A CNN reporter filmed a shootout between Russian forces and

A CNN reporter filmed a shootout between Russian forces and Ukrainian defenders in front of Kiev airport

A CNN reporter covering the war in Ukraine was caught in the middle of a live TV shootout between Russian special forces and Ukrainian defenders at an important airport just outside Kiev.

Russian and Ukrainian soldiers exchanged fire in a battle for control of Gostomel Airport, a cargo airport near Kiev, minutes after CNN’s Matthew Chance began talking to Russian soldiers he first thought were Ukrainians.

Russian special forces have landed at the air base to establish a bridgehead for more troops and the takeover of the airport.

Chance, shocked to learn that he was talking to Russian airborne troops, found himself in the middle of a counterattack by Ukrainian troops.

The footage shows Chance and his colleague, both wearing bulletproof vests with the “press”, crouching against a wall while a car stops and several others on his team storming in so the group can avoid a shootout.

A CNN reporter filmed an intense shootout between Russian special forces and Ukrainian defenders in front of Antonov Airport on Thursday afternoon

A CNN reporter filmed an intense shootout between Russian special forces and Ukrainian defenders in front of Antonov Airport on Thursday afternoon

The two forces fought for control of Gostomel Airport (Gostomel), a cargo airport near Kiev, which is vital for the defense of the capital.

The two forces fought for control of Gostomel Airport (Gostomel), a cargo airport near Kiev, which is vital for the defense of the capital.

CNN's Matthew Chance was seen in a bulletproof vest trying to avoid a shootout

CNN’s Matthew Chance was seen in a bulletproof vest trying to avoid a shootout

The footage was taken by several others from the invading CNN team so that the group could avoid the exchange of gunfire.

The footage was taken by several others from the invading CNN team so that the group could avoid the exchange of gunfire.

Airborne units are considered elite forces, specially selected for their skills and ability to parachute during the initial attack.

They attacked and captured Gostomel Airport early Thursday, and Ukraine’s leadership has promised to bring it back, according to Agence France-Presse.

“Enemy paratroopers in Hostomel have been blocked and troops have been ordered to destroy them,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a video message.

Hostomel is located in the northwestern suburbs of Kiev, which makes it vital to protect the Ukrainian capital from takeover by Russia.

Witnesses told AFP that they saw a helicopter flying low over the airport and fighter jets firing missiles at Ukrainian troops.

“There was a shooting then.” It lasted three hours. Then three more planes flew in and they started firing again, “an unidentified local told AFP.

Ukraine’s leadership said it regained control on Thursday at around 8 p.m. local time.

An adviser to the Ukrainian president said on Facebook on Thursday night: “Hostomel Airport is ours” and “Russian paratroopers have been destroyed.”

Russian forces attacked and seized the airport early Thursday, and Ukraine's leadership has promised to bring it back.

Russian forces attacked and seized the airport early Thursday, and Ukraine’s leadership has promised to bring it back.

Ukraine's leadership says it has regained control after intense fighting, although the current state of the airport is unclear.

Ukraine’s leadership says it has regained control after intense fighting, although the current state of the airport is unclear.

Witnesses told AFP that they saw a helicopter flying low over the airport and fighter jets firing missiles at Ukrainian troops

Witnesses told AFP that they saw a helicopter flying low over the airport and fighter jets firing missiles at Ukrainian troops

“The base there is smoking, it is bombed, our houses are nearby. We don’t know where to run, my parents are here, my sister, “58-year-old Lyudmila Klimova, who lives nearby, told AFP.

“Russian troops are there, a friend of mine lives there, and the Russians have already approached his mother with a machine gun,” she added.

Alexander Kovtonenko, 30, who lives near the airport, said he saw two fighter jets launch missiles at Ukrainian ground forces earlier Thursday.

“There was a shooting then, it lasted three hours. “Then three more planes flew in and they started firing again,” he told AFP.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces in a 20:00 local time update (13:00 ET) said it believed more than 60 Russian battalion tactical groups – the equivalent of between 30,000 and 60,000 troops – had been stationed on Ukrainian territory.

It says that “the enemy has extremely low morale.”

Russian president Vladimir Putin sent troops early Thursday in what he called a “special military operation.”

Prior to the invasion, analysts and intelligence experts estimated that Putin had up to 190,000 troops on Ukraine’s borders in various places.

Before dawn broke, Russian forces attacked from the south, through the Crimea; from the east, with the city of Kharkiv under strong pressure; and from the north, with troops from both Russia and Belarus crossing the Belarusian border in tanks.

1645754211 240 Ukraine has taken over Kievs airport from Russian special forces The National Guard of Ukraine shared a photo of soldiers who, according to them, repulsed the Russian airborne troops at the airport

The National Guard of Ukraine shared a photo of soldiers who, according to them, repulsed the Russian airborne troops at the airport

Heavy explosions were heard in the vicinity of the capital Kiev in the early hours of Thursday, and US authorities said they expect the city to fall by the end of the weekend.

General George Joulvan, who commanded NATO during the Balkan War, said Thursday night that he expects Kiev to fall within 24-36 hours.

As Thursday night fell, residents sought shelter in the city’s deep subway system, knowing it was likely an enclosure at night.

Smoke was seen rising over the city in the afternoon, and one blow is believed to have struck near a railway bridge in central Kiev.

The National Guard of Ukraine posted on Twitter a photo of three young soldiers holding a bullet-riddled Ukrainian flag.

They signed the photo: “Guards with their flag, torn to pieces after today’s battle.

‘Congratulations to all of you and say we will win!’

A CNN reporter filmed a shootout between Russian forces and Ukrainian defenders in front of Kiev airport Read More »

One died six others were hospitalized after the car hit

One died, six others were hospitalized after the car hit several tables in the open while trying to park

One killed and six hospitalized after an elderly woman parks her Bentley presses the gas instead of the brakes and reverses in open-air restaurants at an Italian restaurant in Miami Beach

  • An elderly woman who parked in front of a restaurant in Miami Beach lost control of the car she was driving and crashed into snack bars eating outside
  • The incident happened in front of the Italian restaurant Call Me Gaby shortly after 6 p.m.
  • The driver accidentally pressed the gas instead of the brake, sent the car to the tables
  • One person was killed and six others were injured, including a child

An elderly woman trying to park her Bentley in parallel pressed the accelerator instead of the brake as she reversed and accelerated to outdoor dining at a busy Miami Beach restaurant, killing one man and sending six others to hospital.

The incident took place on Washington Avenue in modern South Beach shortly after 18:00 in front of the Italian restaurant Call Me Gaby, leaving tables overturned and napkins scattered on the sidewalk.

As the elderly female driver retreated into space, she accelerated without warning and crashed into several tables, cops said.

Police did not identify the driver and did not say whether charges would be filed.

A car that looks like a Bentley can be seen at an angle compared to other vehicles

A car that looks like a Bentley can be seen at an angle compared to other vehicles

Police could be seen next to the car after the accident

Police could be seen next to the car after the accident

An elderly woman who parked in front of a restaurant in Miami Beach lost control of the car she was driving and crashed into snack bars eating outside.  Pictured is Washington Street in Miami Beach

An elderly woman who parked in front of a restaurant in Miami Beach lost control of the car she was driving and crashed into snack bars eating outside. Pictured is Washington Street in Miami Beach

Photos outside the restaurant show how close the dining tables are to the road

Photos outside the restaurant show how close the dining tables are to the road

Police tape was quickly laid along Washington Avenue and the road was closed

Police tape was quickly laid along Washington Avenue and the road was closed

1645761652 777 One died six others were hospitalized after the car hit Miami Beach police posted details of the incident on Twitter on Wednesday night

Miami Beach police posted details of the incident on Twitter on Wednesday night

A witness, Clement Lotier, shared a video showing smoke and people fleeing the restaurant.

Seven people were taken to hospital, including a child, many on stretchers. One of them later died of his wounds.

Police have not identified the victim or any of the injured.

“I never eat outside a busy street restaurant again, I just watched a car come back to people eating out in Miami Beach,” Ryan wrote on Twitter.

The street eventually had to be closed while police and other first aid services conducted an investigation. Local 10.

Miami Beach police then tweeted the public to avoid the area, which was closed due to investigation reports. NBC Miami.

A Twitter user wrote on Twitter about his shock at witnessing the drama.

A Twitter user wrote on Twitter about his shock at witnessing the drama.

Washington Street in Miami Beach was closed after the incident

Washington Street in Miami Beach was closed after the incident

The car is seen crashing into restaurants early Thursday night while eating outdoors

The car is seen crashing into restaurants early Thursday night while eating outdoors


One died, six others were hospitalized after the car hit several tables in the open while trying to park Read More »

Dear actress Evan Hansen and mother of two Jessica Phillips

Dear actress Evan Hansen and mother of two Jessica Phillips looks weird at 50

Broadway actress Jessica Phillips has introduced herself as strange at the age of 50, revealing that she has a relationship with a woman she met years ago after her second divorce last fall.

Dear Evan Hansen star publicly revealed her sexuality for the first time in an interview with people after spending most of her life identifying as a real, zigzag woman.

“It was not about changing my identity, it was about expanding my identity,” the mother of two told queer magazine.

Dear Evan Hansen actress Jessica Phillips, 50, came out weird after publicly revealing her sexuality for the first time in an interview with People

Dear Evan Hansen actress Jessica Phillips, 50, came out weird after publicly revealing her sexuality for the first time in an interview with People

Phillips is in a relationship with theater journalist Chelsea Nachman (pictured in November)

Phillips is in a relationship with theater journalist Chelsea Nachman (pictured in November)

Phillips’ path to rediscovery was led by the pandemic. When Dear Evan Hanson’s production stopped in March 2020, it was initially quarantined at home with her family.

The actress – who plays Evan’s mother, Heidi Hansen, in the musical – was joined by her then-husband, fellow Broadway actor Tad Wilson, and her sons, Jonah and Malcolm, from her first marriage to Nicholas Rolfeff.

But she later found herself in complete isolation after temporarily moving to Los Angeles to work in television. During this time, she learned more about herself and realized that she was on the verge of a second divorce.

– This period of time [in L.A.] it was a really beautiful experience for me, but also really painful, scary and sad, because, as you know, when we open up to change and novelty, there is a loss associated with it, and there was a lot of loss for me, ”she explained.

Phillips has two sons, Jonah and Malcolm, from his first marriage to Nicholas Rolfing, whom he divorced in 2011.

Phillips has two sons, Jonah and Malcolm, from his first marriage to Nicholas Rolfing, whom he divorced in 2011.

Phillips married her second husband, Broadway actor Tad Wilson, in 2017. After some self-reflection, she ended their marriage in April 2021.

Phillips married her second husband, Broadway actor Tad Wilson, in 2017. After some self-reflection, she ended their marriage in April 2021.

When Phillips returned from LA in April 2021, she ended her relationship with Wilson after four years of marriage.

She and her first husband, Rolfe, divorced in 2011, and she married Wilson in 2017, the same year she met her current partner, theater journalist Chelsea Nachman.

Phillips recalled feeling a “special relationship” with Nachman in the beginning, even though it took them “several years of navigation.”

In November, after celebrating her 50th birthday together, she posted a photo of herself with Nachman on Instagram in honor of her 33rd birthday, writing: “Happy birthday, love.”

The actress recalls feeling a

The actress remembers feeling a “special relationship” with Nachman when they met in 2017, although their relationship took “several years of navigation.”

After celebrating their birthdays together in November, Nachman posted a heartfelt photo of them sharing a Christmas kiss.

After celebrating their birthdays together in November, Nachman posted a heartfelt photo of them sharing a Christmas kiss.

“It was all about emotions,” Phillips told People about sharing his relationship on social media. “It was super scary and super exciting. The festive part of it was beautiful for me. I also knew how surprised people could be or how shocking this news could be for some people.

Over the past three months, Nachman has posted a number of photos of them together, including a heartfelt photo of them sharing a Christmas kiss.

Phillips has the support of her two adult sons, aged 18 and 21, after having separate conversations with each of them.

Phillips said she had separate conversations with each of her 18- and 21-year-old sons, while remembering how supportive they were when she first told them

Phillips said she had separate conversations with each of her 18- and 21-year-old sons, while remembering how supportive they were when she first told them

1645760691 585 Dear actress Evan Hansen and mother of two Jessica Phillips

“It was not about changing my identity, it was about expanding my identity,” the mother of two told queer magazine.

Although she was initially “nervous” to come out in front of them, they were “100 percent on board” and “happy” for her.

They were just like, “Oh, well, great!” I’m so proud of you, Mom. That’s great! ”And then we moved on. It wasn’t such a big deal, “she recalls.

Although there are a number of other people she has not told, it was also important for her to be able to address her sexuality publicly.

“I do not understand it. I don’t have the answers, but I certainly feel better, knowing that most other people don’t either – that we’re all in this together, that it’s good, that taking risks is good and changing your mind is good, “she said. said.

Dear actress Evan Hansen and mother of two Jessica Phillips looks weird at 50 Read More »

Ukraines youths taken to bomb bunker to hide from Vladimir

Ukraine’s youths taken to bomb bunker to hide from Vladimir Putin’s airstrikes

Children of War: Persecuting Blitz’s Echoes, While with Fear in Their Eyes, Ukraine’s Young People Are Taken Down in a Bomb Bunker to Hide from Vladimir Putin’s Air Raids

  • It can be seen that students from primary schools in Ukraine were taken to a file in an underground bomb shelter
  • Many of the children from school number one in the town of Druzhkivka had to be raised by adults
  • Four metro stations in Kiev are also becoming shelters for air strikes as the capital prepares for violence


These are heartbreaking scenes that we hoped we would never see again in Europe.

Cuddled next to each other on counted benches, with fear and apprehension in their eyes, these are the children from the Donetsk region, led to the exercises, until the war broke out in Ukraine.

In images reminiscent of Blitz, elementary school students were taken to a file in an underground bomb shelter as they prepared for an attack by Vladimir Putinforces of.

Too young to climb the shelter sills alone, many of the children from school number one in the town of Druzhkivka had to be raised by adults.

Cuddled next to each other on numbered benches, with fear and apprehension in their eyes, these are the children from the Donetsk region, led to the exercises until the war broke out in Ukraine

Cuddled next to each other on numbered benches, with fear and apprehension in their eyes, these are the children from the Donetsk region, led to the exercises until the war broke out in Ukraine

There they huddled, arms folded around their knees, waiting for their fate. These are scenes that are likely to become more frequent after yesterday’s full-scale invasion.

Aerial exercises at the school are usually held twice a year, according to the BBC, which filmed the footage. But there was an additional emergency exercise on Wednesday.

In Kharkiv, the country’s second-largest city, children learned about bulletproof vests and explosives. They also practiced evacuation and first aid training, which defense specialist Alexander Shevchuk said would help prevent “child injury or, God forbid, death.”

He added: “We allow them to try on our uniforms, body armor and helmets. Show them what explosive objects can be so they can be aware of situations that may happen to them.

Four metro stations in Kiev are also becoming shelters for air strikes as the capital prepares for violence again.

In images reminiscent of Blitz, elementary school students were dropped into a file in an underground bomb shelter as they prepared for an attack by Vladimir Putin's forces.

In images reminiscent of Blitz, elementary school students were dropped into a file in an underground bomb shelter as they prepared for an attack by Vladimir Putin’s forces.

There they huddled, arms folded around their knees, waiting for their fate.  These are scenes that are likely to become more frequent after yesterday's full-scale invasion

There they huddled, arms folded around their knees, waiting for their fate. These are scenes that are likely to become more frequent after yesterday’s full-scale invasion

Too young to climb the shelter sills alone, many of the children from school number one in the town of Druzhkivka had to be raised by adults

Too young to climb the shelter sills alone, many of the children from school number one in the town of Druzhkivka had to be raised by adults

Four metro stations in Kiev are also becoming shelters for air strikes as the capital prepares for violence again

Four metro stations in Kiev are also becoming shelters for air strikes as the capital prepares for violence again


Ukraine’s youths taken to bomb bunker to hide from Vladimir Putin’s airstrikes Read More »

Social media giants will be forced to help users block

Social media giants will be forced to help users block trolls from re-suppressing poisonous posts

Social media giants will be forced to help users block trolls from re-suppressing poisonous posts

  • Users will be able to block anonymous unverified accounts in case of new repression
  • These new measures have been added to the forthcoming online security bill
  • Individuals will be allowed to choose whether to join the verification process

Social media users will be given new powers to control who can interact with them in the face of severe repression against hateful Internet trolls.

Platforms such as Facebook and Twitter by law it will have to give users the tools to block anonymous unverified accounts.

Users will also have the opportunity to confirm. It will be up to companies to find a suitable method of verification, but can range from taking selfies to providing proof of passport or driver’s license.

Platforms such as Facebook and Twitter will be required by law to provide users with tools to block anonymous unverified accounts (standard photo used)

Platforms such as Facebook and Twitter will be required by law to provide users with tools to block anonymous unverified accounts (standard photo used)

The new measures have been added to the upcoming bill on online safety, which will impose a duty of care on technology companies to protect consumers.

However, people will be allowed to choose whether to join the vetting process – despite calls from some activists to do so.

Ministers were concerned that this could jeopardize the safety of vulnerable consumers. Online anonymity can be crucial for victims of domestic violence, activists living in authoritarian countries and young people exploring their sexuality.

The government has also announced a measure that will force platforms to provide adult users with tools to block “legal but harmful content” such as racist abuse and misinformation about Covid.

This may include allowing users to include settings that prevent them from receiving recommendations on specific topics or placing sensitivity screens on that content.

The Ministry of Digital Technology, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) said the new measures would “give more power to social media users” by giving them more choice as to whom to interact with.

Online anonymity can be crucial for victims of domestic violence, activists living in authoritarian countries and young people exploring their sexuality (standard photo used)

Online anonymity can be crucial for victims of domestic violence, activists living in authoritarian countries and young people exploring their sexuality (standard photo used)

Digital Secretary Nadine Doris said: “Technology companies have a responsibility to stop anonymous trolls from polluting their platforms.

“We have heard our calls to strengthen our new online safety laws and are announcing new measures to give more power to social media users themselves.

“People will now have more control over who can contact them and will be able to stop the tidal wave of hatred brought to them by fraudulent algorithms.”

This comes after calls from lawmakers, footballers and celebrities to take action against internet trolls after highlighting the horrific abuse they have suffered.

The government has already announced tougher penalties for trolls, with those found guilty of the most serious abuse facing five years in prison under the new bill.

The latest measures will only apply to the largest social media platforms considered “category one”, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as they pose the most serious risk.

Watchdog Ofcom will be empowered to fine them up to 10 percent of annual global turnover for each violation or even block the use of sites in the UK.

A DCMS spokesman said the new measures: “While this will not prevent anonymous trolls from posting abusive content in the first place – provided it is legal and does not violate the platform’s terms and conditions – it will stop victims from being exposed to it.” and give them more control over their online experience. ‘

However, people will be allowed to choose whether to join the verification process ¿despite calls from some activists to make it a requirement (using a standard photo)

However, people will be allowed to choose whether to join the vetting process – despite calls from some activists to do so (using a standard photo)

The bill will also force social media giants to remove illegal content such as images of sexual abuse of children, incitement to suicide, hate crime and incitement to terrorism.

But there is a growing list of toxic content and behavior on social media that falls below the threshold of a crime that still causes significant harm.

The spokesman added: “Much of this is already explicitly prohibited in the rules and conditions of social networks, but too often it is allowed to stay.” Companies will have to provide tools that will allow users to block this in news programs.

Three ways to fight hatred

New measures added to the Online Safety Act today will force social media giants such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to ensure that users can:


Consumers should be given the opportunity to check. What methods they will use depends on the platforms, but this can range from uploading selfies to match their profile picture, or providing proof of a government ID such as a passport.


Tools must be provided to allow people to block other users who choose to remain anonymous. These may include checking the box in the settings, which allows direct messages or replies to posts to be sent only from verified accounts.


Consumers must also be given a way to block content that is below the crime threshold but still causes significant harm, such as racist abuse. Tools may include allowing users to change settings so that the site does not recommend certain topics or placing sensitivity screens on such content.


Social media giants will be forced to help users block trolls from re-suppressing poisonous posts Read More »

The amended lawsuit claims that Murdoo knew about his minor

The amended lawsuit claims that Murdoo knew about his minor son Paul, who drank before a fatal boat accident

The infamous legal heir of South Carolina, Alex Murdoch, and his late wife, Maggie, “knew of Paul’s underage son, who was drinking before a fatal boat accident and did nothing about it,” the victim’s mother said in a modified case.

The lawsuit, filed Wednesday by the parents of Mallory Beach, who was killed aboard a boat driven by Paul Murdoch in 2019, portrays his parents as intentionally involved in their underage son’s drinking.

“Paul Murdo’s consumption.” alcohol was approved, encouraged and assisted by Richard Alexander Murdo and Margaret Kennedy Bransteter Murdo, “the lawsuit said.

Paul, 22, and his 52-year-old mother were found shot dead at their Ayloton hunting lodge last June in a murder that remains unsolved.

Alex Murdo has been rotting in jail since he was accused of hiring a killer to kill him in a scheme for insurance fraud and embezzlement from his law firm.

The Murdo family on the same boat used by Paul, pictured in a green shirt and blue shorts, in the fatal accident that killed Mallory Beach in a 2019 crash.

The Murdo family on the same boat used by Paul, pictured in a green shirt and blue shorts, in the fatal accident that killed Mallory Beach in a 2019 crash.

Pictured: photo of Paul Murdoch taken after a drunken boat crash in 2019 in which Mallory Beach is dead Mallory Beach (pictured) 19, died in a boat accident in 2019. Criminal charges have been filed against Paul Murdoch.  Murdo and his mother Maggie Murdo, where they were recently found fatally shot in June 2021 in an apparent double murder

Pictured: photo of Paul Murdoch taken after a drunken boat crash in 2019 that left Mallory Beach, right, dead

The lawsuit, filed by Mallory Beach's parents on Wednesday, depicts his parents Alex and Maggie Murdo, pictured with Paul, as intentionally involved in their minor son's drinking.

The lawsuit, filed by Mallory Beach’s parents on Wednesday, depicts his parents Alex and Maggie Murdo, pictured with Paul, as intentionally involved in their minor son’s drinking.

The Beach family’s lawsuit was filed the day before the three-year anniversary of the crash, which added the properties of Maggie and Paul Murdoch as defendants.

The case alleges that a drunken Paul Murdoch, who was only 19 at the time of the fatal crash, spoke to his mother on the phone about two hours before the crash and that she “failed to stop him” from driving the boat, although was apparently intoxicated.

The amended complaint, filed by Allendale’s lawyer Mark Tinsley, accuses the mother and son of negligence. The boat crashed into Archers Creek Bridge in Beaufort County in February 2019, killing Beach and injuring five others on board.

19-year-old Beach died when she was thrown from the vessel. Her body was found in the water by a fisherman a week later.

Paul Murdoch has been charged with three counts, including causing Beach’s death. He was awaiting trial when he and his mother were killed.

Paul was “very drunk”, “drunk” and “militant” after spending an evening drinking before he and his friends boarded the boat, according to legal documents seen by DailyMail.com.

Alex Murdo at his hearing at Hampton County Jail in Warnville, South Carolina

Alex Murdo at his hearing at Hampton County Jail in Warnville, South Carolina

Alex and Maggie Murdo, pictured, on the boat used by son Paul during the fatal boat crash in 2019 that left Beach dead

Alex and Maggie Murdo, pictured, on the boat used by son Paul during the fatal boat crash in 2019 that left Beach dead

In footage from the police camera on the night of the 2019 incident, posted on YouTube by the Murdaugh Murders podcast, one of his friends can be heard shouting, “Paul, you’re smiling like it’s damn funny!” My fucking friend is gone.

The video doesn’t show who’s talking – but it captures a male voice – probably that of Anthony Cook, who was Beach’s boyfriend – scolds Mardo and tells him to “rot in hell”.

Meanwhile, Paul’s lawyer, Paul Murdoch, has been facing 74 criminal charges after being charged with four new charges last month, accusing him of stealing another $ 2.6 million, bringing the total amount he is accused of fraud, reaching nearly $ 8.8 million.

Murdo, 53, has received 23 new charges from a state grand jury of four new victims who are alleged to have been deceived by wealthy descendants in similar schemes, including the family of a deaf quadriplegic.

The new charges continue Mardo’s crimes back more than a decade until 2011, about four years before he was accused of opening two fraudulent accounts at Bank of America in 2015.

As part of his plan, Mardo will negotiate money to settle his clients without telling them what they have earned, and will then deposit checks designed to pay for their pain and suffering or grief over the death of a loved one, in his personal accounts. to repay loans or debts in ways that prosecutors have not yet fully clarified.

Prosecutors say Murdoo used money orders given to an unnamed family member to get hold of the money.

Alex Murdo, 53, is accused of making a false claim for payment, conspiracy to commit insurance fraud, and filing a false police report. Smith, 61, was charged with false claims for aiding and abetting, assisted suicide, assault and beating of a serious nature, targeting and presenting a firearm, insurance fraud and conspiracy to commit insurance fraud.

Murdoo, 53, is said to have hired Smith and given him a gun to shoot him in the head so that Murdo’s son, Buster, can inherit a $ 10 million life insurance policy. The incident happened on September 4

He has been in jail since October for a growing list of allegations of abuse of trust, counterfeiting, money laundering and computer crime.

He was indicted by a grand jury after hiring the alleged killer Curtis Smith in a failed suicide scheme in September.

Murdoo, 53, allegedly gave Smith a gun to shoot him in the head on Labor Day weekend so that Murdo’s son, Buster, could inherit a $ 10 million life insurance policy.

Both men were charged with making a false request for payment, while Murdoch faced additional charges of conspiracy to commit insurance fraud, along with filing a false police report.

Smith, 61, was further charged with assisted suicide, assault and beating of a serious nature, aiming and presenting a firearm, insurance fraud and conspiracy to commit insurance fraud.

A judge set his bail at $ 7 million and refused to reduce it, although Murdoch’s lawyer said his bank accounts were frozen in civil cases and he could barely afford to buy underwear at the Richland County Jail.

Last month’s allegations included accusations that Mardo was dealing with the aftermath of a catastrophe that caused a deaf man to get quadriplegia.

The amended lawsuit claims that Murdoo knew about his minor son Paul, who drank before a fatal boat accident Read More »

Hawley says Biden encourages Putin to do whatever he wants

Hawley says Biden “encourages” Putin to do “whatever he wants” by “turning off” US energy

Senator Josh Hawley said no wonder Vladimir Putin feels encouraged to attack Ukraine because President Biden has “shut down” America’s energy production and is green Russia‘s.

‘He [Biden] “It stops American energy production and gives the green light to Russian energy production.” republican told the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando on Thursday.

“Is it weird, is it weird that Vladimir Putin feels encouraged to do what the hell he wants to do?”

The senator called for Biden to resign.

After taking office, Biden closed US energy projects such as the Keystone gas pipeline while lifting sanctions on the Nord Stream II gas pipeline, which carries gas from Russia to Germany.

At the time, Biden lifted sanctions as a diplomatic service to Germany, arguing that the pipeline was already 98% complete anyway. He reinstated sanctions this week after the Russian president launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

“Are we surprised that China feels encouraged to do what they want to do when we have a president who doesn’t believe in American power?” Who doesn’t believe in American energy, who doesn’t believe in American jobs and has no idea of ​​the priorities and challenges that threaten this country?

While Biden directed his attacks on Putin, CPAC Republicans spent a lot of time criticizing the US president.

“We are the world’s number one energy producer, we have to be that Joe Biden gave it, it’s time to get it back,” Hawley said.

Senator Josh Hawley called on Biden to resign in his speech to the CPAC

Senator Josh Hawley called on Biden to resign in his speech to the CPAC

“If you want to send a message to Vladimir Putin, here is a message to send him: We will be the ones to supply oil and gas to the world that has shut down your energy sector.”

And while Hawley doesn’t think Biden has been tough enough on Putin’s energy sector, he represents one side of the Republican division that doesn’t believe the United States should intervene in the region.

Hawley called Biden’s foreign policy approach “accidental” and “ruthless,” but stressed, “We don’t need American soldiers fighting in Europe,” in an interview with the Daily Signal.

The 42-year-old senator said he would not “wait to see what Joe Biden does” and planned to introduce legislation to open up US energy production.

“We will open it like you have never seen before,” he told the applauding crowd.

“It’s time to allow the good, strong American worker to go out there and start drilling for oil, to start exploring natural gas. “Let’s start driving again, let them do what we do best – show America, show the world the power of this nation, get America back to work, open American energy,” Hawley said.

South Dakota Gov. Christie Noem seems to have agreed.

“A strong American president who puts his citizens first will take these six actions right now,” she wrote on Twitter, followed by a series of demands including restarting the Keystone Pipeline, reopening federal drilling lands and exploring natural gas and the imposition of severe sanctions on Russia’s energy sector.

Donald TrumpRussia’s energy independence policy has been maintained Vladimir Putin under control, according to the deputy adviser to the former president for national security K.T. McFarland, who said Thursday that the president Joe Biden had to sanction the Russian oil and gas industry after its invasion of Ukraine.

McFarland said she deliberately chose to wear yellow – one of the colors of the Ukrainian flag – when she appeared at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida.

After dozens of Republicans accusing Biden of weakness in failing to prevent Putin’s attack, McFarland said Trump’s energy policy has helped curb Russian aggression.

“If oil costs $ 40 a barrel, which was when President Trump left office, the Russians are ruined,” she said.

“They can’t afford to go to war. War is expensive.

KT McFarland, Trump's deputy national security adviser at the White House for four months, said the former president's energy independence policy had kept Putin under control.

KT McFarland, Trump’s deputy national security adviser at the White House for four months, said the former president’s energy independence policy had kept Putin under control.

Former President Donald Trump President of Ukraine Vladimir Putin

McFarland said oil was priced at $ 40 a barrel when Trump left office. But it has since risen sharply, filling Vladimir Putin’s coffers and funding his military machine.

In this photo, taken from a video published by the press service of the Ukrainian police, military helicopters, apparently Russian, fly over the outskirts of Kiev, Ukraine

In this photo, taken from a video published by the press service of the Ukrainian police, military helicopters, apparently Russian, fly over the outskirts of Kiev, Ukraine

In the Glukhov region, the Ukrainian military collided with an armored column of 15 T-72 tanks with American Javelin missiles

In the Glukhov region, the Ukrainian military collided with an armored column of 15 T-72 tanks with American Javelin missiles

Moscow, the world’s largest natural gas supplier and one of the world’s largest oil producers, could only “play big” on the world stage if energy prices are high, she said.

Biden, she said, immediately reversed Trump’s policies.

“So he immediately shut down the American energy industry, oil and natural gas, the energy we exported to other countries, which stopped, and what happened, the price of oil skyrocketed,” she said.

“Vladimir Putin is rich and can choose when to invade.”

McFarland was deputy national security adviser for the first four months of the Trump administration.

She initially served under Mike Flynn and was asked to step down after he was fired for failing to reveal talks with Russia’s ambassador to Washington.

She said Biden’s sanctions would not hit Putin where it hurts – the oil and gas industry.

Her remarks added flesh to Republican cries that Biden was guilty, but Democrats opposed it, saying Trump’s comfortable relationship with Putin meant he would not curb it.

She spoke as Ukrainian forces battled Russian invaders from three countries after Moscow launched an attack on land, sea and air, forcing tens of thousands of people to flee their homes.

Republicans lined up to accuse Biden of weakness.

“As we pray for the Ukrainian people, make no mistake: THIS happens when America’s enemies see the weak and incompetent @POTUS,” tweeted US spokesman Scott Perry, adding the hashtag Bidenisafailure.

Republicans in the House of Representatives said: “President Biden’s weakness on the world stage has encouraged our enemies. China, Iran and North Korea are watching.

Matt Schlap, who heads the organization behind the CPAC and a leading conservative voice, said the issue of Russia and Ukraine would be a key topic for the next four days.

The attack reached Ukraine on all fronts with bombs and missiles dropped on targets across the country in the early hours, followed by attacks by troops from Crimea, Donbas, Belgorod and Belarus, as well as helicopter landings in Kiev and power plants on the Dnieper River.  The Chernobyl nuclear power plant also fell into the hands of Russian forces

The attack reached Ukraine on all fronts with bombs and missiles dropped on targets across the country in the early hours, followed by attacks by troops from Crimea, Donbas, Belgorod and Belarus, as well as helicopter landings in Kiev and power plants on the Dnieper River. The Chernobyl nuclear power plant also fell into the hands of Russian forces

Russian Ka-52 combat helicopter seen in the field after forced landing Kiev, Ukraine

Russian Ka-52 combat helicopter seen in the field after forced landing Kiev, Ukraine

He said there were differences between the party coalition spread.

“You know, Liz Cheney’s Wing of the Republican Party.” he is becoming increasingly marginalized and discredited, “he told DailyMail.com. “So that makes people turn to different voices to try to say, well, you know, if you’re not a military expert, do you think we should use America’s power, its treasure, to intervene?”

“And I would say that I think most people here would actually listen to the case to defend Ukraine, but the president has to do it.

“He has to somehow transform himself from this man who reads a line in the middle of the day into a president who gives big speeches in prime time, including press conferences, about what he thinks we should do.”

Recent polls show little support for the US role in the conflict.

The Associated Press’s Center for Public Affairs (NORC) found that only 22 percent of Republicans believe the United States should play a major role in the conflict, compared with 32 percent of Democrats.

Hawley says Biden “encourages” Putin to do “whatever he wants” by “turning off” US energy Read More »

Bill Paxtons family reaches 1 million deal with medical

Bill Paxton’s family reaches $ 1 million deal with medical team for actor’s death

Almost exactly five years after his shocking death, the family of actor / director Bill Paxton has reached a $ 1 million deal.

Paxton underwent open heart surgery at Cedars-Sinai Hospital Los Angeles on February 14, 2017 to repair a damaged valve.

He underwent a new emergency operation just a day later to repair a damaged coronary artery, but his condition continued to deteriorate and he died 10 days later on February 25, 2017, at the age of 61.

Lawsuit: Almost exactly five years after his shocking death, the family of actor / director Bill Paxton has reached a $ 1 million deal

Lawsuit: Almost exactly five years after his shocking death, the family of actor / director Bill Paxton has reached a $ 1 million deal

Surgery: Paxton underwent open heart surgery at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles on February 14, 2017 to repair a damaged valve

Surgery: Paxton underwent open heart surgery at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles on February 14, 2017 to repair a damaged valve

The actor’s family is judging Dr. Moody Makar, an anesthesiologist for Paxton’s operation in February 2017 and the Partnership of General Anesthesia Specialists, in February 2018.

The group denied responsibility for Paxton’s death, saying their “staff adheres to the standard of care insofar as their involvement in the care and treatment of … Paxton, and anything their staff has not done or has done, has caused or contributed to for his death. ‘

Although the group “denies responsibility in this matter”, they added that the agreement would “reasonably compensate the plaintiffs and avoid exposing the defendant to costly and time-consuming litigation”.

Family: The actor's family is judging Dr. Moody Makar, anesthesiologist for Paxton's operation in February 2017 and the Partnership of General Anesthesia Specialists, in February 2018.

Family: The actor’s family is judging Dr. Moody Makar, anesthesiologist for Paxton’s operation in February 2017 and the Partnership of General Anesthesia Specialists, in February 2018.

The lawyer for Makar and the Partnership of General Anesthesia Specialists, Robert Rebeck, said the agreement exempts Makar from the agreement without payment, adding that the agreement is a “business decision”.

The lawsuit was first filed by Bill Paxton’s widow, Louise Paxton, and their children, James and Lydia Paxton, in February 2018.

The lawsuit was filed against Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and Dr. Ali Hoynejad, the surgeon who operated on Paxton, and the Partnership of General Anesthesia Specialists was later added.

Business: Makar's lawyer for the General Anesthesia Partnership, Robert Rebeck, said the agreement removed Makar from the agreement without payment, adding that the agreement was a

Business: Makar’s lawyer for the General Anesthesia Partnership, Robert Rebeck, said the agreement removed Makar from the agreement without payment, adding that the agreement was a “business solution”

Family: The lawsuit was first filed by Bill Paxton's widow, Louise Paxton, and their children, James and Lydia Paxton, in February 2018.

Family: The lawsuit was first filed by Bill Paxton’s widow, Louise Paxton, and their children, James and Lydia Paxton, in February 2018.

The case alleges that Khoynezhad performed a “high risk and non-traditional surgical approach” to Paxton’s operation.

The case also alleges that Hoynejad lacks the experience needed to perform such a complex operation and that it downplays several risks.

His operation caused Paxton to suffer from “excessive bleeding, cardiogenic shock and compromised coronary artery”, which led to the second emergency operation.

Unconventional: The case alleges that Khoynezhad performed a

Unconventional: The case alleges that Khoynezhad performed a “high risk and non-traditional surgical approach” for Paxton’s operation

Lack of experience: The trial also claims that Heinejad lacks the experience needed to perform such a complex operation, and that it downplays several risks.

Lack of experience: The trial also claims that Heinejad lacks the experience needed to perform such a complex operation, and that it downplays several risks.

The case against Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and Dr. Ali Hoynejad is scheduled for September 19.

Paxton began playing in the late 1970s and had minor roles in Stripes, Streets of Fire, The Terminator, Weird Science and Commando before his breakthrough role as Private Hudson in Aliens in 1986.

He will continue to appear in Next of Kin, Navy Seals, Predator 2, Boxing Helena, Tombstone, Apollo 13, Twister, Titanic and A Simple Plan only in the 90s.

He was also a director, directing his favorite indie thriller Frailty (in which he also starred) and The Greatest Game, once played.

Trial: The case against Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and Dr. Ali Hoynejad is scheduled for September 19

Trial: The case against Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and Dr. Ali Hoynejad is scheduled for September 19

Minor roles: Paxton began playing in the late '70s and had minor roles in Stripes, Streets of Fire, The Terminator, Weird Science and Commando before his breakthrough role as Private Hudson in Aliens in 1986.

Minor roles: Paxton began playing in the late ’70s and had minor roles in Stripes, Streets of Fire, The Terminator, Weird Science and Commando before his breakthrough role as Private Hudson in Aliens in 1986.

Director: He was also a director, directing his favorite indie thriller Frailty (in which he also starred) and The Greatest Game, Ever Played

Director: He was also a director, directing his favorite indie thriller Frailty (in which he also starred) and The Greatest Game, Ever Played

Bill Paxton’s family reaches $ 1 million deal with medical team for actor’s death Read More »