Do you want to avoid an early grave Try 30

Do you want to avoid an early grave? Try 30 minutes of squats each week

Just half an hour of squats each week can prevent early death, research now shows.

Japanese experts have reviewed more than a dozen studies that have examined whether muscle-building exercises have any effect on mortality.

The results show that performing between 30-60 minutes of muscle-strengthening exercises a week reduces the risk of death by up to 20 percent.

Such muscle building activities may include squats, push-ups and sit-ups, as well as digging and rowing in the garden.

Experts from Tohoku University say the benefits are even greater when looking specifically at the risk of death from heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

However, the authors said there was no “convincing evidence” that exceeding one hour of muscle-strengthening activity reduced the risk even more.

But they said combining muscle strengthening and cardio could increase the protective benefits.

Japanese experts say their study shows that just half an hour of weight lifting a week can help reduce the risk of early death by 10 percent or more

Japanese experts say their study shows that just half an hour of weight lifting a week can help reduce the risk of early death by 10 percent or more

Keeping fit can reduce the risk of dementia by up to THIRD, new research shows

Keeping in shape in middle age can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by up to a third, a study shows.

Even small gains in heart and lung health can be extremely beneficial.

An analysis of 649,605 people with an average age of 61 found that the most fit were 33% less likely to develop the disease than the least fit.

The study’s author, Dr Eduard Zamrini of the Washington Medical Center in Virginia, said it was “exciting” and “very promising” to see a reduction in the number of cases with elevated fitness levels, as there are currently no adequate treatments ”for Alzheimer’s disease.

He said: “An exciting finding from this study is that as people improve their physical fitness, the risk of Alzheimer’s disease decreases – it was not an all-or-nothing proposal.

“So people can work to make gradual changes and improvements in their physical fitness, and hopefully this will be associated with a associated reduction in the risk of Alzheimer’s disease years later.”

He added: “The idea that you can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by simply increasing your activity is very promising, especially since there are no adequate treatments to prevent or stop the progression of the disease.

“We hope to develop a simple scale that can be customized so that people can see the benefits that even gradual improvements in fitness can bring.”

The researchers examined participants’ “cardiorespiratory fitness,” a measure of how well the body transports oxygen to the muscles and how well they are able to absorb oxygen during exercise.

A limitation of the study is that the participants are predominantly white men, so the results may not be generalized to other populations.

The findings will be presented at the 74th anniversary meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, the world’s largest association of neurologists and neurologists.

The British are already encouraged to take muscle-strengthening activities as part of a regular exercise regimen.

The NHS recommends that people do exercises to strengthen muscles two days a week, in addition to 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, such as brisk walking.

Previous research has shown that muscle strengthening is associated with a lower risk of death – a team of Japanese experts wants to know what the potential “optimal dose” may be.

To do this, experts reviewed 16 studies on the potential benefits of strengthening muscles to prolong life.

All academic articles follow adults without previous serious health problems for at least two years.

Most of the studies are from the United States and the rest from the United Kingdom, Australia and Japan.

The longest study lasted 25 years, and the sample size varied between 4,000 and nearly 480,000 people.

All studies also reported aerobic or other types of physical activity that participants performed, as well as muscle strengthening activity.

Analysis of the data showed that adults who did at least 30 minutes a week had a 10-20 percent lower risk of death during the study period.

However, no reduction in the risk has been found for some specific cancers, including bowel and kidney cancer, as well as bladder or pancreatic cancer.

When considering diabetes-related deaths, muscle-strengthening activity of up to one hour per week has been found to greatly reduce the risk of death. But the benefits began to wane after the 60-minute mark.

The authors also emphasize that the benefits are greatest when muscle strengthening is combined with 150 minutes a week of aerobic exercise.

This reduced the risk of death by 40 percent for any reason, 46 percent for cardiovascular disease and 28 percent for cancer.

The results were published in British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Lead author Dr Haruki Moma says the findings show the potential health benefits of weightlifting and aerobic exercise.

“The combination of muscle strengthening and aerobic activity can provide greater benefits in reducing all causes, cardiovascular disease and overall cancer mortality,” he said.

However, Dr. Moma added that current data are limited and further studies are needed on more diverse populations than those analyzed by the team to increase the certainty of the evidence.

The diversity of the data is one of the limitations in the analysis that the authors acknowledge.

Of the 16 studies, only a few of each are applicable to each of the causes of death analyzed in the review, which means that the findings need to be treated with caution.

Second, the authors also acknowledge that the research is based on participants who report their own levels of exercise, which can be unreliable.

Finally, the authors also point out that most of the studies are from the United States, which means that the findings may not be as applicable to other populations.

Researchers acknowledge certain limitations of their findings, the main of which is that data from only a few studies are pooled for each of the results studied. The included studies also rely on a subjective assessment of muscle strengthening activities.


To stay healthy, adults aged 19 to 64 should try to be active every day and should:

  • at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, such as cycling or brisk walking each week, and
  • strength exercises 2 or more days a week that work all major muscles (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms)


  • 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity, such as running or playing singles tennis each week and
  • strength exercises 2 or more days a week that work on all major muscles (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms)


  • a combination of moderate and vigorous aerobic activity each week – for example 2 x 30-minute runs plus 30 minutes of brisk walking equals 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity and
  • strength exercises 2 or more days a week that work all major muscles (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms)

A good rule of thumb is that 1 minute of vigorous activity provides the same health benefits as 2 minutes of moderate activity.

One way to do the recommended 150 minutes of weekly physical activity is to do 30 minutes every 5 days each week.

All adults should also interrupt long periods of sitting with light activity.

Source: NHS

Do you want to avoid an early grave? Try 30 minutes of squats each week Read More »

GOP leaders denounce lawmakers appearance at white nationalist conference

GOP leaders denounce lawmakers’ appearance at white nationalist conference

WASHINGTON. On Monday, Republican Congressional leaders broke their silence on the participation of two Republicans in the House of Representatives at the far-right white supremacy conference, condemning the actions of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green of Georgia and Paul Gosar of Arizona.

Three days after Ms. Green appeared in person and Mr. Gosar via video link at an America First political action conference hosted by prominent white supremacist Nick Fuentes, the responses reflected growing pressure on senior Republicans to denounce extremists. in their ranks.

They followed strong condemnation from the Republican Jewish Coalition and more indirect condemnation from the Republican National Committee, and marked a rare public rebuke from Congressional GOP leaders who have more often remained silent in response to outrageous remarks and behavior from their far right. members.

By Monday afternoon, California State Representative Kevin McCarthy, the minority leader running for speaker, told reporters at the Capitol that he considered the couple’s behavior “appalling and wrong.”

After taking the Republicans to Israel and Yad Vashem, the sacred Holocaust museum, Mr. McCarthy said he returned to Washington to find that two of his colleagues “went out and participated in a group whose leader repeatedly expressed anti-Semitic views, and chanted Putin.

“The party should not be associated anytime, anywhere with someone who is an anti-Semite,” he added, calling Ms Green’s refusal to leave the stage after Mr Fuentes praised Adolf Hitler “unacceptable.” .

His comments came shortly after Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Senate’s top Republican, released a statement saying, “There is no place for white supremacists or anti-Semitism in the Republican Party.”

Ms Green dismissed criticism of her involvement, initially saying she did not know who Mr Fuentes was. But on Sunday, she delivered a rambling, defiant criticism that bordered on anti-Semitism when she denounced the attackers as “Pharisees in the Republican Party,” referring to an ancient group of Jewish leaders whom Jesus called hypocrites.

“We will not be stopped by Washington DC journalists and insiders who fear the name of our Lord and relentlessly attack those of us who proclaim His name,” Ms. Green said. “We know that Christ is our only judge.”

The episode provided further evidence of the problem of extremism Republicans are facing within their ranks in what should be turbulent days for the party. President Biden’s extremely low approval ratings have buoyed his fortune and brought control of Congress within his grasp since the midterm elections in November. But the words and actions of prominent Republicans, including former President Donald J. Trump, the figurehead of the Republican Party, have put lawmakers and leaders on the defensive.

In recent days, Mr. Trump has repeatedly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin as “intelligent”, “genius” and “smart”, resurrecting questions on Former President’s Efforts to Withdraw Military Assistance to Ukraine to force his president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to dig up dirt on Trump’s Democratic challenger Joseph R. Biden Jr.

“It was Zelensky who became a world hero who asked for weapons, and it was the American president who hesitated to provide these weapons so that Zelensky would conduct a political investigation of his enemy,” said Utah Senator Mitt Romney. the only Republican to vote to convict Mr. Trump since his first impeachment, said Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union program. “It was not right. It was a violation of the duty of the president to protect our nation and defend the cause of freedom.”

Senator Tom Cotton, Republican of Arkansas, pressed on ABC’s This Week to refute Trump’s praise of Putin, snapped: “If you want to know what Donald Trump thinks of Vladimir Putin or any other topic I would advise you to invite him to your show.

But neither Ms. Green nor Mr. Gosar are party leaders. House stripped Miss Green of her committee duties for threatening members of the Democratic Party and formally condemned Mr. Gosar for publishing a cartoon showing him cutting the neck of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New York Democrat, before violently confronting Mr. Biden.

In neither case did Mr. McCarthy impose any punishment. The only Republicans in the House of Representatives who faced punishment for their words or actions were Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, who were condemned by the party this month for participating in the investigation of the case January 6, 2021 Capitol attackwhich RNA called “harassment of ordinary people participating in legitimate political discussions.”

Mr McCarthy defended the censure while Mr McConnell rejected it.

In the case of Ms. Green and Mr. Gosar, the Republican Jewish Coalition, which is generously funded by powerful party donors, was quick to condemn their appearance last week at an America First conference where lawmakers shared the stage with Mr. Fuentes, an anti-Semitic Holocaust denier. who wonders why comparing Mr. Putin to Hitler was “a bad thing.”

The crowd at the conference, which took place on the fringes of the larger Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, was heard on video chanting “Putin, Putin.”

“It is appalling and outrageous that a member of Congress shares a platform with someone who is actively spreading anti-Semitic bile, mocking the Holocaust, and promoting dangerous anti-Israel conspiracy theories,” the Jewish Republican group said, adding, “There is absolutely no place in the Republican Party and the RJC will be actively stand up to anyone associated with Nick Fuentes, AFPAC and the like.”

Without naming any members, GOP National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said Sunday that “white supremacy, neo-Nazism, hate speech and bigotry are abhorrent and have no place in the Republican Party.”

Mr. Fuentes, for his part, used the flap to advertise his collection.

“After a full day of viciously attacking Marjorie Taylor Green for speaking at AFPAC last night, Donald Trump welcomes her and gives her approval from the CPAC main stage,” he wrote on his Telegram account, before inviting Mr. Trump to attend. in future.

Kenneth S. Stern, director of the Bard Center for the Study of Hate at Bard College, said the moment was reminiscent of the late 1980s and early 1990s, when David Duke, the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, invaded the Republican Party and trying to push his ideas into the mainstream.

In 1991, President George W. Bush called a press conference to condemn Mr. Duke as a “charlatan” who has not earned “one iota of public trust”.

“When someone so recently supported Nazism, it is inconceivable that anyone could reasonably claim a leadership role in a free society,” he said.

On the occasion, Mr. Stern said: “I’m less worried about Marjorie Taylor Green showing up at the conference with people she should be ashamed of being with and more concerned about the inability of many people in the GOP to call out the big lie with Donald Trump.” and the 2020 elections.”

For Republicans, this is a sensitive issue. Ms Green said she will not be silenced as she addresses young activists who should be groomed for the next generation of Republican voters.

“We must educate our youth in the ways of righteousness so that they do not go astray into darkness,” she said.

And the energy of the far right is young, led by Mr. Fuentes and his Groypers. who tempered their racist language in an effort to bring their ideas of white nationalism into the mainstream.

It is also completely unclear whether the Republicans will pay for the actions in their own right.

“I have complete confidence in Kevin McCarthy,” said Matt Brooks, executive director of the Jewish Republican Coalition. “He is rock solid when it comes down to it. If he wants to resolve this issue publicly or privately, all I can tell you is that it will be resolved. It’s not something he will ignore.”

Ari Fleischer, a former White House press secretary and prominent Jewish Republican, called Ms. Green’s appearance “the most wrong thing to do” and “a moral line that should never be crossed.”

But he, too, expressed confidence in Mr. McCarthy.

“They went, this is their behavior,” he said. “I have 100% confidence in Kevin and the Republican leadership that, whether publicly or privately, they are doing a good job of it.”

GOP leaders denounce lawmakers’ appearance at white nationalist conference Read More »

An Asian grandmother died three months after she was smashed

An Asian grandmother died three months after she was smashed in the face with a stone in a random attack

An Asian grandmother who struggles for three months to recover from brain damage after being smashed in the face with a stone during new York the street attack died from his injuries.

Guing Ma, 61, died on February 22, although she briefly came out of her coma weeks earlier.

Ma, who immigrated from Liaoning four years ago, Chinawas sweeping her front sidewalk on November 26, 2021, in Jackson Heights, Queens, when 32-year-old Elisaul Perez, a homeless man sleeping on the street, attacked her, according to her family.

He was arrested and charged with assault, but police and prosecutors do not consider him hateful crime.

However, the family said the deadly man made other Asians in the city feel targeted.

“The defendant, who was arrested and charged in the attack, had several previous arrests, a long criminal record and was known to pose a threat to the community,” her family said in a GoFundMe post announcing her death. Strict law enforcement to keep the Asian-American community safe. “

Guing Ma, 61, died on February 22, although she briefly came out of her coma weeks earlier.  Ma struggles to recover from her brain injuries from the attack and briefly came out of her coma in early February before dying on February 22.

Guing Ma, 61, died on February 22, although she briefly came out of her coma weeks earlier. Ma struggles to recover from her brain injuries from the attack and briefly came out of her coma in early February before dying on February 22.

Guing Ma, 61, who immigrated four years ago from Liaoning, China, was sweeping her front sidewalk on November 26, 2021 in Jackson Heights, Queens, when Elisaul Perez, 32, a homeless man sleeping on the street, attacked her.

Guing Ma, 61, who immigrated four years ago from Liaoning, China, was sweeping her front sidewalk on November 26, 2021 in Jackson Heights, Queens, when Elisaul Perez, 32, a homeless man sleeping on the street, attacked her.

The attack left Ma with permanent damage to the right side of her brain and part of her skull had to be removed by doctors to relieve the swelling.

Even with her traumatic brain injury, she was able to recognize her husband and answer him, rolling her eyes and tearing when he spoke to her.

“The love between Ms. Ma and her husband, Mr. Jansin Gao, has remained,” her family wrote on the crowdfunding site. ‘[She] he managed to raise his hand in response to Mr. Gao, even thinking that he could not speak motionless.

Unfortunately, she died earlier this month.

Her family said she would be remembered as “a compliant, friendly and kind person who cared for everyone and insisted on giving to others, even when there was very little to give.”

In addition to her husband, she leaves behind her son, who is still in China, and two grandchildren.

Her son is expected to fly to New York for the funeral.

Elisaul Perez, 32, is accused of assaulting Ma, but Queens District Attorney is considering more serious charges.

Elisaul Perez, 32, is accused of assaulting Ma, but Queens District Attorney is considering more serious charges.

The Queens District Attorney said they were reviewing the case and weighing more serious charges, including murder, against Perez after her death.

Ma is one of four street attacks on Asians in New York in the last few months.

Deloitte consultant Michelle Go, 40, was pushed under a moving subway train by a homeless man in Times Square in mid-January.

Christina Yuna Lee, 35, was stabbed by a homeless man after being followed into her apartment building as she was returning from a night out.

Yao Pan Ma, 49, who connects the two ends by collecting recycling bins on the street, died on Jan. 31 after being brutally hit in the head by Jared Powell, who claims he is taking revenge for being robbed by an Asian.

There were 131 hate crimes against Asians in New York last year, a huge jump from the 28 Asian attacks in 2020, according to the New York Police Department.

1646093242 682 An Asian grandmother died three months after she was smashed

An Asian grandmother died three months after she was smashed in the face with a stone in a random attack Read More »

Americas most expensive home goes under the hammer after failing

America’s most expensive home goes under the hammer after failing to sell for $ 295 million

The country’s most expensive home – boasting five swimming pools, a 30-car garage, a bowling alley and more – will go up for auction on Monday after failing to sell for $ 295 million.

Named The One, the 105,000-square-foot Bel Air property could reach its highest price in U.S. history if it exceeds the $ 238 million hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffith spent on a Manhattan penthouse in 2019.

But White Elephant’s infamous mansion – which took eight years to build and was once marked at $ 340 million – has been an abyss since it went on sale last year and was banned.

Although the lavish mansion is undeniably impressive, some have expressed concerns about undetected construction deficiencies and violations of the zoning code, Los Angeles Times reported. Other possible red flags include a missing residence permit, although a broker representing the property has dismissed critics as “unhappy people”.

“You know, it’s really not for me or for you,” Williams & Williams’ agent Rainey Williams told the Times. “That’s one percent of the world, and we’re not one percent of the world.”

A 105,000-square-foot mega-name, known as The One, goes up for auction on Monday after failing to meet the asking price of $ 295 million on the open market.

A 105,000-square-foot mega-name, known as The One, goes up for auction on Monday after failing to meet the asking price of $ 295 million on the open market.

While most people would be happy with one pool, the Bel Air mansion has five swimming pools

While most people would be happy with one pool, the Bel Air mansion has five swimming pools

An agent for the ad said the obvious when he commented that the house was not likely to be looted by an ordinary person.

An agent for the ad said the obvious when he commented that the house was not likely to be looted by an ordinary person. “You know, it’s really not for me or you,” Rainey Williams said. “This is for one percent of the world, and we are not one percent of the world.”

Other features of the home include a cinema, a philanthropic charity wing, a nightclub, an open-air running track and a 4,000-square-foot guest house.

The 4,000-foot home’s main bathroom includes a spacious walk-in closet and a private pool.

Despite the size of the home, it should not be difficult to trace the bathroom. After all, they are 49.

Brandon Williams, who also represents the mansion with the Aaron Kirman Group at Compass, called the property a “modern masterpiece.”

“It’s four acres on top of a mountain in Bel Air and can never be rebuilt,” he said.

With that said, the 53-year-old Hollywood producer, who became developer Neil Niami, who started building the house in 2013 with the help of 600 employees, probably wishes it had never been so.

During its construction, the home was declared by Niami as “the largest and most expensive modern home in America.”

Moreover, the former Hollywood CEO has reportedly been convinced he can secure the asking price of $ 500 million for the impressive mansion, a forecast that will leave producers of films such as The Patriot and Point Blank hopelessly disappointed.

Other features of the home include a movie theater, a philanthropic charity wing, a nightclub, an open-air running track and a 4,000-square-foot guest house.

Other features of the home include a movie theater, a philanthropic charity wing, a nightclub, an open-air running track and a 4,000-square-foot guest house.

Inside the mansion is an indoor pool, where floor-to-ceiling windows allow plenty of natural light.

Inside the mansion is an indoor pool, where floor-to-ceiling windows allow plenty of natural light.

The indoor bowling alley is another feature of the home, full of digital boards and recreation areas

The indoor bowling alley is another feature of the home, full of digital boards and recreation areas

Brandon Williams, who also represents the property, called the home a

Brandon Williams, who also represents the property, called the home a “modern masterpiece.” He said: “It’s four acres on top of a mountain in Bel Air and it can never be built again.”

Colored glass sculpture was erected outside the house, which took eight years to build

Colored glass sculpture was erected outside the house, which took eight years to build

It took eight years to build the spacious home and it was once put on the market for $ 340 million

It took eight years to build the spacious home and it was once put on the market for $ 340 million

Niami hired renowned architect Paul McLean and interior designer Catherine Rotondi to liven up his five-acre vision in the hills overlooking Los Angeles, but the cost overrun left him in huge debt of $ 180 million.

Niami, known as the “King of the Mega Estate in Los Angeles,” filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection for his company Crestlloyd in October after failing to meet a $ 106 million debt to Hankey Capital.

The palace property was subsequently placed under management – a form of foreclosure – last year after being announced for $ 340 million in January of that year. At that moment, the house was withdrawn from auction, after ten months on the market.

After the foreclosure, the sale of the apartment was subsequently blocked until November 29. It finally returned to the market on Friday – its price was reduced by 45 million dollars.

Now, those familiar with the lawsuit say they will have to sell for at least $ 200 million just to cover the costs.

If the newly designated property fails to collect this price, creditors will either be forced to sell below the required price and incur a loss, or will direct the property to further foreclosure proceedings.

He is currently being represented by court-appointed trustee Ted Lanes, who now controls the property and is responsible for finding a buyer and paying off creditors and other creditors.

With that in mind, lenders and brokers say the second property announcement on Friday comes at an ideal time, with luxury real estate in Los Angeles currently a hot commodity.

Real estate sales of $ 10 million or more doubled in 2021 compared to 2019, before the pandemic, with a total of 312 sales, according to real estate appraiser Miller Samuel.

Working from home will not be a problem in The One, where office space is plentiful

Working from home will not be a problem in The One, where office space is plentiful

The round moat seating area offers panoramic views of the mountains and forests

The round moat seating area offers panoramic views of the mountains and forests

The home was built by Hollywood producer who became developer Neil Niami, 53, in 2013 with the help of 600 employees

The home was built by Hollywood producer who became developer Neil Niami, 53, in 2013 with the help of 600 employees

The former Hollywood CEO has reportedly been convinced he can provide the asking price of $ 500 million for the impressive mansion

The former Hollywood CEO has reportedly been convinced he can provide the asking price of $ 500 million for the impressive mansion

And the home itself, which boasts 21 spacious bedrooms and 42 bathrooms, is nothing to sneeze at, even by the luxury standards of Los Angeles.

Designed by architect Paul McLean and decorated by interior designer Catherine Rotondi, the structure is surrounded by a moat on three sides and “seems to float over the city,” Architectural Digest wrote last year in a profile of the modern castle.

The mansion even has its own beauty salon, which boasts bright red walls and opaque shampoo stations.

Despite the splendor, McLean and Rotondi, who were lured by Niami to build the structure, said they wanted to build a house that was light, bright and quiet.

“We wanted to provide this typical life in LA, but on a larger scale. “To make the home feel fit,” McLean said last year.

Interior photos show that the home has floor-to-ceiling windows allowing in the California sun.

The mansion even has its own beauty salon, which boasts bright red walls and opaque shampoo stations.

The mansion even has its own beauty salon, which boasts bright red walls and opaque shampoo stations.

Insiders familiar with the lawsuit say they will have to sell for at least $ 200 million just to cover the costs

Insiders familiar with the lawsuit say they will have to sell for at least $ 200 million just to cover the costs

The home includes 21 spacious bedrooms, 42 bathrooms and a number of open-plan living spaces

The home includes 21 spacious bedrooms, 42 bathrooms and a number of open-plan living spaces

1646093130 301 Americas most expensive home goes under the hammer after failing

During its construction, the home was named by Niami as “America’s Largest and Most Expensive Modern Home.”

There is no lack of breathtaking views from a number of points of view

There is no lack of breathtaking views from a number of points of view

Pictured: Female closet in the 4,000-square-foot master bathroom, which also includes a private pool

Pictured: Female closet in the 4,000-square-foot master bathroom, which also includes a private pool

The power of Los Angeles can be seen from the well-maintained territory of the mansion

The power of Los Angeles can be seen from the well-maintained territory of the mansion

Niami first bought the land where The One now stands in 2012 for $ 28 million from Rita Kogan, the late heir to video games and daughter of Space Invaders creator Michael Cogan.

The former producer reportedly borrowed millions of dollars to finance the lavish project.

Now, more than a hundred million dollars and a decade later, the home is still unfinished and the buyer will have to cough up millions – and probably spend months stuck in construction – just to make the property habitable.

The bidding was scheduled to begin on Monday at 16:00 PST and end on March 3.

America’s most expensive home goes under the hammer after failing to sell for $ 295 million Read More »

Russian real estate developer and former Naomi Campbell condemns invasion

Russian real estate developer and former Naomi Campbell condemns invasion of Ukraine

Russian oligarch and real estate entrepreneur Vladislav Doronin has publicly condemned it Vladimir Putin‘s invasion of Ukrainein a statement to

Billionaire businessman and former longtime friend of supermodel Naomi Campbell spoke after a small group of protesters gathered in front of his newly opened luxury hotel Midtown Manhattan – Aman New York – over the weekend.

“I condemn Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and fervently wish for peace,” Doronin said on Monday.

“I was born in the USSR, a union that no longer exists, which included both Russia and Ukraine. I left in 1986 before its dissolution, and therefore I was never a Russian citizen.

Russian real estate builder Vladislav Doronin has condemned Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine Vladislav Doronin dated supermodel Naomi Campbell from 2008 to 2013.

Russian real estate builder Vladislav Doronin, ex-boyfriend of supermodel Naomi Campbell (right), condemns Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine

Doronin speaks amid calls by protesting Russian oligarchs to take action against Putin and the war

Doronin speaks amid calls by protesting Russian oligarchs to take action against Putin and the war

“As an international businessman with teams located all over the globe,” Doronin continued, “I have always embraced a culture of inclusion and peace.

Doronin, 59, is the owner and chairman of Aman Resorts, which plans to open a luxury hotel and “city haven” at the former Museum of Modern Art in the spring, offering a $ 100,000 membership to a private club that includes a three-story spa with 25 -meter indoor pool, sauna and steam baths, as well as a terrace with cabin, deck chair and fireplace.

Peter Zinkovetsky, a real estate lawyer in New York from Ukraine who has a family hiding in a bomb shelter in Kharkov, helped organize Saturday’s rally, which led several dozen people from a larger Times Square protest to picket the property near the corner. Fifth Avenue and 57th Street.

“This is the best property you can get,” Zinkovetsky told hours after the protest.

“Every oligarch must take a stand, do you support the war in Ukraine, do you support the Russian regime?” He added.

“If the owner of such a large corporation can’t answer such a simple question, it speaks for itself.”

Doronin, 59, is the owner and chairman of Aman Resorts, whose newest Aman New York hotel will open this spring at Manhattan's iconic Crown Building.

Doronin, 59, is the owner and chairman of Aman Resorts, whose newest Aman New York hotel will open this spring at Manhattan’s iconic Crown Building.

The resort offers a $ 100,000 private club membership, including a three-story spa with 25-meter indoor pool, sauna and steam bath, and a terrace with cabin, bed and fireplace.

The resort offers a $ 100,000 private club membership, including a three-story spa with 25-meter indoor pool, sauna and steam bath, and a terrace with cabin, bed and fireplace.

Doronin spoke after protesters from a larger Times Square rally gathered to picket the property near the corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street over the weekend.  Pictured: Protesters in New York

Doronin spoke after protesters from a larger Times Square rally gathered to picket the property near the corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street over the weekend. Pictured: Protesters in New York

Doronin is also the CEO and chairman of the US-based international development company OKO Group, which has locations in Miami and Manhattan.

The company currently has several development projects, including Aman New York, and two residential and one commercial facility in Miami.

Protesters planned to gather in front of one of Doronin’s properties in Miami on Monday before he issued a statement against the war.

“It was because of the protest,” Zinkovetsky insisted, although Doronin did not admit that his comments were related.

“He had no comment before. This is exactly my opinion that after you press with the Russian oligarchs, with the Russian companies, they will have to enter the protocol, just as Doronin did. The whole Ukrainian people thanked him for taking the position.

Michael Mudrick, a real estate agent in Miami in western Ukraine, helped plan today’s protest.

Una Residences, Miami Misoni Baya, Miami

Doronin is also the CEO and chairman of the US-based international development company OKO Group, which is also in the process of developing commercial and residential properties in Miami. Pictured: Una Residences (left) apartment tower overlooking Biscayne Bay and Missoni Baja (right)

Doronin is expected to open 830 Brickell, Miami - a first-class office space in the heart of Miami's financial center

Doronin is expected to open 830 Brickell, Miami – a first-class office space in the heart of Miami’s financial center

Doronin has been in a relationship with Russian model Kristina Romanova (right) since 2014

Doronin has been in a relationship with Russian model Kristina Romanova (right) since 2014

“We are grateful you did the right thing,” he told

The organizers are considering new goals.

“We do not want to hurt the Russians who do business in the United States. That’s not what this is about, “Zinkovetsky said. “It’s about the Russian oligarchs who support this war and Putin’s machine.

“We just want the oligarchs to come out and take a stand. If they support Putin, this war, the invasion, then there is no reason for them to be allowed to do business in the United States or anywhere else in the civilized world.

In his release, Doronin said he was born in the former Soviet Union and left in 1986 and was therefore never a Russian citizen.

“As an international businessman with teams located all over the globe, I have always embraced a culture of inclusion and peace,” he continued.

“In this way, together we not only celebrate many cultures, but we do so with a goal and a united voice that has harmony, goodwill and well-being in its heart.”

Doronin’s comments came after two Russian billionaires became the first powerful oligarchs to call for an end to the conflict.

Mikhail Friedman, a native of western Ukraine, and Oleg Deripaska condemned Putin’s invasion, calling for peace talks “as soon as possible” between the two countries in an unusual intervention by Russia’s leading business elite.

Fellow Russian oligarchs Mikhail Friedman (pictured), who was born in western Ukraine, and Oleg Deripaska (right) also condemned Putin's invasion. Oleg Deripaska

Other Russian oligarchs, Mikhail Friedman (left), who was born in western Ukraine, and Oleg Deripaska (right) also condemned Putin’s invasion.

People gather for a rally in support of Ukraine across the street from United Nations headquarters as the UN General Assembly convenes for an emergency session to consider a resolution condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine in New York on Monday.

People gather for a rally in support of Ukraine across the street from United Nations headquarters as the UN General Assembly convenes for an emergency session to consider a resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in New York on Monday.

Friedman, co-founder of Russia’s largest private bank, Alpha, and controls private investment company LetterOne, has called for an end to the “bloodshed”.

The 57-year-old, who was ranked as the 128th richest man in the world by Forbes in 2021, also said the war was a “tragedy” for people on both sides and told LetterOne officials in a letter that the conflict leads to a wedge between the two eastern Slavic peoples of Russia and Ukraine, which have been brothers for centuries.

He wrote: “I was born in western Ukraine and lived there until I was 17 years old. My parents are Ukrainian citizens and live in Lviv, my favorite city.

“But I also spent much of my life as a citizen of Russia, building and developing business.

“I am deeply attached to the Ukrainian and Russian people and I see the current conflict as a tragedy for both of us.”

Meanwhile, billionaire Deripaska – who is the founder of Russian aluminum giant Rusal, in which he still owns a stake in the parent company En + Group – used a Telegram post to call for peace talks to begin “as soon as possible”.

The 54-year-old simply said, “Peace is very important.”

The so-called Russian oligarchs, who once had significant influence over President Boris Yeltsin in the 1990s, are facing economic chaos after the West imposed heavy sanctions on Russia over Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Russian real estate developer and former Naomi Campbell condemns invasion of Ukraine Read More »

Democratic Governors Seek Political Reset From President Biden

Democratic Governors Seek Political Reset From President Biden

“The sluggish return to normalcy in the wake of the pandemic is a major factor in voter satisfaction for many incumbent Democrats,” said Jesse Hunt, director of communications for the Republican Governors Association.

Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Florida Republican who is on the ballot this year and considered a potential 2024 presidential nominee, welcomed the Democratic governors’ caucus to his state by selling Lockdown Libs Tour T-shirts.

“Quarantine Democrats can’t get enough of Florida’s freedom!” read the fundraising letter.

Democratic gubernatorial candidates from Florida, Iowa, South Carolina, Arizona, Arkansas, Ohio and Pennsylvania attended the retreat., as did the governors of Maine, New York, Kentucky, and Rhode Island.. Stacey Abrams, who is running for governor of Georgia for the second time, also showed up and performed at a nearby donor’s house, which attendees said hosted the reception.

There are 20 states with incumbent Republican governors on the ballot this fall, and Democrats from those states have said they hope public outrage against those responsible can get around both sides.

Despite the national climate, the card does offer Democrats two good chances of success: in Maryland and Massachusetts, where popular anti-Trump Republican governors no longer vote in Democratic-majority states.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan could not run for re-election under term limits, and Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker refused to run for another term as pro-Trump forces threatened to hold a primary.

The Republican struggle is also creating instability for the party in Georgia, where Gov. Brian Kemp is facing a major challenge from former Senator David Purdue, and in Arizona, where Mr. Trump has feuded with outgoing Gov. Doug Ducey.

Democratic Governors Seek Political Reset From President Biden Read More »

Moderna accused of hijacking technology is using a vaccine against

Moderna, accused of “hijacking” technology, is using a vaccine against COVID-19

Modern faces charges of hijacking technology from two smaller biotech companies to produce it COVID-19 vaccine.

The Cambridge, Massachusetts-based company is facing lawsuits from Arbutus Biopharma and Genevant Sciences, both based in Vancouver. Canadadue to allegations that lipid nanoparticle technology was used, which infringed the patents of Canadian companies.

Moderna’s photo is the second most widely used in the United States and is a financial success for the previously low-profile biotech brand.

Earlier this month, CEO Stefan Bansel told investors that the company expects to earn $ 19 billion in revenue in 2022 from vaccine sales alone.

This is the second lawsuit Moderna is facing for its vaccine, with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) also judging that three of its scientists have been named as co-authors of the vaccine after contributing to its development.

Moderna has been sued by Arbutus Biopharma and Genevant Sciences, both from Vancouver, Canada, over allegations that the company infringed patents when it made its vaccine against COVID-19 (photo file)

Moderna has been sued by Arbutus Biopharma and Genevant Sciences, both from Vancouver, Canada, over allegations that the company infringed patents when it made its vaccine against COVID-19 (photo file)

The two companies claim that the nanoparticle technology used by the Moderna vaccine belongs to them and that the company deliberately used it without even asking for a license agreement (photo file)

The two companies claim that the nanoparticle technology used by the Moderna vaccine belongs to them and that the company deliberately used it without even asking for a license agreement (photo file)

“We are seeking fair compensation for Moderna’s use of our patented technology, which has been developed with great effort and cost, without which Moderna’s vaccine against COVID-19 would not have been successful,” said William Collier, CEO of Moderna. Arbutus.

Arbutus and Genevant have patented a “breakthrough” lipid nanoparticle that gives the vaccine the protective coating it needs to function.

Messenger RNA or mRNA, vaccines work by providing the human body with a set of instructions for creating an artificial protein with spikes. The immune system is then activated to destroy this protein and builds Covid antibodies in the process.

Without the nanoparticle, the lawsuits say, the vaccine would not have been found so quickly.

“It is well established in the scientific literature that the most significant technological barrier to the development and implementation of drugs that use mRNA is to design a safe and effective way to deliver mRNA to human cells,” Arbutus said in a statement.

Scientists at Arbutus and Genevant have spent years developing and refining lipid nanoparticle delivery technology (LNP), which is licensed for various applications to many different third countries … with this technology, RNA can travel through the human body to its destination. . cell and across the membrane of the target cell before RNA release.

“Without this important delivery technology, RNA would be rapidly degraded in the body and ineffective.”

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In the complaint, Arbutus writes that Moderna knew that it was infringing the patent when it used the nanoparticle without licensing it.

They claim that “it tried to invalidate several of the patents before the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and when those efforts largely failed, Moderna simply used the patented technology without paying for it.”

Moderna made a profit of about $ 12 billion in 2021, largely fueled by the successful deployment of Covid vaccines and booster vaccines later in the year.

The company’s injection has been given 208 million times to completely vaccinate 75 million Americans and stimulate 40 million others.

There are now more vaccine products that should increase revenue data this year – and in the coming years – too.

Keeping the virus under control is likely to require regular, potentially annual booster vaccines, similar to the annual flu vaccine that many Americans already receive.

Bansel said in earnings calls earlier this month that he believed the next available photo of Covid could be available in the fall, but said the U.S. government had not yet ordered the purchase of more hits.

Moderna is also currently in Phase 2 testing for its Omicron Covid-friendly hit. It is reported that the photo is expected to be available to Americans at the end of next month.

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The company is also under criticism from the federal government at the moment, as it is fighting a lawsuit from the NIH.

The NIH claims that the creation of the vaccine is a joint project between the agency and Moderna, while Moderna refused to include three NIH scientists in its patent application for the mRNA sequence that forms the basis of the vaccine.

If the NIH wins, the agency will be able to collect fees from vaccine sales and even license it to smaller, less developed nations that have had trouble buying the vaccine from companies like Moderna.

This would hurt Moderna’s market share – it is now competing with generic drugs, not just Pfizer and a few others in the international vaccine market – while being a boon to much of the developed world.

Moderna, accused of “hijacking” technology, is using a vaccine against COVID-19 Read More »

The Mexican drug cartel lined up the mourners and shot

The Mexican drug cartel lined up the mourners and shot them, killing up to 17

The Mexican drug cartel lined up the mourners and shot

Sinaloa Cartel

Founded in 1989 by Hector Palma, Joaquin El Chapo Guzman and Ismael El Mayo Zambada, today the Sinaloa Cartel is one of the most established transnational drug trafficking organizations. Although present in 15 of Mexico’s 32 states, the cartel has also expanded into the United States, Europe, Asia and South America.

As El Chapo is in prison, the cartel is plagued by internal battles between Zambada and three of El Chapo’s four sons, known as Los Chapitos.

The Drug Enforcement Administration views the Sinaloa cartel as one of the two leading criminal organizations, along with its rival, the new-generation Jalisco cartel.

The DEA said the Sinaloa cartel “exports and distributes wholesale amounts of fentanyl, heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and marijuana in the United States, maintaining distribution centers in various cities.”

How drugs are imported into the United States: “Illegal drugs distributed by the Sinaloa cartel are mainly imported into the United States through checkpoints located along the [south west border]. The cartel hires porters assigned to the ports of entry and controls the smuggling corridors in the Arizona and California regions of the United States.

A new generation of Jalisco cartel

The new-generation Jalisco cartel was once an ally of the Sinaloa cartel, as El Chapo depended on its firepower to fight Los Zetas.

Commanded by Nemesio El Mencho Osegera, the group separated from other cartels in the country, killing its enemies, and is now considered by the Mexican government to be the most dangerous group in the country.

The new-generation Jalisco cartel has spread to 23 of Mexico’s 32 states and is currently at war with at least ten cartels.

The group is known to have increased the strength of its members by purchasing military weapons and parts of the United States.

The new generation cartel in Jalisco, according to the DEA, specializes in “the production and distribution of large quantities of fentanyl, heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine.”

How drugs are imported into the United States: “CJNG smuggles illicit drugs into the United States through access to various traffic corridors in northern Mexico along the SWB, including Tijuana, Juarez and Nuevo Laredo. The CJNG also has an impact on Mexico’s busiest port, the port of Manzanillo, and uses that influence to distribute large quantities of drugs.

Beltran-Leiva organization

For some time the Beltran-Leiva organization [BLO] was born from the Sinaloa cartel and became one of the most powerful cartels in Mexico, led by the Beltran Leiva brothers: Marcos Arturo, Carlos, Alfredo, Mario Alberto and Hector.

The Beltran-Leyva organization was embroiled in a deadly war with the Sinaloa cartel after the brothers accused their cousin El Chapo of being responsible for Alfredo’s arrest in January 2008. The brothers retaliated by plotting to assassinate El Chapo’s 22-year-old son. , Edgar Guzman, May 2008

Alfredo’s arrest sparked one of the worst periods in Mexico’s war on drugs, as the BLO’s new ally, the Juarez cartel, went to war with the Sinaloa cartel in Ciudad Juarez, a border town against Texas.

The BLO also expanded its power by facing the Gulf cartel, the Sinaloa cartel and the La Familia cartel in the northeastern border town of Reynosa.

Although the cartel remains viable today, the members of the organization eventually split into 11 factions.

How drugs are delivered to the United States: “BLO relies on its free alliances with larger cartels to access drug smuggling corridors along the [south west border]. ‘

Los Zetas and the Cartel del Noreste [Northeast Cartel]

The Los Zetas were formed by Mexican military deserters who formed an alliance with the Gulf Cartel in 1999 and based their operations in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, against Laredo, Texas. The group quickly came up with a name for themselves through their brutal killings. By 2010, Los Zetas had separated from the Gulf cartel.

At one point, Los Zetas dominated more cities in Mexico than the Sinaloa cartel, which they faced amid a threat from the Gulf cartel to eliminate it altogether.

Like some other Mexican cartels, Los Zetas saw some of its members split up and form their own groups.

The role of Los Zetas in the drug trade is imposed by one of its factions, Cartel del Noreste [Northeast Cartel]. Together, the criminal groups have set up their small but lucrative drug business in the border towns of Texas, Laredo and Eagle Pass, while controlling routes and lawns in the Mexican states of Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, San Luis Potosi and Zacatecas.

How drugs are imported into the United States: “Members smuggle most of their illicit drugs through [south west border] in the Laredo, Texas areas; Eagle Pass, Texas; and the Mexican states of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and parts of Tamaulipas.

Guerrero Unidos

Operating in central Mexico, Guerrero Unidos separated from Beltrán-Leyva and formed an alliance with the new-generation Jalisco drug cartel in the United States and returned profits to Mexico.

The cartel is accused of being behind the disappearance in September 2014 of 43 students who were abducted by local police in Iguala, a town in the southern state of Guerrero.

How drugs are delivered to the United States: “The cartel has a working partnership with CJNG and uses the same transportation networks to move drug shipments to the United States and return drug revenues back to Mexico.”

Cartel in the Persian Gulf

The Gulf cartel is considered one of the oldest active criminal organizations in Mexico and is believed to have close ties to other gangs in Europe, West Africa, Asia, Central America, South America and the United States.

The organization started with the smuggling of alcohol in the United States during the era of the ban. It was not until 1980 that she immersed herself in the drug trade.

The DEA believes the Gulf cartel is working closely with the new-generation Jalisco cartel to deliver heroin and cocaine to the Texas border towns of McAllen and Brownsville.

How drugs are imported into the United States: “The Gulf cartel focuses its drug trafficking activities on heroin and cocaine, transporting goods to the United States near McAllen and Brownsville, Texas.”

Juarez Cartel and La Linea

The Juarez cartel established itself as one of the mayoral players in the drug trade in the 1970s. The company’s founder, Amado Carillo, was known as “El Señor de los Cielos” or “Lord of the Sky” because of the huge fleet of planes he owned to transport drugs, especially cocaine from Colombia and other Latin American countries.

The cartel was once an ally of El Chapo before the relationship fell apart after the famous drug lord refused to pay the Juarez cartel for the right to use its routes for drug smuggling.

The Juarez cartel relies on its armed La Linea wing to transport heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and marijuana between Ciudad Juarez and El Paso, Texas.

How drugs are delivered to the United States: The biggest territorial impact of “these cartels” is in the state of Chihuahua near [south west border]. This area has lucrative opportunities for smuggling between Ciudad Juarez and El Paso, Texas.

The Michoacana Family

La Familia Michoacana was once linked to the Gulf cartel before retiring on its own in 2006.

Between 2009 and 2010, the cartel offered the Mexican government plans to lay down arms while its home state of Michoacan received protection. However, President Felipe Calderon rejected their proposal, which led to a growing cartel involvement in the financing of political candidates.

Today, La Familia Michoacana is liaising with a new generation of Jalisco cartels and other criminal groups as part of its drug smuggling operation.

How drugs are brought into the United States: “The LFM has some ties to the CJNG and also works with other smaller groups to support the activities of the drug cartel.”

Los Rojos

Just like the Guerreros Unidos, Los Rojos was formed as an armed wing and separated from the Beltran-Leyva Organization.

According to a 2020 congressional report, Los Rojos “operates in Guerrero and relies heavily on kidnappings and extortion for money, as well as cocaine trafficking, although analysts dispute the extent of his involvement in the drug trade.”

How drugs are brought to the United States: “Los Rohos is involved in heroin trafficking”

The Mexican drug cartel lined up the mourners and shot them, killing up to 17 Read More »