If you’re able to solve Wordle puzzles without thinking twice, then maybe it’s time to try Quordle. This badass Wordle clone challenges users to figure out four different words in nine tries, which is a lot harder than it sounds. If you’re looking for help solving the daily Quordle puzzles, you’ll find a selection of spoiler-free clues for Quordle 61 on March 26th at the bottom of the page.
The goal of Quordle is to find four different words in just nine tries. Similar to Wordle, you need to pay attention to the color of the tiles.
When the tiles turn gray, the letter doesn’t appear in the word you’re guessing. If it’s yellow, the letter will appear, just not in that specific spot. Finally, green tiles mean that the letter appears in that exact position.
What is special about Quordle is that a guessed word appears in all four answer boxes. You can solve them in any order, so keep an eye on all four words while you’re guessing as you might be able to knock out the third word before you’ve guessed the first.
One strategy is to get as many vowels into your opening rates as possible. Try using words like ADIEU or AUDIO on your first try, as these letters are more likely to appear in more words.
If you can’t solve the first quordle word on your second guess, try a word with five completely different letters to maximize your chances of solving each puzzle.
Check Express Online every day for the latest Wordle and Quordle hints.
Quordle Clues for Word 1…
1. The first word begins with the letter E.
2. The first word contains only one vowel, although it occurs twice.
3. Keep your friends close and your quordle guesses closer.
Quordle Clues for Word 2…
1. The second word begins with the letter F.
2. The second word contains only one vowel.
3. The second word is the name of a bird.
Quordle Clues for Word 3…
1. The third word begins with the letter B.
2. The third word contains two vowels.
3. The third word rhymes with LIAR.
Quordle Clues for Word 4…
1. The fourth word begins with the letter G.
2. The fourth word contains two vowels.
3. This is something farmers grow.