “In Chile, unlike the Republican Party, we Vamos have practical experience.”

Constituent candidate Rodrigo Delgado.The inaugural candidate Rodrigo Delgado.RR SS

Karen Araya – Unit for Chile

It is one of the Communist Party’s strong cards, from the ruling party’s Unity List for Chile, to integrate the Constitutional Convention. At 43, she is President of the College of Teachers and Professors in La Florida Municipality, Chile’s fifth-largest municipality with 400,000 residents. He has been teaching elementary school students at a municipal school for 15 years. He took to the streets during the 2011 student mobilizations, where he worked with current government spokeswoman Camila Vallejo. He switched from the Humanist Party to the Communist Party in 2015. His campaign focused on responding to the 78% of Chileans who voted in 2020 to change the constitution inherited from the dictatorship. “We have to understand that the Chilean people must demand that the historic demands be included in the new constitution,” he says.

Constituent candidate Karen Araya Rojas.Inaugural candidate Karen Araya Rojas.RR SS

Juan Sutil – Safe Chile

After almost three years at the head of the Confederation for Production and Commerce (CPC), the main trade union organization in Chile, Juan Sutil, 61, decided to throw himself into politics and run for the Constitutional Council. The agribusiness entrepreneur, owner of Empresas Sutil, from where he manages his wine business, nuts, berries and other frozen products, is running as an independent, backed by Renovación Nacional, the traditional centre-right party, within Chile’s Seguro Pact. He will be fighting for one of the two aldermen of the O’Higgins region, one of Chile’s most associated areas with agricultural activities and given his public prominence and role in the world privately is one of the safest cards for Sunday. With the government of Gabriel Boric, which he eyed suspiciously when he took office, the entrepreneur managed to build a relationship of mutual respect despite ideological differences.

The candidate for the inaugural Juan Sutil.The candidate for the inaugural Juan Sutil.CPC

Natalia Piergentili – Everything for Chile

The president of the Party for Democracy (PPD), which was founded by former President Ricardo Lagos and is part of the ruling party, has been one of the big defenders for going to this election on a different list from the other ruling parties. She is a university professor and adviser on public affairs, she is 44 years old and served as Secretary of State for Economic Affairs during the second government of Michelle Bachelet. Between 2012 and 2013 she advised on regional development, sustainability and gender equality at the National Congress. Bet on building a moderate discourse that wins the votes of the left who rejected the first constitutional proposal. The flags he raised in the campaign are the fight against poverty, decentralization, reform and modernization of the state.

The inaugural candidate Natalia Piergentili.The candidate for the inaugural Natalia Piergentili.RR SS

Luis Silva – Republican Party

The 44-year-old constitutional lawyer Luis Silva does not want a new constitution. “We believe that the current Magna Carta is good,” said the Republican Party candidate and confidante of the extreme right, José Antonio Kast. He holds a doctorate in law from the Universidad de Los Andes, former vice-rector of the same institute and a member of Opus Dei. Silva ran in the first constitutional process. He lost by 300 votes to Rodrigo Rojas Vade, a former congressman who invented having cancer, one of the first scandals to damage the previous congress. Openly aligning with the populist Partido de la Gente is one of the almost sure bets on the far-right option in the metropolitan area.

Constituent candidate Luis Silva.The candidate for the inaugural Luis Silva.RR SS

Lilibeth Huerta – People’s Party

The 33-year-old industrial engineer is one of the names in the Populist People’s Party (PDG) with clearer options. He is running in the Coquimbo region, an area where the PDG finished fourth in the 2021 general election but managed to get Víctor Pino MP. Months later, he resigned from the group. Huerta has worked on the two presidential campaigns of Franco Parisi (2013 and 2021), the leader of this new Chilean political force that is not driven by ideology. His campaign focused on defending the “right to security” and from that basis on discussing others: to property, to water and to health.

The candidate for the inaugural Lilibeth Huerta.The candidate for the inaugural Lilibeth Huerta.RR SS

Aldo Bernucci – Everything for Chile

The 80-year-old lawyer is a member of the Radical Party, the oldest political group in Chile. The bank’s main card, part of centre-left Todo por Chile list, is aiming for election in the southern Ñuble region. A seasoned connoisseur of the territory, he served three consecutive terms as mayor of Chillán, the region’s capital, between 1994 and 2008. During the government of Salvador Allende he was director of the legal department of the Agrarian Reform Corporation (CORA) and in the first term Michelle Bachelet (2006-2010) was scientific attaché at the Embassy of Chile in Uruguay. In the previous constitutional process, the Radical Party received only one representative among the 155 voters, so a victory for Bernucci in this smaller council would be counted as a success for the faction.

The inaugural candidate Aldo Bernucci.The inaugural candidate Aldo Bernucci.RR SS

Beatriz Hevia – Republican Party

The 30-year-old lawyer from the southern US city of Osorno worked in the first presidential campaign of far-right Republican Party candidate José Antonio Kast. The legislative adviser was in charge of the Republican youth and sounds like a strong option to incorporate the future Constitutional Council representing the Los Lagos region. During the second government of Sebastián Piñera (2018-2022), she was Advisor to the Secretary of State for Economy and currently works in the international section of the Ideas Republicanas study center, dedicated to the task of proposing public policies that “promote the value of family and transcendence of People. Criticism of the previous proposal, which “compromised” traditions, seeks to defend rural identity. Convinced that Congress should have taken on the task of proposing a new text, she posits that it is the party’s duty to make Republican positions heard in the process.

The constituent candidate Beatriz Hevia.The inaugural candidate Beatriz Hevia.RR SS

Astrid Abarzúa – People’s Party

She is a graduate pedagogue and chief of staff to MP Karen Medina, one of the three MPs in the People’s Party Congress, of a populist nature. At the age of 42, she is also the coordinator of her bank’s candidatures in the Biobío region, the constituency she wants to represent on the Constitutional Council. In the 2021 general election, the People’s Party was the third most popular in the region, behind Chile Vamos, a conglomerate of the traditional right. It was one of the areas where it received the most support, along with the far north, so there are more opportunities for a competitive campaign. A native of the city of Los Angeles in central Chile, her speech focused on decentralization and more economic powers for regional governors.

The constituent candidate Astrid Abarzúa.The constituent candidate Astrid Abarzúa.RR SS

Business leaders, historians and young bets: the profiles that may shape Chile’s political future Read More »

1683354539 Whats on TV today Saturday 6 May 2023

What’s on TV today? Saturday 6 May 2023

11.00 / 1

Coronation Ceremony of Carlos III

Whats on TV today Saturday 6 May 2023

Public television is broadcasting a live special dedicated to the coronation ceremony of Carlos III. will follow. Carlos Franganillo and Anna Bosch will broadcast the official acts with the support of the device used in London. British Hispanic essayist Tom Burns Marañón and British journalist Sarah Morris will also be present on set. The news special also includes an interview with the British Ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliott.

1.30 p.m. / Eurosport

The best cyclists meet at the Giro

1683354510 363 Whats on TV today Saturday 6 May 2023

A new edition of the Giro starts this weekend at Eurosport in the Grand Tours season. The channel will broadcast all the stages of the competition, which will run until the 28th with an impressive distance of almost 3,500 km divided into 21 racing stages. Today the first stage is a flat individual time trial of almost 14 kilometers but with a climb at the end with sections of up to 5.4% and a cobblestone finish.

10.16 / #0

‘love actually’

1683354512 142 Whats on TV today Saturday 6 May 2023

United Kingdom, 2003 (130 minutes). Directed by Richard Curtis. Cast: Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman, Liam Neeson, Emma Thompson, Laura Linney, Colin Firth.

The directorial debut of Richard Curtis, screenwriter of hits like Four Weddings and a Funeral and Bridget Jones’s Diary, offers a journey through several parallel stories, all driven by the engine of love. Some are funny, others romantic, they form an entertaining puzzle that thrives on the good work of the actors and the many songs that populate its soundtrack.

17.25 / Neox

“critical decision”

1683354514 277 Whats on TV today Saturday 6 May 2023

executive decision. USA, 1996 (127 minutes). Directed by Stuart Baird. Cast: Kurt Russell, Halle Berry, John Leguizamo.

Stuart Baird has had a glittering career as an editor, which is evident in his directorial debut. Critical Decision is an efficient and intense film that goes beyond the lightness of its plot: some agents have to put an end to some terrorists who have hijacked a plane and a bomb. A far cry from the infamous action movies that plague screens, Baird shoots solidly and brings dramatic weight to his images. What’s more, it doesn’t allow the characters to recite jokes when they’re in danger, and it doesn’t clog the story with explosions.

20.25 / MCT

‘Mister. Arkadine

1683354516 437 Whats on TV today Saturday 6 May 2023

USA, 1955 (93 minutes). Directed by Orson Welles. Cast: Orson Welles, Robert Arden, Paola Mori.

Mr. Arkadin is another major work in Orson Welles’ filmography, although it bears the burden of back-to-back remakes that resulted in it being exhibited with different versions. Welles creates a character who embodies the essence of mystery, a legend untouchable and possessed of near-limitless power. He is the central character in Mr. Arkadin, but Welles cares even more about creating a whole gallery of unforgettable portraits around him, immersed in a staging that delves into the ins and outs of the Force and depicts a devious love story. Mr. Arkadin remains a masterclass in modern cinema.

20.55 / Sun Dance

“Carmina and Amen”

1683354518 204 Whats on TV today Saturday 6 May 2023

Spain, 2014 (93 minutes). Directed by Paco Leon. Cast: Carmina Barrios, María Leon, Paco Casaus, Yolanda Ramos.

In 2012, Paco León shook up Spanish cinema: he released Carmina o revienta simultaneously in cinemas, online and on DVD, making it the leading legal screening film on the internet.Two years later he designed a new project for Carmina and amen: the day Before its premiere, numerous Spanish cinemas showed the film for free, looking for a “word of mouth”. Your boldness deserves applause. In this family portrait he continues his subversive and rowdy zeal, to which he adds surprising endearments.

21.30 / Movistar comedy

‘O brother!’

1683354520 792 Whats on TV today Saturday 6 May 2023

O brother, where are you? United States, 2000 (93 minutes). Directed by Joel Coen. Cast: George Clooney, John Turturro, Tim Blake Nelson.

Between the comedy waste of The Big Lebowski and the existentialist charge that exploded in The Man Who Wasn’t There, the Coen brothers worked tirelessly to adapt nothing short of The Odyssey. Of course, they moved it to 1930s Mississippi so that instead of Ulysses, three escaped prisoners would travel. In an exercise as admirable as it is iconoclastic, they move between laughter and country music and never stop letting themselves be seduced by the songs of their sirens.

21.45 / The sixth

Assisted Reproduction Clinics, at ‘laSexta Xplica’

1683354522 133 Whats on TV today Saturday 6 May 2023

Tonight’s program, moderated by José Yelamo, looks at birth rates in Spain and the business that assisted reproduction clinics bring. In addition, in the field of international politics, the program shows images of the coronation of Charles III. of England and analyzes the escalation of tensions between Russia and Ukraine after the attack on the Kremlin.

22.00 / 1

Cup final: Real Madrid-Osasuna

1683354525 779 Whats on TV today Saturday 6 May 2023

La 1 will broadcast the final of the King’s Cup between Real Madrid and Osasuna live at the La Cartuja stadium in Seville, where the result of the tournament will be played for the fourth consecutive year. This is an unprecedented final in the history of the trophy: for the Whites, who come with doubts about Modric, one of their pillars, it will be their 40th final and their first in nine years, while the Pamplona folks face their second It’s history.

22.00 / Movistar Classic

“The Heroes of Time”

1683354527 266 Whats on TV today Saturday 6 May 2023

bandits of time. United Kingdom, 1981 (116 minutes). Directed by Terry Gilliam. Cast: John Cleese, Shelley Duvall, Sean Connery, Ralph Richardson.

Former Monty Python Terry Gilliam lets his imagination explode and creates an extraordinary fantasy in which some dwarves challenge the creator of the universe and steal a map that allows them to travel through time, determined to steal an object from each era visited. You will meet Napoleon, the passengers of the Titanic, Robin Hood… All embedded in a slide show that is as fascinating as it is baroque, in which he is present in small roles, past and present of British cinema.

22.10 / antenna 3

Fourth Date with ‘La Voz Kids’

Whats on TV today Saturday 6 May 2023.webp

The fourth night of La Voz Kids Blind Auditions comes to Antena 3 with the aim of continuing the search for the best child singers. Tonight, Aitana, Rosario, Sebastián Yatra and Pablo López, who replaces David Bisbal in the first installments, will be the judges of the program. The stage will host, among others, an Irish rocker, the nephew of the well-known Papa Levante and some flamenco voices.

23.00 / DMAX

A taste of the daily work of the police

Whats on TV today Saturday 6 May 2023

The documentary series 091: Police Alert this week highlights some anti-drug operations being carried out by law enforcement officers across the country. Among them that of the GOIT in Vallecas, one of the busiest drug trafficking areas in Madrid. Also the one faced by the Prevention and Response Unit in the Tres Mil Viviendas de Sevilla and the collaboration between the GOIT and the Police Intervention Unit in a drug sales point in Carabanchel.

0.15 / #0

’39 steps’

1683354532 790 Whats on TV today Saturday 6 May 2023

The thirty-nine steps. United Kingdom, 1935 (83 minutes). Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Cast: Robert Donat, Madeleine Carroll.

The Master Hitchcock insists on one of his favorite themes: the wrong doer, the common man who becomes embroiled in a spiral of intrigue, in this case an espionage plot, that he must confront. A powerful and intelligent exercise in suspense, 39 Steps was created by the filmmaker as the pinnacle of his career on the British stage, a vibrant and compelling film.

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What’s on TV today? Saturday 6 May 2023 Read More »

A baseball player is hit by a ball during a

A baseball player is hit by a ball during a game

A&M University-Texarkana baseball player Matthew Delaney received a gunshot wound mid-game.

The school institution announced on Monday that the 18-year-old was in stable condition.

At the time of the incident, Delaney was standing near the pitching dugout at George Dobson Field during a game against the University of Houston-Victoria on Sunday. He was hit in the chest by the projectile.

Also read: A dramatic win for the Blue Jays

The Texarkana Police Department said it received numerous calls about gunshots near the ballpark and said the athlete was not directly assaulted.

“The incident began with an altercation that resulted in two men exchanging fires outside a home, the Texarkana PD wrote in a message on Facebook. One of the stray balls flew about 400 meters and hit the victim on the baseball field.”

One of the two shooters turned himself in to authorities while the second is the subject of an arrest warrant.

A baseball player is hit by a ball during a game Read More »

Hipodromo Camarero LIVE Follow the latest race results HERE TODAY

Hipódromo Camarero LIVE: Follow the latest race results HERE TODAY, May 6th

Hipodromo Camarero LIVE Follow the latest race results HERE TODAY

The Hipódromo Camarero disguises itself. On Saturday, May 6th, lovers of horseback riding in Puerto Rico can enjoy the famous horse race, in which the best Thoroughbred specimens from the Puerto Rican country compete. But fans of this popular sport can also bet on their favourites. Follow the results of TODAY LIVE HERE!

YOU CAN SEE: BSN 2023 LIVE: Follow the matches and latest tournament results HERE TODAY

Hipódromo Camarero LIVE: Race schedule for TODAY, May 6th

These are the Career Camarero Hippodrome for TODAY, Saturday May 6th, which you can enjoy LIVE on La República Deportes:

Race #1 – 2.45pm

1,600 meter run. Price of $8,100. Imported mares and mares older than 3 years participate. Claimable: $20,000.

1Amia my loveJuan Carlos Diaz
2Alice EmilyYashira Tolentino
3April QueenEric Monserrat
4maruchi rJorge Gonzales
5camera shyJuan J. Esquiline

Games available: Exacta and Daily Double 1-2.

Race #2 – 3.15pm

A mile and eighth race. $6,000 cash prize. Native specimens of 4 years and older than 4 years participate. Claimable: $4,000.

1favouriteNicky Figueroa
2swiss watchJorge G Robles
3are QuitaoJose Osorio Jr.
4leader eJean C Diaz
5BoleristaGeorge L Velez

Games available: Exacta and Daily Double 2-3.

Race #3 – 3.45pm

A mile race and a sixteenth. Price of $6,500. Import mares from the age of 4 take part. Claimable: $8,000.

1novelSteven Monserrate
2Stoney’s monkeyManuel Rosario
3KnowwhentofolderLuis F Rivera
4Infinite SkyJorge Gonzales
5redfishJuan Carlos Diaz
6Horny princessNicky Figueroa

Available moves: Exacta, Trifecta, Daily Double 3-4 and Pick 5.

Race #4 – 4.10pm

1,400 meter run. Price of $7,500. Imported and three-year-old specimens participate. Claimable: $14,000.

1day blueJorge G Robles
2City of GuaynaboEric Ramirez
3Jandi JandiNicky Figueroa
4SacramentoSteven Monserrate
5Claudio YoungJoma Garcia
6Yadiel MJuan Carlos Diaz

Available moves: Exacta, Trifecta, Pick 3, Pick 4 and Daily Double 4-5.

YOU CAN SEE: Double A Baseball League: How does the table work and which teams are ranked?

Race #5 – 4.40pm

A mile race and a sixteenth. $6,000 cash prize. Imported specimens of 4 years and older than 4 years participate. Claimable: $4,000.

1small town shuffleNicky Figueroa
2Valid StormJomar Garcia
3Little MazzyLuis F Rivera
4Run on the trailjavier santiago
5ReddishJoshua Navarro
6TapitorJayson Sanchez
7FarleyLuis Hiraldo
8thRemember WilliMariano Melendez
9Drake’s fortuneEric Ramirez
10land battleJorge Gonzales
11Salsa JackOmix Y Ornament

Ways to Play: Pick 3, Exacta, Trifecta, Quinella, Superfecta and Daily Double 5-6.

Carrrera No. 6 – 5.10 p.m

1,600 meter run. Price of $11,500. Local 3-year-old mares participate. There are no claims.

1Lisandra my loveJean C Diaz
2Miss twenty sevenJoshua Navarro
3Jaimanitas BeachNicky Figueroa
4preciousnessJuan Carlos Diaz
5Renownedjavier santiago
6happy queenSteven Monserrate
7The Danny girlJohn C. Rodriguez
8thNorah v.Jorge G Robles
9Important pointJorge I. Velez
10willEric Ramirez

Games available: Exacta, Quinella, Trifecta, Superfecta and Daily Double 6-7.

Race #7 – 5.35pm

1,100 meter dash. $6,000 cash prize. Imported specimens of 4 years and older than 4 years participate. Claimable: $4,000.

1Rivers of LiteEric Monserrat
2ChituzzeJorge Gonzales
3New York styleJoshua Navarro
4child blueJomar Garcia
5time of peaceJorge I. Velez
6tell himSteven Monserrate
7Highly notedjavier santiago

Available pieces: Exacta, Trifecta and Superfecta.

Hipódromo Camarero LIVE: Follow the latest race results HERE TODAY, May 6th Read More »

The Church of England changes the wording of the public

The Church of England changes the wording of the public statement made at the coronation of King Charles III. After a backlash – CNN

(CNN) The Church of England has changed the wording of its invitation to the public to swear allegiance to King Charles during his coronation, following public backlash.

The Archbishop of Canterbury will now give people the option to just say “God save King Charles” instead of taking the full pledge of allegiance.

The move follows widespread criticism of the proposed pledge. In a recent online poll for ITV’s Good Morning Britain, 86.5% of more than 164,000 respondents said they would not recite the pledge, while a prominent friend of the king had called the earlier wording “unwise”.

According to a revised text of the liturgy for the coronation service released by Lambeth Palace on Saturday, the Archbishop of Canterbury will say:

“I now invite those who wish to offer their support to do so with a moment of private reflection by saying ‘God save King Charles’ at the end or, for those with the words in front of you, reciting them in full. “

The full pledge reads: “I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty and Your heirs and successors according to the law. So help me God.”

In an earlier version of the text, published in April, the Archbishop was to “call upon all persons of goodwill in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and in the other kingdoms and territories to pay homage of heart and voice to their undisputed King, the Defender of All.” .”

The earlier version had been called “imprudent” by a prominent friend of the king.

Sign up for CNN’s Royal News, a weekly show that brings you the inside scoop on the royal family, what they’re up to in the public eye and what’s happening behind the palace walls.

The Church of England changes the wording of the public statement made at the coronation of King Charles III. After a backlash – CNN Read More »

Neighbors express frustration at Portland Ave closure Rite Aid

Neighbors express frustration at Portland Ave closure Rite Aid – News10NBC

ROCHESTER, NY The Rite Aid on Portland Avenue is scheduled to close May 10th. That’s less than a week away.

The company said the decision was made after considering a “variety of factors” including business conditions and business performance.

As you drive by you will realize that the store has been through a lot. The front doors are boarded up with plywood, and neighbors told News10NBC that many shelves are often empty.

“It’s sad because we have to go further out now,” said a family from the neighborhood. “And this is our favorite Rite Aid. We have to go to Family Dollar now.”

“I’m shocked but not surprised,” said shopper Sherman Dickerson. “I guess they couldn’t survive the shoplifting. When you walk around the store, all the shelves are empty. The shoplifters come in, they know they can’t be touched. The poor shop cannot survive.”

It’s a neighborhood staple, according to Rochester Mayor Malik Evans.

“We know from the foot traffic that’s going on there that we don’t think it was a wise decision,” Evans said of the closure. “There’s a lot, a lot of traffic.”

Evans said it was particularly disappointing news because the city has been working with pharmacies to help them stay open and thrive.

“We’ve tried to be proactive with these deals to get them to stay in our community,” Evans said.

City records show multiple thefts at the store in March. Rochester Police told News10NBC someone tried to break in and smash the glass in the doors overnight in early March.

Rochester City Councilor Jose Peo said the closure was a bigger problem.

“If we don’t address the issues on these streets and hold people accountable for their actions, stealing from this place, walking in with suitcases, walking out with tons of produce, we will continue to see divestments,” he said.

As for the suspect who tried to break in a month ago? RPD said he received tickets but did not appear in court. He currently has an active warrant for the burglary and four other unrelated crimes.

Eriketa cost: “So how can we meet the needs of the community? If it is poverty, whatever it is?”

Jose Peo: “So the thing is, I grew up poor, but it was never okay to steal. Just because I was poor doesn’t mean I take from others. People need to understand that there is right and wrong, and if you do something wrong there must be consequences for your actions.”

There is a Family Dollar near the Rite Aid on Portland Ave. Many neighbors have said they will go there. The closest pharmacy options appear to be Rite Aid on North Clinton Avenue or Walgreens on Culver Road. That would be about a 6 or 7 minute drive for this neighborhood. For hikers that would be over 25 minutes.

North Clinton Avenue Business Association President Albert Algarin said he was concerned that the Rite Aid in North Clinton could be shut down. He said he’s heard from Rite Aid officials that it’s possible, but the company hasn’t confirmed it.

News10NBC reached out to Rite Aid to see if crime was a factor in the Portland Ave closure, but has received no response.

See Rite Aid’s full statement below:

“Like all retail businesses, we regularly review each of our locations to ensure we are meeting the needs of our customers, communities and the business as a whole. We take the decision to close a store very seriously and it is based on a variety of factors including business strategy, lease and rental considerations, local business conditions and store profitability and performance. We screen every neighborhood to ensure our customers have access to healthcare services, whether it’s at Rite Aid or a nearby pharmacy, and we’re working to seamlessly transfer their prescriptions so there’s no disruption in service. We also strive to relocate employees to other Rite Aid locations whenever possible.”


For related stories: Rochester Portland Avenue Rite Aid

Neighbors express frustration at Portland Ave closure Rite Aid – News10NBC Read More »