What is a snow flurry A snow squall warning has

What is a snow flurry? A snow squall warning has been issued for parts of Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts.

Snow squall warnings were in place as the Arctic front brought heavy bouts of heavy snow and strong winds to parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts on Saturday afternoon, the National Weather Service said. snow flurries deliberate meteorological agency to be “one of the most dangerous winter weather events”.

What is a snow flurry A snow squall warning has

Warnings were in effect in parts of eastern Pennsylvania and New York, as well as northern New Jersey and western Massachusetts. The NWS confirmed that snow squalls were recorded earlier in the day in all four states. By evening, some of the squalls dissipated.

Heavy snowfall brought whiteouts with zero visibility. Wind gusts exceeded 40 mph in some areas, creating travel conditions that ranged from dangerous to life-threatening, according to the NWS.

Wind advisories are in effect in parts of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut until midnight ET. Wind gusts can reach 50 mph, CBS New York reports.

“Slow down and turn on the headlights!” the agency said. “During snow squalls, visibility can suddenly drop to almost zero in whiteout conditions.”

What is a snow flurry?

According to National Weather Servicebut snow flurry is “an intense short-term burst of heavy snowfall that results in a rapid reduction in visibility and is often accompanied by gusty winds.”

Unlike a blizzard, which can last for many hours or even days, snow flurries occur in fast, intense bursts, according to the National Weather Service. BUT snow flurry usually lasts 30 to 60 minutes.

The service warned that snow squalls could cause “sudden blackouts” as well as “slippery roads” that could lead to traffic accidents.

“While snow accumulations are typically an inch or less, the added combination of gusty winds, dropping temperatures, and severely reduced visibility can create extremely hazardous conditions for motorists,” the service said in a statement. wrote on his website. “Unfortunately, there is a long history of fatal traffic accidents associated with snow squalls.”

Victoria Albert contributed her report.

What is a snow flurry? A snow squall warning has been issued for parts of Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts. Read More »

Extreme Scheme to Reverse Wisconsin GOP Split in 2020 Election

Extreme Scheme to Reverse Wisconsin GOP Split in 2020 Election

MADISON, Wisconsin. First, the Wisconsin Republicans. ordered an audit of the 2020 elections. Then they passed a number of new restrictions on the vote. And in June they authorized the only special investigation in the country in 2020.

Now, more than 15 months after former President Donald Trump lost the state by 20,682 votesAn increasingly active part of the Republican Party is backing a new scheme: reversing the confirmation of the 2020 presidential election results in the hope of restoring Trump to the White House.

Wisconsin is closer to the next federal election than it was to the last, but Republican efforts to reverse the election here are gaining momentum, not fading—and spiraling further from reality. The latest twist, fueled by Mr. Trump, bogus legal theories and a new gubernatorial candidate, is creating havoc in the Republican Party and threatening to undermine its drive to win this year’s gubernatorial and Senate elections.

The situation in Wisconsin may be the clearest example of Republican leaders struggling to rally their party, with many of its most vocal voters simply unable to come to terms with the reality of losing Mr. Trump.

In Wisconsin, Robin Vos, the Speaker of the Assembly, who allowed vague theories about fraud to circulate unhindered, now struggles to curb them. Even Mr. Vos’s cautious attempts have sharply turned opponents of the election against him.

“It’s a real problem,” said Timothy Ramtun, the Republican state representative who has turned his bid to cancel the election into a nascent campaign for governor. Mr. Ramthun argued that if the Wisconsin Legislature revokes the approval of the results and annuls 10 state electoral votes — an action that has no basis in state or federal law — it could spark a movement that would remove President Biden from office.

“We don’t wear tinfoil hats,” he said. “We are not marginalized.”

While support for the decertification campaign is hard to measure, it won’t take long to make an impact in a state where elections are routinely narrowly decided. Mr. Ramtun is drawing crowds, and his campaign has already sparked controversy among Republicans over false allegations of fraud in 2020. October Marquette University School of Law Poll in Milwaukee.

“That’s just not what the Republican Party needs right now,” Rob Swearingen said. Republican state representative from conservative Northwood. “We shouldn’t quarrel among ourselves over what happened, you know, a year and a half ago.”

Wisconsin has the most active dessertification effort in the country. In Arizona Republican state legislator running for Secretary of Statealong with congressional candidates called for the state’s electoral votes to be withdrawn. In September, Mr Trump wrote a letter to the Georgian authorities asking them to cancel Mr. Biden’s victory there, but there was no organized effort.

In Wisconsin, the move to decertify has turned Republican politics on its head. After more than a decade of Republican leaders keeping pace with their base, the party is plagued by infighting and it is the Democrats who are backing Gov. Tony Evers, who is running for a second term in November.

“Now the Republicans are arguing about whether we want democracy or not,” Mr. Evers said in an interview Friday.

Mr. Ramthun, a 64-year-old MP who lives in a village of 2,000 an hour northwest of Milwaukee, has suddenly become a folk hero in Trump’s wing in his drive to renounce certification. Stephen K. Bannon, a former adviser to Mr. Trump, invited Mr. Ramtan to his podcast. At parties he flaunts 72 page presentation in which he falsely claims that legislators have the power to declare Wisconsin’s election results invalid and withdraw the state’s electoral votes.

Mr. Ramtun received more applause at local Republican caucus than leading gubernatorial candidates, and last weekend he joined the race himselfannouncing his candidacy at the start of the campaign, where he was introduced by Mike Lindell, chief executive of MyPillow, which funded numerous attempts to undermine and overthrow elections 2020.

Mr. Trump delivered public words of support.

“Who in Wisconsin is leading the fight to decertify these fraudulent elections?” the former president said in a statement.

Soon, the state’s leading Republicans reacted to Mr. Ramtun’s campaign plots. A few days later, both of his Republican rivals for governor unveiled new plans to strengthen guerrilla control elections in Wisconsin.

During a radio appearance Thursday, former Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Clifish, party establishment preferred candidate, refused to acknowledge that Mr. Biden won the 2020 election – what she had already conceded last September. Ms. Klefish declined to be interviewed.

However, Mr. Ramthun maintains that the energy of the grassroots is on his side. On Tuesday, he gathered about 250 people for a two-hour rally in the rotunda of the Wisconsin State Capitol.

Terry Brand, chairman of the Republican Party in rural Langlade County, chartered a bus for two dozen people for a three-hour trip. Mr. Brand oversaw the county’s first GOP conviction of Mr. Vos in January, calling for the leader’s resignation for blocking an effort to revoke the certificate. At the rally, Mr. Brand stood with a sign “Quit Vos.”

“People foaming at the mouth over this issue,” he said, listening intently as the speakers offered both conspiracy theories and assurances from the audience that they were of sound mind.

“You’re not crazy,” Yanel Brandtjen, chairman of the Assembly’s electoral committee, told the crowd.

One speaker connected Mr. Vos through college roommate and former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to false claims circulating in right-wing media that the Hillary Clinton campaign was spying on Mr. Trump. The other was introduced under a pseudonym and then immediately declared herself candidate for lieutenant governor.

The rally ended with the words of Harry Waite, organizer of a conservative group in Racine County called HOT governmentan abbreviation for honest, open and transparent.

“I want to remind everyone,” said Mr. Waite, “that yesterday’s conspiracies can be today’s reality.”

Mr. Ramtun says he has questioned the outcome of every presidential election in Wisconsin. since 1996. (He makes no exception for the only Republican victory in that period: Mr. Trump’s victory in 2016.) He promised to consider ending the use of voting machines and “independent full forensic physical cyber-auditthe 2020 elections as well as the 2022 elections, no matter how they turn out.

Mr. Ramthun adopted the biblical slogan “Let there be light,” a reference to his claim that Mr. Vos is hiding the truth from voters. If Wisconsin withdraws its electoral votes, Mr. Ramthun said, other states may follow suit.

(American presidents can only be removed from office by impeachment or cabinet vote.)

It has all become too much for Mr. Vos, who until the Trump era was a die-hard Republican grunt focused on taxes, spending and labor laws.

Mr. Vos often appeased his party’s campaign conspirators, expressing their own doubts about who really won in Wisconsin calling for felony indictment against Wisconsin’s top election organizers and the authorization of the 2020 election investigation, which is still ongoing.

Now, even as he draws the line for refusing certification, Mr. Vos tries to calm his base and beg for patience. This week, he announced that the Assembly plans to vote on a new package of bills. (Mr Evers said in an interview Friday that he would veto any new restrictions.)

“It’s just a matter of misdirected anger,” he said of the criticism he faced. “They have already assumed that the Democrats are hopeless, and now they are focused on those of us who are trying to get to the bottom of the truth, hoping that we will do more.”

Other Republicans in the state are also walking the political tightrope – refusing to acknowledge Mr. Biden’s victory while avoiding taking a stand on Mr. Ramtun’s efforts to revoke the certificate.

“There may be evidence, other people are working on it,” said Ron Tasler, a member of the Assembly’s selection committee. “It’s too early to be sure, but maybe we’ll try it later.”

State Senator Kathy Bernier is the only one of Wisconsin’s 82 Republican lawmakers to release a statement that Mr. Trump lost the state fairly, without widespread fraud.

Ms. Bernier, chair of the State Senate Elections Committee, asked lawyers in the Wisconsin Legislature in November to weigh the legality of the cancellation of the election results, which they said was impossible. In December, she called for the end to the Assembly Inquiry in 2020. Three weeks later she announced she will not seek re-election this year.

“I have no explanation why lawmakers want to develop voter fraud conspiracy theories that have not been proven,” Ms Bernier said in an interview. “They shouldn’t be doing this. This is dangerous for our democratic republic. They need to take a step back and only talk about what they know, understand and can do. And besides that, they have to zip it up.”

Kitty Bennett contributed to the study.

Extreme Scheme to Reverse Wisconsin GOP Split in 2020 Election Read More »

Two people were injured in a helicopter crash in the

Two people were injured in a helicopter crash in the ocean in crowded Miami Beach

The helicopter crashed into the ocean in Miami Beach on Saturday afternoon. Two of the helicopter’s three passengers were taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital and are in stable condition, local police said. tweeted.

Video footage released by police shows the helicopter flying straight into the water next to a group of swimmers. Only two passengers were injured in the accident.

The Robinson R44 helicopter crashed around 1:20 pm EST between 10th and 14th streets, CBS Miami, according to the Federal Aviation Administration. informed.

It is unclear what caused the accident. The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating.

Authorities closed the beach near the scene of the incident.


Two people were injured in a helicopter crash in the ocean in crowded Miami Beach Read More »

Peter Ernest CIA veteran who ran spy museum dies at

Peter Ernest, CIA veteran who ran spy museum, dies at 88

Peter Ernest, who led undercover CIA agents during the Cold War for decades and then used that experience as the first executive director of the International Spy Museum in Washington, died on February 13 at a hospital in Arlington, Virginia. 88.

His wife Karen Rice said congestive heart failure was the cause.

Unlike many former intelligence officers who tend to remain silent, Mr. Ernest spoke skillfully and willingly about his career in the CIA, including years spent in Europe and the Middle East, where he recruited and directed espionage agents. Soviet Union and its satellites. This experience – and his attitude – made him an excellent candidate to run a museum dedicated to international espionage.

One of his favorite stories involves a 1978 assignment to protect and interrogate Soviet defector Arkady N. Shevchenko by moving him undercover from his New York City apartment to a Virginia suburb. Mr. Shevchenko, the UN’s appointed deputy secretary general, had already been spying for the CIA, and the Americans were worried he was about to be caught by the KGB.

For several weeks, Mr. Ernest’s team interrogated Mr. Shevchenko — among his interrogators was Aldrich Ames, who was later revealed to be a Soviet spy himself — and dealt with his endless demands for clothes, girlfriends, and even vacations in the Caribbean. Mr. Ernest paid for all this by handing over the cash to the FBI handlers of the Russian defector.

FBI agents accustomed to strict spending protocols were amazed, he recalled in Business Confidentiality: Lessons in Corporate Success from Inside the CIA (2010), which he coauthored with Marianne Karinch. “They said, ‘No one can distribute that kind of money but God.’

Mr. Ernest’s last position in the agency was that of its chief representative. He demonstrated media dexterity as the CIA weathered the Iran-Contra scandal, the fall of the Soviet Union, and congressional pressure to declassify Cold War material. By many accounts, he was successful, in part because he was trusted by the rank and file of the CIA.

“It’s hard to be a publicist for a company that doesn’t want publicity,” Burton Gerber, who has worked at the agency for 39 years, said in a telephone interview. “We liked Peter because he was one of us.”

And part of the job, according to Mr. Ernest, was fun: for example, he met Harrison Ford after he helped arrange for a film crew to come to the agency’s headquarters to film Patriot Games (1992), the first film made. allowed to film inside the building.

Such experience made Mr. Ernest a natural choice to run the International Spy Museum, a $34 million venture that opened in downtown Washington in 2002. As executive director, he has been involved in everything from exhibitions and lectures to public relations; he spoke to reporters almost as often as he did at the CIA

“Someone once said that if you can convince another person to spy for your country, you can probably sell anything,” said H. Keith Melton, a historian and collector who donated many of the spy artifacts that made up the original funds of the museum. “Peter had such a skill set.”

Mr. Melton, one of the museum’s early board members, was instrumental in hiring Mr. Ernest, and Mr. Ernest later helped convince Mr. Melton donate most of your remaining collectionabout 7,000 items, including the ice pick that killed the exiled Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky.

Mr. Ernest also understood the importance of making the museum more than just a tourist attraction. He organized advisory boards that included retired intelligence officials and historians and built both permanent and temporary exhibits on mysteries like spy camera technology and current events like the war on terror.

And he added personality to the museum: among his collection was a coat with a camera in the buttonhole, which he wore while working undercover in Greece and Cyprus.

His efforts paid off. About nine million people visited the museum between 2002 and its retirement in 2017, far exceeding the founders’ initial expectations, despite people having to pay to enter in a city where many museums are free. (Adult tickets are currently $26.95.)

“He was a true spy who believed deeply and passionately not only in transparency, but in helping the public understand what espionage is,” Tamara Christian, the museum’s president and CEO, said in a telephone interview. She added, “He wanted people to stop thinking of espionage as a James Bond movie.”

With a quick wit and dapper sense of style, he has also been a popular guest on television programs such as “Colbert Reportand radio programs such as the NPR quiz show “ask me more”, whose host, Ophira Eisenberg, wondered if spies really like to shake, not stir drinks.

— How do you drink? she asked.

Without wasting a second, he replied, “One after the other.”

Edwin Peter Ernest was born on January 1, 1934 in Edinburgh, where his father, Edwin Burchett Ernest, served as a diplomat at the US Consulate. His mother, Emily (Keating) Ernest, was born in England and was a housewife.

The family returned to the United States in 1939 and settled in Bethesda, Maryland. Peter’s father died of a brain tumor in 1946; then his mother became a US citizen and went to work for the State Department.

Mr. Ernest graduated from Georgetown University in 1955 with a degree in history and political science and immediately joined the Marine Corps, where he was posted to Japan. When he returned, his fiancée Janet Chesney, who was already working in the CIA field office in Washington, convinced his superiors to recruit him.

His marriage to Miss Chesney ended in divorce. He married Ms. Rice, who also worked for the CIA, in 1988. With her, he was survived by four daughters, Nancy Cintorino, Carol Earnest, Patricia Earnest, and Sheila Gorman, all from his first marriage; six grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.

Mr. Ernest worked in the agency’s secret service for 25 years, after which he worked in the agency’s inspector general’s office and Senate liaison. He arrived in the late 1970s to mend relations with Congress after the so-called Church Committee exposed years of CIA involvement in coups and assassinations.

Although Mr. Ernest tried not to embellish intelligence work, he also seemed to like to lift the veil over the life of a spy from time to time.

IN interview for the International Spy Museum, he said that he was assigned to plant a bug in the house of a man whom his superiors suspected of being a double agent. One night, the suspect invited Mr. Ernest and his wife to a small party at his home.

When the owner wasn’t looking, Mr. Ernest, dressed in a tuxedo, slipped downstairs into the man’s office, where he slipped under his desk, drilled a hole, and installed a listening device, placing a handkerchief across his chest to catch sawdust. . He returned to the party unnoticed.

It was his “connection moment,” he said, and it worked: the bug recorded a conversation between the suspect and his handler on the other side.

“But for a moment,” he said, “lying under that desk, I should have thought what my reaction would be if he walked into that office.”


Peter Ernest, CIA veteran who ran spy museum, dies at 88 Read More »

PlayStation plans to buy more studios after Bungie acquisition

PlayStation plans to buy more studios after Bungie acquisition

Following Monday’s Blockbuster acquisition of Destiny developer Bungie, Sony plans to strengthen its PlayStation brand by acquiring more game studios.

Speaking to GameIndustry.biz, PlayStation boss Jim Ryan said the shopping spree is far from over, promising the company “still has a lot of steps to go.”

The comments come as a growing concentration of ownership in the major gaming studios, with Bethesda and Activision joining Microsoft’s ranks more recently. Sony has been more modest in its acquisition strategy but still extremely active in the number of developers it buys out.

It snapped up Housemarque, the developer behind the PlayStation-exclusive Returnal last June. The company also bought Nixxes to port PlayStation properties to PC, as well as Valkyrie Entertainment, which co-develops the God of War series with Sony. It also owns Firesprite, which made the Playroom experiences.

However, the $3.6 million purchase of Bungie, which ironically created the Halo series for Xbox more than 20 years ago, represents its biggest purchase yet. However, Ryan says Sony is far from done.

“We should definitely expect more,” says Ryan. “We’re far from done. At PlayStation, we still have a long way to go. Personally, I’ll be spending a lot of time with Pete [CEO of Bungie] and the team at Bungie helping to ensure everything is in place and that autonomy means autonomy. But elsewhere in the organization we still have a lot to do.”

In the same interview, Bungie CEO Pete Parsons said the move “has nothing to do with industry consolidation.” He added, “It was all about a shared vision and how we can make things better together.”

“We also do a significant amount of philanthropy. How can we continue to do good for those in need? And what’s exciting for us is that Sony not only understood this desire and need to be independent and keep that flash in a bottle, but that they believe in our vision and the way we look at focus our vision. These aren’t just words, man. They really do.”

PlayStation plans to buy more studios after Bungie acquisition Read More »

Microsoft still plans to add the beautiful 3D emoji missing

Microsoft still plans to add the beautiful 3D emoji missing from Windows 11

According to one of the OS designers, Microsoft is working on improving its 2D emoji with a proper three-dimensional version.

A LinkedIn post by Microsoft’s Nando Costa, explaining how Microsoft came to design its “flowing emoji,” describes the behind-the-scenes work on the more expressive emoji system.

Given the amount of work Microsoft has put into beautifying the characters with a unique flavor, it’s surprising that the 3D element was left out in favor of a flattened approach.

The piece itself is of great interest to emoji enthusiasts, but the kicker comes with Costa’s response to a tweet about his piece. It makes it clear that Microsoft is still working on bringing true 3D emoji to Windows 11 in a future update.

Reader @EthanAlvaree said: “Nice. I wish they actually looked like this on Windows 11.” To that replied Costa “Thank you and agree! We are working on that.”

No timeline was mentioned for the actual launch of the 3D versions of the emoji, or why Costa and his team decided to drop them for the original Windows 11 launch last year.

The blog post itself explains how Microsoft has attempted to make its People category more humanistic, while still being representative of a variety of characteristics and staying true to the emoji system. Not an easy task!

Microsoft face emoji

In the blog post, he added, “It came down to our third and final iteration for the People category!” Costa writes. “We had an aesthetic balance between the graphic look and feel we wanted and the very important human qualities we needed. In this final version, there were three different head shapes: genderless, female, and male (as seen below). Each creates enough space for variations in skin tone, hair and facial hair to easily function as a connected system while still standing on its own.”

Microsoft still plans to add the beautiful 3D emoji missing from Windows 11 Read More »

Google may limit free WhatsApp backups on Android

Google may limit free WhatsApp backups on Android

Google may be about to discontinue free, unlimited WhatsApp chat history backups for Android users via its Google Drive cloud storage platform.

A new version of WhatsApp beta for Android shows that unlimited backups will come to an end in the near future and free backups will be limited in nature.

Strings discovered in Android source code by WABetaInfo contain text like: “Google Drive limit in effect” and “gdrive backupq quota reached” along with indications of when this change will take place. This is referenced in the text “%1$s limit starts on %2$s”.

WABetaInfo said it spotted something in a previous Android beta a few months ago, but wanted to wait for evidence to surface in the app before posting anything on the matter. Now that evidence has surfaced. And it’s below.

Google Drive WhatsApp Quota

It seems that Google is planning to do with WhatsApp backups what it has already done with its own Google Photos storage, which initially promised users unlimited free backups of photos and videos in high (but not original) resolution.

It’s not clear how much free storage WhatsApp users will continue to benefit from, or whether, like Google Photos, anything already uploaded to the cloud would be safely tucked away and the cap would only apply to future uploads.

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PSA: Unlimited free storage for Google Photos ends tomorrow - June 1st

WhatsApp may start counting Google Drive storage, and the limits depend on how much free storage the company has to work with. Users may need to start prioritizing whether they only want to back up texts rather than photos and videos.

Google has yet to publicly comment on whether it plans to end free backups. However, that was probably in the post at the moment when it started imposing restrictions on users of its own Google Photos app.

Google may limit free WhatsApp backups on Android Read More »

Will Bungie games be PlayStation exclusive Destiny to remain in

Will Bungie games be PlayStation exclusive? Destiny to remain in studio’s hands, Sony pledges

Sony is not looking to secure the exclusivity of games developed and published under the Bungie banner as part of an agreement to acquire the iconic gaming company.

In announcing the $3.6 billion buyout, both Bungie and Sony expressed their commitment to keep future development of hit games like Destiny 2 available to fans “wherever they choose to play.” .

In a statement announcing the acquisition, Bungie CEO Pete Parsons said, “Together [Bungie and Sony] share the dream of creating and nurturing iconic franchises that unite friends around the world, families across generations and fans across multiple platforms and entertainment media.”

His PlayStation counterpart, Jim Ryan, was equally emphatic: “Bungie will remain an independent and cross-platform studio and publisher.”

This is in stark contrast to Microsoft’s apparent strategy, where the Xbox maker only promises to honor existing contractual agreements with third-party platforms before deciding what to do with its new toys.

It appears that once these agreements expire, games like Call of Duty may only be playable in locations where Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass is available. Microsoft isn’t ready to publicly commit to either keeping games exclusive or making them available on multiple platforms just yet, as that will be decided on a game-by-game basis.

has reached out to both Sony and Bungie regarding the long term commitment to multi-platform gaming beyond the current and future Destiny 2 expansions. However, both companies were very emphatic in their statements on Monday.

A question and answer posted on Bungie’s website states that all new Destiny expansions – including The Witch Queen coming next month – will remain cross-platform, all cross-game and social elements will remain cross-platform, and that no future games the company develops will use it will be exclusive to PlayStation.

“We want the worlds we create to expand wherever people play games. We will continue to be self-published, creatively independent, and continue to drive a unified Bungie community.”

Players on Steam, Stadia, and Xbox can rest assured that Bungie will continue to support those platforms as long as the platform continues to support Bungie games.

Will Bungie games be PlayStation exclusive? Destiny to remain in studio’s hands, Sony pledges Read More »