Republicans criticize Biden for admitting he knew about Russias invasion

Republicans criticize Biden for admitting he knew about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for months

As Russia advanced its deadly invasion of Ukraine, Republicans gutted President Biden for admitting that he knew Vladimir Putin would launch the attack even with US sanctions and for not personally sanctioning the Russian leader.

“The Biden administration continues to miss the moment,” Senator Lindsey Graham wrote on Twitter. “Putin and his inner circle live all over the world. It is high time democracies held him accountable. Giving Putin clarity on what would happen if he invaded Ukraine was a mistake. ‘

“Not chasing him personally is an even bigger mistake,” the South Carolina Republican wrote on Twitter.

Biden announced a number of new sanctions on Thursday, but left the Russian leader’s personal assets out of them. He said sanctions against Putin were “on the table”, but did not answer a question as to why he was not included in the circle of financial restrictions on Thursday.

Representative Tony Gonzalez, R-Texas, said that without a strong response, Russia’s attack on Ukraine would encourage China to take similar steps with Taiwan.

“Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow. As Americans, we stand on the side of freedom. Ukraine deserves our full support in their struggle for democracy against unjustified attacks by Russia, so that other bad actors do not follow their example. ‘

In a confusing moment from Biden’s address Thursday, the president said he had always known that his sanctions would do nothing to stop Putin’s attack, although his administration has repeatedly insisted that sanctions hang over Putin’s head. deter him from attacking.

Biden announced a slew of new sanctions on Thursday, but left the Russian leader's personal assets out of it

Biden announced a number of new sanctions on Thursday, but left the personal assets of the Russian leader out of them

“No one expected sanctions to prevent anything. It will take time. And we need to show determination to know what’s coming, “Biden said. “He will test the West’s determination to see if we stay together.”

“President Biden says he has known for months that Russia has been planning to attack Ukraine and has not yet made a strong move to prevent them from doing so,” spokeswoman Lisa McClain wrote on Twitter.

And as Republicans turned to the US president’s failures, Biden followed Putin.

“Putin is the aggressor. Putin chose this war. And now he and his country will suffer the consequences, “Biden said in a White House statement.

The commander-in-chief said Putin not only wanted to conquer Ukraine, but had ambitions to fully restore the old Soviet Union.

“He has much bigger ambitions than Ukraine. He wants to restore the former Soviet Union. That’s what it’s about, “he said.

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As Vladimir Putin launched a campaign to bomb Ukraine, signaling the beginning of a complete invasion, dozens of Republicans charged with the leader they saw as the villain: President Joe Biden.

“As we pray for the Ukrainian people, make no mistake: THIS happens when America’s enemies see the weak and incompetent @POTUS,” tweeted US spokesman Scott Perry, adding the hashtag Bidenisafailure.

Some took the lead from former President Donald Trump’s indiscriminate appearance on Fox News on Wednesday night, when he said his good relations with Putin would have prevented the invasion.

And hours later, it was a recurring theme when conservatives gathered in Orlando, Florida, for the annual CPAC conference.

As the Republican foreign establishment focuses its condemnation on Putin, he suggests that the issue of Russia is a new litmus test for conservatives – just like the January 6 violence and Trump’s claims that he was deceived in the election.

“America is incompetent right now,” said Ben Ferguson, the first CPAC spokesman and television presenter.

“Right now, America is a place that won’t even know how to organize the world to fight tyrants and dictators around the world. And that’s why they’re doing it right now. ‘

As Russian tanks moved through Crimea, and Russia began its bombardment of Ukraine, scores of Republicans trained their fire on President Joe Biden rather than Vladimir Putin accusing the US leader of weakness

As Russian tanks moved through Crimea and Russia began bombing Ukraine, dozens of Republicans trained their fire against President Joe Biden, not Vladimir Putin, accusing the US leader of weakness.

The first speaker at the CPAC conservative gathering in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday gave a taste of things to come. 'America's incompetent right now,' said  TV host Ben Ferguson as he warned that adversaries were taking advantage

The first spokesman for the Conservative CPAC meeting in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday gave a taste of what lies ahead. “America is incompetent right now,” TV presenter Ben Ferguson said when he warned that opponents were taking advantage.

Former President Trump called into Fox News on Wednesday to claim the attack would not have happened on his watch

Former President Trump called into Fox News on Wednesday to claim the attack would not have happened on his watch

Rep Scott Perry was among the Republicans who took to Twitter to blast Biden for Putin's aggression in Ukraine

Rep Scott Perry was among the Republicans who took to Twitter to blast Biden for Putin’s aggression in Ukraine

Others warned that America's allies were watching what was unfolding and see American weakness on the world stage

Others warned that America’s allies were watching what was unfolding and see American weakness on the world stage

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A steady stream of Republicans tweeted their anger at Biden, warning that the country’s enemies would be watching.

In a tweet, Republicans from the House of Representatives said: “President Biden’s weakness on the world stage has encouraged our enemies. China, Iran and North Korea are watching. ‘

For days, Tucker Carlson has been questioning Biden’s response to his highly acclaimed Fox News broadcast. He has repeatedly asked why the United States should side with Ukraine and not with Putin.

But not everyone was in step.

Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who wished to demonstrate his close relationship with Trump, did not mention Biden in his comments.

“Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is reckless and evil,” he said. “The United States is with the people of Ukraine and is praying for their safety and determination.”

Matt Schlap, who heads the organization behind the CPAC and a leading conservative voice, said the issue of Russia and Ukraine would be a key topic for the next four days.

He said there were differences between the party coalition spread.

“You know, Liz Cheney’s wing of the Republican Party is becoming increasingly marginalized and discredited,” he told “So that makes people turn to different voices to try to say, well, you know, if you’re not a military expert, do you think we should use America’s power, its treasure, to intervene?”

“And I would say that I think most people here would actually listen to the case to defend Ukraine, but the president has to do it.

“He has to somehow transform himself from this man who reads a line in the middle of the day into a president who gives big speeches in prime time, including press conferences, about what he thinks we should do.”

Recent polls show little support for the US role in the conflict.

The Associated Press’s Center for Public Affairs (NORC) found that only 22 percent of Republicans believe the United States should play a major role in the conflict, compared with 32 percent of Democrats.

1645744674 510 Republicans criticize Biden for admitting he knew about Russias invasion A military column moves across the town of Armyansk, northern Crimea. Early on February 24, after invasion begins

A military column moves across the town of Armyansk, northern Crimea. Early on February 24, after invasion begins

People waiting for a Kiev bound train spread on a platform in Kostiantynivka, the Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine

People waiting for a Kiev bound train spread on a platform in Kostiantynivka, the Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine

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In addition, Republicans are less inclined to say that they are very or extremely concerned that Russia’s influence in the world poses a direct threat to the United States.

This makes former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabard suitable for the CPAC.

She has been accused of succumbing to dictators and spreading Putin’s propaganda, saying the invasion would not have happened if the West had addressed concerns about Ukraine’s accession to NATO – although the Russian president also said Ukraine had no right to exist. regardless of Russia.

Representative Elise Stefanick, who won Cheney’s position as the third-oldest Republican in the House of Representatives for her support of Trump, has made it clear.

“After a year of a weak, ruthless and unfit president of the United States and commander-in-chief, the world is less secure,” she said.

“Instead of peace through force, we are witnessing Joe Biden’s foreign policy of war through weakness.”

But leading Biden’s condemnation was Trump, who told Fox News in a free interview that this would not happen under his administration and reiterated allegations of rigged elections in 2020.

As explosions were reported in Kyiv, Kharkiv and other parts of Ukraine, Trump called the scene a “terrible situation” and insisted that Putin would never move his watch.

“He sees the weakness, incompetence and stupidity of this administration. And as an American, I’m angry about it and I’m sad about it, “he said, referring to Laura Ingraham’s Fox News program.

“This is a very sad thing for the world, for the country, and it is certainly very sad for many people who will be killed unnecessarily.”

Ingram asked Trump about the continuing closeness between Putin and Xi.

“Well, I had a good relationship with both of them,” he said. “It simply came to our notice then. You see what happened to Durham and these reports and other reports, including Mueller.

“It was just a fabricated scam and really hurt our country, but despite the scam, I also had good relations with President XI of China, in addition to imposing tariffs and devilish taxes on him.”

“As a young man growing up, I’ve always heard that the worst thing that can happen is to bring these two countries together. It really started with Obama and energy. He drove them together because one needed energy and the other needed money, “Trump added. “He drives them together and Biden – I kept them aside – and Biden is a great love holiday now, and that’s a very bad thing, and I think you can probably add Iran to it.”

1645744674 735 Republicans criticize Biden for admitting he knew about Russias invasion

Former President Donald Trump, speaking at a super PAC fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, spoke off the cuff about the impending military action Wednesday night

Trump spoke to Fox News' Laura Ingraham as the bombs went off in Kyiv

Trump spoke to Fox News’ Laura Ingraham as the bombs went off in Kyiv

Trump then again said that Vladimir Putin was 'smart,' as he had during interviews given on Tuesday

Trump then again said that Vladimir Putin was ‘smart,’ as he had during interviews given on Tuesday

Trump again criticized President Joe Biden for his actions ahead of the crisis

Trump again criticized President Joe Biden for his actions ahead of the crisis

Trump said that, despite having good relationships with Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi (right), he 'kept them apart

Trump said that, despite having good relationships with Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi (right), he ‘kept them apart

1645744674 877 Republicans criticize Biden for admitting he knew about Russias invasion 1645744674 995 Republicans criticize Biden for admitting he knew about Russias invasion

Earlier in a telephone interview with Ingram, Trump complained that this was happening at all.

“It simply came to our notice then. This would not have happened during my rule. In fact, some people say why this place has not been in the last four years? It wasn’t for a very good reason, and I’ll explain it to you one day, but it wasn’t going to happen, and it’s not going to happen right now. This is a sad thing for the world and the country and many people who will be killed unnecessarily. ‘

Trump says he used his good relations with Putin to prevent this.

“Well, I know him very well.” We had many, many times together. I got along with him fantastically, despite the fact that I closed Nord Stream 2, no one would have heard of Nord Stream 2 if it weren’t for me. I am the one who closed it. ‘

He then went through a story about how he disagreed with former German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the Nord Stream 2 strategy.

Trump then linked the invasion to the failed withdrawal from Afghanistan by the Biden administration in 2021.

“It’s a terrible thing, the way it started, I don’t believe he originally wanted to do that,” Trump said. “I think he wanted to do something and negotiate it, and it got worse and worse. He saw the weakness, and you know, it really started with the weakness in Afghanistan. The way they got out of Afghanistan. I really believe that’s where he started thinking he could do it. ‘

Ingram then asked Trump what he thought of President Biden’s approach, in which Ingram said Biden was “monitoring the situation” and would then speak with fellow G7 leaders on Thursday.

“I don’t think he’s watching, I think he’s probably asleep right now,” Trump said. “It’s a terrible thing that should never have happened. I really believe it was Afghanistan when he looked at this horrible, weak withdrawal. ‘

Earlier Thursday, Trump, speaking during a fundraiser for the Super PAC in his Florida resort of Mar-a-Lago, spoke without hands about the upcoming military action Wednesday night.

The former president spoke of America’s enemies during the crisis, saying: “Now they are laughing at us. That is why you have Ukraine, that is why you will have China. Taiwan is next and you will see the same. ‘

Trump then reiterated that Vladimir Putin was “smart,” as he was in interviews Tuesday.

“He took over the country in exchange for $ 2 in sanctions, I would say that’s pretty smart. He conquers a country – a huge, vast location, a great piece of land with many people – just goes straight. This would never happen and I know him very well.

On Tuesday, Trump praised Putin’s move to declare Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions “independent.”

“I came in yesterday and there was a TV screen and I said, ‘That’s brilliant,'” Trump said. “Putin declares a large part of Ukraine – from Ukraine – Putin declares it independent. Oh, that’s wonderful. ‘

“I said, ‘How smart is this?'” The former US president continued: “And he will come in and be a peacemaker. This is the strongest peaceful force… We could use it on our southern border. This is the strongest peaceful force I have ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve seen. They will keep the peace well.

“No, but think about it.” Here is a man who is very understanding: “Trump went on. “I know him very well.” Very, very, very good. If I were in office, even unthinkable, this would never have happened. ‘

Trump added: “But here’s a man who says, you know, ‘I’m going to declare much of Ukraine independent,’ he’s using the word ‘independent,’ and ‘we’re going to go in and out, and we’re going to help keep the peace.’ “You have to say that this is quite reasonable. And do you know what Biden’s response was? There was no answer. They didn’t have one for that. No, it’s very sad. Very sad.

Trump also called Biden “a man who has no idea what he’s doing.”

Republicans criticize Biden for admitting he knew about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for months Read More »

Sandra Lee underwent a hysterectomy almost seven years after the battle with breast cancer

Sandra Lee revealed that she underwent a hysterectomy after her gynecologist noticed a change in her cells after the battle with breast cancer nearly seven years ago.

The 55-year-old Food Network star had to be operated on Los Angeles on Tuesday with her fiancé Ben Youssef next to her, Page six reported. The same day she told about the operation Instagramadmitting that she had postponed it for years.

‘Soooooo this is happening! A few years ago I had to have a very intensive operation. It was a continuation of my breast cancer surgery, but I postponed it many times and then COVID struck, ”she explained.

Sandra Lee, 55, revealed on Instagram that she underwent a hysterectomy, saying a gynecologist had noticed

Sandra Lee, 55, revealed on Instagram that she underwent a hysterectomy, saying a gynecologist had noticed “noticed a change in some of my cells.”

The Food Network star had to undergo surgery in Los Angeles on Tuesday with her fiancé Ben Youssef, she reported.

The Food Network star had to undergo surgery in Los Angeles on Tuesday with her fiancé Ben Youssef, she reported.

“Fast forward to now, during a routine meeting with my gynecologist, she noticed a change in some of my cells. I went for a second and third opinion and they all confirmed the same.

The change in the cells covering the cervix, the lower part of the uterus, can lead to an unusual result of cervical screening.

“These changes are not cancer,” he said Cancer Research UK. “Cells often return to normal on their own. But in some women, if left untreated, these changes can develop into cancer in the future.

Lee said she immediately thought of talking to a friend who had told her years ago that she might consider a complete hysterectomy.

“But after all the problems I had with my breast cancer surgery, the last thing I wanted to do was do another big operation – so I didn’t do it!” She said.

“For the past few years, I have watched and admired the grace of other women who went public with their own healthy decision, while I sat aside with reverence and a little fear. Brave women, like my friend’s mother, who unfortunately lost her battle with breast cancer after it spread to her ovaries.

Lee, pictured with his former, former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in 2012, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015.

Lee, pictured with his former, former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in 2012, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015.

Cuomo was with her when she underwent a double mastectomy in 2015 and began reconstructive surgery a year later.

Cuomo was with her when she underwent a double mastectomy in 2015 and began reconstructive surgery a year later.

Sources told Six that reading about Amy Schumer’s and Angelina Jolie’s medical problems gave Lee the strength to move on with the operation.

Sumer, 40, had a hysterectomy and appendectomy last year to treat endometriosis, a painful condition of the uterus.

Meanwhile, 46-year-old Jolie underwent a double mastectomy in 2013 after passing a positive test for the BRCA1 gene, which dramatically increased her risk of cancer. Two years later, her ovaries and fallopian tubes were removed.

Jolie’s mother, Marceline Bertrand, died in 2007 at the age of 56 after nearly eight years of battling ovarian and breast cancer.

“I admit, I’m a little embarrassed that I haven’t had the courage to finish this last stage so far,” Lee wrote in his candid post. “So, as you read this post, I’m having a hysterectomy. An operation that such brave women before me had to do.

Lee, pictured in January, admitted to postponing a hysterectomy for years

Lee, pictured in January, admitted to postponing a hysterectomy for years “and then COVID hit”

Sources said reading about Amy Schumer (pictured) and Angelina Jolie, who have similar procedures, gave Lee the strength to move on with the operation. Sources say reading about Amy Schumer and Angelina Jolie (right), who have similar procedures, has given Lee the strength to move on with the operation.

Sources said reading about Amy Schumer (left) and Angelina Jolie (right), who have similar procedures, has given Lee the strength to move on with the operation.

52819885 10566649 I admit I am a little embarrassed that I hadn t had the courage a 34 1646178990146

“I admit, I’m a little embarrassed that I haven’t had the courage to finish this last stage so far,” Lee wrote in his candid post.

“It will be a complete procedure and then there will be no more halo of anxiety hanging over my head. My sweet Ben is with me and I’m going to take some time off to stay home.

Lee said she was grateful for everyone’s support, saying “her friends and family were amazing.”

“I am full of emotions. I am scared, but I am also happy to be able to do this – strength and courage! “She said:” We must always remember that we have strength and courage. ”

“We hope that this will encourage everyone who needs to have an appropriate procedure to take advantage of the opportunity now to live as happy and healthy as possible,” she concluded. “We all need to live our best lives every day and in every way.

“With this I send you all the love of the world, your good wishes and prayers are valued more than you know.”

Lee moved to Malibu after she and Cuomo separated in September 2019, and she met Yousef almost two years later in March 2021.

Lee moved to Malibu after she and Cuomo separated in September 2019, and she met Yousef almost two years later in March 2021.

Yousef proposed to Lee in August during their whirlwind trip to France

Yousef proposed to Lee in August during their whirlwind trip to France

Lee’s ex, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, was with her when she was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy in 2015.

She praised him for his incredible support during her battle with cancer and subsequent reconstructive surgery.

Lee developed an infection from his double mastectomy and was rushed to hospital in August 215.

“I did my best to avoid this (when I tell you I did everything, I mean everything – modern, eastern and holistic), but the infection is an incredible monster,” she wrote in Facebook message to fans at the time.

“I’m far from where I was and far from where I should be, but at this point I realize that right now I just have to finish this unexpected phase of the difficult journey.”

Lee praised Yousef in a gushing post about Valentine's Day last month

Lee praised Yousef in a gushing post about Valentine’s Day last month

She shared a carousel of their shared photos, including photos of them kissing She shared a carousel of their shared photos, including photos of them kissing

She shared a carousel of their shared photos, including photos of them kissing

54825769 10566649 So this happened Ben happened Love happened Happiness happened a 39 1646178990281

“So this happened!” Ben happened! Love has happened! Happiness has happened! ‘ she wrote. “I was sure it would never happen again.” I was shocked when it happened.

Lee began his reconstructive surgery in 2016 and took four years to complete due to complications.

“It’s a really intense thing to do with this operation,” she said people in June 2016. “After turning off the lights go out. You say, “Oh God, please, dear Lord, take care of me while I’m here.”


Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a woman’s uterus.

There are three types:

  • PARTIAL HYSTERECTOMY: Removes two-thirds of the uterus.
  • TOTAL HYSTERECTOMY: Removes the uterus and cervix.
  • RADICAL HYSTERECTOMY: Removes the uterus, cervix and ovaries.

The operation is most often performed on women between the ages of 40 and 49.

More than 20 million American women have had a hysterectomy, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

As women approach menopause, their chances of developing one of several serious uterine diseases increase. Doctors may recommend a hysterectomy as a treatment for:

  • fibroids
  • endometriosis
  • cancer of the uterus (endometrium).
  • chronic uterine pain or bleeding
  • contracted uterus

In some cases, doctors may suggest a hysterectomy as a preventative measure if the woman has significant warnings or early signs of developing one or more of these conditions.

When necessary, surgeons can also remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes if they have also been damaged or are at serious risk of damage.

Removal of the reproductive organs sends a woman’s body to menopause, no matter how old she is.

This comes with unpleasant side effects such as hot flashes and many women have to start hormone therapy by taking estrogen to balance their own hormones.

Lee – who was called “First Girlfriend” while with Cuomo – remained quiet for most of his first two terms as governor, but she emerged as an advocate for cancer screening after her own diagnosis.

“Early diagnosis just gives you the opportunity to be the most aggressive you can be,” she told People in 2018. “This is the best treatment.”

Lee also revealed his diagnosis of cancer in the 2018 HBO documentary RX: Early Detection, A Journey for Cancer with Sandra Lee.

She moved to Malibu after she and Cuomo separated in September 2019. They dated for 14 years and lived together, but never got engaged in a decade and a half as a couple.

Lee and Youssef are believed to have met at a charity event in Santa Monica in March 2021, making his first move.

He is the father of five-year-old twins with his soon-to-be ex-wife, California-based broker April Stevenson.

Although the couple is still legally married, they separated in 2019 and filed for divorce in January 2020.

Yousef proposed to Lee in August during their whirlwind trip to France, which coincided with the sexual harassment scandal surrounding Cuomo.

“Ben really wanted to distract Sandra from all the news, so he took her to Paris,” an unnamed source close to Yousef told the New York Post.

“He knows how hard it was for her and he wants to make sure she feels loved and supported.”

The source added: “Ben is incredibly protected by Sandra. They are kindred spirits and infinitely in love.

Cuomo, 64, resigned in August after investigators working for New York Attorney General Leticia James compiled a report alleging he had sexually harassed 11 women.

The disgraced governor has denied the allegations, and some speculate he may challenge James in the upcoming election.

He released an advertisement on Monday depicting him as a victim of a “political attack” by James, who later made a failed bid for governor.

Lee, meanwhile, could not be happier than Yousef, whom she praised in a glittering Valentine’s Day post last month. She shared a carousel of their shared photos, including photos of them kissing.

“So this happened!” Ben happened! Love has happened! Happiness has happened! ‘ she wrote. “I was sure it would never happen again.” I was shocked when it happened. I swore I would never fall again, trust myself again, love again, or open up again.

“On our one-year anniversary, I will share the story of how we met, but until then, my wish for you is that no matter where you are, how old you are or what has happened, you can welcome the hope of your life again. ‘

Sandra Lee underwent a hysterectomy almost seven years after the battle with breast cancer Read More »

As Biden speaks, Ukraine crisis escalates and midterm elections begin

Russian missiles terrorize Ukraine. President Biden hopes to rally the nation with his first formal address to Congress. And tonight, the first votes in the 2022 midterm elections will be counted.

This is an exceptional political moment both at home and abroad.

These first midterm votes are being cast and counted in Texas today in the Republican and Democratic primaries, providing the first glimpses of voter prioritization amid multiple national and international crises.

Our colleagues tracked the turnout, the main themes and the best races as part of our Texas Election Livestream today. Follow the results as they come in.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • Republican lawmakers across the country have responded to former President Donald Trump’s unsubstantiated allegations of electoral fraud by passing legislation restricting access to the vote. In Texas, voters are already facing higher absentee ballot rejection rates. Now the ballots themselves were rejected more often than usual. This is reported by Nick Corasanity.

  • Most voters will need to vote in person or have already done so, as Texas’ eligibility criteria for mail-in voting are unusually narrow. Maggie Astor writes.

  • The most famous progressive challenger of the evening, Jessica Cisneros, doesn’t focus her early messages on progressive goals. Instead, she explores the new vulnerabilities of incumbent Democrat Henry Cuellar, who is trapped in an FBI investigation, although its purpose is not entirely clear. Jonathan Weissman reports from Laredo.

  • Dozens of Hispanic voters and candidates in South Texas explained why the Republican Party is invading the region. Trump-style grievance politics resonates with Hispanic residents of the Rio Grande Valley. Jennifer Medina reports from Brownsville.

  • It seems that it is abortion that is pushing Hispanic voters in South Texas towards the Republicans. Edgar Sandoval writes from Laredo.

  • Beto O’Rourke, a Democrat, made headlines in the 2019 crowded presidential primaries when he declared, “Hell yes, we’ll take your AR-15.” Now he’s running for governor in a state where Republicans have the upper hand. J. David Goodman reports from Tyler.

  • One candidate for the State Board of Education takes a unique approach to rising above party politics by running in the primaries of both major parties. Maggie Astor writes.

  • The redistricting has resulted in a decrease in the number of competitive districts and thus an increase in the number of races in which winning the primary is the most important competition. For Democrats and Republicans, this raises the importance of the campaign for the most ideologically oriented voters. Yet Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a Republican, says he refuses to “follow the line” and feuds with Trump allies like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green of Georgia. Shane Goldmacher reports from The Woodlands, Texas.

  • Gov. Greg Abbott has been pushing Texas even further to the right, and this has helped him garner Trump’s support for re-election. Today’s results will show how these efforts resonated with real Republican voters. J. David Goodman reports from Austin.

  • For Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, his loyalty to Trump may or may not be enough to win the Republican primary outright. J. David Goodman reports from Midland.

Thanks for reading. See you tomorrow.

— Blake and Leah

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As Biden speaks, Ukraine crisis escalates and midterm elections begin Read More »

Meet the brave British soldiers who want to take up arms and fight for Ukraine

“What Russia has done is disgusting. This is beyond condemnation: Meet the brave British soldiers who want to take up arms and fight for Ukraine

  • Former army sniper Shane Matthews is among those responding to Ukraine’s call
  • The 34-year-old, who served as a corporal, is set to leave on Monday
  • Another 32-year-old Alex Pickett said: “I will do what I can in any way I can.”
  • Douglas Lamburn, 25, Oliver Miller, 29, and Liam Hawkins, 30, also join

Dozens more Britons have vowed to take off to help Ukrainians defend their country from Russian invasion.

Former army sniper Shane Matthews is among those responding to a call for armaments by Ukraine’s president, who has called on foreign fighters to help protect his people.

Mr. Matthews, who completed numerous tours of Afghanistan and Iraqplans to take off until Poland on Monday, before crossing the border and meeting with a Ukrainian colonel who he said had agreed to “arm him” and others.

The 34-year-old, who served as a corporal in the 2nd Battalion Princess of WalesThe Royal Regiment for six years until 2009 aims to move to Kyiv.

Carrying 60 kg of donated medical supplies, Mr Matthews will go to the front lines to treat wounded Ukrainians, provide training to civilians and, if necessary, fight.

Former Army Sniper Shane Matthews is among those responding to a call for weapons from Ukraine's president, who has called on foreign fighters to help protect his people.

Former Army Sniper Shane Matthews is among those responding to a call for weapons from Ukraine’s president, who has called on foreign fighters to help protect his people.

Douglas Lamburn of West London said:

Douglas Lamburn of West London said: “My mother is Polish and I have a family in Ukraine. I’m 25 and I’m sitting at home and my time is better to go there, doing what is right.

Mr Matthews of Chichester, West Sussex, said: “What Russia has done is disgusting. He cannot be condemned. The Russians do not want to participate. “The Russian military does not know why they are there. As for me, if you can fight, it is your duty to fight.

Dozens of volunteers arrived at the Ukrainian embassy in London yesterday, hoping to defend the country.

Alex Pickett of Andover, Hampshire, said: “I will do everything I can in any way I can.”

The 32-year-old man, who works in private security, added: “I’m not in the military, but I’m English. My heart is in the right place and that’s the only reason I do it. ‘

Alex Pickett of Andover, Hampshire, said:

Alex Pickett of Andover, Hampshire, said: “I will do what I can, in any way.”

Mr Matthews of Chichester, West Sussex, said:

Mr Matthews of Chichester, West Sussex, said: “What Russia has done is disgusting. This is beyond condemnation. “

Oliver Miller, a 29-year-old mechanical engineering student from Chelmsford, Essex, said he “hopes to come out and help in some way”, adding: “I know I’ll kick in if I don’t do anything about it. ‘

Douglas Lamburn of West London said: “My mother is Polish and I have a family in Ukraine. I’m 25 and I’m sitting at home and my time is better to go there, doing what is right.

Liam Hawkins, 30, also from London, said: “I haven’t slept since this invasion and I just can’t stay home with my babies and my lady and do nothing. What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong … I know it is dangerous, people are trying to dissuade me from it, but I believe I can make a difference.


Meet the brave British soldiers who want to take up arms and fight for Ukraine Read More »

In Russia, Putin’s war in Ukraine draws battle lines

In the village of Kamenka in Russia’s southern Rostov region, near the border with Ukraine, 47-year-old Alexei Safonov was horrified by news that Russia launched its attack last week. Then he started working as a chief engineer on a skating rink and he was sick of finding his colleagues celebrating.

“It felt like it was high time we showed what we can do to these ‘Nazis’, so it’s high time we started this operation,” he said, referring to Putin’s claim that he would “denazify” Ukraine and its leadership. “It simply came to my notice then that I was really desperate and depressed. People around me are enthusiastic about it. When I look at them, I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. “

That night, he wrote a desperate post on social media, lamenting the “horror and shame” of a war that “will be catastrophic.” He initially received 19 comments, most of which attacked him. A friend, a local policeman, warned him to delete him, but he refused.

The next day, the general director of the complex, who was shouting and cursing Safonov, broke into work.

“He said, ‘Either you’re removing this post, or we don’t need people like you here.’ He told me to sign my resignation, but I just packed my bags and left,” Safonov said.

Three police officers armed with assault rifles later came to his home, arrested him and accused him of disrespecting society and the Russian Federation. He is facing trial on Friday and fears authorities could come up with a more serious charge.

The seismic impact of the war is just beginning to show on many Russians, deepening these rifts in society. State television presenters tell viewers that the sanctions prove the West hates Russians.

Europe’s airspace closed and Russia’s toxic brand was rejected in sports, chess, ice hockey, football, car racing and art galleries, Harley Davidson, Disney, the movie “Batman”, the Eurovision Song Contest, luxury car companies , the Maersk shipping line, the International Olympic Committee, major oil companies, the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund and many more.

The cascading effect was quick. Google is blocking YouTube channels related to state media RT and Sputnik. Even Europe’s far-right leaders and strong men in Central and Eastern Europe opposed it. The rolls collapsed and the Central Bank stopped trading for two days as Putin banned Russians from depositing foreign currency in accounts or sending it abroad.

When Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stood up to speak at Tuesday’s Geneva Disarmament Conference, almost every delegate stood up and left the room. When senior official Vyacheslav Volodin flew home from a formal weekend trip, his plane was diverted from airspace in Sweden and Norway.

To be honest, outside of liberal circles, public criticism is still a relative stream in a country where dissent is not tolerated. However, it includes several powerful oligarchs, although they have almost no influence over Putin.

Oleg Deripaska, a billionaire industrialist, called for peace “as soon as possible” in the Telegram news app. Ukrainian-born tycoon Mikhail Friedman wrote a letter to LetterOne staff, first reported by the Financial Times, saying war could never be the answer.

The host of state television Ivan Urgant posted a black square in his Instagram show on the day of the invasion, along with the words “Fear and pain. Not the war. “His show was canceled the next day, and it’s unclear if it will ever air again.

Even the daughter of Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov posted a black banner on social media reading “No to War,” although she quickly deleted it.

Anise NaouaiThe chief executive of Maffick, a company linked to RT and one of Putin’s strongest advocates for years, said on Tuesday that he was “severing all ties with RT” by posting a black banner on Twitter with the words “Russia without Putin”.

Apolitical people felt the need to clarify their opposition. Peter Svidler, a Russian chess grandmaster, usually tweets about chess, Wordle and dogs. But last week he wrote that it was impossible to remain silent. “Not in the war,” he wrote.

“Let’s at least say some things live on air. I do not agree with the war that my country is waging in Ukraine. “I do not believe that Ukraine or the Ukrainian people are my enemies or someone’s enemies,” he said on Tuesday. chess 24 flow.

Nearly 6,500 protesters in dozens of cities have been arrested since the invasion, according to the human rights group OVD-Info. Psychiatrists, doctors, architects, journalists, actors, historians, computer programmers, directors, Orthodox priests and others have signed open letters protesting the war.

If Putin does not change course, Russia will “take the place of an aggressor and a fraudulent state, a state that will be held accountable for its crimes for generations,” said Ivan Zhdanov, director of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, which is headed by prisoners. dissident Alexei. Bulk. Zhdanov spoke in a video calling for a national campaign against disinformation.

But as the Russian economy came under heavy pressure from sanctions, Russian officials doubled in and solidified their rhetoric.

In a tweet from the Russian Foreign Ministry on Monday, spokeswoman Maria Zakharova asked if the “process of denazification in Germany after the end of World War II” was really over, commenting on Germany’s decision to send weapons to Ukraine.

MP Andrei Klimov called for accusations of treason against those who “cooperated with foreign anti-Russian centers, causing obvious damage to our national security.”

The older generation of Russians who run state television fear the West and admire Putin for the stability he has brought since the chaotic post-Soviet 1990s. But predictability is gone.

Ice rink engineer Safonov said low-income ordinary Russians would be harmed the most, but wealthy elites would “recover as usual”, adding: “They may be a little shaken, but not much, I’m sure.

“For Russia, that means going back to the caves,” he said. “I think this is the end of Russia.

Natasha Abakumova contributed to this report.

In Russia, Putin’s war in Ukraine draws battle lines Read More »

Target profits increase when annual revenues exceed $ 100 billion

Two years later a pandemic brought Target Corp.

TGT 9.84%

billions in sales, the retailer wants to continue to grow by building more e-commerce stores and centers and new business lines.

Sales rose at the Minneapolis-based retailer in the last quarter, aided by more store traffic during the holiday season and growth in its commodity categories, including food, clothing and household goods.

Comparable sales, which include sales from stores or digital channels operating for at least 12 months, rose 8.9 percent in the quarter ended Jan. 29 from a year earlier, the company said. Digital sales increased by 9.2%.

For the full year, Target’s revenue reached $ 106 billion, compared to $ 77.1 billion for the year ended February 1, 2020, before the pandemic overturned the global economy and consumer buying patterns.

Other big retailers like Walmart Inc.

reports strong sales growth in the last fiscal year, including the holiday shopping period. These retailers have been able to use their powerful and e-commerce networks to address labor shortages due to the Omicron variant, supply chain problems and rising prices.

Smaller retail chains, such as Kohl’s Corp.

KSS 2.12%

they said the delay in the arrival of inventory in stores has slowed sales growth, and the complexity of the pandemic has reflected profits in recent months.

The Covid-19 pandemic strained global supply chains, causing backlogs, which increased costs. Some companies are now looking for long-term solutions to prepare for future supply chain crises, even if these strategies cost a fortune. Photo illustration: Jacob Reynolds

Consumer spending remains high even as prices rise. In January, expenditures rose by 2.1% seasonally adjusted compared to the previous month, while personal incomes remained stable, the trade ministry said. However, studies show a growing gloom among consumers during the last phase of the pandemic, combined with the effects of inflation, among other events.

“Consumers are still worried about Covid, but they are looking for that note of normalcy in their lives,” Target CEO Brian Cornell told analysts on Tuesday.

Financial performance in the first two years of a pandemic will be difficult for many retailers to replicate. Target expects earnings and adjusted earnings per share to grow at a slower pace this year than 2021. Kohl’s, which also reported quarterly financial results on Tuesday, forecasts net sales in fiscal 2022 to increase by 2% to 3% , compared to almost 22% increase the previous year.

Another chain of department stores, Nordstrom Inc.,

predicts revenue growth will slow to between 5% and 7% this year, but said that as a result of improvements in its business, it may resume dividend payments in the current quarter after a nearly two-year hiatus.

Target is focusing on investing in its stores while increasing digital sales, company executives told analysts at an event in New York on Tuesday. About 19% of Target’s total sales are now digital, up from 8.8% in 2019. Most of these sales come from in-store inventory – store workers pack orders for home delivery or for delivering to customers in car parks.

The company is building large sorting centers, large warehouses that use automation to quickly pack same-day delivery orders near urban centers such as Chicago to expand the business faster, executives said. He also plans to expand Roundel, his internal media operation that works with brands and advertising agencies, to a $ 2 billion operation over the next few years.

Dedicated shares rose 9.8% in trading on Tuesday.

Kohl’s relies on partnerships like the one it has with cosmetics retailer Sephora to help boost sales. He also plans to invest in his physical locations, including moving goods such as active clothing to the front of stores.

The latest report from the department store chain is also coming, as it repulses criticism from investor activists. He rejected a $ 9 billion takeover offer from a consortium backed by hedge fund Starboard Value LP. The rejection drew criticism from Jonathan Duskin, a managing partner at Macellum Advisors GP LLC, which has a 5% stake in the retailer and is pushing for changes to the board.

On Tuesday, CEO Michelle Gus dismissed criticism that the company’s board was not open to opportunities to increase shareholder value. Kohl’s also said it would double its quarterly dividend and buy back at least $ 1 billion of its shares this year, which Ms Gass said in an interview as proof of the company’s confidence in its strategy.

“While we have great confidence in our future, we are testing and evaluating this plan against other alternatives,” she said.

Kohl shares rose 2.1%.

In response to inflation, Target seeks to keep prices lower than competitors this year, executives said. “We have a lot of leverage to fight costs and the price is the one we pull last, not first,” said Michael Fidelke, the company’s chief financial officer.

How the biggest companies perform

The company expects severe labor market and supply chain problems to continue this year and is monitoring consumer spending without benefiting from government incentives, he said. On Monday, Target said it would offer hourly workers a minimum wage of $ 15 to $ 24 and expand the group of eligible employees.

Target is also monitoring the situation in Ukraine to determine whether there will be a wider impact on the supply chain, Mr Cornell, the chief executive, told reporters. Although the company does not supply products directly from Ukraine, executives said the company would use its scale to be flexible in dealing with any changes.

Write to Sarah Nassauer at [email protected] and Charity L. Scott at [email protected]

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Target profits increase when annual revenues exceed $ 100 billion Read More »

Joey King is engaged to actor Stephen Pitt

“I love you more than an Instagram post could do justice.

We love romance in the workplace! After a meeting in 2019 on the set of The lawJoey King and director-producer Stephen Piet are engaged!

Jacopo Raule / Getty Images

Hulu’s miniseries – based on a real crime article in BuzzFeed News – starring Joey as Gypsy Rose Blanchard, a daughter suffering from Munchausen’s syndrome through a proxy.

The longtime couple shared photos from the engagement scene – which took place on February 2 – on Instagram. Joey posted photos of the couple kissing and hugging, along with several photos showing her new fiancé and a gorgeous ring.

“I never knew that happiness could be so powerful that it could take the air out of your lungs, captivating every part of you that you can’t help but feel your eyes well from the undeniable joy,” she wrote.

Joey King / Via

The Emmy-nominated actor highlighted fine jewelry maker Mociun in the post.

She continued: “I never knew that a person’s presence and heart could feel like a real home. I never knew that love could be so undeniably beautiful. I never knew you.

“The date was 2/2/22, when he asked me to marry you and made me the happiest lady alive. I love you more than an Instagram post could do justice. To hang out with you forever sounds like a real dream, so let him do it, “she concluded the love message.

Greg Deguire / Getty Images

For his part, Stephen shared some sweeter photos from the engagement and the holiday, writing: “The weather was not perfect. Cold. Windy. Completely imperfect to ask my best friend to spend a lifetime together. A life of incredibly safe and vulnerable conversations. “

Joey, 22, was last linked to her Kissing Booth partner Jacob Elordi. The two dated for about a year before splitting in mid-2018.

Jesse Grant / WireImage / Getty Images

As for Joey and Stephen, the couple seems to be living their best lives on vacation in Costa Rica. Congratulations to them!

Joey King is engaged to actor Stephen Pitt Read More »

Adele negotiates relocation of besieged Las Vegas residence from Caesar’s Palace to neighboring

Adele’s besieged residence in Las Vegas may be relocated due to a collision with the schedule caused by the sudden cancellation of the singer at eleven o’clock.

The 33-year-old British star has alarmed fans in January after postponing a lucrative set of Caesar’s Palace shows just 24 hours before her first performance at the venue, many of them out of pocket after spending thousands on tickets and plane tickets. to see her on stage.

It is reported that the stuttering residence will be rescheduled for dates between June and September 2022, with a neighboring location being considered as a potential alternative.

Options: Adele's beleaguered Las Vegas residency could be moving from its original venue due to a scheduling clash sparked by the singer's abrupt eleventh-hour cancellation

Options: Adele’s besieged residence in Las Vegas may move from its original location due to a collision with the schedule caused by the sudden cancellation of the singer at eleven o’clock

The place in question, the Zappos Theater of Planet Hollywood, is located just meters from the Colosseum of the Caesar’s Palace, which makes it a logistically realistic option if change occurs.

A source told The Sun: “Talks are under way with Adele about the possibility of her moving the residence to Zappos.

“The place is within the Caesar family – with which she has a huge money deal – and is world class.

“It was home to many huge stars, including Jennifer Lopez and Shania Twain, and after questions from Adele about her set and sound quality at the Colosseum, Zappos seems to be the answer.

“Besides, the schedule at the Colosseum is seriously busy. This place was her first choice, but if that’s not possible, then Zappos is the perfect place and they want her to know that the door is open. ‘

Under consideration: Planet Hollywood’s Zappos Theatre, sits just yards away from the Caesar's Palace Coliseum, making it a logistically realistic option should the change go ahead

Under consideration: Planet Hollywood’s Zappos Theater is located just meters from the Coliseum of Caesar’s Palace, making it a logistically realistic option if change occurs

Not happening:  The singer ori postponed her Weginallyekends With Adele with just 24 hours' notice on January 20th, citing the COVID-19 pandemic as a mitigating factor

Not happening: The singer initially postponed her weekends with Adele with just 24 hours notice on January 20, citing the COVID-19 pandemic as a mitigating factor

Initially, the singer postponed her weekends with Adele with only 24 hours notice on January 20, citing the COVID-19 pandemic as a mitigating factor.

It was previously thought that a place was being created for her to broadcast her biggest hits on the spot, with Keith Urban finishing her own residence on June 18, before Los Stewart opened a store on September 23.

Considering the issue in February, a source told The Sun on Sunday: “This is the schedule that would make the most sense.

“Talks are currently underway and I hope that Adele’s rescheduled dates will be agreed very soon.

“She made it clear that next year is not an option and everyone wants to lock in the dates.”

She will not only delight fans in Sin City, but will fulfill her international engagements in the summer, including her concerts in Hyde Park in July.

Fingers crossed! It had previouslye venue

Fingers crossed! It was previously thought that a place was being created to perform his biggest hits at Caesar’s Palace

Stepping in: Keith Urban had been booked to replace Adele's Caesars Palace concert dates, after the British singer postponed her concert with just 24 hours notice

Intervention: Keith Urban was booked to replace Adele’s concert dates at Caesars Palace after the British singer postponed her concert with just 24 hours notice

Following are reports that Live Nation and Caesars Palace are struggling to make a deal with Adele fast enough to save her Las Vegas residence.

Adele dramatically withdrew from her three-month engagement at Caesars Palace just hours before her first show took place, blaming problems with “delivery” and COVID-19.

However, it was later reported that the delays were due to the singer’s dissatisfaction with the scenography, especially over a swimming pool erected in the middle of the stage.

Trying: It follows reports that Live Nation and Caesars Palace are struggling to strike a deal with Adele fast enough to save her Las Vegas residency (pictured in 2017)

Experience: There are reports that Live Nation and Caesars Palace are struggling to make a deal with Adele fast enough to save her Las Vegas residence (pictured in 2017)

Insiders at the Caesars Palace camp told TMZ that the resort and Live Nation will have to reach a working agreement with the singer within a month to continue the show.

Adele Rich Paul’s current boyfriend, a first-rate sports agent, has apparently entered negotiations for the show, which is said to win $ 150 million.

Sources say Adele has had a number of disputes over the show, including, but not limited to, the choir and sound system.

Caesars insiders also cite disagreements over a swimming pool that was supposed to be part of the concert set. Earlier, there were rumors that Adele was arguing with the set designer over the water body.

Devastated: When she tearfully announced that her show ‘just ain’t ready’ last week, fans hoped it wouldn’t take long for Adele to rearrange her performances

Devastated: When she announced with tears that her show was “just not ready” last week, fans hoped it wouldn’t take long for Adele to rearrange her performances.

What are the highest grossing Las Vegas residencies of ALL TIME?

Last week, Adele dramatically withdrew from her three-month residence in Las Vegas, which is said to earn $ 150 million if she is rescued.

But living in Vegas is a long – and lucrative – tradition.

The ruling winner is none other than Celine Dion of the Queen of Vegas, but many other artists have also cleaned the coffers.

With the help of Billboard Boxscores, the top 10 are revealed.

  • Celine Dion – ‘A New Day’ at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas – 2003-2007, $385 million
  • Celine Dion – ‘Celine’ at Caesars Palace – 2011-2019, $296 million
  • Elton John – ‘The Red Piano’ at Caesars Palace, 2004-2009, $166.4 million
  • Britney Spears – ‘Britney: Piece Of Me’ at Planet Hollywood, 2013-2017, $137 million
  • Elton John – ‘The Million Dollar Piano,’ Caesars Palace, 2011-2018, $131 million
  • Jennifer Lopez – ‘All I Have,’ Planet Hollywood, 2016-2018, $101.9 million
  • Cher – ‘Cher,’ Caesars Palace, 2008-2011, $97.4 million
  • Bette Midler – ‘The Showgirl Must Go On,’ Caesars Palace, 2008-2010, $71.8 million
  • Rod Stewart – ‘The Hits,’ Caesars Palace, 2011-2018, $57.4 million
  • Lady Gaga – ‘Lady Gaga Enigma + Jazz & Piano,’ Park MGM, 2018-2021, $53.9 million

The Caesars Coliseum is said to have completely overhauled its sound system because Adele objected to the Meyer system he used before.

However, Caesars Palace are unsure whether a satisfactory deal with Adele is possible at all amid their various other disputes, sources from their camp said.

The resort is looking to make a deal with Adele early enough for her to start playing there in mid-2022.

Adele’s Las Vegas casino kit, meanwhile, was packed and sent off-site from the Colosseum after she left the residence.

The tractor trailers parked in front of the Colosseum were loaded with technical equipment and parts before being driven off the site in late January.

Side by side: Adele's current boyfriend Rich Paul, who is a top-flight sports agent, has apparently entered the negotiations as well; they are pictured at a Lakers game in October

Side by side: Adele Rich’s current friend Paul, who is a top-class sports agent, has apparently also entered the negotiations; they are pictured at a Lakers game in October

All packed up! A tractor trailer is seen parked outside the The Colosseum at Caesars Palace, on the Las Vegas Strip, after Adele's set is removed and shipped off following her pull-out

Everything packed! A tractor trailer parked in front of the Coliseum at Caesars Palace, on the Las Vegas Strip, is visible after Adele’s kit was removed and shipped after it was towed

Country music star Keith, who is Nicole Kidman’s husband, will now play at the Caesars Palace over the weekend in late March and early April, when Adele was due to play.

Fans have already said that given the program of events on the ground, it is possible that the earliest it will be able to fulfill is 2023, which raises further speculation that this may never happen.

While they are confused about whether they will ever see Adele playing in Vegas, a technician from the show shared an idea of ​​what it could be, posting photos from the scene of the star.

In a photo taken on January 5, the scene can be seen in the midst of a transformation with a large floating staircase erected in the center, nestled between rows of plants.

A huge tractor trailer sits empty, outside Las Vegas's Colosseum, awaiting Adele's stage props and sets after the singer, 33, tearfully announced that her show ‘just ain’t ready’ last week

A huge tractor trailer stands empty in front of the Coliseum in Las Vegas, waiting for Adele’s stage props and sets, after the 33-year-old singer announced through tears that her show “just isn’t ready” last week

A fork lift truck operator drives some of the materials from the stage to waiting trucks

A fork lift truck operator drives some of the materials from the stage to waiting trucks

The empty backstage area at the Colosseum is seen after Adele's elaborate sets were removed this week

The empty backstage area of ​​the Colosseum is visible after Adele’s intricate sets were removed this week

On January 7, things still seemed to be going according to plan, as the entertainment manager at The Colosseum Caesars Palace wrote in a Facebook post: “14 days. I have been in the industry for 8 years and I have never seen such a “load”. ‘

In an image of the scene taken two weeks later, the staircase was removed, with large lighting fixtures hanging in its place and a raised platform in the center of the stage.

The images did not show the props that allegedly caused the cancellation of Adele – a large swimming pool, which the singer eventually compares to the “bag of old pond”.

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Pictured: A first look at Adele’s doomed set in Las Vegas as the stage is removed after the singer’s “fierce designer scandal” – as fans fear she will NEVER reschedule her stay and her seat is already full

Packing up: The singer, 33, tearfully announced that her show ‘just ain’t ready’ last week, amid claims she cancelled her highly-anticipated shows following a 'furious row over a swimming pool stunt' intended for her performance First look: A technician shared pictures of Adele's sey

Packing up: The singer tearfully announced that her show ‘just ain’t ready’ last week, amid claims she cancelled her highly-anticipated shows following a ‘furious row over a swimming pool stunt’ intended for her performance

Moving on: A technician who worked on Adele's set shared snaps of the stage, captioned 'Time to take it all down. A lot of canceled events. #Adele'

Moving on: A technician who worked on Adele’s set shared snaps of the stage, captioned ‘Time to take it all down. A lot of canceled events. #Adele’

Glimpse: The behind the scenes shots showed the set at various stages of being assembled

Glimpse: The behind the scenes shots showed the set at various stages of being assembled

Cancelled: It seems increasingly unlikely her ‘Weekends with’ residency in Las Vegas will go ahead any time soon, if at all, as her sets were seen being removed from the venue

Cancelled: It seems increasingly unlikely her ‘Weekends with’ residency in Las Vegas will go ahead any time soon, if at all, as her sets were seen being removed from the venue

Big plans: On January 7 things seemed to be going to plan, with the Entertainment Manager at The Colosseum Caesars Palace, noting: '14 days. I’m my 8 years in the industry I have not seen a “load in” like it'

Big plans: On January 7, things seemed to be going according to plan, with the entertainment manager at The Colosseum Caesars Palace saying: “14 days. I’m my 8 years in the industry and I haven’t seen such a “load”

Although the props were not depicted on the scene, the offender appeared to be seen packed in a pickup truck as staff left the scene.

Trouble ahead: A source said shows were destined for trouble due to behind-the-scenes clashes between Adele and acclaimed set designer Esmeralda Devlin (pictured)

Upcoming issues: A source said the shows were intended for problems due to behind-the-scenes clashes between Adele and acclaimed set designer Esmeralda Devlin (pictured)

Sources claim that the British star canceled her stay after disagreements over the scenography, mainly the pool on the stage, where she was obliged to play during one of her performances.

An insider told The Sun: “When she saw the finished design, she refused to participate. Adele described the pool as a “baggy old pond” and refused to stand in the middle.

“The intention was to fill the set with water while it was being lifted on tap, creating the illusion that it was floating on water.”

Adele postponed a series of performances just 24 hours before her first scheduled show.

In a video posted on social media, she blamed the delay for “half of her crew” not working because of COVID-19 and for “delivery” problems.

But it has since been rumored that the star – who is known for being a perfectionist and has previously canceled live performances – has “collided” with her set designer Esmeralda Devlin.

Sources in Las Vegas also claim that her team was a “complete nightmare” during the preparations for her three-month stay.

Making moves: The swimming pool prop that Adele seemingly referred to as a 'baggy old pond' was seen being packed away by removal man as they set to work dismantling the set at Caesar's Palace Making moves: Men packed away the elaborate staging

Making moves: The swimming pool prop that Adele seemingly referred to as a ‘baggy old pond’ was seen being packed away by removal man as they set to work dismantling the set at Caesar’s Palace

Maybe next year? A flying platform was seen being taken out of the venue so that it can be made ready for Keith Urban's residency, amid claims that Adele won't reschedule her shows until next year if ever

May be next year? It was seen that a flying platform had been removed from the site so that it could be prepared for Keith Urban’s residence, amid allegations that Adele would not reschedule her show until next year, if ever.

They said that the singer and her team insisted on replacing the state-of-the-art sound system at the Colosseum Theater with their own and also insisted on installing an entirely new video system.

The New York Post also claims that the singer failed to go through any rehearsals in the month leading up to her planned opening, as she often “screamed and sobbed” on the phone of Rich Paul, her boyfriend with a sports agent.

A source told the newspaper: “Adele was crying and could not stand a single full rehearsal in the last month.

Not happening: Fans have already pointed out that given the venue’s programme of events, it is possible that the earliest she will be able to perform at Caesar's Palace is 2023

Not happening: Fans have already pointed out that given the venue’s programme of events, it is possible that the earliest she will be able to perform at Caesar’s Palace is 2023

Emotional: Adele FaceTimed disappointed fans after they paid to see her perform, only to be told the show was cancelled Emotional: Adele FaceTimed disappointed fans after they paid to see her perform, only to be told the show was cancelled

Emotional: Adele FaceTimed disappoints fans after they paid to see her perform, only to tell them the show has been canceled

“She just yells and cries loudly on the phone with Rich.” She has hardly rehearsed because she is constantly in the midst of an emotional shootout. ‘

Scott Reuben, a Las Vegas-based journalist for, who reported on the star’s residence, told the publication that Vegas insiders are increasingly worried that Adele will cancel the concerts forever.

He said: “There are rumors that there is stress related to Adele’s relationship. I’m told that these stresses made her be in a place where she just wasn’t sure she could move on. You can’t focus if you’re not where you need to be in your head. ‘

MailOnline contacted a representative for further comment.

Long distance: Fans from the United Kingdom travelled a total of 6,924 miles each for concerts that were ultimately cancelled by the British star

Long distance: Fans from the United Kingdom travelled a total of 6,924 miles each for concerts that were ultimately cancelled by the British star


Adele negotiates relocation of besieged Las Vegas residence from Caesar’s Palace to neighboring Read More »