Questions on US Colombia Relations

Price hike focuses election debates in Japan

The high oil and commodity prices on the international markets and the rapid depreciation of the yen against the dollar resulted in inflation of more than two percent in the Asian country.

With an electorate upset about the rising cost of living, the Liberal Democratic Party (PLD) and its coalition partner Komeito are calling for a vote of confidence in the emergency measures promoted by the current government.

Led by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, the PLD is focusing on the feasibility of subsidies for low-income households and oil wholesalers, in the latter’s attempt to keep gas prices under control.

However, regular fuel prices have been rising, albeit slightly, for four weeks, according to reports from the Energy and Natural Resources Agency.

Led by Kenta Izumi, the Constitutional Democratic Party candidates are criticizing the government’s economic provisions from their opposition position. Instead, they encourage others like halving the current 10 percent consumption tax.

Incidentally, the Reiwa Shinsengumi party promised to abolish the levy, while the Social Democrats proposed keeping it at zero for three years.

In the current election campaign, the ultra-flexible monetary policy of Japan’s main financial institution, in contrast to that of its counterparts in the United States and Europe, has been strongly challenged.

According to Japanese experts interviewed by the Kyodo agency, when the economy is still in a recovery phase from Covid-19 and the debt is still on, it is unrealistic to cut the consumption tax and tighten the Bank of Japan’s (BOJ) strategy of the state’s finances grow.

Those vying for the 125 seats in the upper house of Japan’s parliament also have shared criteria over a potential pay rise, though speeches lack detail, the national press points out.


Price hike focuses election debates in Japan Read More »

1656670755 Most Wanted FBI Steps Up Search for Crypto Queen

Most Wanted: FBI Steps Up Search for “Crypto Queen”

The FBI believes that Ignatova and her associates defrauded victims worldwide out of billions of dollars. According to the FBI, around 2014, Ignatova and her partner founded OneCoin in Bulgaria, which traded a virtual currency that never existed. The Bulgarian-born, who holds German citizenship, touted the project as a “bitcoin killer,” meaning it must compete with the world’s biggest cryptocurrency.

Ignatova made false claims and guarantees about OneCoin to encourage people to invest in OneCoin packages, he said. According to investigators, Ignatova and her partner also promoted OneCoin through a multi-level marketing strategy that encouraged OneCoin investors to sell additional packages to friends and family.

Ruya Ignatova

APA/AFP/Fbi According to the FBI, the wanted person is being watched by bodyguards

Ignatova took advantage of the cryptocurrency hype to attract new investors. While the company is said to have used many of the terms associated with virtual currencies, investigators believe that “OneCoins” were not mined in the usual way for cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, the value of “OneCoin” was determined by the company and not by market demand.

“OneCoin claimed to have a private blockchain,” said Special Agent Ronald Shimko, who is investigating the case at the FBI’s New York field office. “This is in contrast to other virtual currencies that have a decentralized and public blockchain. In this case, investors were simply asked to trust OneCoin.”

Billed in 2017

In October 2017, Ignatova was indicted in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York and a federal arrest warrant was issued for her. Investigators believe Ignatova may have received a tip that authorities are investigating her. She traveled from Sofia to Athens on October 25, 2017 and has not been seen since.

Investigations also in Germany

In Germany, the lawyer, who has a doctorate, is being investigated for money laundering and joint fraud in a particularly serious case. In May, a public search for her was also aired on the ZDF show “Aktenzeichen XY … unsolved”.

FBI agent Shimko hopes that the release of the 10 Most Wanted Fugitives list will bring more attention to the case. “There are so many victims all over the world who have been financially ruined by this,” Shimko said. “We want to bring them to justice.”

Most Wanted: FBI Steps Up Search for “Crypto Queen” Read More »

After the dissolution of parliament Israel is going to the

After the dissolution of parliament, Israel is going to the polls for the fifth time in less than four years

With 92 votes in favour, the decision ended Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s brief oneyear tenure; Foreign Minister Yair Lapid takes over until the next Executive is formed

REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun/Poolelection in Israel
Israel dissolves parliament and people must return to the polls on November 1; Yair Lapid takes over as interim prime minister

Israel is going to the polls for the fifth time in less than four years. The decision came on Thursday 30th after MPs dissolved Parliament and ended the Prime Minister’s short yearlong government. Naphtali Bennettwho led a coalition of eight parties (right, left and center) that included an Arab formation for the first time, something historic Israel. The dissolution was passed with 92 votes in favor and none against out of a total of 120 seats in parliament. Before voting, MEPs set November 1 as the date for the next legislative periods.

The main goal of the coalition was to end the 12 years of uninterrupted rule of rightwing Benjamin Netanyahu, but also to form an executive, which had been impossible after the previous three elections. Bennett will step down at midnight and be replaced by his coalition partner, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, who will lead the government in what is expected to be a bitter campaign against opposition leader and former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

naphthali benett

Naftali Bennett resigns after a year in power │AHMAD GHARABLI / AFP

Bennett, a former army commander and tech millionaire, won’t be running in the elections. Hours before the dissolution of parliament, he announced that he would no longer stand as a candidate in the next elections. In a statement Wednesday night, he said his government left behind a “prosperous, strong and secure country” and showed that parties from different ends of the political spectrum can work together. Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to return to power at the head of the rightwing Likud party, which opinion polls say is the strongest.

Ahead of the vote, the candidate, who was ousted just over a year ago by Bennett’s unlikely coalition of rightleft parties, said: “They promised change, they spoke of a cure, they conducted an experiment and the experiment failed .” “That’s what happens when you take a false right with a radical left and mix them up with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Joint List (Arab coalition).” Polls show that the Israeli political landscape remains highly fragmented, with 13 parties share the 120 seats of the Kneset.

Israeli Parliament

After the dissolution of parliament, Israel is going to the polls for the fifth time in less than four years Read More »

Horoscope July the month of dreams and emotions forecasts sign

Horoscope July, the month of dreams and emotions: forecasts sign by sign

The month of dreams and the moon begins, with the summer heat seeming to ease some of the stress and bring a little ease to the twelve signs navigating a truly chaotic planetary climate. As an emotional surge involves everyone, the need for clarification becomes calm and fluid… Happy July everyone!


The month of July frees you not a little from the burning boils of Mars, which finally passes through Taurus, perhaps leaving less room for passions, but certainly a long-neglected serenity, less haunted by fears and less preoccupied with the decoding of feelings of people, you don’t understand until the end. Heaven also heralds a great deal of work, however this will become more peaceful and less totalizing, you will feel the need to tend to affections, things and people that are a bit neglected, an old flame might hold a grudge.


It will be the month that you will host a transiting Mars that will force you to complete a number of work matters and present you with a number of obstacles to overcome. It will be a month pressurized by deadlines and commitments that only leave room for the sweetness of love when Venus is in the sextile. The picture is improving towards the end of the month but promises a range of different states in which you will find yourself more individual and unsupported in a choral sense. This can alert you to some resolution skills that will prove transformative and resolving in many cases.


The skies are calmer and more peaceful than usual this month, Mars is no longer giving you a boost and Venus and Mercury will gently transition into Cancer giving you less planetary tension to contend with, as if it were a sleepy summer afternoon and the blending light invites you, easy taking a nap and becoming a little more existential makes you think about a lot of things, especially failed relationships and in love how your need to communicate can clash with a partner who might have a very different path. The feeling of having achieved a lot, but at the same time sitting on the bench a bit at the working level, in short, between everything and nothing, summer reflections begin for you.


It’s a very phased month for you and full of changes. Here the planets that will alternate will have a sweet and not at all aggressive succession, it will be the first Mercury to infuse you with desire for truth and spiritual ability to clear the mists and see affective dynamics clearly , which was subdued for some time so as not to suffer. Beautiful Venus will come to your aid halfway through the journey, making everything beautiful new but giving you the appropriate displacement for your feelings that will frame your emotional landscape much better. Many of you will have the courage to make strong decisions based on your own quest for well-being, while a month-end Jupiter will compel you to plan a journey that will take you back to the very roots of your personal beauty and desire for love leads.


It’s a month that focuses heavily on affection and making strong choices, a big T-square between Mars which is beginning to push you and Saturn which with its position staunchly opposed enables you to deciding what to do or not to do, it’s about the choices that are meaningful to some of you. It is not a month of great practical deeds, but of maturation of goals that you want to achieve, even at the cost of eliminating some avenues or relationships. For the second half, surely the clarity of the Sun will illuminate you with its invigorating energy and make you think that what you have matured is what suits you, but in love Mercury will take care of important projects with you your partner to clarify and plan .


A month that doesn’t soften you one bit as there will be a number of stingrays on your side, that feeling doesn’t kick in right away, but little by little you’ll find the usual issues becoming more manageable and you and your partner having a relaxing time enjoy time and maybe plan a vacation that gives you back the air you need to breathe. It will be a little more eventful towards the end of the month when Jupiter begins to turn retrograde, forcing you to suddenly become aware of a sentimental and legal dynamic that you have been neglecting, the skies will shift to bring you to it to solve this problem once and for all for everyone and by all means accept your attraction to a distracting person.

weight scale

Let’s summarize your July: love and chaos! An unexpected and weird quadrature combined between Mercury and Venus will get you excited, but after so much sense of stagnation and wasted time, and after a series of revisions of things and people you thought were certainties, the situation here becomes a a little more dynamic. We run to chase love that ebbs and flows, small and frequent descents, interspersed with management commitments of events that seem urgent and sometimes neurotically rush, leaving you a little tense and making you react suddenly, sometimes interrupting happy moments , enraptured dancers for things and people, very brief melancholy and a fleeting laugh, sang the good Vecchioni, but you’ll still find a place to smile at you, and in filing or clarifying some passages you’ll be very willing to make sure of it that your reality can be more ordered. Plunge into this chaos with irony, after all you have already matured that if you just have to cry, it’s better to laugh at small adversities.


It’s a tough month for you. Mars starts in opposition and you will be powder kegs ready to explode. Especially at work you need to find the right balance but it won’t be easy as this month is the definitive proof that certain assets have changed forever and you still need to show that you know you have it all do what you have always done without the special support of someone or something that until recently made you feel more secure. Although the desire to explode with this configuration of Mars is great, a friendly Mercury will make you smart and you will appreciate that diplomacy and evasion will be much more convenient for you in this situation, a little less restrained the tension of August, a passionate attraction might distract you but it seems very complicated and far away.


It’s a month that, along with August, will land you in a plastic reality that will bring new meaning to the planning of everything. You want to plan a vacation, an important break, but Jupiter’s retrograde will require you to sacrifice something. Don’t worry, it’s just postponed, the work will be the devourer of programs and conditions, all of which will have to face firmness and unexpected variations given the coefficient of chaos that planets in general have been unleashing for some time. Perhaps Heaven would like to give you the measure of different perspectives that will also show you how performing functions and taking on responsibilities from people you have downplayed in the past is not as easy as it seems. Here, however, Heaven gives you a better knowledge and understanding of the state of things and other people, in love if you want the sea, your partner will probably want the mountains.


A month of recovery for you, Mars out of the five begins a powerful trine that will help you hold on to everything and will inspire you practically as you will be severely tested by listening to others, others’ needs have certainly been for a while well studied However, this part allows you to develop exit strategies that will allow you to do much more than you normally do, always maintaining a distanced and observant composure that allows you to make a little difference with small but significant actions, while the oppositions of Mercury and Venus will not spare you clarifications in love and in relationships in general. This is where things become clearer because now it is clear that you want to get away from work, change it and use new strategies that will allow you to head into your new life, a planned and desired goal for a while.


Although you are below the squaring of Mars from five, your sidereal irons will come to your aid, you will in fact opt ​​for a healthy detachment from everything that surrounds you, also thanks to the final transmission of relations with Mercury from a certain point If If you go on for a while, all you have to do is lock yourself into your own silence and observe, as if by magic, that the chaos you feel around you does not affect your interior. And indeed, this is the thesis of the stars, put up with times and methods that are not yours, but which, if not, must at least be patient and ignored. Your projects are much broader than what you almost usually see, as are the Gnorri with the small planetary skirmishes, after all the beautiful Venus will be your friend and many of you will live a love in absolute discretion and without too much worldliness. ..


A month that looks like hilarious chaos for you full of hilarious accelerations and reversals, but fun and lively Mercury and Venus will be your perfect accomplices. You seem engaged in an intermittent seduction that seems to give you a lot of panache between highs and lows, drawing you into these fluid stories where the emotional turnaround keeps you alive and full of great feelings. In the meantime, work goes by in silence and, despite your commitments, you feel the call of the sea, but this year also taking into account family affections that require a greater presence and a certain organization that you will not miss. It’s going to be a really interesting July for singles, full of fun occasions and confusing events…

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Netflix crashes just minutes after Stranger Things Season 4 Part

Netflix crashes just minutes after Stranger Things Season 4 Part 2 was released on the streaming service

Fans have been eagerly awaiting the release of the final two episodes of Stranger Things Season 4.

And just minutes after the final installment dropped at 8:00am UK time (12:00am PT / 3:00am EST) on Friday, Netflix crashed and fans around the world took to social media to share theirs to vent frustration.

Within minutes of Season 4 Part 2’s release on the streaming service, the entire platform was down, returning a message telling subscribers that “this page isn’t working” and instructing others, “Please try again later.” “.

Oh no!  Just minutes after the final episode of Stranger Things season 4 dropped on Friday, Netflix crashed and fans around the world took to social media to vent their frustration

Oh no! Just minutes after the final episode of Stranger Things season 4 dropped on Friday, Netflix crashed and fans around the world took to social media to vent their frustration

The incident is a testament to how excited fans are to find out if Eleven, Mike, Max, Steve and co. can defeat Vecna ​​and finally clear the Eddie name.

The overwhelming influx of fans appears to have pushed Netflix beyond its capacity, prompting thousands of irate subscribers to share news of their tech issues on Twitter.

One fan raged: “I didn’t just count down the seconds like it was New Year’s Eve for Netflix to crash #StrangerThings.”

“Netflix crash? Please let me watch Stranger Things or I’ll cry,” begged another subscriber, while another tweeted, “The power of the Stranger Things fandom to literally crash Netflix…unprecedented.”

Ready!  Fans have been eagerly awaiting the release of the final two episodes of Stranger Things Season 4

Ready! Fans have been eagerly awaiting the release of the final two episodes of Stranger Things Season 4

1656670577 416 Netflix crashes just minutes after Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1656670577 363 Netflix crashes just minutes after Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1656670578 900 Netflix crashes just minutes after Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1656670578 694 Netflix crashes just minutes after Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1656670579 945 Netflix crashes just minutes after Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1656670579 440 Netflix crashes just minutes after Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1656670580 485 Netflix crashes just minutes after Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1656670580 721 Netflix crashes just minutes after Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1656670581 359 Netflix crashes just minutes after Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1656670582 936 Netflix crashes just minutes after Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1656670582 957 Netflix crashes just minutes after Stranger Things Season 4 Part Frustration: Stranger Things fans took to Twitter to vent their frustration

Frustration: Stranger Things fans took to Twitter to vent their frustration

Season four has already brought many plot twists and surprises – as well as the series’ darkest villain yet: the fearsome infernal demon Vecna, played by British actor Jamie Campbell Bower.

The stunning Season 4 Part 1 finale revealed that Vecna’s true identity was Henry Creel aka Number One, shocking viewers.

And ahead of the release of Season 4 Part 2, acclaimed makeup and visual effects artist Barrie Gower teased what fans can expect from the second part of the season, which will consist of two feature-length episodes.

Upcoming: Fans eagerly awaited the final two episodes of Stranger Things Season 4 on Netflix, which released on Friday

Upcoming: Fans eagerly awaited the final two episodes of Stranger Things Season 4 on Netflix, which released on Friday

Speaking to, Barrie said: “I can’t really say too much without obviously revealing things, but there’s a nod to what we’ve done in the last two episodes [in season four] right at the end of episode seven where we see this story arc of Jamie Campbell Bower as the orderly and at the end of episode seven there’s the big reveal that we find out he’s obviously Vecna.

“So his transformation at the end of this episode as he kind of goes through the Underworld into the Upside Down, that’s a little hint of where we might be taking him in the next few episodes.”

Barrie teased, “Without giving too much away, there’s a lot of Vecna ​​in the last two episodes and there’s some pretty exciting stuff that we’ve been able to do for that.”

Talented: Jamie Campbell Bower stars in Season 4 of Stranger Things Terrifying: Jamie as villain Vecna ​​in Stranger Things

Terrifying: Season four has brought many plot twists and surprises – as well as the show’s most sinister villain yet: the fearsome infernal demon Vecna, played by British actor Jamie Campbell Bower

He previously shared the inspiration behind Vecna ​​in a video interview with Vanity Fair, in which he also detailed the painstaking process to bring the Duffer brothers’ directing duo’s vision to life.

Although the show used the latest in CGI and digital effects, Vecna ​​relied on more traditional special effects techniques.

Jamie stunned fans when he revealed that he had to spend more than seven hours every day on set transforming himself into the terrifying monster.

Crafty: Now-acclaimed makeup and visual effects artist Barrie Gower has revealed what fans can expect from the second part of the season, which will consist of two feature-length episodes

Crafty: Now-acclaimed makeup and visual effects artist Barrie Gower has revealed what fans can expect from the second part of the season, which will consist of two feature-length episodes

That process has now been documented in a fascinating Netflix time-lapse video that gives a little glimpse into the lengthy and laborious techniques used to turn Jamie into Vecna.

In the video, Jamie is seen sitting in a makeup chair for hours while a team of artists carefully attaches the pre-made prosthetics to his face, arms and body.

But according to Barrie, the painstaking process of bringing Vecna ​​to life for the small screen began long before the actor began his transformation.

Speaking to Vanity Fair, the Emmy-winner revealed that Stranger Things producers brothers Matt and Ross Duffer approached him about creating their villain for season four after seeing the work he was doing and his team had done on Game of Thrones – most notably with the HBO series’ The Evil Demon, The Night King.

He added that the Duffer Brothers were also impressed by the radiation burns Barrie et al created for HBO’s Chernobyl and wanted to use those elements for their own “iconic” villain.

Trooper: Jamie stunned fans when he revealed that he had to spend more than seven hours every day on set transforming himself into the terrifying monster

Trooper: Jamie stunned fans when he revealed that he had to spend more than seven hours every day on set transforming himself into the terrifying monster

Attention to detail: Jamie took the opportunity to listen to music that helped inspire his character while in the makeup trailer Slurp Slowly: The costume was created with a special section that could be detached when the actor needed the toilet

Attention to detail: Jamie took the opportunity to listen to music that helped inspire his character while in the makeup trailer

After artist Michael Mayer, who also runs the VFX department, designed the concept art, the Duffer Brothers and Barrie agreed on their final vision for Vecna ​​- and the special effects artists set about transforming that image into a living one to transform breathing monster.

Barrie recalls, “We were sent these sketches and then we did a live full body cast of actor Jamie Campbell Bower.

“From that point on we had quite an extensive build to actually create the character, which we started with a live full body plaster cast.”

Daily routine: Small holes were poked in the ears so the actor could actually hear through the costume

Daily routine: Small holes were poked in the ears so the actor could actually hear through the costume

The team then performed a process called “Floating,” which involved dipping Jamie’s plaster cast into a tank and painting it with a soapy product before sculpting the Vecna ​​detail in wax modeling clay.

The next step was to separate the sculpture from the modeling clay, submerging the entire cast in water overnight.

Barrie explained that the process allowed the water to reactivate the soap product, allowing the plasticine to “float off” and then be carefully removed from the cast in sections.

Iconic: Stranger Things producers Matt and Ross Duffer approached Gower with the goal of developing their own version of Game of Thrones villain The Night King

Iconic: Stranger Things producers Matt and Ross Duffer approached Gower with the goal of developing their own version of Game of Thrones villain The Night King

There were about 25 overlapping prosthetics to create the entire character, which had been injected with materials such as silicone foam latex.

It was decided to use full body makeup rather than create a sweater suit to ensure that the actor’s movements during filming would not create a bulky effect as the costume tightened.

To that end, they used medical-grade silicone gel to make the prosthesis, as it’s soft enough to allow for movement and stretch while being worn by an actor.

The Vecna ​​costume also saw Jamie wearing foam latex finger extensions on his left hand, which had caused staff hands to cramp after minutes of the reveal.

Unrecognizable: Gower joked: 'There wasn't anything else we could get on Jamie'

Unrecognizable: Gower joked: ‘There wasn’t anything else we could get on Jamie’

Creepy: The team worked on several gruesome looks for the popular series

Creepy: The team worked on several gruesome looks for the popular series

However, Barrie gushed about the fact that Jamie never complained about the pain or the time it took to put his costume on each day.

The actor also wore dentures over his own teeth to create Vecna’s rotten look, as well as full scleral lenses.

“That’s all we could do to Jamie,” Barrie joked.

While the Vecna ​​costume was “90 percent practical,” the show used some animation effects to create moving tendrils on the villain’s body.

Aiming high: The Duffer Brothers wanted to create their own iconic villain for the series

Aiming high: The Duffer Brothers wanted to create their own iconic villain for the series

As for Vecna’s skin tone, the show has a special makeup palette designed by Premier Product that uses a range of colors inspired by various sea creatures and human bruises.

The first seven episodes of Stranger Things season 4 premiered on May 27, and Volume 2 of the series is scheduled to premiere on July 1.

The eighth episode will last one hour and 25 minutes, while the ninth episode will last almost two and a half hours.

Fans of the series will no doubt hope that the final few episodes will reveal Vecna’s ultimate downfall – having seen Jamie’s human character transformed into the monster in the recently released Volume 1 episodes after being cast by Millie Bobby Brown’s character Eleven in Upside Down was thrown .

Netflix crashes just minutes after Stranger Things Season 4 Part 2 was released on the streaming service Read More »

Sudan After a bloody day tear gas is shot at

Sudan: After a bloody day, tear gas is shot at demonstrators

Sudanese forces fired tear gas again at hundreds of people protesting against military rule in Khartoum on Friday, a day after one of the bloodiest days of protests of the year.

“The people want to overthrow Burhane” and “We demand revenge,” chanted demonstrators in the Sudanese capital near the presidential palace, some holding photos of victims of the crackdown.

At least nine Sudanese protesting General Abdel Fattah al-Burhane’s October 2021 coup were killed by security forces on Thursday, according to pro-democracy doctors. Most of the victims, including one minor, were fatally shot.

June 30th marked the anniversary of the 1989 coup by dictator Omar al-Bashir, who was overthrown by the army in 2019 after a popular uprising.

The army then agreed to share power with the civilian population. But on October 25, 2021, the head of the army, General Burhane, abruptly ended the fragile power-sharing regime by arresting his civilian partners, who have since been released.

Since that coup, 112 protesters have been killed and thousands injured by security forces, who regularly fire live ammunition into the crowd, according to the UN.

Because of this violence, and because they no longer want a military-civilian partnership, Sudan’s main civilian blocs and historical parties refuse to negotiate with the military.

Before the demonstrations on Thursday, UN special envoy Volker Perthes had hammered out that “the violence must stop”. Several embassies had demanded that “no more lives be lost” in a country where the army has almost always been in control since independence in 1956.

The United Nations and the African Union on Friday condemned “the excessive use of force by the security forces and the impunity” they enjoy and commented on Thursday’s crackdown.

In response to the coup, the international community suspended its financial aid, which accounted for 40% of Sudan’s budget. These sanctions did not bend the military, but brought down the economy with the collapse of the Sudanese pound and monthly inflation exceeding 200%.

Sudan: After a bloody day, tear gas is shot at demonstrators Read More »

New Yorker 68 injured and hospitalized after being mauled by

New Yorker, 68, injured and hospitalized after being mauled by a grizzly bear in Wyoming

The 68-year-old New Yorker is injured and hospitalized after being mauled by a grizzly bear while hiking in Wyoming

  • Buffalo Senior Activated Personal Locator Beacon After Bear Attack
  • Backpacker was flown from Wyoming to Montana for urgent medical care
  • The man had bear spray, but a feral grizzly caught him before he could use it
  • Yellowstone area, home to over 700 grizzly bears that have killed 8 people since 2010

A New York senior has been flown to hospital after being severely mauled by a grizzly bear while backpacking near Yellowstone National Park.

The unidentified 68-year-old from Buffalo was struck blind by the beast and was unable to use the bear spray he was carrying.

Luckily, he was able to trigger his personal locator beacon and mobilize rescuers to the remote Wyoming wilderness where he was stranded.

Sheriffs and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department have not released the man’s identity or his current medical condition.

A mother grizzly and her bear cubs hike through the Alaskan wilderness

A mother grizzly and her bear cubs hike through the Alaskan wilderness

Francs Peak, southeast of Yellowstone National Park, is a 13,000-foot peak

Francs Peak, southeast of Yellowstone National Park, is a 13,000-foot peak

He is currently being treated at a hospital in Billings, Montana after being airlifted from the Francs Peak area by a US Air Force rescue coordination team.

The area around the 13,000-foot summit of Francs Peak in the Washakie Wilderness is a well-known grizzly bear habitat.

Grizzly bears tend not to threaten humans often—but when they do attack, encounters are rarely easy to endure

Grizzly bears tend not to threaten humans often—but when they do attack, encounters are rarely easy to endure

The Yellowstone region, which spans parts of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho, is home to more than 700 grizzly bears.

Grizzly bears in this area have killed at least eight people since 2010.

Among them was backcountry leader Charles “Carl” Mock, who was mortally mauled by a 400-pound male grizzly while fishing alone at a favorite spot on Montana’s Madison River.

And in March, 40-year-old father of four, Craig Clouatre, was killed in a bear attack in the Six Mile Creek area of ​​Paradise Valley in southern Montana.

Clouatre is survived by wife Jamie and their four children.

A US Air Force mountain rescue helicopter took the 68-year-old to a Montana hospital

A US Air Force mountain rescue helicopter took the 68-year-old to a Montana hospital

More than 700 grizzly bears live in the region around Yellowstone National Park (pictured).

More than 700 grizzly bears live in the region around Yellowstone National Park (pictured).

A crowdfunder for his family raised over $55,000 in just a few days.

Grizzlies are protected by federal law outside of Alaska.

Dense forests at higher elevations are a common home for bears, although dangerous encounters with humans are relatively rare.

Attacks have reportedly increased in recent decades as the grizzly population grows and more people move to rural areas near bear habitats.

Elected officials in the Yellowstone region are pushing to lift protections and allow grizzly hunting.

Officials near Yellowstone (pictured) have been pushing to allow grizzly hunting as populations swell

Officials near Yellowstone (pictured) have been pushing to allow grizzly hunting as populations swell

The news also followed reports that a 71-year-old woman from West Chester, Pennsylvania, was attacked when she accidentally approached a bison while she and her daughter were returning to their car in Yellowstone.

The woman suffered non-life-threatening injuries, according to the National Park Service, and was taken to a hospital in Cody, Wyoming.

Tourists were only recently allowed to return to Yellowstone after the park was devastated by record-breaking floods that permanently diverted rivers, undermined roads and bridges and inundated nearby towns in torrents of flowing water.

Park officials initially assumed the park would remain closed for months while they dealt with the damage, but then decided to open the park within two weeks of the flood waters receding.

During the floods and in the days that followed, park officials warned people to remain extra vigilant for wild animals that may have been displaced by the water.

New Yorker, 68, injured and hospitalized after being mauled by a grizzly bear in Wyoming Read More »

1656670095 Stay or go Hong Kongs handover generation faces a tough

“Stay or go?” Hong Kong’s handover generation faces a tough choice | Human rights news

Taipei, Taiwan – “Should I stay or go?” That’s a question many young people in Hong Kong are asking, 25 years after the city returned to Chinese rule.

At the handover in 1997, Beijing promised the former British colony 50 years of self-government and civil and political rights not found on the Communist Party-ruled mainland. But Beijing’s tougher crackdown on the city’s freedoms — including a national security law passed in 2020 that has virtually eradicated all dissent — has irrevocably changed the lives of Hong Kong people.

“The things that we thought would always be there gradually faded away, like the system itself, like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, all that, and we lost faith in our government,” said Iris, a 25-year-old Hong Kong native , who was born in the year of surrender.

“Overall, our generation is pretty hopeless about the future,” she said, requesting that only her first name be used. The office worker said many people in Hong Kong see their generation as “cursed”.

Hong Kongers born around the time of the handover grew up in an atmosphere of resistance to Beijing’s encroachments on their way of life. They were children at mass demonstrations against a proposed national security law in 2003 and teenagers during the 2014 Occupy Central protests sparked by Beijing’s refusal to allow direct elections for the city’s leader.

These demonstrations were followed by mass protests in 2019 against plans to allow extraditions to the mainland. The protests, which began peacefully before turning violent, escalated to calls for greater autonomy and even independence from Beijing.

Beijing responded the following year by enacting draconian national security laws outlawing vaguely defined acts of subversion, secession, terrorism, or collusion with foreign forces. Since then, most of the city’s political opposition have been imprisoned or forced into exile, dozens of civil society organizations have disbanded, and critical and independent media outlets have had to close. As part of a major overhaul of the electoral system, only candidates deemed “patriots” can contest seats in the city’s legislature.

occupy Hong KongHong Kong’s Occupy Central protests in 2014 were sparked by Beijing’s refusal to allow direct elections for the city’s leader [File: Daniel J. Groshong/Bloomberg]

Against the background of dwindling freedoms, almost 60 percent of young people expressed the desire to emigrate in 2021, according to a survey by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. As a group, young Hong Kongers are more politically active than older residents. Polls from 2019 show that about 87 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds supported the pro-democracy protests and 63 percent said they personally attended.

Hong Kongers under the age of 25 have fewer opportunities to escape the city’s new political reality than older residents. While those born before the July 1, 1997 handover are eligible for a British National Overseas Pass, which since last year has offered a pathway to residency in the UK, younger residents will need to look for employment, study or family channels in order to to emigrate

“As someone born in 1997, sometimes you feel like your future has already been decided by people born before 1997 and you’re not part of the conversation about what your future is like,” said Anna, who asked to be identified only by her first name.

The 25-year-old political activist has been living in exile outside Hong Kong since helping run Telegram channels used in organizing the 2019 protests. Such activities have earned other protesters lengthy prison terms.

Anna said the decision has been difficult for her and her family – a decision not all young Hong Kongers are able or willing to make.

Gary Pui-fung Wong, a Leeds University lecturer whose research includes Hong Kong’s cultural history, said the combined pressure of being a Hong Kong native and a young person is a powerful mix.

Many people in their 20s are going through a transition period where they begin to think more seriously about their future careers and family prospects, Wong said. Even before 2019, this was difficult in Hong Kong, where renting — let alone buying — is unaffordable for most young people.

“Right now, they need to incorporate the city’s future into their own personal plan,” Wong told Al Jazeera.

“If Hong Kong’s integration into mainland China continues, this city may face fundamental changes, so they have to think about migration, especially with the UK and Canada opening up some options [university] Graduates move.”

Exodus from Hong Kong Tens of thousands of people have fled Hong Kong due to the imposition of a draconian national security law and some of the world’s longest-running COVID restrictions [File:Justin Chin/Bloomberg]

For young Hong Kongers who have chosen to stay in the city, some have found purpose through the city’s local movement. The movement that has emerged over the past 15 years has sought to preserve the difference between Hong Kong and mainland China, whether it’s the Cantonese language, colonial-era architecture, or Cha Chaan Teng cafes serving hybrid western Cantonese cuisine serve.

Jen, a 25-year-old Hong Kong resident who runs a culture space and conducts research on Hong Kong culture, said exploring the city’s culture can allow for a degree of free speech, even when overt political activism is restricted.

“I think a lot of people are talking about moving somewhere else, but I feel like after 2019 a lot of people are also interested in exploring and understanding Hong Kong culture — or feeling the importance of it,” she told Al Jazeera.

“I have a feeling that something can be done [here], which offers space for various cultural events. We can’t have big protests or celebrate June 4th [the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square killings in Beijing], but that does not mean that everything has stopped. I want to continue with small things.”

Olivia, a media worker who was born around the time of the handover, said that as she mentally prepares for more draconian changes like the closure of her media outlet, she has found solace in her community.

“Even if we can’t make our voice [heard]we can still connect with people around us,” Olivia told Al Jazeera, asking to be addressed by her first name only.

Recalling a recent visit to a friend who is serving a sentence for his political involvement, she said she understood the importance of staying in Hong Kong to support her friends in difficult circumstances.

“Even if we can’t touch [when I visited], we could only see each other and talk to each other, we were connected. I can see him smiling,” she said. “I can hear his voice and that’s really important. It’s one of the reasons I’m still staying in Hong Kong.”

“Stay or go?” Hong Kong’s handover generation faces a tough choice | Human rights news Read More »