Live Joe Biden doesnt want a rivalry with China quotescalates

đź”´ Live: Joe Biden doesn’t want a rivalry with China "escalates into conflict"

  • 4:49 p.m.: US President criticizes “Russian aggression” at the United Nations

US President Joe Biden called on all countries at the UN General Assembly to “stand against Russian aggression”.

“Russia believes the world will grow tired and allow Ukraine to be brutalized without consequences,” Joe Biden said. “If we allow Ukraine to be dismembered, will the independence of nations still be guaranteed? The answer is no,” he insisted, to applause from the Ukrainian president and the audience.

  • 4:45 p.m.: Joe Biden doesn’t want the rivalry with China to “degenerate into a conflict”

Joe Biden reiterated at the United Nations that he is “trying to manage the rivalry” with China “responsibly so that it does not degenerate into conflict.”

The American president also assured in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly in New York that he was “ready to work with China in particular” to combat the climate crisis, at a time when there are high-level contacts between the two great powers have increased.

  • 4:30 p.m.: Joe Biden calls for an international force to be sent to Haiti as quickly as possible

Joe Biden called on the United Nations Security Council to “now authorize the deployment of an international force to Haiti” to support police in the fight against gangs.

“The people of Haiti cannot wait any longer,” the American president said from the podium at the UN General Assembly.

  • 4 p.m.: All eyes are on Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the UN podium

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky takes the United Nations podium on Tuesday for the first time since the Russian invasion, facing a fractured international community reeling from repeated crises, particularly the war in Ukraine.

A year ago, he was exceptionally given the authority to intervene via video message. This time he will be present in person, at the high-level session of the annual United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday and a special session of the Security Council on Wednesday, before heading to Washington, where he will be received at the White House the following Thursday.

“It is very important for us that our words, all our messages are heard by our partners,” he said on Monday as he met injured Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines at a New York hospital.

“Ukraine will submit to UN member states a concrete proposal on how to strengthen the principle of territorial integrity and improve the UN’s ability to thwart and stop aggression,” he said.

With AFP