The heat wave in the western Mediterranean quotAlmost impossible without

The heat wave in the western Mediterranean "Almost impossible without climate change"

According to a study published on Friday, the heat wave observed in Spain, Portugal and North Africa led to “temperatures sometimes exceeding 20 degrees above the usual value for the time of year”.

“Without climate change,” the “extreme heat” recorded in late April on the Iberian Peninsula and parts of North Africa would have been “almost impossible,” shows a scientific study published on Friday.

This “exceptionally early heat wave” resulted in “temperatures that sometimes exceeded seasonal norms by 20 degrees and broke records for the month of April by more than 6 degrees,” underlines this report from World Weather Attribution (WWA), a global network of scientists who assess the link between extreme weather events and climate change.

A hot, dry air mass from North Africa last week brought all-time April temperature records to Portugal and mainland Spain, with 36.9 and 38.8 degrees respectively. Levels worthy of the month of July. In Morocco, local records were broken and temperatures sometimes exceeded 41 degrees, while in Algeria they exceeded 40 degrees.

A “rare episode”, also in the current context

“Human-caused climate change has increased the likelihood of this record heatwave in Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Algeria by at least 100 times compared to the pre-industrial climate context.”

This heatwave is “so extreme” that it remains a “rare episode in the current climatic context,” even in a region of the world already accustomed to an increase in these phenomena “in recent years,” WWA said.

According to this research group, temperatures recorded in this area over the past week were “3.5 degrees higher than they should have been without climate change”.

“In the future we will see more and more frequent and intense heat waves in this part of the world,” warned Sjoukje Philip, researcher at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and member of the WWA, during a presentation from the report to the press.

farmland “smothered”

These unusually high temperatures come “after several years of historic drought, which are exacerbating the heat’s impact on agriculture already threatened by increasing water shortages,” notes the WWA.

In Spain, a country whose agricultural regions are nicknamed the ‘vegetable garden of Europe’, the largest farmers’ union, Coag, estimates that 60% of farmland is currently ‘choked’ by lack of rain.

The country’s reservoirs, which store rainwater so it can be used in the drier months, are currently operating at less than 50% utilization, with as much as a quarter in some areas such as Catalonia (northeast), where the situation is extremely worrying. A water shortage that has caused many farmers to stop spring sowing, especially of cereals and oilseeds.

The Spanish weather authority threatened

“The Mediterranean Sea is one of the regions in Europe most affected by climate change. While the region is already facing a long and very intense drought, these high temperatures at a time when it should rain make things worse,” stresses warden Friederike Otto, from Imperial College London, one of the authors of the study.

Amid mounting heat waves in Spain – which had its hottest year last year – the government has defended the national weather agency Aemet against a backdrop of a climate “conspiracy” that has been met with a spate of insults and threats.

Attacks denounced by Minister for Ecological Transition Teresa Ribera. “Lies, conspiracies and fears, insults… This impoverishes our society”, She denounced Friday on her Twitter accountby calling for people to “say stop” to these practices.

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1683348872 New massacre in Serbia the killer hid from his grandfather

New massacre in Serbia, the killer hid from his grandfather: he had a shirt with a Nazi slogan

Serbia is still in shock after two gunshot massacres that took place just a week apart.

Uros b

Uros b

Uros B., the 21-year-old arrested on suspicion of opening fire in three Serbian villages yesterday, killing eight and wounding 14, was wearing one T-shirt with pro-Nazi slogans. This was announced by Serbian President Aleksander Vucic.

The perpetrator of the new massacre, which took place just days after that of the child killer, was arrested near the town of Kragujevac, about 100 kilometers south of Belgrade. Authorities showed photos of the alleged killer in a police car. It’s a young man wearing a blue shirt with the slogan “Generation 88” on it. Angel number 88 could be calling to words ‘Heil Hitler’, H is the eighth letter of the alphabet.

Police also arrested Uros’ grandfather and uncle, with whom the 21-year-old was dating he would have hidden. In their home, in the area VinjistaAuthorities found bombs, an automatic rifle and ammunition 150 km south of Belgrade.

Castelvetrano celebrates the liberation of Matteo Messina Denaro by Quarto Savona car 15

According to some witnesses, a policeman and his sister were among the victims of the massacre. After the massacre, the killer blocked a taxi driver in Mladenovac and ordered him at gunpoint to take him to Vinjista.

The attack claimed a total of 8 victims, the second massacre in Serbia within a few days: From today to Sunday, national mourning was called in the country of the former Yugoslavia for the massacre in the Belgrade school, where on May 2nd a 13-year-old who died on fired his father’s gun, killing eight students from his own institute and a security guard, and injuring six other colleagues and a teacher.

New massacre in Serbia, the killer hid from his grandfather: he had a shirt with a Nazi slogan Read More »

Nana Calistars horoscope for today Friday February 17 LA NACION

Nana Calistar’s horoscope for today, Friday, May 5 LA NACION

Nana Calistar offered her new predictions for this Friday May 5th in your social networks. The expert revealed how all zodiac signs will fare financially and in love. In her opinion, most will need to use today to reflect on some aspects of their lives. That’s what the stars will bring to everyone.

Always remember where you are from and Don’t allow yourself to be someone else just because you’ve achieved success.. It’s not over yet, you still have to work on getting better and reaching new, higher peaks.

You tend to often complain about the difficulties encountered along the way to achieving your goals, which makes the journey even more difficult for you. Don’t pay attention to things that aren’t that important and continue your fight.

This is the recommendation for this weekend You have to learn to let go of the things that affect you. Sometimes what other people do has nothing to do with you, but you tend to overdo it.

Horoscopes for Nana Calistar for todayUNSPLASH

You will begin a period of renewalespecially when it comes to health. Now you want to exercise more and follow a diet to make your body healthier. On the other hand, avoid living on memories alone.

You will meet a person through social networks who will become a good friend. However, be careful about falling in love with her as it will not be the best option. Be more careful and don’t let go right away.

This Friday you will have sudden mood swingsJust try not to take it out on others because no one is responsible for your discomfort. When it comes to your health, it is imperative that you eat healthier.

It’s important to show your interest in the person you like. Never keep a feeling to yourself because by the time you want to express it, it might be too late.. When you let yourself go, something very good is consolidated for you.

HE new possibilities open up in many areas of your life: From work to romance. Although you will also face some situations that take away your energy or desire to move forward. Just remember that this bad streak will only be temporary.

A business you have in mind could work if you decide to open it now. All you have to do is try your best and put in all your efforts to get it out. Don’t pay attention to destructive comments.

The stars tell you that Don’t be afraid to start over, you’ll always shine, don’t despair. Step away from those who have harmed you and you will see everything begin to flow. Don’t let people decide for you.

Nana Calistar’s horoscopes for todayUNSPLASH

A person close to you will begin to develop loving feelings for you. It could be the partner you’ve been looking for, but it probably isn’t. Whatever you feel, you have to tell him. Don’t hope in vain.

Faced with a situation you experienced a few days ago, you need to remain calm. Revenge is not good and it is not recommended to carry it out. If someone cheated on you, don’t worry, karma will come to them.


Nana Calistar’s horoscope for today, Friday, May 5 LA NACION Read More »

Press freedom Austria ranks 29th Tips Regional Total

Press freedom: Austria ranks 29th Tips Regional Total

In the annual ranking of Reporters Without Borders, Austria occupies 29th place, not a particularly good figure for an EU country.

Every year, on the occasion of Press Freedom Day, Reporters Without Borders (ROG) publishes a report on the state of journalistic freedom in 180 countries around the world.

In a complex evaluation process, individual countries are evaluated against the political and legal framework, among other things, and a ranking is created that gives an idea of ​​the working conditions and freedom of journalists.

Noticeable increase in fake news

According to the Index, press freedom is currently “poor” in seventy percent of countries surveyed. In 31 countries the situation is classified as “very serious”, in 42 as “difficult”, in another 55 as “problematic” and in 52 countries as “satisfactory” or “good”. This can be explained by the rise of misinformation and fake news and increasingly personal attacks on media professionals.

Austria occupies this year the 29th place in the ranking. The relatively poor rating can be explained by a large number of restrictions and deteriorations in press freedom. A central point of criticism is that media providers in Austria are not completely independent of each other. What is meant here is not reporting per se, but the ability to control and criticize each other.

Lack of media diversity in Austria

Austrian media groups generally own a large number of daily and weekly newspapers, various magazines, radio stations, agencies and book publishers. The press, Kleine Zeitung, MeinBezirk, Antenne Steiermark, Willhaben and many other media come together under the aegis of Styria, one of the largest media companies in Austria. The situation is similar with the publisher Mediaprint, Red Bull Media, ProSieben-Sat1-Puls4 or ORF.

Another point that negatively influences the Austrian ranking is the lack of freedom of information law in this country. This would give the population the right to access official information and thus make it transparent to the general public. Austria is currently the only EU country where such a law is not in force.

The end of the Wiener Zeitung is reflected in the ranking

Plans to discontinue the Wiener Zeitung also had an impact on the ranking. At the time of analysis for 2023, the end was not yet fixed, but the government’s plans for the end of the oldest daily newspaper in the world gave corresponding signs.

On the other hand, Austria could improve in the area of ​​security. One of the reasons for this is the decline of the many anti-Covid protests, which have seen media workers repeatedly attacked in the past. Currently, journalists in Austria are experiencing few attacks from the state. Arbitrary arrests, as in other (EU) countries, are extremely rare here. However, some media professionals report instances at demonstrations where the police prevented them from reporting or even attacked them with pepper spray. However, all this will only be included in next year’s ranking.

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Goodbye gas stoves New York bans the use of the

Goodbye, gas stoves! New York bans the use of the traditional method in the kitchen

According to CNN, the state of New York has officially banned the installation of gas stoves and appliances in new residential buildings. Gov. Kathy Hochul signed the measure into law as part of the state’s budget released last Tuesday, 2nd. The gas stove directly affects the environment and was the crucial agenda for the ban.

The measure was implemented because of new research showing that the devices contribute to climate change and respiratory problems such as asthma in children. The release of the report, while not prompting immediate and radical action, sparked controversy, with many conservative politicians and social media users criticizing the government.

New York was officially the first state to ban the installation of natural gas stoves and appliances in new residential buildings. California has taken similar action, but New York City is the first at the state level, aiming to address climate change and respiratory problems.

The new legislation is likely to face legal challenges due to political differences, but it represents a significant step in the transition to cleaner energy sources. Understand the ban!

New York bans flame oven

Burning natural gas releases significant amounts of methane, which contributes to climate change. In doing so, environmental activists are defending the ban on gas stoves in new homes in New York as an important step in reducing the state’s carbon footprint

The move is part of the state’s commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2050, as building new residential buildings with gas and heating appliances still adds 250,000 tons of pollution a year.

The impact of the new law on eatin kitchens in New York will be minimal and gradual. Despite the concerns expressed, the ban on gas appliances will only apply to new dwellings in 2026 and taller dwellings through 2029 and will not affect existing dwellings or buildings.

That way, homes that already have gas appliances don’t have to change anything, and many kitchens still have gas ranges for those who have preferred to cook this way for decades. Little by little, the preference for induction cooktops is becoming normal for the people of New York.

Goodbye, gas stoves! New York bans the use of the traditional method in the kitchen Read More »

Isola dei Famosi Simone Antolini shocks everyone Only now the

Isola dei Famosi, Simone Antolini shocks everyone: Only now the truth about his past Grantennis Toscana

The castaway and friend of Alessandro Cecchi Paone dedicated his victory to little Melissa. But who is Simone Antolini for??

In the last episode, which aired on Mediaset on May 2nd, Simone Antolini He won the test that made him the leader of the week on the reality show L’Isola dei Famosi. The Friend of Alessandro Cecchi Paone he wanted to devote himself his victory for Melissa, a little girl. But who is for him?

Ilary Blasi moderates the new edition of L’Isola dei Famosi (Instagram) –

Does Simone Antolini have a daughter? That’s the gossip that’s been circulating about the young shipwrecked man for the last few days. Weekly Nuovo was the first to break this news and it was fueled by Antolini himself, who was in the nomination post upon his arrival get a scroll. And only after opening the shipwrecked man began to cry. Alessandro Cecchi Paone’s friend commented on the gift received: “Thank you, you have fulfilled a great wish. This little girl is an integral part of my life“.

That’s how the speech began Simone Antoliniwho kept saying: “it is a form of my own person. This experience has taught me so much, it has taught me to understand what the important things are“.

As Antolini said, the little girl is very important to him. And she also took the opportunity to say once again that she misses him terribly and also”that i love her and that we will always be together when we meet again“.

Isola dei Famosi, Antolini moved by a gift from little Melissa

There is much curiosity about this little girl, especially after the beautiful words spoken by the shipwrecked man. The reality show competitor, which airs prime time every Monday on Canale 5, declined to reveal who he thinks Melissa is, even though the weekly revealed it would be his daughter.

The moment Simone Antolini received the gift from Melissa (Instagram) –

The moderator of L’Isola dei Famosi, Ilary BlasiHe asked Antolini exactly if he wanted to reveal who the little girl was, admitting that it was a bit of a tricky situation, but the two seem to have made a pact that Ilary will never break, but tells him he should if you want to talk about it, but also if you want to remain silent. Won’t you tell us who Melissa is?”

After what Ilary Blasi said, the shipwrecked man showed everyone what he’s got: It’s a Drawing of a hand with the inscription I love you“. Simone Antolini added that “she was certainly supported by her teachers, by the two educators to whom I owe a lot now that I am no longer present in their lives”. But right now he doesn’t feel like revealing who he is to him. He concluded the speech by saying: “I promise I will talk about her and explain her true identity“.

Previously, Simone Antolini was in a relationship with a woman, but her identity is unknown and the child would have been born around 4 years ago, weekly Nuovo reports.

Isola dei Famosi, Simone Antolini shocks everyone: Only now the truth about his past Grantennis Toscana Read More »

Stars on Mars Hollywood celebrities take to the Australian outback

Stars on Mars: Hollywood celebrities take to the Australian outback for a new reality show

Hollywood stars like Lance Armstrong, Tom Schwartz, William Shatner and Ronda Rousey are taking over the Australian outback to film reality series Stars on Mars in Coober Pedy

South Australia’s Coober Pedy has just added a few hundred to its 2,000 population, while international celebrities flock to the outback to film.

The likes of Lance Armstrong, Tom Schwartz, Ariel Winter and Ronda Rousey will put their skills to the test in the new reality show Stars on Mars in the arid landscape.

Footage captured by Seven News on Tuesday showed a small cluster of large white domes linked by a living facility in the opal mining town’s desert.

Construction and camera crews could be seen on the build as they prepared for filming, which was set to begin in late May ahead of a June premiere.

To simulate the harsh “realities” of survival on the red planet, the final celebrity in the Coober Pedy set is dubbed “the Celebronaut.”

South Australia's Coober Pedy (pictured) has just added a few hundred to its population of 2,000 as international celebrities flock to the outback to film

South Australia’s Coober Pedy (pictured) has just added a few hundred to its population of 2,000 as international celebrities flock to the outback to film

William Shatner (pictured) will host the star-studded reality series

William Shatner (pictured) will host the star-studded reality series

While Stars on Mars will be the largest production to be filmed in SA, it is by no means the first that some of Hollywood’s cult classics have been filmed there.

Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, Pitch Black, and The Adventures of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert all had sets in Coober Pedy.

Commissioned by Fox Entertainment and produced by Fremantle based Eureka Productions, the star-studded reality TV show will bring tremendous benefits to SA residents.

The likes of Lance Armstrong, Ariel Winter and Ronda Rousey (pictured) will test their mettle against the arid landscape on new reality show Stars on Mars

The likes of Lance Armstrong, Ariel Winter and Ronda Rousey (pictured) will test their mettle against the arid landscape on new reality show Stars on Mars

Vanderpump Rules star Tom Schwartz is one of the notable names booked for the series

Vanderpump Rules star Tom Schwartz is one of the notable names booked for the series

According to the state government, the television project will bring traffic to 150 companies in the region and create about 250 jobs in the display industry.

“Stars on Mars could be set on another planet but this production will have a real impact on the Australian screen industry and support local jobs and know-how,” said Arts Minister Tony Burke.

The South Australian Film Corporation and government site incentives helped get the project off the ground in Coober Pedy.

With international celebrities already on set, including Star Trek actor William Shatner, filming will begin in just a few weeks, with a scheduled start date of June 5th.

The 12 celebrities will enter competitions to colonize and conquer a simulation of Mars to be dubbed “the brightest star in the galaxy,” People reported.

Footage picked up by Seven News earlier in the week showed a small cluster of large white domes linked together by a living facility in the opal mining town's desert

Footage picked up by Seven News earlier in the week showed a small cluster of large white domes linked together by a living facility in the opal mining town’s desert

Vanderpump Rules star Tom Schwartz will be joined on the show by Real Housewives of Atlanta reality star Porsha Williams, music artist Tinashe, Modern Family alumnus Ariel Winter, Superbad actor Christopher Mintz-Plasse, actress Natasha Leggero and fashion entrepreneur Tallulah Willis accompanied.

Other notable names from the sporting world include Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon, NFL icons Marshawn Lynch and Richard Sherman, cyclist Lance Armstrong and WWE star Ronda Rousey.

“To all the celebrities out there, don’t try this at home,” said Shatner, who was a passenger on Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin space shuttle during a flight into space in October 2021.

The reality show comes a year after Fox made another innovative attempt at the genre with the series Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test, which won The Bachelorette’s Hannah Brown against big names like Mel B, Kate Gosselin and Kenya Moore .

With international celebrities already on set, including Star Trek actor William Shatner (pictured), filming will begin in just a few weeks, with a scheduled start date of June 5th

With international celebrities already on set, including Star Trek actor William Shatner (pictured), filming will begin in just a few weeks, with a scheduled start date of June 5th

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Geno opens the game and talks about his uneasy goodbye

Geno opens the game and talks about his uneasy goodbye to the duo Gino and Geno; The artist gave details about his co…


With a career spanning 50 years, the artist gave details to Fofocalizando

Replay/Instagram Official GenoReplay/Instagram Official Geno

Without a doubt, Gino e Geno is one of the sertanejo duos that are still successful today with their songs or new recordings by other artists. However, the duo has gone through numerous changes over the years. On the road at 50, Geno decided to leave the stage to be closer to his family, leaving his friend Gino without a partner.

For Fofocalizando, the singer opened up about the details of the split and a legal battle over the duo’s name, even claiming alleged humiliation and threats he received during the time the singer was alongside Gino.

> Replay/Instagram Official Geno

According to the artist, he claims he had no authority over some decisions in the duo and that he was humiliated during the shows. “Gino wanted to be responsible for everything,” he says. The conversation took place at his farm, where he lives with his family.

The end of their friendship led to a R$9.1 million dispute with former businessman Wagner Tadeu de Paula, claiming moral and material damages after Geno left and the name was banned. The lawsuit filed by the businessman was dismissed by Geno, who chose not to discuss the matter. His former partner Gino continues to lead the duo, with another singer of the same name singing alongside him.

Geno opens the game and talks about his uneasy goodbye to the duo Gino and Geno; The artist gave details about his co… Read More »